Laboratory Report 1 - 4

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The document discusses procedures to prepare soil samples for physical and chemical analysis, and determine soil bulk density through measuring weights and volumes of soil samples.

The objective of preparing soil samples is to adequately calibrate the samples to reflect the total or average characteristics of the soil, which is important to ensure correct study and understanding of the soil.

The steps to determine soil bulk density are: 1) weigh soil container and air-dried soil sample, 2) oven-dry samples and weigh, 3) determine volume of sampling cylinder, debris and rocks, 4) calculate volume of solids and pores, 5) use formula to calculate bulk density.



Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Environmental Technology



Lab Report for Experiment 1 – 4

Prepared by:







To prepare soil samples for physical and chemical analysis.


The soil samples must be adequately calibrated in order to be able to reflect the total or
average characteristics of the soil. This is important to ensure correct study and understanding of
the soil. Accurate soil assessment would result in more effective land use, improved farm
production and a decrease in the potential for environmental emissions.

Reducing the size of the samples could be necessary to allow the storing and processing
of the dried soil. Mechanical sample splitter (i.e. Riffle-type Sample Splitter) can be used to
break the soil sample in half by a sequence of drops. Alternatively, trimming is a simple way to
reduce the size of the sample. The soil sample shall be scattered evenly over a sheet of plastic,
separated into four equal proportions, and two sections shall be extracted and thoroughly mixed.

1. Soil samples were spread by <15 mm on a sheet of durable plastic and the damp samples
were crush with a wooden hammer.
2. The soil sample were dried in an oven at 40 – 60℃. Remove the soil sample from the
oven if the weight loss of soil is about <5 % (m/m) per 24 hours.
3. The soil aggregates were crushed with a wooden hammer, and large objects (e.g., stones
and pebbles) were picked from the soil samples. The amount of fine material adhered to
large objects were minimized. The soil samples were sieved, and homogenized the <2mm
soil fraction.
4. For determination of coarse fragment content, the >2 mm soil fraction were weighed
5. For reduction of sample size, the <2 mm soil fraction were spread uniformly over a sheet
of plastic. The soil were split using a sample divider or sample splitter into four equal
portions, and two portions were collected. This step were repeated until the required
sample number and sample size were obtained.


1. To familiar oneself with the “feel method” for determination of soil textural class based
on the characteristics of soil mineral materials sand, slit and clay.
2. To qualitatively determine soil textural class of soil samples using the “feel method”.


The soil texture is known as the relative proportion of the soil content of sand, slit and
clay. It is a parameter that influences the amount of water, nutrients and even pollutants the soil
can contain. It is therefore a crucial parameter in improving crop yields and managing soil
pollution. The maintenance of agricultural and soil texture also influences air and water

The feel technique is a qualitative method for determining the soil texture, depending on
the basic characteristics of the soil mineral content, such as sand, silt and clay. Relatively greater
in scale relative to silt and mud, the impression of rough between the fingertips suggests the
dominant presence of sand, and the smoothness indicates the dominant presence of silt. A clay
with plasticity characteristics, versatile and can be shaped into a rod and a ribbon when wet, to
classify soil with a high content of clay. The feel approach is a very versatile methodology that
can be used in the field. It may not be correct but sufficient to measure the textural class of the
soil. It is important to remember that clay and organic matter are soil binding materials.

1. One tablespoon of soil were placed approximately in palm. Water were added drop wise,
all aggregate were broke down and the soil were kneaded to form moist putty. A ball
were developed with wet soil and the soil were squeezed.
2. The soil was placed between thumb and forefinger, the soil was gently pushed with the
thumb with the same pressure to form a ribbon with uniform thickness and width. The
ribbon was allowed to emerge and extended over the forefinger, breaking from it’s on

Table 3.1a: Observation for Determination of Soil Texture by the “Feel Method” for SOIL


STEP 1 Soil ball remains Soil ball breaks SAND

when squeezed when squeezed
– proceed to
STEP 2 Formation of Soil does not LOAMY SAND
ribbon from the form a ribbon
soil – proceed to
STEP 3 – 5
STEP 3 Excessively wet Very Gritty Very Smooth Neither Gritty
soil (Ribbon nor Smooth
<2.5 long) SANDY SILT LOAM
(MC) (M)
STEP 4 Excessively wet Very Gritty Very Smooth Neither Gritty
soil (Ribbon 2.5 nor Smooth
to 5cm long) SANDY SILTY CLAY
(MC) (F)
STEP 5 Excessively wet Very Gritty Very Smooth Neither Gritty
soil (Ribbon >5 nor Smooth
(MC) (F)
Table 3.1b: Observation for Determination of Soil Texture by the “Feel Method” for SOIL


STEP 1 Soil ball remains Soil ball breaks SAND

when squeezed when squeezed
– proceed to
STEP 2 Formation of Soil does not LOAMY SAND
ribbon from the form a ribbon
soil – proceed to
STEP 3 – 5
STEP 3 Excessively wet Very Gritty Very Smooth Neither Gritty
soil (Ribbon nor Smooth
<2.5 long) SANDY SILT LOAM
(MC) (M)
STEP 4 Excessively wet Very Gritty Very Smooth Neither Gritty
soil (Ribbon 2.5 nor Smooth
to 5cm long) SANDY SILTY CLAY
(MC) (F)
STEP 5 Excessively wet Very Gritty Very Smooth Neither Gritty
soil (Ribbon >5 nor Smooth
(MC) (F)
Soil texture, such as clay, sandy loam, loam, is one of the most significant physical
properties of the soil because, among other factors, soil texture defined numerous significant
physical and chemical properties of the soil, such as water loss. Realizing the soil texture alone
would provide details on the potential for water distribution, water holding capability, fertility
potential and suitability for certain urban uses, such as bearing capacity.

For the result, soil 1, at the end of the feel method, soil 1 can determined as sandy loam.
When water added drop wise, it can form a ball and when squeezed it, the soil not broken. This
show that the soil is not of sand type cause it can form a ball. For the next step, the soil can make
a ribbon but not exceeded 2.5 cm and above. This show that this soil is sandy loam as it feel very
gritty and not smooth. Sandy loam also have moderately coarse texture as state in USDA
Textural Triangle.

Next, soil 2, at the end of this experiment, soil 2 can be determined as sandy clay loam.
The first method which form a ball with the soil, and soil 2 prove that it can form a ball. When
squeeze it, the soil not broke that’s mean the soil is not sand. After that, the soil can form a
ribbon and the exceeded 2.5 cm and not exceeded 5 cm long. Next, for the texture, the soil have
gritty feel so that decided the soil is sandy clay loam. Wet clay is very sticky and is plastic or it
can be molded readily into a shape or rod. Clay also easily formed into long ribbon.

There are some protective aspects that need to be taken during the procedure. First, after
handling the dirt with a bare hand, we need to be vigilant of harmful materials such as small
rocks and glass flakes that may inflict damage. There are few suggestions to minimise mistakes.
Next, in order to minimise parallax error, we need to be sure that our eyes are perpendicular to


The class for soil 1 is sandy loam while for soil 2 is sandy clay loam.


1. To familiar oneself with different colours of soil.

2. To apply Munsell colour chart for soil colour determination.
3. To determine soil colour at field using the Munsell book chart.


The soil is colourful and the various colours of the soil provide details about the physical
properties of the soil. The soil colour does not influence the conduct and usage of the soil, but
can suggest the structure and conditions of the soil. Chemical and biological weathering (i.e.
redox reactions, etc.) produces colour in the soil. The alteration in the elemental composition is
correlated with the weathering of the primary minerals in the soil to create fresh and vibrant

The soil colour is also determined by the amount of organic matter and the oxidation of iron in
the soil. Organic matter gives a black hue, while ferric and ferrous iron give a red and grey
colour, respectively. The soil colour is defined by contrasting the soil in its field state to the
Munsell soil colour map, which consists of a collection of coloured chips. It is adopted by the
USDA as the standard colour scheme for soil science. Each chip is described uniquely by its
position on three simple axes of color- hue, value and chroma – and by a descriptive term that
may be applied to a range of chips.

1. A little water were added to a soil to make a paste and a small amount were smeared on a
piece of paper. Find a page from the Munsell chart that closely matches the soil sample’s
2. The soil were held behind the page of selected chips, and the soil were compared to the
coloured chips through the holes punched in the page.
3. The chip were identified with the colour that is the best match to the soil sample. The
position of this chip were identified in the table on the left-hand page facing the page of
coloured chips. All the information were recorded in Table 3.5.
4. The steps 1 – 3 were repeated with the field soil sample, and four soil of different colours
were determined.
5. All information were recorded in data sheet.

Table 3.5: Colour of Oven-Dried Soil and Field Soil

Parameters Hue Value Chroma Soil color full

OVEN-DRIED 2.5 Y 6 4 2.5 Y 6/4

OVEN-DRIED 2.5 Y 5 4 2.5 Y 5/4


FIELD SOIL 3 10 YR 4 3 10 YR 4/3

(surface soil at
location 1)

FIELD SOIL 4 10 YR 4 4 10 YR 4/4

soil at location

FIELD SOIL 5 7.5 YR 2.5 2 7.5 YR 2.5/2

(surface soil at
location 2)

FIELD SOIL 6 7.5 YR 2.5 3 7.5 YR 2.5/3

(subsurface soil
at location 2)

There are few influences determined by soil colour, which are soil organic matter quality,
soil moisture content and soil aeration, such as iron and manganese oxidation. Color as a tool to
assess the usefulness of the soil. White and light soils typically have poor fertility, either because
they are leached or because they are rich in salts. Quite dark top soils with a high organic content
can be very fertile. However, one should also check on gleying which this condition of high
organic matter content may result from lack of oxygen.

For the result, for soil 5 and 6, these soil have a dark color. Dark color soil absorb more
radiation during day and radiate more heat during night. Dark color also indicates its organic
matter content. As for soil 1 and 2, these soil have a light brown color. This indicate colors of
oxidized iron minerals, similar to rust.

The soil colour quantification is based on three types of soil presence based on the
Munsell colour table. Quantification is colour, value, and chromium. The primary colour
recognition is Hue. The lightness or obscurity of the hue is value. Price is donated by numbers
from 0 to 10. Where 0 is black, and where 10 is white. Chromium meant purifying the dominant
colour; and it was denoted by a number. Low chromium colours indicate muddy colours such as
soil 2 to 6 have a low chromium value suggesting muddy pigment.


Soil 1 is 2.5 Y 6/4, soil 2 is 2.5 Y 5/4, soil 3 is 10 YR 4/3, soil 4 is 10 YR 4/4, soil 5 is 7.5 YR
2.5/2 and soil 6 in 7.5 YR 2.5/3.


1. To collect field samples for bulk density measurement.

2. To determine bulk density and factors that affects soil bulk density.
3. To compare bulk density of compacted soil and non-compacted soil.


The soil bulk density is normally written in shorts as D B or ρ B, which is the ratio of the mass of
solid phase of the oven-dried soil to its total volume (Vt), that is, the volume of soil solid
materials and soil pore volumes (Eq. 3.6a).

ws ws
DB = =
V t ( V s+ V P )

Where ws is the mass of solid soil material, V t is the total volume that will include volume
of solid materials (VS) and volume of porosity (VP).

Volume density data are critical for determining main soil parameters, such as soil porosity, soil
moisture mobility within the profile, and clay formation and carbonate deposition rates.
Measurement of soil bulk density is also highly recommended. Mineral soils have a bulk density
of 1.0 to 2.0, based on the relative proportions and specific gravity of solid organic and inorganic
particles and soil porosity. Compaction increases soil bulk density by lowering the volume of
pores of the soil system. In this experiment, the effects of compaction to soil bulk density will be
investigated, using compacted soil and non-compacted soil.

Field Sampling

1. Identify sampling location and clear the surface of vegetation. Push the entire sampling
cylinder into the soil and use a scoop to clear excess soil at the top of the sampling
cylinder. If necessary, wet the soil to ease insertion of sampling cylinder into the soil, or
place a piece of wood over the cylinder and hit the wood with hammer.
2. Using trowel or shovel, dig around the can to remove the surrounding soil and the
sampling cylinder. Trim the soil from the top and around the edges of the can so that the
volume of the soil is the same as the volume of the can.
3. Cover the labelled cylinder with its lid or other cover.
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 for collecting four soil samples with different compaction level.

Laboratory Work

1. Remove the plastic cover and then the soil samples from the sampling cylinder, and
spread on paper to remove debris and rocks by hand (use glove) and air dry the samples
for 1 and 2 hour. Weigh the debris free samples in a pre-weight aluminium boat. Record
all the weight results in Table 3.6.
2. Using a sieve, screen dried samples over a large sheet of paper. Isolate rocks and other
large debris, and immerse in a 100 mL graduated cylinder filled with 30 mL of water.
The displaced water volume represents the volume of the debris. Record the volume of
displaced water in Table 3.6. Dry the pre-weigh, sieved soil samples in an oven at 150℃
3. Put dried soil in a desiccator and weigh each sample in its container when cooled. Record
the dry weight of soil samples in Table 3.6.

Equation to determination volume of the sampling cylinder

VTS = π r 2 l
The bulk density

DB =


Table 3.6: Weight of Soil Container, Air-Dried Soil, Oven Dried Soil; Volume of Sampling
Cylinder, Debris and Rocks for Determination of Soil Bulk Density

Parameters Unit Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3 Soil 4

(non- (non- (compacted (compacted
compacted compacted soil) soil)
soil) soil)
Weight of soil container g 4.000 4.000 7.000 4.000

Weight of soil container + air- g 228.000 241.000 234.000 252.000

dried soil sample

Weight of oven-dried soil + g 200.000 208.000 210.000 225.000

Weight of soil container

Weight of oven dried soil, wov g 196.000 204.000 203.000 221.000

Sampling cylinder

Radius, r cm 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500

Length, l cm 6.200 6.200 6.200 6.200
Volume of debris and rocks

Initial volume, Vi mL 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000

Final volume, Vf mL 32.000 31.000 34.000 34.000
Volume debris, VD mL 2.000 1.000 4.000 4.000
Volume of solid + porous mL 123.786 122.786 125.786 125.786
Soil Bulk Density (DB) g/cm3 1.583 1.661 1.614 1.757

Calculation to determine volume of solid + porous

V TS =π r 2 l

= 22/7 x (2.5)2 x 6.2

= 121.786 cm3
= 121.786 + 2
= 123.786 cm3/ml
This is for soil 1. The calculation repeated for soil 2, 3 and 4.

Calculation for soil bulk density

DB =

= 196.00 / 123.786

= 1.583 g/cm3

So, this is calculation for soil 1. This calculation repeated for soil 2, 3 and 4.

Bulk density BD or DB defined as the mass of a unit volume of dry soil. The volume
include volume of both solid and pores. BD of mineral soil normally 1.0 to 1.8 g/cm 3 while for
organic soil normally 0.1 to 0.6 g/cm3. Increase BD or DB suggests a worse root growth
environment, decreased aeration and adverse improvements in hydrological function, such as
reduced water penetration. The bulk density of the soil can increase as a result of compaction. It
may arise as pressure is applied to the surface of the soil.

As for the result, soil 1 have less bulk density compared to soil 2, 3 and 4. Which means
that the soil is not compact and have a good value for mineral soil. Next, soil 2 have a slight
increase than soil 1. This may because of the soil aeration is not good enough compared to soil 1.
After that, for soil 3 and 4 are compacted soil, so the bulk density for the soil increased as
compacted soil is a factor for increasing bulk density. That could be attributed to greater use of
leisure and travel. Other than that, agricultural practises can also be a cause of raising mass
density, for example, tillage may briefly loosen the surface soil but, in the long-term, intensive
tillage, increase the mass density as it depletes the soil organic matter and weakens the soil


The value of bulk density is 1.583, 1.661, 1.614 and 1.757 respectively.


1. Yong Soon Kong, Ab. Khalik Wood, Abdul Rashid Ahmad (2018). Laboratory Manual
for Soil Science and Analysis. UiTM Press.
2. Chapter 2.1 Soil Texture retrieved from Soil Science and Analysis Slide Notes.
3. Chapter 2.2 & 2.3 Physical Properties retrieved from Soil Science and Analysis Slide

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