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Manual Scan master-UM - FZC500 - EN - A - 05 - 2012

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User Manual UM/FZC500-EN Rev.

ScanMaster FZC500
Diagnostic and verification software
for ProcessMaster / HygienicMaster
ScanMaster FZC500
Diagnostic and verification software

User Manual

Rev. A
Issue date: 05.2012

Translation of the original instruction

ABB Automation Products GmbH ABB Inc. ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.
Process Automation Process Automation Process Automation
Dransfelder Str. 2 125 E. County Line Road No. 5, Lane 369, Chuangye Road,
37079 Göttingen Warminster, PA 18974 Kangqiao Town, Nanhui District
Germany USA Shanghai, 201319, P.R. China
Tel: +49 551 905-534 Tel: +1 215 674 6000 Tel: +86(0) 21 6105 6666
Fax: +49 551 905-555 Fax: +1 215 674 7183 Fax: +86(0) 21 6105 6677
[email protected]
Customer service center
Tel: +49 180 5 222 580
Fax: +49 621 381 931-29031
[email protected]

© Copyright 2012 by ABB

Subject to changes without notice
This document is protected by copyright. It assists the user in safe and efficient operation of the device. The contents of this
document, whether whole or in part, may not be copied or reproduced without prior approval by the copyright holder.

2 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

1 Safety............................................................................... 4
1.1 General information and notes for the reader........ 4
1.2 Note symbols ...................................................... 4
1.3 Intended use........................................................ 4
1.4 Target groups and qualifications .......................... 4
1.5 Warranty provisions ............................................. 4

2 General description......................................................... 5
2.1 ScanMaster option .............................................. 5
2.2 System requirements ........................................... 5
2.3 Contents of CD.................................................... 5

3 Installation ....................................................................... 6
3.1 HART communication via 20 mA cable ................ 6
3.1.1 Installation requirements ...................................... 6
3.1.2 Installation ........................................................... 6
3.1.3 Configuring the network in the frame application .. 9
3.1.4 Starting ScanMaster DTM.................................. 10
3.2 HART communication via FZA100 infrared service
port adapter....................................................... 11
3.2.1 Installation requirements .................................... 11
3.2.2 Installing the USB driver under Windows 2000 ... 11
3.2.3 Installing the USB driver under Windows XP,
Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (32-bit versions
only)................................................................... 15
3.2.4 Positioning the infrared service port adapter on the
transmitter ......................................................... 16
3.2.5 Installing the service port splitter ........................ 16
3.2.6 Configuring the service port splitter .................... 16
3.2.7 Installing the HART communication service port
DTM .................................................................. 19
3.2.8 Installation of ScanMaster DTM.......................... 19
3.2.9 Starting the frame application............................. 19
3.2.10 Configuring the network in the frame application 22
3.2.11 Starting ScanMaster DTM.................................. 24

4 Operation....................................................................... 25
4.1 Verification of a device ....................................... 25
4.2 Displays the test reports stored in the database . 29
4.3 Sample test report ............................................. 30

5 Error messages ............................................................. 31

5.1 Error messages in the ScanMaster report .......... 39
5.1.1 Errors affecting the flowmeter sensor ................. 39
5.1.2 Errors affecting the transmitter ........................... 41
5.2 Error messages on the LCD display ................... 42
5.2.1 Errors ................................................................ 42
5.2.2 Function check .................................................. 43
5.2.3 Operation outside specifications ........................ 45
5.2.4 Maintenance...................................................... 46

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 3

1 Safety 1.3 Intended use
ScanMaster DTM is a piece of diagnostic and verification
1.1 General information and notes for the reader software that enables cyclic checking of the ProcessMaster
Read these instructions carefully prior to installation and use. and HygienicMaster series 300 and 500 electromagnetic
These instructions are an important part of the product and flowmeters.
must be kept for future reference.
These instructions are intended as an overview and do not 1.4 Target groups and qualifications
contain detailed information on all designs for this product or Only trained specialist personnel who have been authorized by
every possible aspect of use. the plant operator accordingly are permitted to install and use
For additional information or if specific problems occur that are the product. The specialist personnel must have read and
not discussed in these instructions, contact the manufacturer. understood the manual and must comply with its instructions.
The content of these instructions is neither part of any
previous or existing agreement, promise or legal relationship 1.5 Warranty provisions
nor is it intended to change the same. Using the device in a manner that does not fall within the
Following the instructions is an essential prerequisite for safe scope of its intended use, disregarding this manual, using
and fault-free operation of the product. underqualified personnel, or making unauthorized alterations
releases the manufacturer from liability for any resulting
1.2 Note symbols damage. This renders the manufacturer's warranty null and
This symbol indicates operator tips, particularly
useful information, or important information about
the product or its further uses. It does not
indicate a dangerous or harmful situation.

4 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

2 General description IMPORTANT (NOTE)
For more information about the
ScanMaster provides an easy way of checking measured "ScanMaster Enabler" software tool, see the
values and proper functioning of the ProcessMaster 300 / 500 operating instructions in the "CD:\ScanMaster
and HygienicMaster 300 / 500 electromagnetic flowmeters. Enabler" directory.

The test and verification results produced are stored in a 2.2 System requirements
database and can be accessed and printed if required. — Processor, Intel-compatible (2 GHz)
Minimum 512 MB RAM
ScanMaster 400 MB free space on hard disk
— Checks the integrity of the flowmeter sensor without the 1024 x 768 screen resolution
need for disassembly — Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 / Windows XP SP2 /
— Checks the input and output functionality of the Windows VISTA SP2 / Windows 7 (32-bit versions only)
transmitter without the need for disassembly — Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
— Is quick and easy to operate — Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
— Uses the technically mature self-monitoring and diagnostic — Adobe Reader, latest version
functions of the ProcessMaster or HygienicMaster — Frame application: Asset Vision Basic or similar frame
— Uses fingerprint technology and compares the current application capable of supporting Device Type Manager
state of the flowmeter sensor and transmitter against a (DTM) version 1.2 or higher
reference data record
— Produces a graphical representation of gradual changes 2.3 Contents of CD
that are recorded in the ProcessMaster 500 as a trend, for
example Folder structure on the Description
ScanMaster is based on DTM technology and can be run on ABB DTM HART Setup directory for HART Communication
Asset Vision Basic or other frame applications (as of FDT 1.2). Communication DTM
Communication with the device is configured via the frame ServicePort 5.00.01
application. Asset_Vision_Basic_1.0.18 ABB frame application capable of
Different connection types and software installations apply supporting DTMs version 1.2 and higher
according to the communication type (HART, PROFIBUS PA Documentation Operating instructions and additional
and FOUNDATION Fieldbus). instructions for DTMs
HMI Emulation Remote control software for the
IMPORTANT (NOTE) transmitter
To use ScanMaster, the software revision of the MS .NET 2.0 Microsoft .NET Framework
connected device must be as follows (see name ScanMaster Setup directory of ScanMaster DTM
plate): ScanMaster Enabler Software for activating the ScanMaster
— With HART communication ≥ 01.02.00 option in the transmitter on site post-
— With PROFIBUS PA or delivery
FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 ≥ 00.01.01 Service port splitter 1.1.09 Software for the service port splitter
IFAK modem Driver for the IFAK HART modem
2.1 ScanMaster option USB driver USB driver for the infrared service port
The ScanMaster option must be activated in the flowmeter so adapter for Windows 2000, Windows XP,
that data can be read out from the device. When purchasing a Windows Vista, Windows 7
new device, the ScanMaster option can be specified in the
order number code.
You can find out whether the ScanMaster option is activated
on the device by selecting the "Device info \ Transmitter \
ScanMaster Option" menu in the device software.
The ScanMaster CD contains the "ScanMaster Enabler"
software tool which can be used to activate the ScanMaster
option if it is not activated on delivery.

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 5

3 Installation 3.1.2 Installation


Communication between the flowmeter and the Check whether the frame application is installed
PC / laptop can be implemented either via a on the PC.
HART modem or using the FZA100 infrared
service adapter. If the frame application is not installed on the PC,
install "Asset Vision Basic" from the ScanMaster
The screens in the operating system you are Path: "CD:\Asset_Vision_Basic_1.0.18\Setup.exe"
using may differ from those shown in this
document, which have been taken from Windows 1. Install the communication DTM ("is HRT USB") for the
2000. IFAK HART modem.

3.1 HART communication via 20 mA cable 2. Set the COM for the IFAK HART modem: Open "Start >
3.1.1 Installation requirements ifak-system > is HRT Configurator" and select "Provide as
— PC with frame application installed serial COM-Port".
(e.g., Asset Vision Basic)
— USB HART modem with COM-DTM installed in the frame
— ScanMaster CD

An IFAK HART modem is used for communication.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
1 Frame application | 2 IFAK HART modem | 3 Power supply unit

3. Install ScanMaster DTM: Run the "Setup.exe" file in the

Frame application For example: "CD:\ScanMaster" directory.
— DAT200 Asset Vision Basic
— Communication DTM: "is HRT USB" The installation wizard guides you through the installation
— ScanMaster DTM process.
IFAK HART modem Electrical
isolation, e.g., NHA121Nx (hazardous IMPORTANT (NOTE)
areas) or NHA121No (standard) You might have to disable the virus scanner
before starting DTM installation.

4. Start the frame application.

6 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

5. Select expert mode for "Asset Vision Basic". 3. Under the basic settings for the "COM port", select the
virtual COM port activated in the service port splitter for
IMPORTANT (NOTE) the HART protocol.
If the window for selecting an action is displayed
after "Asset Vision Basic" starts up, select expert
mode before proceeding.

Activating expert mode for "Asset Vision Basic"

1. In the window for selecting an action, select "Automatic
device selection (online)" and click "Next".

Fig. 5

4. Click "Apply" followed by "OK".

5. Click "Next".

The frame application searches for connected devices.

Fig. 3

2. Select the "HART" communication protocol and the "ABB

HART Communication ServicePort" communication
interface. Click "Next".

Fig. 6

Fig. 4

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 7

6. The ScanMaster is listed in the "Device selection" window 9. Click "View" on the menu bar and select "Expert mode".
as "ABB FZC500 Tool ScanMaster". Select the device and
click "Next".

Fig. 10
Fig. 7
10. Click "Tools" on the menu bar and select "Options".
7. Click "No" in response to the prompt that is displayed.

Fig. 8

8. Click "Device data" on the menu bar and select "Close".

Fig. 11

11. In the navigation column, open the "Tool Mode Wizard"

folder and click "Select tool mode".

Fig. 9

8 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

12. Select "Prompt at start of program" as the preferred mode 15. Click "No" in response to the prompt that is displayed
and click "Apply". asking if you wish to save the project.

Fig. 14

Configuration is now complete.

16. Restart "Asset Vision Basic".

Expert mode can be selected when "Asset Vision Basic"

Fig. 12 starts up.

The language can be changed if necessary under
"General settings".

13. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.

14. Click "File" on the menu bar and select "Exit".

Fig. 15

3.1.3 Configuring the network in the frame application

1. In the frame application, add ScanMaster DTM on the
network under the HART communication DTM of the USB
HART modem.

Fig. 13 If ScanMaster DTM is not displayed in the device
catalog, you need to update the device catalog.
ScanMaster DTM is listed in the device catalog as
"ABB FZC500 Tool ScanMaster".

Fig. 16: Example of linking based on the ABB frame application

"Asset Vision Basic"

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 9

3.1.4 Starting ScanMaster DTM 2. Once the connection is established, the "HART
1. Before starting ScanMaster DTM, establish the connection communication DTM" and "ScanMaster DTM" entries are
on the network by opening the DTM drop-down menu and highlighted in bold and italics.
clicking "Establish connection".
To actually start the DTM, select "Other functions /
identify" from the same drop-down menu.

Fig. 18


For more information, see the
"ScanMaster tool additional info" file in the
"Documentation" directory on the CD or the DTM
online help.

10 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

3.2 HART communication via FZA100 infrared service 3.2.2 Installing the USB driver under Windows 2000
port adapter
3.2.1 Installation requirements IMPORTANT (NOTE)
— PC / laptop with frame application installed (e.g., Asset Check whether the frame application is installed
Vision Basic) on the PC.
— Infrared service port adapter FZA100
— ScanMaster CD If the frame application is not installed on the PC,
install "Asset Vision Basic" from the ScanMaster
In order to use this type of communication, the flowmeter CD.
must be freely accessible. Path: "CD:\Asset_Vision_Basic_1.0.18\Setup.exe"

1. Connect the infrared service port adapter to a free USB

port and insert the CD supplied into the drive. Windows
automatically recognizes the new hardware as a
USB Composite Device.

Fig. 19
1 Frame application | 2 Infrared service port adapter FZA100 Fig. 20

Frame application For example: The hardware wizard starts up after the hardware has
— DAT200 Asset Vision Basic been detected.
— Communication DTM:
DTM HART communication service 2. Click "Next".
— ScanMaster DTM
— Service port splitter software

Fig. 21

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 11

3. Select the option "Search for a suitable driver for my 5. Select the driver's location:
device (recommended)" and click "Next". Click "Browse" and select the "CD:\USB-Driver\CDM
2.06.00" directory in the next dialog that appears.

Fig. 24

6. Select the "FTDIBUS.INF" driver file and click "Open".

Fig. 22

4. Select the option "Specify a location" and click "Next".

Fig. 25

7. Once you have selected the driver, click "Next".

Fig. 23

Fig. 26

12 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

Following successful installation, the message 11. Select the option "Specify a location" and click "Next".
"Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard" will

8. To complete installation of the first driver, click "Finish".

Fig. 29

12. Select the driver's location: Click "Browse" and select the
"CD:\USB-Driver\CDM 2.06.00" directory in the next
Fig. 27 dialog that appears.

9. Install the second driver for the COM port.

The installation procedure continues automatically.

10. Select the option "Search for a suitable driver for my

device (recommended)" and click "Next".

Fig. 30

13. Select the "FTDIPORT.INF" driver file and click "Open".

Fig. 28

Fig. 31

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 13

14. Once you have selected the driver, click "Next". 16. In the "Device Manager", check the virtual COM port of
the adapter (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System
-> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT)).

Fig. 32
Fig. 34
Following successful installation, the message
"Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard" will The COM port number is assigned on an individual basis
appear. and depends on the configuration of the computer being
used. In the example shown, COM port 3 has been
15. To complete installation of the second driver, click assigned to the adapter. Every time a connection to the
"Finish". computer used is established, therefore, COM port 3 is
assigned to the adapter.

Always connect the adapter to the USB port
which was used during installation.

Fig. 33

Driver installation is now complete.

14 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

3.2.3 Installing the USB driver under Windows XP, 4. Select the option "Install from a list or specific location
Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (32-bit versions (Advanced)" and click "Next".

Check whether the frame application is installed
on the PC.

If the frame application is not installed on the PC,

install "Asset Vision Basic" from the ScanMaster
Path: "CD:\Asset_Vision_Basic_1.0.18\Setup.exe"

1. Connect the infrared service port adapter to a free USB


Under Microsoft Windows XP SP2,
Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (32-bit), the driver
is automatically installed in the background. Once Fig. 36
it has been installed, the infrared service port
adapter can be used straightaway. 5. Select the driver's location: Click "Browse" and select the
"CD:\USB-Driver\CDM 2.08.14" directory in the next
IMPORTANT (NOTE) dialog that appears.
The USB driver in the "CD:\USB-Driver\CDM
2.08.14" directory supports the Windows XP,
Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (32-bit) operating

2. Under Microsoft Windows XP without Service Pack 2,

insert the CD supplied into the drive.

The hardware wizard starts up after the hardware has

been detected.

3. Select the option "No, not this time" and click "Next".

Fig. 37

Following successful installation, the message

"Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard" will

Fig. 35

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 15

6. To complete installation of the driver, click "Finish". 3.2.4 Positioning the infrared service port adapter on the
1. Once the USB driver has been installed on the PC, the
infrared service port adapter must be attached to the
transmitter. The figures below show the adapter attached

Simulator Field-mount housing Compact device

(only possible if the
compact device cover is
Fig. 40: Mounting examples


The bottom and right-hand edges of the LCD
Driver installation is now complete. display can be used to position the adapter
7. In the "Device Manager", check the virtual COM port of
the adapter (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System 3.2.5 Installing the service port splitter
-> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT)).
Install Microsoft .NET Framework (if it has not
been installed already) by running the
"dotnetfx.exe" file in the "CD:\MS .NET 2.0"
The service port splitter software currently only
supports 32-bit operating systems.

1. Open the "CD:\Service Port Splitter 1.1.09" directory.

2. Run the "Setup.exe" file and follow the instructions.

3.2.6 Configuring the service port splitter

Requirements for configuration:
— Position the infrared service port adapter correctly on
the transmitter and connect it to the USB port.
Fig. 39 — Connect the transmitter to the power supply.

The COM port number is assigned on an individual basis The service port splitter can be configured in such a way
and depends on the configuration of the computer being that up to four virtual COM ports can be assigned to the
used. In the example shown, COM port 3 has been individual client applications.
assigned to the adapter. Every time a connection to the Data can then be transferred to and read from several
computer used is established, therefore, COM port 3 is virtual COM ports simultaneously.
assigned to the adapter.

Always connect the adapter to the USB port
which was used during installation.

16 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

A typical virtual COM port configuration may feature the Shortly after startup, the time window disappears again
following settings: and the service port splitter appears as an icon in the
— Client 1: quick start bar.
Assigned to the external HMI application.
— Client 2:
Assigned to a HART-compatible application.
— Client 3:
Assigned for outputting cyclic data (as a *.csv text
— Client 4:
Assigned for outputting parameter data (as a *.csv
text file). The parameter data contains the
transmitter's configuration settings.

Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4

HMI emulator HART Terminal Terminal
(compatible software (output software Fig. 42
application) of cyclic data) (parameter
dump) 2. Right-click the icon to call up the shortcut menu.

COM6 COM7 COM8 COM9 "Stop Service" stops the service port splitter.

3. Double-click the icon to open the configuration window.

Service port splitter
4. Click the "Add Channel" button to open the "Set New
COM4 Channel Port" window and select the COM port of the
infrared service port adapter.

Fig. 41: Typical configuration of the service port splitter

The service port splitter enables several device services to

be used simultaneously.

If services run simultaneously, the data
transmission rate will be shared between them.
Therefore, certain services may run with a delay!

1. Start the service port splitter by selecting

"Start\Programs\ABB\Service Port Splitter".

Fig. 43

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 17

IMPORTANT (NOTE) The "Port Status" column shows the current status of the
The COM port set in the service port splitter must service:
match the settings in the "Device Manager" (Start — "Setup Required":
-> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> The service has not yet been configured.
Hardware -> Device Manager -> Ports — "Ready":
(COM & LPT)). The service has been configured and is available.
— "Active":
5. Check the "Channel Enabled" box to activate the The service is being used by an external application.
8. To configure a service, select it, right-click to call up the
The service port splitter establishes communication with shortcut menu, and select "Edit Client".
the transmitter. The connection status can be checked on
the "Communications" tab. 9. In the next window, select the required virtual COM port
The baud rate must be set in the transmitter (see and uncheck the "Disabled" box.
operating instructions "OI/FEX300/FEX500"). The factory
setting in the transmitter is 38,400 baud. 10. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.
The connection to the device can be interrupted at any
time by unchecking the "Channel Enabled" box.

Fig. 44

6. Once the connection has been established, the device

services can be configured on the "Clients" tab.

7. Click "Get Device Services" to list the available device

services. Fig. 46

If a service has been deleted using "Remove
Client", the list can be updated by clicking "Get
Device Services".

Following configuration, an external application such as a

terminal software program (HyperTerminal) or the HMI
emulator can establish a connection to the service via the
assigned virtual COM port.

11. When preparing to configure the ScanMaster, select the

Fig. 45 "HART" service, right-click to call up the shortcut menu,
and select "Edit Client".

18 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

12. In the next window, select the required virtual COM port Activating expert mode for "Asset Vision Basic"
(e.g., COM6) and uncheck the "Disabled" box. 1. In the window for selecting an action, select "Automatic
device selection (online)" and click "Next".
13. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.

For communication to be possible via the infrared
service port adapter, the adapter might also have
to be activated in the transmitter device software:
"Communication \ Service Port \ Service Port
When communication via the service port is
activated, HART communication via the current
output is deactivated.

3.2.7 Installing the HART communication service port

1. Run the "Setup.exe" file in the "CD:\ABB DTM HART
Communication ServicePort" directory.

The installation wizard guides you through the installation

process. Fig. 47

IMPORTANT (NOTE) 2. Select the "HART" communication protocol and the "ABB
You might have to disable the virus scanner HART Communication ServicePort" communication
before starting DTM installation. interface. Click "Next".

3.2.8 Installation of ScanMaster DTM

1. To install ScanMaster DTM, run the "Setup.exe" file in the
"CD:\ScanMaster" directory.

The installation wizard guides you through the installation


You might have to disable the virus scanner
before starting DTM installation.

3.2.9 Starting the frame application

1. First, start the service port splitter.

2. Then start the frame application.

3. Select expert mode for "Asset Vision Basic".

Fig. 48
If the window for selecting an action is displayed
after "Asset Vision Basic" starts up, select expert
mode before proceeding.

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 19

3. Under the basic settings for the "COM port", select the 6. The ScanMaster is listed in the "Device selection" window
virtual COM port activated in the service port splitter for as "ABB FZC500 Tool ScanMaster". Select the device and
the HART protocol. click "Next".

Fig. 49 Fig. 51

4. Click "Apply" followed by "OK". 7. Click "No" in response to the prompt that is displayed.

5. Click "Next".

The frame application searches for connected devices.

Fig. 52

8. Click "Device data" on the menu bar and select "Close".

Fig. 50

Fig. 53

20 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

9. Click "View" on the menu bar and select "Expert mode". 12. Select "Prompt at start of program" as the preferred mode
and click "Apply".

Fig. 56
Fig. 54
10. Click "Tools" on the menu bar and select "Options". The language can be changed if necessary under
"General settings".

13. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.

14. Click "File" on the menu bar and select "Exit".

Fig. 55

11. In the navigation column, open the "Tool Mode Wizard"

folder and click "Select tool mode".

Fig. 57

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 21

15. Click "No" in response to the prompt that is displayed Configuring the COM port for the HART communication
asking if you wish to save the project. service port DTM
1. Select the HART communication service port DTM then
right-click and open "Configuration".

Fig. 58

Configuration is now complete.

16. Restart "Asset Vision Basic".

Expert mode can be selected when "Asset Vision Basic"

starts up.

Fig. 61: Configuring the DTM by selecting "Configuration"

2. Select the COM port assigned to the HART channel in the
service port splitter software (e.g., COM6).

Run the service port splitter software for this purpose.

3. Set the baud rate to 38,400 baud.

Fig. 59

3.2.10 Configuring the network in the frame application

1. First, link the "HART Communication ServicePort DTM" to
the network.

If ScanMaster DTM is not displayed in the device
catalog, you need to update the device catalog.
ScanMaster DTM is listed in the device catalog as
"ABB FZC500 Tool ScanMaster".

Fig. 60: Example of linking based on the ABB frame application

"Asset Vision Basic"

22 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

4. Save the data by clicking "Apply". 2. Select ScanMaster DTM and click "OK".

Fig. 62
Fig. 64
Integrating ScanMaster DTM into the network
1. Select the HART communication service port DTM then 3. ScanMaster DTM is now displayed in the network view
right-click and open "Add". under the HART communication DTM.

Fig. 65

Fig. 63

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 23

3.2.11 Starting ScanMaster DTM 2. Once the connection is established, the "HART
1. Before starting ScanMaster DTM, establish a connection communication DTM" and "ScanMaster DTM" entries are
on the network by right-clicking to open the DTM drop- highlighted in bold and italics.
down menu and clicking "Establish connection".
To actually start the DTM, select "Other functions /
identify" from the same drop-down menu.

Fig. 67

For more information, see the
Fig. 66 "ScanMaster tool additional info" file in the
"Documentation" directory on the CD or in the
DTM online help.

24 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

4 Operation Following startup, the device ID is displayed first. The
column on the left is used for navigation in ScanMaster.
4.1 Verification of a device

ScanMaster is largely self-explanatory.
The user is guided through the verification

1. Once the connection is established on the network, start


Once the connection is established, the HART

communication DTM and ScanMaster DTM entries are
highlighted in bold and italics.

Fig. 70

The following data is read out:

Device Description
Manufacturer HART manufacturer ID
Model Displays the transmitter type and
communication type
Dev. ID Displays the HART device ID
Device serial number Serial number for identification by the
Device revision Field device ID
HART revision Revision of device universal command revision
Fig. 68
Additional device Description
In order to identify the device for the report, data must be revisions
read out from the device. Hardware version Hardware version
Software revision Transmitter firmware version
2. Click the "Yes" button to confirm your selection.
Device data Description
Address HART device address.
The HART protocol has provisions for creating a
bus with up to 15 devices (1-15).
If an address greater than 0 is selected:
— The device works in multidrop mode
— The current output is fixed at 4 mA
— HART communication runs solely via the
current output
Factory setting: 0
Date Date for information purposes
Tag Entry of the communication tag (alphanumeric,
max. 8 characters)
Final assembly number Device ID number
Fig. 69 Description Entry of the HART descriptor
Supplementary Displays an alphanumeric string (alphanumeric,
information maximum 32 characters)

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 25

3. Click "ScanMaster" in the navigation column on the left. 5. Click the "Next" button to continue the check.

The following functions are made available in the column Data is now read out from the device so that the test
in the center: report can be prepared.
— "Verification":
Starts the device check 6. Enter general data in the input fields to supplement the
— "Show report" data read out.
Calls up the reports of devices that have already been
tested from the database

Fig. 71

4. Click the "Verification" function. The following important

information is displayed:

The flowmeter is now switching to simulation
mode and the output signals from the transmitter Fig. 73
no longer reflect the actual flow conditions.
Therefore, the measuring point must be switched
to "manual mode" in the control system.

Fig. 72

26 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

Device overview Description 8. Click the "Next" button to proceed with checking the
Model Short-form model number of the connected digital output DO1.
Sensor measuring point Flowmeter sensor measuring point. The The steps to be completed are displayed on the screen.
measuring point is displayed in the top left-
hand corner of the ProcessMaster LCD
(alphanumeric, max. 20 characters).
Sensor tag number Tag number of the flowmeter sensor
Transmitter serial no. ID number of the transmitter
Transmitter SAP no. SAP order number of the transmitter
Firmware Software version of the transmitter
Sensor serial no. ID number of the flowmeter sensor
Sensor SAP no. SAP order number of the flowmeter sensor

Additional Information Description

Customer Entry of customer name
Zip code, city Entry of zip code and city
Internal order number Entry of internal customer order number
Medium Entry of medium being measured Fig. 75
Address Entry of address
Person responsible for Entry of the name of the person responsible 9. Click the "Next" button to proceed with checking the
measuring point for running the installation digital output DO2.
Name of installation Entry of the name of the installation
The steps to be completed are displayed on the screen.
7. Click the "Next" button to proceed with checking the
current output.

The steps to be completed are displayed on the screen.

Fig. 76

Fig. 74

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 27

10. Click the "Next" button to proceed with checking the 12. Click the "Next" button to enter additional comments
digital input DI. about installation or grounding.

The steps to be completed are displayed on the screen. IMPORTANT (NOTE)

We recommend using this screen to keep a
record of the testing equipment used in the

Fig. 77

11. Click the "Next" button to proceed with checking the

signal cable length. Fig. 78

The signal cable length is required to check the coil 13. Click the "Next" button to proceed with the "Other
resistance. ScanMaster reads the signal cable length set flowmeter sensor and transmitter tests" function.
in the transmitter in the Easy Set-up menu.
14. Click the "Start test" button.
If verification is to be carried out with a different cable
length, enter this length and click the "Use new cable
length" button.

Fig. 79

Various tests are carried out automatically in the flowmeter

sensor and the transmitter.

The green "Passed" field confirms that the tests have been
carried out successfully (no interruptions in
communication, etc.).

28 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

A note indicating that the specimen has passed the test 4.2 Displays the test reports stored in the database
(that the result of the measurements is within the 1. Select "ScanMaster" in the navigation column on the left.
permissible tolerance) can be found at the end of the
report. 2. Then select the "Show report" function in the navigation
column in the center.

Selecting report sorting

ABB SAP order number Sorting based on the SAP order
Sensor measuring point Sorting based on the measuring
Name of installation Sorting based on the name of the

Fig. 80

15. Click the "Next" button.

ScanMaster starts Adobe Reader as an external

application and displays the report.

16. To save the report in the database, go back to

ScanMaster and click the "OK" button.
Fig. 82

Fig. 81

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 29

ge from two to one column

4.3 Sample test report

30 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

5 Error messages
Error description Cause of error Remedy
ScanMaster is not enabled in the transmitter. The ScanMaster option must be activated in the When purchasing a new device, the ScanMaster
flowmeter so that data can be read out from the option can be specified in the order number
device. code.
The ScanMaster CD contains the
"ScanMaster Enabler" software tool which can
be used to activate the ScanMaster option if it is
not activated on delivery (HART firmware version
01.02.00 and higher).

Fig. 83

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 31

Error description Cause of error Remedy
The firmware version of the transmitter is too old. — ScanMaster can communicate with the
transmitter with the following firmware version:
— HART firmware 01.02.00 and higher
— Profibus PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus
firmware 00.02.00 and higher
If the transmitter firmware is older than this, an
update must be carried out locally before the
transmitter can be checked with ScanMaster.
Contact ABB Service to make the necessary
Check the hardware version of the transmitter.

Part no. transmitter module Original Update option Comment

Firmware version to firmware version
D674A880U01 old series / 24 V / HART 00.01.01 00.01.02 No ScanMaster capability.
D674A881U01 old series / 230 V / HART 00.01.01 00.01.02 Update the module then enable ScanMaster and
D674A899U01 old series / 24 V / HART 00.01.02 — create default fingerprint.
D674A900U01 old series / 230 V / HART 00.01.02 — Then run ScanMaster.
D674A901U01 old series / 24 V / HART 00.02.01 00.03.00
D674A902U01 old series / 230 V / HART 00.02.01 00.03.00
D674A903U01 500 series / 24 V / HART 01.01.02 01.02.00 ScanMaster capability.
D674A903U02 500 series / 24 V / PA 00.01.02 00.02.00 Function can be enabled.
D674A903U03 500 series / 24 V / FF 00.01.02 00.02.00
D674A904U01 500 series / 230 V / HART 01.01.02 01.02.00 Note:
D674A904U02 500 series / 230 V / PA 00.01.02 00.02.00 For operation with ScanMaster, the transmitter
D674A904U03 500 series / 230 V / FF 00.01.02 00.02.00 must have a specific software level:
D674A905U01 300 series / 24 V / HART 01.01.02 01.02.00 HART transmitter:
D674A905U02 300 series / 24 V / PA 00.01.02 00.02.00 Minimum software level 01.02.00
D674A905U03 300 series / 24 V / FF 00.01.02 00.02.00 Profibus PA / FOUNDATION Fieldbus transmitter:
D674A906U01 300 series / 230 V / HART 01.01.02 01.02.00 Minimum software level 00.
D674A906U02 300 series / 230 V / PA 00.01.02 00.02.00
D674A906U03 300 series / 230 V / FF 00.01.02 00.02.00

32 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

Error description Cause of error Remedy
Communication failure. When using the infrared service port adapter or Restart the ScanMaster check.
the HART modem, in a very small number of
cases there is a risk of communication with the When the check is complete, check the following
transmitter failing. Should communication fail, a parameter settings:
corresponding message is displayed on the — The pulse width
screen (see screenshot). — The configuration of the DO1 and DO2
1. To check the pulse width at the transmitter,
click or and select "Easy Set-up".
2. Click to select the "Pulse width"
function and make any necessary
3. To check the configuration of the DO1 and
DO2 outputs at the transmitter, click or
and select "Input / Output".
4. Click , and to select the
individual functions and make any necessary

Fig. 84

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 33

Commissioning 1 Language
Unit (flowrate)
Unit (totalizer)
Pulses per unit

Pulse width

Iout for alarm
Iout low alarm
Iout high Alarm
System zero point Manual Calibration
Auto. Calibration
Signal cable length

Input / Output 5 Digital Output Setup Function DO1 / DO2 Pulse V / Pulse R
Pulse V / Digital
Pulse VR / Digital
Digital / Digital

Behavior DO1 Passive, active

Binary Output Setup DO1 Signal No function

Forward signal, reverse
Alarm signal
Two measuring ranges
Batch end contact

DO1 Alarm Config. Collective alarm

Min. alarm flow
Max. alarm flow
Empty pipe alarm
Partial filling (TFE) alarm
Gas bubble alarm
Conductivity alarm
Electrode deposit alarm
Sensor temperature alarm

DO1 Switching Behavior Normally Open, Normally


DO2 Signal No function,

forward/reverse signal,
alarm signal
Two measuring ranges
Batch end contact

34 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

Error description Cause of error Remedy
The values of the specimen's inputs and outputs The current output is outside the permissible — Click "Back" and repeat the check. Enter the
are outside the permissible limits. limits. decimal places correctly! If you are working in
German, use a comma as the decimal
If a value outside the permissible limits is separator. If you are working in English, use a
detected when the current output is checked, period as the decimal separator.
this is indicated by a red field. — Check wiring.
— Check the measuring range of the multimeter.
If the three errors listed above cannot be rectified
by taking these actions, contact ABB Service.

Fig. 85

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 35

Error description Cause of error Remedy
The values of the specimen's inputs and outputs The digital output is outside the permissible — Click "Back" and repeat the check. Enter the
are outside the permissible limits. limits. decimal places correctly! If you are working in
German, use a comma as the decimal
If a value outside the permissible limits is separator. If you are working in English, use a
detected when the digital output is checked, this period as the decimal separator.
is indicated by a red field. — Check wiring.
— Check the measuring range of the multimeter.
If the three errors listed above cannot be rectified
by taking these actions, contact ABB Service.

Fig. 86

36 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

Error description Cause of error Remedy
The values of the other checks that are carried "Sensor Measurements Failed". Check the alarms on the transmitter display.
out automatically are outside the permissible "Verification Frontend Failed": Check whether the sensor is completely full.
limits. — The sensor is only partially full and the "empty If it is ("Yes"), contact ABB Service.
pipe" detector has triggered an alarm.
If values outside the permissible limits are — The values for the transmitter are outside the
detected when the other automatic checks are permissible limits.
carried out, this is indicated by a red field. "On demand Fingerprints Failed":
This secondary error occurs as a consequence
of "Verification Frontend" failing.

Fig. 87

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 37

Fig. 88

38 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

5.1 Error messages in the ScanMaster report
5.1.1 Errors affecting the flowmeter sensor

Fig. 89

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 39

Error description Cause of error Remedy
Error in the coil group The current coil resistance is above or below the Check the values for "Rspule max. Alarm" (coil
limit value set on the transmitter (error S149; see resistance max. alarm) and "Rspule min. Alarm"
also the operating instructions (coil resistance min. alarm) in the
OI/FEX300/FEX500). "Diagnostics\Diagnostic functions\Sensor
measurements" menu.
Set against the default fingerprint, the current 1. Check the LCD display on the device for a
fingerprint for the coil resistance is outside the sensor error message (e.g., "Reference
maximum permissible deviation. voltage Uref = 0" or the error message "Coil
resistance outside limits").
2. Check the cable length setting in the "Easy
Set-up\Signal cable length" menu. The set
value must be greater than zero.
Set 0.1 m for devices with integral mount
design transmitters. For remote mount design
devices, enter the length of the cable
between the flowmeter sensor and the
3. Contact ABB Service.
Error in the electrode group The error is being caused by an alarm relating to — In the "Diagnostics\Diagnostic
electrode deposits, conductivity, or electrode functions\Electrode deposits" menu, check
impedance the limit values for "Deposits QE max. alarm"
(errors S124, S142, S143; see also the operating and "Deposits QE min. alarm" against the
instructions OI/FEX300/FEX500). current values "Deposits QE1" and
The values currently entered for the above "Deposits QE2".
parameters are above or below the limit value set — In the "Diagnostics\Diagnostic
at the transmitter. functions\Conductivity" menu, check the limit
values for "Conductivity max. alarm" and
"Conductivity min. alarm" against the current
value "Curr. conductivity".
— In the "Diagnostics\Diagnostic
functions\Conductivity" menu, check the limit
values for the electrode impedance "Elect.
imp. max. alarm" and "Elect. imp. min. alarm"
against the current value "Elect. imp. E1-
GND" and "Elect. imp. E1-GND".
Error in the sensor group Error due to process conditions: — Check the limit value for the gas bubble alarm
in the "Diagnostics\Diagnostic functions\Gas
The error may have been triggered due to The cause of the error is the gas bubble alarm bubble detection\Gas bubble threshold"
process conditions or errors in the sensor (error S146) or sensor temperature alarm (S141). menu against the current gas bubble value
hardware. The current gas bubble value or sensor ("Curr. gas bubble value" menu).
temperature is outside the limit value set at the — Check the limit value for the sensor
transmitter. temperature in the "Diagnostics\Diagnostic
functions\Sensor measurements" menu
against the current sensor temperature
("Curr. sensor temp." menu).
The sensor is only partially full Check the process conditions.
("empty pipe" alarm, error S148).
Sensor hardware error: For remote mount devices, check the cabling of
terminals D1 and D2.
Communication failure to SensorMemory
(error M090).

40 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

5.1.2 Errors affecting the transmitter

Fig. 90

Error description Cause of error Remedy

Error in the output group The values calculated for the current output, the See pages 35 and 36.
digital output, or the digital input are outside the
permissible limits.
Error in the transmitter group — Communication failure to internal RAM (error See the "Error messages" chapter of the
F250) operating instructions OI/FEX300/FEX500 or the
— NV Memory alarm (error M099) online help in ScanMaster DTM.
— Digital potentiometer error (error)
— MSP error (error M094)
— ROM error (error F253)
— RAM error (error F254)
— SIL detector alarm (error F251)
Error during transmitter verification The values for the transmitter are outside the See pages 37 and 38.
permissible limits.

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 41

5.2 Error messages on the LCD display
5.2.1 Errors

Error no. / Text on the LCD display Cause of error Remedy

F254.038 RAM Error in Transmitter Error in the transmitter electronics unit. Replace the electronics unit or contact
Electronics Contact ABB Service.
unit ABB Service
F253.037 ROM Error in Transmitter Error in the transmitter electronics unit. Replace the electronics unit or contact
Electronics Contact ABB Service.
unit ABB Service
F252.017 No Sensor Memory Incorrectly wired terminals D1 and D2. Check the wiring for terminals D1, D2.
Sensor Check wiring Short circuit or break in wires for D1, If an old flowmeter sensor (e.g., model
Check switch SW3 D2. DE41F) is connected without
Jumper SW3 is not correctly plugged SensorMemory, plug the jumper on the
into the backplane. backplane in the "ON" position.
Old flowmeter sensor connected without
F251.040 Self Check Alarm The SIL monitoring function has Replace transmitter or contact ABB
Electronics detected a transmitter error. Service
F250.016 Tx. memory fault detected Error in the transmitter electronics unit. Replace the electronics unit or contact
Electronics Contact ABB Service.
unit ABB Service
F248.036 Incompatible snsTx+ Calibration mode is not compatible. Contact ABB Service.
Sensor snr are not the same series
F246.032 Defect digital potentiometer Internal digital potentiometer for Replace the electronics unit or contact
Electronics Transmitter Hardware fault common mode rejection is defective. ABB Service.
unit ABB Service
F245.047 Stack NV Corrupt The internal stack memory for Replace the electronics unit or contact
Electronics Contact PROFIBUS PA / FOUNDATION Fieldbus ABB Service.
unit ABB Service is defective.
F244.031 Internal supply voltage error Failure of transmitter internal power Replace the electronics unit or contact
Electronics Contact supply. ABB Service.
unit ABB Service
F236.024 DC to High Multi-phase fluids that produce a very Check electrical connections and
Operation Lot of NV-Resets high level of noise. grounding of device.
Refer to instr. Manual Stones or solids that produce a very Activate empty pipe detector and
high level of noise. calibrate if the meter tube is empty.
Galvanic voltages at the measuring Contact ABB Service.
Conductivity of fluid is not evenly
distributed (e.g., directly after injection

42 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

Error no. / Text on the LCD display Cause of error Remedy
F232.022 Driver Error Incorrect wiring (terminals M1, M2) or Check that the wiring (terminals M1, M2)
Electronics Uref = 0 wire break / short circuit. is connected properly, check for wire
unit Check wiring for Defective fuse in the coil circuit or breaks and short circuits.
open circuit moisture in the terminal box. Check the coil circuit fuse.
Check fuse Check the connection box for moisture.
F228.020 Error in Incorrect wiring (terminals M1, M2) or Check that the wiring (terminals M1, M2)
Electronics Coil circuit wire break / short circuit. is connected properly, check for wire
unit Check wiring for Fuse in the coil circuit is defective. breaks and short circuits.
short circuit Check the coil circuit fuse.
F226.019 AD Converter Signal at the input of the AD converter If the pipeline is empty, check whether
Electronics saturated exceeds the maximum value of 2.5 V. the empty pipe detection function is
unit Check empty pipe No further measurement is possible. activated.
or Galv. Voltage In the "Diagnostics" menu, activate the
empty pipe detection function.
Check whether the current flowrate
exceeds the set upper range value. If it
does, increase Qmax (the upper range

5.2.2 Function check

Error no. / Text on the LCD display Cause of error Remedy

C190.045 An alarm is Simulation mode is activated. In the "Diagnostics" menu, deactivate
Config. simulated simulation mode.
Switch off
alarm simulation
C186.009 Tx Simulator/ The transmitter is operated on simulator In the "Diagnostics" menu, deactivate
Config. Calibrator mode 55XC4000. simulation mode.
Switch off
Calibrator Mode
C185.030 Hold last good The noise exceeds the bandwidth set for Switch off noise reduction in the "Device
Operation known value noise reduction for a longer period of Setup" menu or contact ABB Service.
Switch OFF time.
Noise Reduction
ABB Service
C184.010 The Flowrate The function of the digital input DI is set Set the digital input DI to low signal
Config. is set to zero to "External output switch-off" and the (0 V DC).
Check digital in digital input DI is set to high signal
terminals 81,82 (+24 V DC).
C182.008 Flowrate Simulation mode is activated. One of the In the "Diagnostics" menu, deactivate
Config. Simulation following functions is simulated: simulation mode.
Switch off — Flowrate [%]
Simulation Mode — Flowrate [unit]
— Flow velocity
These readings in simulation mode do
not represent the system conditions.

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 43

Error no. / Text on the LCD display Cause of error Remedy
C178.000 Simulated/ The current output is simulated and is Deactivate simulation mode in the
Config. Fixed Current Output currently set to a specific value. "Process Alarm" menu or set the HART
Simulation Mode? The error message is displayed if the address to 0 in the "Communication"
HART address>0? HART address is not 0 (HART multidrop menu.
mode, current output is fixed at 4 mA).
C177.015 HART Address <>0 HART address not 0 Set the HART address to 0 in the
Config. Multidrop Mode (HART multidrop mode, current output is "Communication" menu.
Set HART set permanently to 4 mA).
Addr. = 0
C176.011 Totalizer Stop The function of the digital input DI is set Set the digital input (DI) to low signal
Config. Check digital in to "External totalizer stop" and the (0 V DC).
terminals 81,82 digital input DI is set to high signal
(+24 V DC).
C175.013 Totalizer Reset The function of the digital input DI is set Set the digital input (DI) to low signal
Config. Check digital in to "External totalizer reset" and the (0 V DC).
terminals 81,82 digital input DI is set to high signal
(+24 V DC).
C174.002 Pulse Simulation Simulation mode is activated. In the "Process Alarm" menu, deactivate
Config. selected on DO1 simulation mode.
Switch off
Simulation Mode
C172.004 Pulse Simulation Simulation mode is activated. In the "Process Alarm" menu, deactivate
Config. selected on DO2 simulation mode.
Switch off
Simulation Mode
C168.001 Logic Simulation Simulation mode is activated. In the "Process Alarm" menu, deactivate
Config. selected on DO1 simulation mode.
Switch off
Simulation Mode
C164.003 Logic Simulation Simulation mode is activated. In the "Process Alarm" menu, deactivate
Config. selected on DO2 simulation mode.
Switch off
Simulation Mode
C158.039 Simulation of Simulation mode is activated. In the "Process Alarm" menu, deactivate
Config. HART frequency simulation mode.
Switch off
Simulation Mode
C154.018 Simulation Simulation mode is activated. In the "Process Alarm" menu, deactivate
Config. Digital In simulation mode.
Switch off
Simulation Mode

44 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500

5.2.3 Operation outside specifications

Error no. / Text on the LCD display Cause of error Remedy

S149.021 Coil resistor Coil resistance too high: Coil or fuse for Check wiring, check fuse for coil circuit,
Operation out of limits coil circuit is defective, or M1 / M2 wired contact ABB Service.
Check wiring incorrectly, or wire break, or medium is too
Contact hot. Coil resistance too low: Coil is
ABB Service defective or short circuit in M1 / M2 wiring.
S148.025 Empty Pipe The pipeline in the system is empty. Fill pipeline.
Operation Check Pipe
S146.043 Gas Bubble Alarm Gas bubbles were detected in the Check the process.
Operation medium. The measured value is above
the set switching threshold.
S144.033 Partially Alarm tripped by Partial Filling Detector. Check process, fill pipeline.
Operation filled pipe(TFE)
Check Pipe
Or adjust
S143.042 Electrode Insulating or conductive deposits detected Check process, flush pipeline, clean
Operation Coating Alarm on measuring electrodes. The deposit measuring electrodes.
value is above the set switching threshold.
S142.041 Conductivity Alarm The fluid conductivity is outside the Check process, adjust alarm limits if
Operation configured limit values. required.
S141.046 Sensor and or Housing The flowmeter sensor temperature is Check process, adjust alarm limits if
Operation Temperature to high outside the configured limit values. required.
S140.007 Flowrate >103% The flowrate in the system exceeds the Increase the upper range value in the
Operation Check Flowrate configured flow range end value by more "Easy Set-up - Qmax" menu.
Check Range than 3 %.
S136.006 Max Alarm The current flowrate in the pipeline is Reduce the flowrate or increase the
Operation Flowrate greater than the max. alarm configured. value for the max. alarm.
S132.005 Min Alarm The current flowrate in the pipeline is Increase the flowrate or increase the
Operation Flowrate lower than the min. alarm configured. value for the min. alarm.
S124.029 Electr.Impedance This could be caused by insulating If the pipeline is empty, check whether
Operation too high deposits on the electrodes, conductivity the empty pipe detection function is
Coating? that is too low, or an empty meter tube. activated. In the "Diagnostics" menu,
Conductivity? activate the empty pipe detection
Empty Pipe? function. Check conductivity, check
deposits on the electrodes. Increase the
value for "Elec. Imp. Max. Alarm" in the
"Diagnostics - Alarm Limits" menu.
S122.026 Short-ciruit E1 Galvanic voltages. Increase the value in the "Diagnostics -
Operation E2 with shield. Alarm Limits - Electr. V Max Alarm"
menu and decrease the value for "Electr.
V Min Alarm".
S120.023 Electrode Noise too high The noise at the measuring electrodes is Check the process.
Operation Switch on above the limit value.
Noise Reduction
S110.035 Sensor setup Sensor is uncalibrated or Cal status is Contact ABB Service.
Operation Cal-Status not set to "calibrated".
Set Cal-Status
to calibrated
S108.044 Pulse output is Incorrect configuration. In the "Easy Set-up" menu, reduce the
Operation cutted off "Pulses per unit" value.
Check pulse out

ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 45

5.2.4 Maintenance

Error no. / Text on the LCD display Cause of error Remedy

M099.027 NV Corrupt NV Memory, SensorMemory, FRAM Contact ABB Service.
Electronics defective.
M094.034 Current 20 mA loop open, wire break or no Check for incorrect wiring, wire break.
Electronics out fault power connected during operation as Check that the jumper to the 20 mA
unit Comms. to MSP passive 20 mA output, max. permissible active / passive switchover is connected
Check wiring! load exceeded or hardware defective. correctly to the backplane in the
20mA passive? transmitter housing.
Check BR901! Check whether the external power is
connected during operation as 20 mA
M090.014 Errors EMC environment or loose contact on Check for incorrect wiring (terminals D1,
Sensor Sensor Comms the D1 or D2 terminals, or incorrect D2), check terminal box.
Bad EMC wiring, or short circuit, or moisture in the
environment terminal box.
Check wiring
M080.012 Display value is Display value <1,600 h for Qmax. Change the totalizer unit.
Operation <1600h at Qmax
Change eng.
Unitfor Totalizer

46 UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A | ScanMaster FZC500


ScanMaster FZC500 | UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 47

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UM/FZC500-EN Rev. A 05.2012

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