● You will need to complete a total of 10 hours of classroom observations in the assigned Head Start
● There are three logs to complete. You must visit your site at least 3 times. If you go more than that,
choose three visits to complete the assignments.
● Take clearances with you on all visits.
● Take and complete the Field Placement Attendance Form (online in the handbook and attached in the
module) for each visit.
● When visiting a school, it is important to “go with the flow.” You are a guest observer and do not want to
intrude. Some important things to remember:
○ Sometimes the unexpected can occur…fire drills, early dismissals, a substitute on the day you
are scheduled. Be prepared.
○ Non-instructional activities (lunch, recess, daily routines) can still be part of your observational
○ Your primary task is to sit quietly and observe. Do not interrupt or join activities unless the
teacher has invited you. NEVER be with a child without another adult present! Use common
Dress appropriately. You are required to wear the HACC Education shirt (can be purchased in our
bookstore) and either black or khaki pants. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum and hair should be neat and
Confidentiality is vital. It is NOT acceptable to talk about what you have seen/heard in classrooms
outside of that classroom…with the exception of our college classroom. You may discuss situations you have
observed in our classroom if they are appropriate and as long as you do not specifically identify the teacher,
school, and students you are discussing. Violations of confidentiality will be taken seriously.
Be responsible and respectful. If you can’t make it to a scheduled observation due to illness or other
emergency, please let the teacher know. Be on time and have the materials you need.
Other Logistics:
● These documents are in word format, so you can download, and type in your responses. I will
NOT accept handwritten logs, with the exception of the classroom sketch.
● Turn in all log info/reflections at the same time.
● There are three logs to complete. You must visit your site at least 3 different times. If you go more than
that, choose three visits to complete these assignments.
● Be thorough…your details will help when writing your reflection.
Upon first glance at the physical setting of the classroom, you see multiple round tables, neutral-colored
cubbies, and a spacious open area for group time. There is a comfort corner that is decorated with
brightly colored puppets, cozy stuffed animals and a colorful fish tank. This area also includes a solutions
kit, which are the positive affirmations and general class rules posted on one of the walls in both English
and Spanish. There's a large, homemade family tree covering one of the walls that has hanging pictures
of each child with their family. The title written above this tree (just the words “Family Tree”) is also in
English and in Spanish. There are multiple clotheslines draped across the windows that hold full pieces of
paper or artwork. These papers contain short stories and poems from the current lessons from class and
the artwork is a large variety of eye-catching designs made by the students. There are many charts in all
different shapes, sizes, and colors scattered around the room.
Give your opinion about the setting. Like it/Dislike it? Why? What would you change?
I really liked the balanced use of colors throughout the classroom. Certain areas like the cubbies and
family tree were neutral-colored whereas many of the charts, artwork, decorations, stuffed animals, and
toys were brightly colored to attract attention. I liked the large amount of natural light let in through the
many windows to open up the space. I liked the round tables because they encourage peer relationships
and allow for more interactive activities versus single student desks. The only part of the setting that I
disliked was that some of the charts were a little high and that made them hard to see. Overall, the layout
seemed very intentional, simple to clean, and effective for engaging a student's attention.
Include a sketch of the classroom.
How has the teacher created a “caring community”? (Comment on the teacher/student relationship, social-emotional
supports--ch. 6)
The teacher greeted the students in a very kind manner by offering them a hug or a high five. This helped
the children feel loved and cared for and served to strengthen their teacher-student relationship. At one
point, the teacher addressed an argument between two of her students. She first acknowledged the
feelings of both children. Second, she explained the consequences of their actions. Lastly, she showed
them what to say in order to remedy the situation. This conflict resolution process that she worked
through with her students helps the children grow in the ability to solve their own problems and adds to
their social-emotional development. The teacher told her students that she is the ‘Safe Keeper’. This
creates a safe environment for the children to make mistakes, learn a variety of lessons, and develop
trusting relationships.
List any classroom/school routines you observe. Ones you liked/disliked? Why?
In this video, I was able to see many different forms of play and the development benefits that it can provide a
child. I have read about how play is developmentally appropriate and critical to healthy development and
learning in early years. Play also increases creativity and reduces stress for a child. That idea was
demonstrated during outside time where the children participated in physically engaging play and actually
further deepened their knowledge on some of the concepts being taught in class. For example, in the sand and
water area, the children were able to observe the different ways water moves and how it interacts with certain
materials like sand. The teacher also used this opportunity to introduce certain describing words that explained
the scientific ideas behind aspects of water.
Transitions in the Classroom (60 pts) Find and record 6 transitions used in PreK-4th grade settings. Be as
specific as possible. (Do not say, “sang a song.” Instead, say, “They sang Lunchtime is Time to Eat as they got
ready and lined up for lunch.”)
A. 3 transitions must be from your observation placement.
B. 3 transitions must be from your textbook or an outside source (give credit where it is due, please.)
C. For each transition, include the following:
a. Where did you see/find it (source)?
b. Is it an effective technique? Why/why not? Discuss developmental appropriateness.
c. What learning is promoted while using this transition?
d. A reflection on the transition: Would you use it? Why/why not? Comment on child development
theory in your reflection.
Ex: Sang “Clean Ex: Saw this on Ex: When a bell rang, all children Ex: Organization, Ex: For preschoolers and
Up, Clean Up” as my 1st day at began singing & cleaning up. It took responsibility, timing, Kdgn, I would probably use
center time was Head Start-York less than 3 mins to get everything back respect for each other it. It’s a catchy, easy song
ending and story location in place. All were engaged and busy and property, and can be repeated until all
time was going to with their own jobs. No issues! Songs memorization of a children are where they need
begin. are appropriate to use with song. These are skills to be. Physical and
preschoolers. found in the PA early Language development are
learning standards enhanced with this
(Approaches to transition.
Learning and
Language and
The teacher TPSD As soon as the teacher said her This transition I would definitely use
told the Kindergarten closing statement for that teaches the this for kindergarteners
students that specific lesson, she looked children patience because it is interesting
they were Video around and said that she was as they wait for for the children, very
watching for observation looking for who looked ready. their peers, effective for quiet,
‘who looked #3 This right away was a cue for the observational orderly movement, and
ready’ before children to be quiet, not be learning as they is simple to
instructing to moving around, and to have their watch their peers comprehend and
tip-toe from eyes on the teacher. Then, reactions, and execute. Gross Motor
group time to when all of the students ‘looked self-control as they Skill Development is
the tables. ready’, the teacher whispered to need to stay quiet taking place.
them to tip-toe to their next and not be moving
activity. By lowering the volume around.
of her voice and choosing tip-
toeing as the form of movement,
the teacher minimized
distractions between the
students who quickly moved to
the new activity.
The teacher Ms. Sliver’s By splitting up the class into In this transition, I would use this
split the class Kindergarten teams, Ms. Silver created small the students transition for a
into colored groups that didn’t involve having demonstrate their Kindergarten class
teams and Video to single a certain child out. understanding of because it is very clear
dismissed observation Each team consisted of a small, the spoken what the children's
each team #5 manageable number of children words said by their expectations are during
systematically which allowed for a smooth teacher by the movement and it
to return to transition. After she dismissed following her gives a sense of
their tables as each team, she provided lots of instructions. This community when the
story time positive reinforcement either to idea fulfills a PA class has their own
ended. an individual or to the team as a early learning team to be in.
whole. She also presented the standards for Language and social
children with a simple challenge kindergarten. development are seen
as she would say to the red Observational in this transition. I also
team, “Do you think you can learning is used like the idea of a
move as quietly as the blue when watching the friendly competition...
team?”. other teams when introduced
transition properly. appropriately, I feel they
Organizational can be very fun!
skills are also
learned as the
students need to
comprehend what
team they are
placed in and be
able to differentiate
between their own
team name and
the names of the
other teams.
The teacher Effective The teacher first gives a verbal When using a Cognitive development
says the time Practices in warning and says “Five more clock to track the is a large part of this
frame and Early minutes until outside time.” This time with the transition. I would
counts down Childhood verbal warning is paired with a students, this definitely use this
until the Education visual cue as well to maximize transition can transition because I
transition from retention. This could be in the demonstrate the think it is very fair to the
the learning Textbook form of a digital/analog clock or PA early learning students in that they
center to a chart. Then the teacher can standards for are fully aware of the
outdoor time determine at which intervals of kindergarten: To changes they will be
takes place time that they want to give know number participating in. I also
another warning. This is a very names and recite like the pairing of both
effective strategy because the the count visual and auditory
child is able to mentally and sequence. It also cues when giving
physically prepare to leave their develops the instructions and laying
current activity and to transition students sense of out expectations.
to something new. There are no timing and
surprises! encourages
thoughtful analysis
of the numbers or
lines on the clock.
When moving Personal When asking the students to To the child Participating in dance
from exercise experience in form a straight line, I would also leading in song, and finding rhythm both
time on the leading a give the students reminders that they were given enhance a child’s
field to back class for 3rd they should be keeping their great leadership gross motor skill
go inside, I graders hands to themselves and be practice and had
would ask the using their listening ears. This the opportunity to development. Singing
students to was great in helping them be an example to would be categorized
form a straight calming down after having been their peers. The under speech
line and then I running around. Then I would rest of the class development. I would
would assign assign a student, one of whom I demonstrated the definitely use this
a leader to knew would enjoy this task, to ability to actively
start everyone lead the class in a song as we all participate and transition, when
off in singing walked back to the classroom. I follow instructions. appropriate, because it
as we walked. allowed for clapping and Self-control is also helps strengthen peer-
enthusiastic singing as long as important when to-peer and teacher-to-
the straight line was maintained. lining up and student relationships
Music was very essential to the needing to have and creates a positive
people in this area, so the songs control over one’s
were always quite lively and body.
ended up being the highlight of
many classes.
The teacher Child I feel that this is an effective The students By interacting with their
had all the Development transition to use because it develop a sense of peers to clean up, the
children Center keeps the students very involved personal students are
participate in Guadalupe in the task of cleaning up. This responsibility when participating in social
an interactive allows time for them to mentally asked to clean up development. Fine
clean up time transition from outside time to their own mess or motor skill development
and then had inside time. The teacher gave activity. Teamwork is also learned
a student ring the signaling bell to one of the also plays a large depending on the type
a bell to signal students with the instruction to role in this of clean up the child is
when it was walk around and ring it. This was transition because doing. Speech
time to go just another tool used to signal all of the work development is also
inside after that a change is about to take needs to be being implemented
outside time. place, which helps to minimize completed as a because the children
confusion among the students. group before need to be able to
entering the convey if they need
classroom. The help with something or
child assigned when they have
ringing the bell completed their work. I
displays would use this strategy
leadership skills as but primarily with an
well as the ability older age group.
to follow
The teacher Effective I think that this can be a great The students learn Though this transition
instructs the Practices in strategy if executed correctly. to recognize their does promote speech
students that Early Personally, I feel that this one is name and make and language
when they Childhood a little less effective than some the correlation development, I would
hear the first Education of the others just because there between a certain probably not use this
letter of their are multiple variables that could sound and the transition very often
name called Textbook cause confusion or delay the actual letter itself. because of the
out, to transition. Such as students This is one of the apprehensions I
transition from figuring out their name at PA early learning mentioned. Cognitive
group time to different rates, talking amongst standards for development could also
the reading themselves to figure it out, or kindergarten. The be mentioned because
mats. even small misunderstandings students are also of the problem-solving
like whether to use first name or able to hear type skills that are used
last name. different words in when determining if the
which the same letter that was called
sound is used out correctly matches
when observing with the letter your
who stands up for name begins with.
which letters.
One of my highlights was seeing how sweetly Scotty was included in the Morning Circle video. The
ways in which the teacher kindly treated and communicated with him are strategies that I want to use
later on. I liked being able to see the great example that was being set for the other children in the
class. It seemed like a potentially very draining process but, at the same time, a very rewarding one.
B. Type one paragraph describing in detail one challenge. This might be about a student that concerns you, a
behavioral/class management situation, something the teacher said or did that was unusual/sad/frustrating, or
something you’d do completely differently.
For the challenge that I thought of, I would not describe it negatively but I'd say that it was something
that I considered unusual. When learning about passive teaching methods, such as the ones
implemented by Montessori, I was very surprised. More specifically, I right away thought of their use
of a peace table. I knew nothing of Montessori before this class and if I had been told about their
methods before watching the observation video, I would have been very skeptical and even doubtful
of their effectiveness. Seeing such a unique way of teaching definitely broadened my view of what is
possible to use in a classroom. It also made me more curious to learn about the other types of
methods being used.
ex: Teeth brushing ex: small groups of ex: should be learning how to ex: informal: teacher observation, some
4-6 children, actual brush their teeth correctly, self- questioning and assistance as needed
practice help/life skill
1. Sequence of Small group of 4 The class should be learning Informal: questioning, teacher
events children how to recall the different observation, peer critique
parts of a story using reading
2. Writing skills Small group of 4 The class should be learning Informal: questioning, peer
children the correct way to write using evaluation, teacher observation
proper spacing
3.Coin values Starts in a small The class should be learning Formal/informal: individually
group and the values of each coin.
completed quiz, peer evaluation,
transitions to teacher observation
Write 3 questions that you heard the Using Bloom’s Taxonomy of questioning, which level is each question?
teacher ask the children.
ex: What day is it? ex: Remembering
Coin Values I would have tried to incorporate more real life examples to allow the
students to better retain the learned information. For example, I would set
up a mock cash register situation and have the child determine the
proper number of coins needed to ‘buy’ a certain item. I would then
switch roles with one of the students so that they are now role-playing as
the cashier. That way they can come up with a price on their own and
determine if the coins they are given match the stated price, therefore
showing that they comprehend the lesson completely.
Professionalism (10 pts) For all logs, your writing should be of college quality. 10=0-2 errors, 5=3-5 errors, 0=>5