Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates Resting On Winkler-Pasternak Elastic Foundations Using A New Shear Deformation Theory

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Int J Mech Mater Des (2010) 6:113–121

DOI 10.1007/s10999-010-9110-x

Free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates resting

on Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundations using a new shear
deformation theory
Hassen Ait Atmane • Abdelouahed Tounsi •

Ismail Mechab • El Abbas Adda Bedia

Received: 22 August 2009 / Accepted: 6 January 2010 / Published online: 3 February 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, B.V. 2010

Abstract Free vibration analysis of simply sup- Keywords FG plates 

ported functionally graded plates (FGP) resting on a Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundation 
Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundation are examined Shear deformation  Free vibration
by a new higher shear deformation theory in this
paper. Present theory exactly satisfies stress boundary
conditions on the top and the bottom of the plate. The 1 Introduction
material properties change continuously through the
thickness of the plate, which can vary according to Advanced multilayered composite materials are
power law, exponentially or any other formulations in widely used in many structures of civil, mechanical
this direction. The equation of motion for FG and space engineering owing to high strength and
rectangular plates resting on elastic foundation is high stiffness. For instance, a homogeneous elastic
obtained through Hamilton’s principle. The closed layer of ceramic material may be bonded to the
form solutions are obtained by using Navier tech- surface of a metallic structure and acts as a thermal
nique, and then fundamental frequencies are found by barrier in a high temperature environment. However,
solving the results of eigenvalue problems. The due to a distinct interface between ceramic and
numerical results obtained through the present anal- metallic materials, the material properties across the
ysis for free vibration of functionally graded plates on interface undergo a sudden change, which produces
elastic foundation are presented, and compared with stress jump and may further give rise to delamination
the ones available in the literature. or cracking of the interface. One way to overcome
this shortage is to employ functionally graded
materials in which material properties varying con-
tinuously, which possess noticeable advantages over
H. Ait Atmane homogeneous and layered materials in maintaining
Département de Génie Civil, Faculté des Sciences de the integrity of the structure (Suresh and Mortensen
l’Ingénieur, Univesité Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef, Chlef,
1995). Such excellent performances allow them to be
fabricated as different structures in accordance to
H. Ait Atmane  A. Tounsi (&)  I. Mechab  various service requirements. To obtain the required
E. A. Adda Bedia optimum performance, the gradient variation of
Laboratoire des Matériaux et Hydrologie, Université de
material properties can be achieved by gradually
Sidi Bel Abbes, BP 89 Cité Ben M’hidi, 22000 Sidi Bel
Abbes, Algérie changing the volume fraction of the constituent
e-mail: [email protected] materials. There are some special manufacturing

114 H. Ait Atmane et al.

methods such as high-speed centrifugal casting, thick FG plates supported on two-parameter elastic
powder metallurgy methods, etc. to fabricate func- foundation. The formulations are based on the three-
tionally graded materials (Kieback et al. 2003). dimensional elasticity theory.
Some research papers on analysis of functionally This paper presents a new higher shear deformable
graded structures are available. Reddy (2000), studied plate theory for analyzing free vibration of function-
the static behavior of functionally graded plates by ally graded plates resting on a Winkler–Pasternak
using third order shear deformation theory. Cheng foundation. The material properties are assumed to be
and Batra (2000) presented results for buckling and graded in the thickness direction and can vary
steady state vibrations of a simply supported func- according to power law distributions in terms of the
tionally graded polygonal plate. Vel and Batra (2004) volume fractions of the constituents, exponentially or
studied three-dimensional vibration of a simply any other formulations in this direction. The results
supported FG rectangular plate. Zenkour (2005) obtained with the present method were compared
presented the sinusoidal shear deformation plate with solutions derived from the other models and
theory to study buckling and free vibration of simply literature, and found to be in good agreement.
supported FG plates. However, buckling and vibra-
tion analyses of FGMs are quite limited, especially of
those on elastic foundations. To describe the interac-
tions of the plate and foundation as more appropriate 2 Theoretical formulations
as possible, scientists have proposed various kinds of
foundation models, as documented well in Kerr Consider a rectangular FG plate having the thickness
(1964). The simplest model for the elastic foundation h, length a, and width b, as depicted in Fig. 1. It is
is the Winkler model, which regards the foundation assumed to be rested on a Winkler–Pasternak type
as a series of separated springs without coupling elastic foundation with the Winkler stiffness of k0 and
effects between each other, resulting in the disad- shear stiffness of k1. The material properties of the
vantage of discontinuous deflection on the interacted plate are assumed to vary continuously through the
surface of the plate. This was later improved by thickness of the plate. In this study, two different
Pasternak (1954) who took account of the interactions variation laws for the material properties are consid-
between the separated springs in the Winkler model ered: power law (simply called P-FG) and exponen-
by introducing a new dependent parameter. From tial (simply called E-FG) distribution through the
then on, the Pasternak model was widely used to thickness. However, the formulation is so general that
describe the mechanical behavior of structure–foun- other variation laws of thickness coordinate can be
dation interactions (Shen 1995; Omurtag et al. 1997; easily implemented. Also, it is assumed that the
Matsunaga 2000; Filipich and Rosales 2002; Zhou Poisson’s ratio m is constant. Based on the power law
et al. 2004; Huang et al. 2008). distribution, the Young’s modulus E and the mass
Cheng and Kitipornchai (1999) proposed a mem- density q are assumed to be in terms of a power law
brane analogy to derive an exact explicit eigenvalues distribution as follows:
for compression buckling, hydrothermal buckling,
and vibration of FGM plates on a Winkler–Pasternak EðzÞ ¼ EM þ ECM Vf ; qðzÞ ¼ qM þ qCM Vf ; ð1Þ
foundation based on the first-order shear deformation
theory. The same membrane analogy was later where
applied to the analyses of FGM plates and shells ECM ¼ EC  EM ; qCM ¼ qC  qM ;
based on a third-order plate theory (Cheng and Batra 1 z p ð2Þ
2000; Reddy and Cheng 2002). The free vibration, Vf ¼ þ :
2 h
transient response, large deflection and postbuckling
responses of FGM thin plates resting on Pasternak where -h/2 B z B h/2 and p is the power law index
foundations were investigated by Yang and Shen which takes values greater than or equal to zero.
(2001, 2003) using the method of differential quad- Subscripts M and C refer to the metal and ceramic
rature and Galerkin procedure. Recently, Malekzadeh constituents which denote the material property of the
(2009) investigated the free vibration analysis of bottom and top surface of the plate, respectively. On

Free vibration analysis of FGP resting on Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundations 115

the other hands, for the exponential distribution, it is w ¼ w0 ðx; yÞ ð6cÞ

assumed that the material properties vary exponen-
tially through the thickness of the plate as: where, u, v, w are displacements in the x, y, z
directions, u0, v0 and w0 are midplane displacements,
EðzÞ ¼ EM ecðhþ2Þ ; qðzÞ ¼ qM ecðhþ2Þ
z 1 z 1
ð3Þ hx and hy are rotations of normals to the midplane
about y-axis and x-axis, respectively, and f(z) repre-
where c is the material property graded index. sents shape function determining the distribution of
the transverse shear strains and stresses along the
2.1 Constitutive equations thickness. ð Þ;x and ð Þ;y are partial derivative with
respect to x and y, respectively. The shape function,
For elastic and isotropic FGMs, the constitutive f(z), is chosen as:
relations can be written as: 
8 9 2 38 9 coshðp=2Þ ðh=pÞ sinh phz
< rx = Q11 Q12 0 < ex = f ðzÞ ¼ z ð7Þ
½coshðp=2Þ  1 ½coshðp=2Þ  1
ry ¼ 4 Q12 Q22 0 5 ey and
: ; : ;
sxy   0 0 Q66  cxy ð4Þ This function helps to satisfy zero transverse shear
syz Q44 0 cyz stresses at top and bottom surfaces of the plate. The
szx 0 Q55 czx parabolic distributions of transverse shear stresses
through the plate thickness are taken into account for
where (rx, ry, sxy, syz, syx) and (ex, ey, cxy, cyz, cyx) are
the analysis, by means of the hyperbolic function of
the stress and strain components, respectively. Using
the assumed displacement field.
the material properties defined in Eqs. 2 or 3,
By substituting the displacement relations (5) into
stiffness coefficients, Qij, can be expressed as
the strain–displacement equations of the elasticity,
EðzÞ the normal and shear strain components are obtained
Q11 ¼ Q22 ¼ ; ð5aÞ
1  m2 as:
mEðzÞ ex ¼ u0;x  zw;xx þ f ðzÞhx;x ð8aÞ
Q12 ¼ ; ð5bÞ
1  m2
ey ¼ v0;x  zw;yy þ f ðzÞhy;y ð8bÞ
Q44 ¼ Q55 ¼ Q66 ¼ ; ð5cÞ cxy ¼ u0;y þ v0;x  2z w;xy þ f ðzÞ hx;y þ hy;x ð8cÞ
2ð 1 þ m Þ
Based on the thick plate theory, the assumed cyz ¼ f 0 ðzÞhy ð8dÞ
displacement field can be defined in unified form as cxz ¼ f 0 ðzÞhx ð8eÞ
u ¼ u0 ðx; yÞ  z w;x þ f ðzÞhx ð6aÞ
df ðzÞ
v ¼ v0 ðx; yÞ  zw;y þ f ðzÞhy ð6bÞ f 0 ðzÞ ¼ ð9Þ
2.2 Governing equations

Using Hamilton’s energy principle derives the equa-

tion of motion of the FG plate:
d ðU þ UF  K  W Þdt ¼ 0 ð10Þ

where U is the strain energy and K is the kinetic

energy of the FG plate, UF is the strain energy of
foundation and W is the work of external forces.
Employing the minimum of the total energy principle
Fig. 1 FGM plate resting on elastic foundation leads to a general equation of motion and boundary

116 H. Ait Atmane et al.

conditions. Taking the variation of the above equa- Aij ;Bij ;Cij ;Dij ;Eij ;Gij
tion and integrating by parts:
2 Zh=2 n o
Zt2 Z ¼ 1;z;f ðzÞ;z2 ;zf ðzÞ; ½f ðzÞ2 Qij dz ði;j ¼ 1;2;6Þ

4 rx dex þ ry dey þ sxy dcxy þ syz dcyz þ szx dczx h=2

t1 V
3 ð16aÞ
qðu€d u þ v€d v þ wd
€ wÞdv þ ½fe dwdA5dt ¼ 0
A Fij ¼ ½f 0 ðzÞ Qij dz ði; j ¼ 1; 2; 6Þ ð16bÞ
ð11Þ h=2

where () represents the second derivative with ðI1 ; I2 ; I 3 ; I4 ; I 5 ; I 6 Þ

respect to time and fe is the density of reaction force Zh=2  
of foundation. For the Pasternak foundation model: ð16cÞ
¼ q 1; z; z2 ; f ðzÞ; z f ðzÞ; ½f ðzÞ2 dz
fe ¼ k0 w  k1 r2 w: ð12Þ h=2

If the foundation is modeled as the linear Winkler Collecting the coefficients of du, dv, dw, dhx
foundation, the coefficient k1 in Eq. (12) is zero. and dhy in Eq. 13, equations of motion are obtained
Using the Eq. 8, Eq. 11 takes the following form: as:

Zt2 "Z

duNx;x þ dvNy;y þ duNxy;y þ dvNxy;x  dwMy;yy  2dwMxy;xy :
t1 A

þdhx Px;x þ dhy Py;y þ dhx Pxy;y þ dhy Pxy;x þ dhy Ry þ dhx ðRx Þ dA
Z Z n    
þ fe dwdA  €;x þ I4 €
du I1 u€  I2 w €;y þ I4 €hy
hx þ dv I1 v€  I2 w ð13Þ
þ dw I1 w €;xx þ I5 €
€ þ I2 u€;x  I3 w €;yy þ I5 €hy;y þ dhx I4 u€  I5 w
hx;x þ I2 v€;y  I3 w €;x þ I6 €hx
þdhy I4 v€  I5 w €
€;y þ I6 hy dA dt ¼ 0

where stress and moment resultants are defined as:

€;x þ I4 €hx
Nx;x þ Nxy;y ¼ I1 u€  I2 w ð17aÞ
8 9 2 38 9
> = Aij Bij Cij > < e> =
6 7
M ¼ 4 Bij Dij Eij 5 k ði; j ¼ 1; 2; 6Þ; €;y þ I4 €hy
Nxy;x þ Ny;y ¼ I1 v€  I2 w ð17bÞ
: >
> ; : >
> ;
P Cij Eij Gij kh

fRg ¼ Fij fhg ði; j ¼ 4; 5Þ ð14Þ Mx;xx þ 2Mxy;xy
 þ My;yy þ k0 w   k1 r w
¼ I1 w
€þ I2 u€;x þ v€;y  I3 w€;xx þ w
in which: € €
8 9 8 9 þ I5 hx;x þ hy;y ð17cÞ
< u0;x = < w;xx =
e¼ v0;y ; k ¼  w;xx ; €;x þ I6 €hx
Px;x þ Pxy;y  Rx ¼ I4 u€  I5 w ð17dÞ
: ; : ;
8 u 0;y þ v 0;x 9 2w;xy
< hx;x =
kh ¼ hy;y ; h¼
hy €;y þ I6 €hy
Pxy;x þ Py;y  Ry ¼ I4 v€  I5 w ð17eÞ
: ;
hx;y þ hy;x
The boundary conditions, which should be prescribed
and stiffness components and inertias are given as: at the edges of the plate, are obtained as:

Free vibration analysis of FGP resting on Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundations 117

2 3
at x ¼ constant edges at x ¼ constant edges a11 a12 a13 a14 a15
either u or Nx either v or Nxy 6 7
6 a12 a22 a23 a24 a25 7
either v or Nxy either u or N 6 7
 xy ½K  ¼ 6 a23 a33 a34 a35 7
either w or Mx;x þ 2Mxy;x either w or My;y þ 2Mxy;x 6 a13 7;
6 7
either w;x or Mx either w;y or My 4 a14 a24 a34 a44 a45 5
either hx or Px either hx or Pxy a15 a25 a35 a45 a55
either hy or Pxy either hy or Py 2 3
I1 0 aI2 I4 0
ð18Þ 6 7
6 0 I1 bI2 0 I4 7
6  2 7
2.3 Navier solution for simply supported ½M  ¼ 6 2 7
6 aI2 bI2 I3 a þ b þ I1 aI5 bI5 7
rectangular plates 6 7
4 I4 0 aI5 I6 0 5
0 I4 bI5 0 I6
Boundary conditions along the edges of the simply
supported plate can be obtained as:
in which:
N x ¼ v ¼ w ¼ M x ¼ Px ¼ h y ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0; a
N y ¼ u ¼ w ¼ M y ¼ Py ¼ h x ¼ 0 at y ¼ 0; b a11 ¼ A11 a2 þ A66 b2
ð19Þ a12 ¼ ab ðA12 þ A66 Þ
For the analytical solution of Eq. 17, the Navier a13 ¼ B11 a3
method is used under the specified boundary condi- a14 ¼ C11 a2 þ C66 b2
tions. The displacement functions that satisfy the a15 ¼ abðC12 þ C66 Þ
equations of boundary conditions (19) are selected as
the following Fourier series: a22 ¼ A66 a2 þ A22 b2
a23 ¼ B22 b3
1 X
mpx npy ixt
uðx; yÞ ¼ Amn cos sin e a24 ¼ abðC12 þ C66 Þ
m¼1 n¼1
a b
1 X
X 1 a25 ¼ C66 a2 þ C22 b2
mpx npy ixt
vðx; yÞ ¼ Bmn sin cos e a33 ¼ D11 a4 þ 2D12 a2 b2 þ 4D66 a2 b2 þ D22 b4 þ k0
m¼1 n¼1
a b 
1 X
X 1 þ k1 a2 þ b2
mpx npy ixt
wðx; yÞ ¼ Cmn sin sin e ð20Þ a34 ¼ E11 a3  E12 ab 2  2E66 ab 2
m¼1 n¼1
a b
1 X
X 1
mpx npy ixt a35 ¼ E12 a2 b  2E66 a2 b  E22 b 3
hx ¼ Txmn cos sin e
a b a44 ¼ F55 þ G11 a2 þ G66 b2
m¼1 n¼1
X1 X 1
mpx npy ixt a45 ¼ ab ðG12 þ G66 Þ
hy ¼ Tymn sin cos e
m¼1 n¼1
a b a55 ¼ F44 þ G66 a2 þ G22 b2 ð23Þ

where Amn, Bmn, Cmn, Txmn, Tymn are arbitrary and a = mp/a, b = np/b.
parameters to be determined, and x is the eigenfre- For non-trivial solutions of Eq. 21, the following
quency associated with (m,n)th eigenmode. determinants should be zero:
 ½ K   x 2 ½ M   ¼ f0g ð24Þ
2.4 Eigenvalue problem for vibration problems
The Eq. 24 gives the natural frequencies of the FG
Substituting Eqs. 16 and 20 into equations of motion
(17) we get the below eigenvalue equations for any
fixed value of m and n, for free vibration problem: 3 Numerical results

½K   x2 ½M  fDg ¼ f0g ð21Þ
In this study, free vibration analysis of FG plates on
where elastic foundation by a new shear deformation theory

118 H. Ait Atmane et al.

Table 1 Comparison of the first six natural frequencies of square Al/Al2O3 FG plate X ¼ xh qc =Ec
a/h Mode no. Mode (a,b,i) Theory Power law index p
p=0 p=1 p=4 p = 10 p = ?a

2 1 101 Matsunaga (2008) 0.5572 0.4375 0.3579 0.3313 0.2829

Present 0.5524 0.4324 0.3554 0.3289 0.2812
2 111 Matsunaga (2008) 0.9400 0.7477 0.5997 0.5460 0.4773
Present 0.9300 0.7725 0.6244 0.5573 0.4730
3 102 Matsunaga (2008) 0.9742 0.8005 0.6325 0.5664 0.4946
Present 0.9742 0.8013 0.6356 0.5668 0.4958
4 112 Matsunaga (2008) 1.3777 1.1166 0.8731 0.7885 0.6995
Present 1.3777 1.1209 0.8751 0.7895 0.7012
5 201 Matsunaga (2008) 1.5090 1.2163 0.9591 0.8588 0.7661
Present 1.4907 1.1933 0.9466 0.8526 0.7587
6 103 Matsunaga (2008) 1.6078 1.3091 1.0008 0.9050 0.8163
Present 1.6466 1.3391 1.0440 0.9426 0.8381
5 1 101 Matsunaga (2008) 0.1120 0.08614 0.07356 0.06999 0.05686
Present 0.1120 0.0860 0.07346 0.06984 0.05689
2 111 Matsunaga (2008) 0.2121 0.1640 0.1383 0.1306 0.1077
Present 0.2113 0.1740 0.1520 0.1369 0.1075
3 201 Matsunaga (2008) 0.3874 0.3020 0.2502 0.2300 0.1967
Present 0.3850 0.3000 0.2500 0.2300 0.1958
4 102 Matsunaga (2008) 0.3897 0.3236 0.2607 0.2337 0.1979
Present 0.3897 0.3236 0.2606 0.2324 0.1983
5 121 Matsunaga (2008) 0.4658 0.3644 0.3000 0.2790 0.2365
Present 0.4622 0.3674 0.3037 0.2794 0.2353
6 112 Matsunaga (2008) 0.5511 0.4567 0.3668 0.3243 0.2798
Present 0.5511 0.4568 0.3668 0.3243 0.2804
10 1 101 Matsunaga (2008) 0.02936 0.02246 0.01942 0.01861 0.01491
Present 0.02934 0.02244 0.01941 0.01859 0.01493
2 111 Matsunaga (2008) 0.05777 0.04427 0.03811 0.03642 0.02933
Present 0.05770 0.04718 0.04210 0.03832 0.02936
3 201 Matsunaga (2008) 0.1120 0.08614 0.07356 0.06999 0.05686
Present 0.1120 0.0860 0.07346 0.06984 0.05689
4 121 Matsunaga (2008) 0.1381 0.1063 0.09045 0.08588 0.07012
Present 0.1380 0.1092 0.09455 0.08764 0.07006
5 102 Matsunaga (2008) 0.1948 0.1620 0.1308 0.1153 0.09890
Present 0.1948 0.1620 0.1308 0.1152 0.09916
6 221 Matsunaga (2008) 0.2121 0.1640 0.1383 0.1306 0.1077
Present 0.2113 0.1740 0.1520 0.1368 0.1075
Fully metallic plate (p = ?), XM ¼ xh qM =EM

is suggested for investigation. Navier solutions for available solutions in literature. In order to verify the
free vibration analysis of FG plates are presented by accuracy of the present analysis, some numerical
solving the eigenvalue equations. The Poisson’s ratio examples are solved. The material properties used in
is fixed at m = 0.3. Comparisons are made with the present study are:

Free vibration analysis of FGP resting on Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundations 119

Table 2 Comparison
Thickness to length ratio K0, K1 Theory
of the fundamental
frequency parameter X ¼
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Akhavan et al. (2009) Present method
x a2 q h=D of isotropic
square plate (a = b = 1) h/a = 0.001 0, 0 19.7391 19.7392
102, 10 26.2112 26.2112
103, 102 57.9961 57.9962
h/a = 0.1 0, 0 19.0840 19.0658
102, 10 25.6368 25.6236
103, 102 57.3969 57.3923
h/a = 0.2 0, 0 17.5055 17.4531
102, 10 24.3074 24.2728
103, 102 56.0359 56.0311

Metal (Aluminium, Al): EM = 70 9 109 N/m2; 18

Nondimensional fundamental frequency

m = 0.3; qM = 2702 kg/m3. 17
Ceramic (Alumina, Al2O3): EC = 380 9 109 N/m2; a/h=5
m = 0.3; qC = 3800 kg/m3. a/h=10
15 a/h=20
In all examples, the foundation parameters are 14 a/h=100
presented in the non-dimensional form of K0 = k0a4/
D and K1 = k1a2/D, where D = Eh3/12(1 - m2) is a
reference bending rigidity of the plate.
As a first example; the first six natural frequency 11

parameters of the FG plate for different values of the 10

power law p are compared with those of 2D higher 0 5 10 15 20
order theory of Matsunaga (2008) in Table 1. The first P
and second figures of the mode (a,b,i) denote the wave
numbers of a and b, respectively, and the last figure i, Fig. 2 The effect of the power lawpindex p on nondimensional
fundamental frequency (X ¼ xa2 qc h=Dc ) of P-FG plates
the mode order number which corresponds to displace- without the elastic foundation (K0 = K1 = 0)
ment distributions in thickness direction, i.e. ‘‘123’’
shows the third vibration mode for a = 1; b = 2. The effect of foundation stiffness on the vibration
Excellent agreement of the two methods is obvious. of thick P-FG plates is shown in Fig. 3a and b
In order to validate the present method in the case of (a/h = 10). The figures show that frequencies of P-FG
plates resting on elastic foundation, the results for the plates increase when foundation parameters increase.
fundamental natural frequency parameter of isotropic The effects of the material property graded index c
thick plate with three different values of thickness-to- on the fundamental natural frequency parameter of
length ratios and three different values of Winkler thick E-FG plates by considering different values of
elastic coefficient and three values of shearing layer elastic foundation coefficient are shown in Fig. 4a and
coefficient are presented in Table 2. They are com- b (a/h = 10). It can be seen that increasing ‘c’, the
pared with those obtained by Akhavan et al. (2009). natural frequency parameters reduce. The results show
Excellent agreement of the two methods can be seen. also that the fundamental natural frequencies of E-FG
We note here that in Table 2, D = Eh3/12(1 - m2) as plates increase when foundation parameters increase.
is defined by Akhavan et al. (2009).
In Fig. 2, the variations of non-dimensional fun-
damental frequencies of a P-FG plate with the power 4 Conclusions
law index p are given. It is seen from the figure that
the increase of the power law index p produces a An accurate solution procedure based on a new
reduction of fundamental frequency values. higher shear deformation theory for the free vibration

120 H. Ait Atmane et al.

(a) 26 (a) 26,0

Nondimensional fundamental frequency

Nondimensional fundamental frequency

K0=20 25,5 K0=0
25 K0=40
K0=60 25,0
24 K0=100 K0=60
24,5 K0=80
23 24,0


21 22,5

0 5 10 15 20 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
P γ
(b) (b)
26 26,0

Nondimensional fundamental frequency

Nondimensional fundamental frequency

25 K1=2 25,5 K1=0

K1=4 K1=2
24 K1=6 25,0 K1=4
K1=8 K1=6
23 K1=10 24,5
22 24,0 K1=10
16 20,5
0 5 10 15 20 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
P γ
Fig. 3 The effect of the power law
pindex p on nondimensional
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Fig. 4 The effect of the material property gradedpindex c on
fundamental frequency (X ¼ xa2 qc h=Dc ) of P-FG plates on ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

nondimensional fundamental frequency (X ¼ xa2 qM h=DM )
the elastic foundation: a K1 = 10; b K0 = 100 of E-FG plates on the elastic foundation: a K1 = 10;
b K0 = 100

analysis of thick FG plates on two-parameter elastic

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