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Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents

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April 1st, 2010

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Application Notes

RX Family C/C++ Compiler Package

Application Notes: Sample Project RX Migration Guide, M16C Edition

This document explains how to migrate the sample project created in M16C to RX.

Table of contents

1. Overview of the M16C sample project.............................................................................................. 2

2. Migrating the M16C sample project to RX ...................................................................................... 3

2.1 Creating the RX project..................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Migrating source files for main processing .................................................................................... 13
2.3 Building and checking M16C compatibility................................................................................... 16
2.4 Handling compatibility check instructions .................................................................................... 19
2.4.1 Specifying the size of double type variables ............................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Specifying #pragma BITADDRESS ............................................................................................ 20
2.4.3 Specifying #pragma PARAMETER............................................................................................. 21
2.4.4 Specifying #pragma ROM............................................................................................................ 22
2.4.5 Specifying inline keywords .......................................................................................................... 23
2.5 Rebuilding ........................................................................................................................................ 24
2.6 Running the simulator .................................................................................................................... 24
2.7 Handling invalid execution results................................................................................................. 26
2.7.1 Integer promotion specification................................................................................................... 26
2.7.2 Size of the int type ....................................................................................................................... 27
2.7.3 Placing structure members ......................................................................................................... 28
Web site and support <website and support>........................................................................................... 30

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Application Notes
This edition is a guide for migrating M16C sample projects for which operation can be confirmed in the simulator debugger, to RX.

1. Overview of the M16C sample project

The M16C sample project ‘M16C_Sample’ can be broadly divided into pre- and post-processing such as for initialization, and
main processing to perform central processing. This edition shows how to migrate the main processing to perform central processing
to an RX project, and check its operation. The following table shows the files that comprise main processing.

Table 1-1 List of main processing files

No Processing File name Reference
1 Depends on integer promotion specifications for the char type M16C_extended_integer.c 2.7.1
2 Depends on size of int type M16C_int_size.c 2.7.2
3 Depends on structure member placement M16C_struct_member.c 2.7.3
4 Depends on size of double type M16C_double_size.c 2.4.1
5 Depends on pragma BITADDRESS M16C_pragma_BITADDRESS.c 2.4.2
6 Depends on pragma ROM M16C_pragma_ROM.c 2.4.3
7 Depends on pragma PARAMETER M16C_pragma_PARAMETER.c 2.4.4
8 Depends on inline keywords M16C_inline_keyword1.c
9 Main function M16_Sample_main.c --

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Application Notes

2. Migrating the M16C sample project to RX

2.1 Creating the RX project
Create a new RX project workspace for the migration destination of the M16C sample project.
This section explains how to generate sample project in the project generator (launched from HEW by choosing the File menu and
then New workspace), according to the following procedures.

(1) Creating a new workspace

Select the “Application” project type.

Figure 1-1

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Application Notes
(2) Selecting a CPU
Leave this set to the default value, and proceed.

Figure 1-2

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(3) Setting options
Leave this set to the default value, and proceed.

Figure 1-3

Figure 1-4

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(4) Set up generated files
Select “Use I/O library”.
Specify “20” for “I/O stream count”.

Figure 1-5

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(5) Set up the standard library
Leave this set to the default value, and proceed.

Figure 1-6

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(6) Set up the stack space
Leave this set to the default value, and proceed.

Figure 1-7

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(7) Set up vectors
Leave this set to the default value, and proceed.

Figure 1-8

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(8) Set up the debugger
Select “RX600 Simulator”.

Figure 1-9

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(9) Set the debugger options
Select “Initial session”.

Figure 1-10

(10) Check the generated file names

Click “Finish”.

Figure 1-11

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Application Notes
(11) Set up the simulator
Click “OK”.

Figure 1-12

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Application Notes

2.2 Migrating source files for main processing

Copy, and register with the created RX project, the files comprising main processing for the M16C sample project, as explained in
1. Overview of the M16C sample project.

(1)Copy files from the M16C sample project folder

Copy to the RX project the 10 files explained in 1. Overview of the M16C sample project.

[M16C_Sample project] [RX project]

Figure 1-13

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Application Notes
(2)Register the copied files with the project
Register the copied files with the created RX project.
In HEW, choose Project and then Add files, and then select the following in the displayed dialog box.

Select the files to be registered

Click the Add button

after selection

Figure 1-14

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Application Notes
(3)Unregistering unnecessary files
Delete the ‘RX_test_M16C.c’ file generated by the project generator for the main function. It is no longer necessary, because the
main function file was copied from the M16C sample project.
In HEW, choose Project and then Delete files, and then select the following in the displayed dialog box.

Click the Delete

button after selection
Select the file to be deleted

Figure 1-15

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Application Notes

2.3 Building and checking M16C compatibility

Build the RX project for which the main processing file was copied and registered. When a build is performed in HEW, since the
M16C compatibility check functionality is enabled, option specifications and source code that may impact compatibility can be
checked. This section explains how to enable M16C compatibility check functionality and perform a build, and then check the
displayed compatibility confirmation messages.

(1) Set up M16C compatibility check functionality

In HEW, choose Build and then RX Standard Toolchain, and then select the following in the displayed dialog box.

Select the Compiler tab

Select NC compiler for

Compatibility check

Figure 1-16

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Application Notes
(2) Building
In HEW, choose Build and then Build to start the build. A message is displayed during the build, in the output window.

Figure 1-17

Figure 1-18
Output window

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Application Notes
(3) Checking compatibility check messages
The C1801 warning is displayed in the messages output to the output window, indicating that this area poses a compatibility
problem with M16C.

Figure 1-19

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Application Notes

2.4 Handling compatibility check instructions

The following explains how to check and deal with C1801 messages affecting compatibility, as given in 2.3 Building
and checking M16C compatibility. The target messages are as follows.

Table 1-2 List of C1801 messages

No Messages affecting compatibility Reference
1 Using "dbl_size=4" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler 2.4.1
2 Using "BITADDRESS" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler 2.4.2
3 Using "PARAMETER" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler 2.4.3
4 Using "ROM" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler 2.4.4
5 Using "inline" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler 2.4.5

2.4.1 Specifying the size of double type variables

The message ‘Using "dbl_size=4" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler’ indicates that a compatibility
problem exists with the specified “dbl_size=4” option. With M16C-family compilers, the size of the double type is 8 bytes, whereas
with RX-family compilers, the size of the double type is 4-byte because dbl_size=4 is specified in default. Since the size of the
double type is required to be 8 bytes based on how “M16C_double_size.c” was coded in the sample program, if the “dbl_size=4”
option is specified, the operation results will differ from M16C.

“M16C_double_size.c” in the sample program

Source code

double d1 = 1E30;
double d2 = 1E20;

void double_size(void)
d1 = d1 * d1;
d2 = d2 * d2;

printf("(5) double type size : ");

if (d1 > d2) {

} else {

When migrating to RX a program created with the requirement that the size of the double type is 8 bytes, specify the “dbl_size=8”
option. For details about specifying this option, see compiler users manual. Also, change the options specified in the created RX

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Application Notes

2.4.2 Specifying #pragma BITADDRESS

The message ‘Using "BITADDRESS" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler’ indicates that a compatibility
problem exists with #pragma BITADDRESS in the source. M16C-family compiler support #pragma BITADDRESS, but RX-family
compilers do not.
Since “pragma_BITADDRESS.c” in the sample program contains code with #pragma BITADDRESS, it will not operate as
expected on RX. Programs using #pragma BITADDRESS can be migrated to RX replacing bit access processing with structure bit
fields. The following shows source code using #pragma BITADDRESS, and the same source code migrated to RX.
(Note that since the memory map differs between M16C and RX, absolutely specified addresses need to be changed as appropriate.
Use the following as an example.)

“pragma_BITADDRESS.c” sample program

M16C source code RX source code
#pragma ADDRESS bit_data 410H #pragma address bit_data 0x2000

int bit_data; int bit_data;

#pragma BITADDRESS bit 0,410H struct bit_address {

unsigned char b0:1;
Bool bit; unsigned char b1:1;
unsigned char b2:1;
void pragma_bitaddress(void) unsigned char b3:1;
{ unsigned char b4:1;
printf("(6) pragma BITADDRESS : "); unsigned char b5:1;
bit_data = 1; unsigned char b6:1;
unsigned char b7:1;
if (bit == 1) { };
} else { #define bit (((struct bit_address*)0x2000)->b0)
} void pragma_bitaddress(void)
} {
printf("(6) pragma BITADDRESS : ");
bit_data = 1;

if (bit == 1) {
} else {

In addition to #pragma BITADDRESS, “pragma_BITADDRESS.c” also uses the “_Bool” type, which poses a problem for
ANSI-standard C89. To use the “_Bool” type in RX, specify the “lang=c99” option to use ANSI-standard C99. For details about
specifying this option, see compiler users manual.

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Application Notes

2.4.3 Specifying #pragma PARAMETER

The message ‘Using "PARAMETER" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler’ indicates that a compatibility
problem exists with #pragma PARAMETER in the source code. M16C-family compilers support #pragma PARAMETER, but
RX-family compilers do not.
Since “M16C_pragma_PARAMETER.c” in the sample program contains code with #pragma PARAMETER, it will not operate
as expected on RX. Programs using #pragma PARAMETER can be migrated to RX by changing the argument interface of the
assembler function specified by #pragma PARAMETER to conform to C/C++ generation rules.
For details about function interfaces, see compiler users manual.

Since #pragma PARAMETER is disregarded by RX compilers, “M16C_pragma_PARAMETER.c” does not need to be changed.

Sample assembler source code

M16C source code “M16C_pragma_PARAMETER_asm.a30” RX source code “RX_pragma_PARAMETER_asm.src”

Assembler source code Assembler source code Specify code requiring

.FB 0 Code requiring passage .GLB _asm_func passage with ‘i’ stored in R1
.glb _asm_func with ‘i’ to be stored in R1 .SECTION P,CODE
.section program _asm_func: and ’j’ stored in R2
and ’j’ to be stored in R0, ADD R2,R1
enter #02H by #pragma PARAMETER RTS
mov.w R1,-2[FB] .END
add.w -2[FB],R0

Since “M16C_pragma_PARAMETER_asm.a30” in the assembler source code of the M16C sample project cannot be migrated as
is to the RX project, a new assembler source file needs to be created, and assembler code for RX needs to be added and registered.
Since the M16C sample project contains the “RX_pragma_PARAMETER_asm.src” file with assembler code for RX already coded,
register it with the RX project.

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Application Notes

2.4.4 Specifying #pragma ROM

The message ‘Using "ROM" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler’ indicates that a compatibility problem
exists with #pragma ROM in the source code. M16C-family compilers support #pragma ROM, but RX-family compilers do not.
Since “M16C_pragma_ROM.c” in the sample program contains code with #pragma ROM, it will not operate as expected on RX.
To migrate this to RX, specify const keywords for variable declarations for which #pragma ROM is specified.

“M16C_pragma_ROM.c” sample program

M16C source code RX source code

#pragma ROM rrr const unsigned short rrr = 100;

unsigned short rrr = 100;
void pragma_rom(void)
void pragma_rom(void) {
{ printf("(7) pragma ROM : ");
printf("(7) pragma ROM : ");
if (rrr == 100) {
if (rrr == 100) { printf("OK¥n");
printf("OK¥n"); } else {
} else { printf("NG¥n");
printf("NG¥n"); }
} }

Assembler source code Assembler source code

_rrr: .glb _rrr
.word 0064H _rrr: ; static: rrr
.word 0064H

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Application Notes

2.4.5 Specifying inline keywords

The message ‘Using "inline" function at influence the code generation of "NC" compiler’ indicates that a compatibility problem
exists with inline keywords in the source code. M16C-family compilers support inline keywords, but RX-family compilers is
specified lang=c by default, and, the way things are going, cannot recognize the inline key word. do not.
Since “M16C_inline_keyword2.c” in the sample program contains code with inline keywords, if it is built as is on the
ANSI-standard C89 for RX, a compiler error will occur. There are two ways to migrate programs with inline keywords to RX:

• When performing builds with ANSI-standard C89, change inline code to #pragma inline.
• Perform builds with ANSI-standard C99.

The following gives an example of code using #pragma inline. Change the RX sample project as follows.

“M16C_inline_keyword2.c” sample program

M16C source code RX source code

inline int inline_func(void) #pragma inline inline_func

{ int inline_func(void)
return 4; {
} return 4;
int get_value()
{ int get_value()
return inline_func(); {
} return inline_func();

To use inline keywords without modifying the source, specify the “lang=c99” option to enable ANSI-standard C99. For details
about how to specify this option, see compiler users manual..
Note that C99 inline keywords require precaution due to the following two traits:

• Inline expansions are not always performed, such as when the “noinline” option is specified, or conditions are not met for the
“inline” option.
• The function specified by an inline keyword is internally linked, and therefore subject to deletion.

Since “M16C_inline_keyword2.c” in the sample program satisfies the above two conditions, when compilation is performed with the
“lang=c99” option, the definition of the inline_func function is deleted regardless of whether inline expansion is performed. As such,
a link error will occur because the inline_func function is undefined. Perform one of the following as a workaround.

• Replace inline keywords with #pragma inline, and perform unconditional inline expansion.
• Add inline functions to the extern specification, to be linked externally.

Example of changing inline functions to external linkage

RX source code

extern inline int inline_func(void) // The inline_func function is linked externally,

// and not deleted
return 4;

int get_value()
return inline_func();

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Application Notes

2.5 Rebuilding
Once the specified options and source code causing compatibility problems have been changed as shown in 2.4
Handling compatibility check instructions, rebuild the project as shown in 2.3(2) Building. When the following dialog
box is displayed for a successful build, click Yes, and then download the load module.

Figure 1-20

2.6 Running the simulator

Execute the rebuilt load module in the simulator.

(1) Setting up I/O simulation

The program outputs the execution results to the standard output. The I/O Simulation window needs to be enabled to display the
standard output. From HEW, choose View, then CPU, and then I/O simulation to display the I/O Simulation window.

I/O Simulation window

Figure 1-21

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Application Notes
(2) Running the simulator
From HEW, choose Debug and then Run after reset to run the program in the simulator, and display the program standard output
in the I/O Simulation window. Once the results are displayed, (1), (2), and (3) can be checked to see whether the values are invalid.

Invalid execution results

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Application Notes

2.7 Handling invalid execution results

Run the migrated sample project, check the contents of any invalid results, and troubleshoot any compatibility problems for
invalid results as shown in the following table.

No Invalid result Compatibility problem Reference

1 integer extend Integer promotion specification 2.7.1
2 int type size Size of the int type 2.7.2
3 struct member offset Placing structure members 2.7.3

2.7.1 Integer promotion specification

Under the ANSI standard, when char type data (such as signed char, unsigned char types) are evaluated, they are always promoted
to the int type. The RX specification conforms to the ANSI-standard, but to improve ROM efficiency, M16C does not promote char
type data to the int type when evaluating it. This may cause different results, such as code that would cause an overflow while
calculating char type data in M16C no longer doing so due to int type promotion after migration to RX. Code that relies on an
overflow occurring during calculation of char type data in M16C needs to be checked during migration to RX.

“M16C_extended_integer.c” sample program

M16C source code RX source code

void extended_integer(void) void extended_integer(void)

{ M16C overflows the {
char c1; char c1;
char c2 = 200; char type size for c2+c3, char c2 = 200;
char c3 = 200; so that the result of char c3 = 200;
addition is not 400.
c1 = (c2+c3)/2; c1 = ((char)(c2+c3))/2;

printf("(1) integer extend : "); printf("(1) integer extend : ");

if (c1 != 200) { if (c1 != 200) {
printf("OK¥n"); RX promotes c2+c3 to printf("OK¥n"); To match M16C, a char
} else { the int type, for an } else {
printf("NG¥n"); printf("NG¥n");
type cast is added to the
addition result of 400 addition results.
} }
} without an overflow }

M16C provides the following two options to promote char type data to the int type during evaluation. If either of these options is
specified, the difference in integer promotion specifications discussed here will not occur.

• -fansi
• -fextend_to_int

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Application Notes

2.7.2 Size of the int type

With M16C-family compilers, the size of the int type is 2 bytes, whereas with RX-family compilers, the size of the int type is 4
bytes. Since “M16C_int_size.c” in the sample program contains code based on the requirement that the size of the int type is 2 bytes,
the results operation of operation will differ from M16C.

“M16C_int_size.c” sample program

Source code

typedef union{
long data;
struct {
int dataH;
int dataL;
} s;
} UN;

void int_size(void)
UN u;
u.data = 0x7f6f5f4f;

printf("(2) int type size : ");

if (u.s.dataH == 0x5f4f && u.s.dataL == 0x7f6f) {

} else {

To migrate to RX programs created based on the requirement that the size of the int type is 2 bytes, specify the “int_to_short”
option. For details about specifying this option, see 1.3 Specifying the size of int type variables in C/C++ Compiler Package for the
RX Family Application Notes: RX Migration Guide, M16C Edition. Also, change the options specified for the created RX project.

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Application Notes

2.7.3 Placing structure members

If 1-byte, 2-byte, and 4-byte members are mixed within a structure (as with shared structures and classes), free space may occur
between the placement of each member, according to each alignment count. M16C-family compilers place structure members using
alignment count 1, whereas RX-family compilers place structure members using the maximum alignment count. This means that
programs created based on M16C structure placement may not operate properly when migrated to RX.
Since “M16C_struct_member.c” in the sample program contains code that requires a structure alignment count of 1, it will not
operate properly as-is on RX. Perform one of the following to migrate the sample program to RX.

• Specify the “pack” option.

• Specify #pragma pack for structures.

For details about how to specify this option, see compiler users manual.

“M16C_struct_member.c” sample program

Source code
M16C member placement
#include <stdio.h> There is no free space,
#include <stddef.h> since the alignment count
void struct_member(void) is 1. The offset from the
c s
{ start of member ’s’ is 1.
struct s {
char c;
short s;
} ss;
Free space exists to
RX member placement match the alignment
printf("(3) struct member offset : "); count. The offset
if (offsetof(struct s, s) == 1) {
from the start of
} else { c free s member ’s’ is 2.

Specify the “pack” option for the created RX project.

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Application Notes
After changing the options and code, perform rebuild as shown in 2.3(2) Building, and run the simulator as shown in 2.6 Running the
simulator to get the following execution results, and complete migration to the RX project.

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Revision history<revision history,rh>

Contents changed
Rev. Date issued Page Details
1.00 2009.10.1 -- Initial edition

REJ06J0080-0100 /Rev.1.00 2009.10 Page 30 of 30

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