USP1224 - Transfer of Analytical Procedures PDF
USP1224 - Transfer of Analytical Procedures PDF
USP1224 - Transfer of Analytical Procedures PDF
Limit of Detection by the receiving unit, and the transfer waiver, which is an
appropriately justified omission of the transfer process. The
See Limit of Detection under Validation of Qualitative Tests tests that will be transferred, the extent of the transfer activ-
for Demonstration of Viable Microorganisms in a Sample. ities, and the implementation strategy should be based on a
risk analysis that considers the previous experience and
knowledge of the receiving unit, the complexity and specifi-
Range cations of the product, and the procedure.
The operational range of a quantitative microbiological
method is the interval between the upper and lower levels Comparative Testing
of microorganisms that have been demonstrated to be de-
termined with precision, accuracy, and linearity. Comparative testing requires the analysis of a predeter-
mined number of samples of the same lot by both the
sending and the receiving units. Other approaches may be
Ruggedness valid, e.g., if the receiving unit meets a predetermined ac-
ceptance criterion for the recovery of an impurity in a
See Ruggedness under Validation of Qualitative Tests for spiked product. Such analysis is based on a preapproved
Demonstration of Viable Microorganisms in a Sample. transfer protocol that stipulates the details of the procedure,
the samples that will be used, and the predetermined ac-
ceptance criteria, including acceptable variability. Meeting
Robustness the predetermined acceptance criteria is necessary to assure
that the receiving unit is qualified to run the procedure.
See Robustness under Validation of Qualitative Tests for
Demonstration of Viable Microorganisms in a Sample.
Covalidation Between Two or More
The laboratory that performs the validation of an analyti-
cal procedure is qualified to run the procedure. The transfer-
ring unit can involve the receiving unit in an interlaboratory
covalidation, including them as a part of the validation team
Add the following: at the transferring unit and thereby obtaining data for the
assessment of reproducibility. This assessment is made using
▲ a preapproved transfer or validation protocol that provides
the details of the procedure, the samples to be used, and
the predetermined acceptance criteria. The general chapter
ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Validation of Compendial Procedures 〈1225〉 provides useful
guidance about which characteristics are appropriate for
Testing to the specification of an ancillary material, inter- Revalidation or partial revalidation is another acceptable
mediate, and/or ingredient and product is critical in estab- approach for transfer of a validated procedure. Those char-
lishing the quality of a finished dosage form. The transfer of acteristics described in 〈1225〉, which are anticipated to be
analytical procedures (TAP), also referred to as method affected by the transfer, should be addressed.
transfer, is the documented process that qualifies a labora-
tory (the receiving unit) to use an analytical test procedure
that originated in another laboratory (the transferring unit), Transfer Waiver
thus ensuring that the receiving unit has the procedural
knowledge and ability to perform the transferred analytical The conventional TAP may be omitted under certain cir-
procedure as intended. cumstances. In such instances, the receiving unit is consid-
The purpose of this general information chapter is to ered to be qualified to use the analytical test procedures
summarize the types of transfers that may occur, including without comparison and generation of interlaboratory com-
the possibility of waiver of any transfer, and to outline the parative data. The following examples give some scenarios
potential components of a transfer protocol. The chapter that may justify the waiver of TAP:
does not provide statistical methods and does not encom- • The new product’s composition is comparable to that
pass the transfer of microbiological or biological procedures. of an existing product and/or the concentration of ac-
tive ingredient is similar to that of an existing product
and is analyzed by procedures with which the receiving
TYPES OF TRANSFERS OF ANALYTICAL unit already has experience.
PROCEDURES • The analytical procedure being transferred is described
in the USP–NF, and is unchanged. Verifiction should
TAP can be performed and demonstrated by several ap- apply in this case (see 〈1226〉).
proaches. The most common is comparative testing per- • The analytical procedure transferred is the same as or
formed on homogeneous lots of the target material from very similar to a procedure already in use.
standard production batches or samples intentionally pre- • The personnel in charge of the development, validation,
pared for the test (e.g., by spiking relevant accurate or routine analysis of the product at the transferring
amounts of known impurities into samples). Other ap- unit are moved to the receiving unit.
proaches include covalidation between laboratories, the If eligible for transfer waiver, the receiving receiving unit
complete or partial validation of the analytical procedures should document it with appropriate justifications.
ELEMENTS RECOMMENDED FOR THE It is recommended that expired, aged, or spiked samples
TRANSFER OF ANAYTICAL PROCEDURES be carefully chosen and evaluated to identify potential
problems related to differences in sample preparation equip-
Several elements, many of which may be interrelated, are ment and to evaluate the impact of potential aberrant re-
recommended for a successful TAP. When appropriate and sults on marketed products. The documentation section of
as a part of pretransfer activities, the transferring unit should the transfer protocol may include report forms to ensure
provide training to the receiving unit, or the receiving unit consistent recording of results and to improve consistency
should run the procedures and identify any issues that may between laboratories. This section should contain the addi-
need to be resolved before the transfer protocol is signed. tional information that will be included with the results,
Training should be documented. such as example chromatograms and spectra, along with
The transferring unit, often the development unit, is re- additional information in case of a deviation. The protocol
sponsible for providing the analytical procedure, the refer- should also explain how any deviation from the acceptance
ence standards, the validation reports, and any necessary criteria will be managed. Any changes to the transfer proto-
documents, as well as for providing the necessary training col following failure of an acceptance criterion must be ap-
and assistance to the receiving unit as needed during the proved before collection of additional data.
transfer. The receiving unit may be a quality control unit,
another intracompany facility, or another company such as THE ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE
a contract research organization. The receiving unit provides
qualified staff or properly trains the staff before the transfer, The procedure should be written with sufficient detail and
ensures that the facilities and instrumentation are properly explicit instructions, so that a trained analyst can perform it
calibrated and qualified as needed, and verifies that the lab- without difficulty. A pretransfer meeting between the trans-
oratory systems are in compliance with applicable regula- ferring and receiving units is helpful to clarify any issues and
tions and in-house general laboratory procedures. Both the answer any questions regarding the transfer process. If com-
transferring and receiving units should compare and discuss plete or partial validation data exist, they should be availa-
data as well as any deviations from the protocol. This dis- ble to the receiving unit, along with any technical details
cussion addresses any necessary corrections or updates to required to perform the test in question. In some cases it
the final report and the analytical procedure as necessary to may be useful for the individuals who were involved with
reproduce the procedure. the initial development or validation to be on site during
A single lot of the article may be used for the transfer, the transfer. The number of replicates and injection se-
because the aim of the transfer is not related to the manu- quences in the case of liquid or gas chromatography should
facturing process but rather to the evaluation of the analyti- be clearly expressed, and, in the case of dissolution testing,
cal procedure’s performance at the receiving site. the number of individual dosage units should be stipulated.