34 Campian PDF
34 Campian PDF
34 Campian PDF
Figure 2. The spiral casing pressure Figure 3. The Winter-Kennedy pressure difference
transducer transducer
Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems 277
Figure 5. The variation of wicket gates opening a0 as a function of the wicket gates servomotor stroke SAD
278 Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
The programmable logic controller will make • for the option menu „Intersectii” the software
data acquisition for the following parameters: will calculate the intersection curves between the
• active power - Pa hill chart diagram and the intersection parameter,
• the input spiral casing pressure - pi which can be: head „Cadere”, discharge „Debit”,
• pressure difference Winter – Kennedy - ∆pWK power „Putere”, wicket gates opening „Alfa”, run-
• the wicket gates servomotor stroke - SAD ner opening „Beta”; the numerical results can be
• the upstream level - ze. exported to Excel, HTML or text file.
The instant data acquisition parameters are medi- • for the option menu „Grila P-H” the software
ated and transferred to the computer as input parame- will calculate the intersection points between pa-
ters for C.C.H.A.P.T. software. Figure 6 present the rameters head and power, in the interval defined
optimal system operation diagram of the hydro units. by Hmin…Hmax values with step Pas H for head
parameter and the interval defined by Pmin…Pmax
3. THE C.C.H.A.P.T. SOFTWARE values with step Pas P for power parameter.
• the option menu “Diagrama de exploatare” (Hill
The C.C.H.A.P.T. software was designed to com- Chart) is destinated to the calculated point in the
pute the turbines characteristics, based on spline curves hill chart area and associated numerical values,
generated by cubic polynomial function. The soft- that can be obtained with the following methods:
ware was detailed described in [6], [7]. Briefly, will o click mouse in the hill chart area – which will
summarize the main functions of the software: get the mouse coordinate (H, Qp) from the hill
• the primary data is grouped in curves with power chart area and will transmit calculated numeri-
PG as parameter, which include the following cal values to text controls;
points: PG, η PL, QP, H, α, β. For primary data the o by input value in one of the text control head
software can draw the following curves: ηPL = f(QP), „H [m]”, discharge „QP [m3/s]”, power „PG
H = f(QP), α = f(QP), β = f(QP), q = f(QP), ηPL = f(H), [MW]”, efficiency „ηPL [%]”, wicket gates open-
QP = f(H), α = f(H), β = f(H), q = f(H), ηPL = f(α), ing „α [-]”, runner opening „β [-]” – will gener-
ηPL = f(β), α = f(β), with PG as parameter; the ate the intersection curve between the parameter
primary data points can be exported to Excel or with the hill chart area and will transmit calcu-
HTML file. lated values to text controls;
Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems 279
o by input value in two of the pairs text control o info graphic points, info curves points (interme-
head „H [m]” and discharge „Q [m3/s]”, head diary points between graphic points);
„H [m]” and power „PG [MW]”, discharge „QP o intersection of curves;
[m3/s]” and power „PG [MW]” or wicket gates o modify the curves label position file.
opening „α [-]” and runner opening „β [-]” – will • the option menu „Achizitie” is designated to data
generate the intersection point between two in- acquisition from the system. The system will made
tersection parameters and will transmit calcu- instant acquisition for an imposed number of points
lated numerical values to text controls. and will calculate median points which will be
Calculated points will be marked with circle in saved in software database. The interface is de-
the hill chart area. signed to data acquisition from two units and is
• for every graphic generated by the software, at presented in Figure 7, which include the follow-
the bottom of the window area is placed a toolbar ing sections:
with command buttons marked with specific icons. o the hill chart area H = f(Qp);
The software offer a popup menu, by right mouse o text controls for instant data acquisition points:
click in the graphic area, with the same options ID point, upstream level, active power, down-
like the command buttons. The function of com- stream level, pressure difference for Winter-
mand buttons are: Kennedy, the wicket gates servomotor stroke,
o close the graphic window; for unit no. 1 and unit no. 2;
o view the table of primary data coordinates; o two buttons for start and stop acquisition process
o tools for modifying graphic parameters: width and one button to quit the acquisition window;
and colours of curves, the visibility and colours o text controls for mediated parameters: date and
hour of the acquisition, ID of the mediated points,
of the markers, the identification numbers of the
the calculated head, the calculated discharge,
points, the width, colours of axes, the name and
the wicket gate opening, the turbine power, the
colours of labels, the limits of grid, the decimals
calculated turbine efficiency, the calculated hydro
number, etc.;
units efficiency, the calculated hydro units power
o zoom in, zoom out, auto zoom (fit), zoom area; and Winter-Kennedy discharge. The value of
o print the graphic; Winter-Kennedy discharge is used as a secon-
o copy graphic to clipboard; dary method to verify the calculated discharge.