Classwork-13 Solution of Homework
Classwork-13 Solution of Homework
Classwork-13 Solution of Homework
Solution of Homework
Homework 0.1. Prove that, Number of diagonals of a n-gon is
n(n − 3)
Solution: Using this n points number of line segment can be drawn using any two points
among them is
n n(n − 1)
= =
2 2
and among them n many are sides of the polygon. Hence, number of diagonals of a n-gon is
n n(n − 1) n(n − 3)
= −n= −n=
2 2 2
(i) If no 3 of them are colinear then how many straight lines are possible which passes
through them?[By ”passes through them” we mean passes through at least 2 points of
Ans.: A straight will be passes through atmost two points as well , since no three
points are colinear. Hence number of st. lines passes through them
Advanced Mathematics Classes Topic:Combinatorics
Dibyendu Saha Classwork-13 September 18, 2020
(ii) Find number of triangles possible with vertices from these 10 points.
Ans.: Since, no three points are colinear, any combination of these 10 points taking 3
at a time will produce unique triangle. Hence, number of such triangles is
(iii) Suppose, 4 of the 10 points are colinear and among the rest 6 no three are colinear.
Then how many straight lines are possible through these 10 points?
Ans.: If these 4 points were non-colinear, then number of straight lines possible would
But due to colinearity of the four points no different straight lines will be formed by
them. Hence we have to subtract 2 many straight lines which in this case actually
produces same straight line and count 1 for that straight line. hence, the number of
straight lines is
10 4
= − +1
2 2
(iv) In the same set up i.e. 4 of the 10 points are colinear and among the rest 6 no three
are colinear. Then how many triangles are possible through these 10 points?
Ans.: If these 4 points were non-colinear, then number of triangles possible would be
But due to colinearityof the four points no triangles will be formed by them. Hence
we have to subtract 43 from the above. Hence, number of triangle possible will be,
10 4
= −
3 3
Example 1.2. Suppose you have 5 thousand rupees notes, 4 fifty rupees notes and 3 five
rupees notes. How many donation amounts are possible?
Advanced Mathematics Classes Topic:Combinatorics
Dibyendu Saha Classwork-13 September 18, 2020
Solution: Here, due to the limited number of supply of each kind of notes, we can nicely
decompose any donation amount into unique break up. For example, suppose the donation
amount is 2055 then the only possibility is to take 2 thousand rupees notes, 1 fifty rupees note
and 1 five rupee note. So any combination will contain some thousand rupees notes some
fifty rupees notes and some five rupees notes, let these numbers be x, y and z respectively.
Then clearly, number of possibilities of taking thousand rupees notes is (5+1)[take one or
take two or take three or take four or take five or do not take any] i.e. number of possible
values of x is (5+1). Similarly number of possible values of y will be (4+1) and number of
possible values of z will be (3+1). Hence total number of such amounts will be,
= (5 + 1) × (4 + 1) × (3 + 1)
If prime factorisation of a number n is
n = pa11 · pa22 · · · pakk
then number of divisors of n is
(a1 + 1) × (a2 + 1) × · · · × (ak + 1)
Advanced Mathematics Classes Topic:Combinatorics
Dibyendu Saha Classwork-13 September 18, 2020
2α 3β
where, values of α are α = 0, 1, 2 and that of β is β = 0, 1, 2. Hence, sum of the divisors will
= 20 30 + 20 31 + 20 32 + 21 30 + 21 31 + 21 32 + 22 30 + 22 31 + 22 32
= 20 (30 + 31 + 32 ) + 21 (30 + 31 + 32 ) + 22 (30 + 31 + 32 )
= (20 + 21 + 22 )(30 + 31 + 32 )
= (1 + 2 + 22 )(1 + 3 + 32 )
i1 = 0, 1, 2, · · · , a1
i2 = 0, 1, 2, · · · , a2
ik = 0, 1, 2, · · · , ak
= (1 + p1 + p1 + · · · pa11 )(1
+ p2 + p22 + · · · pa22 ) · · · (1 + pk + p2k + · · · pakk )