Storm Water Management Design Manual Culverts and Bridges
Storm Water Management Design Manual Culverts and Bridges
Storm Water Management Design Manual Culverts and Bridges
The function of a culvert or bridge is to safely pass the peak flow generated by the design storm under a
roadway, railroad, or other feature. The culvert or bridge design shall not cause excessive backwater or
velocities. The design of a culvert must take into account the different engineering and technical aspects
of the culvert site and adjacent areas which may be impacted by the design.
The following design criteria apply for bridge and culvert design crossings.
Inlet and outlet flow velocities shall not impact channel stability. Scour analyses shall be
performed for critical culvert and bridge structures, as identified by the County Storm Water
Engineer, municipality, state or, federal jurisdictions to determine necessary channel and structure
protection. At a minimum, all inlet and outlet locations and other locations impacted by flow
velocities near structures shall include design of channel protection where erosive flow velocities
Culverts shall be designed to have a minimum mean velocity flowing full of 2.0 feet per second, the
lower limit of scouring velocity.
Material for culverts under state or county roadways or under driveways within right-of-way shall
consist of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). The minimum allowed strength of RCP shall be
Class III.
Material for culverts under privately owned and maintained drives not in a public right-of-way may
consist of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), aluminum or aluminized steel corrugated pipe with
approved gasket joints, solid or corrugated PVC walls with wall stiffness of 46 or greater or
centrifugally cast fiberglass reinforced polymer mortar (CCFRPM) sewer pipe. Joint construction
and pipe installation shall be in accordance with sewer pipe standards.
Material for culverts for installations in grassed areas, in areas that do not have traffic bearing
loads, or that do not have surcharge loads from embankment may consist of high density
polyethylene (HDPE) pipe with smooth interior liner. HDPE pipe connections shall be watertight
in areas where either elevated seasonal high ground water may be evident or where hydraulic
surcharge of the system will occur.
The Manning's "n" values for culvert materials are presented in Table 4-1.
Conduit Physical Shape Wall & Joint Description Manning's "n"
4.1.4 Geometry
The culvert shall be of adequate length to join or match required headwalls, sloping of
embankments, end wall treatments, and any other inlet/outlet protection improvements. The
longitudinal slope shall conform to existing naturalized channel slope. The culvert invert shall
not impede flows along the bottom of the open channel. Culvert skew shall not exceed
approximately 30 degrees. The minimum pipe diameter (round or arch) shall be 15 inches; the
minimum box dimension shall be 3 by 6 feet. Bridge passages shall be designed not to
substantially impact flow characteristics.
Culvert headwalls shall be used at pipe inlets larger than 24 inches in diameter or rise. Design of
inlets should not impact embankment stability or erosion. A combination of headwall and
wingwalls may be allowed where limiting the length of embankment side slopes, property
impacts, or other conditions necessitate their use. Exposure of end treatment configurations
should not have adverse effect upon adjacent activities or uses. Barriers, buffers, or other means
of access restriction shall be designed as necessary.
Hardened concrete inlet aprons may be utilized to provide inlet channel protection. The apron
shall extend a minimum length of one pipe diameter along the flow channel and conform to the
channel bottom. If the exit velocity is high and/or receiving channel conditions are prone to
erosion and destabilization of the channel, the outfall energy dissipators for culverts or channel
armor shall be required. Materials may include properly sized stone riprap, stilling basins,
hardened control devices, or natural structures, designed in accordance with FHWA HEC No. 14,
Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissapators for Culverts and Channels, 1983.
If the project location is in the area of a mapped 100-year frequency base flood elevation shown
on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM),
the design must follow the National Flood Insurance Program guidelines.
Headwater Limitations
Headwater (HW) is the depth of water above the culvert invert at the upstream (entrance) end of
the culvert. The allowable headwater elevation is determined from an evaluation of land use
upstream, roadway or embankment elevation, and acceptable elevation for flood passage.
Culverts with a rise of 42 inches or smaller shall not be subjected to an HW of greater than 1.6
times the rise of the culvert for up to a 25-year storm event. Culverts with a rise of 48 inches and
larger shall not be subjected to an HW of greater than 0.8 times the rise of the culvert for a 25-
year storm event and not greater than 1.25 times the rise of the culvert for a 50-year storm event.
Resulting HW of culverts shall not increase, adversely impact, or result in a surface water
elevation increase that is unacceptable or greater than 1 foot at areas upstream of the culvert.
Design shall demonstrate that flow passes safely around the culvert and that headwater or
tailwater elevations from the culvert do not endanger property for events including a 100-year
storm event.
Tailwater Considerations
Tailwater is the depth of water above the culvert invert at the downstream (outfall) of the culvert.
The tailwater depth for a range of discharges must be determined by way of hydraulic evaluation.
There may be a need for calculating backwater curves to establish the tailwater conditions. The
following site conditions must be considered:
• If the culvert outlet is operating with a free outfall, the critical depth and equivalent
hydraulic grade line should be determined.
• If the culvert discharges to an open channel, the stage-discharge curve for the receiving
channel must be determined.
• If the culvert discharges to a lake, pond, or other major water body, the expected high water
elevation of the particular water body may establish the culvert tailwater. For tidal culverts
discharging into an ocean, the mean high and mean low tide elevations must be considered.
• If an upstream culvert outlet is located near a downstream culvert inlet, the headwater
elevation of the downstream culvert may establish the design tailwater depth for the upstream
If area upstream of the culvert will be utilized as storage during the design storm, the following
must be considered:
Weep holes are installed to relieve hydrostatic pressure resulting in uplift forces on the culvert
structure and shall be included as necessary. The weep holes should be used in conjunction with
filter materials in order to intercept the flow and prevent the formation of piping channels. The
filters should be designed as under-drain filter structures to prevent clogging.
Selected culvert design and location should cause the least impact on the stream, wetlands, and
wildlife habitat. This selection analysis shall consider the entire impacted site, including any inlet
and outlet channels where the storm water design substantially impacts the existing hydraulic
capacity or surface water elevation.
The culvert/bridge design must be in compliance with National Flood Insurance Program. It is
necessary to consider the 100-year frequency flood at the local identified special flood hazard
areas. The design engineer should review floodway regulations applicable for the project and
impacted area.
Culverts shall be selected based on hydraulic performance, site conditions and economy. It is necessary to
know the design culvert flow regime to properly access its impact. Culvert selection shall include analysis of
both inlet and outlet control.
The culvert flow controls for a straight, uniformly shaped culvert are divided into two basic classes
depending on the control section: inlet control and outlet control. For each type of control, different factors
and equations are used to compute the hydraulic capacity of the culvert. Inlet control is restricted due to the
opening efficiency and opening size. Conversely, outlet control is restricted by friction and by tailwater
effects. Both the inlet flow capacity and the outlet flow capacity must be calculated to compare the
values and select which condition is most restrictive.
For a culvert operating under inlet control, the culvert barrel is capable of conveying a greater
discharge than the inlet will accept. The flow control section is just inside the culvert barrel at its
entrance. The flow profile passes through critical depth at this location and flow in the barrel is
supercritical. Conditions downstream of the entrance have no effect on culvert capacity. The
barrel flows partially full over its length and the flow approaches normal depth at the outlet end.
Under inlet control, only the headwater and the inlet configuration affect the hydraulic performance.
The headwater elevation at the culvert entrance supplies the energy necessary to force flow through a
The maximum discharge through a culvert flowing partially full occurs when flow is at critical depth
for a given energy head. To assure that flow passes through critical depth near the inlet, the culvert
must be laid on a slope equal to or greater than critical slope for the design discharge. Placing
culverts which are to flow partially full on slopes greater than critical slope will increase the outlet
velocities but will not increase the discharge capacity. The section near the inlet at which critical
flow occurs limits the discharge.
The capacity of a culvert flowing partially full with control at the inlet is governed by the following
equation when the approach velocity is considered zero (Illustration A in Figure 4-1).
V 22 (4-1)
HW = d c + + he
The entrance loss coefficient "ke", is a measure of the hydraulic efficiency of the inlet, with lower
values indicating greater efficiency. Recommended inlet coefficients are given in Table 4-2.
Type of Structure and Design of Entrance Coefficient "ke"
Pipe, Concrete:
Projecting from fill, socket end (groove end) 0.2
Projecting from fill, square-cut end 0.5
Headwall or headwall and wingwalls:
Socket end of pipe (groove end) 0.2
Square-edged 0.5
Rounded (radius = 1/12 D) 0.2
Mitered to conform to fill slope 0.7
End section conforming to fill slope1 0.5
Beveled edges, 33.7° or 45° bevels 0.2
Side-or slope-tapered inlet 0.2
Pipe or Pipe-Arch, Corrugated Metal:
Projecting from fill (no headwall) 0.9
Headwall or headwall and wingwalls square-edge 0.5
Mitered to conform to fill slope, paved or unpaved slope 0.7
End section conforming to fill slope1 0.5
Beveled edges, 33.7° or 45° bevels 0.2
Side-or slope-tapered inlet 0.2
Box, Reinforced Concrete:
Headwall parallel to embankment (no wingwalls):
Square-edged on 3 edges 0.5
Rounded on 3 edges to radius of 1/12 barrel dimension,
or beveled edges on 3 sides 0.2
Wingwalls at 30° to 75° to barrel:
Square-edged at crown 0.4
Crown edge rounded to radius of 1/12 barrel dimension,
or beveled top edge 0.2
Wingwall at 10° to 25° to barrel:
Square-edged at crown 0.5
Wingwalls parallel (extension of sides):
Square-edged at crown 0.7
Side- or slope-tapered inlet 0.2
Source: Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, Hydraulic Design Series No. 5, 2001.
"End sections conforming to fill slope" are the sections commonly available from manufacturers. From limited hydraulic tests, they are
equivalent in operation to a headwall in both inlet and outlet control. Some end sections incorporating a closed taper in their design
have superior hydraulic performance.
All the factors affecting the hydraulic performance of a culvert in inlet control also influence culverts
in outlet control. In addition, the barrel characteristics (roughness, area, shape, length, and slope) and
the tailwater elevation affect culvert performance in outlet control.
The barrel roughness is a function of the culvert material and is represented by Manning's “n”
coefficient. The barrel length is the total length extending from the entrance to the exit of the culvert.
The barrel slope is the actual slope of the culvert and is often equivalent to the slope of the stream.
The tailwater elevation is based upon the downstream water surface elevation measured from the
outlet invert. Backwater calculations or normal depth approximations, when appropriate, are two
methods used to determine the tailwater elevation. Figure 4-2 depicts several examples of outlet
Illustration A in Figure 4-2 represents the classic full flow condition, with both inlet and outlet
submerged. The barrel is in pressure flow throughout its length. This condition is often assumed in
calculations, but seldom actually exists.
In illustration B of Figure 4-2, the outlet is submerged with the inlet unsubmerged. In this case, the
headwater is shallow so that the inlet crown is exposed as the flow contracts into the culvert.
Most culverts flow with free outlet but, depending on topography or downstream constraint, a
tailwater elevation sufficient to submerge the outlet may form at some instances. For an outlet to be
submerged, the depth at the outlet must be equal to or greater than the diameter of the culvert. The
capacity of a culvert flowing full with a submerged outlet is governed by the following equation
when the approach velocity is considered zero. Outlet velocity is based on full-pipe flow at the
HW = H + TW − S o L (4-2)
Figure 4-2, illustration C shows the entrance submerged to such a degree that the culvert flows full
throughout its entire length while the exit is unsubmerged. This is a rare condition. It requires an
extremely high headwater to maintain full barrel flow with no tailwater. The outlet velocities are
usually high under this condition.
Illustration D in Figure 4-2 is a typical representation of partially full flow. The culvert entrance is
submerged by the headwater and the outlet end flows freely with a low tailwater. For this condition,
the barrel flows partially full over at least part of its length (subcritical flow) and the flow passes
through critical depth just upstream of the outlet.
The capacity of a culvert flowing full over at least part of its length with a submerged entrance (HW
> 1.2 D) is governed by the following equation when the approach velocity is considered zero.
HW = H + P - S o L (4-3)
Outlet velocity is based on critical depth if tailwater depth is less than critical depth (TW < dc). If
tailwater depth is greater than critical depth (TW > dc), outlet velocity is based on tailwater depth.
In the condition where neither the inlet nor the outlet end of the culvert are submerged and the flow
has free surface, as in Figure 4-2 illustration E, the barrel flows partially full over its entire length and
the flow profile can be subcritical or supercritical. The tailwater depth can be above or below critical
If the headwater pool elevation does not submerge the culvert inlet (HW < 1.2D), the slope at design
discharge is subcritical (So < Sc), the tailwater depth is above critical depth (TW >
_ dc), and the control
occurs at the outlet. The capacity of the culvert is governed by the following equation when the
approach velocity is considered zero:
V 2TW (4-4)
HW = TW + + he + h f - S o L
The capacity of a culvert flowing partially full with outlet control and tailwater depth below critical
depth (TW < dc) is governed by the following equation when the approach velocity is considered
zero. The entrance is unsubmerged (HW < 1.2D), and the design discharge is subcritical (So < Sc).
Vc 2
HW = d c + + he + h f − So L (4-5)
V 2
he = k e c
ke = entrance loss coefficient (Table 4-2)
g = acceleration of gravity, 32.2 feet per second squared
hf = friction head loss, in feet
29 n 2 L V 2
hf =
R1.33 2 g
V = average pipe velocity, in feet per second
V = Q/A
Q = discharge, in cubic feet per second
A = cross sectional area of flow, in square feet
n = Manning's roughness coefficient (Table 4-1)
When the sum of kinetic energy plus potential energy for a specified discharge is at a minimum,
critical flow occurs. During critical flow, the maximum discharge through the culvert occurs with
any specified total energy head. For a given flow rate, the depth of flow and slope associated
with critical flow define the critical depth and critical slope. If a culvert has an unsubmerged
outlet, the maximum capacity of the culvert is established when critical flow occurs.
Critical depth for various culvert sections can be determined using the appropriate curve charts on
Figures 4-3 and 4-4. These charts are based on the assumption that the culvert flows full over its
entire length and is submerged at both ends. The charts can be used to approximate outlet control
behavior when the tailwater elevation drops below the crown of the culvert outlet.
Culvert selection techniques can range from solving empirical formulas, to using nomographs and charts,
to comprehensive mathematical analysis for specific hydraulic conditions. The many hydraulic factors
involved make precise evaluation time consuming and difficult without the help of computer programs
and models. The actual models used for these calculations shall be at the discretion of the design
professional with approval from the County. Applicable computer models for culvert design include, but
are not limited to the following:
• HY8
• Hydraflow Storm Sewers by Intelisolve
• Culvert Master
The simple empirical and nomograph methods do not account for all of the factors that impact flow
through culverts, but they can be easily used to estimate flow capacities for the conditions they represent.