Astm D 7128-05
Astm D 7128-05
Astm D 7128-05
1. Scope familiar with the relevant material in this guide, the references
1.1 Purpose and Application: cited in the text, and Guides D 420, D 653, D 2845, D 4428/
1.1.1 This guide summarizes the technique, equipment, field D 4428M, Practice D 5088, Guides D 5608, D 5730, D 5753,
procedures, data processing, and interpretation methods for the D 6235, and D 6429.
assessment of shallow subsurface conditions using the seismic- 1.2.2 This guide is limited to two-dimensional (2-D) shal-
reflection method. low seismic-reflection measurements made on land. The
1.1.2 Seismic reflection measurements as described in this seismic-reflection method can be adapted for a wide variety of
guide are applicable in mapping shallow subsurface conditions special uses: on land, within a borehole, on water, and in three
for various uses including geologic (1), geotechnical, hydro- dimensions (3-D). However, a discussion of these specialized
geologic (2), and environmental (3).2 The seismic-reflection adaptations of reflection measurements is not included in this
method is used to map, detect, and delineate geologic condi- guide.
tions including the bedrock surface, confining layers (aquita- 1.2.3 This guide provides information to help understand
rds), faults, lithologic stratigraphy, voids, water table, fracture the concepts and application of the seismic-reflection method
systems, and layer geometry (folds). The primary application to a wide range of geotechnical, engineering, and groundwater
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
raypaths are straight lines. This leads to a hyperbolic shape for proportional to stress.
a reflection. 3.2.27 shear wave velocity (S-wave velocity)—speed of
3.2.14 normal moveout velocity (stacking velocity)— energy traveling with particle motion perpendicular to its
velocity to a given reflector calculated from normal-moveout direction of propagation (see Eq 2).
measurements, assuming a constant-velocity model. Because 3.2.28 shot gather—a side-by-side display of seismic traces
the raypath actually curves as the velocity changes, fitting a that have a common source location. Also referred to as “field
hyperbola assumes that the actual velocity distribution is files.”
equivalent to a constant NMO velocity, but the NMO velocity 3.2.29 source to seismic sensor offset—the distance from
changes with the offset. However, the assumption often pro- the source-point to the seismic sensor or to the center of a
vides an adequate solution for offsets less than the reflector seismic sensor (group) spread.
depth. Used to calculate NMO corrections to common- 3.2.30 takeout—a connection point on a multiconductor
midpoint gathers prior to stacking. cable where seismic sensors can be connected. Takeouts are
3.2.15 Nyquist frequency—also known as the aliasing or usually physically polarized to reduce the likelihood of making
folding frequency, is equal to half the sampling frequency or the connection backwards.
rate. Any frequency arriving at the recording instrument greater 3.2.31 tap test—gently touching a receiver while monitor-
than the Nyquist will be aliased to a lower frequency and ing on real-time display, to qualitatively appraise sensor
cannot be recovered. response.
3.2.16 optimum window—range of offsets between source 3.2.32 twist test—light rotational pressure applied to each
and receiver that provide reflections with the best signal-to- seismic sensor to ensure no motion and, therefore, a solid
noise ratio. ground coupling point.
3.2.17 Poisson’s ratio—the ratio of the transverse contrac- 3.2.33 wavetrain (wavefield)—(1) spatial perturbations at a
tion to the fractional longitudinal extension when a rod is given time that result from passage of a wave; and (2) all
stretched. If density is known, specifying Poisson’s ratio is components of seismic energy traveling through the earth as
equivalent to specifying the ratio of Vs/Vp, where Vs and Vp are the result of a single impact.
S- and P-wave velocities. Values ordinarily range from 0.5 (no 3.2.34 wide-angle reflections—reflections with an angle of
shear strength, for example, fluid) to 0, but theoretically they incidence near or greater than the critical angle. The critical
range from 0.5 to −1.0; {µ = =1−0.5(Vp/Vs)2 / 1−(Vp/Vs)2}. angle is defined as the unique angle of incidence at which rays
incident to a boundary (boundary defined as an abrupt vertical
3.2.18 raypath—a line everywhere perpendicular to wave-
increase in velocity) “refract” and travel in the lower, higher
fronts (in isotropic media). A raypath is characterized by its
velocity media parallel to the boundary. Wide-angle reflections
direction at the surface. While seismic energy does not travel
become asymptotic to refractions at increasing offset and can
only along raypaths, raypaths constitute a useful method of
possess exceptionally large amplitudes. If they are included in
determining arrival time by ray tracing.
CMP stacked sections they can disproportionately contribute to
3.2.19 reflection—the energy or wave from a seismic source the stacked wavelet.
that has been reflected (returned) from an acoustic-impedance 3.2.35 wiggle trace—a single line display of seismic sensor
contrast (reflector) or series of contrasts within the earth. output as a function of time.
3.2.20 reflector—an interface having a contrast in physical
properties (elasticity and/or density) that reflects seismic en- 4. Summary of Guide
ergy. 4.1 Summary of the Method—The seismic-reflection
3.2.21 roll-along switch—a switch that connects different method utilizes seismic energy that propagates through the
geophone groups to the recording instruments, used in earth, reflects off subsurface features, and returns to the
common-midpoint recording. surface. The seismic waves travel from a source to seismic
3.2.22 seismic impedance—product of seismic wave veloc- sensors deployed in a known geometry. Sound waves traveling
ity and density. Different from acoustic impedance as it downward will reflect back to the surface wherever the velocity
includes shear waves and surface waves where acoustic im- or density of subsurface materials increases or decreases
pedance, by strict definition, includes only compressional abruptly (for example, water table, alluvium/bedrock contact,
waves. limestone/shale contact).
FIG. 1 Schematic of Equipment and Deployment of Equipment for a Seismic Reflection Survey
V1 V1 V1
sin i 5 sin r 5 sin t (4)
i = incident angle,
r = reflected angle, and
t = refracted angle.
At each boundary represented by a change in the product of
velocity and density (acoustic impedance), the incident seismic
NOTE 1—Shows the entire wavefield.
wave generates a reflected P, reflected S, transmitted P, and
NOTE 2—Acquired with vertical geophones.
transmitted S wave. This process is described by the Zoeppritz FIG. 2 48-Channel Seismograph Record Acquired with a Seismic
equations (for example, Telford et al. (6)). Source 7.5 m Away from the Nearest Seismic Sensors Analysis and recognition of seismic energy arrival
patterns at different seismic sensors allows estimation of depths
to reflection coefficients (reflectors) and average velocity as a time and source-to-seismic sensor distance representation
between the reflection coefficient and the earth’s surface. of the source-induced particle motion propagating in the earth.
Analog display of the seismic waves recorded by each seismic This particle motion, also known as the elastic wave field, can
sensor is generally in wiggle trace format on the seismogram be complex and is modified in a predictable way by the seismic
(Fig. 2) and represents the particle motion (velocity or accel- sensors and instrumentation used for recording the seismic
eration) consistent with the orientation and type of the seismic signal. A wave field is generally displayed in wiggle trace
sensor (geophone or accelerometer) and source. format, with the vertical (time) axis of the display typically
5.1.4 A multichannel seismograph simultaneously records referenced to the instant the seismic energy was released (t0)
the wave field at a number of seismic sensors as a function of and the horizontal axis showing the linear source-to-seismic-
time (Fig. 2). Multichannel seismic data are typically displayed sensor distance (Fig. 2). The arrivals of the wavefield at each
pressure. Seismographs measure, convert, and save the electric upon the objectives of the survey, site surface and geologic
signal from the seismic sensors by conditioning the analog conditions and limitations, survey economics, source repeat-
ability, previous source performance, total energy and band-
TABLE 1 Approximate Material Properties width possible at survey site (based on previous studies or site
P-WaveA S-WaveA
specific experiments), and safety.
Density Acoustic Coded seismic sources will generally not disturb the
Material Velocity Velocity
(kg/m3) ImpedanceB
(m/s) (m/s) environment as much as impulsive sources for a given total
Dry sand/gravel 750C 200 1800 1.35 3 106 amount of seismic energy. Variable amplitude background
Clay 900 300 2000 1.80 3 106 noise (such as passing cars, airplanes, pedestrian traffic, etc.)
Saturated sand 1500 350 2100 3.15 3 106
Saturated clay 1800 400 2200 3.96 3 106 affects the quality of data collected with coded sources less
Shale 3500 1500 2500 8.75 3 106 than for impulsive sources. Coded sources require an extra
Sandstone 2850 1400 2100 5.99 3 106 processing step to compress the time-variable signal wavetrain
Limestone 4000 2200 2600 10.4 3 106
Granite 6000 3500 2600 15.6 3 106 down to a more readily interpretable pulse equivalent. This is
Velocities are mean for a range appropriate for the material (7).
generally done using correlation or shift and stack techniques.
Acoustic impedance is velocity multiplied by density, specifically for compres- In most settings, buried small explosive charges will
sional waves; the equivalent for shear waves is referred to as seismic impedance result in higher frequency and broader bandwidth data, in
(units of kg/s·m2).
Subsonic velocities have been reported by researchers studying the ultra- comparison to surface sources. However, explosive sources
shallow near surface . generally come with use restrictions, regulations, and more
seismic data set are related to frequency content of the reflected (EM) signals transmitted from radar installations, radio trans-
energy (see 8.4). mitters, or beacons can appear on seismic data at amplitudes Successful imaging of geologic layers dipping at several times larger than source-generated seismic signals.
greater than 45 degrees may require non-standard deployments During the design and operation of a seismic reflec-
of sources and seismic sensors. tion survey, sources of biologic, geologic, atmospheric, and Resolution (discussed in 8.4) and signal-to-noise cultural noise and their proximity to the survey area should be
ratios are critical factors in determining the practical limita- considered, especially the characteristic of the noise and size of
tions of the seismic-reflection method. Source configuration, the area affected by the noise. The interference of each is not
source and seismic sensor coupling, near-surface materials, always predictable because of unknowns associated with earth
specification of the recording systems, relative amplitude of coupling and energy attenuation.
seismic events, and arrival geometry of coherent source- 5.4.4 Interference Caused by Source-Generated Noise:
generated seismic noise are all factors in defining the practical Seismic sources generate both signal and noise.
limitations of seismic-reflection method. Signal is any energy that is to be used to interpret subsurface
(1) Highly attenuative near-surface materials such as dry conditions. Noise is any recorded energy that is not used to
sand and gravel, can adversely affect the resolution potential interpret subsurface conditions or diminishes the interpretabil-
and signal strength with depth of seismic energy (12). Attenu- ity of signal. Ground roll (surface waves), direct waves,
ation is rapid reduction of seismic energy as it propagates refractions, diffractions, air-coupled waves, and reflection mul-
through an earth material, usually most pronounced at high tiples are all common types of source-generated noise observed
frequencies. Attenuative materials can prevent survey objec- on a seismogram recorded during seismic reflection profiling
tives from being met. (Fig. 3).
(2) While it is possible to enhance signal not visible on raw (1) Ground Roll—Ground roll is a type of surface wave that
field data, it is safest to track all coherent events on processed appears on a reflection seismogram (see Figs. 2 and 3). Ground
seismic reflection sections from raw field data through all roll is generated by the source and propagates along the ground
processing steps to CMP stack. Noise can be processed to surface as a lower velocity, higher amplitude, dispersive wave.
appear coherent on CMP stacked sections. Ground roll can dominate near-offset seismic sensors, making
(3) Differences in water quality do not appear to change the separation of reflections at close offsets difficult. Ground roll
velocity and density sufficiently that they can be detected by can be misinterpreted as reflection arrivals, especially if the
the seismic-reflection method (13). incorrect offsets or geophone interval are used.
5.4.3 Interferences Caused by Natural and by Cultural (2) Direct Waves—The seismic energy arriving first in time
Conditions: at the sensors closest to the source is known as the direct wave. The seismic-reflection method is sensitive to me- Direct waves are body waves that travel directly from the
chanical and electrical noise from a variety of sources. Bio- source seismic sensor through the uppermost layer of the earth.
logic, geologic, atmospheric, and cultural factors can all (3) Refractions—Refracted seismic energy travels along a
produce noise. velocity contrast (contact separating two different materials)
(1) Biologic Sources—Biologic sources of noise include returning to the surface at an angle related to the velocity above
vibrations from animals both on the ground surface and and below the contrast and with a linear phase velocity equal
underground in burrows as well as trees, weeds, and grasses to the seismic velocity of the material below the velocity
shaking from wind. Examples of animals that can cause noise contrast. Refractions are generally the first (in time) coherent
seismic energy to arrive at a sensor, beginning a source-to- guished by their arrival pattern and cyclic nature on seismo-
sensor offset beyond those where direct wave energy arrives grams and their lower than expected normal move-out velocity.
first. For a more detailed discussion of refractions and their use 5.5 Alternative Methods—Limitations discussed above may
as a geophysical imaging tool, see Guide D 5777. preclude the use of the seismic-reflection method. Other
(4) Diffraction—Diffractions are energy scattered from geophysical (see Guide D 6429) or non-geophysical methods
discontinuous subsurface layers (faults, fractures) or points may be required to investigate subsurface conditions when
where subsurface layers or objects terminate (lens, channel, signal-to-noise ratio is too low or the resolution potential is
boulder). Diffractions are generally considered seismic noise insufficient for the survey objectives.
when undertaking a reflection survey.
(5) Air-coupled Waves—Air-coupled waves are sound 6. Procedure
waves traveling through the air, exciting the ground near the
seismic sensor and then recorded by the seismic sensor. Air 6.1 This section includes a discussion of personnel qualifi-
waves generated by the source arrive on seismograms with a cations, planning and implementing the seismic reflection
linear velocity (distance from source arrival time) of ~330 survey, processing seismic-reflection data, and interpretation of
m/s (velocity of sound in air). Cultural noise generated by seismic-reflection data.
aircraft is a form of air-coupled wave. Air-coupled waves can 6.1.1 Qualification of Personnel—The success of a seismic
reflect from surface objects and in some cases appear very reflection survey, as with most geophysical techniques, is
similar to reflections from layers within the earth on seismo- dependent upon many factors. One of the most important
grams. Air-coupled waves can alias to produce false trace-to- factors is the competence and experience of the person(s)
trace coherency and be misinterpreted as reflections. responsible for planning, carrying out the survey, processing
(6) Reflection Multiples—Reflection multiples are reflec- the data, and interpreting the data. An understanding of the
tions that reverberate between several layers in the subsurface. theory, field procedures, data processing steps and parameters,
Multiple reflections or reverberations between layers are re- interpretation of seismic-reflection data, potential artifacts and
flections and therefore appear on seismograms with all the pitfalls of seismic data processing and interpretation, and the
characteristics of reflections. Multiples can best be distin- site geology is necessary to complete a seismic reflection
requires the acquisition of a multi-seismic sensor seismogram overall survey objectives, and resolution and subsurface sam-
that includes a range of offsets both significantly shorter and pling requirements. Location of survey lines is usually done
longer than the calculated single optimum offset used for with the aid of topographic maps, aerial photos, previous
production data recording. Because non-reflected seismic en- seismic data, and an on-site visit, if possible. Consideration
ergy can generate patterns on the seismogram that look like should be given to the need for data at a given location; the
reflected events, all coherent patterns on single-fold common- accessibility of the area; the proximity of wells or test holes for
offset sections should be identified, interpreted, and ground control data; the extent and location of surface obstacles (for
truth verified (preferably correlated to borehole data). The field operations and air wave echo problems), buried structures,
potential, trace-to-trace coherence, number of traces needed parameters. For common-offset shooting, only one offset dis-
within the optimum reflection offset and two-way reflection tance is recorded. Therefore, there is no room for error, and all
time range, arrival pattern of all coherent seismic energy, interpreted events must be correlated to a multi-channel
economics, available number of seismograph recording chan- seismogram for event identification and confirmation. For
nels, likely geometry and variability of subsurface rock layers, CMP or spot correlation style recording, the seismic sensor
interpreted coherent events are reflections and not coherent
into source-seismic sensor offset sequential order, and correla- noise). Details of acquisition, data processing, and interpreta-
tion of calculated velocities to borehole measured average tion of the common offset method are not included here
velocities. because this method has been for the most part replaced by the
(2) Verify station-to-station consistency in source perfor- CMP technique.
mance and apparent reflection characteristics by recording at Common mid-point (CMP) reflection profiling is a
least two shot gathers from two different source locations/ continuous profiling technique using multiple seismic sensors
offsets for each source type tested. This allows comparison of to record seismic data generated by each source along a profile
wavefield changes and consistencies in reflected energy. A lack line (Fig. 5). Sources and seismic sensors are generally equally
of consistency in event curvature, wavelet characteristics, spaced appropriately for the target. Seismic sensors should be
coherent noise, or reflection amplitude with offset effects could separated from each other so that the spatial subsurface
indicate spatial aliasing or misidentification of reflection. sampling interval is appropriate for the survey objectives.
6.3.2 Lay Out the Survey Lines—Locate the best position Source spacing should normally be a whole number increment
for the seismic lines based on the survey design (see 6.2.4) and of the seismic sensor spacing and is the basis for calculating
the on-site visit (see 6.3.1). Care should be taken to ensure that CMP-stacked data fold or redundancy. Source spacing should
line placement balances survey objectives with optimum seis- be selected so that signal-to-noise ratio and lateral resolution
mic recording environment. If possible, lines should tie (cross requirements of the survey are met. Each source location
in high fold portion of the lines or at least a spread length away should be separated from the selected set or spread of seismic
from the end of lines) with each other and with any borehole sensors so that the optimum range of source-to-seismic sensor
(ground truth) available on-site. Survey lines should be laid out offsets is recorded. Each progressive move of the source station
to maximize any overlap with other geophysical or geologic along the line should be accompanied by a seismic sensor
data. spread move of equal distance so that the source and seismic-
6.3.3 Conducting the Survey: sensor geometry remains fixed. These incremental source- Spot correlation or single point profiling requires the location advancements along the profile line should produce a
deployment of a single seismic spread and as many source seismogram for each source location. The seismogram has data
locations for that spread as necessary to record the appropriate collected from a spread of seismic sensors whose offsets have
range of offsets for a given seismic sensor spacing and number been optimized for site conditions and survey objectives
of recording channels. It is critical to fully capture the target determined from walkaway testing. By rolling the spread and
reflections within the optimum window as defined by the source along the profile line, each subsurface sample point
spread geometry. Once the depth to the reflectors of interest has (usually separated by one-half the surface seismic sensor
been estimated from velocity and two-way reflection time, the spacing) should be imaged multiple times by different source-
spread is re-deployed at a new location within a grid designed seismic sensor pairs. The number of times a particular subsur-
to sample the reflector at the desired spatial interval. This face point is sampled (fold) is a function of seismic sensor
method is not routinely employed for near-surface applications spacing, source spacing, and number of seismic sensors. This
due to the high likelihood of spatial undersampling. The redundancy in subsurface sampling is key to the signal
spot-correlation technique also requires unusually high data enhancement potential of the CMP technique. CMP stacked
quality with several, consistent reflections to be correlated sections are analogous to cross-sections of the earth (that is,
NOTE—All of seismic sensor spread one (R1) records shot number one (S1), seismic sensor spread two (R2) records shot number two (S2), and so on.
Fold indicates the number of unique shot-seismic sensor pairs that image or sample that point. CMP station #8, for example, is the common midpoint
for three shot-seismic sensor pairs (S1-R1#5, S2-R2#3, and S3-R3#1) and, once processed, will have a single trace that has contributions from those three
traces and 3-fold redundancy, or 300 percent coverage. Seismic reflection surveys commonly include seismographs with 24 and more channels and
therefore folds in excess of 12, however only a 6-channel system and 3-fold sampling is shown here for display simplicity.
FIG. 5 Reflection Raypaths between Source and Seismic Sensor and Progression of Source and Seismic Sensors along a Standard 2-D
CMP Seismic Reflection Profile
road cut, outcrop, trench) with trace-to-trace coherent wave channels while number of contacts on the cable/seismic sensor
forms representing layers in the earth. CMP time sections side is equal to total transmission lines in the cable. The ratio
should be converted to depth using an appropriate measured of contacts on the seismograph side to contacts on the
(for example, borehole, NMO) average velocity function for cable/seismic sensor side should be equal to or greater than 1:2.
the site. Since a stacked reflection wavelet has a variety of CMP or spread cables (cables with at least as many transmis-
attributes that can be related to earth material properties, a sion lines in each cable as channels in the seismograph) are
wealth of information besides just layer structure can be used to select a specific set of seismic sensors that are passed
extracted from CMP-stacked sections when the signal-to-noise to the seismograph and recorded. When rolling along electroni-
is high. cally, information from all seismic sensors connected to the
(1) Acquisition—CMP data require a seismograph with spread cables is passed to the seismograph where software
multiple recording channels. Critical to all reflection surveying selects only the recording channels within the optimum offset
is the incremental progression of source and optimum seismic range to be digitally saved in the seismograph. Electronic
sensor offset(s) along the target transect or profile to be imaged. rolling of the spread requires a seismograph with a significantly
The process of incrementally moving the shot and seismic larger number of recording channels (greater than 50 %) than
sensor spread along the profile in a fixed configuration as necessary to accomplish the objectives of the survey, con-
described in is referred to as rolling along. When using nected to a group of seismic sensors that span a distance
the CMP method, this progression of the source and seismic significantly longer than the optimum offset range. All seismic
sensor spread along the survey line usually involves physical sensors connected to the seismograph outside the optimum
movement of the source from station to station and the manual, spread range are then eliminated, either by the seismograph or
mechanical, electronic, or digital movement of the seismic during subsequent digital data processing.
sensor spread. Manually moving the geophone spread can be (a) Production data should undergo continuous QC
done by hand in such a way as to maintain a constant source to (6.3.6). If the seismograph used does not have a real-time
spread offset but this approach may not be the most efficient. screen display, then hard copy should be routinely generated
Mechanical or electronic movement of the seismic sensor during acquisition. Display parameters should be set to opti-
spread is usually accomplished by incorporating CMP or mize viewing of reflections interpreted during walkaway analy-
spread cables and an electronic or mechanical roll along sis. Parameter design for the production portion of the survey
switch. For mechanical rolling, a multi-contact roll along should be based on: (1) modeling and test data, (2) balancing
switch is utilized. The number of contacts on seismograph side the need for high spatial sampling and subsurface redundancy
of the switch is equal to number of seismograph recording with survey economics, (3) maximizing the number of traces
FIG. 6 A Flow-Chart Showing One Possible Generic Sequence for Processing CMP Data
gone through preliminary analysis and processing can yield characteristics include frequency, amplitude, phase, and coher-
erroneous initial interpretations. Field analysis and brute pro- ency. Analog techniques are the most commonly used methods
cessing should be done primarily as a QC measure and should of interpreting near-surface seismic-reflection data. Interpret-
accomplish the following primary objectives: a preliminary ing shot gathers, common offset sections, CMP gathers, or
evaluation of data quality and characteristics, in-field determi- CMP stacked sections should incorporate ground truth (bore-
nation of data quality and its potential to meet the objectives of hole data in particular), all geologic (local and regional) and
the survey, a very preliminary interpretation of geology, and to geophysical (seismic as well as other methods) data and
assist in determining the appropriate final processing flow. associated interpretations, as well as other pertinent informa-
(4) Interpretation—Interpretation of seismic data should be tion about the area or site investigated. Interpretations should
appropriate for the resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and pro- consider wavelet characteristics and consistency, resolution
cessing flow of the seismic cross-sections. Techniques to potential, processing parameters, acquisition parameters, ge-
interpret seismic data can be digital or analog. A variety of ometry of coherent events, viability of apparent vertical vari-
software is available for interpretations based on seismic ability in interpreted structure and stratigraphy, and, most of
attributes or simply reflection wavelet correlations from trace all, reflections interpreted on shot or CMP gathers. Wavelet
to trace. Attributes most routinely used to interpret subsurface analysis should consider the source wavelet and the effects of
parameters, and signal-to-noise ratio. Due to the potentially data are available at all, this fact should be mentioned in the
complex nature of stacked reflection waveforms, when reflec- report. Interpretations made without the aid of ground truth
tors are separated by less than a wavelength (but more than rely on wavelet characteristics, relative geometries of reflec-
one-quarter wavelength), caution should be exercised not to tions, knowledge of the processing flow, and experience in
over interpret CMP stacked sections (Fig. 8). Common seismic similar geologic settings to make the necessary identifications,
attributes (for example, phase, amplitude, frequency, coher- correlations, and judgments. Verification relies on ground truth
ency, velocity) of stacked data can be used to deduce physical necessitating time to depth ties. Borehole correlations with
properties of rocks. CMP stacked sections are analogous to reflections based on logs, cores, or cuttings alone provide only
road cuts, outcrops, or trenches, but on the scale of tens to limited confirmation of interpretations. In some cases, average
hundreds of meters rather than the meter scale generally velocity functions based on NMO curve fitting can be used to
observed at these features. approximate time to depth conversions that are reasonable for
(c) The level of effort involved in the interpretation of the objectives and desired accuracy of the survey. Verification
CMP seismic reflection sections will depend upon the objec- should include a seismic check shot survey (uphole/downhole),
tives of the survey, the desired detail of the interpretation, the and boreholes designed to encounter areas identified on seismic
quantity and quality of supporting and complementary infor- data as unique or anomalous.
6.3.5 Quality Control (QC)—A good QC program should be Near-surface inconsistencies in materials (and there-
used to ensure data are optimally acquired in the field, artifacts fore seismic velocity), variable topography, an extremely wide
are not produced during processing, and only reflections are and changing optimum recording window, and poor source/
interpreted and correlated to geologic or hydrologic features. seismic sensor coupling conditions necessitate following a
QC is critical and should be continuous throughout the good set of QC guidelines and careful monitoring of shot to
acquisition, processing, and interpretation phases. Appropriate shot data quality. The seismograph should be set up with the
QC requires documentation of acquisition, processing, and appropriate QC options selected (which might include wiggle
interpretation procedures and should generally include discus- trace display, nearly real-time digital filtering, and real-time
sion of testing and analysis steps, parameters tested and graphical display of noise levels) to monitor cultural, air traffic,
selected, rationale or reason for non-standard approaches or vehicle traffic noise, cable-to-ground leakage, and geophone
parameters, basis for and other data supporting interpretations, connection and quality of ground contact. If the seismograph
optional interpretations (ranked from most to least reasonable), does not have these capabilities, an external mechanism
equipment and instrumentation tests and frequency of tests, (supporting equipment) or procedure should be established to
operational thresholds, environmental conditions affecting data maintain optimum recording conditions. The seismograph
quality, and representative shot gathers for each major acqui- should be routinely checked electronically to verify that it is
sition and processing step. This documentation should be operating within manufacturer’s specifications. On-site proce-
sufficient for a near-surface seismologist competent in high- dures should be established and followed to ensure all equip-
resolution the seismic reflection method to reasonably repro- ment operates at performance levels consistent with manufac-
duce the final CMP stacked section. As part of that overall Q/C turer’s operating guidelines. The cable-to-ground resistance of
program, the following should also be addressed: equipment each seismic sensor group should be high enough to avoid
performance relative to manufacturer’s specifications, method excessive signal leakage to the ground. Each geophone string
used for field monitoring of equipment performance and should have a continuity check once connected to the spread
routine operating limits, and requirements and methods for cables confirming that string continuities are within a reason-
tracking of reflection events from shot gathers through pro- able percentage of nominal string impedance, considering
cessed sections and interpretations. cable loss. Some kind of a geophone test (for example, tap test
500 1.0 2.0
Shale 2500 50 12.5 25.0
100 6.25 12.5
250 2.5 5.0
500 1.25 2.5
Shale/Sandstone 3000 50 15.0 30.0
100 7.5 15.0
250 3.0 6.0
500 1.5 3.0
Sandstone/Limestone 3500 50 17.5 35.0
100 8.75 17.5
250 3.5 7.0 NOTE—The spike or ideal trace represents the reflection coefficients at
500 1.75 3.5 each interface. If every “wiggle” on the actual trace were interpreted as a
Limestone 4000 50 20.0 40.0 layer, the interpretation of seismic data would not accurately represent the
100 10.0 20.0 subsurface.
250 4.0 8.0 FIG. 8 Actual Seismic Trace (with Simulated Noise) that Would
500 2.0 4.0
Result from a Reflection Survey over the Geologic Model
Granite 6000 50 30.0 60.0
100 15.0 30.0
250 6.0 3.0
500 3.0 1.5
These pre-stacked data should be compared and contrasted
Geologic layers are represented by changes in material; seismic layers are with the stacked sections. This process is critical for confident
defined by detectable changes in acoustic impedance.
matching of each coherent event on the CMP stacks with the
appropriate geologic interface.
and twist test) can help identify problems with geophone Documentation of the procedures followed, testing
coupling, system response, cabling to seismograph, noise at and analysis done, and rationale for parameters selected during
cable and geophone connections, and excessive overall back- the acquisition, data processing, and interpretation of seismic-
ground noise levels relative to signal. Shots should not be reflection data are necessary to ensure the quality of the output
recorded if background noise levels on active (live) geophones and evaluate the effectiveness of the method. The method used
are greater than a predetermined threshold. This threshold may and objectives of the survey will generally dictate field and
vary from site to site and from one survey objective to another. processing procedures and emphasis. The effectiveness of the For many sites, distinguishing and separating signal method can be limited by site conditions and parameter
from noise is challenging for high-resolution shallow seismic- selections.
reflection data. This is true for shot gathers and more so for Field logs should be completed and methodically
common offset gathers and CMP-stacked data. High-amplitude maintained to document field operations (especially consis-
coherent noise events routinely arrive in the same time window tency and accuracy checks between source operator actual
as smaller-amplitude, near-surface reflections. Once seismic location, logged source location, and record number of file),
traces are digitally processed, and especially once CMP data quality appraisals, equipment type and function, param-
stacked, contributions from coherent noise are often not easy to eters and settings, site specific features and anomalies, produc-
separate from the signal. It is therefore critical that reflections tivity, QC procedures, and overall field activities.
observed on multi-trace shot gathers be tracked through signal Changes to the planned field procedures should be
enhancement processing and correlated to reflection events documented, along with rationale for changes and compro-
interpreted on common offset and CMP-stacked sections. It is mises, if any, that changes represent. Results of walkaway
beneficial for appraising data quality and validity to have noise testing used to determine the production parameters,
several representative data samples from across the profile equipment, and procedures should be thoroughly documented,
available for each of the following sequence of gathers: raw with samples and annotations of test data retained for inclusion
multi-trace shot record, optimally filtered and scaled multi- in report.
channel shot record, CMP gather of filtered and scaled data, Any conditions or changes in conditions that could
and NMO-corrected CMP gather of filtered and scaled data. reduce or vary the quality of the data (weather conditions,
made by field staff should be archived with the field logs. Seismic sections should be accompanied by a site Finally, the seismic-reflection data should be rou-
map identifying the locations of all the seismic sections, tie
tinely checked to determine if the recorded signal makes
locations (by CMP or shot station number), scale, significant
geologic sense. Phase velocities of coherent events should be
surface features, anomalies and obstacles, and acquisition
calculated and verified to be within a range appropriate for the directions (beginning and ending of line as acquired).
site and seismic energy type.
6.3.6 Calibration and Standardization—In general, the 7. Report
manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed for cali- 7.1 Components of the Report—The following are a list of
bration and standardization of equipment within operational the key items that should be contained within most reports. In
ranges. If no such recommendations are provided, periodic some cases, there is no need for an extensive formal report.
checks of equipment should be made to confirm operational 7.1.1 The report should include a discussion of:
fitness. Common industry practice is to use equipment that has The purpose, objectives, and scope of the reflection
self testing abilities. Common measurements for seismographs survey.
include noise levels, harmonic distortion, crossfeed, timing The geologic/hydrologic setting;
accuracy, and phase and amplitude distortion. A check should Description of the method, including limitations of
also be made after each equipment problem has been diagnosed the reflection method and historical perspective on application
and repaired. An extensive and thorough operational check of of technique to similar problems;
equipment should be carried out before each project with an Assumptions made;
abbreviated version completed before starting each day’s The field approach, including a description of the
fieldwork. equipment and the data acquisition parameters used, testing,
6.3.7 Presentation of Data: samples of various test seismogram and in-field processing,
quality control measures, operational statistics; Processed and interpreted seismic-reflection data The location of the seismic line(s) on a site map that
lends itself to presentation with time/depth on the vertical axis
includes landmarks, well locations, known geologic features,
and station location or CMP location on the horizontal axis. and surface features;
The data presentation format is analogous to geologic cross- Data processing flow, methods, and parameters with
sections derived from correlations between drill holes or justifications for their use, assumptions made during process-
renderings from rock outcrops. Data are generally presented in ing and parameter selections, and data characteristics based on
wiggle trace format with positive amplitudes shaded dark and data analysis, appendices with sufficient details of the process-
represented by a right kick or deflection. Color display of any ing flow and parameters to allow a reasonable reproduction of
of the seismic attributes can enhance the interpretability of the the stacked sections by a competent near-surface seismic
information by improving the detail viewable in the presenta- reflection professional;
tion. The most common display format is a single wiggle trace Software used to process data, including name and
for each surface station with north and west to the left of the version number;
display and south and east on the right of the display. Wiggle Event identifications on shot gathers from samples
traces on CMP or common offset sections represent the along the profiles and walkaway gathers collected during
amplitude of the reflected energy (Eq 1) returning from each testing, including abnormal seismic energy and interpretations
layer after adjustment (generally not true for common offset made from shot gathers enhanced later after processing;
displays) for the non-vertical incident raypaths between source Interpretation description and highlighting of indi-
and seismic sensor. vidual features of interest on final seismic sections; Final interpretations of seismic reflection sections (1) Name of any interpretation software used.
are used to refine or confirm the third dimension of a geologic Presentation and discussion of interpreted and un-
or hydrologic site model. Such a model is a simplified interpreted sections with discussion of any enhancements or
characterization of a site that attempts to incorporate all the unusual processing or interpretation techniques;
essential features of the physical system under study. This Correlations between interpretations and ground
model is usually represented as a cross-section, a contour map, truth with scales matched as closely as possible;
or other drawings that illustrate the general geologic and The format of all recorded digital data (for ex-
hydrogeologic conditions and any anomalous conditions at a ample, SEGY, SEG2) and supporting analog information (for
site. example, notebook, hardcopy analog recorder);
8. Precision and Bias lithology of consolidated or unconsolidated sediments or
8.1 Bias—For the purpose of this guide, bias is defined as a drilling changes in borehole logs don’t always have a sufficient
measure of the closeness to the truth. change in the acoustic impedance to generate a discernable
8.1.1 The bias with which geology or anomalies can be reflection on a seismogram. Changes in saturation or the nature
determined by seismic-reflection methods depends on many of pore fluids can also produce a high amplitude reflection
factors. Some of these factors are: event that may not have been observed in borehole core Human errors in field procedures, record keeping, samples.
corrections to data, processing, and interpretation; Depth estimates of reflections interpreted on reflec- Instrument errors in measuring or recording; tion data require time-to-depth conversion. Seismic data are Geometry limitations related to line location and measured in time and must be converted to depth for correla-
topography; tion to drill or other ground truth. Converting time of seismic Noise; reflections to depth of reflectors requires knowledge of the Variation of the earth from simplifying assumptions average velocity from ground surface to the reflector. Normal
used in the field and interpretation procedure (that is, suitability moveout (NMO) velocities are estimated from geometric
of the target for the geophysical methods being used to analysis and are inherently uncertain. Borehole velocity sur-
delineate it); veys (uphole, checkshot, downhole) provide time-to-depth Site-specific geologic limitations, such as roads, functions with much less uncertainty than NMO analysis.
creeks, rivers, extreme topography, severely dipping subsur- Expectations of as much as 10 % difference between NMO-
face layers; and calculated velocity and average velocity measured in boreholes Ability and experience of the field crew and inter- is reasonable.
preter. 8.2.3 Lateral Geologic Variability—Agreement between
8.2 Differences Between Depths Determined Using Seismic- seismic reflection sections and boring measurements may vary
Reflection Data and Those Determined by Drilling: considerably along the profile line, depending upon lateral
8.2.1 The bias of a seismic reflection survey is commonly geologic changes, such as dip as well as the degree of
thought of as how well the geologic interpretations agree with weathering and fracturing in the rock. Seismic reflection
borehole data. In many cases, the depth and apparent geom- measurements may not account for small lateral geologic
etries of reflectors agree reasonably well with cross-sections changes and may only provide an average depth over them. In
derived from borehole data. In other cases, there will be addition, the presence of a water table near the bedrock surface
considerable disagreement between the reflection results and can, in some cases, lead to an error in interpretation. Therefore,
boring data. While in some situations, apparent reflector depths it is not always possible to have exact agreement between
and geometries may be quite accurate, the interpreted results seismic sections and boring data along a survey line.
may disagree with a depth obtained from drilling for the 8.2.4 Positioning Differences—The drilling location and the
reasons discussed in 8.2.2 through 8.2.4. It is important that the feature or layer interpreted on the seismic reflection section
user of geologic information interpreted from reflection data be may not correspond to exactly the same point surface location.
aware of these concepts and understands that geologic infor- It is common to find that the boreholes are located on the basis
mation interpreted from seismic reflection survey will not of drill-rig access and may not be located along the line of the
always agree 100 % with drilling data. seismic profile. Differences in position can easily account for
FIG. 9 Model Response for Sand Lenses of Varying Lateral Extent Illustrating Significance of Fresnel Zone Size
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