Bohol Island State University Calape Campus

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Republic of the Philippines


Calape Campus
San Isidro, Calape, Bohol
VISION: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable
development in Bohol and the country.
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

Midterm Project (Week 8)

Name: Jenelyn Gucor & Haide Anora Date: December 09,
Course & Year: BSEd-English 3 Instructor: Christine V. Cubillo
Class Schedule: MWF Room 101 Score:

You heard it right from the practitioner!

Brush up Would you know any special education school here in Bohol?
Can you give their locations? How about the type of special
needs catered?

Not all learners with special needs are in a special education

class; some are in a regular class. What do you think and the
types of learners with special needs are enrolled in a regular

Your task is to interview a practitioner/basic education teacher on his/her

experience handling a learner with special need/s in class. You can
coordinate/collaborate with your classmates on the probable questions that you will ask.
You can look at your noted again; including the graphic organizers you created, to help
you construct your interview guide.

There are possible ways you can have your interview if you do not have a
neighbor who is a basic education teacher. You can use social media, which is safer, to
do your interview.
Attached a one-page reflection paper on your insight on how basic education
teachers handle learners with special need in their regular class.

Brush-Up Answers:

List of Special Education Schools in Bohol, their location and the types of special needs
they cater.
SPED School Location Special Needs Catered
1. Tagbilaran City Central Tagbilaran City Difficulty in hearing, difficulty in
SPED seeing, difficulty in remembering
and concentrating, difficulty in
adaptive skills.
2. Tubigon West National Ilijan Norte, Difficulties in hearing, seeing and
High School Tubigon, Bohol multiple disabilities
3. Dr. Cecilio Putong Tagbilaran City, Cognitive, physical, and motor
National High School Bohol disabilities
4. Bohol Deaf Academy Carlos P. Garcia Deaf students
East Avenue,
Tagbilaran City
5. Loon South Central Moto Sur, Loon, Difficulty in Hearing
Elementary School Bohol Difficulty in Seeing
Difficulty in Performing Adaptive
Difficulty in Remembering and
Multiple Disability
6. Antequera Central Poblacion, ADHD, Autism, ID, LD and
School Antequera, Bohol Visually-Impaired
7.Braingate Developmental 55-2 San Jose Cognitive, physical, and motor
School (SPED) Street,Cogon Dist., disabilities
Tagbilaran City,
8. Bohol Deaf Academy Carlos P. Garcia Deaf students
East Avenue,
Tagbilaran City

Types of learners with special needs that are enrolled in a regular class:
 Most of these learners have physical disabilities such as hearing loss, low vision
or blindness. Learning disabilities, such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, dyslexia, or dyscalculia. Chronic health disorders, such as epilepsy,
Crohn’s disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, migraine headaches, or multiple
sclerosis. Psychological or psychiatric disabilities, such as mood, anxiety and
depressive disorders, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Asperger’s
disorder and other Autism spectrum disorders and traumatic brain injury.

Interview Guide and Teacher’s Response on Handling Learners with Special


Guide Questions Teacher’s Response

SPED Regular Classroom

Teacher Teacher

Name of the school you Tagbilaran City Central Inabanga National High
are teaching: School Sped Center School

1. Have you encountered Yes, of course. Yes.

or handled a student with
special needs in the school
you are teaching?

2. What type of student Learners with difficulty in Learner with cerebral palsy
with special needs did you hearing Learner with behavioral
encountered or handled? Learners with difficulty in problems
mobility PWD learner
Learners with difficulty in
Learners with difficulty in
remembering and
Learners with difficulty in
adaptive skills

3. What approach/es did Spoke to them softly and The learner with cerebral
you make when you clearly so that they will palsy and PWDs we
encountered that student? understand things better. brought them to the
Also, keeping an eye to neurologist and physical
students from time to time, therapist for proper
closely monitoring them to medicines and
check if they are doing interventions on their
fine. situation. For behavioral
problem, a behavior
modification program was

4. Did you encounter any Yes, when one student Yes, handling PWDs and
challenge in handling a had tantrums, other learners with behavioral
student with special needs student imitates while the problems is quiet hard
in your classroom? If so, others were simply irritated because you need to
what method did you apply and later on causes noise adjust their schedules and
to overcome such too. What I did to lessons.
challenge? overcome that challenge
was to let them watch a
movie for them to be

5. How did the There’s this one time that Their classmates treat
classmates/other people some outsiders tease one them well in fact, they are
treat the student with of my student so what I did the ones who carry them in
special needs? What did is gathered all of them in the other class and help
you do to make them the school and told them them cope up with their
aware of the student’s not to do the same rude lessons. They serve as an
condition? things to him again. I told inspiration to the students.
everyone about his
condition and that he can’t
easily cope up with the
lessons. All it takes is
enlightenment and
acceptance to get over it.


Previously, our topic in the course Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
is all about students with special needs. There we tackled about the causes on why
such conditions exist down to the legal bases that protects exceptional learners. To
further expand our knowledge of children with special needs, our teacher asked us to do
an interview with two teaching professionals coming from different fields of teaching,
one from Special Education (SPED) and one from basic education classroom. As part of
our task, we had a chance to interview Ms. Evamy, a SPED teacher and Mrs. Julie, a
high school teacher. We relished the opportunity to interview them and came up with
questions relevant to our topic. We gathered information with regards to set of queries
for interview about the interviewees' experiences and personal point of views. The
interviews from these people, who are more knowledgeable than us, are a big help for
us students in order to understand and learn more about our discipline as it is vital that
we prepare ourselves adequately in advance.
We started our task by asking first the SPED teacher, Ms. Evamy about how she
handled students with special needs in the classroom in which she then responded with
enthusiasm saying she studied first the conditions and backgrounds of her students as it
is necessary for the teaching to be effective. She then told us that most SPED teachers
especially her, uses scaffolding strategy to teach those students in which it is done by
assisting the student at first attempt of learning until such time that the teacher lessens
the assistance given to that student. As for the interventions, she mentioned that one on
one or intensive teaching and group class are the few interventions that can be used
when teaching learners with special needs. When asked about the characteristics a
SPED teacher must possess, she answered that by saying, a SPED teacher must have
patience and is always considerate. The interview ended with greetings.
As for Mrs. Julie, the interview kicked off as we asked her if she encountered
students with special needs in a regular classroom setting in which she answered with
yes. She then told us that what she encountered were two students who have cerebral
palsy and others who have behavioral problem. Accordingly, they brought those
students with special needs to a neurologist and physical therapist for proper
medications and interventions. With regards to those who have behavioral problems, a
behavior modification program was said to be imposed. Mrs. Julie shared that handling
students with special needs was quite difficult as there is a need for adjustments
regarding with the students' schedules. Lastly, we asked her on how did the normal
students treated those students with special needs, she delightedly responded telling
that those normal students are considerate, in fact they were the one who assisted
those learners with special needs when it comes to understanding the lessons.
Finally, the interviews, provides us clear and better understanding regarding the
special students' conditions that we can use in our future field of discipline. We learned
a lot from them and we felt that our knowledge has greatly expanded as result of this

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