Egyptian Religion
Egyptian Religion
Egyptian Religion
Religion is defined as an organized collection of beliefs and practices, cultural systems, and world views
that relate humanity to an order of existence.
It is the glue that binds local communities into nationhood and create common understandings and
shared values that are essential to the growth of a civilization (Canadian Museum of History)
> According to some estimates there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.
85 to 90 percent of Egypt's population are Muslims with a small minority of Jews and Christians.
Egypt has one of the longest documented histories of any country in the world.
*It highlights a rich and varied set of religious belief systems that have helped shape the nation today
and through to subsequent periods of global recognition.
Hieroglyphic writing- a form of writing used by the ancient Egyptians. The individual characters are
called 'hieroglyphs'.
> Before the concept of God existed, the Egyptians evolved into different stages of Religious
1. Magical
2. Mythical
- Every Egyptian in town had their own deity or God represented in the shape of an animal
cat-goddess, cobra-goddess, ibis-god or jackal-god.
> Each one has their own role to play in maintaining peace and harmony across the land.
3. Monotheistic Religion
> Monotheistic Faith- they believed in a single creator, symbolized by the sun god
> Monotheism
- derived from the word "mono" meaning "one"and "theism" meaning "God"
Religious beliefs in ancient Egypt were a formal set of practices known as Ma’at that followed the
concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality and justice. The aim was to ensure order in
the cosmos, and they were sometimes practiced through cults praying to individual gods.
Religion in Egypt
• controls many aspects of social life and is endorsed by law.
1. Al-Azhar Mosque, founded in AD 970 by the Fatimids as the first Islamic university in Egypt and
2. the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria established in the middle of the 1st century by Saint Mark.
• Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Egyptian constitution, according to Human Rights Watch,
• Freedom of Practicing religious rituals and establishing worship places for the followers of Abrahamic
religions is a right regulated by law
Recognized religions
has been the state religion in Egypt since the amendment of the second article of the Egyptian
constitution in the year 1980, before which Egypt was recognized as a secular country.
- it estimated that 85%-90% of the population is Sunni Muslim- largest denomination of Islam
- Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one God and that Muhammad is a
messenger of God.
- Muslims
Two denominations
Sunni- comes from the word "Sunnah" means behaviour of the prophet
Shia- considered as heretics. Among the poorest done the Sunnis as they often see themselves as being
victim of discrimination and some forn of oppression.
The Coptic Christian population in Egypt is the largest Christian community in the Middle East and North
Africa standing at between 10% – 15% of Egypt's population according to different statistics. - Based on
the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
(The church is headed by the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy See of Saint
Mark, tracing some of its roots back to the age of the pharaohs.) “wag na basahin ilalagay ko lang toh sa
ppt na may kasamang picture
- Christians
Jews participated in all aspects of Egypt's social, economic and political life. - Ethnic religion, considered
by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenant that God established with the children of Israel.
- Jewish people
Unrecognized and persecuted beliefs
HINDUISM -There is a small community of Indians in Egypt, the majority of whom are presumed to be
adherents of Hinduism.
Ahmadiyya Islam- Ahmadiyya movement in Egypt, which numbers up to 50,000 adherents in the
country, was established in 1922 but has seen an increase in hostility and government repression as of
the 21st century.
Bahá'í Faith - The state-sanctioned persecution of Baháʼís started to emerge after the 1953 dissolution of
the monarchy, culminating in Law 263 in 1960, banning all Baháʼí institutions and community activities in
Atheism and agnosticism - It is however difficult to quantify their number as the stigma attached to
being one makes it hard for irreligious Egyptians to publicly profess their views.
Its religious behavior encompassed contact with the dead, practices such as divination and oracles, and
magic, which mostly exploited divine instruments and associations.
1. King 2. Gods
- center of human society -the guarantor of order for the gods -responsible for the cults of the dead
both for his predecessors in office and for the dead in general
IN GENERAL: - had a superhuman role, being a manifestation of a god or of various deities on earth
(SOME KINGS NOTABLY : *Amehotep III-(1390-53 BCE) *Ramses II - ( 1279- 13BCE) *Amenemhet III -
(1818-c. 1770 BCE) become minor god after its death) wag na basahin ito
COSMOS- a place where the gods, the king, humanity and the dead existed together
GODS- they partook in the world of the gods, and constructed great, religiously motivated funerary
monuments for his afterlife.
In Ancient Egyptian there has more than 2,000 gods and goddess. Most of the ancient gods have a
human body and the head of bird or animals. Since, ancient Egyptian civilization believes that animals
represent the power of the gods.
-The ancient Egyptians were a polytheistic people who believed that gods and goddesses controlled the
forces of the human, natural, and supernatural world.
-He was often considered to be the king of the gods and thus the patron of the pharaoh and one of the
central gods of the Egyptian pantheon. He was also described as the creator of everything.
-Later in ancient Egyptian history, the god Osiris rose to prominence and replaced Anubis in myths as a
ruler of the dead.
-Is the ancient Egyptian god of the sun and air. He is one of the most important gods of ancient egypt.
-Bastet was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good heal. She had the head of a cat
and a slender female body.
-The falcon-headed god, is a familiar ancient Egyptian god. He has become one of the most commonly
used symbol of egypt, seen on Egyptian airplanes and restaurants throughout the land.
-Also known as Seth and Suetekh, was the Egyptian god of war, chaos and storms, brother of Osiris, Isis,
and Horus the elder, Uncle to Horus the younger, and brother-husband to Nephthys.
-The great female - was the ancient Egyptians goddess of maternity and childbirth, protector of women
and children.
-In ancient Egyptian religion, goddess of the sky, of women, and of fertility and love.
-Heka is the god of magic and medicine in ancient egypt and is also the personification of magic itself.
1. Amun - one of the most powerful gods in Ancient Egypt - was called King of the Gods The Hidden One.
2. Anubis - the god of embalming and the dead. the god of mummification, He guided the dead to the
following life through the court of Osiris in the Hidden world.
6. Bes - the protector of pregnant women, newborn babies and the family
8. Hapy - the god of the inundation - he brought the flood every year
9. Hathor - a protective goddess. - she was also the goddess of love and joy
10. Horus - also known as The One Far Above - god of the sky
11. Isis - a protective goddess. - she used powerful magic spells to help people in need
12. Khepri - also known as He Who Is Coming Into Being - a god of creation, the movement of the sun,
and rebirth
13. Khnum - a creator god, and a god of the innundation. - he as known for moulding people on a
potter's wheel
14. Ma'at - the goddess of truth, justice and harmony - she was associated with the balance of things on
15. Nephthys - was a protective goddess of the dead - she was often shown on coffins, or in funerary
16. Nun- according to an ancient Egyptian creation myth, Nun was the waters of chaos - it was the only
thing that existed on Earth before there was land
17. Nut - the sky-goddess, whose body created a vault or canopy over the earth
18. Orisis - the god of the dead, and ruler of the underworld - as well as being a god of the dead, Osiris
was a god of resurrection and fertility
21. Ra-Horakhty - 'Horus in the Horizon' - a combination of the gods Horus and Ra.
- Horus was a god of the sky, and Ra was the god of the sun. Thus, Ra-Horakhty was thought of as the
god of the rising sun
24. Seth - the god of chaos - he represented everything that threatened harmony in Egypt
25. Shu - 'He Who Rises Up' - the god of the air - he held up the figure of Nut so that the earth and the
sky were separated
26. Sobek - a nile god - was connected with the Nile, and protected the king
27. Tawaret - 'The Great One' - a goddess who protected women during pregnancy and childbirth
28. Tefnut - the goddess of moisture
- the ancient Egyptians believed that Thoth gave them the gift of hieroglyphic writing
◾Principle of Ma'at
-during one's life on Earth, he/she should understand that one's action could affect not just one's life but
also the other's lives.
-People were expected to depend on each other to keep balance as this was the will of the gods to
produce the greatest amount of pleasure and happiness for humans through a harmonious existence
which also enabled the gods to better perform their tasks.
Egyptian religion has a deity that was present in the act of creation named Heka and was the underlying
principle for Egyptian religion, he was the power which enabled gods to perform their functions, as for
the Egyptian civilization lived their life walking among their gods and goddesses praising them and
asking for their guidance in their everyday lives.
Ma’at, the personified concept of harmony, as one of the most important goddesses of this civilization,
people honors the principle of Ma’at that teaches them the importance of residing to their gods and to
the forces of light against the forces of darkness and chaos. Osiris, one of the most important and
worshiped gods in Egypt , the king of the dead himself , killed by his jealous brother named Seth .
Osiris is the first god that has died and brought back to life by his wife, Isis and their sister, Nephthys.
Osiris became the first ever god that is mummified and brought back to life and lived to rule forever.
His son Horus ruled as a divine king after killing his uncle Seth .
Anubis, the former god of the dead and the underworld stepped down to his title and gave it to Osiris,
Anubis became the guardian that leads the souls to the hall of two truths and to the balance where the
heart of the dead is weighed against a feather that represent as Ma’at, as for the dead who’s heart is
heavier than the feather will not be granted passage to the afterlife and will experienced their own
second death.
These gods were the most known deities out of hundreds of gods and goddess that Egyptian peoples
that they praised and worshipped . This beliefs and practices propelled their civilizations advancement
prosperity that lasts over 3 thousand years and became the most powerful and iconic civilization in
> Today, the majority of the Egyptian population is Muslim, with a small minority of Jews and Christians
• In 2002, under the Mubarak government, Coptic Christmas (January 7) was recognized as an official
holiday,[4] though Christians complain of being minimally represented in law enforcement, state
security and public office, and of being discriminated against in the workforce on the basis of their
Exact numbers are difficult to access, but the most recent census of the country revealed that roughly
85% of the general population of Egypt today practices Islam, and the vast majority of those are Sunni
Muslims. A 1971 constitution declared that Islam was the national religion, and it has been the official
state religion since 1980.
•The ancient Egyptians believed that the life on earth was part of the eternal life, just a steppingstone
for their next life and must live a life of purpose in order to continue to the afterlife.
•Their religion is centered on various deities that they interact with that believed to be in control of the
world, so they would pray, provide offerings, and builds temple and honor them in every way possible to
win favor to way of the Gods.
•The rulers of Egypt were believed to possess divine as they were viewed to be intermediaries between
their people and the gods whose main duty was to sustain the gods, so that they can maintain peace
and order in the universe.
•Everyone in Egypt was expected to uphold the order of the cosmos and to be perfectly aligned with the
forces of the light in order to thrive in the afterlife or the principle of Ma'at of Harmony.