An Advent Retreat: A Service of
An Advent Retreat: A Service of
An Advent Retreat: A Service of
a service of
C Try to find a friend or, better yet, a small group with whom
you can share the fruit of your prayer once a week or so.
A Select a time and place that is best for your daily prayer.
B As you begin your prayer time, realize that God is really
present and wants to draw close to you.
C Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire you.
D At the beginning of your prayer time, say this or a
similar prayer:
E Here are two ways to pray using the suggested scriptural texts:
p Recall
the story and use your imagination to enter into the Gospel
p Observe what the people in the scene do. They have names,
histories, sufferings, personal quests, joys. How do they react? Note
the gestures, feelings, and attitudes, above all, of Jesus himself.
End this time with an intimate farewell to God, using the words of the Lord’s
Prayer. On the completion of the time of prayer, do not forget to do a brief
review. (See step 5.)
End the prayer with a loving goodbye. Pray the Lord’s Prayer and
the Hail Mary. On the completion of this time of prayer, do not
forget to do a brief review. (See step 5.)
1st Week
12/5 Monday: Luke 5:17–26 (IC)—My friend,
your sins are forgiven.
12/6 Tuesday: Isaiah 40:1–11 (PR)—A voice
cries out: In the wilderness prepare the way
of the LORD!
Petition: Ask for the grace of entering into the spirit 12/7 Wednesday: Isaiah 40:25–31 (PR)—The
of Advent, a time of hope, of listening to the Word, eternal Lord encourages the faint-hearted.
of a universal call to spread the Good News. 12/8 Thursday: Luke 1:26–38 (IC)—Be it done
to me according to your word.
11/27 Sunday: Isaiah 63:16–17, 19; 64:2–7;
Psalm 80; 1 Corinthians 1:3–9; 12/9 Friday: Matthew 11:16–19 (PR)—Time will
Mark 13:33–37 prove where wisdom lies.
11/28 Monday: Matthew 8:5–11 (PR)—Lord, I 12/10 Saturday: Repeat the text(s) and prayer that
am not worthy to have you come under my touched you the most this week.
3rd Week
roof; but only say the word and my servant
will be healed.
11/29 Tuesday: Luke 10:21–24 (PR)—Happy are
the eyes that see what you see. REJOICE, BECAUSE THE LORD IS NEAR!
11/30 Wednesday: Matthew 4:18–22 (IC)— Petition: Ask for the grace to live in the joyous
Come after me, and I will make you fishers expectation of the Lord’s coming, who comes to
of men.
bring us the grace of salvation.
12/1 Thursday: Isaiah 26:1–6 (PR)—Trust
always in the LORD. 12/11 Sunday: Isaiah 61:1–2, 10–11; Luke 1:46–
50, 53–54; 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24;
12/2 Friday: Matthew 9:27–31 (IC)—Do you
John 1:6–8, 19–28
believe I can do this?
12/12 Monday: Luke 1:39–47 (IC)—Blessed are
12/3 Saturday: Repeat the text(s) and prayer that
you who believed.
touched you the most this week.
12/13 Tuesday: Matthew 21:28–32 (PR)—
2nd Week
Publicans and prostitutes precede you in the
reign of God.
PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE LORD’S 12/14 Wednesday: Luke 7:18–23 (PR)—The poor
COMING. have the good news preached to them.
12/15 Thursday: Luke 7:24–30 (PR)—What did
Petition: Ask for the grace to prepare the way for the you go out to the desert to see?
Lord in one’s own heart, in the family, in the parish,
12/16 Friday: Psalm 67 (PR)—O God, let all the
and in the human community.
nations praise you.
12/4 Sunday: Isaiah 40:1–5, 9–11; Psalm 85; 2 12/17 Saturday: Repeat the text(s) and prayer that
Peter 3:8–14; Mark 1:1–8 touched you the most this week.
4th Week
12/27 Tuesday: Psalm 97 (PR)—The LORD is
king; let the earth rejoice.
THE MYSTERY OF GOD BURSTS INTO 12/28 Wednesday: Matthew 2:13–18 (IC)—Rise,
take the child and his mother.
12/29 Thursday: Luke 2:22–35 (IC)—Your soul
Petition: Ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit’s fruit- will be pierced by a sword.
fulness in our life, just as the Spirit made the womb 12/30 Friday: The Holy Family, Luke 2:22–40
of Mary fruitful in the person of Christ. (IC)—The child grew in wisdom and grace.
12/18 Sunday: 2 Samuel 7:1–5, 8–12, 14, 16; 12/31 Saturday: Repeat the text(s) and prayer that
Psalm 89; Romans 16:25–27; Luke 1:26–38 touched you the most this week.
2nd Week
12/19 Monday: Luke 1:5–25 (IC)—Fear not,
Zechariah, God heard your plea.
12/20 Tuesday: Luke 1:26–38 (IC)—Nothing is THE MANIFESTATION OF GOD IN JESUS
impossible for God.
12/21 Wednesday: Luke 1:39–45 (IC)—Blessed is
the fruit of your womb. Petition: Ask for the grace to be led by the star, the
12/22 Thursday: Luke 1:46–56 (PR)—He cast the light from above, and to take this light to others.
mighty from their thrones and exalted the
lowly. 1/1 Sunday: New Year 2012, Luke 2:16–21
(PR)—Mary, the Mother of God
12/23 Friday: Luke 1:57–66 (IC)—Was not the
hand of the Lord upon him? 1/2 Monday: John 1:19–28 (IC)— I am the
voice of one crying out in the desert, "Make
12/24 Saturday: Repeat the text(s) and prayer that straight the way of the Lord."
Christmas Time
touched you the most this week.
1/3 Tuesday: John 1:29–34 (PR)—Behold, the
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of
the world.
1/4 Wednesday: Psalm 98 (PR)—All the ends
1st Week
of the earth have seen the saving power
of God.
5 Review of Prayer
When you complete each period of prayer, ask yourself how it went:
At the end of the day, give a few minutes of loving attention, making yourself
present to the Lord as someone who was graced by him during the day.
Thank God for everything that was good for you and for your brothers
and sisters.
Invoke the power of the Holy Spirit, asking for light to discern how to use
your liberty, how to decide wisely.
Take note of the situations, circumstances, and events of your day in which
you allowed God to act, to be present in your life. Review your actions that
were signs of God’s presence and love for others.
Ask for forgiveness from Jesus, your faithful friend, for the good you did not
do and for not allowing yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Entrust yourself and the coming day to the Lord and experience the joy and
hope that come from putting all these matters into his hands.
This pamphlet was previously published by the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, CA. One may copy
it as long as the purpose for its use remains the same, that is, to promote Spiritual Exercises in everyday life.
(An adaptation of the original of the Centro de Espiritualidad de Inaciana Inddaiatuba, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL.)