Answer Key For Unit 1 2 Supplementary Reading
Answer Key For Unit 1 2 Supplementary Reading
Answer Key For Unit 1 2 Supplementary Reading
1 Communicating with customers using a wider range of advertising methods
2 Loss of confidence in TV advertising
Growing interest in the Internet and other ways of advertising
3 Because people are using technology to avoid advertising that they haven’t asked for and don’t
4 They are looking for new places to advertise.
They are seeing all contact with the consumer as a possible marketing opportunity.
5 They are less focused on TV advertising and are looking for new ways of improving the
experience of customers through better shop displays, packaging, etc.
6 a, d
1 They are recording programmes onto DVDs and skipping the adverts using fast forward.
2 Bus-stop shelters and mobile phone screens
3 How staff should answer the phone when dealing with an enquiry or complaint
4 The design of a new website, which could be seen as the responsibility of the marketing or
product development department
1b 2a 3a
1 a adopting b holistic c advances d avoid e block
f opportunity g figure out h budgets i allocating j justify
2 commercials, ads
1 1b 2a 3d 4f 5c 6e
2 marketing departments, marketing methods, marketing opportunity, marketing budgets,
marketing messages
3 1 For example 2 such as 3 for instance
1 Customer experience 2 holistic marketing 3 advertising agencies
4 marketing methods 5 marketing budgets
1 in 2 in 3 of; to 4 with
1 The Internet / Web (paragraph B)
2 Social networking sites, e-recruitment agencies (paragraph B)
3 Before the application process (paragraph C)
4 It saves time and money. (paragraphs B-C)
5 Successful candidates stay with the process and continue their application. (paragraph D)
6 Younger people expect companies to have an active online presence. (paragraph E)
7 They are trying to build an employer brand and attract top talent. (paragraph G)
8 No (paragraph H)
1 Facebook (paragraph A)
2 Monster (paragraph B)
3 The company can weed out inappropriate candidates; the employee can see if they have the
right basic skills, save time and money. (paragraph C)
4 Second Life (paragraph F)
5 Their avatars can interact with the company’s avatars. (paragraph F)
6 Chat rooms, blogging sites (paragraph G)
7 They discuss issues which interest the younger generation. (paragraph H)
1 1, 3, 4 / 2 3, 4, 5
1 strategy (b) 2 process (c) 3 group (a)
1 1 recruitment 2 recruit 3 recruiter 4 to apply 5 application
2 1 attraction 2 extension 3 withdrawal from 4 follow-up 5 receipt
1 1b 2f 3h 4e 5a 6c 7d 8g
2 Candidate: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 Company: 1, 3, 5, 7
1 recruitment strategy 2 recruiters 3 complete 4 measure
5 inappropriate candidates 6 attract 7 applicants
1b 2a 3b 4b 5b