Quality Control Process Chart (Machining)

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Key Contact: a

SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 /D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 1 OF 7
Tool Control Control
Opn. Machine / Operation Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Items Controlling Method
Layout / instruction( instruction
No Description
No. Check Tool of Reaction Check Tool of (Reaction
Factor (4M) Parameter Class Specification Check method Person Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
frequency Control plan) frequency Control plan)
10 Receive Casting As Per casting drawing Sample Visual 100% Operator C1 & C2

Presence of traceability
Shift code At start of Operator Legiblity of Day Code & Final
15 Method Presence of Punch tool Visual C1 & C2 (Part No.& Day code & Visual 100% C1 & C2
Marking shift Inspector Year code punch inspector
Year - Sl No.)

As per partno ; No parting

At start of Operator Casting projection in
Layout & position Visual C1 & C2 line,projection,sharp Visual 100% Operator C1 & C2
shift Inspector Resting place (R1)
A042P955 edges/flash

Location & orientation hole This area needs to be

Visual Pressure At start of Operator
Air Pressure 5 ± 1 bar C1 & C2 as cast face (OP20 setup 1 ensured for "free burr Visual 100% Operator C1 & C2
gauge shift Inspector
LHS & RHS) projections"

At start of Operator Flush Pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

20 VMC Method Spindle speed & Feed Prog no ; O0955 Visual LCD Display C1 & C2 Milling height 14 31.0±0.25 C1&C2
shift Inspector SCFG 4631 2/Shift/loc Inspector
At start of Operator
Milliing, drilling, tapping, Clamping Pressure 25±2 bar Pr.gauge C1 & C2 Plug Gauge
shift Inspector 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter - 2 Places 66,70 6S ø8.6 ±0.3 SCFG 4605 C1&C2
At start of Operator 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Jack support pressure 30±2 bar Pr.gauge C1 & C2 Vernier
Two component loading shift Inspector

At start of Operator 1 / Day

Air pressure 5±1 bar Pr.gauge C1 & C2 Parallelism 13 0.2 Wrt A CMM Inspector C1&C2
shift Inspector / location

1/hour /Loc
At start of Operator Reciver gauge
Machine Hydraulic oil Oil level oil level indicator C1 & C2 63 0.2 Wrt AB 2/Shift / Loc Inspector C1&C2
shift Inspector Position CMM
1/ Day /
At start of Operator 27 , 9 +0.1 / -0.3, 3.14 1.60, 1 / Day
Lubrication oil Oil level oil level indicator C1 & C2 Distance (7 places) 5,96,98,99, CMM Inspector C1&C2
shift Inspector 0.5, 3.57±0.25, 81.9, / location
At start of Operator 1 / Day
Coolant oil Oil level oil level indicator C1 & C2 Flatness (9 Places ) ,102,101,142, 0.1 CMM Inspector C1&C2
shift Inspector / location
1 / Day
Perpendicularity 66,69 0.3 CMM Inspector C1&C2
/ location
core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Coolant concentration 5~7% Refractrometer 1 / day Inspector C1 & C2 M8 Core hole size M8 * 1 6H C1&C2
65 gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M8 Thread Size M8 * 1 6H C1&C2
65 gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
2 / Shift
M8 Core hole Depth 9 ± 0.2 Vernier Inspector C1&C2
/ location
2 / Shift
M8 Thread Depth 64 4 min SPG + Vernier Inspector C1&C2
/ location
Snap Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Groove Inner diameter 61 6S ø13.5±0.05 C1&C2
SCFG 4606 2/Shift/loc Inspector

NOTE : 1. Operations & Gauges common to both setup (LHS & RHS) parts. Concentricity 62 0.5 wrt M
1 / hr/Loc Operator
2. Gauge checking frequency common for both LHS & RHS parts. SCFG 4626
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Groove width 6S 3.0 ±0.2 C1&C2
59 SCFG 4603 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Groove Depth 60 6S 4.0 ±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4604 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Vernier Inspector C1&C2
Radius (2 Places ) 58,55 R 0.5

1/week & Every

Chamfer Depth 1.0 ±0.2, Contour tracer Inspector C1&C2
54, tool change

Chamfer Angle 56,68,114, 0.5X45°, 45°

Surface finish 57 Ra1.6 Surfcoder 2 / Day Inspector C1&C2

6S / location
1 / hr/Loc Operator
Core dia M10X1 CPG C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Thread Size M10X1 SPG C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

2 / Shift
Thread depth 10 min SPG + Vernier Inspector C1&C2
/ location

Drill Depth 10 20.6 ± 0.2

Flush Pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
SCFG 4623 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Ø16 + 0.4 Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter 133 C1&C2
SCFG 4629 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine Prepared : PE Production Quality QCPC FM115/01
- Check sheet
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100%
- Setup Checked:
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument inspection and inform to Supervisor Rev.No: Date:
- Control chart
± 10% Variation allowed - Error Proofing Approved:
CRITICAL MAJOR Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject 6
F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012
Key Contact: a
SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 /D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 2 OF 7
Machine / Tool Control Control
Opn. Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Items Controlling Method
Operation Layout instruction instruction
Description / No. Factor Check Tool of (Reaction Check Tool of (Reaction
Parameter Class Specification Check method Person Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
(4M) frequency Control plan) frequency Control plan)
Angle Every tool Inspector C1&C2
3 118°±2° Contour tracer
Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M10 Thread size 144,156,20 M10X1 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector

core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

M10 core hole Size 144,156,135,20 M10X1 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector

2 / Shift
M10 Thread Depth 125 10 min SPG + Vernier Inspector C1&C2
/ location

2 / Shift
M10 Drill depth 145 20.60±0.2 CPG + Vernier Inspector C1&C2
/ location

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter 1 ø5.6±0.05 Air Plug gauge C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector
ø3 hole Depth 8 30.6±0.2 Flush pin gauge
1 / hr/Loc Operator
SCFG 4622 C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector
Drill Depth 140 40.0 ±0.2
Flush pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
SCFG 4653 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Diameter 5,143,49 ø3.0±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4603 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush pin gauge
1 / hr/Loc Operator
6 34.3±0.2 SCFG 4757 C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

M10 Thread size 144,156,20 M10X1 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector

core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

M10 core hole Size 144,156,135,20 M10X1 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector

2 / Shift
M10 Thread Depth 125 10 min SPG + Vernier Inspector C1&C2
/ location

Flush pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Pre-Drill Depth 19 12.5±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4753 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Diameter 149 ø3.0±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4603 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Flush pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Depth 150 48.0±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4758 2/Shift/loc Inspector
0.6wrt FAD Receiver gauge 1 / hr/Loc
Inter position 153,147,17 0.6wrt EAH SCFG 4630 2/Shift/loc C1&C2
0.6wrt JDA CMM 1/Day/Loc
M10 O'Ring Port intersection dia
121 11.10 +0.1 CMM 1/Day/loc Inspector C1&C2

Every tool
M10 O'Ring Port chamfer Angle 122 12 ± 1° Contour Tracer Inspector C1&C2
Flush pin gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Depth 124 1.60 +0.4 SCFG 4756, 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine Prepared : PE Production Quality QCPC FM115/01
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / - Check sheet Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100%
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument inspection and inform to Supervisor Checked:
- Setup Rev.No: Date:
± 10% Variation allowed CRITICAL MAJOR - Control chart Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject Approved: 6
- Error Proofing
F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012
Key Contact:
SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 / D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 3 OF 7
Machine / Tool Control
Opn. Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Control Items Controlling Method
Operation Layout / instruction
No instruction(Re
Description No. Factor Check Tool of Check Tool of (Reaction
Parameter Class Specification Check method Person action plan) Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
(4M) frequency Control frequency Control plan)
Plug gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter 44 Ø14.8 ± 0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4613 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Plug gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Depth 46 2.2 ± 0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4614 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Chamfer Depth 47 2X 0.5 Contour tracer

2/week, Every
Inspector C1&C2
As per prog no At start of Operator tool change
30 VMC Method Spindle speed & Feed Visual LCD Display C1 & C2 Chamfer Angle 45 2X 45° Contour tracer
; O0955 shift Inspector
Milliing, drilling, At start of Operator 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Clamping Pressure 25±2 bar Pr.gauge C1 & C2 Diameter 48 ø6.0 -0.1 -0.07 Air plug gauge C1&C2
tapping, shift Inspector 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Two component At start of Operator Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Jack Pressure 30 ± 2bar Pr.gauge C1 & C2 Depth 38 13.3±0.05 C1&C2
loading shift Inspector SCFG 4612 2/Shift/loc Inspector
(LH Loading & RH At start of Operator Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Air pressure 5±1 bar Pr.gauge C1 & C2 Diameter 3 ± 0.2 C1&C2
Loading) shift Inspector SCFG 4603 2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Drill depth Thru in M8 core hole Visual C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

At start of Operator core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Machine Hydraulic oil Oil level oil level indicator C1 & C2 M14 x 1 Core hole size 41 M14x1 - 6H C1&C2
shift Inspector gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
At start of Operator Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Lubrication oil Oil level oil level indicator C1 & C2 M14 x 1 Thread size 28 M14x1.5 - 6H C1&C2
shift Inspector gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
At start of Operator Flush Pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Coolant oil Oil level oil level indicator C1 & C2 M14 x 1 Core hole depth 39 9.3+0.1 C1&C2
shift Inspector SCFG 4611 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Coolant concentration 5~7% Refractrometer 1 / day Inspector C1 & C2 M14 x 1 Thread Depth 42 7 min SPG + Vernier Inspector C1&C2

Ring Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Groove ID 31 ø19.8 ± 0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4615 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Groove width 32 2.05 ± 0.05 C1&C2
SCFG 4627 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush pin gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Groove Depth 35 1.2 - 0.15 C1&C2
SCFG 4616 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Radius 33 R 0.2 Contour tracer

0.6 wrt DBA

0.2 wrt AB
Position 67,63,43,25
0.6 wrt HBA Receiver Gauge 1 / hr/Loc
0.6 wrt GBA Operator
SCFG 4760 2/Shift/loc C1&C2
NOTE : 1. Operations & Gauges common to both setup (LHS & RHS) parts. 23.57±0.25
CMM 1/day/Location
92, 93, 94, 37.43 ± 0.25
2. Gauge checking frequency common for both LHS & RHS parts. Milling Height
104 36.07 ± 0.25
52.30 ± 0.3
M14 O'Ring Port 2/week, Every
22,23 45°, 15°±1° Contour tracer Inspector C1&C2
chamfer Angle tool change
M14 O'Ring Port
24 15.80 +0.1 CMM
intersection dia
M4 X 0.7 Thread size Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
80 M4 X 0.7 - 6H C1&C2
(2 places) gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
M4 X 0.7 Drill size core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M4 X 0.7 - 6H C1&C2
(2 places) gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
M4X0.7 Thread Depth
81 8-8.5 mm SPG + Vernier
(2 places)
M4X0.7 core hole depth
Through Visual
(2 places)
Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter 79 Ø3.1 ± 0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4609 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush Pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Depth 78 2.2 ±0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4610 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Position Inter Position
1 / hr/Loc Operator
Position 82,73 Ø0.30 wrt HK Gauge C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector
Ø0.35 wrk HL SCFG 4652


Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine Prepared : PE Production Quality QCPC FM115/01
- Check sheet
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100% Checked:
- Setup
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument inspection and inform to Supervisor Rev.No: Date:
- Control chart
± 10% Variation allowed CRITICAL MAJOR Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject Approved: 6
- Error Proofing 20.10.2020
F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012
Key Contact: a
SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 / D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 4 OF 7
Machine / Tool Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Control Items Controlling Method Control
Operation Layout instruction instruction
Description / No. Factor Check Tool of (Reaction Check Tool of (Reaction
Parameter Class Specification Check method Person Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
(4M) frequency Control plan) frequency Control plan)

0.6 wrt HBA, 0.6

Position 43, 116, CMM 1/ Day / Loc Inspector C1&C2
wrt SBA
71,72,77,84,85 18, 36, 24.8, 16±0.2,
Distance (10 places) ,86,87,88,89, 15, 10.5, 17.9, 21, CMM 1/ Day / Loc Inspector C1&C2
90, 68.18±0.25, 51.9,

Height 104 64.10±0.3 CMM 1/ Day / Loc Inspector C1&C2

Every tool
Chamfer Angle 118 0.8X45° Contour tracer Inspector C1&C2
53.4, 9.9, 22,
Distance (8 places) 132,134,148, CMM 1/ Day / Loc Inspector C1&C2
37.2±0.4,27, 8.8, 8,
core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M14 x 1.5 Core hole size 28 M14x1.5 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M14 x 1.5 Thread size 28 M14x1.5 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush Pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M14 x 1.5 Core hole depth 27 14.0 ±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4754 2/Shift/loc Inspector

M14 x 1.5 Thread Depth 30 10.5 min SPG + Vernier 2/Shift/loc Inspector C1&C2

Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Diameter 73 Ø7.5 ± 0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4607 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Vernier 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Depth 74 25.5 C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

M14 x 1 Core hole size 41 M14x1 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M14 x 1 Thread size 28 M14x1- 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush Pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
M14 x 1 Core hole depth 39 9.3+0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4611 2/Shift/loc Inspector

M14 x 1 Thread Depth 42 7 min SPG + Vernier 2/Shift/loc Inspector C1&C2

Ring Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Groove ID 31 ø19.8 ± 0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4615 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Groove width 32 2.05 ± 0.05 C1&C2
SCFG 4627 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Flush pin gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator
Groove Depth 35 1.2 - 0.15 C1&C2
SCFG 4616 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Every tool
Radius 33 R 0.2 Contour tracer Inspector C1&C2

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter 137 ø8 (-0.1/-0.07) Air Plug gauge C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Flush pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Depth of Ø8 48 13.3±0.05 C1&C2
SCFG 4612 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Diameter 136 Ø4±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4617 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Thru in M10 core 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Depth of Ø4 136 Through C1&C2
hole inside 2/Shift/loc Inspector
Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: - Check sheet Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine Production Quality
Prepared : PE QCPC FM115/01
- Setup
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100%
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument - Control chart inspection and inform to Supervisor Rev.No: Date:
- Error Proofing Approved:
± 10% Variation allowed CRITICAL MAJOR Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject 6 20.10.2020
F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012
Key Contact:
SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 / D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 5 OF 7

Opn. Machine / Operation Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Control Items Controlling Method Control
Tool Layout / No. instruction instruction
No Description
Check (Reaction Check Tool of (Reaction
Factor (4M) Parameter Class Specification Check method Tool of Control Person Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
frequency plan) frequency Control plan)

Screw Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

M10 Thread size 144,156,20 M10X1 - 6H C1&C2
gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector

144,156,13 core Plug 1 / hr/Loc Operator

M10 core hole Size M10X1 - 6H C1&C2
5,20 gauge 2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
M10 Thread Depth 125 10 min SPG + Vernier C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Flush pin Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Pre-Drill Depth 19 12.5±0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4753 2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter Ø6.0 ± 0.2 Plug gauge C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Drill depth Through Visual C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Plug Gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Spot face Dia Ø16 +0.4/-0.0 C1&C2
SCFG 4629 2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Spot Face depth 0.5 max Flush pin gauge C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Flush pin gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Depth 124 1.60 +0.4 C1&C2
SCFG 4756, 2/Shift/loc Inspector

M10 O'Ring Port chamfer Every tool

122 12 ± 1° Contour Tracer Inspector C1&C2
Angle change

Receiver gauge
1 / hr/Loc Operator
Position 153 0.6wrt TBA SCFG 4630 C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Diameter 117 6s Ø12 +0.043 Air Plug Gauge C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Flush pin gauge

1 / hr/Loc Operator
Depth 115 6s 11.5 - 0.2 SCFG 4618 , C1&C2
2/Shift/loc Inspector

Every tool
Chamfer depth 120 2+ 0.5 Contracer Inspector C1&C2

Every tool
Chamfer angle 119 15° Contracer Inspector C1&C2

Run out 107 0.1 wrt P CMM 1/Day/Loc Inspector C1&C2

Gap gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Outer Diameter 106 6s ø 20 ± 0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4619 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Gap gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Diameter 111 ø 16 - 0.2 C1&C2
SCFG 4620 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Gap gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Width 108 2 ± 0.1 C1&C2
SCFG 4621 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Gap gauge 1 / hr/Loc Operator

Depth 109 8 Min C1&C2
SCFG 4620 2/Shift/loc Inspector

Every tool
Radius 110 R0.5-.15 Contour Tracer Inspector C1&C2

Gauge pin should pass

7,11 1.75 min through Visual check 100% Operator C1&C2

2 / Shift /
Inspector C1&C2

Presence of single dot mark 100%

Operator C1&C2
Difference between two on LH Loading and double
component loading dot mark on RH loading 2 / Shift /
Inspector C1&C2
machinedcomponent location

Provide interlock between

Presence of shift code
marking machine and Op20 Visual 100% Pokayoke

Tool life Tool life programIntroduced Visual 100% Pokayoke

Operation missing Power cut program Visual 100% Pokayoke

Introduced tool breakage

Tool Breakage sensor Visual 100% Pokayoke


Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine Prepared : PE Production Quality QCPC FM115/01
- Check sheet
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100%
- Setup
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument inspection and inform to Supervisor Rev.No: Date:
- Control chart Approved:
± 10% Variation allowed CRITICAL MAJOR Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject 6 20.10.2020
- Error Proofing F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012
Key Contact: a
SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 /D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 6 OF 7

Opn. Machine / Operation Tool Layout Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Control Items Controlling Method Control
No Description / No. instruction instruction
Check Tool of (Reaction Check Tool of (Reaction
Factor (4M) Parameter Class Specification Check method Person Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
frequency Control plan) frequency Control plan)
Deburring & Air Once at the Operator
40 Men Skill of operator Skill matrix C1
cleaning start of shift Inspector

Washing Machine / Once at the Operator 100% Operator

50 Machine Air pressure 5 ± 1 bar Visual display C1 Free from burrs No burr allowed Visual check C1 & C2
Washing start of shift Inspector 1 / shift Inspector

Once at the Operator

Water temperature 50°- 60° degrees Visual display C1
start of shift Inspector

Once at the Operator No coolant should 100% Operator

Water pressure Min 5 bar Visual display C1 Free from coolant Visual check C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector be present 1 / shift Inspector

Once at the Operator

Washing time 120 sec Visual display C1
start of shift Inspector

Level indicator in Once at the Operator White rust not 100% Operator
Water level Visual C1 Free from white rust Visual check C1 & C2
tank start of shift Inspector allowed 1 / shift Inspector

Once at the Operator

Nozzles unblocked Visual C1
start of shift Inspector 1 / Day Dock Audit
Cleanliness (CES 16599) 250 * 125 μm Millipore C1 & C2
/ location Inspector
Water pH value 7 to 9 pH level indicator 1/day Inspector C2

TDS value <300 microns TDS meter 1/day Inspector

Water change frequency 3/Days Visual 2/week Inspector

Filter change frequency 1/Month Visual 1/week Inspector

Filter cleaning frequency 1/week Visual 2/week Inspector

Refer QCPC-A64/01
60 Impregnation
( CES 18307 )
No Leak
Leak test rig / Wet leak testing:
70 Method Air pressure 5±1 bar Visual pr. Gauge (Identified by punch Visual 100% Operator C1 & C2
Leak testing Allowable leak

Clamping pressure 5±1 bar Visual pr. Gauge Operator C1 1 / shift Inspector C1 & C2
Once at the
start of shift
Testing pressure Min 10 bar Visual pr. Gauge Inspector C2
Leak test machine
has feedback for 3
Air and fuel supplied hole
Testing time 80 sec Stop watch separate ports Visual 100% Pokayoke
blockage problem
displayed in the
Water change frequency 3/Days Visual 3/day Inspector C2

Washing Machine / Once at the Operator 100%

80 Machine Air pressure 5 ± 1 bar Visual display Free from burrs No burr allowed Visual check
Washing start of shift Inspector 1 / shift

Once at the Operator No coolant should 100%

Water temperature 50°- 60° degrees Visual display C1 Free from coolant Visual check Operator C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector be present 1 / shift

Once at the Operator White rust not 100%

Water pressure Min 25 bar Visual display C2 Free from white rust Visual check Inspector C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector allowed 1 / shift

Once at the Operator

Washing time 120 sec Visual display
start of shift Inspector

Level indicator in Once at the Operator

Water level Visual
tank start of shift Inspector

Once at the Operator 2 / Day Dock Audit

Nozzles unblocked Visual Cleanliness (CES 16599) 250 * 125 μm Millipore C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector / location Inspector

Water pH value 7 to 9 pH level indicator 1/day Inspector

TDS value <300 microns TDS meter 1/day Inspector

Water change frequency 3/Days Visual 2/week Inspector

Filter change frequency 1/Month Visual 1/week Inspector

Filter cleaning frequency 1/week Visual 2/week Inspector

Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine

- Check sheet Prepared : PE Production Quality Document No:
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / - Setup Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100% QCPC FM115/01
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument - Control chart inspection and inform to Supervisor Rev.No: Date:
± 10% Variation allowed CRITICAL MAJOR - Error Proofing Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject Approved: 6 20.10.2020
F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012
Key Contact:
SCL- Padi

Part No / Rev. No: Part Description: Cell Description: Customer:ROTEX INDIA Sheet No:
Cell No: FM115/01
A056N643 /D Manifold Doser Fluid (MX) AFSOV Machining cell (CUMMINS) 7 OF 7

Opn. Machine / Operation Tool Layout Control Items (Causes) Controlling Method Control Control Items Controlling Method Control
No Description / No. instruction instruction
Check Tool of (Reaction Check Tool of (Reaction
Factor (4M) Parameter Class Specification Check method Person Parameter Drg. No. Class Specification Check method Person
frequency Control plan) frequency Control plan)
Once at the Operator
90 Air Cleaning Machine Air cleaning temperature 50°- 60° degrees Visual display C1 & C2 Free from water partical Not allowed Visual check 100% Operator C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector
Once at the Operator
Air cleaning pressure 5 ± 1 bar Visual pr.gauge C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector
Once at the Operator
Aircleaning time 60 sec Stop watch C1 & C2 1 / shift Inspector C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector
Once at the Operator Moisture content/White
100 Dryer / Heating Machine Dryer temperature 50°- 60° degrees Visual display C1 & C2 Not allowed Visual check 100% Operator C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector rust
Once at the Operator
Air Pressure 5 ± 1 bar Visual pr.gauge C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector
Once at the Operator
Dryer time 60 sec Stop watch C1 & C2 1 / shift Inspector C1 & C2
start of shift Inspector
Free from visual defects As per Final
Once at the Final
110 Final Inspection Men Operator skill Skill matrix Supervisor C1 like shrinkage, Dents, inspection STD Visual 100% C1
start of shift Inspector
Unfill, Drag marks, etc

Method Intensity of light 750 Lux min Lux meter 1 / Month Supervisor C1

Blowhole STD 330-0007

Availability of final Once at the
Method As per standard Visual Supervisor C1 for machined surfaces
inspection standard start of shift
(Zone2 Grade B)

120 Packing Method VCI cover thickness / Size Packing box free from damages Visual

Packing box Final

Seperator ply / Sleeve ply Visual 1/Lot Operator C1 VCI Cover Presence Visual 100% C1
standard Inspector

Pallet Inspector Separators 3ply Visual

Clearance in the packing

Packing box Less clearance Visual

Process Parameters: Quality Characteristics: Operator: C1 - Stop, Quarantine

- Check sheet Prepared : PE Production Quality Document No:
- Setup
Method of check - type of instrument Gauge No / Description of gauge / Inspector: C2 - Stop, Quarantine, 100% QCPC FM115/01
Untoleranced process parameters Type of instrument - Control chart inspection and inform to Supervisor Rev.No: Date:
± 10% Variation allowed CRITICAL MAJOR - Error Proofing Supervisor: C3 - Rework & C4 - Reject Approved: 6 20.10.2020
F/PED/05-M; Rev No:2; Dated:26.11.2012

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