Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In the present study, mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) digestive gland oxidative stress biomarkers and
Received 15 June 2010 detoxification responses to acute exposure to nickel (Ni) were investigated. Mussels were exposed to
Received in revised form two sublethal concentrations of Ni (135 mg/L per animal (2.5 mM) and 770 mg/L per animal (13 mM)) for
4 August 2010
24, 48, 72, 96 h and 8 days. Following biological responses were measured: (1) glutathione S-transferase
Accepted 6 August 2010
Available online 25 August 2010
(GST) activity as a phase II conjugation enzyme, (2) catalase activity as antioxidant response,
(3) malondialdehyde accumulation (MDA) as lipid peroxydation marker and metallothionein as specific
Keywords: response to metals exposure. The cholinergic system was evaluated using the acetylcholinesterase
Acute exposure activity (AChE). Moreover, Ni uptakes during the exposure periods were assessed and the uptake rate
constant determined. A correlation matrix (CM) between the investigated biomarkers and a principal
component analysis (PCA) were achieved for the two tested concentrations. The Ni-uptake constant was
higher in animals exposed to the lowest concentration. The CM and the PCA showed a time-dependent
effect of the Ni exposure on the investigated biomarkers being more pronounced in animals exposed to
the highest Ni concentration. While AChE showed a significant increase after 48 h and a further return
to control values in the lowest concentration, it was drastically maintained inhibited in the highest
concentration. Our data provided clues about the occurrence of different toxicokinetics and
toxicodynamics of two Ni sublethal concentrations in an ecologically relevant organism.
& 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction physiological status of the organism and factors that control metal
uptake from solution (Salinity and dissolved organic carbon
Nickel is a metal of high environmental importance that has concentration) (Pan and Wang, 2004).
been shown to exert long-term harmful effects to aquatic biota Bivalve molluscs, particularly marine mussels such as Mytilus
(Kienle et al., 2009). Nickel is often found in the coastal spp., have been used as indicator organisms in environmental
environment as a result of industrial discharges from electroplat- monitoring programmes (Banni et al., 2007; Viarengo et al., 2007)
ing, smelting, mining and refining operations and other industrial due to their wide distribution, sedentary lifestyle, tolerance to a
emissions (Vijayavel et al., 2009). Relative to other divalent large range of environmental conditions and because they are
metals, nickel has not been well studied in terms of toxicity to filter feeders with very low metabolism, which allows the
different species and mode of action. bioaccumulation of many chemicals in their tissues (Widdows
Over the past decade, a major advance in understanding metal et al., 2002).
ecotoxicology has been the development of the biokinetic or The use of biomarkers in studying the effects of environmental
biodynamic model, which has been instrumental in interpreting pollutants on mussels has been reported to be very informative
the total bioaccumulated metal concentrations in different about the organism’s stress response to toxicants (Banni et al.,
species of aquatic organisms (Wang and Rainbow, 2008). Never- 2005; Dagnino et al., 2007, Viarengo et al., 2007). Metallothio-
theless, there is a substantial need to understand the bioaccumu- neins (MTs) are a class of low molecular weight, cysteine rich,
lation and toxicity of some metals such as Ni in aquatic organisms inducible, cytosolic proteins well known for their high affinity to
that may depend essentially on the exposure concentration, the bind metals. MTs are implicated in homeostasis of essential
metals, detoxification of noxious metal cations (Viarengo et al.,
1999) and oxidative stress protection (Dondero et al., 2005).
Corresponding author. Fax: + 216 73 327591. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a phase II enzyme known to be
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Banni). involved in the metabolism of lipophilic organic contaminants,
0147-6513/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
H. Attig et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (2010) 1712–1719 1713
but also plays a role in cellular protection against oxidative stress GST activity was measured in digestive gland cytosol by the method of Habig
et al. (1974) using 10 mg of cytosolic protein, 1 mM 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene
(Michel et al., 1998). Catalase (CAT) is a well-known anti-oxidant
(CDNB) (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA) as substrate, and 4 mM glutathione
enzyme, its activity increasing in organisms submitted to reduced from GSH, in 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.5. GST activity was
oxidative stress (Durou et al., 2007). One of the well-known lipid determined by kinetic measurement at 20 1C using a Jenway 6105 spectro-
peroxidation products (LPO) is malondialdehyde (MDA); this photometer (l ¼ 340 nm). Results were expressed as nmoles GSH–CDNB produced
marker was usually used to evaluate the state of lipid peroxida- per min and per mg protein.
CAT was determined according to the Claiborne’s method (1985). Reaction
tion of the membrane (Alexandrova and Bochev, 2005). mixture (final volume of 1 ml) contained 0.78 ml 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.5)
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an enzyme essential for the correct and 0.2 ml 0.5 mM H2O2. After 30 s pre-incubation, the reaction was started by the
transmission of nerve impulses. Its inhibition is directly linked addition of 0.02 ml of the (S9) solution containing CAT fractions. CAT activity was
with the mechanisms of toxic action of some pesticides and evaluated by kinetic measurement at 20 1C using a Jenway 6105 spectro-
photometer (l ¼ 240 nm). Results were expressed as mmoles hydrogen peroxide
metals (Tsangaris et al., 2007; Viarengo et al., 2007).
transformed per min and per mg protein.
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the toxicokinetic Lipid peroxidation was estimated in terms of thiobarbituric acid reactive
and toxicodynamics of two sublethal Ni concentrations on the species (TBARS) with use of 1,1,3,3-treaethyloxypropane as a standard. The
mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. A set of biomarkers was applied reaction was assessed at 532 nm, using TBA reagent as described by Buege and
in order to assess the Ni-induced stress after 24, 48, 72, 96 h and Aust (1978). MDA content was expressed as nmoles equivalent MDA/mg proteins.
AChE was determined accordingly to Ellman et al. (1961). Reaction mixture
8 days of exposure.
(final volume of 1 ml) contained 0.85 ml 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), 0.05 ml
8 mM DNTB (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA) and 0.05 ml of the (S9) fraction
containing AChE. After pre-incubation, the reaction was started by the addition of
2. Material and methods 0.05 ml 8.25 mM acetylthiocholine (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, USA).
Acetylcholinesterase activity was determined by kinetic measurement at 20 1C
using a Jenway 6105 spectrophotometer (l ¼420 nm). Results were expressed as
2.1. Animals and treatments
mmoles thiocholine produced per min and per mg protein.
Table 1
Nominal and measured Ni concentrations (mg/L) and retrieval rate of nominal concentrations (%); mean 7SD of six replicate measurements.
Ni (135 mg/L) Ni (mg/L) measured Retrieval rate of nominal Ni (755 mg/L) Ni (mg/L) measured Retrieval rate of nominal
nominal concentration concentration (%) nominal concentration concentration (%)
10 120 ab
Control Control
9 2.5 µM ab 2.5 µM ab
8 13 µM 100 13 µM a a
ab a
µg MT/mg proteins
7 a
µg/g dry weight
a 80 a
5 60
4 ab
2 a
a 20
1 ab
0 0
24h 48h 72h 96h 8days 24h 48h 72h 96h 8days
Fig. 1. Ni contents (mg/g dry weight) in the digestive gland tissues of mussels Fig. 2. Digestive gland metallothionein accumulation in mussel exposed for 24,
M. galloprovincialis exposed for 24, 48, 72, 96 h and 8 days, to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni 48, 72, 96 h and 8 days, to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni (NiCl2). The control group was
(NiCl2). The control group was maintained in clean seawater in the same maintained in clean seawater in the same conditions as the exposed groups. Data
conditions as the exposed groups. Data are expressed as mean 7SD (n ¼10 represent means7 S.D (n¼ 10). aP o0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test
individual digestive glands). aPo 0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA ANOVA multiple comparison test versus test versus each respective control
multiple comparison test versus each respective control animal group, bPo 0.05 animal group, bP o0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple
significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison test versus 2.5 mM comparison test versus 2.5 mM Ni-reated animals.
Ni-treated animals.
Table 2 Control
Toxicokinetic parameters: shown are: uptake constant ‘‘k’’ of Ni for each tested 260
condition empirically evaluated from model fitting (Wang and Rainbow, 2008). 2.5 µM
R2, variance explained by the model. Mussels M. galloprovincialis were exposed for
13 µM a a
220 a a
24, 48, 72, 96 h and 8 days to the tested Ni concentrations.
nmole/min/mg proteins
Condition 2.5 mM 13 mM 180
Uptake constant (L/g/d) 0.0477 0.002 0.028 7 0.001
R2 0.96 0.95 160
mussels treated with 2.5 and 13 mM Ni (37% and 76% increase 100
with respect to control). 80
The effects of Ni exposure on the mussel digestive gland GST
activity are shown in Fig.3. A weak but significant response
compared to control animals was recorded after 96 h and 8 days
of exposure for the two tested concentrations. The maxima were 20
reached after 8 days exposure with around 40% increase with 0
respect to control for both exposed groups. 24h 48h 72h 96h 8days
The results relative to the CAT activity in mussels exposed to Ni
Fig. 3. Digestive gland GST activity in mussel exposed for 24, 48, 72, 96 h and
are reported in Fig. 4. Our data show that CAT activity increased 8days, to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni (NiCl2). The control group was maintained in clean sea
over time reaching two slightly different plateau levels after 72 h water in the same conditions as the exposed groups. Data represent means 7 S.D
with an increase of about 37% and 50% compared to control values (n ¼10). aP o 0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison
test versus test versus each respective control animal group, bP o 0.05 significantly
in animals exposed to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni, respectively.
different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison test versus 2.5 mM Ni-treated
The MDA accumulation evaluated as thiobarbituric acid reactive animals.
species (TBARS) in mussel digestive gland after exposure to Ni is
reported in Fig. 5. A time- and dose-dependent accumulation of
MDA was registered in animals exposed to Ni with a maximum of Fig. 6 shows the effect of Ni exposure on digestive gland’s AChE
26.572.2 and 44.472.5 nmole/mg proteins reached after 8 days activity. AChE activity exhibited two distinct trends in response to
of exposure, respectively, for 2.5 and 13 mM Ni. 2.5 and 13 mM Ni exposure. Indeed, in animals exposed to the
H. Attig et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (2010) 1712–1719 1715
260 35
Control Control
240 2.5 µM 2.5 µM
220 13 µM 30
13 µM
a a a
µmole/min/mg proteins
200 a
µmole/min/mg proteins
a a a
a 25
180 a a
120 15 ab ab
ab ab ab
80 10
40 5
0 0
24h 48h 72h 96h 8days 24h 48h 72h 96h 8days
Fig. 4. Digestive gland CAT activity in mussel exposed for 24, 48, 72, 96 h and Fig. 6. Digestive gland AChE activity in mussel exposed for 24, 48, 72, 96 h and
8days, to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni (NiCl2). The control group was maintained in clean sea 8days, to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni (NiCl2). The control group was maintained in clean sea
water in the same conditions as the exposed groups. Data represent means 7S.D water in the same conditions as the exposed groups. Data represent means7 S.D
(n¼ 10).aP o0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison (n¼10).aPo 0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison
test versus test versus each respective control animal group, bPo 0.05 significantly test versus test versus each respective control animal group, bP o 0.05 significantly
different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison test versus 2.5 mM Ni-treated different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison test versus 2.5 mM Ni-treated
animals. animals.
digestive glands levels (6 variables) for each exposure concentra-
30 a
a a tion: in both treatments, biomarkers showed a clear trend
25 a reflecting stress syndrome development over time (Fig. 8). Follow-
a a
ing Keiser–Guttman criterion (Cliff, 1988; Shaw, 2003) in the
examination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for both treatments,
15 PC1 and PC2 were selected for data interpretation (Table S1).
The first axis (PC1), explaining 64.4% and 70.7% of the total
variance, respectively, in the lower and higher Ni exposure
5 condition, showed the most evident biomarker responses in the
mussels exposed to Ni for longer periods, for GST and CAT
activities, MDA and MT accumulation, associated with Ni levels.
24h 48h 72h 96h 8days
Furthermore, the variance explained by the second axis (PC2)
Fig. 5. Digestive gland MDA accumulation in mussel exposed for 24, 48, 72, 96 h (17.8% and 16% of the total variance, respectively, in 2.5 and
and 8days, to 2.5 and 13 mM Ni (NiCl2). The control group was maintained in clean 13 mM Ni exposures), was mainly related to AChE activity.
sea water in the same conditions as the exposed groups. Data represent
means7 S.D (n¼ 10).aP o0.05 significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple
comparison test versus test versus each respective control animal group, bP o0.05
4. Discussion
significantly different, Tukey’s test ANOVA multiple comparison test versus 2.5 mM
Ni-treated animals.
The study of the biological responses of organisms to different
environmental conditions and the quantitative evaluation of their
lowest Ni concentration, AChE showed a transient increase at 48 h physiological status are being considered as a successful approach
exposure (35.60% increase with respect to control) and a return to for the assessment of environmental quality (Banni et al., 2009,
control values thereafter. However, 13.5 mM Ni exposure caused a 2010; Dondero et al., 2010). Invertebrates, particularly bivalve
pronounced AChE inhibition during all the exposure periods. molluscs such as mussels are suitable organisms for studying the
Therefore a significant difference was registered between the two biological effects of pollutants (Viarengo et al., 2007).
tested Ni concentrations. In the last decades, increasing attention on the ecological and
Fig. 7 displays the correlation obtained amongst the investi- ecotoxicological effects of Ni contamination has been considered
gated biomarkers (including Ni concentration) in digestive gland due to its large industrial application (Papachristou et al., 1993;
of mussels exposed to 2.5 and 13 mM of Ni. All biomarkers showed Kienle et al., 2009; Vandenbrouck et al., 2009; Banni et al., 2010).
significant positive correlation with exposure time and Ni uptake Several studies indicated that metal accumulation in molluscs
in the digestive glands except AChE and CAT activities in the first was; dose- and time-dependent (Das and Jana, 1999; Roesijadi
experimental condition and AChE activity in animals exposed to and Unger, 1993; Wang and Evans, 1993). In the present study, Ni
13 mM Ni. GST activity showed a significant positive correlation in accumulation in the digestive gland tissue of mussels—metabo-
both the treatments with MDA and MT accumulation; CAT lically the most active organ—was found to be regulated by the
activity showed a positive significant correlation in the two ambient Ni concentration and positively correlated with the
exposure conditions only with MDA accumulation, while at the exposure time (r ¼ 0.98 in animals exposed to 2.5 mM Ni and
1716 H. Attig et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (2010) 1712–1719
Fig. 7. Correlation matrix of studied biomarkers and exposure time in Ni-exposed M. galloprovincialis (A: 2.5 mM; B: 13 mM). Shown are data plots and correlation
coefficient for each test. *Significant at p o0.01.
r ¼0.93 in animals exposed to 13 mM Ni, Fig. 7). However, our data suggest that uptake is reduced at high aqueous Ni
data showed also that the bioaccumulation was higher in animals concentrations, an evidence of regulation.
exposed to the lower Ni concentration, as indicated by the In the present paper, we reported a significant increase in MT
k values obtained fitting the toxicokinetic model (Table 2). Our accumulation starting after 48 h exposure to Ni and further
H. Attig et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (2010) 1712–1719 1717
PC2 (17.75%)
-4 -3 -2 MT -1 0 1 2 3 4
-1 24h
CAT 72h
-2 96h
8 days
PC1 (64.37%)
[Ni] 2
PC2 (15.95%)
-4 -3 -2MT -1 0 1 2 3 4
-2 48h
-3 96h
AChE 8 days
PC1 (70.65%)
Fig. 8. Biplot from additional principal component analysis of all variables studied in animals exposed to 2.5 mM Ni (A) and 13 mM Ni (B). In the first condition (2.5 mM Ni),
the first component explained 64.37% of the total variance and the second 17.75%. In the second condition (13 mM Ni), the first component explained 70.65% of the total
variance and the second 15.95%. (See also Table S1 for Eigenvalues and percentage variance, Table S2 for details about scores of the different analytical replicates in PC1 and
PC2 and Table S3 for details about Eigenvectors loadings of the different variables analyzed.)
maintained over time. Correlation between Ni exposure and MT other metals (Cu, Zn, Hg, Cd, Ag) tested in the same organism
induction is controversial. Indeed, Amiard et al. (2008) found no (Barka et al., 2001).
correlation between MT and Ni concentrations in mussels Ni was reported to produce low, but measurable levels of free
exposed to Ni in field and laboratory conditions. However, radicals in CHO cells (Huang et al., 1994). In addition to the direct
recently our research group demonstrated that mussels exposed production of free radicals, Ni was suspected to cause depletion of
to Ni displayed a significant increase in mt10 mRNA abundance the antioxidant enzymes system (Denkhaus and Salnikov, 2002)
and no effects on the cognate mt20 (Dondero et al., 2008), and therefore it should be considered a pro-oxidant agent. In
indicating that Ni ions behave in the same way as copper to which mussels, the antioxidant defense system includes enzymes such
mt20 is almost insensitive (Dondero et al., 2005). Such a different as CAT, GST, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase
outcome with Amiard’s findings can be explained by seasonal (GR) and other low molecular weight scavengers such as reduced
effects, which are known to affect both MT gene and protein glutathione (GSH) (Livingstone, 2001). In this work, we found
expression in the tissues of mussels as previously argued some evidence that Ni can produce oxidative stress in the
(Dondero et al., 2006). Moreover, Ni ions are known to have digestive gland tissue of mussels due to the fair increase in GST
a high affinity for sulfydrylic groups of proteins (Costa et al., 1994) and CAT activities. Moreover, a time- and dose-dependent
and MT induction by Ni was reported not only in vertebrates such increase in MDA was observed along with a positive and
as the cod E. navaga (Eriksen et al., 1990), but also in the copepod significant correlation between MDA accumulation and Ni uptake
T. brevicornis (Barka et al., 2001), although with less extent than at the two exposure levels (r ¼0.83 and 0.97, respectively,
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