WJM20120100003 24332793 PDF
WJM20120100003 24332793 PDF
WJM20120100003 24332793 PDF
Received October 20, 2011; revised November 22, 2011; accepted January 7, 2012
In this work, the estimation of crack initiation life of a hydraulic Francis turbine runner is presented. The life prediction
is based on the local strain approach to predict the initiation life. First, the analysis is carried out in air and in water
condition and the runner’s natural frequencies were calculated using the finite element (FE) method. The analysis in air
is compared with experimental analysis in order to have a representative model of real runner and subsequently the nu-
merical analysis was perform in water. In the case of the runner immersed in water, the added mass effect due to the
fluid structure interaction (FSI) is considered. Second, the static and dynamic stresses were calculated according to life
estimation. For the calculation of static stresses, the pressure distribution of water and the centrifugal forces were ap-
plied to the runner. The dynamic stresses were estimated for interactions between the guide vane and the runner. Lastly,
the estimation of the crack initiation life of the runner was obtained.
Keywords: Hydraulic Francis Turbine; Crack; Finite Element; Modal Analysis; Fluid-Structure Interaction
K f S
where U is the displacement vector of the structure’s 1 n
interface, and 0 the density of the fluid. Considering the 1 1
2 (9)
pressure of the fluid that acts in the interface, (1) for the E 2K E
structural dynamics can be described by the form:
M S u CS u K S u FS FfS (4) 3.3. Fatigue Life
The stress life (S-N) data can be plotted linearly on a
where {FfS} is the load vector because of the fluid’s log-log scale. The total strain amplitude is the sum of
pressure acting in the interface. The finite element dis- elastic strain amplitude and plastic strain amplitude. The
cretized equations for the fluid-structure interaction stress life for the elastic part of the strain amplitude is
problem were described as: determined by:
M S 0 u CS 0 u 1 1
e f 2 N i
p 0 C f p
M fS M f 2 E
(5) where 'f is the fatigue strength coefficient. The plastic
KS K fS u FS strain life in the log-log plot is
0 K f p 0 1
p f 2 N i
where [MfS] is the mass equivalent matrix in the interface where 'f is the fatigue ductility coefficient, and c is the
and [KfS] is the stiffness equivalent matrix in the interface. fatigue ductility exponent. The total strain amplitude is
The solution of the finite element modal analysis from the strain life equation (include the effect of mean stress
the runner-water coupled model gives as a result the m), as follows:
natural frequencies and the modal shapes of the structure.
1 1
f m 2 N i f 2 N i
b c
3. Crack Initiation Life 2 E
Figure 3. Vibration modes of the runner in air calculated by the experimental analysis (top) and numerical analysis (bottom)
of first to sixth natural frequencies.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4.3. Stress Analysis frequency of the first harmonic for the blades passing the
guide vanes, producing a possible resonance effect.
For the static stresses analysis of the runner under opera- The force of excitation comes from the first harmonic
ting conditions, it was necessary to include the force of from the guide vanes and was a maximum at 10% of the
inertia and pressure fluid on the runner. The load in rela- stable force, taking the stress of Von Mises in the runner
tion with the static pressure of the fluid on the sides of as 19.7 MPa as the stable load. Assuming that the damp-
the pressure and suction of the runner’s blades were ob- ing ratio was 0.02, the quality factor for the fundamental
tained by the Computational Fluids Dynamic (CFD) bending is 25. Because of this, the dynamical stresses
analysis [12] which uses the finite volume method to were very close to the union zone of the crown and the
solve the Navier-Stokes equations. This load was allo- blade being 49.25MPa.
cated for the FE model for the stress analysis. The calcu-
lation was realized with the Von Mises criteria. The 4.4. Crack Initiation
stress distribution was shown in Figure 6. The peak
stress was found at 56.1 MPa and the average stress was For the estimation of the crack initiation growth in the
19.7 MPa. The maximum stress was localized in the chosen runner’s hydraulic turbine, the equations were
blade near the band, close to the runner’s axis. The dy- solved with the values obtained in the previous analysis.
namical stresses come from the possible resonance of the The material fatigue properties as: ultimate tensile
harmonic from the guide vanes with the runner’s fre- strength Su = 735 MPa, cyclic strength coefficient K' =
quency. The calculation of the frequency of the blades 1730 MPa, cyclic strain hardening exponent n' = 0.14,
passing the guide vanes, fz, caused by the external force fatigue strength exponent b = –0.076 and fatigue ductility
that acts on the blades, having a frequency of: exponent c = –0.62 were useful for the calculation of
crack initiation growth [14,15]. The nominal stress range
fz Nz (15) S was obtained from the dynamical stresses calculated,
60 with their value as 49.25 MPa, so S = 98.5 MPa. The
where Nz is the blades passing the guide vanes number, real range of stress was determined by Equation (9).
and n is the operation velocity of the turbine. The corre- The stress concentration factor K equals 5 and was con-
sponding frequencies of the first and second harmonics sidered that Kf = K, and because of this = 492 MPa.
for the blades passing the guide vanes were 72 and 144 The local strain range from the Neuber’s rule (8), was
Hz. From these results, it is shown that the second natu- obtained as = 0.002553.
ral frequency of the runner in water was very close to the The crack initiation growth was estimated from the
equation for the total amplitude of deformation in the
Table 3. Ratio frequencies reduction of the runner. deformation life (12). The mean stress m is considered
equal to 0. The fatigue strength coefficient 'f, can be
Frequency, f (Hz)
approximated equal to the true stress at fracture, 'f = f.
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 For steel with Brineel hardness up to 500 it may be ap-
proximated as 'f Su + 345 MPa, so 'f = 1080 MPa.
0.152 0.201 0.271 0.296 0.324
The fatigue ductility coefficient ’f, is approximated by