IDA WebServices User Documentation V1.0
IDA WebServices User Documentation V1.0
IDA WebServices User Documentation V1.0
In this document the term “client” refers to the system requesting a communication with IDA server. The term “user” refers
to the developer that is using IDA web services to establish interactions between the two systems.
1.2. SOAP
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a standard communication protocol. It is the backbone of the interoperability
system. SOAP is a protocol described in XML and standardized by the W3C. It is an envelope that can be signed and may
contain data or attachments.
1.3. WSDL
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is a standard description language. This is the interface presented to users. It
shows how to use the web service and how to interact with it. WSDL is XML-based and can accurately describe details
about the web service such as protocols, ports used, operations that can be performed, input and output message formats,
and exceptions that can be sent.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- part 1 : Definitions -->
<definitions name="idaWS" targetNamespace="urn:idaWS" xmlns:typens="urn:idaWS"
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:wsdl=""
<!-- part 2 : Types-->
<xsd:schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:idaWS"></xsd:schema>
<!-- For authenticate method -->
<xsd:complexType name="dataReturnedByAuthenticateMethod">
<xsd:complexContent mixed="false">
<xsd:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
<xsd:attribute wsdl:arrayType="Authenticate[]" ref="soapenc:arrayType" />
XSD is a schema for an xml file. // L’utilisateur final du ws (developer) a t il besoin du XSD ? du WSDL ?
2. Basic Examples
This chapter describes the main IDA functionalities available through web services and the different methods available to
interact with IDA. The API is accessible through a standard HTTP request using the POST method by calling one of the
following URL:
2.1. Authentication
The user will have to authenticate his connection to the API with the same couple of login / password used in IDA, to
generate a token that will be used to secure all calls to other methods.
For authentication, the client will have to call the URL in method POST:
Web-Service Method:
Parameters to transmit:
Parameters returned:
If the authentication is approved, then the token returned by the Web Service should systematically be used when calling
another webservice.
Call example:
Sample response :
In order to search an IDA work through its reference, the client will have to call the URL in method POST:
Web-Service Method:
Parameters to transmit:
Parameters returned:
data: Full information on the IDA work structured as an EOD file (with a single work, see the xsd model
message: confirmation message or error message containing the error codes generated by IDA.
Call example :
Sample response :
Web-Service Method:
Parameters to transmit:
first_name: The first name of right owner / participant. If empty, nothing will be applied
roles: At standard format (Example : MC) If several roles, the roles must be separated by a ; (Example : MC;LY) . If
empty, nothing will be applied
shooting_language: At standard format and must be contained the code for the language and the country in this
order with | as separator ( Example : AA|FR) If several combination, the combinations must be separated by a ;
(Example : AA|FR;AB|AF) . If empty, nothing will be applied
prod_country: At standard format 5example : FR) If several production countries, the countries must be separated
by a ; (Example : FR;AF) . If empty, nothing will be applied
exploitation_mode: At standard format (Example : CINE) If several exploitation modes, the used codes must be
separated by a ; (Example : CINE;TELE) . If empty, nothing will be applied
keyword: At standard format (Example : FF) If several keywords, its must be separated by a ; (Example : FF;SH) . If
empty, nothing will be applied
work_enriched_from: A date at format YYYY/MM/DD (Example : 2018/01/01) . If empty, nothing will be applied
work_updated_from: A date at format YYYY/MM/DD (Example : 2018/01/01) . If empty, nothing will be applied
work_updated_until: A date at format YYYY/MM/DD (Example : 2018/01/01) . If empty, nothing will be applied
work_created_from: A date at format YYYY/MM/DD (Example : 2018/01/01) . If empty, nothing will be applied
work_created_until: A date at format YYYY/MM/DD (Example : 2018/01/01) . If empty, nothing will be applied
Parameters returned:
data: If the number of results <=1000: the link to the XML file created. If the number of result>1000, just a
message of confirmation
message: confirmation message or error message containing the error codes generated by IDA.
Call example :
Sample response :
Web-Service Method :
eod (the method for executing EOD operations returning a Job ID)
Parameters to transmit:
fileXml: The content of xml file usually used to execute an eod on interface (different xsd models can be used:
IDAWorkExchange.xsd, IDAWorkExchangeAdd.xsd, IDAWorkExchangeUpdate.xsd,
Parameters returned:
Depending on the fileXml used you can research (using EOD criteria), update (FbF), add or remove works in IDA.
Call example :
Sample response :
Web-Service Method:
Parameters to transmit:
jobid: The ID of the Job created with the first Web Service
type: The type of the Job created with the first Web Service (Example : import ou export)
Parameters returned:
data: the link to the XML file created if the Job is finished or link to the report file if the Job needs validation
message: confirmation message (treatment is over), validation message (validation is needed) or error message
containing the error codes generated by IDA.
Call example :
Sample response :
Web-Service Method:
Parameters to transmit:
jobid: The ID of the Job created with the first Web Service
Parameters returned:
data: null
message: confirmation message or error message containing the error codes generated by IDA.
Call example :
Sample response :
Web-Service Method:
Parameters to transmit:
jobid: The ID of the Job created with the first Web Service
Parameters returned:
data: null
message: confirmation message or error message containing the error codes generated by IDA.
Sample response :
The operations through Web Services will also appear on the IDA interface:
- A new line will appear on section import of IDA’s interface when the process of import begins.
- As soon as the process is over, the log file appears on IDA interface and the client can validate or not his import or
download the EOD file.
Information can be added, updated or deleted; but the user has to respect the working rules.
The IDA CMO member commit to ensure the optimal quality of works documentation stored in IDA. Quality of information
means both accurate and compliant with IDA standards.
Key documents: IDA Nomenclature // IDA Mandatory fields // IDA Best practices // IDA Business rules