WHO Are We Empathizing With?
WHO Are We Empathizing With?
WHO Are We Empathizing With?
How do you feel whenever you hear about 3 What do they SEE?
plastic pollution? Do your neighbors or family still uses plastic
What are your ways to help in lessening the products instead of recyclable materials?
accumulation of plastic pollution?
What type of plastic did you see in your
How much are you willing to pay for it?
marketplace that is frequently used?
6 What do they HEAR? Do your marketplace influence you to buy plastic
What problems do you hear that are or cellophane?
related to the overconsumption of What did you see in your environment about the
conventional plastics?
growing garbages of plastics?
What do you hear about the
ways/steps to reduce/eradicate
commercial plastics usage in your
community? 4
Do you hear about some alternative What do they SAY?
solutions that are eco-friendly to How much is the product?
prevent plastic pollution? Do you think it is biodegradable?
Offering people Bioplastic Bag to replace the use
of conventional plastic bags
What do they DO?
Do they often use eco-bags?
Do they recycle plastic bags?
Do they spread awareness of their family, friends, and
acquaintances about the increasing plastic pollution?
© 2017 Dave Gray, xplane.com