Quantum Convolutional BCH Codes
Quantum Convolutional BCH Codes
Quantum Convolutional BCH Codes
Salah A. Aly1 , Markus Grassl2 , Andreas Klappenecker1, Martin Rötteler3 , Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli1
Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3112, USA
Institut für Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
NEC Laboratories America, Inc., 4 Independence Way, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Abstract— Quantum convolutional codes can be used to protect q elements. A convolutional code C of length n and dimension
a sequence of qubits of arbitrary length against decoherence. k over Fq is a free module of rank k that is a direct summand
We introduce two new families of quantum convolutional codes. of Fq [D]n . A matrix G in Fq [D]k×n such that C = im G =
arXiv:quant-ph/0703113v2 9 Apr 2007
code such that C ≤ C ⊥ , where the dimension of C ⊥ is Proof: To prove the claim (a), it suffices to show that (i)
given by (n + k)/2. Then an [(n, k, m; ν, df )]q convolutional G(0) has full rank κ, (ii) (coeff(G(D)P ij , D ))1≤i≤κ,1≤j≤n ,
stabilizer code exists whose free distance is given by df = has full rank κ, where for f (D) = i≥0 ai D we define
wt(C ⊥ \C), which is said to be pure if df = wt(C ⊥ ). coeff(f (D), Di ) = ai , and (iii) G(D) is non-catastrophic;
Proposition 2: Let C be an (n, (n − k)/2, ν; m)q2 con- cf. [12, Theorem 2.16 and Theorem 2.24].
volutional code such that C ⊆ C ⊥h . Then there exists an By definition, G(0) = H e 0 has rank κ, so (i) is satisfied.
[(n, k, m; ν, df )]q convolutional stabilizer code, where df = Condition (ii) is satisfied, since the rows of H are linearly
wt(C ⊥h \ C). independent; thus, the rows of the highest degree coefficient
matrix are independent as well.
III. A C ONSTRUCTION OF C ONVOLUTIONAL C ODES It remains to prove (iii). Seeking a contradiction, we assume
that the generator matrix G(D) is catastrophic.
P Then there
In this section, we give a method to construct convolutional i
exists an input sequence u(D) = u
i i D ∈ Fq ((D))κ
codes from block codes. This generalizes an earlier construc-
with infinite Hamming weight P that is mapped to an output
tion by Piret [13] to construct convolutional codes from block
sequence v(D) = u(D)G = i vi Di ∈ Fq ((D))n with finite
codes. One benefit of this method is that we can easily bound
Hamming weight, i.e. vi = 0 for all i ≥ i0 . We have
the free distance using the techniques for block codes. Another
benefit is that we can derive non-catastrophic encoders. e 0 + ui+m−1 H
vi+m = ui+m H em,
e 1 + . . . + ui H (5)
1 A small difference exists between the notion of memory defined here and where vi+m ∈ Fnq and uj ∈ Fκq . By construction, the vector
the one used in [1]. spaces generated by the rows of the matrices Hi intersect
trivially. Hence vi = 0 for i ≥ i0 implies that ui−j H ej = 0 every entry in the matrix Hδ,b as a column vector over some
for j = 0, . . . , m. The matrix H0 has full rank. This implies Fq -basis of Fqr , and removing any dependent rows. Let
that ui = 0 for i ≥ i0 , contradicting the fact that u(D) has B = {b1 , . . . , br } denote a basis of Fqr over Fq . Suppose
infinite Hamming weight; thus, the claim P (a) holds. that w = (w1 , . . . , wn ) is a vector in Fnqr , then we can
i write wj = wj,1 b1 + · · · + wj,r br for 1 ≤ j ≤ n. Let
P To prove the claim (b), let v(D) = i vi D , w(D) =
i n
i wi D be any two codewords in V ⊆ Fq [D]. Then from w(i) = (w1,i , . . . , wn,i ) be vectors in Fnq with 1 ≤ i ≤ r,
eq. (5), we see that vi and wj are in the rowspan of H i.e. For a vector v in Fnq , we have v · w = 0 if and only if
they are elements of C ⊥ , for any i, j ∈ Z. Since C ⊥ ⊆ C = v · w(i) = 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ r.
(C ⊥ )⊥ , it follows that vi · wP j = 0, for any i, j ∈ Z which For a matrix M over Fqr , let exB (M ) denote the matrix
implies that hv(D)|w(D)i = i∈Z vi · wi = 0. Hence V ⊆ that is obtained by expanding each row into r rows over Fq
V ⊥ . Similarly, we can show that if C ⊥h ⊆ C, then V ⊆ V ⊥h . with respect to the basis B, and deleting all but the first rows
For the claim (c),Pwithout loss of generality assume that the that generate the rowspan of the expanded matrix. Then H =
codeword c(D) = ℓi=0 ci Di is in V ⊥ , with c0 6= 0 6= cℓ . exB (Hδ,b ).
It follows that hDi c(D)|Dl Gj (D)i = 0 for i, l ≥ 0, where It is well known that the minimum distance of a BCH code
Gj (D) denotes the jth row of G(D). In particular we have is greater than or equal to its designed distance δ, which is
c0 Hemt
= 0 and cℓ H e 0t = 0. It follows that c0 ∈ Cm and cℓ ∈ very useful in constructing codes [9]. Before we can construct
C0 . If ℓ > 0, then wt(c0 ) ≥ dm and wt(cℓ ) ≥ d0 implying convolutional BCH codes we need the following result on the
wt(c(D)) ≥ d0 + dm . If ℓ = 0, then hDi c0 |Gj (D)i = 0 distance of cyclic codes.
implies c0 H e t = 0 for 0 ≤ i ≤ m, whence c0 H t = 0 and Lemma 4: Let gcd(n, q) = 1 and 2 ≤ α ≤ β < n. Let
c0 ∈ C, implying that wt(c0 ) ≥ d. It follows that wt(c(D)) ≥ C ⊆ Fnq be a cyclic code with defining set
min{d0 + dm , d}, giving the lower bound on d⊥ f .
For the upper bound note that if c0 is a codeword of C, Z = {z | z ∈ Cx , α ≤ x ≤ β, x 6≡ 0 mod q}. (6)
then c0 Hit = 0. From c0 we can construct a codeword c(D)
The minimum distance ∆(α, β) of C is lower bounded as
by padding with zeros. Now, hDi c(D)|Dl Gj (D)i = 0 and
hence c(D) ∈ V ⊥ . Since wt(c(D)) = wt(c0 ) we obtain that (
d⊥f ≤ d. P
q + ⌊(β − α + 3)/q⌋ − 2, if β − α ≥ 2q − 3;
∆(α, β) ≥
Finally, let c(D) = i ci Di be a non-zero codeword in V . ⌊(β − α + 3)/2⌋ , otherwise.
We saw earlier in the proof of (b) that every ci is in C ⊥ . Thus
Proof: Our goal is to bound the distance of C using the
df ≥ min{wt(ci ) | ci 6= 0} ≥ d⊥ .
A special case of our claim (a) has been established by a Hartmann-Tzeng bound (for instance, see [9]). Suppose that
different method in [8, Proposition 1]. there exists a such that A = {z, z + 1, . . . , z + a − 2} ⊆ Z.
Suppose further, that there exists b, where gcd(b, q) < a and
IV. C ONVOLUTIONAL BCH C ODES A + jb = {z + jb, z + 1 + jb, . . . , z + a − 2 + jb} ⊆ Z for
One of the attractive features of BCH codes is that they all 0 ≤ j ≤ s. Then by [9, Theorem 4.5.6], the minimum
allow us to design codes with desired distance. There have distance of C is ∆(α, β) ≥ a + s.
been prior approaches to construct convolutional BCH codes, We choose b = q, so that gcd(n, q) = 1 < a is satisfied for
see [8], [14], and most notably [4], where one can control any a > 1. Next we choose A ⊆ Z such that |A| = q − 1
the free distance of the convolutional code. Here we focus and A + jb ⊆ Z for 0 ≤ j ≤ s, with s as large as possible.
on codes with unit memory. Our codes have better distance Now two cases can arise. If β − α + 1 < 2q − 2, then there
parameters as compared to Hole’s construction [8] and are may not always exist a set A such that |A| = q − 1. In this
easier to construct compared to [14]. case we relax the constraint that |A| = q − 1 and choose A
as the set of maximum number of consecutive elements. Then
A. Unit Memory Convolutional BCH Codes
|A| = a − 1 ≥ ⌊(β − α + 1)/2⌋ and s ≥ 0 giving the distance
Let Fq be a finite field with q elements, n be a positive ∆(α, β) ≥ ⌊(β − α + 1)/2⌋ + 1 = ⌊β − α + 3)/2⌋.
integer such that gcd(n, q) = 1. Let α be a primitive nth root If (β − α + 1) ≥ 2q − 2, then we can always choose a
of unity. A BCH code C of designed distance δ and length n is set A ⊆ {z | α ≤ z ≤ α + 2q − 3, z 6≡ 0 mod q} such that
a cyclic code with generator polynomial g(x) in Fq [x]/hxn − |A| = q − 1. As we want to make s as large as possible, the
1i whose defining set is given by Z = Cb ∪Cb+1 ∪· · ·∪Cb+δ−2 , worst case arises when A = {α+ q − 1, . . . , α+ 2q − 3}. Since
where Cx = {xq i mod n | i ∈ Z, i ≥ 0}. Let A+jb ⊆ Z holds for 0 ≤ j ≤ s, it follows α+2q−3+sq ≤ β.
Thus s ≤ ⌊(β − α + 3)/q⌋ − 2. Thus the distance ∆(α, β) ≥
1 αb α2b ··· αb(n−1)
1 αb+1 α2(b+1) · · · α(b+1)(n−1) q + ⌊(α − β + 3)/q⌋ − 2.
Theorem 5 (Convolutional BCH codes): Let n be a posi-
Hδ,b = . .. .. .. .. .
.. . . . . tive integer such that gcd(n, q) = 1, r = ordn (q) and
(b+δ−2) 2(b+δ−2) (b+δ−2)(n−1)
1 α α ··· α 2 ≤ 2δ < δmax , where
Then C = {v ∈ Fnq | vHδ,b t
= 0}. If r = ordn (q), n
δmax = r (q ⌈r/2⌉ − 1 − (q − 2)[r odd]) .
then a parity check matrix H for C is given by writing q −1
Then there exists a unit memory rate k/n convolutional BCH code contains its dual. From Proposition 1 we can conclude
code with free distance df ≥ δ+1+∆(δ+1, 2δ) and k = n−κ, that there exists a convolutional code with the parameters
where κ = r ⌈δ(1 − 1/q)⌉. The free distance of the dual is [(n, n − 2κ, 1)]q . By Theorem 5 the free distance of the dual
≥ δmax + 1. is d′ ≥ δmax + 1, also implying its purity.
Proof: Let C ⊆ Fnq be a narrow-sense BCH code of Another useful method to construct quantum codes makes
designed distance 2δ + 1 and let B a basis of Fqr over Fq . use of codes over Fq2 .
Recall that a parity check matrix for C is given by H = Theorem 7: Let 2 ≤ 2δ < n(q r − 1)/(q 2r − 1) , where
exB (H2δ+1,1 ). Further, let H0 = exB (Hδ+1,1 ), then from and r = ordn (q 2 ). Then there exist quantum convolutional
codes with parameters [(n, n− 2κ, 1)] df ≥
Hδ+1,1 q and free distance
H2δ+1,1 = , (7) δ + 1 + ∆(δ + 1, 2δ), where κ = r δ(1 − 1/q 2 ) .
Proof: By Theorem 5 there exists an (n, n − κ, 1)q2
t convolutional BCH code with the polynomial parity check
it follows that H = [H0t , H1t ] , where H1 is obtained
from exB (Hδ+1,δ+1 ) by removing all rows common to matrix as in eq. (8). The parent BCH code has design distance
exB (Hδ+1,1 ). The code C0 with parity check matrix H0 = 2δ + 1 and given the range of δ, we know by [2, Theorem 14]
exB (Hδ+1,1 ) coincides with the narrow-sense BCH code of that it contains its Hermitian dual. By Theorem 3(b), the
length n and designed distance δ + 1. convolutional code also contains its Hermitian dual. By Propo-
By [2, Theorem 10], we have dim C = n− r ⌈2δ(1 − 1/q)⌉ sition 2, we can conclude that there exists an [(n, n − 2κ, 1)]q
and dim C0 = n − r ⌈δ(1 − 1/q)⌉ which implies rk H = code with df ≥ δ + 1 + ∆(δ + 1, 2δ).
r ⌈2δ(1 − 1/q)⌉, rk H0 = r ⌈δ(1 − 1/q)⌉, and rk H1 = We conclude by noting that the convolutional codes in The-
rk H − rk H0 = r ⌈2δ(1 − 1/q)⌉ − r ⌈δ(1 − 1/q)⌉. For x > 0, orems 6 and 7 have non-catastrophic encoders and encoder
we have ⌈x⌉ ≥ ⌈2x⌉ − ⌈x⌉; therefore, κ = rk H0 ≥ rk H1 . inverses. This follows directly from the fact that G(D) in
By Theorem 3(a), the matrix H defines a reduced basic eq. (8) is a basic generator matrix (cf. [6], [7]).
generator matrix ACKNOWLEDGMENT
e0 + DH
G(D) = H e1 (8) We would like to thank one of the referees for drawing our
attention to [4]. This research was supported by NSF CAREER
of a convolutional code of dimension κ, while its dual which award CCF 0347310, NSF grant CCF 0622201, and a Texas
we refer to as a convolutional BCH code is of dimension n−κ. A&M TITF initiative.
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