Performance Improvement Plan Template 1 - 908445459
Performance Improvement Plan Template 1 - 908445459
Performance Improvement Plan Template 1 - 908445459
Step 3 – Resources:
Resource Role
Administrative Assistant Survey development/deployment
Nursing Director Monitor outcomes/develop staff/oversee patient satisfaction
Medical Director Monitor outcomes/develop staff/practice changes
Care Coordinators Engage patients for follow-up
Quality Improvement Staff Define project, guide performance improvement, develop data, monitor
Nursing Staff Implement changes/improvement
Medical Staff Implement changes/improvement
Step 4 – Expectations:
The following performance standards must be improved to demonstrate progress towards achieving
each improvement goal: Ex.
1. Increase patient satisfaction with communication of medication from _68__% to 72___% by
2. Survey 100% of patients given medications for a goal for 80% satisfaction by 05/10/2021.
<include any other expectations for completing the PIP including necessary meetings, oversight, roles,
responsibilities, incentives, and methods such as DMAIC, PDSA, etc.>