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Enviroline. 2405 ffi,lnternational.

Hybrid Epoxy
PROOUCT An ultra high solids, two component polycyclamine cured lining system utilizing advanced epoxy
DESCRIPTION technology, designed for single-leg application.

INTENDED USES lntended to provide high corrosion protection, with a rapid cure in a single coat scheme, for the internals
of steel storage tanks, pipes and vessels for service in crude oil up to 300oF (149'C). lts low surface
energy of 36 Dynes/cm allows enhanced cargo release properties.

For use under other aggressive service conditions, including high temperature produced water, consult
the Product Characteristics.

Enviroline 2405 is compliant with the requirements of United States' FDA regulations and is suitable for
use in rail cars intended to store and transport liquid and dry foodstuffs.

PRACTICAL Color Green, Light gray

ENVIROLINE 2405 Gloss Level Not applicable

Volume Solids 960/o t2o/o (measured according to ISO 3233 and ICF Method)

Typical Thickness 16-30 mils (400-750 microns) dry equivalent to 16.7-31.2 mils (417-781
microns) wet
Theoretical Coverage 80 sq.ft./US gallon at 20 mils d.f.t. and stated volume solids
1.96 m'zllitre at 500 microns d.f.t. and stated volume solids
Practical Coverage Allow appropriate loss factors

Method of Application Airless Spray, Plural Component Airless Spray

Drying Time
Overcoating interval with self

Temperature Touch Dry Hard Dry Minimum Maximum

50"F (10'C) 7 hours 17 hours'z 22hours 14 days'

77"F (25'C) 2.5 hours 5 hours2 6 hours 14 daysl
104"F (40'C) 1.5 hours 3 hours2 5 hours 7 days'
lf the maximum overcoating interval is exceeded it will be necessary to thoroughly abrade the
surface of the lining with coarse emery paper
' Sufficient coating film strength has developed to permit the handling and movement of coated
steelwork. A Shore D hardness reading of 75-80 is a recommended guideline to indicate suitability
for return to service.

REGULATORY DATA Flash Point (Typical) Part A>214"F (>101'C); PartB>214'F (>101"C); Mixed >214'F (>101"C)

Product Weight 13.1 lb/gal (1.57 kg/l)

VOC 0.37 lb/gal (45 g/lt) EPA Method 24
See Product Characteristics section for further details

) c
Protective Coatings
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lssue Date:8/21l2017 + AkzoNobel
Ref:1 01 39 Docts{
Enviroline. 2405 X.lnternational.
Hybrid Epoxy
SURFACE All surfaces to be coated should be dean, dry and ftee from contamination. Prior to application, all surfaces should
PREPARATION be assessed and treated in accordance with ISO 8504:2000.

Vvhere ne@ssary, remove weld spatter and where required smooth weld seams and sharp edges-

Oil or grease should be removed in accordance with SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaning


Best performance will always be achieved when Enviroline 2405 is applied to surfaces prepared by abrasive blast
cleaning to Sa3 (lSO 8501-1:2007) or SSPC-SPs. Vvhere Enviroiine 2405 is not to be used in high heal and/or
aggressive service, preparation to an absolute minimum of Sa2% (lSO 8501-1:2007) or SSPC-SP'10 at time of
coating application may be acceptable. Contact lntemalional Protective Coatings for further information.

A sharp, angular surface prolile oI7s125 microns (3-5 mils) is recomrnended

Enviroline 2405 musl be applied before oxidation of the steel oc.urs. lf oxidation does occur the entire oxidized area
should be reblasted to the standard specilled above. Surface defects revealed by the blast deaning process should
be ground, filled or treated in the appropriate manner.

The prefened method of holding the blast standard is by dehumidification. Altematively, an approved holding primer
may be used.

APPLICATION Mixing Malerial is supplied in two containers as a unil. Complete units should be stored, mixed
and applied in accordance with the Enviroline Application Guidelines,
Always mix a complele unit in the proportions supplied. Once the unit has been mixed it
must be used within lhe working pot lile specified.
(1) Agilate Base (Part A) with a power agitator.
(2) Agitate Cudng Agenl (Part B) with a power agitator.
(3) Combine enlire conlents otthe Curing Agenl (Part B)with the Base (Part A) and mx
thoroughly with the power agitato..

Mix Ratio 2 parts ; 1 part by volume

Working Pot Life 50'F (10'C) 77',F (25',C) 104"F (40"C)

2 hours 60 minutes 30 minutes

Plural component Recommended use suitable proprietary equipment.

airless spray
Airless Spray Recommended Tip Range 19-29 thou (0.48{.73 mm)
Total output fluid pressure al spray tip not less than 3000 psi
(2,l1 kg/cm')

Brush Suitable - Smallareas only Typicalty 6.G8.0 mib (150-200 microns) can be achieved
Roller Suilable - Small areas only Typically 6.0-8.0 mils ('15G200 microns) can be achieved


Cleaner Envkoline 71C (or lnternational GTA203)

Work Stoppages Thoroughly clean allequipment with Enviroline 71C. Once units otpaint have been
mixed they should nol be resealed and it is advised that afterprolonged stoppages work
recommences with fteshly mixed units.
Clean Up Clean allequipment immediately afier use with Enviroline 71C.

All surplus materials and empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with
appropriate regronal regulations/legislation.

Pag€ 2 of 4
Enviroline. 2405 X.lnternational.
Hybrid Epoxy
PRODUCT The detailed Enviroline Application Guidelines should be consulted prior to use.
Enviroline 2405 may be suitable for use in storage tanks and pressure vessels with mntinuous
operating above 275oF (135'C), subjecl to approval by an lnternational Paint Technical Representative

Enviroline 2405 may also be used under continuous dry temperatures of up to 392oF (200"C).

This datasheet provides general guidance on the use ol Enviroline 2405. Specific project requirements
will be dependent upon the service end use and operating conditions ot the tank or vessel. Always
consult lnternational Proteclive Coatings to confirm that Enviroline 2405 is suitable for contacl with the
producl to be stored.

The detailed project coating specification provided by lnternational Protective Coatings must be
followed at all times.

Stripe coating is an essential part of good working praciice and as such should form part of any lining

For heavily pitted or porous steel, spray apply approximately 50% of the required film thickness and
follow immediately with a short nap roller or squeegee to work material into the bottom of pitted areas

Surface temperature must always be a minimum of 5'F (3'C) above dew point. The minimum mixed
paint temperature for airless spray application is 68oF (20oC).

Use the following chart for preferred temperature conditions. These conditions plus adequate
ventilation must be maintained throughout the curing cycle.

SubstrateTemDerature AirTemperature
Preferred 7O-12O"F (2149'C) 70-100"F (21-38'C)
ilinimum 50'F (10"C) 50"F (10"C)

After the coating system has cured hard, the dry film thickness should be measured using a suitable
non-destructive magnetic aauge to veiry the minimum applied system thickness. The coating system
should be free of all pinholes or other holidays. The cured film should be essentially free of runs, sags,
drips, inclusions or other defects. All deficiencies and defects should be correded. The repaired areas
shall be retested and allowed to cure as specified before placing the finished lining into service.

For post cure conditions specific to rail car application, see the relevant Enviroline 2405 Application

Enviroline 2405 is compliant with the requirements of United States' FDA regulations and is suitable for
use in rail cars intended to store and transport liquid and dry foodstuffs. Consult lnternational Protective
Coatings for further details.

Note: VOC values are typical and are provided for guidance purpose only. These may be subject to
variation depending on faclors such as differences in color and normal manufacluring tolerances.

Low molecular weight reaclive additives, which will form part ofthe film during normal ambient cure
conditions, will also affect VOC values determined using EPA Method 24.

SYSTEMS This product is normally applied direclly to correctly prepared steel substrates and is not normally
cotrlPATtBtLtw topcoated.


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D octor


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