Unit-Iii (Free Vibration) Part-A (2 Marks)

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6. Four masses A, B, C and D revolves at equal radii and equally spaced along a shaft.

The mass B is 7kg and

the radii of C and D make angle s of 90˚ and 240 ˚respectively with the radius of B.Find the magnitude of masses
A,C and D and angular position of A . So that the system may be completely balanced. (16)

7. A shaft caries four rotating masses A, B, C and D which are completely balanced. The masses B, C and Dare
50kg, 80kg and 70kg respectively. The masses C and D make angles of 90˚ and 195˚ respectively with mass B in
the same sense. The masses A,B,C and D are concentrated at radius 75mm,100mm,50mm and
90mmrespectively.The plane of rotation of masses B and C are 250mm apart. Determine
(i) the magnitude of mass A and its angular position
(ii) the position of planes A and D. (16)

8. A four cylinder vertical engine has cranks 150mm long. The plane of rotation of the first, second and fourth
cranks are 400mm,200mm and 200mm respectively from that of the third crank and their reciprocating masses
are 50kg,60kg and 50kg respectively. Find the mass of the reciprocating parts for the third cylinder and relative
angular position of the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete balance. (16)

9. A four cylinder vertical engine has cranks 300mm long. The plane of rotation of the first, third and fourth cranks
are 750mm,1050mm and 1650mm respectively from that of the second crank and their reciprocating masses are
10kg,400kg and 250kg respectively. Find the mass of the reciprocating parts for the second cylinder and relative
angular position of the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete balance. (16)

10. Derive the following expression of effects of partial balancing in two cylinder locomotive engine
(i) Variation of tractive force (ii) Swaying couple (iii) Hammer blow (16)


PART-A (2 marks)

1. What are the causes and effect of vibration?

2. Define frequency, cycle, period and free vibration.
3. What are the different types of vibrations?
4. State different method of finding natural frequency of a system.
5. What is meant by free vibration and forced vibration?
6. Define resonance.
7. What is meant by degrees of freedom in a vibrating system?
8. What is the natural frequency of simple spring mass system?
9. Determine the natural frequency of mass of 10kgsuspended at the bottom of two springs (of stiffness: 5N/mm
and 8N/mm) in series.
10. What is the effect of inertia on the shaft in longitudinal and transverse vibrations?
11. State the expression for the frequency of simple pendulum.
12. Give the expression for natural frequency of water, which oscillates in a ‘U’tube manometer?
13. What are the different types of damping?
14. Draw the schematic diagram of a free damped vibration system and write the governing differential equation
of the system.
15. Sketch the Time Vs Displacement for under-damped and over-damped systems.
16. What is the limit beyond which damping is detrimental and why?
17. What is meant by critical damping?
18. What type of motion is exhibited by a vibrating system when it is critically damped?
19. Define critical or whirling speed.
20. What are the factors that affect the critical speed of a shaft?
21. What are the causes of critical speed?
22. Differntiate between transverse and torsional vibrations.


1. Derive an expression for the natural frequency of the free longitudinal vibration by
(i)Equilibrium method (ii) Energy method (iii)Rayleigh’s method (16)

2. In a single degree of damped vibration system a suspended mass of 8kg makes 30 oscillations in 18 seconds.
The amplitude decreases in 18 seconds. The amplitude decreases to 0.25 of the initial value after 5 oscillations.
Determine (i) the spring stiffness (ii) logarithmic decrement (iii) damping factor (iv) Damping coefficient. (16)

3. Determine equation of motion when a liquid column vibrating in a ‘U’tube by

(i) Newton’s method (ii) Energy method and hence find its natural frequency. (16)

4. (i)Deduce the expression for the free longitudinal vibration in terms of spring stiffness, its inertia effect and
suspended mass. (8)
(ii)A spring mass system has spring stiffness ‘s’N/m and has a mass of ‘m’kg.It has the natural frequency of
vibration as 12Hz.An extra 2kg mass is coupled to ‘m’ and natural frequency reduces by 2Hz.Find the value of ‘s’
and ‘m’. (8)

5.Avibrating system consists of a mass of 8kg,spring of stiffness 5.6N/m and dashpot of damping coefficient of
40N/m/s.Find,(i)Critical damping coefficient (ii) the damping factor (iii)the natural frequency of damped vibration
(iv)the logarithmic decrement(v)the ratio of two consecutive amplitude (vi)the number of cycle after which the
original amplitude is reduced to 20 percent.

6. An instrument vibrates with a frequency of 1Hz when there is no damping. When the damping is provided, the
frequency of damped vibration was observed to be 0.9Hz.
Find, (i) damping factor (ii) logarithmic decrement. (16)

7. Find the equation of notion for the spring mass-dashpot system for the cases when
(i) ζ = 2 (ii)ζ = 1 and (iii)ζ = 0.3. The mass ‘m’is displaced by a distance of 30mm and released (16)

8. Between a solid mass of 0kg and the floor are kept two slabs of isolates, natural rubber and felt, in series. The
natural rubber slab has a stiffness of 3000N/m and equivalent viscous damping coefficient of 100 N-sec/m.The

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