1) The Case of Life-Threatening Immune Reaction: Acute Systemic Anaphilaxis
1) The Case of Life-Threatening Immune Reaction: Acute Systemic Anaphilaxis
1) The Case of Life-Threatening Immune Reaction: Acute Systemic Anaphilaxis
A month later, while eating the same type of cookies, he started to vomit, became hoarse,
had great difficulty in breathing, started to wheeze and developed a swollen face. He was
taken immediately to the emergency room of the Children's Hospital, buton the way there he
became lethargic and lost consciousness.
On arrival at hospital, his blood pressure was catastrophically low at 40/0 mmHg (normal
80/60 mmHg). His pulse was 185 beats/min (normal 80-90 beats/min), and his respiratory
rate was 76/min (normal 20/min). His breathing was labored. An anaphylactic reaction was
diagnosed and John was immediately given an intramuscular injection of 0.15 ml of a 1:1000
dilution of epinephrine (adrenaline). An intravenous solution of normal saline was infused as
a bolus. The antihistamine Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) and the anti-
inflammatory corticosteroid Solu-Medrol (methylprednisolone) were also administered
intravenously. A blood sample was taken to test for histamine and the enzyme tryptase.
Within minutes of the epinephrine injection, John's hoarseness improved, the wheezing
diminished, and his breathing became less labored. His blood pressure rose to 50/30 mmHg,
the pulse decreased to 145 beats/min and his breathing to 61/min. Thirty minutes later, the
hoarseness and wheezing got worse again and his blood pressure dropped to 40/20 mmHg,
his pulse increased to 170 beats/min and his respiratory rate to 70/min. John was given
another intramuscular injection of epinephrine and was made to inhale nebulized albuterol (a
2-adrenergic agent). This treatment was repeated once more after 30 minutes. One hour
later, he was fully responsive, his blood pressure was 70/50 mmHg, his pulse was 116 beats/
min and his respiratory rate had fallen to 46/min. John was admitted to the hospital for
further observation.
Treatment with Benadryl and methylprednisolone intravenously every 6 hours was continued
for 24 hours, by which time the facial swelling had subsided and John's blood pressure,
respiratory rate, and pulse were normal. He had stopped wheezing and when the doctor
listened to his chest with a stethoscope it was clear.
He remained well and was discharged home with an Epi-Pen. His parents were instructed to
avoid giving him foods containing peanuts in any form, and were asked to bring him to the
Allergy Clinic for further tests.
Джон был здоров до 22 месяцев, когда у него опухли губы, когда он ел печенье с
арахисовым маслом. Симптомы исчезли примерно через час.
Через месяц, когда он ел такое же печенье, у него началась рвота, он охрип, сильно
затруднился дыхание, начал хрипеть, и у него появилось опухшее лицо. Его немедленно
доставили в реанимацию детской больницы, но по дороге он стал вялым и потерял
ერთი თვის შემდეგ, იმავე ტიპის ფუნთუშების ჭამის დროს, მას დაეწყო ღებინება,
გახშირებული, გართულებული სუნთქვა, ხიხინი და სახე შეშუპდა. იგი სასწრაფოდ
გადაიყვანეს ბავშვთა საავადმყოფოში სასწრაფოს გადაუდებელი სამედიცინო
დახმარების ოთახში, სადაც განუვითარდა ლეთარგიული მდგომარეობა და ბოლოს
გონების დაკარგვა.
Acute systemic anaphilaxis
1. Anaphylaxis results in the release of a variety of chemical mediators from mast cells, such as histamine and
leukotrienes. Angioedema (localized swelling caused by an increase in vascular permeability and leakage of
fluid into tissues) is one of the symptoms of anaphylaxis. With the above in mind, why did John get hoarse and
why did he wheeze?
1. ანაფილაქსიის შედეგად პოხიერი უჯრედებიდან გამოიყოფა სხვადასხვა სახის
ქიმიური მედიატორები, როგორიცაა ჰისტამინი და ლეიკოტრიენები.
ანგიონევროზული შეშუპება (ლოკალიზებული შეშუპება, რომელიც გამოწვეულია
სისხლძარღვების გამტარიანობის ზრდით და ქსოვილებში სითხის გაჟონვით)
ანაფილაქსიის ერთ-ერთი სიმპტომია. ზემოაღნიშნულის გათვალისწინებით, რატომ
გახდა ჯონის სუნთქვა ხმაურიანი და მსტვინავი?
1. Анафилаксия приводит к высвобождению множества химических медиаторов из тучных клеток,
таких как гистамин и лейкотриены. Ангионевротический отек (локальный отек, вызванный
увеличением проницаемости сосудов и утечкой жидкости в ткани) является одним из симптомов
анафилаксии. Учитывая вышесказанное, почему Джон охрип и почему он хрипит?
2. When his parents brought John back to the Allergy Clinic, a nurse performed several skin tests by pricking
the epidermis of his forearm with a shallow plastic needle containing peanut antigens. John was also tested in
a similar fashion with antigens from nuts as well as from eggs, milk, soy, and wheat. Within 5 minutes John
developed a wheal, 10 mm x 12 mm in size, surrounded by a red flare, 25 mm x 30 mm (see Fig. 50.5), at the
site of application of the peanut antigen. No reactions were noted to the other antigens. A radioallergosorbent
test (RAST) was performed on a blood sample to examine for the presence of lgE antibodies against peanut
antigens. It was positive. What would you advise John's parents to do?
2. Когда родители привезли Джона обратно в клинику аллергии, медсестра провела несколько
кожных тестов, проколола эпидермис его предплечья неглубокой пластиковой иглой, содержащей
арахисовые антигены. Джон был также протестирован аналогичным образом с антигенами из орехов,
а также из яиц, молока, сои и пшеницы. В течение 5 минут у Джона появился волдырь размером 10
мм x 12 мм, окруженный красным выступом размером 25 мм x 30 мм, в месте нанесения
арахисового антигена. Никаких реакций на другие антигены не отмечено. Тест на
радиоаллергосорбент (RAST) был проведен на образце крови для проверки наличия IgE-антител
против арахисовых антигенов. Это было положительно. Что бы вы посоветовали сделать родителям
3. Why was John treated first with epinephrine in the emergency room?
4. Why was John given a blood test for histamine and the enzyme tryptase?
5. Why was the skin testing for peanuts not done in the hospital limmediately after John had recovered,
instead being done at a later visit?
5. Почему кожная проба на арахис не была проведена в больнице сразу после выздоровления Джона, а
была проведена при более позднем посещении?
7. John's parents want to know whether there are therapies that might cure him of his peanut allergy. What
do you tell them?
7. Родители Джона хотят знать, существуют ли методы лечения, которые могут вылечить его от аллергии
на арахис. Что ты им скажешь?
Five years later Mrs Waymarsh became pregnant again. At 14 weeks of gestation her indirect Coombs titer was
1:8, and at 18 weeks it was 1:16. Amniotic fluid was obtained at 22, 24, 27, and 29 weeks of gestation and was
found to have increasing amounts of bilirubin (a pigment derived from the breakdown of heme, indicating that
the fetus's red blood cells were being hemolyzed). At 29 weeks of gestation a blood sample was obtained from
the umbilical vein and found to have a hematocrit of 6.2% (normal 45%). (The hematocrit is the proportion of
blood that is composed of red cells, and because the volume of white cells is comparatively negligible, this is
simply ascertained by centrifuging whole unclotted blood in a tube.) On finding that the fetus was profoundly
anemic, 85 ml of type 0, Rh-negative packed red blood cells were transfused into the umbilical vein. At 30.5
weeks of gestation another sample of blood from the umbilical vein was obtained; the hematocrit was 16.3%.
The fetus was transfused with 75 ml of type 0, Rh-negative packed red blood cells.
The fetus was examined at weekly intervals for the appearance of hydrops (massive edema), and none was
observed. At 33.5 weeks of gestation the hematocrit of a blood sample from the umbilical vein was 21%, so 80
ml of type 0, Rh-negative packed red blood cells were again transfused into the umbilical vein. At 34.5 weeks
of gestation it was determined that the fetus was sufficiently mature to sustain extrauterine life without
difficulty; labor was induced and a normal female infant was born. The hematocrit in the umbilical vein blood
was 29%. The baby did well and no further therapeutic measures were undertaken.
Пять лет спустя миссис Уэймарш снова забеременела. На 14 неделе беременности ее непрямой титр
Кумбса составлял 1: 8, а на 18 неделе - 1:16. Амниотическая жидкость была получена на 22, 24, 27 и 29
неделях беременности, и было обнаружено, что в них содержится увеличивающееся количество
билирубина (пигмент, полученный при расщеплении гема, что указывает на гемолиз эритроцитов
плода). На 29 неделе беременности был взят образец крови из пупочной вены и обнаружен гематокрит
6,2% (в норме 45%). (Гематокрит - это доля крови, состоящая из эритроцитов, и поскольку объем
лейкоцитов сравнительно незначителен, это просто определяется путем центрифугирования цельной
несобранной крови в пробирке.) При обнаружении сильной анемии у плода 85 В пупочную вену
переливали мл Rh-отрицательных упакованных эритроцитов типа 0. На 30,5 неделе беременности был
взят еще один образец крови из пупочной вены; гематокрит - 16,3%. Плоду перелили 75 мл упакованных
эритроцитов типа 0, Rh-отрицательные упакованные эритроциты.
Acute systemic anaphilaxis
Плод осматривали с недельными интервалами на предмет появления водянки (массивный отек), и не
наблюдалось. На 33,5 неделе беременности гематокрит образца крови из пупочной вены составил 21%,
поэтому в пупочную вену снова перелили 80 мл Rh-отрицательных упакованных эритроцитов типа 0. На
34,5 неделе беременности было установлено, что плод достаточно зрел, чтобы без проблем
поддерживать внематочную жизнь; роды были вызваны, и родился нормальный ребенок женского
пола. Гематокрит в крови пупочной вены составил 29%. Ребенок чувствовал себя хорошо, дальнейшие
терапевтические меры не проводились.
კითხვები Questions.
1. It was stated that the Rh antigens are so sparsely scattered on the red cell surface that lgG molecules bound
to the Rh antigens are too far apart to fix C1q. Therefore, complement-mediated hemolysis cannot be invoked
to explain hemolytic disease of the newborn. By what mechanism are the red cells destroyed?
Acute systemic anaphilaxis
1. Было заявлено, что Rh-антигены настолько редко разбросаны по поверхности эритроцитов, что
молекулы lgG, связанные с Rh-антигенами, находятся слишком далеко друг от друга для фиксации C1q.
Следовательно, опосредованный комплементом гемолиз не может служить объяснением
гемолитической болезни новорожденных. По какому механизму разрушаются эритроциты?
2. When an Rh-negative woman is ABO-compatible with her husband, as Mr and Mrs Waymarsh are, the risk
of Rh alloimmunization is 16%. When they are ABO incompatible the risk falls to 7%. How do you explain this
2. Когда резус-отрицательная женщина является AВО-совместимой со своим мужем, как мистер и
миссис Уэймарш, риск резус-аллоиммунизации составляет 16%. Когда они несовместимы по системе
ABO, риск падает до 7%. Как вы объясните эту разницу?
2. როდესაც Rh- უარყოფითი ქალი ABO თავსებადია მეუღლესთან, როგორც მისტერ და მის
ქალბატონ შემთხვევაში, Rh ალოიმუნიზაციის რისკი 16% -ს შეადგენს. როდესაც ისინი ABO
შეუთავსებელია, რისკი 7% -მდე მოდის. როგორ ხსნით ამ განსხვავებას?
3. Why were Rh-negative red blood cells used for the intrauterine transfusion?
3.Почему при внутриматочной трансфузии использовались резус-отрицательные эритроциты?
3. რატომ იქნა გამოყენებული Rh- უარყოფითი სისხლის წითელი უჯრედები
საშვილოსნოსშიდა გადასხმისთვის?
4. Do you have concerns about administering RhoGAM (Rh immunoglobulin) to women at 28 weeks of
4. Есть ли у вас опасения по поводу введения RhoGAM (резус-иммуноглобулин) женщинам на 28 неделе
4. შიშობთ თუ არა ორსულობის 28 კვირაში ქალებისთვის RhoGAM (Rh იმუნოგლობულინი)
5. The serum of an Rh-negative woman who is pregnant gives a negative indirect Coombs test but her serum
agglutinates Rh-positive cells suspended in saline. What is your interpretation of this phenomenon and what
do you do about it?
5. Сыворотка беременной резус-отрицательной женщины дает отрицательный непрямой тест Кумбса,
но ее сыворотка агглютинирует резус-положительные клетки, взвешенные в физиологическом растворе.
Как вы интерпретируете это явление и что вы с ним делаете?
5. Rh- უარყოფითი ქალის შრატი, რომელიც ორსულადაა, უარყოფით პასუხს იძლევა
არაპირდაპირი კუმბსის ტესტზე, მაგრამ მისი შრატი აგლუტინირდება Rh– დადებით
Acute systemic anaphilaxis
უჯრედებთან რომლებიც შეწონილია ფიზიოლოგიურ ხსნარში. რა ინტერპრეტაცია გაქვთ
ამ ფენომენზე და რას მოიმოქმედებდით მასთან დაკავშირებით?