CE Marking Letter
CE Marking Letter
CE Marking Letter
The European Regulation (UE) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and the
Council of 9 March 2011, laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of
construction products, and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC, abbreviated as
Construction Products Regulation (ePR), will apply entirely as from 1 July 2013.
This regulation exclusively concerns construction products covered by a European
harmonised technical specification, (hannonised European Standard [hEN] or
European Assessment Document [EAD1).
Whilst both Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Steel are intended, eventually, to be
covered by a hannonized European standard, at the time being no such document
exists and therefore no type of reinforcing steels (common steels, galvanised
steels, corrosion resistant steels, steel fabric or lattice girders) or pre-stressing
steel (bar, wire or strand) will be covered by such a hannonised technical
specification, as required by the CPR, as of the I st July 2013.
CARES undertakes to infonn both its approved finns and potential users of these
materials manufactured by its approved finns, by website announcement, of any
significant move toward the finalisation of such standards, or of a change to the
B J Bowsher
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A Company limited by Guarantee
Registered in England No. 1762448 V
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