Engine Workshop Manual: G-Drive Package B5.9G Series
Engine Workshop Manual: G-Drive Package B5.9G Series
Engine Workshop Manual: G-Drive Package B5.9G Series
G-Drive Package
B5.9G Series
This manual is designed to be of assistance to all Personnel concerned with the maintenance and
overhaul of the B.5.9G Series Engine.
It presents a complete and detailed Description of the Engine, together with precise instruction on
servicing and overhaul procedure and dimensions which should be closely followed when overhauling
any part of the Engine to the Manufacturers standards.
Effective maintenance can only be carried out if the personnel concerned are fully conversant with
the various components of the Engine.
Before maintenance operations are commenced, this manual should be carefully studied, and it should
at all times be kept where it will be needed in the workshop.
Thoroughly read the Workshop Manual before operating the generator set.
Safe operation and top performance can be obtained only when equipment is operated and maintained
This manual is for guidance and assistance with recommendations for correct and safe procedures.
Cummins Power Generation Limited cannot accept any liability whatsoever for problems arising as
a result of following recommendations in this manual.
The information contained within the manual is based on information available at the time of going
to print. In line with Cummins Power Generation Limited policy of continuous development and
improvement, information may change at any time without notice. The Installers should therefore
ensure that before commencing any work, they have the latest information available.
Consult your Authorised Distributor for further information or assistance if required. It is essential
that the utmost care is taken with the application, installation and operation of any diesel engine
due to their potentially dangerous nature. Careful reference should also be made to other Cummins
Power Generation Limited literature, in particular the Health and Safety Manual 0908-0110.
Workshop Manual A024J818 (Issue 2)
B.5.9.G Series Engine 01-2010
Workshop Manual A024J818 (Issue 2)
B.5.9.G Series Engine 01-2010
Workshop Manual A024J818 (Issue 2)
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Workshop Manual A024J818 (Issue 2)
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Section 1
Improper practices or carelessness can cause burns, cuts, mutilation or other bodily injury or death.
Read & understand all of the safety precautions and warnings before performing any repair. This list contains
the general safety precautions that must be followed to provide personal safety.
CAUTION : Ensure aligment and torgue of related fosteners while connecting aternator
to the engine fly wheel housing.
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Section 2
This section describes flow through various engine systems. The information given here are of general nature.
This is intended to help the user to understand four principle engine systems viz. Air, Fuel, Lub & Cooling
system. Good understanding in engine systems will help in troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.
Air enters through air cleaner to turbocharger inlet. Turbocharged air passes through intake manifold,
gets distributed to all six power cylinders. After combustion, burnt gases go out through exhaust manifold
& rotates the turbine wheel. Exhaust gases emit out through flexible bellow & muffler.
Exhaust System
1. Exhaust Valve
Dual Entry 2. Exhaust Manifold (Pulse-Type)
Housing 3. Dual Entry to Turbocharger
4. Turbocharger Exhaust Outlet.
Intake System
1. Intake Air Inlet to Turbocharger
2. Turbocharger Air to Aftercooler
3. Aftercooler
4. Intake Manifold (Integral part of Cylinder Head)
5. Intake Valve
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Fuel is sucked from base tank by suction inlet pipe and suction strainer. Lift pump lifts the fuel &
delivers to the filtration system. There is a two stage cleaning of fuel; once by water separator & then
by microfine fuel filter. Cleaned fuel enters to Bosch fuel injection pump which pressurise and delivers
the high pressured fuel to Bosch type injectors fitted on each cylinder. Returned fuel is routed back to
the tank through return pipe.
CAUTION : Ensure adequate tightness on feed pump fuel inlet banjo to avoid fuel
Lubricating pump draws oil from the oil pan & forces it to the lubrications system. The pressure regulating
valve controls oil pressure. The filter bypass valve ensures supply of oil when filter gets choked. The
piston pines are lubricated by the splash from piston cooling nozzles. Oil pump idler gear is forced
lubricated. The reminder of the front gear train is lubricated by oil carry over splash.
The schematic given under shows the flow of lubricating oil to all parts of the engine.
3. Oil Cooler
4. Filter Bypass Valve
Piston Cooling
5. Oil Filter Nozzle Filter
Oil Cooler
6. Turbocharger Oil Supply Valve
7. Oil Return to Pan Oil Filter
8. Piston Cooling Nozzle Pressure
9. Oil Pump idler Gear
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Coolant is sucked by the engine driven water pump from the bottom tank of the radiator. Coolant passes
through oil cooler, all cylinder jackets and cylinder head to reach finally at thermostat housing. Coolant
get divided either to the inlet of the water pump or to the radiator depending on coolant temperature.
Complete coolant get diverted to the radiator after coolant temperature reached 90 deg. C.
Cylinder Block
1. Coolant Inlet
2. Pump Impeller
3. Coolant Flow Past Oil Cooler
4. Coolant Flow Past Cylinders Cylinder Head
5. Coolant to Cylinder Head 1. Coolant Flow from Cylinder Block
2. Coolant to Thermostat Housing
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Section 3
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Before starting the engine, perform daily maintenance checks. Please refer Section 7&8 of this manual
for details of maintenance checks.
To prevent damage to the starter, do not engage the starting motor more than 10 to 12
seconds. Wait 2 minutes between each attempt to start.
If the engine does not start after three attempts, check the fuel supply system. Absence
of blur or white exhaust smoke during cranking indicates that no fuel is being delivered.
Engine oil pressure must be indicated on the gauge within 15 seconds after starting.
Remove the load from the engine. Run the engine few minutes before routine shut down, on no load.
It will allow the lubricating oil and coolant to carry heat away from the combusion chamber, bearings,
shafts etc. This is especially emportant for Turbocharged engines.
Idle : 10 PSI
WARNING : Guarding should not be removed when the engine is is running condition.
• Do not operate the engine at full throttle below peak torque engine speed for extended periods (More
than 1 minute) of time.
• Allow the engine to idle 3 to 5 minutes before shutting it off after a full load operation.
• Monitor the oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges frequently. Shut off the engine if oil pressure
or coolant temperature does not meet specifications.
• Continuous operation of the engine with low or high coolant temperature can damage the engine.
• Most failures give an early warning. Look and listen for changes in performance, sound or engine
appearance that can indicate service or engine repair is needed. Some changes to look for are as follow:
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i) Engine misfires
ii) Vibration
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On any engine not in service, whether installed in equipment or waiting to be installed, the unpainted surfaces
and various internal passages are subject to rust and corrosion.
Every engine going out of factory is processed and is suitable for storage upto six months from the date of
despatch. However sometimes engines are required to be stored for more than six months, also on many
occasions engines as installed in equipment are not put in service. Hence it is necessary to process such
engines for storage. Based on above the procedure for preservation can be catagorised as below.
i. Engine preservation procedure for engines to be stored upto six months, from the date of engine shipment
from factory.
ii. Engine preservation procedure to be carried out for engine storage beyond six months from date of
shipment from factory.
NOTE : The rate of corrosion varies with climatic condition. Variance in climatic condition
makes it very difficult to state the length of time an engine can be stored without rust
and corrosion damage. However the procedures outlined below are useful for various
climatic conditions except for arctic conditions and vary low temperatures.
1. Engine preservation procedure for engines to be stored upto six months, from the date of engine
shipment from factory.
NOTE : Every engine going out of factory is processed for storage upto six months.
Hence no additional processing is required except proper storage, as given on next page.
i) If engine has to be stored in the engine box, as received from factory
a Store engine box along with kit boxes, in enclosed place protected from water / rain water,
dust etc.
c Do not stack any material on engine box to avoid damage to engine / engine box.
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ii) If engine has to be stored with out engine box, and / or skid.
Sr No. Description
a Store engine along with kit boxes, in enclosed place protected from water / rain water, dust etc.
c Ensure that all engine openings and opening on kit items such as radiators, air cleaners,
silencers etc. are covered by water proof protective caps / plastic tapes.
2) Engine preservation procedure to be carried out for engine storage beyond six months from date
of shipment from factory.
The engine system wise details of the process are described below.
a Prepare engine for Ensis, treatment Long Fabricate and install a plate to close the
storage Process. water pump inlet connection.
Fill the cooling system with Ensis oil Rustilo Leave the drain cocks open until all air is
b completely vented out. Progressively close
DW 901, (Castrol India make) up to
thermostat outlet connection, using external the cocks until the ensis oil flows from the
priming pump trolley. thermostat housing.
c Keep the Ensis oil in the engine for 5 minutes Remove the fabricated plate at water pump inlet
and then drain it completely, from engine. and close the opening by plastic cap. (Collect the
drained oil in clean container for reuse.)
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a) The above procedure for engine preservation is to be carried out / repeated at the end
of every six months during the storage period. The procedure may have to be done at
OEM works or at customer’s place depending upon location of engine.
b) Loosen the belt tension on fan belt, alternator belt, water pump belt and other accessories
driven by belt.
c) Tag the engine indicating preservation process date and due date for next preservation
(6 months period).
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Section 4
• Use only good quality ASTM No. 2-D climatized diesel fuel.
• In extreme cold conditions, a winter blend of fuel should be used to avoid waxing in the fuel
• Do not use diesel contaminated by dirt or water. Contaminate fuel can cause severe damage to
engine fuel system.
Active Sulfur Copper Strip Corrosion not to exceed No. 2 rating after
(ASTM D1796) three hours at 122F (50C)
Carbon Residue Not to exceed 0.35 mass percent on 10 volume percent residuum
(Rams bottom, ASTM D524 or
Conradson, ASTM D189)
Ash Not to exceed 0.02 mass percent (0.05 mass percent with
(ASTM D 482) lubricating oil blending)
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The lubricating oil used in a diesel engine performs the following functions :
1. It provides a film between the moving parts to reduce wear & friction.
2. It acts as a heat transfer media to carry heat away from the critical areas, thus provides cooling.
3. It dampens & cushions the components that operate under high stress, such as gears & tubes.
In order to get all these functions done, it is essential that recommended lubricating oil MUST be used in the
Recommendations :
Quality of Lubricating oil is one of the key drive factors to decide the performance, durability and total cost
of operation of diesel engine. Hence we have always been recommending the best available/suitable engine
oil to be used in our engine.
Cummins India Limited strongly recommends the use of SAE 15W40 lub oil with API, CH4 classification
for all Cummins engines to get the various advantages and optimum performance from the engine.
This oil should have a minimum TBN of 10.5 to counteract the higher sulphur content of high speed diesel
available in India.
NOTE : Above limits are for reference only and exact applicable values can be obtained
from the respective oil manufacturer against specific brand of oil.
The responsibility of meeting oil quality lies with the oil manufacturer and Cummins
will not be responsible for problems occurring on engines due to poor quality of oil.
If in doubt about the lub oil quality, contact lub oil manufacturing company and get
the oil analysed in laboratories.
CAUTIONS : Beware of spurious oils in the market. Bad quality of lubricating oil is
detrimental to engine performances. Hence, oil should always be procured from the
original manufacturer or the authorized distributors.
Lubricating oil to be used on the engine must meet all the qualities as per
manufacturer’s specifications. Cummins recommends audit checks of fresh engine oil
to ensure the quality of oil. Facility to check suitability of oil for using it in the engine
is available with Cummins Service Network.
Do not intermix different brands of oil since two different brands may not be
compatible with each other. It is therefore recommended that the brand which is used
for initial fill, should only be used for top-up.
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Section 7
SYSTEM A – Check B – Check C - Check D - Check
GROUP Daily Every 225 – 250 Hrs Every 475 – 500 Hrs Every 950 – 1000 Hrs
OR 6 months, which OR 12 months, which OR 24 months, which is
is earlier is earlier earlier
LUBRICATION ■ Check Oil level ■ Repeat all A Checks ■ Repeat all A & B ■ Repeat all A - B & C
SYSTEM ■ Change Lubrication Oil Checks Checks
■ Change Lube Oil Filter ■ Clean Breather ■ Check Blow Bye
COOLING ■ Check Coolant level in ■ Repeat all A Checks ■ Repeat all A & B ■ Repeat all A - B & C
SYSTEM Radiator & Recovery ■ Check coolant level & Checks Checks
Bottle top up, if required ■ Check Coolant ■ Check Belt Tension &
■ If required, fill Premix ■ Check Fan Hub & Fan condition replace Belt, if required
Coolant, at the Rate Drive arrangement ■ Check Recovery Bottle ■ Replace Coolant &
of 9 Lit / min. * Check Seal of cap, & Seal use Premix Coolant
■ Check Belt condition Radiator ■ Check connections & only
sealings of Radiator ■ Replace Cap. Radiator
■ Clean Radiator, externally
FUEL ■ Check fuel Strainer ■ Repeat all A Checks ■ Repeat all A & B ■ Repeat all A - B & C
SYSTEM ■ Clean Breather on ■ Change Fuel Filter & Checks Checks
Fuel Tank Fuel Water Separator ■ Check all joints in Fuel ■ Clean Fuel Tank
■ Drain Sediments from ■ Drain sediments from Lines & tighten. ■ Replace Fuel Hoses if
Fuel Water Separator Fuel Tank ■ Check Feed Pump & required
cleanBaby Filter
AIR ■ Check Vacuum ■ Repeat all A Checks ■ Repeat all A & B ■ Repeat all A - B & C
SYSTEM Indicator for Air ■ Clean Air Filter in Checks Checks
Restriction (Red Band) reverse direction, ■ Check Turbocharger
■ Check sealings & using dry air with max End clearances
condition of Air Filter 0.5 kg/sqcm pressure
OTHER ■ Check for leaks & ■ Repeat all A Checks ■ Repeat all A & B ■ Repeat all A - B & C
CHECKS rectify if required ■ Check Battery Checks Checks
& ■ Run Engine & condition ■ Check AVMs and ■ Tighten all clamps
ENGINE Record, all ■ Clean Battery Leads replace if required ■ Check Valve lashes &
TESTING Parameters ■ Secure all connectors adjust, if required
in Engine Electrical
NOTE : The daily checks can be performed by the operator whereas weekly (and above)
are to be done by Specialist only.
* Belt to be checked by skilled service engineer only
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Section 8
8.1 Daily :
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Clean around the filter head. Remove the filter & clean
the gasket surface.
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Valve Clearances :
Intake Clearance : 0.254 mm (0.010 Inch)
Exhaust Clearance : 0.508 mm (0.020 Inch)
Step 1 :
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Step 2 :
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Section 7
Injection Pump
75 mm T-Bar Puller
Pull the fuel pump drive gear loose from the shaft.
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10mm, 15 mm
24 mm
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15 mm
10 mm
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13 mm
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14 mm
318 inch
10 mm
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22 mm
13 mm
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Preparatory Steps :
8 mm Allen or 10 mm Hex
Remove the special washer by loosening the
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22 mm
8 mm Allen or 10 mm Hex
22 mm
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13 mm
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10 mm
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1. Fix the pump in vise. Ref a.
2. Ensure that driveshaft locking screw is unlocked [FBB plate inserted]. Ref b.
3. Bring the keyway inline with 'D' port of the pump. [5 o'clock position when observed from driveshaft
side]. Ref c, d
4. Remove the bleeder screw. Ref e.
5. Insert dial gauge with adaptor & feeler. Pre-load it to 213 mm. Ref f.
6. Rotate the driveshaft check the zero position 8 set dial gauge to Zero.
7. Rotate driveshaft in anticlockwise direction till the required lift is achieved.
8. Remove the FBB plate and tighten the locking screw to 12.5 ± 2 Nm.
9. Tie the FBB plate to the control lever.
10. Remove the diai gauge and adaptor.
11. Insert the bleeder screw and tighten it to 29 + 3 Nrn [Ensure that copper washer is present]
Note: Ensure that FBB plate is inserted between the drive shaft locking screw & pump house after mounting
the pump on the engine before starting it.
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a) b)
d) Key way -5 o’clock position
‘D’ port
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e) f)
g) h)
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Section 8
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