PMC 1 Module Assignment.

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Pakistan Montessori Council.

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

Module1. Assignment

International Montessori Teachers Training program.

Write down in your own words.Your answers should be at least 2 typed pages. Please do not forget to
your name and roll no on each pages of the assignment.

Q. No # 1.

Discuss the life and work of Dr. Maria Montessori and why is she referred to as a lady much a head of
her life?

Answers no # 1

Maria is the name of Montessori life.

Dr. Maria is a founder of Montessori .Dr. Maria was very confident and strong

lady of her time.

Dr. Maria introduced the Montessori
Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

Personal life and education.

Her early education was in Florence’s and then Rome.

At the age of thirteen she went to the technical school.
In those days Europe was very conservation in its attitude towards and treats of women.
After that she graduated with high school with highest honors from medical school of the
University of the Rome.
She became the first lady doctor in the history of Italy in 1896.

She was a brilliant student throughout her academic career.

Work with special children.

Her main contribution in Montessori education.
She became the director of the deficient and insane children in the University of the Rome.
She discovered that her children need purposeful to do in order to get sense and mind and she
successfully achieved her goals.

Inspiration from Itard and Seguin.

Dr. Maria was so much inspired by the work of two French doctors who has also worked with
children who has some Physical and mental disorder. They attempted basic skills basic skills in
their work for example .Reading writing and alternative methods which are helped full for
children. Maria Had Keenly observed their methodology and figure out that children could learn
the same things as the normal children. After the success, she started with normal children.

Casa die Bambini;

Montessori started her first school with normal children named Casa die Bambini (the house of
children which was inaugurated in 1907.At the beginning of the school, there was only fifty
students and one untrained teacher. In her school. She introduced exercise of practical day
living for example,


Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

Washing & Cleaning

A basic premise behind Maria Montessori’s philosophy of early childhood education was
that every child is eager for work, even when the work seems like chores to the adult.
Through the activities of Practical Life, children not only perform a task; they are also
forming foundations on which to organize skills and intelligence. Nowhere is this premise
more evident than in Washing and Scrubbing exercises. Through these activities, children
develop concentration, become aware of order and sequencing, gain control over their
movements, become more independent, and learn to care for their surroundings.

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1


Taking care of the outdoor environment, whether gardening, raking, or pulling weeds, is a
valuable activity in which children love to participate—and the rewards can be bountiful!

Our gardening items provide another way for the child to participate in the indoor and outdoor
life of the classroom or home. Learning to care for living things will help the child develop a
sense of appreciation for nature and our connection to it. Caring for plants, both indoors and
out , will also foster the aesthetic sense.

She noticed that children took great interest in doing these kinds of activities .These Kinds of activities
made the independent. When she found out that the job of the teacher is to serve the children, She
believes that the urges of the children are universal and that is the nature of the children to perform
such activities. The Children of the School Casa die Bambini had showed outstanding progress in their
academic and practical work. They learnt a lot of activities related to writing and reading. Her school
became famous due to the result of the children. People consider they cannot do anything until they
sent to the public schools.

Whole world Respond;

Her school became famous all over the world in a very short time. After first school, she started
numerous schools .People all over the world visited her and appreciated her discoveries. Her
methodology was started to practice all over the world.
Montessori died on 1952 in the Netherlands. Her name would always alive because of her
extraordinary contribution in the field of education.

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

Lady a head;

Montessori is referred to lady ahead because of her discoveries are being practiced all over the
world. She is immoral through her methods which are stills being practiced now and will in
future also .She lived in old days but was definitely A Women much Ahead of her time.

Q No 2;
Assignment No 1.
Which are the mains requirements to be considered to start a house of
Children? How do you implement?
Answer 2;
The natural urges during childhood are universal and every child experiences them. However
the behavioral experiences children under go during sensitive periods May child farm children.
Homes are designed according to the adult’s needs, so they cannot fulfill the natural urges of
the children as the children are being restricted and forbidden by elders to meet their natural
urges. Children cannot access anything freely and comfortably.
Montessori is a place where children can do what they want and meet their needs and interest.
Therefore one has to be very practical and consider numerous things when start the house of is the most difficult task to start it.

 There are several requirements which one should be keeping in mind. Class room design
is the most important place where children have to stay. Montessori educational apparatus,
tables and shelving, and related activities equipment should be appropriate and several in
number so that children could approach them.
 The number of students in the classroom should not be exceeding more than 30 students.
 The size of the classroom should allow minimum of 20 square feet per students at the early
level, 30 squares for the elementary level and 40 squares would be for secondary Montessori
house should be child-sized where he could enjoy his age. A child sized kitchen, science lab, an
art studio, bath rooms, hobby workshop, everything should be according to the size of a child.
They lead him to fulfill his desires and enjoy his own world.

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

 A house should be design in such a way that the child could face outdoor environment. There
must be window through which the children could face sunlight at a daytime and become a
natural source of ventilation.

There must be
 Children garden where child can grow vegetables and fruits of their choice. It leads them to
close to their natural environment.

 There should not be any prohibition of doing

something which the student is not allowed at his home. “Prohibition is sweet or bitter,
prohibition is prohibition.”
 Children are usually not allowed to do by themselves what they want at their home so
Montessori room should provide them this opportunity.

These are some factors which should consider while starting any house of children.

How to Implement
Considering requirements are very important but implementation is more important than them because
implementation is something which we have to implement and how it works is based on it. There must
be a lot of things which should be implement those are:

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.
Roll# D16542 M1

Respect for the children.

 Focus on individual child
 The prepared environment
 Polite behavior of the teacher
 Parents- teacher meeting. PTM

Respect for the Children;

Respect is the basic thing which everybody requires. Every child needs
respect. Parents try to force them to follow the parents without regarding their needs and interest.
Therefore, first we should take great care of the respect of the child.
Focus on Individual Child;
Every child is different from one another. Teacher should focus on individual child as his learning
progress, growth and understanding is different from other children.

The Prepared Environment;

Prepared environment is very important. When they have prepared
environment, they are able to do what they want. The material is available for the child which they can
easily access and do whatever their interest.

Polite Behavior of the Teacher;

The teacher is the role model for the student. Her behavior should be polite towards students. As the
teacher is the spiritual mother of the students, they learn a lot from them after their mother. So, her
behavior and attitude should be very good.
To sum up, the house of the children is the place where children can meet their needs and interests. So,
these requirements should keep in mind when starting the school.

Q No #3

-What are the discoveries made by Dr. Maria Montessori by observing the child?
Answer No # 3

Maria Montessori's discoveries

Maria Montessori made a lot of discoveries by observing the children. She is a founder of Montessori
education. She conducted a lot of experiments and observed children by spending a lot of time with

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

them. She discovered several aspects of children. She has specified some of the discoveries she had
made during her work

. According to Maria Montessori children work until they reach to their goal. They are very enthusiastic
about the work which makes them select and concentrate on different activities which lead them to
make them perfect in their inner development. According to Maria Montessori children work until they
reach to their goal. They are very enthusiastic about the work which makes them select and concentrate
on different activities which lead them to make them perfect in their inner development. Children love
to work purposefully, they work out of the natural drive, which makes them select and concentrate on
tasks which are appropriate for development.
The teacher or an adult should follow the child rather them to motivate him to do work. When a child
works in different areas of human activity at specific time that lead them to develop the awareness and
usage of doing. The teacher should not ignore their inner urge of doing activities. When a child does
activities again and again or when there is a spontaneous repetition of an activity is done with great
interest the result is concentration. The child concentrates more when they found right conditions. And
condition is just a beginning not an end. Maria discovered that children really need an order in their life.
She found out when she saw her children putting their things back to their places; same in the case of
values, functions and other human activities. The child wants to learn by practice that is the truth, the
need to see it being practiced. Montessori students in this age, built up their personalities, they needed
consistency in all aspects of environment.
Normality refers to human power working in unison or in collaboration. Dr. Maria says that during the
early childhood it is possible to rectify any developmental error and bring the child back to normality.
The child should work individually and with freedom. All activities are very important to bring child back
to normality.

A child needs those activities which help him to develop sensorial concepts, language, arithmetic art,
and culture. These are very important for building of child’s personality. Montessori found that these
activities can bring intelligence in the children as they love to perform these activities

Name# Sonia Ambreen Awan.

Roll# D16542 M1

A child could assimilate that the knowledge which people think that this kind of knowledge is too
complex for the children but according to Maria Montessori if that knowledge present in rightful manner
or condition, that would be easy for them to digest.

Montessori figure out that discipline should not be imposed on children. If a child is satisfied, he would
start respect others. He may learn discipline unintentionally. Real discipline comes along with freedom.
If a child is satisfied he or she starts respect elders because real obedience is based on love, respect and
She was confident that the child’s behavior on the environment. If a child couldn't get the environment
for development, when his or her inner needs do not fulfill, he becomes stubborn, disobedient and
destructive. So we should provide him or her suitable environment and condition for development and .

Montessori is a right place for this type of Children. She discovered that children love to do their
household work. They believe in a statement that “Help me Do it myself” but parents don’t pay any
heed towards this. So, she says we should trust the child.
Maria had a view that we should provide a very good environment to the student in order to attain good
result. For this purpose, she used child size table and chair rather than heavy desk. She discovered the
child wants everything according to its size. Tables were so small and light in weight so two children
could easily move it.
Name Sonia Ambreen Awan
Roll# D16542 M1

er very important point which she had discovered is traffic pattern. She figure out that a room where
children had to stay, it should not be congested and overloaded. The children love to sit on the floor so
that’s why she put a lot of rugs and mats for children where they sit and do activities.
Maria observed that the building and outside environment should be according to the size of a child. For
instance toilet, low sink, windows, shelves, garden tools etc. designed in child sized.

Q # 04

:-What does “PILES” stands for when we talk of human development?

Discuss the physical, lingual and intellectual development taking the place during 3 to
6 years of age?
Answer No 4
PILES stand for:
P = Physical
I = Intellectual
L = Language
E = Emotional
S = Social
The age from 3 to 6 is the first phase of a child development. In this phase, the child needs proper
environment and freedom to practice his activities which he has learns, observes and watches. Now he
wants to put them in action. Children are very curious and want to explore the world in this age. In this
phase, there is a great development in their lingual, physical, and intellectual development.

Physical Development
Physical development is very important and rapid in the phase. A child is very active, imaginative and
energetic. He wants to conquer the world in this phase of age. Their muscles get strength first then
gradually develop coordination. In this age, the physical activity involves many energetic activities. The
physical development progresses with the age.

At the age of 3 years:

 A child is Skilled at running, jumping, walking on tiptoes and kicking balls.

 He can move his tricycle by the use of pedals and steers it well.
 He jumps off or upstairs in an adult style.
 He is able to sits at the bottom with crossed ankles.

At the age of 4 years:

 He can bend down and climb up trees in this age.

 He becomes better in kicking and catching balls and playing other games.
 In this age, he is able to run upstairs with full efficiency.
 He can cross his legs and balances one foot for a long time.
Name Sonia Ambreen Awan
Roll No Roll# D16542 M1

At the age of 5 to 6 years:

 At the age of five a child becomes more strong and energetic.

 He can dance and play all kinds of games.
 His balance is improved and he is able to walk along a thin line.
 He can swim, climb, and slide.

Language Development
Language starts developing when a child is born. But in this age, his language develops and achieves
more sense more efficiently. He can easily make full sentences. He becomes advance in development in
this age group. The child is able to understand about objects and relationships.

At the age of 3 years:

 A child can ask many questions and recite names, age and sex.
 Their sentences are easily understandable and they have simple conversations with others.
 Their grammar is not development totally but they have an understanding of
I, you, me, him, her etc.
 They can recite songs and rhymes of different poems and want to read stories over and over.

At the age of 4 years:

 Their grammar becomes perfect in this age.

 Loves to have jokes
 They not only like stories but also love to tell to others. More | Nursery Rhymes & Kids
Songs | Super Simple Songs

 super Simple Songs - Kids Songs


At the age of 5 to 6 years:

Name Sonia Ambreen Awan
Roll No Roll# D16542 M1

 They start asking meanings of different words as their vocabulary builds up.
 They start reciting the address, name and age.
 They start to sing more songs and rhymes.
 They now, in this age only confuse with S with TH, or F with TH.

Intellectual Development
The child’s intellect also improves with the passage of time. In different age, the child strengthens his
intellectual power.

At the age of 3:

He can name all colors. .

 He uses child’s scissors for cutting

 He can hold pencil properly in this age. .

Q # 05:-Write a comprehensive note on the role of teacher in a Montessori classroom?

A Montessori teacher is considered to be a guide, facilitator or a directress. Her role in teaching
Montessori students is very distinct and significant. In order to have a better understanding of a role of
teacher we have two types of art of teaching.

 Productive Art
 Cooperative Art

Name Sonia Ambreen Awan

Roll no# D16542 M1

Productive Art
It refers to an “art in which the activity of an artist is the principle and the only cause of production” i e.
shoemaker or tailor. They both have end product as shoemaker have shoes and tailor stitches the


Cooperative Art
In this type of art, the end product is not predefined. There are three cooperative arts which are:
farming, healing, and teaching.
Montessori teacher’s main concern is with teaching under this art.

Name Sonia Ambreen Awan

Roll no# D16542 M1

Role of A Teacher in Montessori Class

There are numerous roles of a teacher in the Montessori classroom. She has to be a role model for
children as they imitate her actions. The important Roles of the teacher in a classroom are given below.

Preparation of Environment
A Montessori mentor should prepare the best learning environment where a child could easily select his
own work which is according to his interest. It should be put in low shelves where the child could easily
explore and place it in order.
Provide Appropriate Materials
A Montessori directress should provide appropriate material which meets the needs of the Montessori
students to develop their interest in different fields of education and practical life.

Observing the Children

A directress should observe all children individually. She should deal with them according to their
interest and provide materials or activities but there must be a dynamic link between children and the
prepared environment. She should observe her student very keenly in order to interpret his need.

Giving Lessons
Montessori teacher’s lesson should be brief and interesting therefore their attention should not be
diverting elsewhere. She should provide simple and necessary information to the child to do the work on
their own pace.

Evaluate a Student
A directress should evaluate her student in such a way; she should able to know about the needs and
effectiveness of her student. She should evaluate her children performance individually.

A Good Communicator
As we know that a teacher is a role model for a student; she should be a very good communicator and
help the children to learn how to be a good communicator and communicate their thoughts to adults.

Moral Sense Developer

The role of Montessori guider is to develop moral sense in children. She should develop the sense of

courtesy, calm, grace and respect.

Name Sonia Ambreen Awan

Roll No# D16542 M1
Diagnostician’s mean concerns are with psycho-educational assessment. A Montessori teacher is a
diagnostician as she can figure out the growth, development, and behavior of the children and guide
their parents about their children habits.
Protect Student’s Independence
A directress should give space to students and let them to work according to their own interest. She
should respect and protect their freedom. She may present interesting and relevant lesson and then
free them to work according to their interest and generate new ideas and meet their needs.


The teacher should be supportive, offering warmth, security, stability, and non-judgment acceptance to
each child. She should support her student to learn or generate new ideas and work independently.
To sum up, Montessori directress is more than a teacher. Her ultimate goal is to facilitate Montessori
children. She works as a guide, directress, and teacher or mentor in order to retain curiosity, creativity
and intelligence in students.

Name Sonia Ambreen Awan

Roll# D16542 M1

 The end

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