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IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-00.1
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M. G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 8/24/2007

Separate reports provide details of each test, according to the following table:
Report No. Description Clause Issue date
EU1527-H-01 Insulation Withstand Test on Arrester Housing 10.8.2 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-02 Residual Voltage 10.8.3 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-03 Long Duration Current Withstand 10.8.4 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-04 Accelerated Aging Procedure 10.8.5 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-05 Heat Dissipation Behavior of Test Section 10.8.5 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-06 Switching Surge Operating Duty 10.8.5 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-07 Short Circuit 10.8.7 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-08 Internal Partial Discharge 10.8.8 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-09 Bending Moment 10.8.9 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-10 Seal Leak Rate 10.8.11 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-11 RIV 10.8.12 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-12 Moisture Ingress 10.8.13 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-13 Weather Ageing 10.8.14 9/29/2006
EU1527-H-14.1 Power Frequency Voltage Versus Time Annex D 8/24/2007

IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-01
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Insulation Withstand Test on Arrester Housing

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M. G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006



Insulation Withstand Test on Arrester Housing

Insulation withstand tests were made on one arrester unit with internal components
removed, in accordance with the requirements of clause 10.8.2 of IEC 60099-4. It is
required that the external insulation withstand of the arrester housing conforms to the
• Lightning impulse withstand voltage in dry conditions shall not be less than the
lightning impulse protective level of the arrester unit multiplied by 1.3.
• Switching impulse withstand voltage in wet conditions shall not be less than the
switching impulse protective level of the arrester unit multiplied by 1.25.
• Power frequency withstand voltage (peak value) in wet conditions shall not be
less than the switching impulse protective level of the arrester unit multiplied by
1.06 for a duration of 1 min.


The PH3 series of arresters use four different housing lengths, all using the same
weathershed geometry. The insulation withstand tests were performed on a sample
constructed with the longest housing. The highest Uc used in this housing is 120 kV, for
which the lightning impulse protective level is 358 kV at 10kA, and the maximum
switching impulse protective level is 296 kV at 1kA.

Lightning impulse
The lightning impulse test was performed under dry conditions by applying 15 positive
and 15 negative full-wave lightning-impulse voltages to the test sample. The impulse
voltages had a virtual front time of 1.2 µs (±30%) and a virtual time to half value of 50
µs (±20%). The test sample withstood all impulses without disruptive discharge. The
withstand voltages obtained were corrected to standard atmospheric conditions in
accordance with IEC 60060-1.

The required minimum lightning impulse withstand voltage is 1.3 times the maximum
lightning impulse protective level, or 1.3 x 358 = 466 kV.

Switching impulse
The switching impulse test was performed under wet conditions by applying 15 positive
and 15 negative full-wave switching-impulse voltages to the test sample. The
precipitation conditions and resistivity of the water were in accordance with the
requirements of IEC 60060-1. The impulse voltages had a time to crest value of 250 µs
(±20%) and a time to half value of 2500 µs (±60%). The test sample withstood all
impulses without disruptive discharge. The withstand voltages obtained were corrected
to standard atmospheric conditions in accordance with IEC 60060-1.


The required minimum switching impulse withstand voltage is 1.25 times the maximum
switching impulse protective level, or 1.25 x 296 = 370 kV.

Power frequency
The power frequency test was performed under wet conditions by applying a 60 Hz
voltage for a duration of 1 min. The precipitation conditions and resistivity of the water
were in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60060-1. The test sample withstood the
applied voltage without disruptive discharge.

The required minimum power frequency withstand voltage is 1.06 times the maximum
switching impulse protective level, or 1.06 x 296 = 312 kVpeak.

Tests were successfully performed at levels higher that exceeded the minimum levels
indicated above. Results are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Measured and corrected withstand values

Atmospheric conditions Correction factors

Ambient Corrected
withstand Air Absolute Air
Withstand test temperatu Humidity withstand
voltage pressure humidity density
kV pk C KPa gm-3 k1 k2 kV peak
669 27.2 97.9 13.3 .943 1.027 690
impulse, pos
830 18.4 97.9 11.8 .971 1.005 850
impulse, neg
500 18.7 98.1 Wet test -- 1.000 500
impulse, pos
634 18.7 98.1 Wet test -- 1.000 634
impulse, neg
60 Hz 355 18.6 98.0 Wet test -- 1.000 355


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-02
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Residual Voltage

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M. G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006



Residual Voltage

Residual voltage measurements were made on three single resistor elements. Tests were
conducted in accordance with clause 10.8.3 of IEC 60099-4, to determine steep current
impulse residual voltages at 10 kA, lightning impulse residual voltages at 5 kA, 10 kA
and 20 kA, and switching impulse residual voltages at 0.25 kA and 1 kA. Oscillograms
of current and voltage were obtained for each test.

For each test sample, all measured voltages have been rationalized to the lightning
impulse residual voltage of that sample at nominal discharge current (10 kA 8/20), and
the results have been displayed in graphical form.

Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the residual voltages measured on test samples 1, 2 and 3,
respectively. For each test sample, the measured residual voltages have been expressed
in per unit of the lightning impulse residual voltage at nominal discharge current (10 kA,
Table 1. Measurements made on test sample 1

Waveshape Residual Voltage Oscillogram
Test Wave magnitude
kA _s kV p.u. number
Steep 1.090
10 1/2 14.583 34
5 12.471 0.932 7
10 8/20 13.385 1.000 10
20 14.452 1.080 13
Switching 0.25 43/91 10.040 0.777 19
impulse 1 40/86 11.050 0.826 25

Table 2. Measurements made on test sample 2

Waveshape Residual Voltage Oscillogram
Test wave magnitude
kA _s kV p.u. number
Steep 1.087
10 1/2 14.545 35
5 12.465 0.932 8
10 8/20 13.380 1.000 11
20 14.436 1.079 14
Switching 0.25 43/91 10.358 0.774 20
impulse 1 40/86 11.050 0.826 26


Table 3. Measurements made on test sample 3

Waveshape Residual Voltage Oscillogram
Test wave magnitude
kA _s kV p.u. number
10 1/2 14.596 1.090 36
5 12.479 0.932 9
10 8/20 13.396 1.000 12
20 14.478 1.081 15
Switching 0.25 43/91 10.358 0.773 21
impulse 1 40/86 11.029 0.823 27

The results are shown graphically in the following chart.


Steep impulse
Residual voltage - p.u.

1 Lightning impulse


Switching impulse

0 5 10 15 20
Current - kA

The values shown in this chart are all normalized to the lightning impulse residual
voltage at nominal discharge current (10 kA). These values (Per-unit Ures-chart) are used
to calculate the residual voltage characteristics (U res-arrester) of assembled PH3 series
arresters. For the cases of switching impulse and lightning impulse residual voltages, the
arrester residual voltages are calculated as follows:

Ures-arrester = Per-unit Ures-chart x Ures-nom


where Ures-nom is the published maximum lightning impulse residual voltage of the
arrester, as verified by routine test at time of arrester manufacture.

For the case of steep current impulse residual voltage, the arrester residual voltage is
calculated as follows:

Ures-arrester = Per-unit Ures-chart x Ures-nom + L’ h In / Tf

L’ is the inductivity per unit length (= 1 µH/m)
h is the length of the arrester (excluding the resistors since resistor inductance is already
included in the test measurements)
In is the nominal discharge current (= 10 kA)
Tf is the front time of the steep current impulse (= 1µs)




Oscillogram 7
Sample 1


Oscillogram 8
Sample 2


Oscillogram 9
Sample 3


Oscillogram 10
Sample 1


Oscillogram 11
Sample 2


Oscillogram 12
Sample 3


Oscillogram 13
Sample 1


Oscillogram 14
Sample 2


Oscillogram 15
Sample 3


Oscillogram 19
Sample 1


Oscillogram 20
Sample 2


Oscillogram 21
Sample 3


Oscillogram 25
Sample 1


Oscillogram 26
Sample 2


Oscillogram 27
Sample 3


Oscillogram 34
Sample 1


Oscillogram 35
Sample 2


Oscillogram 36
Sample 3


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-03
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Long Duration Current Impulse Withstand Tests

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006
Long Duration Current Impulse Withstand Tests

Long duration current impulse withstand tests were performed on three test samples,
each consisting of two resistors (75 mm diameter, 44 mm long) in series. The resistors
were selected to represent the lowest acceptable reference voltage level. The tests were
conducted in accordance with clause 10.8.4 of IEC 60099-4. Prior to the administering of
line discharges, measurements were made of the residual voltage and reference voltage on
each test sample. The transmission line parameters conformed to the requirements for
Line Discharge Class 4 in Table 5 of IEC 60099-4.

Table 1 lists the parameters of the test sections and the corresponding transmission line
parameters used for the test. Uc for the PH3 series of arresters has been established as
0.795 times the lowest acceptable reference voltage in routine tests, and Ur has been
established as 1.25 times Uc . This would normally be represented in the type test by
assigning the test sample Uc equal to 0.795 x Uref of the test sample, and test sample Ur at
1.25 times this value . However, in this particular test, Uc was set at a higher value than
that used in the actual design (specifically, 0.81 x Uref), thereby making the test more
onerous. The minimum energy required for each line discharge for Class 3 arresters is
determined from the following formula given in Clause 8.4.2 of IEC 60099-4
W = Ures x (UL – Ures ) x 1/Z x T

where Ures is the switching impulse residual voltage at 250 A.

Table 1. Parameters for Line Discharge Tests

Parameter Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Switching impulse residual voltage (kV) Ures 20.62 20.56 20.64
Initial Residual Voltage (kV) @ 10 kA, 8/20 26.67 26.67 26.65
Reference Current (mA) Iref 9.5 9.5 9.5
Reference Voltage (kVc / √2) Vref 11.51 11.51 11.50
COV ( kV rms) Uc 9.33 9.32 9.32
Rating (kV rms) Ur 11.66 11.65 11.65
Arrester Classification (kA) 10 10 10
Line Discharge Class 3 3 3
Virtual Duration of Peak (µs, 90-90%) - min 2 400 2 400 2 400
Surge Impedance (Ω) Zg - max (1.3 Ur) 15.16 15.15 15.15
Charging Voltage (kV) UL – min (2.8 Ur) 32.65 32.62 32.62
Energy required (kJ) - min 39.3 39.3 39.3

Each sample was subjected to 18 line discharges, administered in six groups of three
discharges. Within each group of three discharges, the time interval between discharges
was 50 to 60 seconds. The samples were allowed to cool to ambient temperature
between groups of discharges.

A short circuit test was performed on the generator to confirm that generator impedance
and duration of the current discharge met the requirements listed in Table 1. The
oscillogram of Figure 1 shows

Z g = 13 221 V / 876.38 A = 15.086 Ω Virtual Duration of Peak = 2 453 µs

Table 2 lists the current and voltage magnitudes and discharge energy measured on each of
the 18 discharges on each of the three test samples. Figures 2, 3 and 4 show oscillograms
of the first and eighteenth discharges for each of the three samples, respectively.
Ambient air temperature at the time of the test was 22 °C.

Figure 1. Oscillogram of discharge current for generator short circuit set up test

Table 2. Line Discharge Test Measurements

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Impulse V E V I V E
I (A) I (A) E (kJ)
(kV) (kJ) (kV) (A) (kV) (kJ)
1 711 22.18 45.0 765 21.45 46.7 763 21.43 47.1
2 738 21.83 45.9 747 21.78 46.4 742 21.88 46.3
3 717 22.16 45.3 721 22.14 45.7 721 22.22 45.7
4 772 21.51 47.2 774 21.47 47.2 767 21.51 47.0
5 738 21.83 45.9 751 21.85 46.5 740 21.91 46.2
6 744 21.89 46.5 717 22.20 45.7 719 22.28 45.5
7 763 21.51 47.0 763 21.49 46.8 761 21.53 46.9
8 742 21.93 46.1 736 21.87 46.1 738 21.93 46.0
9 719 22.26 45.5 717 22.16 45.4 717 22.24 45.4
10 717 22.42 45.4 772 21.45 46.9 759 21.53 46.7
11 740 21.89 46.1 736 21.89 46.0 740 21.88 46.0
12 717 22.20 45.5 715 22.20 45.5 719 231.88 45.2
13 763 21.51 46.9 763 21.47 46.9 761 21.53 46.8
14 738 21.93 46.0 736 21.91 46.1 736 21.89 45.9
15 717 22.24 45.4 715 22.24 45.5 717 22.28 45.4
16 779 21.56 47.8 770 21.47 47.2 764 21.56 47.0
17 752 21.97 46.9 745 21.85 46.5 745 21.95 46.3
18 724 22.31 46.1 722 22.18 45.8 714 22.24 45.6

Subsequent to the completion of the transmission line discharges, the residual voltage at
nominal discharge current was re-measured and compared to the initial values for each test
sample. Results are summarized in Table 3. The maximum change of residual voltage of
the three samples is less than the permissible change of 5 % defined by IEC 60099-4.

Table 3. Initial and final residual voltage measurements

Residual voltage (kV)

Sample Change
Before After
1 26.67 26.65 - 0.08%
2 26.67 26.60 - 0.27%
3 26.65 26.65 0%

Disassembly of the test samples at the end of the electrical tests revealed no evidence of
physical damage.

Sample 1, Discharge 1

Sample 1, Discharge 18

Figure 2. Oscillograms of line discharges for sample 1

Sample 2, Discharge 1

Sample 2, Discharge 18

Figure 3. Oscillograms of line discharges for sample 2

Sample 3, Discharge 3

Sample 3, Discharge 18

Figure 4. Oscillograms of line discharges for sample 3


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-04
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Accelerated Aging Procedure

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Accelerated Ageing Procedure

Accelerated aging tests were performed on three resistor elements, each 56mm diameter
and 41mm long. The tests were conducted in accordance with the requirements of clause
10.8.5 of IEC 60099-4 (requiring the accelerated ageing procedure of clause 8.5.2 to be
administered). The test samples were placed in an air oven and energized at a voltage
equal to the corrected maximum continuous operating voltage, Uct , for 1000 hours. Uct is
the voltage that corresponds to the maximum voltage to which a resistor would be
subjected in a complete arrester, taking into account non-uniform voltage distribution
along the arrester length. PH3 arresters are designed such that the maximum voltage stress
at any point along the resistor column is not more than 1.15 times the average stress along
the column.

The temperature of the samples was maintained at 115 °C ± 2 °C for the duration of the

Power dissipation was measured on each sample throughout the 1000 h test period.

Clause 8.5.2 of IEC 60099-4 defines three power dissipation values:

• P1ct , measured 1 h to 2 h after the initial voltage application
• P2ct , measured after 1000 h
• P3ct , the minimum value attained during the 1000 h test period.

If P2ct is equal to or less than 1.1 times P3ct , then the switching surge operating duty test
of Clause 8.5.5 of IEC 6099-4 is to be performed on new resistors. Furthermore, if P2ct is
equal to or less than P1ct , then the rated voltage and continuous operating voltage used for
the operating duty test are not subject to any modification.

Table 1 lists sample characteristics and calculated minimum test voltage Uct . The test
voltage was set to 5.30 kVrms

Table 1. Parameters for accelerated ageing test

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Reference current - mA 9.5 9.5 9.5
Reference voltage, Uref – kVpk/√2 5.76 5.75 5.74
Uc (0.795 x Uref) - kVrms 4.58 4.57 4.56
Uct (1.15 x Uc) - kVrms 5.27 5.26 5.25


Figure 1 graphically displays the measurements made during the 1000 h test period.
Table 1 summarizes the values of P1ct, P2ct and P3ct for each sample. The requirements
that P2ct is equal to or less than 1.1 times P3ct , and P2ct is equal to or less than P1ct are met
for all three samples. Consequently, no modification needs to be made to the rated
voltage and continuous operating voltage in the operating duty test, and the operating
duty test can be performed on new resistors.

Table 1. Power dissipation values

Power dissipation Power dissipation Minimum power

at 2 h at 1000 h dissipation
P1ct (W) P2c t (W) P3ct (W)
1 6.39 4.11 4.11
2 6.36 4.11 4.11
3 6.17 4.01 4.01

12 120


10 100
Applied voltage - kVrms
Power dissipation - W

Power dissipation of samples

8 80

Temperature - C
6 60


4 40

2 20

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time - min
Figure 1. Power dissipation, voltage and temperature measurements
during 1000 h test period


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-05
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Heat Dissipation Behaviour of Test Section

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Heat Dissipation Behaviour of Test Section

Tests were performed as required by clause 10.8.5 and Annex B of IEC 60099-4, to
compare the cooling characteristics of the test section used for type tests with those of a
full-size arrester unit. For this purpose, a specially modified arrester unit with
Ur = 150 kV unit and a test section with Ur = 10.6 kV were prepared. The 150 kV rated
unit, which represents the highest individual unit rated voltage and the most resistors per
unit length of all units used in the arrester design, was equipped with thermocouples
located at one-third (top), one-half (middle) and two-thirds (bottom) positions along the
unit length. The test section was comprised of two resistor elements (56 mm diameter,
41 mm long) assembled into a short section of polymeric housing, insulated on top and
bottom ends to control the rate of cooling to meet the requirements that the test section
cools at a rate not greater than that of the assembled unit. A thermocouple was located at
the mid-height of the two-resistor stack

Both assembled unit and test section were heated electrically with a power frequency
overvoltage to raise the average temperature of the resistors to 120oC in the same amount
of time. The voltage was removed and the samples allowed to cool naturally.
Temperature measurements were made throughout the cooling period.

The resistors in both the assembled unit and the test section were heated by applying a
voltage sufficiently above Ur to raise the resistor temperature to 120oC in approximately
4 min. Figure 1 graphically displays the cooling of both samples over a period of
approximately 3.5 hours.

With both samples starting from the same initial temperature of 120oC, the temperature
of the resistors in the test section above the temperature of the resistors in the fully
assembled unit throughout the cooling period. This demonstrates the validity of the test
section for use in type tests involving thermal recovery.



Arrester Top
Arrester Middle
Arrester Bottom
Temperature (C)






0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)

Figure 1. Cooling curves of fully assembled arrester unit and test section


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-06
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Switching Surge Operating Duty Test

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Switching Surge Operating Duty Test

Switching surge operating duty tests, in accordance with the requirements of clause 10.8.5
of IEC 60099-4, were performed on three prorated test sections. The test sections were
prepared based on the results of the tests to verify heat dissipation behaviour of test
sample (see EU1527-H-05 section of PH3 type test report). Each section consisted of
two resistors (56 mm diameter, 41 mm long) in series. The resistors were selected to
represent the lowest acceptable reference voltage level. Prior to the conditioning portion
of the test, measurements were made of the lightning impulse residual voltage of each
section, and also of reference voltage of each section.

The conditioning portion of the test consisted of two parts. In the first part, a series of
twenty 8/20 lightning current impulses was applied to each section, with peak value of
the impulses being equal to the nominal discharge current. The series of impulses was
divided into four groups of five, with the interval between impulses within each group
being between 50 and 60 seconds and the interval between groups being between 25 and
30 minutes. Test sections were energized at 60 Hz voltage of 1.2 × Uc during the
application of the impulses within each group. The impulses were timed to occur 60°
before the crest of the 60 Hz voltage with the same polarity of the impulse. In the second
part, a series of two 100kA 4/10 impulses were applied to each section, with the section
allowed to cool to ambient temperature between impulses.

Following the conditioning portion of the test, each section was placed in an oven and
heated overnight to 60 ± 3 °C. After removal from the oven, each section was subjected
to two long duration current impulses, with time between impulses being between 50 and
60 seconds. The parameters of the transmission line used to generate these impulses
conformed to the requirements for Line Discharge Class 4 in Table 5 of Clause 8.4.2 of
IEC 60099-4. Within 100 milliseconds of the second long duration current impulse, rated
voltage (Ur) was applied to each section for 10 seconds, immediately followed by Uc for
30 minutes, during which period the power dissipation was monitored to verify thermal

At the end of the above test sequence, each section was allowed to cool to ambient
temperature, at which point the lightning impulse residual voltage at nominal discharge
current was re-measured.

Table 1 lists the parameters of the test sections and the corresponding transmission line
parameters used for the test. Uc for the PH3 series of arresters has been established as
0.795 times the lowest acceptable reference voltage in routine tests, and Ur has been
established as 1.25 times Uc . This is represented in this type test by assigning the test


sample Uc equal to 0.795 x Uref of the test sample, and test sample Ur at 1.25 times this
value . The minimum energy required for each line discharge for Class 3 arresters is
determined from the following formula given in Clause 8.4.2 of IEC 60099-4

W = Ures x (UL – Ures ) x 1/Z x T

where Ures is the switching impulse residual voltage at 250 A.

Table 1. Initial Measurements and Parameters for Line Discharge Tests

Parameter Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Switching impulse residual voltage (kV) Ures 20.64 20.64 20.64
Initial Residual Voltage (kV) @ 20 kA, 8/20 26.71 26.71 26.70
Reference Current (mA) Iref 9.5 9.5 9.5
Reference Voltage (kVc / √2) Vref 11.51 11.51 11.50
COV ( kV rms) Uc 9.15 9.15 9.14
Rating (kV rms) Ur 11.44 11.44 11.43
Arrester Classification (kA) 10 10 10
Line Discharge Class 3 3 3
Virtual Duration of Peak (µs, 90-90%) - min 2400 2400 2400
Surge Impedance (Ω) Zg - max (1.3 Ur) 14.87 14.87 14.87
Charging Voltage (kV) UL – min (2.8 Ur) 32.03 32.03 32.00
Energy required (kJ) - min 38.0 38.0 38.0

Figures 1, 2 and 3 show recordings made during application of the 1st and 20th lightning
impulse conditioning discharges on each section. Figures 4, 5 and 6 show recordings made
during application of the 1st and 2nd high current conditioning impulse on each section.

A short circuit test was performed on the generator to confirm that generator impedance
and duration of the current discharge met the requirements listed in Table 1. The
oscillogram of Figure 7 shows

Z g = 10 708 V / 728.09 A = 14.707 Ω Virtual Duration of Peak = 2 457 µs

Table 2 lists the current and voltage magnitudes and discharge energy measured on each of
the two line discharges for each of the three test samples.

Table 2. Line Discharge Test Measurements

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Impulse I V E V E I V E
I (A)
(A) (kV) (kJ) (kV) (kJ) (A) (kV) (kJ)
1 639 21.71 39.6 636 21.72 39.6 627 21.71 39.2
2 617 22.01 38.9 615 22.01 38.9 606 21.96 38.2


Section 1: 1st conditioning impulse

Section 1: 20th conditioning impulse

Figure 1. Oscillograms of 10kA 8/20 conditioning impulses for section 1


Section 2: 1st conditioning impulse

Section 2: 20th conditioning impulse

Figure 2. Oscillograms of 10kA 8/20 conditioning impulses for section 2


Section 3: 1st conditioning impulse

Section 3: 20th conditioning impulse

Figure 3. Oscillograms of 10kA 8/20 conditioning impulses for section 3


Section 1: 1st conditioning impulse

Section 1: 2nd conditioning impulse

Figure 4. Oscillograms of 100kA conditioning impulses for section 1


Section 2: 1st conditioning impulse

Section 2: 2nd conditioning impulse

Figure 5. Oscillograms of 100kA conditioning impulses for section 2


Section 3: 1st conditioning impulse

Section 3: 2nd conditioning impulse

Figure 6. Oscillograms of 100kA conditioning impulses for section 3


Figure 7. Oscillogram of discharge current for generator short circuit set up test

Figures 8, 9 and 10 show oscillograms of the second line discharge and the 10 s
application of Ur on each section. Ambient air temperature at the time of the test was 22
°C. Table 3 lists measurements made during this period.

Table 3. Measurements made during 10 s application of Ur.

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Time Voltage Current Time Voltage Current Time Voltage Current
(s) (kVc) (mAc) (s) (kVc) (mAc) (s) (kVc) (mAc)
0 16.17 98 0 16.16 118 0 16.28 130
1 16.31 101 1 16.33 119 1 16.52 130
2 16.35 101 2 16.39 119 2 16.55 131
4 16.37 101 4 16.39 117 4 16.55 127
6 16.35 103 6 16.38 116 6 16.55 127
8 16.37 105 8 16.39 119 8 16.57 133
10 16.34 103 10 16.40 123 10 16.56 133
Avg rms 11.55 kV Avg rms 11.57 kV Avg rms 11.69 kV
voltage voltage voltage
during during during
10s 10s 10s

- 10 -

Figure 8. Oscillogram of second line discharge for section 1

Figure 9. Oscillogram of second line discharge for section 2

- 11 -

Figure 10. Oscillogram of second line discharge for section 3

Figures 11, 12 and 13 show oscillograms of voltage and current at the beginning and end of
the 30 min application of Uc on each section. Table 4 lists measurements of power
dissipation made during this period.

Table 4. Measurements of power dissipation made during 30 min at Uc

Power Dissipation (W)

Time (min)
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
0 28.5 31.8 26.8
0.5 25.7 27.8 24.3
1 24.1 27.5 23.0
2 22.3 25.4 20.5
5 18.5 23.0 17.1
10 15.5 20.7 15.0
20 12.5 17.9 11.2
30 10.1 15.7 9.2

- 12 -

Figure 11. Oscillograms of voltage and current at the beginning and end of the 30
min application of Uc for section 1

- 13 -

Figure 12. Oscillograms of voltage and current at the beginning and end of the 30
min application of Uc for section 2

- 14 -

Figure 13. Oscillograms of voltage and current at the beginning and end of the 30
min application of Uc for section 3

- 15 -

Subsequent to the completion of the thermal recovery, and after the sections had cooled
to ambient temperature, the residual voltage at nominal discharge current was re-measured
and compared to the initial values for each test sample. Results are summarized in Table
5. The maximum change of residual voltage of the three samples is less than the
permissible change of 5 % defined by IEC 60099-4.

Table 5. Initial and final residual voltage measurements

Residual voltage (kV)

Section Change
Initial Final
1 26.712 27.017 + 1.1 %
2 26.712 26.965 + 0.9 %
3 26.702 27.101 + 1.5 %

Disassembly of the test samples at the end of the electrical tests revealed no evidence of
physical damage.

- 16 -

IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-07
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Short Circuit

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006



Short Circuit

The PH3 series of arresters has a rated short circuit capability of 63 000 A symmetrical.
The physical design of the PH3 arresters is identical to that of PH4 arresters in all
respects except for the diameter of the resistor elements. The PH3 arrester uses 56mm
diameter resistors, compared to 75mm diameter resistors for PH4. High current short
circuit tests were performed at the CESI high power laboratory in Milan, Italy on PH4
arrester units. These tests are sufficient to qualify also the PH3 arrester, because the
reduced amount of internal air space in the PH4 design makes the test of PH4 more
severe. Tests were made according to the procedures described in Amendment 1, Clause
10.8.7, of IEC 60099-4. . Verification of capability requires three high current tests,
performed with rated short circuit current (63 000 A) and two reduced short circuit
currents (25 000 A and 12 000 A). For these tests, fully assembled test units were
prepared, each containing as many resistor elements as possible within the available
stacking length. The internal elements of each test unit were shorted by a fuse wire
running along the outside of the stack of elements. The units tested represented the
longest mechanical unit used in the PH3 and PH4 series of arresters.

Complete results of the testing are contained in a CESI test report that is available on
request. Results are summarized in the following extracts from the CESI report.

The test samples were of the longest individual unit length used in PH3 and PH4 arresters
(1352 mm without terminal cap, 1495 mm with terminal cap). The test samples
contained as many resistor elements as good be assembled into the unit. Figure 1 shows
the general arrangement of the test set up. Figure 2 shows one of the units in the test

All three samples successfully withstood their respective short circuit current tests with
no fracturing of the polymer housing. Actual prospective rms values of test currents
were 14 400 A, 28 000 A and 68 500 A. For the rated current test, the peak of the first
half cycle of test current was 162 500 A, meeting the requirement that this be at least 2.5
times the rms value of the rated short circuit current. Data sheets for the tests are shown
in Figures 3– 5, and associated oscillograms are shown in Figures 6 - 9.


Figure 1. Test circuit arrangement


Figure 2. Test sample mounted in test chamber


Figure 3. Data sheet for 12 000 A test


Figure 4. Data sheet for 25 000 A test


Figure 5. Data sheet for 63 000 A test


Figure 6. Oscillograms for 12 000A test

Figure 7. Oscillograms for 25 000A test


Figure 8. Oscillograms for 63 000A test


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-08
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Internal Partial Discharge

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Internal Partial Discharge

Clause 10.8.8 of IEC 60099-4, in reference to Clause 8.8, requires that the longest
electrical unit of the arrester design be subject ed to an internal part ial discharge
ty pe test . Under the pres cribed test ing procedure, the part ial discharge level at
1.05 times the cont inuous op erating volt age of the unit shall not exceed 10 pC.

Clause 9.1 c) of this same st andard requires that all manufactured unit s be
subject ed to an internal part ial discharge test that is identical to that of Clause 8.8,
and that the part ial discharge level of all unit s produced shall not exceed 10 pC.
Rout ine test reports are provided on request verifying that this requirement has
been met.

By performing the rout ine test ing of unit s according to Clause 9.1 c), the ty pe test
requirements of Clause 8.8 are automat ically met.


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-09
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Bending Moment

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Bending Moment

A bending moment test was performed as described in Clause 10.8.9 of IEC 60099-4, for
polymer-housed arresters with enclosed gas volume and a separate sealing system, on a
fully assembled arrester unit that had been seal leak tested according to 9.1 d) of the
standard. Prior to the mechanical testing, the unit was subjected to tests to determine
watts loss, partial discharge, and residual voltage.

The test unit was securely mounted to the horizontal base of the test equipment and
lateral (horizontal) loading was applied to the free end of the unit, in a direction
perpendicular to the axis of the unit, at a rate necessary to reach the bending moment
corresponding to the maximum permissible service load (MPSL) in approximately 50 s.
The load was then maintained at not less than this level for about 90 s. Deflection was
measured prior to release of the load. After release of load, the test sample was inspected
to verify that no mechanical damage had occurred, and the load-deflection curve was
examined to verify that there was no discontinuity, and that the strain condition after
release of load was within allowed limits.

The sample was then subjected to the complete Moisture Ingress test described in
10.8.13 of the standard). At the conclusion of the Moisture Ingress test, the electrical and
seal leak tests were repeated to verify that any changes were within allowed limits, and a
visual inspection was made to verify that no mechanical damage had occurred.

The PH3 series of arresters uses one, two or three units (depending on voltage rating and
overall creepage distance requirements), with all units using one general polymer housing
type (all housings have the same diameter and weathershed profile, differing only in
height) and only one design of end fitting. The greatest bending stress is always at the
bottom end of the bottom unit of the arrester, and according to the requirements of IEC
60099-4, it is therefore necessary only to perform a test on one unit.

The tested unit was the longest electrical section used in PH3 arresters, with U r = 150 kV
and Uc = 120 kV. Results of initial tests are shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Results of initial measurements

Test Parameter Result

Watts loss at Uc 13.8 W
Residual voltage at 10 kA 8/20 340.4 kV
Internal partial discharge at 1.05 x Uc < 10 pC
Seal leak < 1x 10-7 Pa.m3s-1

The MPSL declared for PH3 arresters is 8000 Nm. A loading curve for the bending test
is shown in Figure 1. Examination of the loading curve shows no discontinuity during the
load application.

Maximum deflection of the top end of the unit during application of MPSL was 57 mm,
and after the load was released the residual deflection was zero.

The unit was then subjected to the Moisture Ingress test (see EU1527-H-12 section of
the PH3 arrester type test report for details and results of this test). At the conclusion of
the Moisture Ingress test, initial tests conducted on the unit (watts loss, partial discharge,
residual voltage and seal leak) were repeated, with results shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Results of final measurements

Change from
Test Parameter Result
initial test
Watts loss at Uc 15.0 W + 8.7%
Residual voltage at 10 kA 8/20 338.5 kV - 0.6 %
Internal partial discharge at 1.05 x Uc < 10 pC --
Seal leak < 1x 10-7 Pa.m3s-1 --

The change in watts loss and residual voltage from the values initially measured were well
within the maximum allowed change of 20% and 5%, respectively. Additionally, partial
discharge and seal leak rate were found to be below the allowed limits of 10 pC and 1x 10-
Pa.m3s-1, respectively.




Bending Moment (N.m)







0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)

Figure 1. Bending moment at bottom end of unit

Max design moment at MPSL: 8000 Nm


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-10
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Seal Leak Rate

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Seal Leak Rate

Clauses 10.8.11 of IEC 60099-4 requires that one comp let e arrester be subject ed to
a seal leak rate test , us ing any sens itive method suit able for the meas urement of the
sp ecified seal leak test . Us ing the adop ted method, the seal leak rate shall be lower
than 1x10 -6 Pa.m 3s-1.

Clause 9.1 d) of this same st andard requires that , for arrester unit s with sealed
hous ing, all manufactured unit s be subject ed to a seal leak test as a rout ine test . In
this test , the method us ed for PH 3 series arresters is the “vacuum helium mass
sp ectrometer” method. Wit h this method, the internal air sp ace of the arrester unit
is evacuat ed, resulting in a one at mosphere pres sure different ial betw een outs ide
and inside, under which conditions the outs ide of the arrester is flooded with
helium. The evacuat ion port is monitored by a mass sp ectrometer tuned to detect
helium, and any helium detected is quantit at ively meas ured to provide a leak rate.
The maximum leak rate accepted for PH 3 series arrester unit s is 1x10 -7 Pa.m 3s-1,
one order of magnitude below the maximum allow ed by IEC 60099-4. Rout ine test
reports are provided on request verifying that this requirement has been met.

By performing the rout ine test ing of unit s according to Clause 9.1 d), the ty pe test
requirements of Clause 10.8.11 are automat ically met.


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-11
PH3 Series Porcelain-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Radio Influence Voltage (RIV)

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Radio Influence Voltage (RIV)


A fully-ass embled arrester, with volt age rating Ur of 312 kV and cont inuous
op erating volt age Uc of 249.6 kV, was subject ed to the RIV test as pres cribed in
Clause 10.11 of IEC 60099-4. This samp le represent s an arrester of the longest
length and highest volt age st ress in the PH 3 series of arresters . The volt age
ap plication was as follows :
• rais ed to 287 kV (1.15 Uc )
• lowered to 262 kV (1.05 Uc )
• held at 262 kV for 5 min
• lowered in st ep s of ap proximately 0.1 Uc until reaching 0.5 U c
• increas ed in similar st ep s until reaching 262 kV (1.05 Uc )
• held at 262 kV for 5 min
• lowered again in st ep s of ap proximately 0.1 Uc until reaching 0.5 U c

RIV meas urements were made at each volt age level. The variable-frequency RIV
meter was tuned to 1 M H z for the meas urement s.

Prior to inst alling the arrester in the test circuit , an op en circuit test was run to
determine the background nois e of the circuit . The arrester was inst alled and the
sequence of volt age ap plications described above was ap plied. Figure 1 show s the
arrester inst alled for test . Results of the RIV meas urements are show n in Table 1.

At all test volt age levels, the RIV was only marginally above the background nois e
level. IEC 60099-4 allows a maximum RIV level of 2500 µV.


Fi gu re 1. 312 kV rate d arres ter

Tabl e 1. Me as ure d RIV valu es

Test voltage RI V
Test cond iti on
(k V rms ) (µ V)
Open ci rcuit 2-4
Arrester ins talled 287 6-20
Arrester ins talled 262 (0 mi n) 4-10
Arrester ins talled 262 (5 mi n) 4-10
Arrester ins talled 235 4-10
Arrester ins talled 208 2-4
Arrester ins talled 181 2-4
Arrester ins talled 154 2-4
Arrester ins talled 125 2-4
Arrester ins talled 154 2-4
Arrester ins talled 181 2-4
Arrester ins talled 208 4-10
Arrester ins talled 235 4-10
Arrester ins talled 262 (0 mi n) 4-10
Arrester ins talled 262 (5 mi n) 4-10
Arrester ins talled 235 4-10
Arrester ins talled 208 2-10
Arrester ins talled 181 2-4
Arrester ins talled 154 2-4
Arrester ins talled 125 2-4


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-12
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Moisture Ingress

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Moisture Ingress

A fully-ass embled arrester unit , with volt age rating U r of 150 kV and cont inuous
op erating volt age Uc of 120 kV, was subject ed to the M ois ture Ingress test as
pres cribed in Clause 10.8.13 of IEC 60099-4. The overall height of the unit was
1352 mm, represent ing the longest mechanical unit us ed in the PH 3 series of
arresters .

Init ial meas urements were made of watt s loss at Uc, part ial discharge at 1.05 times
Uc after 10 s at Ur, and residual volt age at 10 kA . The samp le was then subject ed
to a bending moment test at M P SL of 8000 N.m (as part of the Bending M oment
test described in the EU 1527-H-09 sect ion of the PH 3 ty pe test report), and was
subs equently subject ed to thermomechanical precondit ioning, cons ist ing four 24 h
periods at , resp ect ively , +60oC, -25oC, +45oC and –40 oC. During each of the 24 h
periods , cant ilever load was ap plied to the top end of the samp le to produce a
bending moment at the bott om end of at leas t 4 kN m, the maximum cont inuous
bending moment defined for PH 3 arresters . The load was ap plied in a different
direction, designated resp ect ively as 0o, 180o, 270o, and 90 o, for each of the four
periods .

The samp le was then immersed in boiling water, with init ial salt concent ration of 1
kg/m 3, for 42 h. At the end of this period, the samp le remained immersed until the
water had cooled to 50 oC, after which time the init ial meas urements of watt s loss ,
part ial discharge and residual volt age were repeated.

Table 1 show s the results of init ial meas urements . Table 2 show s the deflect ions
meas ured during each of the four 24 h periods of precondit ioning. Table 3 show s
the results of the electrical meas urements conduct ed after removal of the samp le
from the water.

Table 1. Results of initial measurements

Test Parameter Result

Watts loss at Uc 13.8 W
Residual voltage at 10 kA 8/20 340.4 kV
Internal partial discharge at 1.05 x Uc < 10 pC


Table 2. Deflections measured during 24 h periods

Beginning of period End of period

Load Bending Maximum Bending Maximum Residual
Period Temperature directio moment deflection moment deflection deflection
n (Nm) (mm) (Nm) (mm) (mm)
1 + 65 C 0o 4531 23.4 4483 25.4 0
2 - 25 C 270 o 4629 24.2 4671 25.1 4.4
3 + 45 C 180 o 4552 24.1 4465 27.6 5.4
4 - 40 C 90o 4629 24.1 4647 26.3 4.3

Table 3. Results of final measurements

Test Parameter Result Change from

initial test
Watts loss at Uc 15.0 W + 8.7%
Residual voltage at 10 kA 8/20 338.5 kV - 0.6 %
Internal partial discharge at 1.05 x Uc < 10 pC --

The change in watts loss and residual voltage from the values initially measured were well
within the maximum allowed change of 20% and 5%, respectively.


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-13
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Weather Ageing

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 9/29/2006


Weather Ageing

A fully-ass embled arrest er unit , with volt age rating Ur of 144 kV and cont inuous
op erating volt age Uc of 115.2 kV, was subject ed to the Weat her Ageing test series
A (1000 h salt fog) as pres cribed in Clause 10.8.14 of IEC 60099-4. The test was
performed at the CESI high volt age laborat ory in M ilan, It aly.

Init ial meas urements were made of reference volt age, at reference current of 17
mA pk , and internal part ial discharge at 1.05 times Uc after 10 s at Ur.

The test samp le, was energiz ed at Uc = 115.2 kVrms for a total of 1000 h in the test
room filled with salt fog having the following charact erist ics:

• Salinit y of water solution: 10 kg/m 3

• Water flow rate: 0.4 ± 0.1 l/h*m3

The salt fog was not directly sp ay ed on the test samp le. A schemat ic of the test
arrangement is show n in Figure 1 (t wo ot her arrester unit s were test ed at the same

Fi gu re 1. Tes t chambe r layou t

Visual observations of the condition of the silicone rubber hous ing were made after
500 h and at 1000 h. M eas urements of reference volt age and internal part ial
discharge were repeated at the conclus ion of the 1000 h test period.


Tests were performed on a PH4 arrester that uses an identical housing to the PH3 arrester
of the same voltage rating, and the tests on the PH4 housing qualify also the PH3 design.
Complete results of the testing are contained in a CESI test report that is available on
request. Results are summarized in the following extracts from the CESI report.

No tracking or shed puncture, and only very light eros ion occurred in the firs t
500 h. No tracking or shed puncture, and only light eros ion occurred during the
remaining 500 h. No flas hovers occurred during the 1000 h test period.

Table 1 show s the init ial and final values of reference volt age and internal part ial
discharge. The requirements of not more than 5% change in reference volt age and
part ial discharge levels of less than 10 pC were met.

Tabl e 1. In itial and fi nal e lectrical me as ure me nts

Meas ured quantity In itial Fi nal Resu lt

+ 2. 6%
Reference volt age 147. 6 kV 151. 5 kV
Part ial discharge 1. 2 pC 1. 6 pC < 10 pC


IEC Type Test Report

Report No. EU1527-H-14.1
PH3 Series Polymer-housed Arrester
10,000 A Line Discharge Class 3

Power Frequency Voltage Versus Time

This report records the results of type tests made on PH3 series 10 kA Line
Discharge Class 3 arresters, rated up to 420 kV. Tests were performed in
accordance with procedures of IEC Standard 60099-4, Ed. 2.1, 2006, “Surge
arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems.”

To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses of
the referenced standard.

M.G. Comber
Manager, Engineering

Date: 8/24/2007


Power Frequency Voltage Versus Time

Power frequency voltage versus time tests were performed on a prorated test section
prepared based on the results of the tests to verify heat dissipation behavior of test
sample. Each section consisted of two resistors in series. The resistors were selected to
represent the lowest acceptable reference voltage level. The tests were conducted in
accordance with Annex D of IEC 60099-4.

Prior to the test, measurements were made on the test section to determine its switching
impulse residual voltage and its reference voltage.

Tests were made for three different time durations (1.1 s, 10 s and 210 s) of elevated
voltage application. For each test, the section was placed in an oven and heated
overnight to 60 ± 3 °C. After removal from the oven, the section was subjected to two
long duration current impulses, with time between impulses being between 50 and 60
seconds. The parameters of the transmission line used to generate these impulses
conformed to the requirements for Line Discharge Class 3 in Table 5 of Clause 8.4.2 of
IEC 60099-4. Within 100 milliseconds of the second long duration current impulse, an
elevated power frequency voltage (above Uc) was applied for a measured period of time,
following which the voltage was reduced to the adjusted value Uc for 30 min. During the
30 min period at Uc the power dissipation was monitored to verify thermal stability.

Table 1 lists the parameters of the test sections and the corresponding transmission line
parameters used for the test. Uc for the PH3 series of arresters has been established as
0.795 times the lowest acceptable reference voltage in routine tests, and Ur has been
established as 1.25 times Uc . This is represented in this type test by assigning the test
sample Uc equal to 0.795 x Uref of the test sample, and test sample Ur at 1.25 times this
value . The minimum energy required for each line discharge for Class 3 arresters is
determined from the following formula given in Clause 8.4.2 of IEC 60099-4

W = Ures x (UL – Ures ) x 1/Z x T

where Ures is the switching impulse residual voltage at 250 A.


Table 1. Test section and transmission line parameters

Parameter Value
Switching impulse residual voltage (kV) Ures Reference 20.62
Current (mA) Iref 9.5
Reference Voltage (kVc / √2) Vref 11.50
COV ( kV rms) Uc 9.15
Rating (kV rms) Ur 11.44
Arrester Classification (kA) 10
Line Discharge Class 3
Virtual Duration of Peak (µs, 90-90%) T - minimum 2400
Surge Impedance (Ω) Z - max (1.3 Ur) 14.87
Charging Voltage (kV) UL – min (2.8 Ur) 32.03
Energy required (kJ) - min 38.0

A short circuit test was performed on the generator to confirm that generator impedance
and duration of the current discharge met the requirements listed in Table 1. The
oscillogram of Figure 1 shows

Z g = 9 117 V / 614.7 A = 14.831 Ω Virtual Duration of Peak = 2 423 µs

Figure 1. Oscillogram of discharge current for generator short circuit set up test


Table 2 lists measurements made during the application of the line discharges for the three
tests. Oscillograms made during this portion of the test are shown in Figures 2 – 4.
Tables 3 and 4, respectively, list measurements made during the application of elevated
voltage and during the subsequent 30 min application of Uc.

Figure 5 shows the three test points (elevated voltages for 1.1 s, 10 s and 210 s)
superimposed on the characteristic of power frequency voltage vs. time for PH3 series of

Table 2. Line discharge measurements

Sample for 1.1 s test Sample for 10 s test Sample for 210 s test
parameters 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge discharge
Current (A) 623 650 667 648 666 642
Voltage (kV) 21.1 22.1 21.9 22.2 21.7 22.0
Energy (kJ) 38.3 38.8 39.5 38.8 38.9 38.1

Figure 2. Oscillograms of line discharge and 1.1 s application of elevated voltage


Figure 3. Oscillograms of line discharge and 10 s application of elevated voltage

Figure 4. Oscillograms of line discharge and first several cycles of 210 s

application of elevated voltage


Table 3. Measurements of voltage and current during application of elevated


1.1 s elevated voltage 10 s elevated voltage 210 s elevated voltage

Elapsed Elapsed Elapsed
Applied voltage Current Applied voltage Current Applied voltage Current
time time time
s kVrms pu Ur mA peak s pu Ur mA peak s kVrms pu Ur mA peak
0.07 12.84 1.116 3.13 0.07 11.63 1.011 101.7 0 10.91 0.948 36.9
0.21 12.84 1.116 3.15 1.06 11.74 1.021 109.2 13 10.94 0.952 32.7
0.31 12.87 1.119 3.18 2.04 11.76 1.022 106.7 39 10.95 0.952 32.2
0.40 12.89 1.121 3.25 3.00 11.77 1.024 110.8 50 10.94 0.952 32.5
0.51 12.90 1.122 3.25 4.03 11.76 1.022 105.8 64 10.91 0.949 32.8
0.61 12.90 1.122 3.24 5.06 11.76 1.023 108.3 70 10.92 0.949 32.6
0.70 12.88 1.120 3.26 6.02 11.76 1.022 105.8 89 10.93 0.950 32.2
0.81 12.92 1.123 3.31 7.03 11.76 1.023 106.7 101 10.94 0.952 33.6
0.90 12.91 1.122 3.37 8.11 11.76 1.022 109.2 120 10.98 0.955 35.0
1.00 12.89 1.121 3.35 9.24 11.77 1.024 112.1 210 10.96 0.953 39.2
1.20 12.89 1.121 3.41 10.20 11.77 1.024 112.1
Avg Avg Avg
rms rms rms
voltage 12.88 1.120 voltage 11.75 1.022 voltage 10.94 0.951
during during during
period period period

Table 4. Measurements of power dissipation and current during 30 min at Uc

1.1 s elevated voltage 10 s elevated voltage 210 s elevated voltage

Elapsed Applied Power Elapsed Applied Power Elapsed Applied Power
Current Current Current
time voltage diss. time voltage diss. time voltage diss
mA mA mA
mm:ss kVrms W mm:ss kVrms W mm:ss kVrms W
peak peak peak
00:00 9.26 35.02 9.52 00:00 9.27 18.58 5.15 00:00 9.26 27.96 8.14
00:30 9.20 27.83 7.54 00:30 9.23 16.30 4.69 00:30 9.18 25.62 7.35
01:00 9.17 25.25 7.24 01:00 9.24 15.62 4.44 01:00 9.17 24.56 6.76
02:00 9.19 23.06 6.42 02:00 9.21 14.22 4.09 02:00 9.16 23.04 6.30
05:00 9.19 18.82 5.41 05:00 9.18 11.87 3.48 05:00 9.22 20.72 5.92
10:00 9.17 15.03 4.29 10:00 9.21 9.93 3.06 10:00 9.18 16.64 4.80
20:00 9.19 11.16 3.30 20:00 9.17 7.38 2.43 20:00 9.16 12.13 3.57
30:00 9.22 9.04 2.77 30:00 9.18 5.97 2.07 30:00 9.22 9.84 2.92



Voltage - per unit of Ur




0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time - s

Figure 5. Power frequency voltage vs. time characterstic for PH3 series arresters,
with test points for 1.1 s, 10 s and 210 s


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