Stretch PDF
Stretch PDF
Stretch PDF
Effectiveness of Stretch
Interventions for Children With
Neuromuscular Disabilities:
Evidence-Based Recommendations
Jason Craig, PT, MPT; Courtney Hilderman, PT, MSc; Geoffrey Wilson, PT, MPT; Robyn Misovic, PT, MScPT
Department of Physical Therapy, Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health, Island Health, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada (Mr Craig, Ms Misovic, and Mr Wilson); and Department of Physical Therapy, BC Centre for Ability,
and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (Ms Hilderman).
Purpose: To determine whether casting, orthoses, stretching, or supported standing programs are effective in
improving or maintaining body functions and structures, activity, or participation in children with neuromus-
cular disabilities. Methods: A systematic review was conducted using 6 electronic databases to identify Level
1 and 2 studies investigating stretch interventions for children aged 0 to 19 years with neuromuscular dis-
abilities. Interventions were coded using the International Classification of Function and rated with Grading
of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation, the Oxford Levels of Evidence, and the Evi-
dence Alert Traffic Light System. Results: Sixteen studies evaluated the effectiveness of stretch interventions.
Low-grade evidence supports casting temporarily increasing ankle range of motion, orthoses improving
gait parameters while they are worn, and supported standing programs improving bone mineral density.
Conclusion: There is limited evidence suggesting stretch interventions benefit body functions and structures.
There is inconclusive evidence to support or refute stretching interventions for preventing contractures or
impacting a child’s activity or participation. Trial Registration: Prospero CRD42014013807. (Pediatr Phys Ther
2016;28:262–275) Key words: activities and participation, bone mineral density, casting, children and youth,
contractures, gait, neuromuscular disabilities orthoses, positioning, quality of life, range of motion, stretching,
supported standing programs, systematic review
INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE (CP), muscular dystrophies, and neural tube defects.
Contractures, hip pathologies, and spinal To address complications and promote independence in
malalignments1-3 are common complications for children these children, considerable therapeutic resources are
with neuromuscular disabilities, including cerebral palsy used such as orthoses, therapy equipment, and therapy
time.4-7 Therapists frequently prescribe and encourage
compliance to a variety of stretch interventions including
0898-5669/283-0262 (1) active stretching, (2) passive stretching, (3) prolonged
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Copyright C 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and Academy of
positioning through supported standing, or (4) prolonged
Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy stretching through casting and orthoses.8,9 The clinical
Association rationale for using these interventions is to avoid or defer
surgery, decrease complications such as contractures, and
Correspondence: Jason Craig, PT, MPT, Queen Alexandra Centre for
Children’s Health, 2400 Arbutus Rd, Victoria, BC V8N 1V7, Canada
promote function.8,9 Proposed causes of contractures
([email protected]). that have been hypothesized include agonist-antagonist
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL muscle imbalance, muscle fiber atrophy, spasticity,
citation appears in the printed text and is provided in the HTML and PDF static positioning, and structural changes to muscle
versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (
tendon tissue (eg, the reduction of in-series or in-parallel
The authors declare no conflict of interest. No grant support was provided
for this research.
sarcomeres).8,10,11 Regardless of the cause, research shows
that contractures interfere with activities of daily living,
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000269
cause pain, sleep disturbance, and increase the burden
Operational Definitions
METHODS For the purpose of this review, the definition of a neu-
Search Strategies romuscular disability is any chronic disease or syndrome
that impairs the function of skeletal muscles. This impair-
English language titles were searched from the ear- ment can affect the muscle structure itself and/or the signal
liest date available until December 31, 2014, in the sent to the muscle. Examples of neuromuscular disabilities
following electronic databases: CINAHL, EMBASE/Ovid, that were considered for review include CP, muscular dys-
EBMR/Ovid, MEDLINE/PubMed, MEDLINE/EBSCO, and trophies, neural tube defects, spinal cord injuries, spinal
Physiotherapy Evidence Database. See the Appendix for muscular atrophies, traumatic brain injury, and other rare
the detailed electronic database search strategy. We did neuromuscular diseases. The definition of a stretch inter-
not use population-specific search terms (eg, CP and mus- vention is an intervention aimed at maintaining or increas-
cular dystrophy) to get comprehensive search results to ing joint mobility by influencing the extensibility of soft tis-
later limit by inclusion criteria. Preliminary searches did sues spanning joints.10 The following were preidentified as
not yield any articles with the same objective of this re- possible stretch interventions: bracing, casting, orthoses,
view. Details of the protocol for this SR were registered on positioning programs, self-administered stretches, splint-
September 19, 2014, on the International Prospective Reg- ing, stretches by caregivers, and yoga programs. Bracing,
ister of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) and can be ac- splinting, and orthoses were considered to be one treat-
cessed at: ment category, herein “orthoses,” to improve clarity and
record.asp?ID=CRD42014013807.17 knowledge translation. Both active and passive range of
motion (ROM) and stretch programs were included. For
Eligibility Criteria
the purpose of this review, flexibility was defined as the
Inclusion. The inclusion criteria of this review were: ability to move a joint through its complete ROM19 and
(a) studies published in peer-reviewed journals appraised could have been measured with a goniometer, through
as Level 1 or 2 Oxford Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine gait analysis or with another valid instrument.
in the studies included lack of reporting, or inadequate mation was well reported, comparison groups were often
randomization methods, allocation concealment, report- lacking because of study design (eg, case report) (Table 1).
ing of dropouts, and controlling for confounding coin- Intervention dosing parameters such as treatment du-
terventions (see Supplemental Digital Content 2, avail- ration, frequency, and intensity were well recorded in all of
able at, which summarizes the RCTs; however, these parameters were inconsistently
methodological quality of included studies). reported in the SRs. When recorded, casting intervention
lasted for 3 to 5 weeks with casting protocols not being
well documented.28,29,34-36 There was a lack of informa-
Participants tion about the specific orthotic intervention dosing proto-
Sample sizes of the included studies ranged from 14 to cols recorded by the SRs.28,29,37-39 RCTs investigating night
1110 (Table 1). The effectiveness of stretch interventions splinting required splints to be worn all night30,32,33 or
was investigated in the following populations: CP (n = 9), every other night31 for a duration of 4 weeks,32 6 weeks,33
mixed disabilities (n = 4), Charcot-Marie-Tooth (n = 2), 12 months,31 or 30 months.30 Passive stretching or posi-
and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (n = 1). The age of tioning dosing reported in the SRs noted that 30 minutes’
participants ranged from 20 months to 30 years, with all total stretch program was the most commonly chosen ses-
studies having a median age less than 19 years. sion time, with each stretch typically being held for 30
to 60 seconds and repeated for several repetitions.35,40,41
One SR noted an average duration of passive stretching or
Interventions positioning study length to be 8.2 weeks with a mean fre-
The included studies evaluated the effectiveness of quency of intervention to be to 4.5 times per week.40 Sup-
casting (n = 5), orthoses (n =10), passive stretching ported standing program dosing was well recorded in 1 SR
or positioning (n =5), and supported standing programs with the following evidence-based dosage recommended:
(n =6). A wide range of casting protocols, orthoses con- 5 days/wk positively affects bone mineral density (BMD)
figurations, prescription of stretching programs, and sup- (60-90 min/d), hip stability (60 min/d in 30◦ -60◦ degrees
ported standing equipment was evident from the literature. hip abduction), ROM of hip knee and ankle (45-60 min/d),
Not all research reports described this in adequate detail and spasticity (30-65 min/d).42 The majority of included
to be replicated. Comparison interventions were explicitly studies in the 2 other reviews noted 30 minutes as the com-
mentioned in all included RCTs30-33 ; however, SRs often mon duration of supported standing; however, there was
did not record comparison interventions. Where this infor- a large variation in study duration from just 1 session to
Craig et al
Study Level of Articles and Sample Body Structure and Function Activity and Participation
Author Design Evidence Population Intervention(s) Size Outcome Measures Outcome Measures
Autti-Rämö et al28 SR 1 CP I: Upper and lower limb casting 5 SR (n = 663)a EMG, energy expenditure, gait Balance, COPM, functional tasks
and orthoses analysis, muscle tone, muscle (sit to stand, stair use, walking),
C: Varied (eg barefoot condition, strength, quality of movement, GMFM, grasp, hand function/
no casting, within participant ROM use, parent perception, Peabody,
orthoses comparison) QUEST, visual motor
Blackmore et al34 SR 2 CP I: Ankle serial casting 19 studies (n = 395) 3D gait analysis, passive ankle Noneb
C: No comparison interventions ROM
(eg, 10 of the 12 studies had no
controls); varied (eg, 2 of the
12 studies: NDT-based physical
therapy, physical therapy, and
home program)
Effgen et al35 SR 2 School-aged I: Lower extremity casting, 15 SR (n = not BMD, gait parameters, prevention Balance, functional task (eg, sit to
children with orthoses, splints; passive reported)c of contracture, ROM, spasticity stand), GMFM, hand function
disabilities stretching; weight-bearing
C: No comparison interventions
Figueiredo et al37 SR 2 CP I: Any type of AFO 20 studies (n = 446) EMG, energy expenditure, gait BOTMP, GMFM, GMPM, PEDI
C: Varied (eg, within-group kinematics, gait kinetics, ROM
barefoot condition, shoes only,
hinged or nonhinged AFO)
Franki et al40 SR 2 CP I: Passive stretching and 83 studies (n = 660)d Behavioral state, BMD, bowel ADL (feedback form), endurance
weight-bearing interventions activity (diary), gait analysis, (2-min walk test), CRIB, personal
C: No comparison interventions gait velocity, muscle tone, ROM feeling of improved daily
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Characteristics of Included Studies (Continued)
Study Level of Articles and Sample Body Structure and Function Activity and Participation
Author Design Evidence Population Intervention(s) Size Outcome Measures Outcome Measures
Craig et al
Characteristics of Included Studies (Continued)
Study Level of Articles and Sample Body Structure and Function Activity and Participation
Author Design Evidence Population Intervention(s) Size Outcome Measures Outcome Measures
Pin41 SR 2 CP I: Passive stretching programs 7 studies (n = 133) EMG, gait analysis, ROM, None
C: No detailed information about spasticity
comparison interventions (eg,
3/7 studies participants acted as
their own control with no
record of within-group
comparison intervention; 4/7
studies had a comparison
intervention but not recorded)
Pin43 SR 2 CP I: Static lower or upper body 10 studies (n = 122) Behavioral state, BMD, EMG, gait Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler
weight-bearing analysis, hand posture, hand Development (mental scales),
C: No detailed information about surface area, muscle tone, ROM CRIB, grasp and release, Jebsen
comparison interventions (eg, Taylor Hand Function test,
7/10 studies had a comparison prehension, spontaneous use of
but not recorded) hand
Refshauge et al33 RCOT 2 Charcot-Marie- I: Night ankle orthoses n = 14 Isometric strength, passive ROM None
Tooth C: No night ankle orthoses
Rose et al32 RCT 2 Charcot-Marie- I: Serial night orthoses for 4 wk, n = 30 Ankle ROM (lunge test), foot Balance, falls, mobility (eg, standing
Tooth followed by 4 wk of stretching deformity up from chair, walking, and
C: No intervention stairs), self-reported activity
Abbreviations: ADL, activity of daily living; AFO, ankle-foot orthotic; BMD, bone mineral density; BOTMP, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency; C, comparison; CP, cerebral palsy; COPM, Canadian
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Pediatric Physical Therapy
9 months of intervention.35,43 No studies commented on term effects to either support or abandon upper extremity
the intensity of the intervention, besides 1 RCT that men- casting.36 No studies identified in this review included the
tioned that if night splinting interfered with sleeping, direct measurement of the effect of casting on activity or
participants were to use them during day rest periods participation of children with neuromuscular disabilities.
instead.31 It is important to note that although several of Clinical Recommendation From the Evidence. Us-
the SRs did not record specific dosing parameters, they ing the EATLS, serial casting for short-term improvement
noted a lack of long-term follow-up in their included of ankle ROM is rated as a green intervention supported
studies.28,29,35,37,40 by very low evidence. All other outcome measures have
insufficient evidence, thus casting is rated as a yellow in-
tervention for these measures.
ROM, prevention of contractures, BMD, gait analy-
ses, and spasticity were the most studied body function Orthoses
and structure measures (Table 1). Functional mobility as- Evidence. The most consistent finding among studies
sessment (eg, sit to stand) and the Gross Motor Function identified in this review is that there is very low evidence
Measure were the most common activity measures. The that ankle-foot orthotic (AFO) devices that restrict plan-
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure was the only tarflexion improve gait kinematics and kinetics while the
participation measure identified in any study. device is worn (Table 2).28,29,35,37,38 One SR that compared
articulated and rigid AFOs for children with CP found
significant differences in peak dorsiflexion, reduction in
Analysis of the Evidence double-support time, increase in gait speed, and reduc-
The effectiveness of all of the interventions as coded tion in energy expenditure with the use of an articulated
by ICF levels, GRADE quality of evidence, and by the pre- orthosis.39 There is both conflicting and insufficient evi-
viously mentioned knowledge translation tools is summa- dence on the effectiveness of orthoses for the prevention
rized in Table 2. Because of the large heterogeneity and of contractures, either by the use of AFOs or by wearing
lack of reporting of interventions and outcome measures night splints.28-33,35,37,39 Two randomized trials showed
used in individual studies and SRs, effect-size estimation that night ankle splints or KAFOs do not improve ROM in
and meta-analysis of the data were not performed. children with CP or Charcot-Marie-Tooth, whereas 1 study
found that the expected annual change in tendoachilles
contracture for boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Adverse Events was 23% less in the night splint and passive stretch group
Two RCTs,31,32 and 2 SRs4,36 on casting and orthoses compared with the passive stretch-only group.30,31,33 One
reported on adverse events. Adverse events such as bruis- RCT found that at 4 weeks of postserial night casting, the
ing and blistering were seen in 13% of subjects who had experimental group had significant but small increase in
serial casting,32 whereas the majority of participants in a ankle dorsiflexion; however, these effects were not main-
study on knee-ankle-foot-orthoses (KAFO) reported fre- tained with stretching at 8 weeks.32 There is also conflict-
quent pain because of muscle strain and pressure spots, ing and insufficient evidence in the studies identified to
as well as sleep disturbance.31 Additional complaints of support the use of orthotics for promoting activity or par-
night-time use of KAFOs included hot or sweating legs, ticipation while the device is worn. Two studies reported
itching, cramping, and bed-wetting.31 The most common that wearing a lower extremity device might make func-
adverse events of casting cited from the SRs included skin tional activities, such as rising up from the floor, more
irritation, skin breakdown, and pain.34,36 difficult,28,35 whereas another study showed that orthoses
have a positive effect on functional activities related to
mobility.37 Most SRs reported that there is insufficient ev-
Casting idence to support or refute the use of orthoses in improv-
Evidence. Consistent but very low evidence sup- ing function,28,29,35 whereas the majority of randomized
ports the use of 3 to 5 weeks of ankle casting for the trials30-32 showed no functional difference between exper-
positive short-term effects that it has on passive ankle imental and control groups or did not include a functional
dorsiflexion.28,29,34,35 Short-term improvements in gait pa- measure.33 Several authors mention that the wide variety of
rameters such as self-selected pace and stride length fol- lower limb orthoses investigated as well as different terms
lowing ankle casting have also been noted29,34 ; however, used for the same orthoses made a systematic evaluation
this review did not identify any Level 1 or 2 evidence sup- difficult.28,37,38 Poor compliance and tolerance of night or-
porting or refuting long-term benefits on gait and ROM. thoses has also been cited as a limitation in determining
There is insufficient research on the effectiveness of cast- the effectiveness of this intervention.31,32 No high-quality
ing for other lower extremity joints. One SR that assessed studies that assessed the effectiveness of upper extremity
the effectiveness of upper extremity casting for children orthoses were found.
with neurological conditions concluded that there is insuf- Clinical Recommendation From the Evidence. Ac-
ficient high-quality evidence regarding the effect or long- cording to the EATLS, orthoses that restrict plantarflexion
Quality of GRADE Strength of Traffic Light
Intervention Outcomea Studies Evidenceb Recommendationsc Actiond Comments
Intervention: casting
Body function: PROM of Autti-Rämö et al28 ⊕ Strong for Green: go Effective for increasing ankle
lower limbs Blackmore et al34 Very low range in the short term. No
Effgen et al35 evidence on the long-term
Novak et al29 effects for different joints
Body function: PROM of Autti-Rämö et al28 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
upper limbs Lannin et al36 Very low or refute the use of casting
Novak et al29
Body function: gait kinetics Blackmore et al34 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Immediate gains in gait
and kinematics Effgen et al35 Very low parameters (ie, stride length
Novak et al29 and walking speed) are likely
secondary to improvements in
ROM; however, the long-term
benefits on gait are unknown
Body function: spasticity Blackmore et al34 ⊕ Weak against Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
Lannin et al36 Very low or refute the use of casting
Novak et al29
Activity and participation: Autti-Rämö et al29 ⊕ Weak against Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
functional abilities Blackmore et al34 Very low or refute the use of casting
Effgen et al35
Lannin et al36
Novak et al29
Intervention: orthoses
Body function: PROM and Autti-Rämö et al28 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Effective for increasing ankle
prevention of contracture Effgen et al35 Very low ROM while wearing the
of lower limbs Figueiredo et al37 device. There is no evidence
Hyde et al30 to support or refute the
Maas et al31 long-term benefit of wearing
Neto et al39 orthoses on ROM.
Novak et al29 Compliance has been noted
Refshauge et al33 as an important factor
Rose et al32
Body function: gait kinetics Autti-Rämö et al28 ⊕ Strong for Green: go AFO devices that restrict
and kinematics Effgen et al35 Very low plantarflexion are effective for
Figueiredo et al37 improving gait parameters
Montero et al38 while wearing the device
Neto et al38
Novak et al29
Activity and participation: Autti-Rämö et al28 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
lower limb functional Effgen et al35 Very low or refute the use of lower
abilities Figueiredo et al37 limb orthoses.
Hyde et al30
Maas et al31
Montero et al38
Neto et al39
Novak et al29
Refshauge et al33
Rose et al32
Intervention: positioning, range of motion, stretching
Body function: PROM and Effgen et al35 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
prevention of contracture Franki et al40 Very low or refute the use of stretching
Novak et al29 programs. Although there is
Pin41 insufficient evidence,
Rose et al32 generally studies showed an
increase in ROM
poststretching or a loss of
ROM after stretching stopped
Body function: spasticity Franki et al40 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
Pin41 Very low or refute the use of stretching
Rose et al32 programs
Quality of GRADE Strength of Traffic Light
Intervention Outcomea Studies Evidenceb Recommendationsc Actiond Comments
Activity and participation: Effgen et al35 ⊕ Weak against Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
functional abilities Franki et al40 Very low or refute the use of stretching
Novak et al29 programs
Rose et al32
Intervention: supported standing
Body structure: BMD Effgen et al35 ⊕ Strong for Green: go Effective to increase lower limb
Franki et al40 Very low bone mineral density;
Montero et al38 however unclear whether this
Novak et al29 prevents pathological
Paleg et al42 fractures
Body function: PROM and Effgen et al35 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
prevention of contracture Franki et al40 Very low or refute; however, several
of lower limbs Montero et al38 studies showed a positive
Paleg et al42 effect on hip range of motion
Pin43 or migration percentage
Body function: spasticity Paleg et al42 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Effective in the temporary
Pin43 Very low reduction of lower limb
Activity and participation: Effgen et al35 ⊕ Weak for Yellow: measure Insufficient evidence to support
functional abilities Franki et al40 Very low or refute the use of casting
Montero et al38
Paleg et al42
Abbreviations: AFO, ankle-foot orthosis; BMD, bone mineral density; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation;
PROM, passive range of motion; ROM, range of motion.
a Coded with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.20
b GRADE specifies 4 quality of evidence ratings (high, moderate, low, and very low) that are applied to a body of evidence. The GRADE quality of evidence
rating reflects the confidence that the estimates of the effect are correct.24
c The GRADE strength of a recommendation is separated into strong and weak. It is defined as the extent to which one can be confident that the desirable
effectiveness of this intervention, therefore use this approach); yellow, measure (ie, low-quality or conflicting evidence supporting the effectiveness of this
intervention, therefore measure the outcomes of the intervention when using this approach to ensure the patient’s goal is met; red, stop (ie, high-quality
evidence demonstrating this intervention is unsafe or ineffective, therefore do not use this approach)”.25,26
to improve a child’s gait while the device is worn is a passive stretching for improving ROM and spasticity.40,41
green intervention. Orthotic use for the prevention of con- Although there was limited/weak evidence, generally stud-
tractures and promotion of activity and participation are ies showed an increase in ROM poststretching or a loss
yellow interventions. of ROM after stretching stopped.40,41 One author con-
cluded that it appeared that sustained stretching of longer
Positioning and Stretching duration was preferable to improve range of movements
Evidence. The most commonly reported outcome and to reduce spasticity of muscles around the targeted
measures for positioning and stretching programs were joints.41 No studies identified by this review reported the
prevention of contractures and ROM (Table 1). Two SRs effect of positioning, ROM, or stretching programs on the
reported that there is insufficient evidence to support or activity or participation of children with neuromuscular
refute the use of passive ROM35 or positioning29 to pre- disabilities.
vent contractures. One review29 concluded that manual Clinical Recommendation From the Evidence. There
stretching is ineffective for contracture prevention in the is insufficient evidence to make any recommendations in
short to medium term (<7 mo) based on a comprehen- regard to the use of positioning or stretching programs;
sive and robust meta-analysis; however, this conclusion therefore, all are yellow interventions in accordance with
was based mainly on one review10 that included mostly the EATLS.
adults, only looked at static stretches, and was not able
to define or standardize the control condition of usual Supported Standing Programs
care. Two SRs identified in this study noted that there is Evidence. Six SRs evaluated the effectiveness of sup-
limited or weak evidence to support the effectiveness of ported standing programs.29,35,38,40,42,43 In this review,
Search Strategy
The following search strategy was employed along with relevant MESH terms for each database: “stretches” or “stretch” or
“stretching” or “range of motion” or “passive range of motion” or “active range of motion” or “positioning” or “casting”
or “casts” or “cast” or “splints” or “splinting” or “splint” or “bracing” or “braces” or “brace” or “yoga” or “orthotics” or
“orthoses” or “orthotic” (and) “passive range of motion” or “active range of motion” or “joint mobility” or “flexibility” or
“flexible” or “pain” or “quality of life” or “spastic” or “spasticity” or “activities of daily living” or “activity of daily living”
or “participation” or “contracture” or “contractures.”