Fall 2020 - CS619 - 4429 SRS

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Network Load Controller

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0


Group Id: F20029ECF1 (MC200200302)

Supervisor Name : Syed Shah Muhammad

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
8-12-2020 1.0 Introduction of the project MC200200302
Table of Contents

1. Scope (of the project)

2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements

3. Use Case Diagram

4. Usage Scenarios

5. Adopted Methodology

6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

SRS Document

Scope of Project:

Now a days computer networks are following protocols and practices based on
data plan and control isolation. This allows centralized control and consolidation
to have better service performance and better network control plans. OpenFlow
is a famous protocol that allows management and demarcation of
isolated/distribute control plans on NW devices such as switches, routers
firewalls etc. This project will require the design of a network load controller
with OpenFlow providing GUI interface to Network Administrators/IT officials.
The data from interface will be provided to Load Controller which will then
coordinate with existing nodes to manage all the routes to server. This GUI will
contain classified client nodes having various requirements of bandwidth at
different times. This will be 4 periods with different distribution of bandwidth.
Students will need to select best suitable distribution themselves. There will be
48 client nodes and 4 servers nodes. Students can implement this project using
any modern simulation tool or OpenFlow libraries. Build the custom load
balancer using OpenFlow libraries.

Functional and non Functional Requirements:

This project requires to study the fundamental principles of OpenFlow,

Networking, networks and devices configuration as well as it requires basic to
mid level programming skills in the C/C++ in Linux environment. Students are
required to prepare a presentation on OpenFlow networks and Linux system
programming as part of the first project deliverable i.e. SRS document.

The core functional requirements of package are to:

1. To customize Open Flow Based Controller.
2. Develop GUI Interface for network admins to configure the controller
3. Customize the Network Topology
4. Measure Performance and Utilization Statistics as following:
a. Throughput
b. Delay
c. Utilization
d. Load Distribution
e. Response time

Use Case Diagram(s):

<Provide here the use case diagram of your system>

Usage Scenarios:

<Provide here the usage scenarios of all use cases in table format explaining
Use Case title, Use Case Id, Actions, Description, Alternative Paths, Pre and
Post Conditions, Author, Exceptions. You are supposed to provide a usage
scenario for each of use case shown in use case diagram>

Adopted Methodology
<Write here detail about the adopted methodology for your project. You
must choose VU Process Model which is a combination of waterfall and
spiral models. More or combining two or more methodologies is explained
in SE2 (CS605) handouts. >

Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

<Provide Gantt chart of your final project>

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