PI M4 Infection Control Jan07 PDF

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Module 4 : Infection prevention and control

Title Infection prevention and control

Responsible/facilitators Agency medical coordinator

General Objective To delay or interrupt the transmission of influenza

Specific Objectives • Understand how to prevent infection in health facilities

and in the home
• Understand specific measures to take for patients,
caregivers, health and other essential staff
• Understand that a risk assessment must be performed
to determine PPE usage
• Practise the use and disposal of gloves and masks
• Practise hand washing
• Understand how to manage waste and how to handle
the deceased

Methodology Presentation: Power point or printed in A3 (laminated).


Instructions for facilitators Included in body of module

Messages to retain Social distancing / Separation

Respiratory etiquette
Hand hygiene
PPE according to risk assessment

Contents See text

Documents Power point or printed in A3 presentation

Bibliography none

• Duration = 2 hours 30 minutes

Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation in refugee and displaced populations. 1

WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
Module 4 - infection prevention and control
Hand washing and use of PPE cannot solely be explained, they have to be demonstrated.
Prepare water, soap, alcohol rub, masks, respirators and so on. Make sure you know
how to use them before and read if necessary.

Details explanation can be found in WHO documents such as the interim infection
control guidelines, available at http://tinyurl.com/p7hma or


Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation in

refugee and displaced populations
WHO training modules for humanitarian agencies

Module 4
Infection prevention and control

Pandemic influenza training modules for humanitarian agencies

1| Module 4: infection prevention and control



z Understand how to prevent infection in health facilities and in the


z Understand specific measures to take for patients, caregivers, health

and other essential staff

z Understand that a risk assessment must be performed to determine

PPE usage

z Practise the use and disposal of gloves and masks

z Practise hand washing

z Understand how to manage waste and how to handle the deceased

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Actions to prevent infection

1. Cover coughs and sneezes

(everyone, always)
2. Distancing / separation
(everyone, always)
3. Hand hygiene
(everyone, always)
4. Personal protective equipment (PPE) for essential staff
(according to risk assessment ie what procedures or duties you
are doing)

Note: PPE = masks/gloves/goggles

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As the majority of transmission occurs when infected people come into close contact
with others, the 3 main measures recommended generally are :

• Social distancing /separation of AT LEAST 1m between people/ separation of well

and sick individuals

• Cough/respiratory etiquette
ƒ Wear masks if available.
ƒ Sneeze/cough into your sleeve or cover with tissue or scarf or
ƒ If you have coughed/sneezed into your hands, wash hands
immediately with soap and water.
• Hand washing
ƒ Before eating or feeding others, after coughing/sneezing, after
touching patients or their bed sheets, clothes and utensils, before
and after preparing food, after going to the toilet, after removing
masks or gloves.

• In some instances, depending on the risk, PPE (personal protective equipment) such
as masks or eye protection must be worn. This will be discussed later.

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Risk assessment

z Remember transmission of influenza increases if there is:

1. Close contact (usually proximity < 1 metre)
2. Direct contact (with infected patients then self contamination)
3. Indirect contact (with surfaces/objects contaminated with virus
then self contamination)
4. An aerosol generating procedure (endotracheal intubation,
suctioning, nasopharyngeal aspiration/swabbing)

z A risk assessment helps determine what measures

should be used and when to use them

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Control at the source

z The first priority is control at the source of infection – the patient

z A patient should cover mouth and nose, if possible with a mask or

scarf, when in close contact with other people

z During a pandemic, give a surgical or procedure mask to all patients

presenting to health facilities with fever/acute respiratory symptoms
(cough or shortness of breath)

– Masks do not need to be used by patients when they are alone!

– Wearing a mask all day long is difficult and the mask gets wet.

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• The main priority is to control the infection at its source - the patient. If the patient's
cough/sneeze is covered, they will not transmit it to others.

• When a sick individual coughs or sneezes, they must cover their mouth and nose
with a mask or paper tissue or cloth or cough/sneeze into their sleeves to prevent
infectious respiratory droplets from being inhaled by others who are near them,
thereby transmitting the infection to them.

• The next priority is to protect care givers and health care staff as they are frequently
in close contact with sick patients and thus have a much higher risk of getting

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control


z In the home, distance/separate the sick person from those who are
well as much as possible
– (more details on infection prevention at home on slides 7-8)

z In health facilities, separate patients with respiratory symptoms from

– Ensure separate waiting areas for patients with respiratory
– identify those with fever/acute respiratory symptoms (cough or
shortness of breath) before they enter waiting rooms to separate
them from patients with other symptoms
– Maximise distance between beds
– (more details on infection prevention in health facilities on slide 9-18)

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Preventing infection at home

(What the ill person should do)
z The patient should:

– Cover mouth and nose, if possible with a tightly-fitting mask

or scarf, when in close contact with other people

– distance/separate themselves from those who are well as

much as possible

– Avoid close contact with uninfected people for at least 7

days after the beginning of flu symptoms

– Ensure proper hand hygiene

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Preventing infection at home

(what the caregiver should do)
z The caregiver should:
– Cover their mouth and nose, with a mask (if possible) or tightly-fitting
scarf tied at the back of the head.
• Dispose of masks (if available), or wash scarf or cloth, every 4 hours or when visibly wet

– Perform hand hygiene

– Limit close contact with people who are not sick.

– Facilitate air circulation (open windows or tent when climate allows)

– Wash clothes and bed linen (and scarves) that have been in contact
with the patient's respiratory secretions or stools.
• Running water and soap should be used for washing and dry items in the sun.

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• The caregiver should also take measures to prevent disease transmission and protect

• If possible, ONE caregiver should be identified to take care of the sick person.

• The other family members should try to limit close contact with the sick person.

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WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Preventing infection in healthcare facilities

(Key principles)
1. Distancing / separation / restriction of movement and of visitors
2. PPE: gloves, gowns, masks, eye-protection (where appropriate)
3. Hand hygiene
4. Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
5. Waste management
6. Staff health management: Exposure prophylaxis, health monitoring
7. Discharge of patients
8. Care of the deceased

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Preventing infection in healthcare facilities (1)

z Separate patients with respiratory symptoms from others

z Identify a completely separate building or structure, for use
as a temporary respiratory healthcare facility (e.g. school,
open tent)

– with its own respiratory waiting room/area

– with its own respiratory inpatient ward
z Ensure one-way flow of people
z Ensure good ventilation to encourage air flow from the

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Preventing infection in healthcare facilities (2)

z Patients should be triaged even before they enter usual

waiting rooms in health units.
– This means identify those with fever/acute respiratory symptoms
(cough or shortness of breath) to separate them from patients with
other symptoms

– Send these people to the respiratory waiting room in the separate

respiratory healthcare facility

– This can be done with signs or posters so that people with such
symptoms can self-select their appropriate waiting room

– Have a HCW monitor correct usage of waiting rooms

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• People with respiratory symptoms should be identified as early as possible,

BEFORE enter waiting rooms, so they will not infect other people that are ill with
other diseases such as malaria or diarrhoea. Ideally these people should be directed
to specific respiratory health facilities with their own respiratory waiting areas.

• This is called first level TRIAGE.

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Preventing infection in healthcare facilities (3)

z During a pandemic, all patients coming to health facilities with

fever + acute respiratory symptoms (cough or shortness of
breath) must wear a tightly-fitting mask or scarf whilst in waiting

z Anyone in close contact with patients (1metre or less) must also

wear a tightly-fitting mask or scarf .

– Masks do not need to be worn when a person is alone!

– Wearing a mask all day long is difficult and masks get wet!

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• REMEMBER to give a surgical or procedure MASK to all patients presenting to

health facilities with fever/acute respiratory symptoms (cough or shortness of
breath) with explanations as to why and how to wear it.

• The mask is important not only in preventing an influenza patient from transmitting
the disease but also in protecting those patients who do have respiratory symptoms
from another disease and not necessarily have influenza from contracting influenza
as well. The mask will help to protect these patients. It is important that all patients
in the respiratory health facility or waiting area keep this mask on as long as they are
in close contact with other patients and health staff.

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Preventing infection in healthcare facilities (4)

z Once respiratory patients are triaged and sent to the

separate respiratory waiting area
– Then admit only the severe cases to the respiratory
inpatient facility, send other cases home with home-
care instructions

z Suspend elective and non-essential medical services

z Continue essential medical services

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13 | Module 4: infection prevention and control

• A second level of triage should be applied in the respiratory health facility or

waiting area to separate those with severe illness who will benefit from inpatient
case management in order to attend to them first. Thus once the patient has been
seen by the clinician, the needs of the patients should be compared with the capacity
of the health unit to receive patients. Scarce beds should be reserved for those that
have a reasonable chance of improving if they receive inpatient care.

• This is second level TRIAGE.

• If all beds are used by patients who are very severely ill and are likely to die, there
will be no space for those that could survive if helped.

• Conversely, milder cases should be managed at home not to overwhelm the health

• Health systems will be overwhelmed by the amount of work.

• Activities that are life saving and essential should continue.

• Activities that are not absolutely necessary immediately and that could be performed
at a later time, should be deferred, since this will reduce the burden on health
systems and prevent these individuals from unnecessary risk of contracting
influenza in the health care setting.
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WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
Module 4 - infection prevention and control
Preventing infection in healthcare facilities
(the inpatient ward -1 )
z The inpatient ward for patients with suspected influenza must
be separate from other inpatient wards

z Ensure capacity for rapid expansion

– ensure an overflow area if there is large increase in
number of of patients

z Ensure as much spatial separation between patients as

possible (at least 1m).

z If not possible, head-to-toe positioning to maximize

separation between patients' heads

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Preventing infection in healthcare facilities

(the inpatient ward - 2)

z Restrict access

z Minimize the number of entries and exits to the respiratory

inpatient ward.

z Limit visitors

z 8-hour shift limit for health-care workers on duty in the

respiratory inpatient ward.

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control
Preventing infection in healthcare facilities
(the inpatient ward - 3)
z Doors closed

z If possible, open windows to encourage air flow from


z Clean PPE on trolley outside room

z Used PPE, other waste and used linen inside room

z Dedicated equipment

z Keep ward free of excessive equipment or furniture

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Priority for PPE use in health care facilities

1. Control transmission at the source (the patient)

2. Protect care givers / care providers - people in

close contact with patients

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Protecting care givers/care providers

z Respiratory etiquette / social distancing / hand hygiene
– Everyone, always

z Masks
– patients (source) when in close contact with others (receptors)
– health care workers and care givers when in close contact with anyone with
respiratory symptoms
– other essential staff – when in close contact with anyone with respiratory

z PPE (gloves/gowns/aprons/eye protection)

– essential staff only and when…
– performing procedures (specialised medical, cleaning, burials) where eyes,
hands or clothes could get contaminated with respiratory secretions.
– use protection items according to risk, as shown in following tables.

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• Care givers and health care staff must also be protected as they have close contact
with patients.

• Some precautions are universal to everyone - bullet point 1.

• Others will depend on the risk of exposure.

• Masks are used to prevent the inhalation of droplets. When droplets are very small
they are called small particle aerosols and require special masks that have a capacity
to filter such particles (these type of masks are called particulate respirators).

• Eye protection (goggles or face shields) are used to avoid droplet contact with the
eyes. Individuals who wear glasses have some protection against droplets that are
dispersed directly towards the eye.

• Gloves, gowns and aprons prevent contact between the infectious germ and the skin.

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SLIDE 19 and 20
These tables are NOT to be memorized or gone through line by line in the presentation
but to use as a reference.

Precautions for staff working in health care

Aerosol generating Inpatient ward Outpatient Health unit Burial and
procedures health worker health worker non-health staff cleaning staff**
Respiratory etiquette Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social distance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hand Hygiene Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gloves Yes Yes acc. to risk acc. to risk heavy duty
Apron Yes acc. to risk* No acc. to risk Yes
Gown Yes Yes No acc. to risk Yes
Hair cover Yes No No No No
Surgical mask No Yes Yes acc. to risk Yes
Particulate respirator*** Yes No No No No
Eye protection Yes Yes No No No
Surgical mask on patient No acc. to risk acc. to risk acc. to risk No
* According to risk: when transmission is possible because there is a source and a receptor. Example, when patients (the
source) are alone, there is no "receptor" so they do not need to wear a mask. When non-health staff are not in close contact with
patients, they do not need to wear a mask. Gloves, aprons or gowns may be necessary when performing procedures (including
cleaning) where hands or clothes will get contaminated with respiratory secretions.
** Burial and cleaning staff should also wear impermeable heavy duty boots and gloves.
*** Special masks to be used according to manufacturer's specifications

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Precautions for communities and essential

staff working in communities
Community Distributor of Home care Patient Family and
health worker essential services giver community
Respiratory etiquette Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social distance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hand Hygiene Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gloves No No No No No
Apron No No No No No
Gown No No No No No
Hair cover No No No No No
Surgical mask acc. to risk* acc. to risk acc. to risk acc. to risk acc. to risk
Particulate respirator** No No No No No
Eye protection No No No No No
Surgical mask on patient acc. to risk acc. to risk acc. to risk - acc. to risk
* According to risk: where transmission is possible because there is close contact between a source and a receptor. Example,
When patients are alone there is no receptor so they do not need to use a mask. People should maintain distance from others or at
least cover their mouth and nose with a tightly-fitting mask (surgical or made of cloth) or scarf during a pandemic when near anyone
with respiratory symptoms to prevent infection.
** Special masks to be used according to manufacturer's specifications

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Masks (1)
z Health-care workers who have direct close contact with
influenza patients should wear a particulate respirator* if
available or a tightly-fitting surgical mask and eye protection
– or a tightly-fitting scarf or a piece of cloth over the nose and
mouth, if masks are unavailable
*special masks that should be used according to manufacturer's specifications

z Masks, if worn and disposed of properly, are likely to be the

most effective PPE intervention (ie out of gloves, aprons,
gowns, goggles)

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• If masks are not available, a scarf or a tissue that covers the mouth and nose will
help to retain the droplets that transmit the disease.

• Certain procedures produce very small respiratory particles, smaller than the usual
droplets. Some of these procedures include: endotracheal intubation, suctioning, or
taking throat or nasopharyngeal swabs.

• These very small particles are called small particle aerosols which travel further and
require the use of masks that have a better fit to prevent disease transmission. These
special masks are termed particulate respirators and have technical names such as
N95 or EU FFP2.

• Do not perform those procedures if you can not take the adequate precautions.

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WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
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• Before reading the slide you should ask two or three volunteers, health unit medical
staff, to put a mask on.

• Once the mask is on, he or she must show how well the mask is fitted to his/her

• Ask other participants to comment on how they performed. Ask them to keep the
masks on until slide 25.

Putting on a mask

Place fingertips of
Pull top strap over your
Position mask both hands at top of
Cup mask in your head resting it high at
under your chin the metal nosepiece.
hand with the the top back of your
with the Mould nosepiece to
nosepiece at your head.
nosepiece up. shape of your nose.
fingertips allowing Pull the bottom strap Do not pinch
the headbands to over your head and nosepiece
hang freely below position it around the
your hand. neck below ears.

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Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Masks (2)

z Any respiratory aerosol-generating

procedure (suctioning, intubation,
nasopharyngeal swabbing) must
NOT be performed without full PPE
– (particulate respirator and not a surgical mask,
long-sleeved gown, goggle, gloves)
Exhale sharply. If leakage,
adjust position and/or
z Particulate respirator masks should tension straps. Retest the
be used as per manufacturer's seal.

instructions. They should at least Inhale deeply. If no

leakage, negative
have a seal check performed (see pressure will make
respirator cling to your
picture) face.

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Masks (3)
z Masks should be thrown away (or scarves removed & washed)
– when leaving isolation wards, OR
– every 4 hours OR
– when wet or visibly soiled

z After disposing of/removing masks/scarves, hand hygiene must

be performed

z Other essential staff (without direct patient responsibilities)

– Should also wear masks (or scarves) but
– change masks (or scarves) twice a day, or when wet or visibly soiled.

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• Masks have to be changed when they are wet and anyone touching the mask must
wash their hands afterwards.

• If a scarf is issued it should the washed twice a day with water and soap to destroy
the virus that remains trapped in the cloth.

• If a tissue is used, it is must be disposed of safely and eventually incinerated.

• Hands must be washed after any contact with used masks, scarves or tissues.

• Other essential staff such as food distributors or water handlers or security personnel
may come in close contact with large numbers of people who are potentially
infected, and therefore should also be protected.

• They do not need to wear masks at all times but only when they are in close contact
with people for example when distributing rations

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Ask the volunteers with the masks on to now remove the masks one by one and again
ask the participants to comment. Then show this slide.

Removing a mask
z Do NOT touch the mask itself.

z Lift the bottom elastic over your head first

z Then lift off the top elastic

z If no elastics, untie.

z Discard

z Wash hands afterwards.

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• The presenter should say that a used mask may be contaminated and should be
removed without having contact with the filtering surface.

• The volunteers (who have kept their masks on since slide 22) should now remove
their masks one by one following the instructions.

• If possible, provide a mask to each participant and allow them to practise the
placement and removal of it.

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z A new gown should be worn for

every patient contact or if
resources limited, for every
entry into inpatient respiratory

z The sleeve cuff should be

tucked into the gloves

z Discard immediately if visibly


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Removing gowns

• Unfasten ties

• Peel gown away from neck and shoulder

• Turn contaminated outside toward the inside

• Fold or roll into a bundle

• Discard

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• Before reading the slide you should ask 2-3 health unit medical staff, to put gloves
on and to keep them on until the next slide.

z Gloves should be worn if contact with blood and body fluids is
anticipated, but are not a substitute for hand hygiene
– Before all patient contact
– Before all cleaning
– Before handling soiled linen & waste or contact with lab specimens

z Gloves must be disposed of after each use

z Dispose of gloves before exiting the inpatient ward - do not

keep the gloves on outside of the patient’s room

z Hands should be washed after disposal of gloves

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Dos and Don’ts of PPE Use

z Protect yourself, others, and the environment
z Limit opportunities for “touch contamination”
z Avoid touching:
– your face or mask or adjusting PPE with contaminated gloves

– environmental surfaces except as necessary during patient care

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• See if any of the participants with the gloves on have contaminated themselves.

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Removing gloves

• Grasp outside edge near wrist

• Peel away from hand, turning glove inside-out
• Hold in opposite gloved hand

• Slide ungloved finger under the wrist of the remaining

• Peel off from inside, creating a bag for both gloves

• Discard

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• Ask each of the participants with the gloves on to demonstrate removal of gloves as
described in the slide.

• Other participants should be able to comment on who managed the procedure the
best and why.

• All participants should then practise putting on and removing gloves 1-2 times.

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Principles for use and removal of PPE

z Outside dirty, inside clean; front dirty, back clean

z Dirty z Clean
– Outside front – Inside
– Contact with – Outside back
• body sites, – Ties on head
and back
• materials,
• environmental

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Order of removal of PPE

1. Face shield / goggles
2. (Cap)
3. Apron
4. Gown
5. (Shoe Covers)
6. Gloves
7. Alcohol hand rub or wash hands
8. Mask, WITHOUT touching the front part
9. Alcohol hand rub or wash hands

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Hand hygiene

z Hand hygiene prevents the spread of many infections in a

health-care facility

z Hands should be cleaned after touching people or

contaminated objects or surfaces
– Wash with soap and water or ash, rubbing for 20 seconds
before rinsing
– Rub hands with an alcohol-based preparation until hands dry

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• Virus particles can be found on hands after coughing/sneezing, on sick people, their
clothes, surfaces and objects that have been in contact with sick people, on used
PPE such as masks, gloves, gowns.

• Hand washing after contact with any of the above is crucial. If you have been in
contact with patients, wash your hands before interacting or attending to another
person, be this a patient, a colleague or family..

• Soap helps to get rid of most viruses and bacteria but usually does not kill the
viruses or bacteria themselves. However, soap does have a direct action on the
influenza virus and helps to kill it because it destroys the lipid capsule that protects
the virus.

• Wash hands with water and soap. Hot water is not necessary. Soap destroys the

• Alcohol-based gels are very effective but more expensive, they will be limited to
health structures.

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SLIDE 34 and 35
• Attention, these two slides require demonstration and practice. Two participants
should be chosen to demonstrate to peers how do they follow the instructions for
hand hygiene and the other participants must comment on how well they did it.

Hand hygiene with soap and water

Wet hands with apply enough rub hands palm to right palm over left
water soap to cover all palm dorsum with interlaced
hand surfaces fingers and vice versa

palm to palm with backs of fingers to rotational rubbing of rotational rubbing,

fingers opposing left backwards and
interlaced palms with fingers thumb clasped in right forwards with
interlocked palm and vice versa clasped fingers of
right hand in left
palm and vice versa

rinse hands with dry thoroughly with use towel to turn …and your hands
water a single use towel off faucet are safe.

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Hand hygiene with alcohol–based rub

Apply a palmful of the Rub hands palm to Right palm over left
product in a cupped palm dorsum with interlaced
hand and cover all fingers and vice versa

palm to palm with backs of fingers to rotational rubbing of left

fingers interlaced opposing palms with thumb clasped in right
fingers interlocked palm
and vice versa

rotational rubbing, …once dry, your hands

backwards and forwards are
with clasped fingers of safe.
right hand in left
palm and vice versa

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Environmental cleaning and disinfection

z PPE : mask (or scarf), heavy duty gloves and boots, gown, apron.
z Clean first then disinfect, 2 buckets – one each for washing, rinsing
z Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) 1% for disinfection of material contaminated with
body fluids
– Several concentrations may be marketed (e.g., 2.5%, 5%)
– If 5% solution available, mix 1 part 5% solution with 5 parts clean water.
– If 2.5% solution available, mix 2 parts 2.5% solution with 5 parts clean water.
z Clean and disinfect patient areas daily, with particular attention to frequently
touched surfaces – counter tops, door handles, medical equipment.
z Use bleaching powder (7g/1L water ie 70% available chlorine) for disinfection of
z Clean and dry cleaning/disinfection equipment after each use. Clean and
disinfect mop heads daily and dry thoroughly before re-use
z Put used linen in linen bag inside the room; place in another bag outside the
room when taking to laundry area for washing – treat as soiled/contaminated

Pandemic influenza training modules for humanitarian agencies

36 | Module 4: infection prevention and control


Discharging the patient

z Ensure appropriate cleaning and disinfection of the

room and bed

z Do not spray disinfectant

z Ensure appropriate cleaning, disinfection and/or

sterilization of medical equipment

Pandemic influenza training modules for humanitarian agencies

37 | Module 4: infection prevention and control

Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation in refugee and displaced populations. 28

WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Contaminated waste management

z Follow routine procedures for waste management generated at
health facilities

z Used PPE and other waste material from respiratory health facility
should be placed in "biohazard" waste bags inside the room where
waste comes from. At collection, this bag can be put inside another
bag outside the room and then treated as "normal"

z Gloves must be worn when removing waste bags

z Perform hand hygiene afterwards

z Incinerate waste

z Goggles are re-usable – clean prior to sterilization and re-use

Pandemic influenza training modules for humanitarian agencies

38 | Module 4: infection prevention and control

• Careful handling and cleaning of patient care equipment and soiled linen must be
ensured so not to produce aerosols when handling soiled objects.

Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation in refugee and displaced populations. 29

WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
Module 4 - infection prevention and control

Handling the deceased

z The risk that dead bodies pose for public health is very small. The living pose a
greater risk!

z Identify burial sites in advance and ensure capacity for large numbers of bodies.

z Respect culturally appropriate means of disposal of the deceased while avoiding

contact with fluids from the body

z PPE: non-sterile ambidextrous gloves, waterproof gown or apron, surgical or

procedure masks and boots

z If splashing of body fluids anticipated, use hair cover and face shield (preferably) or

z After removing PPE, perform hand hygiene

z Family should wear gloves and gowns and perform hand hygiene

z Seal body in impermeable body bag prior to transfer to mortuary or burial site

Pandemic influenza training modules for humanitarian agencies

39 | Module 4: infection prevention and control

Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation in refugee and displaced populations. 30

WHO Training modules for humanitarian agencies.
Module 4 - infection prevention and control

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