BS EN3 - 1996 - Part 1 - Portable FE

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ee ‘AAT INONLAOO A GALLINUGA SV L4SONA NOISSINUL 182 1.1OHLU ONIACOO ON ceureer sor repumis uSREG, Jo sure om SHU 966T TE NGI BrEpUEIS Ueedomg oul, 380} oly g pus Y SsB[D ‘uoeIedo jo uorzeInp ‘uoMdLIIseg *T 171g ‘saoysmnsuy}xo CavVaNVILS HSLLUTaa UAH += BS EN 3-1: 1996 Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH2, Fire extinguishers, upon which the: Tollowing bodies were represented been prepared under the rection of the Health and the Standards Board and comes Amendments issued since publication Amd.No. [Date ‘Text affected ‘The folowing BSI references z TE NAO RAL : puomarog SPP PRR Ce eee een eee ent -eee eee eee E ‘pu0a8a20}TEUOTEN, See say Up ayaisuodsax seetinswwe) Bea syuequeg a 9661 * 1-8 NA SH UMN = National foreword Boh ogee BN STi Br ie Fg Potion aia ein 3 Part 4 Choarges, minimum required fire 5 Pat 6 Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with EN 3 Part I to Part § Cross-references Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard BS EN3: Portable fire extinguishers EN 32: 1996 Part 2: 1996 Tightness, tamping test, special provisions EN 34: 1996 Part 4: 1996 Charges, minimum required fire ENS; 1906 Part 5: 1996 Specifications and supplementary tests Part 4: 1972 Equal and unequal angles Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. © Est 1906 FL 966I TS NF “ON Fea srequiott ‘5 pur NGO 01 ponrasay sueoUr uw Aq PUE UO} Aue Ut HOREORMUNICD pu YORONPONdAT JO SEU TY 9661 @ Sjassnrg OSOT-A ‘98 LESSHIS ap ans syELTEAMDAg TeNMTED “wopZury payun pue purport ‘uopamg ‘ureds ‘TeBnu0d ‘kearON ‘spuepainen ‘Smoquiexny ‘Sexy ‘puejay] ‘purpsoy ‘sovary ‘Aueuuay ‘souery ‘PULL ‘Syreunng ‘uMBjeg TsNy Jo sofpoq spIpuNS TeuONEU ap are srEqUIOW NAO [oes pe as me sure eats syarremes acer eco oe ney fp ornate orgs Sonewane YEMEN DSTINGACSD ot Asoo on PENOG ‘age S1oqUIOUI NGO “PI-60-S66I UO NO Aq pasoudde sem prepuers weadoung STA pun y uassepppuerg gi V Sossep sap sodf-srahoy ep arjelqonud Tenepsuompny Sunuusueg ‘I [aL ueursuUCH DUO; ap aamnp ‘uonETeddy 1 ened —seypsopraneg areqtey, — ac esx>e =x 1303 poun109 wopezsdo | umpom Suyyerntunxs Jo uopemp WONT omy oc JV xauue or Suproove pasa 5 USTEUTI AD tn peald tus moreso yo VORRaMD PU, opered emg 19 earey Jenpisaz pue voyeredo Jo uonumg 9 2001 : 8 Nap seme wt a tug nn a sO ‘58 queppdoxd Tenprsaz at Supnyour 10u pauado Amy asyea waun pure ssrepap 20 onda Ate mot “paseo woke BurusBun op YOR BuEMp aU OU, 9661? 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Each series shall be completed on the number of series that may be carried out on the © BSI 1996 pce aun Suppo ai Jo sonpord an wasordaz Pees se ev put ¥Zz aap ruonppe aut Zor moge Jo oper uoUNC® ve +wig+ve ver aur Uowsadiaxd (roouos® ¥ 0 Nayeambo m 9om06 590 9 ‘sunray Bumpooard oa aif Jo ms ay) 0 Tenbe S| iar yoee YOY Vet + VT ve sous © Uf SoqumU A BEATS 5} au 350 DE LON va wz ge e vse Mi a ev & a ver ver © ve we as ae Lz aw viz i i 2 i vt aawueS OE wan ond et st vel Ya age, so 8 ve -yonoa 0 g vs Teys Sins Feurprauo] ap Jo spus ayy, TE 2196 96 ‘(sen pur sourey ‘Samg) soz ‘any saqTeus He Binsn parongsuos oq TeHS Viz URN Taread Say 1a], ezaasunn Wore 7199 OSI Ut pagBeds Pann am se suonoos awe gun (yg x og) wo paronnsuos zy 3903 Jo wafuaT | wruro9S 30 Z9qUMN | Jo voR¥usead| 04 [TeUS (Z'A{ PUR Tq Samm8y 995) aun TeIDUT ou “ANT Zar oraaz| — °F 249 JO TEN on endo wBuoy x Jo pure apusr um 09g “uBhy unut ogg ourex Tejou © uo payoddns S(oHS Uwepoom Jo GUD e Jo ISISUOD TENS Sax IS=1 Y SSEL) 2501 ap Jo uonpsanp asraasuen ayy ut pale EL sopsuaRAD TE IPED 10} SPHS Uapoom un ggg JO ToquMU a1 — “31293 aLON fog 2501 atp Jo uorpomp reupnaBuoy qn SURE SIONS pCO 0 orn rene “a1 ‘SImaUTDep Uy Ay 3S aMp JO WSUS] at — “uopsnquiooaad Jo poyad ayy 3uzmp ‘spiseaada pozunssoud 0q qreys sroysmiumxe adfy aBprnre) SHR 0 Jo gum Rede ouL Vy He AD “Pamorre sf sosta aanoayaruou panordde fq pamomoy Xoquimu e £q pareualsep S| amy 3521 ye ure sono ‘auey Jo as alll, sonsuaenap (eaarqn BOON Teay Toads ou Suey ‘reo y0M [eULOU 998) pandoooe aq 10u TTeUs Vee puoseq azis amy y _PESSSIP 9q TeYS soreraddo aun sisa asaip ano AtzEo QI, “TLS GION verouey ra 3903 om ‘501 a1 jo uomemp aon} eRoo am (ast “6 Naa 0 Tp se8) vod ee ‘sae usoumoy ut paves aq 01 are SONS Uapoom aULL a “up co’, 28 News aeemssaud ‘uN uoNEsRDe wapuedaput 01

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Gua) stuonuoo opewore ~ 9.015: 2,901 0,48: Sonsuapenyp SuMOTOT a1 YL douEps0oTe ‘ur suexday feensapur poqfeo Auounttoo uoqre>axpy Smeydiqe We st auy 1591 {SSID amp 205 Fony a, ‘spug wap sareai® ou aq qreys paads pura Ou, suonmpuog 125 78 -syusar ayy Supuangur st [pny xp Jo woreuTureqoo zexp parepIsuoo 54 91 JE pasn 2q Teys sores pue Jory Ysauy ‘sraysmBuRE Jepssod Bunsen uayan ‘oqeIOGET 3525 2 pe Sse om 01 poppe oq feu Yong wo ssaysTBUINS 20K 709 pu Topmod Bunsn 5 aassaoINs 30 -uyeurar RUS Jong Jo Uru g Jo umm e 53 YEO TIyY 9665: TNE 6 oBeg “aseq at Jo [ana aip aaoge ou nq 0} dn Aer atp punoze INA 3q TES pieo 10 pues 20 ‘fen axp xopun ze Jo Moy axp quDAad Treys Aen ayy Jo uononnsuoo ay], UI Ose PosIxe 10U Tes fen oy Jo wer amy 01 pumas up wo ayBTIY SU, ‘seas sore] JO sary 305 um OFT puE go. BuIpNPOUT ue os dn souy 105 wrur QOT 99 TeYS Aen xy Jo wT oxy 07 [ony amp Jo soeps axp wo TYBray wMUMTUT ay, “uur gg Fang Jo tndop oxp pure ‘unu oy Apezeurrcordde voip sf Taye, Jo wndep au, Tory G7 ‘Tarem gy UOMIOdOIM SuMOTIOS _3kp a 256g ove © hua poem axe sen 2, "E pure zs aay 3699 at JO FoNpord sip Op FENbo 5 ‘sgounmop arene uy ion so Sale SOC OA, Pomoney soqunu v Aq porewoep aie iy 204 oso aa ‘998) pondasve oq 100 TES VEEe PUOseq 221s Aik] apres: jo after © ut apeur aq TEIS Say I= GSS SopSOOBLOND TEE 5199S BION 9901 O27 ¢ SID EE ase TIMKEN “puomaros jeuoner 205 soouadajor JO IST] 9661: 1-8 NG SE TIMI «= BSEN 3-1: 1996 BSI — British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if: anyone hang an eaccuray or abigay whe wing tas British Standard would inform the Secretary of the responsible technical committee, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: 0181 996 9000; Fax: 0181 996 7400. (Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services, Sales Department at Chiswick: Tel: 0181 996 7000; Faxc 0181 996 7001. In response to orders for international standards, itis BSI policy to supply the BSI 'mplementaton of those that have been published as British Standards, unless otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, Buropean and international standards through its Library, the Standardline Danabase, the BSI Information Si Fae 0 Se cinerea lated autumn receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact Customer Services, Membership at Chiswick: ‘Tel: 0181 996 7002; Fax: 0181 996 7001. ‘Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the publications of the international standardization bodies. Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means ~ electronic, This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary detals such as symbols and ioe type or grade designations. If these details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior vritten permission of BSI must be obtained. Ifpermission is granted, the terms may include le royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager, BSI, ‘389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL. BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W44aL, ISBN 0 580 25659 x FSH le SEE ‘MV MIOTIAEOO Af CALLIN S¥ LAIONG NOISSIMUSE IS LAOHLIM ONILLOO ON ovoeze1 sot prepurig ysnug 1B yo stuess ap Sey 9661 + 3-8 NU PrepuEIs Ueadomg ay, suors1aoid [eteds ‘4s03 Suydures 489} dpa}99]oTp ‘ssouzysty, *Z Ie sisysmMsuljxo oly o[qe}10g 9661: Z-E Nd S@& davaNnvis HSILTad YAMIN +s BS EN 3-2: 1996 Committees responsible for this British Standard NO, 2 promaiog BRO TRCORTEN N09 JO BpISU] aqqysuodsar soanmumzoy aed syus}U0D Fe 9661 * 7¢ NG SE UIMIMLAMT «s« BS EN 3-2: 1996 ‘This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee FSH?2 and is the English language version of EN 3-2 : 1996 Portable fire extinguishers — Part 2: Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special provisions, published by the European ‘Committee for Standardization (CEN). EN 32 was produced as a result of international discussion in which the United Kingdom took an active part. BSS105: TaB7 which wil be withdrawn on lanoay 151657 Part1 Description, duration of operation, class A and B fire test Part2 Tightness, dielectric test, taming test, special provisions Part3_ Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests Part5 Specification and supplementary tests Part 6 Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with EN 3 Part 1 to Part 5 Cross-reference Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard ENS1: 1996 BS EN Portable fire extinguishers Pare 109 006 Description, curation of operation, cass A Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. 9661 : 78 NG “ON FU -srequrour Sr pur NAO 0} panzosar suvou Are £9 pu vsIOS Aue UK VOREORUMUMUOD Pu UORIMpOTdaT jo SHE TY IST @ SIessMrg OSOT-€ ‘9¢ TESEKIg Op oTU AHERIOIDAg TEED ai sey seueabeg enue 2in 0% payROU pue oFenuT] Wao Sy ON ToqUIUE NAO = 30 Aymarsuodsai ay} rapun uoresuen Aq epeur aSenBue] reyO Aue UT uOTSA y “(rewuap ‘oualy ‘USIBug) suoIsIen EPIGO vaNN wT swspe prepueig urodoM STL “oqupu Nap Aw 20 rama feng an 01 uDREEAE uo puro 24 fe sprepurys [euone yons SunmDou09 scour peoydeBONAG PUE TST EPO “uorperaqye Are nowy. Brepuas jeuonmu & Jo sues an preps ueadoma snp Sula 30} suOMPIOD ‘xp otendns women SOMES TWIT OTTINONGD MR tps Sdwoo or pmo are srequisut NAD “PI-G0-S66T YO NED Aq pencudde sem prepuryg ueodomy Syl esunropuojuy arepuoseg SunrudssunnypmpIe,, TOBUEAPT sopepeds suomisodsip qusuresse) ‘uatpsuppy Jap Sungud Bunmudspreyunprd % FAL 9p fessa ‘onburpo[gIp Tesse PIpUDUER °G ante —eipsnyrenay areqiey, —sgnenod apusouyp smapuTg suostaoad jepeds 4soq Suiduue} {se} ougoepep ‘SsouNUsL :¢ Wed — sreysmsunxe amy aqenog uoIsen USSU vworssaxduno ‘sso vas aoerap “nso aot ‘ss uous siqeKod ‘YTD eeoH ‘sMUENaIRA® oxy NER oay TaN wy AEDS 966t Arenuged WHON GHOSTYdOuNsa UMD +s Foreword Content ‘This European Standard has been prepared by ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 70, Manual means of fire Pog fighting equipment, the secretariat of which is held byIBN. Foreword ‘This European Standard supersedes EN 32: 1978. 1 Scope ‘This European Standard is one part of EN3 prepared 2 Normative references by CENTO 70. Tgheness ‘This European Standard EN 3 consists of 6 Parts and hhas the generic title Portable fire extinguishers and 3-1 _ Verification the following different subtitles: 32. Acceptance levels Part 1 Description, duration of operation, lass. Dislectre tot capnane 4.1. Purpose of test Part 2 Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test bersiioaceaneh echetsteanened Part 3 Construction, resistance to pressure, Special provisions eaten fete 6.1 Controlled discharge ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical ANE C (informative) National deviation text or by endorsement at the latest by August 1996, ‘and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 1997, According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, ‘the national standards organizations of the following ‘countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmaric Finland, France, © RST 1986 aon ag a 01 HOSS Bj SOHRTURO {Yoo Uo ano paLLIED aq THUS 3501 UoTedUICO OU] “axoure ‘hs topmod Te uo mo Powe 94 TUS Ht UL, soysmduaxe oip Jo afsmwosp atdiuon on snp ou ‘Aue 7e Yur (9 werp al0Ur 10U 2q TTeYS ‘TaySMUNe ap Due wpree ueesjaq pur ‘TED pue ofzz0u oun JO appUTe ‘Wa aoueproove Ut no pare 9q [TES 3594 SUL 01 s00fgns 20u axe squese paseq Jere ueYy Fargo Burs Ssovernfunxg ueans amps 90 JO API P an uo 980 oy SuoysURN pase 1OTEM JO AMES saysmaume ayp yo uonoefar ay ur amnsar Tous (0 pue (e T2'g Ut pougep se a#eyea| Jo ayer queOgTUBIS V 35m aBexeay 2 07 palyNs 2q [EUS soBpunneo seB pure sroysmSune amssoud porns ZTE eppads = pnenoa ‘are Aquo sroysmBurnre opdures (@ 1 2g Papas se pose ag regs SusmaRDS ye Lo puE CE Tze 10 meas 100 mars ones Sungiom £4 pons seem 305 © rays 218 Jo amp axp Jo any 10 wredop rod ‘snuTuE Tod 5eB JO gil ¢Simpocoxo 97 & uoRIado JO © “eur at puna we wag 1000 21 “(ep 206) amesaud yeurorxo ue Jo voneordde ax 4g xepz0 Suppom poo ur 3. 38g Aauspundopuy Deyo 24 JST > 2 se parpssoo oq feu sons tmp ams ayqeaourar ¥ “amssaud zopun swaqu0o ai 04 ARIaRP ‘ayeORUMUNNIOD TPEYS pure deo Bumurejar aunssaud ‘yg Jo ouo ur paureygo 9q Meus asouL, ‘sFaySIMBUEES Zoo Jo uondaoxe aun wna ‘omnssoud feuront on. Sumeeoul gsi amssard patos Jo Ee eieaa sop mur om uo waous on eis une snepdonie 03 oBreyp Jo uonueyer ay quad 0} Se Aza & YRS Ul ‘somdde 01 panrayax uorwogqnd ax Jo wormpe sse7ey axp soouTDFe peyepUN soj Worstsar 30 weurpuaure £q 31 3 pasesodoouy wa oo auonbasgns sous pore Jog yea PAT are suoneongnd ayy pue ixe1 atp tH sooeid ereudaxdde 2p pap a sous ose SL, ssraysmaurpre ary aqeyod: on ajqeondde suorsiaosd jemeds pue 3501 SudurE o1p Teys aBeyeay mmeogNaTs eyes porumssaud e UT TSE. seo sao aap SUNN amp SOS HEPES SL eeatnnniioney VTE 9661 : 8 NA § ober adoog 1 UMW +s 6 Special provisions 6.4 Propellants Only propellants listed in table 1 or mixtures thereof, Controlled discharge shall be used. The maximum water content shall be as Extinguishers shall be fitted with a self-closing control Specified, except when used in stored pressure water ‘to enable the discharge to be interrupted temporarily. —_ based extinguishers. Tracers may be added to the ee ‘propellant to facilitate leakage detection, but the Beings sal ope wihou eing ned ver Ste al ot need 355) of the propetant ‘@ an inverted position. The operating devices of an STE ‘extinguisher shall be located either on the upper part bio T of the extinguisher or partly on the upper part of the extinguisher and partly at the end of the hose or Propelants nozle. "Types ‘Miazimum water conten: 63 Hose assembly ae = Mlexingd ee - x medium greater than 3 ke, or a volume of extinguishing | Argon 0,006 medium greater than 81 shall be provided with a Carbon dioxide 0,015 ‘The length of the flexible of the hose Rs a Bag ci Seance assembly | simogen 0.006 ‘sopra 20}0ur ut posn sIEySMEUEES 4203 ‘sas9p jekoy Aq ‘pamnbar st sioqoes wuss Fac V “poonep 095 “AIO: 3501 amp jo asodnd on WEBI TD — 30; paywan 9q [Teys Wed e ypns ‘2olsap Buemswaur ae coor Supooox aBeyos v ya suoReTesuYeopnso(e OL sud won>eo Pewsep vn Jo ove $I Pa ¥ pu ated ante aun Jo wee oun oa PoOnOD WoREAep TEUCHEN gam SpREMon papa pur ae 2 wy st zenno aBrepsp pedurenre os (2aneuLrogur) 9 xeuuy yorwer a nme cman me Fae Sok Sed pal ; “anuao Si spremon perDamp roo pase oo Teta ew HALES fy ‘om ages a | Te Te no ayBtay & woyy soum 09g Ajeons9a poddowp puE i emaeataas Ged pees aa uuoREod [eoROA ay UF Pray 2q [RAS ZOYSMBURS SUL, eee enero ees eee ‘yea vonsedureo axy oy parsafgns aq eys ‘FoysmBunXe paeeeaa {FAR Ur en 49} Jaze amp Aq pagpods wake BuysmBunxe ag Ips suopINTSUt §ramsemMUTEU mn poy smn 29) en Bones amr Bapoooe paki Poe ply. 3y som on (GaUSMBuRND op poxd 10) oddns SENAY and st 3x yNyas UT WORTPUOO aXp UH OYSMSUNND SUL, yur yg wep sso 20U St UAL ArepuondS aYp ‘BEIOA ‘smapacord 3s], a Alddns feu0U SH 30 % OT ibe afzaoa e 4g ponddns Arund 2tf pue poyMOUD HOYS Sf ArepUCIeS ap -srose> apm ouput we NSC ‘mous papmd oq ose TeuS ZaySMEMND OH, — wm oe 8 on TR SND J SO ‘spay onouK WED POT Mp IAN AMSAT gprerou yp uooAIOg PASTAS 24 OF AX GE JO ABEHOA -eseq soysmasunexo Bernina te AY fxn ov supe on aigesnpe st por ap Sn am anno do on anoge wef ee eee ony soog pe Spe way HT eed an ‘areyd amp 50 sop axp Jo opis OUT WT pre ares um (5 006) “ons 2q eas 2aUSMEUNDS OM : : Sunoddns oved au, “owseo Aq popmd pure pore £9 ‘ayetd ayn Jo wromoq aun ofS UIT poster aq TTeYS YOR au € 7e ToySTASUNI® BuO AUS :uaip rasp ampnns 10 pefgo Ou YB pue booe 01 PNB 2q Heys aupyeur uoneduioo ayy sioremsut Aq Aeon TOA Sum UT x WT ‘areid omeyout Vy snyereddy 1a onyereddy TV aene 995 LON “y aemep 995 ZION seq Surdurey, 989) DENDeTAIC (eanuunow) g xouny (eapemou) y xomry 966 8 NA g ose UMM s+ 61 Isa @ ‘PHoaaroy TeuoTEU 29g SooUsIajar JO ISTT 5h SEE 9661 * 2 NA SH TANINUIM -s BS EN 3-2: 1996 BSI — British Standards Institution ‘BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It Presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Contract requirements A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards ‘should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. Itis the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We ‘would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the responsible technical committee, ‘the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Te: 0181 996 9000; Fax: 0181 996 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that ‘subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. juying standards Orders for all BSI, intemational and foreign standards publications should be urease to Customer Services, Sales Department at Chiswick: Tel: 0181 995 7000 Fax 0181 In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BST implementation of those that have been publish ied as British Standards, unless ee jon on standards ‘BS provides a wide range of information on national, European and intemational standards through its Library, the Standardline Database, the BSI Information. ‘Technology Serice (ITS) and its Technical Help to Exporters Service: Contac th Information Department at Chiswick Tet 0181 996 7111; Fax: 0181 996 7048. ‘Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact Customer Services, Membership at Chiswick: ‘Tel: 0181 996 7002; Fax: 0181 996 7001. Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the pucations ofthe ntemational andardzaton bodies Except as permed ‘under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise ~ without prior written permission from BST. ‘This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior ‘written permission of BSI must be obtained. ‘if permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement, Details and advice can be obtained trom the Copyght Manages Bl, ‘389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL. BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL ISBN 0580 25854 5 966T * &-E Na S@ SESE MV IHDTEAdOD Ad CALLIWd SV LAIOXS NOISSIMUTA ISA LAOHLLA ONTAAOD ON ceoeret 1 prepueis usu 1 Jo staENs ann Sey FOST : € NA PrepuEIS weadomg ay] $}S0} [BoTueysou ‘omssoid 0} ddUeYSTSaI ‘MOTIN.NSUOD ‘¢ WAeT s1oysmsulyxo oll} BIQeI10g G@UavVaGNVLS HSLLIaa WANED +s BS EN 33: 1996 Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘he preparation of ths Bish Standard was entrusted o Techical Commitee Amendments issued since publication Amd No. [Date ‘Text affected 9661 15a 0 Sf NG JO PAL promaxog puomaoy FEUOTEN Jang0 90H @PISUT ayqysundsar soammuntog ayo es syuequ09 ee ————— 9661 ¢-¢ NASA AMMAN +s BS EN 3-3: 1996 National foreword ‘This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee FSH2 and is the English language version of EN 33: 1904 Portable fire extinguishers — Part 3: Coxstructisn, seisance fo presoure,macharical sts pubed bythe European Committee for Standardization (CEN). EN 33 was produced as a result of intemational discussion in which the United ‘Kingdom took an active part. ‘Together with BS EN 3, Part 1 to Part 6, BS 7863 and BS 7867) it supersedes ‘BS 5423: 1987 which will be withdrawn on January Ist 1997. ‘The Parts of BS EN 3 Portable fire extinguishers are as follows: Part 1 Description, dueration of operation, class A and. B fire test Part 2 Tightness, dielectric test, taruying test, special provisions Part Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests Part 4 Charges, minimum required fire Part ‘Specification and supplementary tests Patt Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire ‘extinguishers in accordance with EN 3 Part I to Part. Crose-references plication referred to Corresponding British Standard BS EN 9 Portable fire extinguishers N31: 1996 Part 1: 1996 Description, duration of operation, class A ‘ond B fire test ENB2: 1996 Part 2: 1996 Tighiness, dielectric test, tamaping test, special provisions ENS4: 1996 Part 4: 1996 Charges, minimum required. EN 35: 1996, Part 5: 1996 Specification and supplementary tests EN36: 1995 Part 6: 1996 Provisions for the attestation of conformity of omabl fire extinguishers in accordance with EN'3 Part 1 150 4582 : 1980 SETS Methods of esting plastics Part 5 Optical and colour properties, weathering ‘Method 5224 : 1981 Determination of changes in colowr and Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from I © BST 1906 D661: SE NEON TOE srequieur SH pe Na 07 poaresar sueow Are £9 pue uuO} Aue ur uoreoTuNuANOD pure UOFONpodar JO SWBU TV FEAT ‘sjpssnag OSOI-A ‘9f D7ESSeIS op ont :FeETEIAHIg TENTID Sununoy Ty soiwoy saypstedomg oRRSTEMLON ap wopdoxnyy 72R0D uonezprepimig 30} senruniog ueadomg, ND ‘wopSuny pon pue pueyoniag ‘ropa weds TeBnnog ‘Seaton, “spumyaipen, Emoquiaxtr ‘er ‘PURI ‘PUPS ‘2oBaID ‘ANEULTED ‘SOUR ‘PUEU ‘yreuug ‘umgjeg ‘euSny Jo serpoq spzepueis TeuoyeU ap axe sioquiowl NAD “suossraa FepMgo amp Se sas SUS ‘2 jo Ampqsuodsay ap x2pun uone|suen £q apeu aFersuel uO Ave uy wOKSIOA Y ‘Geum "puny ‘YeTBug) suowien jeoMgo sanp ut END prepuEs UIdaME STL, Faquiout NO Aue @ 10 reEEAIONG TeNuaD exp o} uoRoydE wo poUTEIgO oq eur ‘sprepueys [euoneu yons Zurmaouos saouaryar peoydesFonqq So prepues jruoneu @ Jo sum an prepURS uadoMa sn Bue IO} SUORIPUOS Die andes oni storey (eae SaTINGO NED amp tm Aang e9 poMO Sie sioquow NGO Z2TOPEST WO Na. Panoxdde sem prepumag Weadomy SNL uasungmag aypsteypaut 4reyaseppoug sonbqueogur stessa ‘worssard ej & 2OUEISISAL ‘Sunngysuy aammunsuoy — reypsoyenay areqfey, —‘uopoNSUED — sHevod afpusdULp SMaIUTT S}se} [oTUeyour ‘amssaid 0} aour)sisar ‘uoppnysuoD — sTeysmsunxe alg ajqeyog ossiea ySTaU, ‘suonopads iwaurdnbo or axnonsepaou “amsaxt aqme ‘3% amssaxd ‘sr doxp Sse IVES SwoRNPIOD anaunae en ‘suopeagaeds suaudnne ageiod ‘iasnaunye aceon! Siagemaus ary TuSunbe ay BEVE any IONS Toes=te¥19 000 est YrEN, HON SHOSTydOuNT SINNESdOYNT SIWYON ee NG CaVANVIS Nvadouna WMI +s ‘This European Standard has been prepared by the ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a ‘national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by ‘September 1994, and conflicting national standards, shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 1997. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Irland, Italy, santos et 92d HL H09S 096 Ad = Se qossed : 098 ‘pode: 08T surpfa sob Rayo wien yao : wge e0dea ‘0st Due uaneaiyareo panonoun 2x0 #9198 aosea:eat| ‘Somume a Bes Sr ran mo: : 21 fo say 2 fo uonrouiszaudé ze 598s Tous -06t 2 uo ger woeuendeg 2 ost, SHOORRE fo anroanp pouneg zene HI sopesd 15 swopunf $06 ears Passo SoMuexE TeraeL] — ‘Ssorunes oy Guszmas soaps coq smog a ae 9 fo wprouscaufo 2g UO +EGT oquantes ZT we sono sorpoe ges SUSIE fo oamoanp noinoy = Sean TA My wauans opsin tes eae nue Sg 9T WeMR sore Y UONRBUO Ue OneU TEYS —— gosntavanfns pond sosodant 26 Tepereu 2uy ‘woreouqes azojeg “sucydsoyd Jo % $00 aunssaud sof sonpad peas 34092 OST re INNS. 20'0 “uoqTeD % ge'0 JO UmUICeUT e Lupuno [aus Bue oyeepioe 94 Tee Soo SOUSA riba rnfaco Jo Woronnos amp uy pos feu auL TT< 40 Suroymem jaunyou ‘som6 copier myOnfiop 01 aunsodira ioyfo soriedaud sTeHOTEHE TS se sunita pu nooo sompog [2048 PopPoM ¢ — Sumo fo uopmruuoza ~ SOHN O86T *ZESH OSL oun oT uaa § NE _ saan i ioe ane agDads ‘sured popren sore thus por 3nq =r = ‘suossooe Su yas en 3H YTD JO TOUS si emp yer: ee am sooD em pod 1S ‘SOINTDS ath YR Wl SIAUSMEUTD Jo Sotpoq a. ‘Aide suonrugep ca Sande 3 ‘ouossanve an pu soypod Tosa Sumopoy aun preps sup Jo sesodind ayy 19g «20 SuOTPogTDads eonnoo UMP Soy PIEPURS SRL, suopmyed § edoog T MMM +s Page 4 EN 33: 1994 All parts of the body and those welded to the body For austenitic steel bodies, the minimum thickness filler materials shall be compatible with the steel to. _ calculated using the following formula: D for the base material. wrk ‘The body manufacturer shall be capable of where providing certificates of the chemical cast analysis of the steels that are supplied to him for the manufacture § is the minimum thickness in mm; of the parts subjected to pressure, is the external diameter of the body, or the Independent analyses shall be carried out on samples largest external measurement normal to the taken either from the semifinished product as supplied longitudinal axis in mn, to the body manufacturer, or from the body. Kis the coefficient, the value of which is 0,30 for ‘The manufacturer shall be capable of providing results diameters = 100mm, from mechanical and metallurgical tests canied out elds and a detailed description of the welding ‘This is subject to an absolute minimum thickness of processes that are used during manufacture. 0,64 mm, including all tolerances. 5:13 For bodies produced from austenitic tee the 5.2.2 Marking of clasures pressure shall be by test defined in this standard. ‘on heanr recta tee Thetoiy al nett epenens oe Onegm epeiy he nafs hal ‘mechanical strength test (crushing test, see 6.2) and nd processes suitable for fabricating the bodies in the bursting pressure (see 6.1). conformity with this standard. ‘The body shall have a measured wall thickness greater The manufacturer shall ensure that: the materials and ‘than the minimum thickness caleulated using the ‘components used in the fabrication of the body are following formula: free from any defect likely to impair the safe use of the D extinguisher. soDexk 00 5.3.2 Mounting q it 0,45 for D = 80. ‘The welds shal be a continuous penetration with no Mai and wed joints shall be free from defects which may inpair the safe use ofthe body 9651 Sao 3.09 01 og wasmdaq ooed ayer Treys g amg ut unous suorsuauNp ayy on ‘SuySTUD p09 pays aun Jo sepxs atp puosag uanxe 02 yaSual Tue Jo oq pue um cet = Jot Te © 20; pooape! 24 EYE See o % apisino aun sour g*T wey Sse 30 03 yenbo st 89, S009 ayy usta pasn 9q TES PoqIeUt Suoyo} aU, -stupgrew feuxou Tre 2e0q TTeys 1502 Bupsing 1p 305 posn sompoq auL, s2mp0q fo Burm E19 wore Supqreu 00d on wt ove 204 TES eauG A, TEU ‘umumuru © ypu ', 09 Jo ammaeradure up ye smqeredde 2p apisuy padojaasp *y amssard sows ovp soum, 2°2 wep sco 0q 20U Teus 4y amssard Suns at, sqynsaa fo uonmardsaquy Z" Fre wae pon 2 aS OBR SATE go vooun «5 peo msl o uo ‘Spu009s 09 03 0g JO pried e unNLa SsouDjORA ‘Breurp opismo aap sou sf tp saeatd sq JO wpsuD] yp uayes pasn oq TEYS PoYoUT BuTAAOTIOS BLL satpoq Buoy £79 “woRDsuu0> 20 YEAS Aue Buypnpoxe ‘odoyaauo amssaud aug Jo spuo amp w99AK0q sourastp umurpeus auf St Apoq atf Jo WIBUS] aL, ano m ‘aPewep Jo su ap azmumutur 09 se YORS ang ‘pos Se ‘Peuomsod aq [eys supwew at as99 ap yo BuLsue Uy S09 98 Jo Aqmonp axp wuuoo op pasn so) SuMysNID e ain uno pores oq eye Bon aan ONTO aL (soa Burysnzo) 3803 ipBuaNs TeORMEIPIW 79 ‘VOGT + & poop: 88 Na 29 sinured osfe pue sismq Apoq auf Tum amssaud Jo aseanur remax © syuuod yormaA uoRETEISUT we BuisN ano partes aq [eus amssard ropum 3S1 ISMq al amo pou aq Te¥s g9 Bue [9 PaauDeNp soon ou, s1saL 9 Aquopgs a Ao se S00] se sued payer Suet 205 pasa 9g eur Syeuereu qeoUrUON, “SSH UOISOOD “Sppea sourdoove Jo sojdurexe sous T ammBty IME +s ‘The macroscopic examination of a tavere ction An external visual examination of the weld shall be id ‘The welded surface to be exasined stall be free from 7 Marking = test pressure in bar he cepues oon pattie einen dl capable of depressurizing the body before their ‘xp ‘aanoayop St SoBpUTEO asetN JO auO J] 75m amssaud Bayon tana 3smq aures axp o1 parDefans 29 TeUS yowea oures ‘yrewrar yeys pue asn pue amypesnueus i RumpPUEY qeunou Suunp pode 21p wo seSpunre> azour aay juauraumbar sap 39ur ‘Surcoeg 204 TENS SUPHEW OL, you saop eBpuares aun J] 76ING RON e se SPUD ‘ampoemucur oy Jo suey 10 2 aan Jo ured eoupuysD yp uy aMO90 ATUO TeYS 35INg AY ‘amgpeymueur jo zak ~ -amssaid saeq ut seB possoduioo amp 30 sama ayy 01 Gn wyBypyeoy weUrar TENS BPN aU, Buss AUD TERE sues ayn on SUORIPUOD BUEMOEHMUCLN OUTS otf JOP r Bunmonos amp 350] 7e oney TUS see HL 75 roqumu e weoUr oF WOME) st Yoreg SUUMDEFMUEUL Burm 82" “set ayp 02 parafqns aq [reus yoreq zed eipunze> eer cee ‘uo ‘saoaid QOOT > St y7eq SyaMEoeMUEUT 3 JT 2. + 09) Jo ammgezoduins & 3 y 9 Jo poured aei03s 3s2 amssard 3smq ap ayy nor Ueun NS SHBpIRN SeestmaparuoN © PaPALARS oq TEYS puEsNOWA guD UF aBpURED ou ‘smq ajponp & jo unos Said aher errrbedicsabecinmmat 2up uy bed reoupumés amp ur nooo Afuo TEYS 281nq ANY supra] st Fem amsuE 0 ‘7eq og» 9q Tes amesad ysinq umumutur ayy, YORE azenbope ue 105 partdde aq Teys amssard SL, jem amesaud ayy 01 paofgns aq TeYs aBpmes ye “0.09 Jo amerezeduioy © ze pomseaur amssaxd somos oop oun Jo amesoud -amssard 3601 © ney EUS ses passardusoo w FuuTEWwoo asoyy, 150) axp Sour ¢'y 9q TeYS amssaud asmq uMUTUUE aN, amssoxd sion opmop Ae, em emul ft ye amsotad a 5 POUND e 3521 8 ane TUS poco woqre) 1503 8 205 ‘g™up 0g = aumyoa. 2q Tes salpmes (poymbg pue possasduzos) ses) True ue yp sodpmes 0 soitdde asnep sn, 3993 amnsvaug E16 S809 amssaid ZTE ‘AL nu'0 = Ausuap Vexou'o's ams © anzy Teys seBprnze> apo wore aU Ansuap Bug ® aac TPEUS SOBPIE OPO UOGED ieesaeg eeee eee yom soe ae "T'639 Spwouranmbar ayn joout < ron amsua ‘ume oa ee evar ae et Bon Hoye arane 30 UMRUTAMTE Toots axa Jo somsodoad TeORTEPOW UL Jo [Bes Jo apeur aq Teys SeBpInTED ajquaareysal-uo} ogg 2ea/rg anne wopem.nsu0g 1" Jo | xame Jo 77°zJ0 swourarmbar a te 2Mp 01 ultoguoo sapsodoad opoyas umnaume jo ees peu oq Treys sepuneD Aojre ummUTUMIE jo uMIURUMTY ‘SLBI : 27092 OSI 01 358aI 38 uuzOTHOD creurar es pur as pur amber tue, Teys Teueqeur atp ‘2qre [2205 ssopuneas Woy apeut Truvou Sump podeurep auoneq jou TTeys Supqrent uy, Ae SORES arp J] essen amssaud e Jo woRINNSUOD ‘Tamgvemnureur oxp Jo oureu 30 34reur — ‘pf TOF popUaTUT foaNs & JO apeUr oq TRUS SeBpUNTED cocmmeuryereag. OULD 00 HENS amt 94 THRE sum Feu a, ‘fore umpumamge ‘eq ur seB pessauduioo ay Jo Jo umATUMP PIS. aq ‘spurs amssaud SunBreyo 10 8 ur passaxdxe %Q9 Jo Sse ee a ‘Buy sseur my Teonazootp — 7 mi ‘3 uy ssew Aydur ere — oSprnres a1quaBreey T¢ ‘Gupgzem "250. y Jo Tuowour aun Te pezunssaud sioysmBuRxe Buueonos ap aseay we ancy TeYS SOBpUNIED ay, 2]qenod ut pasn are sefpmawo se8 wuETedONY bury € aBpuyzeo sus yueqjadorg 6 NNN «s= Page 8 EN 33 : 1994 - 10 Aluminium bodies 10.3 Parts subject to pressure (0.1 Materials and their identification 10.3.1 Impact extruded bodies ‘The material used for manufacturing impact extruded The measured wall thickness of the bodies shall be not bodies shall be pure aluminium, ie. unalloyed des than the thichnesscalnlted using the following luminium with an aluminium content of at least 99,5% form: and shall meet the criteria of table 2 below. ergs ‘The mechanical properties of non-heat treatabl % luminium materials shall be 2s follows: Where ENAW — 1050A (A109,5) H17: is the minimum thickness in mi; tensile strength {s the external diameter of the body, or the By min. = 130 Nn? largest extemal measurement normal to the Bm max. = 170 Nima; scadial axis beter proof stress 1 Ks the coefficient with a value of i eran 0,20 for D = 100 mary fone 4% 0,30 for D > 100 ram. hardiness. 0.8.2 Other types of bodies Se ee The meaured val hikes ofthe bois shall be rot ‘czapable tecatves ore EN AW — 3002 ‘equivalent the manufacturing process 5 not impact extrusion “Eikls other materials may be used but their mechanical 27, roperties shall have at least the above values. where ‘The body manufacturer shall provide attestations of the cast analysis of the material supplied and keep tats Soap cperinsiphneeensedet Lend them available and declare the type of material used. Dis the external diameter of the body, or the Independent chemical analysis shall be carried out. largest external measurement normal to the ‘Samples for analysis shall either be semi-finished longitudinal axis in rn; products that the manufacturer of the bodies shall P, is the service pressure at 60 °C in bar; supply or shal be taken from the finished body. Ba ‘the tensile strength in Ninn? The shape of the base of the bodies is not specified. 102 Testing Jn no case shall the wall thickness be less than: ‘The dimensional requirements are deemed to have 0,9 for D < 100; been met if, during the type testing, the requirements - $= 1,2 for D= 100. of the following tests are met: burst pressure (6.1); ~ test pressure (6.3); — mechanical strength (crushing test) (6.2). ‘Table 2. Aluminium properties Desiguation |Alcontent | Maximam permitted impurities % by mana a st Fe ox ia Porat ENAW- [995 025 040 0,05) 0,05; 050 1050. Me Ze am Others cack 0105 007, 005; 008 eq 99 wap sso] ou 9q TTeUs pu Fy “ayqeadaooe axe sway snore uEp-uON “seq z Jo amssaad Niigata ge “Bumjess) quauoduroo ayy ut zeadde reys Aieyes Sumpeye © ze pmbm agers Jo suesur £q assed smo Jo aigedao 5f ypniee abu ou 4s axp Suen, 27 OF PAIDS!ANS oq uo TTEYS swuaUEuIoD sonsEd 7 as : ipa ‘oo sy pom oq éeurnubuodios sons sou aug SHEUSUNP‘Seoerodde smd Suite 2 OE sommes wien seKp THUR O, (C502) te jo amyerodurs © e pue AYPRUMY aARETSH 9% 02 Jo araysoune ue ur pouonrpucs aq reys Aatn WOU, ae i 008 205 9, (¢ + 09) 30 azruezaduran & 2 pauonrpuos you dose simp aoqemsung ‘Sq Tee wompuOD Bumped ap uy AMssard a3 roururey 10; WBN dora “g arqeL| 0 Pols ATeuTOU swouodwos sonseyd aM], geTT “wopans pe Aeauon ‘pues>] pueTa ES 0784 $A1qE —_—_ ae saynunan ammerada-ol se Pago SHO) “SO! 1 uaa st myBroy domp au, unTes aa35 Jo ayqeetED 2q 1eq gg wen [Tes X pu ey a0epms wood 54H} JO SEU TI —_ sor gow 9g EUS pure pamseaur amssard BOTAISS 3M "aA PUE UMW g), JO JoIeUTRTP © YALA TEIUPUMD 2 soum pig on enbD Year Fe amssaud 38Inq ‘jea0s jo apeur aq [RUS ounmey 21p “s0) edu 2 Uy i Sener aoe “snyeredde 019 Jo SOpw amo} 21p pur paaoxa ou [eys amssaid Jo aseaout Jo are oy. wna tn Sa oe eer aa 2 uo Teys smUSMBUNND aqeIOd oy “amssaud . {Jo amgerodusay 2 ye ‘somumao amyerodiny sto] sowaies at oy da udonnE ypu pezumesard pue Be ammo Taare sen ws DoT 9 95 ae yoRUs STASI aigenod _ °WHPM We Fame on moe oa z 318 01 amg 99 Tru suzuoduIC® SORES 2 USL, ‘ere pmby ajqems jo sueaur Aq amesard 23mq -soamqeas niiio ap THM 9, (6 = 02) 1 parsatans ‘Swauodwos samy, Y2TT 40 amaexoduos © pue 60830 Axprumy anwar" oo ae ‘etpim azaudsourye ue ut palons aq uaWp [YS £21, Bussoooud ‘cet: 2asp Ost wt poquosep se sot Mabe mone | MIETEAR oe TEs amesoud oF po;ofyns uEuoduI0D 701 0661 “Sev OSI Vs PoauocoP oto Sunde OUR 5 samuremnueu aU], axqeonde are g'ZTT 01 'ZTL IO SuORPagoads ayy Amssaid 0} 7fqs SIUOAWCD IOS -vopong pure Aensoy ‘PEEDOT PREM THRE amssazd 04 yafqns Serer err cee eee eee eee uouedmos sonseyd 203 squourazMb: +meq gg wey ss 10u 29 TeYS PUES - : eae ee sour 8 ToD reek oe oT see ee ‘cwonsnpord (x00 -) ‘Soeur ur your are puepuEys sup Jo spwourarmbar jo amperdusy © ‘soemsmoo ameiadaisec| ‘aug Je ssavard Zuumsemureu ain Jo uonadsut 1 pom are squsuodwoo amp f 10 9, (250% -) sear Jo sueour £q onaid qeys somysemMTeU OH, Jo amyeroduran & 28 pynby ayqeams © Buysn amnssard Ges 3smq otf PaDe!gNS 2q TRUS SpwoUOduIOS Jam, ue SuOSSUaUNp ‘souEreadde matp ‘ued SuuMMDEUTEU ‘syreq 2 Jo amesaid yy wpe AanuOFUOD zTEYY 0} pmWBAX YE UOREPUCD Jo asvarouy Jo a7ei ® wun 9, (G02) Jo amaeroduiey __-PABATOP-Se Up UF Pagan aq [Tey StuouOdMIOD ax, ‘36 pmb ajqeams © Supsn yoo aunssand ismq ——-160) Mov aTEUSS|DOU TeYS Sseooud SuuTEEUEU 1 ponalgns aq woWp TEYS smreUodwI0D sonseyd 95 Jo adeys ‘Teuoqeur ain jo uoreogpou Ay sanly, ‘PapRuuied st mojoo wt a@uey y Wem pue “BI qegHUEp! aq sKeme TeYs pasn [enaveU sonseyd oul, suowusunp ‘ssoweresdde ‘sued Suumoernuew oun “ssoooid Suumioemnuew amy pue adeys ain ‘psn Ayduioo Aayp Texp 295 07 payooyP aq TTeys Aaup ‘way, Teueyeur ap 0} peau Yl susuodwo> psonposd ‘somqes 1yfiom man UN 0, (g-¢02) Jo amyeredura sseur 01 Tutod Arana te BuuO;UOD swrauOdL0D 1 Fe pue 96 05 JO Ayprumy aazejer © wus aroydsoune wo no poues oq TeYs SuOHEOgLTeA PwE 3523 Ot, Fw Pauoton oq Tes AB VOL GS: 28h OS yeep TIT ur PoquDSDP 5€ H 00g Taso Su IPOS ¥661? €€ NO 6 oBeg AIM C 112.1, 11.2.2 each sample stall be dallby deienslo ate sot be poetome ee prepared in the following manner. Plastics thread becoming damaged when coming into ~ screw and unscrew the closure 100 times with its contact with the metal thread. rating part, tightening each time in accordance with When te body, comue i retained by a screw tread the manufacturer's maintenance instractions; cor threads produced in a non-metallie material, — condition samples in accordance with the threads not having the characteristics defined below requirements of 11.2.1, 1122 and 1123. stall be prohibited: (OTE. Ifthe closure seas ae of the replaceable type, then new = the thread pitch shall be 29 mm minimum and the seals shall be fitted immediately, prior to carving ot the Durst ‘width of the thread crest of both components, when ts and at any time during the screwing/unserewing cycle When measured normal to the helix angle, shall be elena ieee, 206mm, 11.2.6 The requirements of 11.2 do not apply to jet ~ the included angle of the thread forma when entol devices atthe end of portable exieriches, measured normal to the helix angle shall be = 18" Doses the requrements of 2.4 of EN + Part5 shall (Gee Sgure 4); ~ the length of incomplete thread at the start of the nonmetallic thread shall be no than the 12 Carbon dioxide rs ences tee dll beso pont tne Portable extinguishe that part which is first engaged with the mating 12.1 The steel, aluminium or aluminium alloy bodies © BSI 1996 SoDUdIIJer JO IST] 9661: ¢- NF SA WINUNAUI «s« BSEN 3-3: 1996 BSI — British Standards Institution [BSI isthe independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presenls iiie UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Contract requirements A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should male sure that they possess the latest amendments or editons It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the responsible technical committee, Lhe identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: O18t 996 9000; Fax 0181 996 7400, ‘BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards Orders for all BSI, intemational and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services, Sales Department at Chiswick: Tel: 0181 996 7000; Faxc 0181 996 7001. In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as Butch Standards ealese otherwise requested. Information on standards ‘BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library, the Standardline Database, the BSI Information ‘Technology Service (BITS) and its is Reha eyo rporar Sere, Crtat he Satsuma renee ante ccalene eal receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact Customer Services, Membership at Chiswick: ‘Tek: 0181 996 7002; Fax: 0181 996 7001. Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications, BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the px ene Capron termtonl Sanderson bcs, Excent ae pemited recess Doepewctude the te we, nthe course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior ‘written permission of BSI must be obtained. Ifpermission is granted, the tems may inci royalty payments ora icensng ‘agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager, BSI, ‘389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL. BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London Wa 4aL ISBN 0 58025855 6 FSH. se SSSI Seg -MV'T AMDIIAdOD AG CALLINSA SV LATONT NOISSINUGA ISH LAOHLIM OXIAEOD ON 9661 * +-€ NA Sa Prepurig ustig, ‘Bo STARS aIN Sey 966T *F-E NA Prepurig ueodoma ayy, aay pormbeis umururul ‘sasreyy *F 11eg sroysmMsul} xo OIL} o[QeyAOg GuYVaNVILS HSLLYE WN +s* BS EN 3-4: 1996 Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘ee preparation of this Britsh Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee PSHZ, Fire extinguishers, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Metropolitan Authorities Fire Brigades Union Fire Extinguishing Trades Association Home Office Institution of Fire Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd. ‘Trades Union Congress Amendments issued since publication Amd.No. [Date ‘Text affected 966t 188.6 BO HEN Sere arqysuodsas somnmunaioy o8eg syu9yU0g ec 9661 * -€ NA SH TN +s BS EN 3-4: 1996 National foreword Part 1 Description, duration of operation, class A and B fire test Part2 Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special provisions Part Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests Part4 Charges, minimum required fare Bat Specification and supplementary tests in accordance with EN 8 Part I to 5 Cross-referer Poblication referred to Corresponding British Standard EN31: 1996 BS ENS: Portable fire extinguishers Part 1: 1996 Description, duration of operation, class A and B standard fires Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity rom legal obligatic ‘T9661 FE NF ON PE sroquiout NgO 0} paaieses wBKdOD B66 © sjessnag Qg0T-d '9¢ HEssHIg op om AEETEIOIDAS TEXUED, -wopSuny paanin pure pueyentng ‘uapams ‘ureds ‘TeBras0d ‘emsoN, ‘spuepawnan ‘Smoquexary ‘ex ‘Puctan “purpso] ‘so207p ‘AueuurDD “OUR ‘PU reuneg ‘umjeg ‘eusny Jo spoq sprmpuns euoRTU aun are StaquieUt NEO 0 a1 avn sey memanes ening 2p or pegpon pu era mo OF Bg Nao Jo ANaisuodsar ayy z9pun uoMEisuEN Aq apew oBeasue| TWAS Aue UE VOISIOA Y Gea Youn uogiug) suman wouge dang ut ssp baepurag uodONG SNL 4. prepues yeuorm © 30 sees an prepreg ueadoma sn Sua ie} svonmpoe> ‘yp ayemndns yon suoME NY TeUDM] QTTINAONGD 30 wn Aidusoo 01 punog ‘are siequISU NEO “PI-60-S66T UO NO Aq panoudde sem prepueg ueodomg su, waBquLIaASoT ‘sep ue Sumrepsojuessopuny ‘uasusWIM [F FAL sojq@rxe xneunumur srafoy SeaIeYyD “pane — zmypsopena, aeqsey, — sypenod atpuaourp smaioung aag pemmber umumumu ‘sesreyQ *F wed SrEYsmBuNxe amy aqeyod WoIsTaA YSTBU “suowsuaunp a acoey a sontey ‘uot woseisisop wowdnbs oqqeuod ‘enum funAD ayqeacr ‘saERRES ai coud ap FeRIBy 2 NCOs ovozzer sot gest Arenuqeg WHON aHOSTydOuNa INNTAIOUNT ANON vé Na CaVGNVIS Nvadouna IAM s+ ‘This European Standard has been prepared by ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 70, fighting equipment, the secretariat of which is held by Part5 Specifications and supplementary tests Part6 Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with EN 8 Part 1 to Part 5 ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a Manual means of fre 5, =] [> i a 6) -) — = 6 of} 9) i 9 vooue deal atte tan a = ag | yf - a “ads Tao SPRERATAN Ps a ‘ay emg ‘somes undog SSMINOD FLAT 3| al 2 ea z 2 a oussirxa Jo ad ype Jo ofmy> PumuoN o¥9 SuEOP Sant aTeoYpU} SuUIOD asaKN UE SIOGUINU FUL, BLON im SEEEEEEE ai z= =] 8] | eel | Be me oa Zt} ver] | wrpou pore sonres sanqe ae =| vie] [22m] evoret) %00 | paveoes | popuouosea, wpaea oa 6) we =I ae ater Toe 6 ¥| ver -umppaur SunsmBunre oxp Jo amueu ay 7 z| ve | °28upuoose T afges ur wand sonqea atp Jo au 03 yenbo ‘29q Meus SioysmStuRNe any o|qeUOd Jo SOBIEY> TEUTLION 7 1) _¥e sofreyo TEURWON TE fi a yuvoy 2a) wipou pasea reves | 227MOd OEY | gone sooureroqon SUNT Pwe SORTED # Epon FuRstaduiaTe jo oR AUTEN] $ oad, asap auf g pun y ssup ‘suormiedo fo uorroanp ‘uonduosaq sexy V sevpo uo sooumuO}iod UU TF ung — siaysinburze anf anmted 9661 1-8 NB “F pur gone wr usa se aq Tes “sorjdde 07 pauraya sons ary 1501 payoeds ysMSum@ 0 parmbax WML yoreogqnd aia Jo uoRpE 3s07e] axp SSOUAIRFar PovEPUN Sunjsmauxe jo Aiqueab aqeMOe UMUIDCEUI atL|, 3o.j “ JO qwaUNpUsUTe Aq 31 Wt paTesodsooUr Way. TEU ory uu Squo prepueig ueadomg snp oy s\dde suoneoygnd fee 7 ‘asap Jo Aue Jo SuOrStsal 10 01 swHaUIpuaMTE aonbosqns soouoiajan Porep 0g Zoyeasay Past %2FBIES] axe suomwongnd ap pur peo ain ut sooeid syeudoxdde wes3Z ‘up 7e pan are ssouar2Far SANEUIOU ISU, ssuopeonand xaxgo waxy suorstsoxd ‘soouar9yoz paTepUN HSH ‘HOF 9554 Jo parep £q soveiodioout prepueg weadoung STU, a0} wpa PaREG FH 1919] re sevem— swore —F00| sO ee 21 S20 ‘i ag uaa» Jp wosoumyo a 205 Pom 24 zag OT mm ur uoag seowes2j0q a1p unALA sey yeunwOU ayy — RF Og Pammnbar wnumumur oy pur stoysmaUTS 0} jenbo aq [YS xaYsMSuNXe ayp Jo oBreyo erase oy, ‘arg aqqeviod Jo saBreyp amp seybeds prepuris SML saomexoyos BUTTE TE adoag 1 9661 * +E NX g oned LMI > Page 4 EN 3-4: 1996 42 Minimum performances on class B fires Table 4 Fire size ‘Maximum charge of extinguishing medium Designation Min. duration of | Powder 2 Halon Water based operation including foam s ie ig ke 1 2B 6 1 2 1 — 3B 6 2 - 2 2 55B 9 3 5 4 3 708 9 4 _ 6 - 898 9 _ - — _ 3B 2 6 ~ = 6 1448 6 9 = - - 1838, 15 2 = - 9 2338 15 = = = = NOTE 1. The sumbers in these columas indicate in litres or Kograms the nominal charge of each type of extinguisher in the following ‘countries: Beguim, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain. NOTE 2. The minimum time given in column 2 relates to the fire on the same line in column I I is intended thatthe minimus uration of operation should in all cases be as given in table I of EN 1: 1995 Annex A (informative) Italian national deviation NOTE. See table 3 clause & “Puowasos TeuoReU 39S soouarajor JO ISP ————— od 9661 + -€ NA Sd UMM = s* BS EN 3-4: 1996 BSI — British Standards Institution A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract, Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the responsible technical committee, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: 0181 996 9000; Fax: (0181 996 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards (Orders for all BSI, intemational and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services, Sales Department at Chiswick: Tel 0181 996 7000; Faxc 0181 996 7001. In response to orders for intemational standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BST ‘implementation of those that have been published as British Standards, unless otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and intemational ‘standards through its Library, the Standardline Database, the BSI Information ‘Technology Service (BITS) and its Technical Help to Exporters Service. Contact the Information Department at Chiswick: Tel: 0181 996 7111; Fax: O181 996 7048. Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact Customer Services, Membership at Chiswick: ‘Tek: 0181 996 7002; Faxc 0181 996 7001. Copyright under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, ‘stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means - electroni Photocopying, recording or otherwise — without prior written permission from BSL This ‘preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of is does not i necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior ‘written permission of BSI must be obtained. Ifpermission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing, agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager, BSI, 989 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL. BSI 889 Chiswick High Road London Wa 4aL, e =a Qa. Le 966T ? SE Na S& AVI GIDRULdOD AG GALLINYGA SV L4aOXG NOISSINUAA ISA LAOH.LIM ONLAAOD ON ovvezer sor prepuas ysung ‘© Jo SMTE}S tN SEY 9667 +E NA Prepurig ucodamg ou, $380} Arequoulo[ddns pue uorworpoadg *¢ 18g si1aysmsulyxo OIL} 91Qe110g daVaNVIS HSLLas IMMIUMM +s» BS EN 3-5 : 1996 fe Committees responsible for this British Standard Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers’ Association Convention of Scottish Local Authorities Fire Brigades Union jome Office Institution of Fire Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd. ‘Trades Union Congress ‘This Bish Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Heath and Environment Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes Into effect on 15 May 196 © Amendments issued since publication io. Amd. Ni Date ‘Text affected “9661 : 28 NB, Bmasqns UE CEGI : ZG NG, 119 °Z omy ‘amssard reurony ays, SuTuuGoq UdesBered oy Uy 30) ayes yoMUCD y XOUUY “9061 § TE NG, emansqns pue ,OGOT ! TE NB, EPG ou steed oy 2 samyerodursy Sugezado jo oBuey “y xouUy onojop‘g ou sonsead 20 suoenéax euoneu 0} olan, SUNUBOG Udeeed oxy UL “966 + 1-8 NG, SMaMSqns pure SE6T ? 1E NB BFP “6 UH UT yse} UOSOLIOD PeUILKY ['g eSUEID, $180) Areyuaute[ddns pue uoneogweds *¢ weg sxoysMSuyxe oT efqey0g 9661 * S-€ NA Sa OF L661 2090290 ST Wosy eaN2aIJe Pu Paystignd 1 “oN sHOmpuomy 8196 CNV (IINIUIM «s TIVE bah YOPUOT ‘PeoY YET YOUMSTUD 68S, “tga soBeueyy Butdon ain moss pourerqo 24 ueD coLAPe PuE STEIEC AUBUROBE Bursuaoq # 10 SwuouIced Ayecor apnyoUy Kewl SUID Oy paquEdd Sx UORSTULTOM J] aurego aq ssnur 1S Jo uorssuNEd waa Joud aip uata uowenrouraydu uexp asodmd s9190 Aue 10} posn 2q ey ame STOP 0 Cane suouedop ope 20 odors ps sto ons sep Seen eee sae pee ere pee de s " -powsonbar asyaotn0 ‘ssequm ‘Sprepueis ysaug se paystiqnd wseq sary Jeu 2601p JO uoTERTeWITGUT Isa aun Aiddns 0 Soyod Isq st a1 ‘sprepuess euoneUaTMT 103 sepz0 03 asuodsal Ul “Too 966 1810 ea ‘0002 968 1810 "RL, >ouASRID Te UNTEdag seg SBOYLIDG IOWA C1 PIEAIPPE 94 pmoys Suoneongnd sprepuRTs us\atoy PUP TEUONEUISWUE TSE TP 305 STOPIO, sprepiress Suh -sprepunys jo suonpe ase7e an aarooor AeorauoME srequDSqns exp samsue yom Sir Palle auras Supepdn enpralpul we SrequroUs Stay Ise ‘O0vs 966 1810 2283 19006 966 ISO 7A, #9409 uO apIsut mn Uo punoy 2q UES YR JO ANUEPE ON ‘sopranos jeonnpa) ajqusuodsax atp Jo ATeyaIDeg otf UOT PMoss PIEPUEIS YSNU spp wisn opus Asmaiquee 20 Asemaoeur ue SuPpUG ouOsuE J MyaTeLB 2q pro ‘gq ‘Seotazes pure STanpoud mo Jo Aafenb oxp anaidur 01 [ga Jo UATE EASUOD atN St 3 -suogpa 10 swaupuaure ‘Sarr ayy ssassod Kamp Tey ams ayeur pmoys Sprepurg ysaug JO sres/] uorstor 10 Wawpusue Sq parepdn aze sprepueag YSAUG, suo ys. -uopwondde 1oan0o sap 103 ajqysuodsax are spaepureig SHUG Jo sies_| YoeN|U0D ‘2 Jo suorsuord Aressa.0u amp [fe apnpuy oy Woda you SBOP PIEPURS YSAUE V uoTny su sprepueys ysHiig — Isa Tey bas wopuoy eou WEE OHSS 688 18a 9661? S-€ - Nasa INH By BS EN 3-5 : 1996 List of references See national foreword. © BST 1906 Contents © Bst 1986 BS EN 3-5: 1996 as Batish Standard has been proered by Techical Commitee FEV? ands the Pat4 Pat'S— Spocftoaton and supplementary tests Part 6 Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers én accordance with EN 3 Part 1 to Part 5 Publication referred to Corresponding Britiah Standard BSEN3 Portable fire extinguishers EN 31 : 1996 Part 1: 1996 Description, duration of operation, class A and B fire test EN32: 1996 Part 2: 1996 Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity fr 3. © BST 1996 965 'S# NEON Jeu sroquiour $8 PUP Nai 01 panrosox suvaur Aure Aq pure wn0s fue ut uoHRORMUNHIOD pure woRONpO:dex Jo STYBE TY 9661 © STessmIg OSOT-d ‘9f UzESseIg ap om swEHANDIg TERI AunwuoN my aomuoy soypsmdomg WopesTPULON ap wagdomg PaO) Uoneaprepunig Jo} soumumuioy weadomg NaD -wopduny pomun pue puepomiag ‘uapams ‘weds RBIQIOE ‘MIO ‘Spumpornen Shnoquiasmy ‘sey ‘pueray ‘puejso] ‘soear AueuNDH ‘sowed ‘PUTIN Sueunog ‘umBleg ‘eAsTY Jo So~poq sprepuETS EUOREU amp axe SroqUIOM NAD Brepueis [euoneu e Jo suyeIS a prepuRg ueadomg snp Su1ai# Jo; suompUCD oun aremdns ypruse suonemBay TeUENU QU'TANGONGD an ae Sdws0> 0 pmog weSunynad pun vaMIEpIORY aA : ¢ [aL sAMEWaUIG|duIOO sresso yo suoREaMIDAdS : ¢ anne spypsopnay areqen, Swyeyod opusourp smaumy sjsqq Arejuswietddns pue uoyeopioeds : g weg Steysmsuyxe ary aqe}iog ‘soa saoerd ary psepines ‘woneonuas 2ugnox ‘someuoquTeut‘uoneUBtsop ‘aowrassay UojsOLIOD ‘SwwaUOdUIND “saunas Suneiodo ‘suonmypads ‘waudmbs ageod ‘syenTuo ofqenour ‘soysMBuRXS omy “woUIdMbe amy SUM ay eNdneag eer son isuitteinaa WON HOsIyaouna SINNGdOUNA GION oe NA CaVANVIS Nvadounst INIT). ‘oreword Contents ‘This European Standard has been prepared by the Page ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 70, Manual means of fire Foreword 3 fighting equipment, of which the secretariat is held by ‘Scope 3 BN. ive references 3 ‘This European Standard supersedes EN 35: 1984. ‘Nowmative : ‘This Buropean Standard is one Part of EN’ prepared 9 _Bilective range of cperaing onan mechanical parts 3 ‘This European Standard EN 8 consists of 6 Parts and neal has the generic ttle Portable fire extinguishers and : the following different subtities: Requirements : ae Requirements for components, Part Description, duration of operation, lass A and B fire test tae Part Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, 42 Safety devices ea eee 43 Discharge from water based Part 3 Construction, resistance to pressure, ‘extinguishers et 44 Hose and coupling systems Part Charges, minimum required fire ge Canis Part Specification and supplementary tests 4.6 Mechanical resi Pan Proisins for the attain of P a in accordance with ENS Part to Part ‘48 Home for carbon dioxide ‘This European Standard shall be given the status of a 49 Design of the filling opening ‘tinal standard, eter by publication ofan identical 5 Restance to corsion text or by endorsement, at the latest by August I 7 and conflicting national tandards shall be withdraw 5") Extemal corrosion tet at the latest by January 1997. 5.2 Internal corrosion test for According to the CEN/CENELEC Intemal Regulations, extinguishers using water based media, ‘the national standards organizations of the following ‘Extinguisher mounting bracket countries are bound to implement this European 7 Extinguisher identification Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, 7.1 Colour Germany, Greece, leland, ireland aly, Lembo, 7 jetheriands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Marking ‘Switzerland and the United Kingdom 8 Periodic checking Annex A (normative) Range of operating ‘temperatures Annex B (normative) Measurement of the forces and energy Annex C (informative) Example of ‘operation and emission control mechanismns/devices Annex D (normative) Burst pressure hose ) 9661 S40 9s peo ue om jeuau © jo ‘o[durexe 103 Sunswsuoo “uaUraTS “830 Swowamibar Aigpes @ jo suaur &q parerado wo0q sey snqeredde avn mn Asnes Teys Aatn y xeutTe tp aoureprosoe Jaros sumIRap 09 ayqssod aq TeUS 3 woUIGMDS pagans 16020 2sonbo Sau 91 JO uonerado aug wage Aem ou Ur TeUS pure x8 Seon) ‘9.¢¢~ NOOT PUE N 0g JO strum xp aaMI0g sOrOF e auIMbeX “9, OT— vr Te siniesasy tea Im lwsnreypow Bunezedo ain jo ze wo UNS sik Shqumaase (esq nian oes "O.CSCUND) 9, 09 Uoneiedo ue anton TENS 30In9p Arayes ayn Jo sevaqer pus (Samqeraduley ‘Aol ips SOLMUNOD 10} 3, Oe 20) SL uorerado quotzaapeut qwanaxd 0 ooMop ABFeS 9, gg uaoujaq sammeraduto4 7 OOYS o3 WWEISTSAY 9q Pins popisord oq reys uistueysa BuneraXdo atyy, pur ayerado 03 aIge aq TUS SrOUSMBUNXA ary 9 atqeuog soomep Aiases 7F Teoma Te ‘axomre ym ueprOITe UF INO POLTED 2q TS SMOUIITKANY 2, syed ‘Noce TeofTeypour Jo soueysysar pure amywraduisy vm sowax8 ou 29 neys (0, (ew) 1) ameraduis Supezedo Jo ofuer eannayg ¢ UmumpKEUT axf Fe PUE D, OF or dn Fe N 00g en bread ow aq TTeYS 20705 sa SioysmBuURNe 4D 204 189) Rous 70g z qotey aR = saiaydsougo - 00g fanaq duB azaanbg Toverfinko wr SiS UORSALUAD OBBT : 1226 OSI = 22830 1A suopsynaud posed 9829 Guydueny ca wt ‘19 aDeptp ‘ssourubay +2 wed ia if ae —Saysinbuyes anf MIMI — 9GL ZENE SSewae| —enenna] Pageview TRL, —Sausinbuter auf armed — 9661 ENA ‘{Qxame 308) dino om “sonelde on panryar tanv00 6 xopuo up pasar aq to snap outes a som Heese sapere eater Pomotr 53 4uswonou 0 UoRadaY MoMA IN IW out uokas so ouplouw Aye poe 7 vce : 9p of : Diepuesg ueodama seh ch Ge snows Jo zar aR on pe Gnesoxd rope dameuind —_ V? Pypints weadomal sun oy de Swope Joxrs saysribun oun fD uopezmssard 205 PaAMERI —_suanbasend natn apn ae as ee Suonoe Jo Are 2p paydur stax uoreAnse £4 ae ea eee Pat “9, (are). 01 dh sammeraduray 105 | a1ge1 ‘ee pap ace onan Sian Se Am Tareas ot 24 TUS (@)e0%9p BUTEIEG suospeongnd soipo WO sWOKY- Nd svoUaIpaN Porepee sn pe on parma: ios 900 amy sul apap LT eh come specs aaa ours vaaia @ jo wormed. paodap 1 Tes SSMS 99 Jo doneatoe SaouaraJox aaqIEULION Z seoysopyemsnreyoour oxyu0> woyssru pure OHEIOdO TF -suoneogpeds reuoneu Jo 29/40 asa Sump fan Spanx 29 eat and PEPUEIS NT SM JO adoos aR 20 ozojeq payrpout 10 pasourar‘pouumows aq Treys Uy papnpUT Us pul Aptas aoe>-KqaseD remONTE Wonyst suoduioo Aue sumbar jou ys iaysmsue ——-# JO TPalyO avn ag eS amy q{ see © uO AUNT ‘3 “2012p apes o4p JO UONdaoxD an MLA a Depuris aagseuosaidas © ouypp 01 xqsod 304 5} 2 2 (9 a ‘syusuoduros 103 syweureambay fF 100 ‘wL0} “A wi) ‘08 omens sussand ang fol 30 VORDUED SUL Z ALON -3e8 Sunpedxo ye Supniour a ‘yo smaenim 2d puod ote 2Brpep snonunuod seype zaYSTSUENS ayy UNL tim poe uonaiosp sseunegnzer aise 9 yon Sa snore sp mann ie miShuc one, Ee ame mt oo aed See eee Fa Buppayp jeopored ayy — NG Jo 1 a1qe) ur waa anpes apqvondde ‘seysmupsc amp Jo voreoguept 249 — ‘wep Ju Tee one 1p aBIENOS a1 — ‘sepa ap — ‘anqea jonuoo aya yo Buquado ayp jo ‘uoout09 03 aouEASIsar ox — ‘Spuodes 7 URAL aauauMNOD Teys aBreyss on — a aay Geet ‘dquowsessnes azezedo Teys Som, — ‘samgerodwiay Surjexodo Jo afuer aanoaye an ~ SSMOTIOS Se axe srOUSMBURXS Te 30) squauraumbar a4, go sonsuaeryp orn sagneds prepucis SIL, siuowommboy ge adoag T 9661? SE NG § oseg TMU ss the relevant value given in table 1, to initiate discharge extinguishers fitted with all accessories that are subject ‘without first operating the safety device shall not to pressure during normal operation. The test shall be deform or break any part of the mechanism in such 2 carried out in accordance with annex F. An anti-freeze way as to prevent the subsequent discharge of the agent may be added to prevent the freezing of water extinguisher. based agents. The extinguisher shall be judged fit and 433 Discharge from water based extinguishers proper during the course ofthe impact tes here 5 ‘The discharge from water based extinguishers shal be To curdence CU rsh, rags pabcnipes ater ensured as follows, risk. Non-dangerous leaks are acceptable. 8) The dip tube shall be made from materials 7 resistant to the extinguishing medium in question. Pressure indication ) The discharge of the extinguishing medium shall 4.7.1. The scale of the pressure indicating device shall be through a filter, in order to retain foreign matter have: ‘This filter shall be placed upstream of the smallest a zero zone (to indicate zero pressure). If there is ‘section of the discharge passage. Each orifice of the an end stop for the moving pointer, this shall be on filter shall have an area smaller than that of the ‘the negative pressure side of the zero zone. The {Salas ofthc combined Serene salle Pane shall not contact the op zo resoure area es least equal to 8 times the smallest cross-section of ee ees coecnn pees ett the discharge passage. This filter shall be accessible mou ee eee ieee to facilitate maintenance operations on the besared fo pions raw aoe bespbspeneprnrpeask-iipataces = + 6%7 (max) 60°C ‘The hose and coupling system shall function att throughout the operating temperature range and ‘The derived pressures are rounded off to the nearest, jupling systems shall be designed and fitted in such a full or half bar. ‘way that they cannot damage the hose. ‘The zones either side of the green zone shall be red. ‘The burst pressure shall be equal to or greater than the ‘The permitted errors in indication are: appropriate value below and achieved in accordance ~ + 1 bar max at the low pressure end of the green with annex D. Sone ‘or all types except COz extinguishers: 6% at the high pressure end of the green zone. ~ three times the pressure developed in the Src (oe Sh*O) aoket stall he waNenied ted Bae appliance at 60°C, the test being caried out at munis porns coor is Stas (@20=5)'C. = twice the pressure developed in ne i 60°C, the test being caried out at (602) C. Ce en eee ee ~amovis For COz extinguishers: indicating zone by 50% to 80% of the height of the HS tines the pressure developed inthe appliance zone; at 60°C, the test being carried out at: (20 5)°C. = length of the green zone 15 Sines the presue developed in he appiance = Simm for indicators with an outside ‘a 60°C, the test being carried out at (6022)°C. diameter = 35 mm 45 Control valve > 8mm for indicators with an outside ‘The extinguishers shall be fitted with a controllable diameter > 35 mmm; valve allowing discontinuance of the emission of the = the position of the pointer at both ends of the extinguishing agent at any given time. Furthermore, the gqeen zone and at P (+20 °C) shall be such that it is vale shall be satisfactorily resistant to leakage clearly visible; jowing the cessation of the emission. total scale length equal to or greater than ‘This requirement is to be verified in accordance with 1 Simes the Tength from zero to the high pressure annex E. fa ‘end of the green zone. ‘The second value of pressure or the mass of the 4:72, The indestar shall not ek at a pressure Jess charge shall be not less tnan 60% of the frst measured an 2.5 times P (+60 ‘©) when subjected to a pressure €or less than 50% of the working pressure oe ‘ate of (202 5) bacinine measured before opening the control valve. anon ae; Failure shall occur at a pressure greater than 2.5% XP (+ 60)°C in a non-hazardous manner © BSI 1996 20 24 g ‘ump arour Jo peo| © tan srousmsurs 20) in gf = ‘16 10 24 ¢ 04 endo “sivaurarmbar (PUOREWORT 40 WEY} SSaJ JO PRO] B UAL SIdYSMBUNXe 303 uN Og — 40 worm recone ov 320Fans 29 Ae yA Ho Pe a WO ‘Span ty sags 30) pos 9q ot SIG Pads LON seysmiunxe aig jo 2 sary [ys ‘Swede Sunysmsunxa se¥ paymby, {nam en axg dows yuo 32 30 peoy e uOTEUO;SP uysny sroysmSupN 20} ydox9 Bumado Sumy au, ‘eumunod snows Bods jo kgedeo oq EUS ‘amsop ou Jo Aiqussm Ty 50 SUOPORNSUT §.1aIMOEFAIEL 2p Wee 2OUEPIOVOe Uunnu seouounuoo aseopa aunssaud uot PalsTeS ‘Ur [feat @ Uo Payumour Wowss VarVOeIq SUL — ‘aq [Tes TWaUANMbax Sp SINS PSAs JO] “gp on dn jomm e Suse yun —«-“POSATAY Waeq sey amssaud feurow [Te axoyeq aMsop 8y} JO [enoural ain TuaAald 0} amyeay e apNpouT eYS Opts & Waals Jr JoyoUIG SH MTOR eZ OU [EUS y>yTEIG ‘se pogmby jo unos aun Ur st wade FuSMEUM ayy #44 prey SIPS Jou sy YOM. a APTA OF asorp JO. beaseottpteishsseiaetatintuionaa -snowgo oq (TeyS [eAOUIDE Jo pouraUr Su PUR A529 2q Buruado BuMTg ow: 30 wysoq GF Teys yoyeIq on Woy JaysmBuT o— Jo Teaouray ~ — ‘wre ssoys 30u Soop WOY ayp 7p AIUD ZH UI waAT Suumoqor aug sour Tes 1 popinoud S194 © sep zou qoyperq Supimour zoysMaunKg g — FOF PeTAINS oq EHS HSTEURS OU FEF ‘fyumoas jo aaiBap aures ayy apuord 04 se yoNs 3q e r Treys Atquiasse Jo spoyyaur JO WN OT wey FqeAT ag oe Sop aur op or nae fue sutans ed Jo 01 yenbo 2q [eus AiquIasse a1n WaS00T o1 anor asop uy pasons are quae ain Jo saydures om 3e~ paouaanwooay ‘au ‘pasn am saatsoupe vay WN 0g UR Tareas “Soduey> aangelodules axa 0% anp ATTERUEU S300 40 0} jenbo aq freus A\qurosse sup W2s00T 01 ano} a moe 70 AFUE #25} Opal 9a PRONE HHEAOAY LON gn “ayy sroyea BULL SzaYSEH OO] SIMU POT Se Bud peur ap woy Sunmsar ‘YPNS suzoul jeonmeyaur Aq pepiaord st Gumses way, Fen wey Jomo eTpour BuTSMBUBXS sip JO En0]09 yy ‘aatsoupe ojquims e 20 1 abi oq OW 9q THIS MULL, BuTPOD GaNDMIOTT — segur eoneoUs ANID 4a Bunuasoor BURT paMes ‘ae 70 Bupaqng sou Supisen ‘areunppenp cou jou “SATs a uain pean MADE e & WORMS OIL basa e See cee nee “Rlaunpeyap 10 Zunuasoo] quaaard 07 se yons 9q TEYS ZHU souepronoe Uy yO PaHEO oq TENE 25% ALT, yaoy xp puE aso ath uaaWioq LOREM Su, SP ‘wpout poseq xo3ua Sten oe StoysMBUAXS 405 1893 UOIOUOD THU TS pceasorop 20 ae regs roy ong ur “Swrourarmbar anssaid Paquosep 3sa3 aig o1 pawelqns Bureq ayy TEP s3mq pu 2509 Skmuonouny op 199ur TPUE 11 DUE Spyes 10 uonerado sy aredun 0} Spo TaYST:FUAXS -asn Suump Sumooo asureBe zoreredo ‘YR Jo Teqour oup Jo uoauiOD ou aq TeYs 27am «JO PUEY ap DaVOAd &p sypueY e IAL PING aq TENS - it (asoy B Aq payauuod st 1x UBYas “B'2) JOYSMBUNXS urewas es pony St au J ‘te amssaud if = ‘yp Uy parexodioouy ou 5] WOY aR A TSF praia sroysmBunxe 9prxorp woqr"> 205 SOE 30 T'9 tus Aidutoo Treys eBmypswp Jo uogemp aip epee wey peal EP DUE Ly unm Adiung 59.9008 pub souap Supe ama See Ae BION TTeyS ‘oyqeoqde 5x ABzoND 10 ‘SoaI05 WoNedO otf — ‘2. (@-02) 8 mo pau aq TRYS SISA IV SL'F ‘pomedurun 2q “(608 Bugjctoad pu 3428e) Teys syed Suppos [fe Jo uorexedo RorEypaw ay — soamoo ap gn fqnedoo 9 TENS 20U9p RuESpAt spaysnes aq [eys sweurannbar amssaud ay Jo UORINASUOD Jo STEUSTEU SUL FL ‘BULALOTIO] axp 3623 34H JO UOISRIUCD atp Ty -upuyea (9 5 02) “TH Wis dourepz0o0e UT yn per oq [TeYs 359} OY], Jo aBueyp amssaid jo ayex afezane ue Te 0197 0) 3929, 3803 109 rs DU (0, 09+) ¢ on arse toy Sop amseaud OOD T Nopoaio® HERP TS 6, paofane wooq Sumaey soue 1p ka pono’ sos WOTSOLLO9 OF ODdUTEISISY jo afuer sip unpus ayerado [YS JOON UL, SL 9661! S€ NA g Beg VRE +s ‘The pictograms are located in the same direction the movements to be carried out is indicated by arrows (see annex H). the marking, a zone of The pictograms representing the types of fire on ‘which the extinguisher may be used shall be extn arranged horizontally on one and the same line and ‘under the instructions for use (see annex J). ‘The pictograms of the instructions for use and types of fire shall be marked in square boxes of 20 mm ‘inimum for extinguishers with a lad of less than or equal to 3kg or 3litres and 25 mm minimum for extinguishers with a load of more than 3 kg or ic mavhng rege by Part 1.2.3. and5 shall be Ses in particular in elston vo today and lecsical sk ‘This a be spect acon to nadona es or eg. sulable for use on live electrical equipment up to 1000V. an instruction to refill after any operation; Part 5 shall include: De SOT Ung pamsvour 94 TRUS (6667 :Z-E Na Jo g ave oe an ae ese Ba ‘pauado aq 01 st aaa joRUOD a1p unig Jo UoHEmp Zayy Pozunssaxd 9q 03 ATeRTA ‘pour Burexado 7 JOUSMBUNHXS otf ‘SeB Jo woIsstuNs ISIy ayy SAseayAT oi Jo won2eap orp ut pone 94 reqs edt ur says at sezunssard uonse offs © 51 (Z Su “WI Og Jo 2YBIOY e WOH TRY 03 gry UT Paquosep “pouado st aafea aqqenonu00 352 Goedun) soueissar eoReypaur ayy ur pasn om axojoq ug doetd aed os roysmBunxe —_sseus 2 F aip FuWMoTTe Aq PauTEIgo s fz Jo ABOVD ou], 247 JO uonteamssard ayy ‘asyea a\qeponu0a A820 30 3001 2x0 suado trys 201899 auf Jo wwopuadeput 2o%ap red vwonezunssazd © Wir peng S| 1oySMBURXS atp Jt (T “aiqesodo saysmaunxe atp zepuar 01 pasa : 5] a0ioy arayas quod jeuxoU ain 3e Aizemarpuadrod ‘osu Aru suopenyss oma ‘BpinTeD ue Aeowels pond oa tee srpuret 58 (urea Sond) © MA SUSUR Ue 30 9509 BUT 5 55 aon ann yun pameal o4 MGS HY S200} OM wate SunismBunxe ap Jo vos. eazy om 30 SuSmaMSNORE Ta ain adrazerur 04 popusauT uous apduns ® 49 pasop got uo 9 ans on poe LOREM aBTEPA 2 30 >e 96 ¢ UoDAHOg 103 poRIESP St wee AR TEM =o: 82030} quowamseoyy * opzod og 01 5 op Bubpioa NRA ty Eee eee ye aide (@speuz0u) g xoury 3691 947A TONYOD —pouadoat 29 Tous aaa JORUOD an YORUM Zaye 5930 (@anvuron) gq XouUY _pouied x 20} Afererpauman pasop axqea jou ap pie panned 9q Teus a8pinzeo ain asvo stn uy ‘uoRde areas came BA Sy UoneANDe araym SioysmaurDS adfy ape) jo rod aip [run amssaid om Fuseaiur wetp pue 305 100K GEEI T-E NAL JO T'9 tpl soueprO.Te ut aq so ie ae sms ton Suey 2 any ts Treys powpour 35%) sy, Tequreyo SumoMpUC ayy Way * amssaid yeip SunTereu So uAR Ssa[ OU au eur —-“TRAOWAL SY JO UNM T UNM JaYSMaUTKS a a7er—edQ, = amnsoxd asiq aiqeaoqte murmur syn oh smnscard xp ene = Sugpearony Aa pousyreise 29 eys amssond sq 2h | pe oes apa y zaqurne Saonpene mp wpm eee = "WP 29S “LON ‘WooNTUME ap OF Srajax Asner) aPLIONS UL “ALON = surais4s Suptdnos — asoy amssard ism aie = (2aneuzrow) qq xomuy | 2° 22) PouPods 29 sew 9, 0¢— Jo amseroducn somoty — este Susu om Swe oN =, PE an ea RNS 2A USRTEYOON | pyugo ames a 1 SasRI poe eH OS ae aadaaeceencneeatnciet et 9.1£9.00-[ 9.1 ¢0,00% ‘pasoures Aeorstud 19. TED. Suroq now poswarat aq tao Hore UIsISAS io reams 1x Suppoy 2 2q eur wsneyoow Kayes aM THR — 2.83 9.85 9.0c iesagi eas wag] 11 sap Jo asmoo reared ain yBnonp BuvsoTO5 2.1 $0.09] 0.79. 08~ 4 sagen januoo ang tado on way pe 2uaUraAOur 7p ators Rasa) 17%, waa av Jo aed Burmp aruns/aozerd o1 — = ‘uop Smssazd £q anges joxuoD 2xp odo ; on pure aotnap aun Susser £q ayensyeora¥d 07 Syseto Exveto | _sopena. -powop ofa ® ys ~ FV SS “paxdaooe st ajdurex ue 30 Aen fet “TV 21qe wt wont sopof amaeredura, “1 993 “ZLO! PauTquios ays Jo YoEe OF sxaySINSUTXS Om] JUIQNE SooTAap/SUISHIEYDoUT JOUCD “e 2omg9 295 “ELON. oIssmuS pue UoRRIedo Jo oaurExy sampexadurey Surjexedo Jo a3uwy (eapeunrep) 9 xomy (@apeunon) y xemy 9661: $6 NI 2 o8ed Annex F (normative) Annex H (normative) Impact test Resistance to corrosion NOTE. See 4 NOTE. See cause Tho eras be contone ora pido HLI External corrosion 2in at (-2022)"C andthe oer t¥0 8 (BD=2)'C ser. se Within one minute of the removal of the extinguisher ‘conditioning chamber i ‘Subjected to Complete sample extinguishers shall be subjected to a oe Eeer en a 1 salt spray test as defined in ISO 9227 for a period of 480; and then shall be washed carefully to remove One extinguisher at each temperature will be tested say eat deposits wo samples shall be tested, ether horizontally and the other vertically. two of the same size or one sample each of two ee tec reece en ifferent sizes from the same family. at tested umpressurized ‘safety device in position and the samples at +60°C ee tested after pressurization, with the control valve NOTE. See 5 ‘closed and the safety device removed. A charged Guana Geese eeeCaeree ane cartridge shall be used in each sample. ‘manufacturer's filling instructions, shall be subjected For stored pressure models, all four samples shall be Stimes wo the teneperatire cycle defined below in LL ‘The impact testis to be carried out as follows. ie ET A ccylindtical steel weight with fat surfaces measuring ‘75mm in diameter and weighing 4 kg, is to be placed —_| Stage Lerizauel eee ina structure which will allow it to freefall vertically » ‘c from a height H calculated by the following formula, [7 ET D-a=1 vwith a minimum of 150 mm. 2 -H = M20 (metres) = ae Where M is the total mass in kg, of the full a +60: extinguisher in complete working order. =m 20 ‘The extinguisher must be placed on a plain and rigid or xing Temperature defined surface in each of the folowing positions: = peebcine vertically, in its normal position; ~ For store water ve eiges otcontaog — horizontally, in such a position where the device senerae Ctr: which seals the unit is pressing against the plain and |~ Ie presente of - eee ere rigid surface. : : (NOTE. The temperatures refer to the ambien temperacure ofthe Jn each of the above positions the device which seals | "Pttuonay chanber A ld bat shall not be wel, The the unit shall be directly subjected to a force provided | “{ndtonng canbe: A laud bath shall not be used, The by the vertical descent of the steel cylinder from height H, the point of impact being determined by the On completion of the eight temperature cycles, each authority carrying our the test. Dody shall be cut into two sections in a manner sufficient to permit internal examination. Detachment Annex G (normative) of any protective coating local to the plane of section ‘Test on the horn ee NOTE, See 48. G.1 Static load NOTE. See 4.82. Subject the horn to a static load of 25 ke (using a circular contact surface of 50'mm diameter) for 5 min, applied to the end of hom. G2 Temperature test x © BSI 1996 9661 189 Vdarexa TT oma We UBUNLOVANNVA Dne+ WO: SONVE SURLVIBREL Wsex : S4AL 200 Oszz : INVTEUOUS Cy) veiw .v qWaowaaY 28V OxZt : RNIN ONHSIONLXE ay “BOON cERHOY S41 HUM so ALMUO-NOO Mi BLL SUVES ORY SLONGOUd AWNO Bsn ; \ NOILLNVD © aoa i Y3A31 31IZZON 32Z33N0S & SONY SyHINLS Z di1d ALSSVS SAOWSY | Lalsla] ° gece vss sz0 wZOMOd 9 @ V : SyZL Cy YSHSINONILXS Sula 3 9661: 9 NI 6 O8eg TMNT «3 iP wey ir th Ho] Kido NS 9861 Isa. T1995 GION ary Jo sad&y ayy Suryuasesdax sureBop tg (Cespeuzon) ¢ xemmy AV JHORIAdOO Ad CALLUOA SV LAIOX NOISSINAAd ISA LNOH.LLAL DNIAAOD ON, oeroaz'et sox prepurag yoni & 30 sngeIs 4 Sey ‘GEST TY Wwoupusure sz yo woresodscouy oy YIM “GEGT-9-E NA Prepurig weedomgy oyy, ¢yreg 04 T Wed § NA WM aouepiooor Ul SraysInsulyxo oaly a[qeza0d Jo AyruITOZUOD Jo 1019e4S9}}e 9Y} IOJ SUOISTAOIY 79 AVG — szeysInsulyxa edly o[qey10g 1 ON nrewpusury Busposodsoouy 9661-9-E Na Sa GavaNnvis HSILIaa BS EN 3-6:1996 ———————————————— — — eee Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/2, Fire extinguishers, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Compressed Gases Association British Fire Protection Systems Association British Fire Services’ Association Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers’ Association Convention of Scottish Local Authorities Fire Brigades Union Fire Extinguishing Trades Association ‘Home Office Institution of Fire Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd. ‘Trades Union Congress ‘This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction ofthe Health and Amendments issued since publication GS peea ieee Amd No. | Date Comments 10494 | September Indicated by a sideline ‘The following BSI references 1999 1 reforence FSE/2 ‘Draft for comment 93301553 DC. ISBN 0 580 25858 0 Faaco 3peq eprsuy ‘SeouaazOr JO 9SF] & 9 NF ORL z ‘promez0g wo PROC sanco joys apisay aqgusuodsax saayqrme0;) a8eq sqmeqyu09 6661-60 ISH 96619 NA S& BS EN 3-6:1996 National foreword ‘This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee FSH/2 and is the English language version of EN 3-6:1995 Portable fire extinguishers — Part 6: Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with EN 3-1 to EN 3-5, including amendment 1, January 1999, 1 published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). EN 3-6 was produced as a result of international discussion in which the United Kingdom took an active part. ‘Together with BS EN 3-1 to BS EN 3-5, BS 7863 and BS 7867” it supersedes BS 5423:1987 which will be withdrawn on Ist January 1997. ‘The Parts of BS EN 3 Portable fire extinguishers are as follows: —Part 1: Description, duration of operation, class A and B fire test; — Part 2: Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special provisions; — Part 3: Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests; —Part 4: Charges, minimum required fire; — Part 5: Specification and supplementary tests; — Part 6: Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in accordance with EN 3 Part I to Part 5. Cross-references Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard EN 3-3:1994 BS EN 3 Portable fire extinguishers Part 3:1996 Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests EN 45001:1989 BS 7501:1989 General criteria for the operation of testing laboratories EN 49011:1959 BS 7511:1989 General criteria for certification bodies operating product certification EN TISO 9002:1994”) BS EN 1SO 9002:1994 Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. ‘Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, the EN title page, pages 2 to 34, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Sidelining in this document indicates the most recent changes by amendment. 9 tn preparation. This standard has superseded EN 29002. © BSI 09.1999 F 666L'TV + S66L:9-€ NEON FU sroquiam NO 01 paszasax 14StAdoN CEST O sjessnag ogoT-d ‘98 37eSsuIg op ons erTEVOIO9g [EIqHID Sunun0Ny my oommoy saxpsredomg vonssTeMoN op wegdomg 921010) uomzrprepueyg i0f eaqrammen weadomg Nao “wopSury pawn pure pueprezyiag ‘wopoms ‘ureds ‘TeSniz0g ‘AemzoN ‘spucproueyy “Bmoqusxny ‘Aqex] “puRper] ‘puefsoy ‘asap ‘Auemiop ‘souery “puelUTy “yxeuUEC cumifjeg ‘vimony jo sorpoq sprepusys TeuoHUE 3q) axe sxOqmIM NO SUOTSIOA TEIDUZO oy} Se snIEIs amTES ous SUM TeLTEJOIOS TEUID 22 0} paynou puy aSenSue] umo sy opr roquIOM NAD ¥ Jo AamqIsuodses ay zopun coueIsuen Aq apew aBenSae] soq}o Aue WI UoIsIoa Y “(uemIOD ‘ypuorg “Ysqsug) suorszea TemyO sary ut sisrxe prepueyg uwedomg sy], soquiamt NEO Aue 0) 10 eueamag TeaIIED amp 01 KoHeTdde uo paureygo oq Seu SprEpUEIS Teuonwa yons Suyurou0o soouoraFer peoqdetongg pu sys oqep-ordy -uopexayye Aure ynowyue prepress feuonet ¥ yo smeye ayy prepuers uesdomg sm Sutar8 207 suOUIpUOD om sETEES WIA suoHeMsey ourU] OWTANTO/NAO 24} Yue A[duoo oy punoq axe siequram NFO “PO-10-S661 4 NFO Aq posoadde sem prepuerg weadomg sry], (666L:Ty juouepueure | UW) (666r-TV Sunzopuy apeyIU2) Genred eT omied ¢ Na ¥ suomauT0juCO $T9L 519 T POL § Na YEU FoyDsg[aNAT sqmeyiod smayouTxo sep g3Ttaz0juco doreqen TeITUMIOJUOY Jep BunSrEIeg orp MF ‘vy Fonfeag F IWESIA OUTEPOYN :9 Ore weSundopseg :9 1a], — reqosojzonag ereqsex], — spqeqiod orpusourp sanaqunxg (Ge6t-1y swourpuoure sopnyout) g ye 01 T Weg € NA YI aouepioooe Ul sIeysmNsutyxXe ery epqeyaod Jo AqTULTOFUOD Jo WOT}e}S9}}e OY} IOJ SUOTSTACIA 9 4G — sroysmsuryxe ory a[quysog ‘worszea ysysugy Se a eS al ele Sle telat geay oy ase oe ne WON GHOSIVdOuNs i oe SNNETAIOUNT TAXON 9-€ Na duvaNnvis Nvadound EN 3-6:1995 7 —— eee Foreword ‘This European Standard has been prepared by the ‘Technical Committee CEN/TC 70, Manual means of fire fighting equipment, the Secretariat of which is held by IBN. ‘The European Standard chall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 1995, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 1997. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. ‘This European Standard is one Part of EN 3 prepared by CEN/TC 70. ‘The Buropean Standard EN 3 consists of 6 Parts and has the general title of Portable fire extinguishers and the following different subtitles: —Part 1: Description, duration of operation, class A and B standard fires; — Part 2: Tightness, dielectric test, tamping test, special provision: — Part 3: Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests; — Part 4: Charges, minimum required fires; —Part 5: Specification and supplementary tests; — Part 6: Provisions for the attestation of conformity of portable fire extinguishers in ‘accordance with EN 3 Part 1 to Part 5. Foreword to amendment Al ‘This amendment EN 3-6:1995/A1:1999 to EN 3-6:1995 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 70, Manual means of fire fighting equipment, the Secretariat of which is held ‘by AFNOR. ‘This amendment to the European Standard EN 3-6:1995 shalll be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 1999, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by July 1999. This amendment modifies BN 3-6:1995. It has been prepared to add to annex A the plan for the laboratory for tests and controls in accordance with the European Standard EN 3-3:1994 and to add to annex B the model laboratory report concerning the European Standard EN 3-3:1994, According to CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Contents Page Foreword 2 1 Seope 3 2 Normative references 3 3 ‘Type testing 3 3.1 Request 3 3.2 Conformity verification tests 3 4 Control during manufacture 3 4.1 General 3 4.2 Non-destructive testing 4 43 Destructive testing 4 44° Records 4 5 Verification of production 4 5.1 Quality system conforming to EN 29002 4 5.2 Quality system not conforming to EN 29002 5 5.3 Dealing with non-conforming products 5 6 Product certification 5 Annex A (normative) Plan for the laboratory, for tests and controls 6 Annex B (normative) Model laboratory report 13 Table 1 4 Table 2 4 ‘Table Al 7 © BSI 09.1989 -wouses sm Jo ouroyss Surjse3 uononpord ‘amy 0; Surprocoe paonpord aq [reqs prepueys Shp ypim Suxdqdwoo sroysmBenxe pue seBpunzeo “eaordde ad&y 249 Wt payso} se uoRETOOds pure ouemoziod oy Jo 1uaSe SurysmBunxe ya pasreyp axe ‘sped Saqyy Suypnpur ‘sxoysmsutyxo Tre 26H amsua 03 s1803 eepdoxdde apnppur pmoys YPN Joxueo AryTenb jo surayos Ae oy WOREPpE Uy Texouep 1p emngousnueur SurMp [013000 F ‘sedyoyord se popreSaz aq [Teys paysay2e sxoysmBunxe oy, waxes 09 TTeys UoREDyLIaA ‘2x7 6} Aresscoou exoysmnsuxe Jo xaquinu ayy ITA wou sreysmSunyxe 9¢ Jo yoreq e Apog partpaioae oma 1 alqeTeae seM TTeys JomseMUEMT HL ST's" “peyton 2q [Teys opera ysa8uoy oqp A[UO “Grud Suuaptp ATwo puck ravouerp eures ay Jo ‘AIOE ames oy) may szepuréo suvau Apr} z9paTIAD, “suoneomneds Teonuapr yo yoous Jo opem pue sauosseooe ouies ow Tala pay ssauIPITY sures PUL ‘uBisop omres 243 Jo sjessen sueom ,Jopour opuNso,, “exoptéo so Atraney zod x0 yopow z0d no patazeo aq Kear se} addy ou ‘sporyemt ATquiasse pue Surpjom Guomea yey OM FOL T TSS. stuswasynbas 40109100 VES “gq xeuue ur uwoatd st yoy Jo TopOU ® TOOSY NA Yat AiruIOGTIOD ‘ur yz0dax 3501 om pure 6-2 Nad “p-¢ Nad “e-€ NG ‘Z-¢ Navd ‘1-¢ Nqad 0 47 oes oy sey puesBead som oR SEY POTS sip jo y xoutre ur payroads ourarexBord 3894 aq 30 Aazeo TTeYS 31 ‘STH 30g “s-e NAG -€ Naad ‘e-€ NA °3-6 NGXE 'T-6 Nasd 0 rosmaUHXe gqe}70d oun Jo Arraxiesuoo ssesse TTeyS Apoq perpessTe ou, 59503 WoHeayTIeA A7WAIO;GON zg -suoneoguies ‘auf ano Surdxre9 105 Kressaoau sodArovoud ay, (q ‘suomambar ‘ureq220 2of aerxo Apeaste Soup yr eyrodax 43s01 rpm zat719801 Spoq parrpamoe te £q dn uaserp og NGAE t-s Naw ‘e-£ NO ‘ee Naad “1-¢ Ngad 07 Arunx0yu09 Jo suoneysenae Ted (9 ssreparyso omy Suumisenuear 105 porddns sjeois 243 Jo stskyeue 3se 017 OF SuHEOX SoqwOyHIID (¢ souoBepum seq ropuTjéo ou sscoord A[quiasse pue Sutpjom pue yuamyvaN oq Jo ody OM Wo ojo ‘ArcqEUETaXO Ue (F sonsuaerey Trormreqp pure peorsyd sor Surat quade BurysmZunxe op jo 1204s uoReauTaUEpT ue (e 6561-60 189 suaqeilax Kowdiaoo ayy wo —ENXO Ue (Z ‘yopour ayy Surzrrayereyo Ajawap sButmezp Jo 398 aye[duuoo suo (T <équrew asuidureo [reqs woReyueuToop sep tpageraa aq 04 saqemaunxe a1quiz04 amp 4 Supejex oeondin wt uorreueumoop Teormpay, (@ 19-6 Naad ‘y-¢ Naxd ‘e-e NO ‘gt NgAE "T-£ Naud oy sxoNSMIURRe aIqerI0d aT 49 Aayuuiouoo Jo uoRaIaA 3no £17 0 PaHEpAsDIe ‘£009 9up 04 areuge [Teys renGoERRUEES Oy, asonbou 1's Burysoq odAy g -uorgoo%fns09 ronpoud Sunnado saqpog uoymayfniae sof puaiiio jow2weH "LOS? NE “uonoyporsut pup uononposd wt souDsnssD Aqqomb sof repoye — suiaysts kxpon’ "20067 NB “satsoyo1090] Sunset Jo uoprosedo 243 40] prays [o12UaH “TOOSY NE 389 pup stuowesmnbos Cropuowazduey ‘E661:5-€ NOE ‘nansoaad of sounyneas ‘wonnasieg Veet NS -suossinoud powads ‘suomosgga of zoupsisos pun uopsodiod 40] 15% ‘4893 suyoeqarp ‘eunssaad fo uowuarey ‘E66U:Z-E NAG ‘uoxoiado Jo uorpanp ‘uorsDUsIsaq “E66LT-€ NIA -sondde 01 paxtayox uoneonand ays 30 vormpa 28920 ‘2q2 seouazayex payepun 40, “Worstaas 20 queupusUTE £34 Ur payezodioour ways ATuo prepuEs weadomg stqi 01 djdde suonesrgnd asom Jo Aue JO suojetsod 20 0} equotmpuoure yuanbasqne ‘S2ouaT—yox pavep tog “xoyearay peasy axe suoeoTaNd ayy pue 3x0) am tr saoeyd ayeudordde aus 32 pai axe seouarajar aatreuou asauy, ‘suoneorqnd Jato tiosy suorstaosd ‘eousrayax payepun x0 povep £q Sevesodioour prepurag ueadomg sty, SepUaToFor PATJEULION Z *Sp0q wonestEIe0 payrpamnoe we Wo spnpoud sry Jo woneagrrre0 asanbax 04 amnyemRUeM ‘oq ore Seu Ayrmmzopuon 30 woHERSeHTe OT, “emppemtem Stump Joxquoo pur Suse; 2d J07 spoyyomt sayTads 3 “se Naad t-¢ Naz ‘ee NG ‘-e Naud “T-£ Ngad @ sxoysmaunxa 2g ofqeniod yo Ayruzoyu0o oy Suusone oy se[dourid Jerauad seysyqeyse prepurys Siu, adoog 1 ———— S661'9-€ NE EN 3-6:1995 — ee 4.2 Non-destructive testing 4.2.1 All extinguisher bodies shall be tested for resistance to test pressure and shall meet the requirements according to 6.8 of EN 3-3:1994. All fittings (excluding pressure relief devices and fittings designed to be ruptured on operation) subject to pressure shall comply with the resistance to test pressure requirements of EN 3-3 and prEN 3-5. Compliance shall be demonstrated by Pressure testing components selected from production using an adequate sampling plan NOTE Fittings include closures, valves, hose assemblies. The ‘tings need not be teated as part ofthe complete extinguisher Dut the test equipment connection and blaniing features must te the adjacent components 4.2.2 All gas cartridges shall be tested for resistance to test pressure and shall meet the requirements according to clause 9 of EN 3-3:1994. 4.3 Destructive testing 4.8.1 The manufacturer proceeds to the minimum burst pressure and to the mechanical strength test as defined in EN 3-3. The number of tests taken shall be in accordance with the Table 1 below. ‘Table 1 Number of extinguishers] Number of extinguishers ‘per batch ‘sampled N Total | Crashing Barstine| test | test N= 500 3 7 2 500} 09 09 eXOYEINBUN|D Jo ZUINNY e9 oN wim pee] goren sem pue| gor eNMpES]| oT eN INTHE] QOTeNHHA PER) QOTEN APH] cq = - =| - = -| 1} suypayparpaueg] —_g sic on sepmoa gay | _woreH, 09, avo seven ‘uumngoo aeay om wy porzodtox sv szoqsynsiuyyx0 ous qyLR pouls0}s0d oq 07 suo}wayTA0A 20 S180, (Q| SI804 awa poyddns og oF szoyeynsayx9 Jo roquiNN (e| Jo"oN | oH sjonToomNeL |emmio| ENA | ‘ON. (ponia102) TW 14S, © BSI 09-1999 or 6661-60 Ist. Table A.1 (continued) No. [ENS | Claus ‘sleontrols ttle [=) Number of extinguishers to be supplied Part }) Teste or vorificatious to be performed with samo extinguishers as reported in tho first column Water Foam CO; Halon | ABCPowder BC [Number of extinguishers tobe tested fom Table A No 1toStfor [=i =a Esc Bie = =r EN parts 1,2, 4 and 6 a [8 [38 Service 2 Ta |e 20 — = a 2 » (Otherwise with | Otherwise with |With No. 16 |WithNo.18 | Otherwise with | Otherwise with No. 16 No 16 No. 16 No. 16 38 [351] Materiate 7 ny = = = — fe — ) » » 34 |S fea | Paria subject to 2 fy = = = 7 = = resour fb) | With No. 37 | with No. 97 With No.37__|WithNo.37 {With No. 97 36 [3/58 | Construction ofbodies [2 Ta) }— = 7 = 7 re )— [witho.2— |witho.2 | With No. 2 No.2 | With No, 2 ana jane® jana ana) jand® 36 |e [Body burst pressure [39 fay | — = = = = — 102 by [With No. 2,9 [With No.2, |— With No. 2,4 | With No.2,3 [With No. 2, 4 a fa 6.27 Mechanical strength 8 fay] — = = = 7 = 10.2 [Crushing tat) by | With No. 16, 22 | with No, 16, 22 | — With No, 16,22 | With No, 16, 22 [With No. 16, 22 38S [6.a7 [Pressure teat (at [5 Fay = na 7 = = 102 | pressure) by | With No.36 [With | With No.36 | WithNo.3¢ {With No. 3a © 1¢9 not permitted to use halon in some European countviee Only cartridge type extinguishers, ® Documented proof required, = 2 with closures and, whore appropriate, with attached parts in accordance with6,2.2 and 6.8.4 *9-§ NX S661: 1995 EN 3-6: ‘panmnbes joord poyuDunsod « “Suyyeo>ywurayx9 20 yeusoyE Aue MONA AFCA "soqsqunoo weedozng omos uy wopey ean oy paprretzed 304 8191 | VeONWN] LEONI] LEONA ee ee erase = =| = = =| _@| el erseagnennwal cor] | sr ® ® | 7 ef a a a =| et severe] vor] ely (exaqemux oo ore per] qveBaeyo 49) zona — =| cenwm} — conmm] vospinie =| = = = =| lew searuonsdeg| 6] | o 9b 'OT ON WH] 82 9T ON MHA] 82 9T ONTO =] seoren wm) oe or onal @ ‘syeouannbe | = = =| = =|] cer wooney| a] el _ ar seen) ove! 9G oN HAN =] seen] oeonmn| 7 = S 2 e “| el tum] uf |e econ] eee! Ob ON WIA =| eonwmal cconwm| (a FoR A =| =| = = = =|__©|__ 22] soxoneuwera jenna] go] e| ov mm a = = 7 =a woruaiexe w aw w 7 & |e] az aoe] we] e| 6 oa___| sepmogoay | som oo wos a008A swunjoo geay 0M uy ponzodoa ev axoysynsuypx0 owes ym pozojs0d 04 99 OH NOIFILOA 10 #949, (@| 81869 ara Poriddns oq oy sxoqainbayixejo soquiny (e| 30-0N | enn srosvwoomwes [omny| ENA | “ON, (panugquco) Ty 91qe 1, in © BSI 09.1999 a essI-60 Isao ‘Table A.1 (continued) No, | ENG [Clause] ‘Testsleontrots title | No.of [a) Number of extinguishers to be supplied Part teats |b) Tests or verifications to be performed with same extinguishers as reported in the first column Water Foam ©, Walon | ABC Powder Be coma ILA [Piastice componente — [1 a [— — = — = = Gener >) |With No. Zand |With No, Zand |— With No, Zand |WithNo, Zand [With No.2 and a) ? By ” ” a 112 | Plastics componente [=2) a) [2g za = =a =a EP oubject to pressure » ID ia = ba ie 7 eis 12 [Carbon dioxide Ter fy |= = 2 Possibly with |— i = portable extinguishers y= - No. 2,4, 16,22 |— ad i Number of oxtinguishora tobe tented =e 2a Pie Sie = Bit ‘Additional components in accordance with No, 39, 47, 48 ‘Tt isnot permitted to wso halon in eome Buropean count Body without any internal or external coating. © Teat specimen, not complete fire extinguishers. © Number Xin accordance with EU Disective or national regulation. Documented proof pesibly required (ates 9-8 NE $661 ae 5681-60 ISZO “redox ong 30 ose omg ‘Bag o«9 Aq pasmbox wopomsaopst oy siddne tyOus Lroyoxoqey yovd “ Jo pus e amseroduoy, De Bt opps 30 s095 38 emsezodune, + = Lz 1 vow ordemes 6612-8 Nad Jo g osn¥]o oy Burpzoco8 ammyesodures BuIGEIOdG “TT (oujsed) veeTer-£ Nasd jo ¢ smnopp 0 Buipscoe soueydwoD {ouse4) AjessHES % UruoHETAsp parted % Ur [eormoR oro woHETAaC reny | z 1 ordre yusBe Surqsaaunse jo (CumIOn) aM FOST-S NGG Jo g esnvpo 05 Suypzoooe seouvsojo9 SUNT PU SOSTEGD “OL (euje04) F661:G-€ NAG Jo ¢ asnep 0} Surpzoose some dTCD oy = (oujeed) Azozouysneg mx tr poraTaeg| wu ur enpy 809 s1qnrey Jo T33UOT| (oujsa4) es0y 103 quomorMb2y | quade Jo 1a8rem euro | ¥661:3-2 Nazd Jo $°9 03 Surp3000% asoH “6 (Cups24) F66T'S-E NGG Jo F asnep 0 Surprosoe soueydmog (exs04) GoEEHES ‘yor ur porrmnag ‘yor uy aBzeyperp Soznp eed ‘yur ur a8re stp 210324 | AA ge ve ALM FE6TE 8 NGad jo F 0} Surpaoooe 1509 OFIDOIOC (ouyse4) P66T-2-€ NGId Jo g asnep oy Surpzcooe souer{daO| weal) % a7 o(dares e066 WET adores PowEaEe reey SBeTeOL IO FE P66T:S-8 NAIA Jo (0 1°7'g 0} Buypsoo9w Zurysjom Aq poyooyo sroysmsayxg PAN uD arg admes p/Sxy,mo ur T eydureg Bowwawes Poarned rey aervoI 30 or ¥66US-E NGIAJo @ 17's 09 Suypi0s0" osn Jo OUT 78 A[UO portInssaad saeysIaUTEAG, $661'9-§ NI EN 3-6:1995 ——————— — — —— ———— eee 11-1 Force to remove safety device according to 42 of prEN 3-5:1994 Actual in N Permitted in N Satisfactory (yes/no) 11.3 Force (energy) to activate according to 4.1 of prEN 8-5:1994 Actual in N@)> Permitted in N (J) Satisfactory (yes/no) THF greater than 200 N at 60°C lor COp then carry ox tat LT. 113 Discharge delay according to 8.2 of prEN $-5:1994 ‘Actual in Permitted ins Satisfactory (yes/no) 114 Duration of discharge according to 6.1 of prhN $1:1994 Actual ins Permitted ins min Satisfactory (yes/no) 115 Residual weight of extinguishing agent according to 6.2 of prEN 3-5:1904 Actual in ke ‘Actual in % of nominal charge Permitted in % max Satisfactory (ves/no) 11.6 CO; horn defects according to 4.8 of prmN 8-5:1994 Visual defects Satisfactory (yes/no) IL7 Force to activate at 40 °C (CO; only) ] [Actual in N Permitted in N 5200 |= 200 [Satisfactory (yes/no) Compliance according to clause 4 of prN 9-5:1994 (yes/no) 18 ‘© BSL09-1999 6r 6661-60 Isao (apsad) GiODEFSHES (oupsos) doas pus avesuon se1uI0g (oapsad) dows pag (euysed) aucz 0107, V65TS-€ NERA 0 TL'y 09 Suyps0098 [EOS TEL eF08 Do UF pavTEIeg 2. Ut amgezodana3 7801, PO6T'S-8 NON Jo Lp 09 BuIpross" WorworpUE amNsse2 “ET (00/804) 6619-8 NaId Jo oy pue ZF o7 SuIpr00E couETTEMIOD (oujsed) KxonseySHEG os= os= % Ur panranred — 1% Ur Temyoe — Fy 03 9% UE Bg (oujsaA) ArooezsHe5| os= os= 6 Ut ponteased — 1% HE Tenaoe — a 50 9% UE seq ur 8g unm ¢ rayye amssory req ut Zi won dnsaquy Jo amssorg (oused) Arooesnes| STS STG % Wr pagyrenzad — 96 Ur enioe — Zz Jo 9% ur Ly sury ow aSreqostp [e101 sur ly oum aBreyosig req ur ig Buruado az0joq omnssoxd| z i arderes ¥EEL:S-E NGAA Jo g°f 04 Burproode VBeywa] OA[wA [OAIUOD F°ST (oujs04) Az0j00;eHeS| (oxysa4) aqqezado saysmaunxg| usrmeyoour Sunezedo 04 paride ABroue/20r0, PO6I'S-G NAId Jo Gp 03 SuIps0oe oBuurup 03 aoueys|s0x OoAep Ayazes G21 (eased) Gaowessnes| NC UF 20203 [eaowrex porated N.Y 20703 Jeaourex [eNIPY PEGS NoIad 30 ZF 07 Burps0o98 Jeaouror aoraop AyyES TET FE6TS-§ NGAd Jo ¥ esnv[o 04 Zaypiooow suisyuvqoout [oxquOD pu SuTEIedO ZT $661:9-€ NI EN 3-6:1995 - Green zone (Working pressure in bar fat °C =10% F15% [rounded value a) [Working pressure in bar fat + 60°C 76% rounded value H ‘Sample no. T z 3 O00 cycles T z 3 [Beginning of green zone in bar Error <= 1 bar to a) (yes/no) find of green zone in bar [Error +6 % to b) (yes/no) [Working pressure at 20°C in bar Indication error40,5 bar Yesino) Length of green 2one mm J— Permitted = 5 mm for diameter = 35 mm |— Permitted = 8 mm for diameter > 35 mm Green zone satisfactory Gesno) Red zone either side of green cone Geano) Scale length = 1,5 x from zero to b) (yes/no) Seale satisfactory (yes/no) Pointer end 50 % to 60 % in indicating cone Gesno) Marking in green zone clearly visible (yes/no) 18.2 According to 4.7.2 of prEN 3-5:1994 Pressure rate 20 5 bar/min (ea/no) | P,=2,5 P (+60 °C) in bar [Sample no. a 5 [No leak = P; Gealno) No hazard occurs at > P, (yes/no) 18.3 According to 4.7.8 of prEN 3-5:1994 Pressure rate 202 5 barimin (ea/no) 1.000 pressure cycles zero to P (+60 °C) (yes/no) 15.4 According to 4.7.4 of prEN 3-5:1994 (Materials are compatible with the contents (Ges/ao) Gee results after all tests) Compliance according to 4.7 of prEN -6:1904 Gesino) 20 © BSI 09-1999 1% 8551-60 Ise (0U/S94) FEGT:S-E NJAId Jo g*p 04 Surpsod9e aouey|du0D “aor parO, NINN we Buqyuewstp aaqdinco ayy Sulznp pasnseaur abs0y wmnerUTE 10 Peary PEyoo| ATeDFEEGDOLH w UosdOT e PasIMAT IMB: (exysad) Kromessneg orz ose MON UF onbroy oxmyres pesatmareg TIN UF g@mbyoy omnes Te zaeapy ewan Peary maz9s 2ups0010 POTN ¥661:9-8 Naad Jo g'e'y o4 Suyps0d8 Sumy ssousas0Y Jo AyNoeg TOT (eupad) Koessneg, WSF Joye MOMEULCFOp 10 aBeuTEp aTqISTA E618 NAIA Jo GE OF Surprooow puo] oHeyS 04 SOUTISTSON TIT FOE L:S-€ NGIG Jo g*p 03 Surprosd¥ sroysInauTyx9 FO9 105 SUIOH “ST. (Cup98) VE6I'S-€ NGAd Jo °F o4 Buproooe souwTdMOD HEOTEA eqozwoH zpedun jo symod yo uorjdussaq, Ee ial (ones) Kxooeyenes, a - sovduny yeorz0g | (oupse8) kroweysnes, oH Fe spedur peuozTo o2-| oz-| oo+| o9+| ott arrgezodisy 2383015) ? = z © “ow apdares oupan Gomeysneg vay porararrod — weary Temoe — sayatey soeduay| 8a, uy yy seer yex03 seysmBonxg, FEELG-S NAIA Jo 9°F OF BuIps0Te yowdway oF souTySISeI [WOTMEMOSW “ST (0t524) FEGT:S-E NGIG Jo FF 09 Surprcooe soueHTEAIOD eq ur amsserd 382nq TenDy| (ousag) Aropessnes — amesoxd ysinq payyruiied 04 sourystsoy, req uy amssard ysinq panrmag 0. Wt amgexodurey poryrmnreg| yj amyereduiey 1893 [ERY ares eq Ur 9, 09 Je amssard Sapp, VOT:C-8 Nata 30 FF 03 Surpsos0w suioyshs Sur|dnoo puv osoH “FL 3F09 309) $03) S661'9-€ NI EN 3-6:1995 17. Resistance to external corrosion according to 6.1 of prEN $-5:1994 Preparation “Actual Required Satisfactory 180 3768 Duration h > 480 ‘Sample no. 7 2 Safety device removal according to4.2 of PYEN 3-5:1994 ‘Actual force in N Permitted force in N 20 to 100 20 to 100 Satisfactory (yes/no) Force (energy) to activate according to4.i of [prEN 3-5:1994 Actual in N @) Permitted in N (J) Satisfactory (yes/no) Duration of discharge according to6.1 of [prEN 3-1:1994 [Actual in s Permitted ins [Satisfactory (yes/no) Burst pressure Actual in bar Permitted in bar Satisfactory (yes/no) ‘Corrosion likely to impair safety Or operation (ee/no) [Pressure indicator at zero: After discharge (yes/no) Satisfactory (yes/no) Compliance according to 6.1 of prBN 3-6:1994 (Ges/no) 16. Resistance to internal corrosion according to 5.2 of prEN 3-5:1904 Sample no. 7 z Total number of eycles Required number of cycles 8 8 Satisfactory (yes/no) ‘Bvidence of corrosion Gesino) Cracking of coating (yes/no) Bubbling of coating (yes/no) Change of agent colour (yes/no) Satisfactory (yes/no) T Relative to releress ample Compliance according t05.2 of prmN 5-5:1994 (yeslno) 22 ‘OBST 09-1999 Ed e661-60 Isa (00/804) bE6T6-€ NG JO Z°g 04 yrmOFUED (0u/s04) peazem Aqqrfapmn amssard oy yalqns sammsoi9 | = = (euys04) your yuaurarmbas — (aw) posyrmed — (aw) pamseam — 28poq ou 30 § ‘SSOUE PIED TEMA t t “ow ordares, (P66I:8-8 Na JO 3°) amssoad 03 yoolqus syxeq 7°07 ‘oryeyusemoop £9 300% (0u/s04) 1900 F661:8-8 NB JO T's 04 Kyronx0FUON | (oxjs08) oqqeams spextogeur 2015 — (oayso4) arqeims sized wo popfom jo sperrovem — (0ujs04) tour squomormbor y pue y — (0upsad) yom squamarmbar quazues g ‘g ‘9 — (oxyseA) e1qeptee — (oxs08) opraaysne — spesn Terrozeur Apog APEEL:ES-E NAJO T'S) STEIN 10 VO6TE-E NA JO g esnvjo — sorpog 19035 PePIeM OZ) (oujsad) Kroxmeeneg (oupeod) YO6L:S-£ Ni2d 30 9 osnupp 04 Surproose coweydwToD (oupsag) Aosessneg| 85 ur eseur pazmboy 2y ur seem [ool 45, ur sseur [euoR PY, 83, uy xoysmSunxe Jo seepy soueystsos [wormeyOW 2°61 (oused) Kroeysneg (ousa4) yaoddns reyoesq moy peoerdstp seysmsupxg | % (Gooxdep) , ur quoumarmbex 3504, (se0a8ap) , ur remy) guoumeoeydarp jo opsuy| AVMGES VET ¥661:6-§ Ng7d Jo 9 asnepo 04 Surprocow yoyousq SayUNOM JoySINsUIsKT “GT —_——— S661°9-€ NA EN 3-6:1995 20.8 Construction of bodies (6.3 of EN 30-8:1994) Free standing on a horizontal surface (yes/no) ‘Fixed to a vertical surface (yes/no) DIf*yes” Sample = [Distance of the parts subject to pressure from the surface: — measured (mm) — permitted (mm) — requirement (yes/no) 25 [Wall thickness when in contact with the surface: — measured (mm) — permitted (41,5 = S) (mm) — requirement met (yes/no) = Welded parts: — requirement of 5.3.8 met (yes/no) (Attached parts: — requirement of 5.3.4 met (yes/no) Conformity to 5.3 of EN 3-3:1994 (yes/no): 21 Test — clause 6 or 10.2 of EN $-9:1994 Bodies in accordance with clause 6 of BN 3-3:1094 (yes/no) [Bodies in accordance with clause 10 of BN 3-3:1904 (yesino) 21.1 Bodies — bursting pressure (6.1 or 10.2 of BN 3-8:1994) Sample no. T Marking applied (Yes/no) [Service pressure, P, at 60 °C (bar) Bursting pressure, P,: — measured (bar) — permitted (bar) — fragmentation (yes/no) = —main break showing signs of brittleness (yesino) — material defects shown (yes/no) — break in marking area brazed joint, weld (yes/no) — requirement met (yes/ne) W Conformity to 6.1 or 10-2 of EN 3-8:1994 (yes/no): © BST 09-1999 st 6561-60 ISEO. (04/824) P66TE-E NGI JO Z'OT 10 g°9 04 AyrMMIOFUOD, og of (oxys04) your quowormboy, (oujse4) uonemsozep quauemsad aqist, | (ouysod) sree araesty | (0uysa4) you quomaxmbex — panrmied — () pamseau — ‘Hoy pourequreur emesord 9805, (ouysa4) yur jaomesmbax— (req) panyonred — (eq) amsserd pondde — Hq ‘omssexd 3804, (729) Do 09 32 “ef ‘amesoxd aorazeg 1 “ow apdares (66T:-¢ NA JO ZOT 40 ¢'9) (oInssaad 3899) 9593 ornssezg $12) :(oujse4) HEGL:E-€ NA 30 BOT 30 3°9 04 Aprunz0;WOD 8 of (eujse4) yur quatarmbay (ous08) exeoy ‘s90229 (eq) amssaad paddy (weg) Yy ‘amssord 3905, (0xj908) yon juamnazmbox — (ara) pevrmed — (cm) pamseour — (ouys04) ampooord Surysnn rae uoREUIO;eG| (0xyso4) your quauraxmnbox — (©) penaned — (© pemscom — :ampaoord Suyysn0 jo uonemg r ow oars (oxjs08) your quomrexmboy (Q Hoddns on 04 ape pensoy]| (Q moddns om 03 o1Sue pousrmzeg| (oujsof) prom aszonstexy, (0uysed) prom peurpnatsu07| ones rajaurerprpauey (cama) Apoq jo xeyeurer(]| (casa) Sp0q 30 433027 (¥661:8-€ NGL JO ZOT 20 3'9) (9509 Surysnz0) ysSuaAs [eormEYoOW ZTz) —_—_—_——————— S661:9- NI EN 3-6:1995 He 21.4 Macroscopic examination (6.4 of EN $-3:1994) ‘Sample ne. — complete fusion (yes/no) — visible defects (yesino) — requirement met (yes/no) — microscopic examination required (yes/no) — microscopic examination sucessful (yes/no) Conformity to 6.4 of BN 3-8:1994 (esino) 21.5 Visual examination of the weld (6.5 of BN 8-3:1994) ‘Sample no, — preconditions met (yes/no) — transition smooth and free from undercuts Gesino) — cracks, nicks or flaws visible (yes/no) — required met (yes/no) [Conformity to 6.5 of EN $-3:1894 Ges/no) (22 Marking — clause 7 of EN 3-3:1994 ‘Saeaple no. Marks applied: mark of the body manufacturer (yes/no) — serial or batch number (yes/no) —year of manufacture (yes/no) — test pressure, Py (bar) requirement met (yes/no) Conformity to clause 7 of EN 3-3:1994 (yes/no) 26 © BST 09.1999, w s6t-60 Isao (0us04) ¥66T:€-€ NB JO 1°26 PUE TT'G OF AprmI0FTOD (coped) your qwouasmboy, (0a/s08) sour Anqqenb pevroyeu jo quowermbes amano (oupsa8) umnruramye TeHeVeN, (cused) your Ayrpenb yerrayeu Jo guowermber om MTUTY (oujsad) oars eEEW aD) auMION oo = os< (r661:8-8 NA JO 1'2'6 PUY L'T'6) ToHONAASHOD T'F<| FE6L:-€ NU JO 6 asniE[o — soapyazzeo seB yuepfodord FZ (00/894) Y66T:8-£ NI JO 8 esnEpP 04 LyrRaI0FUOD | (usaf) your quaurasmnboy | >a < (@eq) pewsreazod — (2eq) pamseour — zordares To1dures sowsap Ajazes oy} Jo amssard suezedQ (euysof) your suouraxnboy| (oxyso8) poss ¥srp Susmq — (0ujse4) pany angen S3a72s — (ouysa4) parmbar souep ayes, (ousaf) your quourarmboy | (oxys96) pony aotasp sorjaz amnssorg YO6T:6-€ Na Jo g esne[o — sjwomormbes euoHIPPY £7 | S$661:9-§ NI EN 3-6:1995 —— eee 24.2 Pressure test (0.1.2 and 9.9.2 of EN 8-3:1994) ‘Type: non-rechargeable/rechargeable volume (cx) > 50 350 Saraple no. 7 z T 2 Total mass () Empty mass (g) Mass of contents Volume () COs, — filling density, determined (kg/l) = 0,75 50,75 0,75 = 0,75 — filling density, permitted (kgf) — requirement met (yes/no) Service pressure, P, at 60°C (bar) Test pressure, Py: —applied pressure (bar) —permitted (bar) — permanent deformation up to Py (ves/no) — requirement met (yes/no) Burst pressure, Py —measured (bar) — permitted (bar) — ductile burst (yes/no) = = = = — requirement met (yes/no) ‘Noa-rechargeable cartsidgedhample T z + [Storage temperature CC) Storage period (b) Requirements met (yes/no) Visible deformation (yes/no) Cartridge remains leaktight (yes/no) Requirement met (yes/no) (Conformity to 9.1.2 or 9.2.2 of EN 3-5:1994 Gealno) 28 © BSI 09.1999 6c 6681-60 Isao (oupsa4) ¥661'S-8 NF JO B°E"OT 09 Aqraus9suOD = (euys04) your quomozmbax— (tam) porsrmred — (am) pamseou — :£poq ayn Jo (S) ssomporys TEM. “ow oydareg (h661!8-¢ NAJO L'£'01) Serpoq popnayxe yowduyy Te'9z (9651:5-8 NG JO £°OT) eanssoxd 07 so0{qns sumed ga “Aurpuodsesio0 de odes sa 30 €°1G PUL ZTE T'T SHOT SLON (F661:8-8 NIC TOT) SaNISOy, 3°93 "woReaKIMOOD £99005 (ouysas) 19 EGTE-E NB JO TOT OF AyruLI0FUOA | (00/304) sour squotmormbax #2 gy pus Fy Cody “My (oupsan) 200 V OSOT-M\V Na Wit souepzoode UF syuaqUOD (ousas) aiqurreae swssqeue [eoreryg, (oujs04) pomram worsnyea yondemt -zarmaemnereyy| pasn [erreyeur Spog, c(F66T:E-£ NAIJO LOT) STELIEVE T'S F6GT:E-€ NI JO OL osnejo — soxpoq ummuyunTy oz (0u/s24) F66T:6"E NG IO $°2'6 40 $16 09 AyrMIOHOD, (0ujs04) youn quammarmbax — (0u/s04) xemnqoerntem yo ouretipizeat — (0xys04) omgoegnaem yo 19k — (oases) (xeq) 888 jo omnssead SuBz6yp 20 (8) 299 Jo amnssazd — (exjs24) (8) esemx [IH — (oxysad) (8) sseur &4dux — spondde sqzepy, “ow adres (6618-8 NA JO B'2"6 JO $1'6) SUTATEM C'Fz) eS S66T'9-¢ NZ EN 3-6:1995 ——————————— eee 25.8.2 Other types of bodies (10.3.2 of BN 8-8:1994) Sample no. T z Wall thickness (S) of the body: — measured (mm) — permitted (mm) — requirement met (yes/no) = = Conformity to 10.3.2 of EN 3-3:1994 (yes/no) [26 Specifications for plastics components — clause 11 of EN $-3:1904 26.1 General (11.1 of EN 3-9:1994) [Materials used: — appearance (yes/no) — manufacturing plan (yes/no) — weight (yesino) (Specied weight @) Conformity to 11.1 of EN 3-3:1994 met (yes/no) 26.2 Plastic components subject to pressure (11.2 of EN 3-3:1994) Manufactures data available (yewna) With regard to 26.2.1, 26.2.2 and 26.2.3, see also 26.2.5. 26.2.1 Testing (11.2.1 of EN 3-3:1994) Requirements met Ges/aa) Service pressure, P, at 60°C (bar) Burst pressure, P, permitted (bar) = ‘Test temperature: — measured CO) — permitted (0) 2048 6043 ‘Sample no: TT? 7? )* 7 © Lets [Burst pressure (P,): — measured (bar) | Requirement met (yes/no) Conformity to 112.1 of BN 3-3:1994 Gesino) Or: (-30#3)°C. 30 © BSTO9.1999 1 66st-60 1S 0 “De FOE) 204 (ouseA) PE6T'E-€ NU IO S'STL OF AprmmsoyUOD (0ujs04) 30mm quomexmbex — (eq pamseour— 2g ‘amesard ysmg "ow jgareg a8 F0e- ©d permed — (9) pamnseam — romqusaduay 3904, (eq) porirmed — (0us068) 30m squomozmbar — Hy ‘omsseid ysmg (oujs08) mopoo ur ofreu, (oupag amazon — (oxys08) woyd Suemounem — (oujsa4) sowezeadde — sAqranz0yU0Q, (oupsas) Sarge aufrom ‘omgezedarey ‘Grpramy aayeyex — (0ujsa6) aur ‘Supase — jou syuourarmbou (P6GT6-¢ NA JO FST) BUNSAL FF'9T (ouj2e8) HEGT:E-G NU IO BELT 0 Spreao sO (0usa8) yeux yourarmbey| (zeq) pamseou “y ‘omssord ysmgq Tow oidares (eq porrmed — (oujsos) your syuomormbox — sq ‘ameserd ysmg, (ousas) aye — (cupof) wold Seumypeperoe — (00/s04) souvxeadde — :Karonzeyu99 (ovysas) Agnqess wBtoms ‘omyezoduiey ‘hyrpramy oaryopos — (ouyso4) oury ‘amyereduiay ‘amssod — em squowermboy, (66L:8-¢ NAJO TTY BUMseL Z''9S S66U'9-8 NX EN 3-6:1995 = eee 26.2.4 Testing (11.2.4 of EN 3-3:1904) Requirements met: —ageing, time (yes/no) —relative humidity, temperature, time (yes/no) — extinguisher filling pressure (yes/no) — impact test (yes/no) Extinguisher charge (kg or 1) Drop height: — measured (mm) — permitted (mm) = Sample Tmpact point ‘Safety Fedueed Gewno) | Dangerous leak (vena) 1 2 3 a 5 Ce conformity to 11.2.4 of EN 9-3:1994 (yes/no) 26.2.5 Plastichmetal threaded connections (11.2.5 of BN 3-3:1994) "Thread damage possible Gee/na) ‘Thread pitch: measured (mm) — permitted (mm) =2,9 Width of thread crest of the two components: — measured (mm) —permitted (mm) 20,6 Included angle: — measured () —permitted Q) =18 Length, measured (mm) Depth of thread, measured (mm) Ratio, length/depth: — determined — permitted <1 Requirement met (yes/no) Closures screwed and unscrewed 100 times in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions prior ‘to testing as described in 26.2.1, 26.2.2 and 26.2.2 (yes/no) Conformity to 11.2.5 of EN 6-8:1994 Ges/no) 32 ©BST09.1999 ‘6661-60 1889 (00804) YE6T:E-E NA JO STL 04 AryTUAOFUOD (ouso4) porrered — (0us0d) parades — speamp amsorg (666T%e-¢ NHJO STI) PLOTTL £23; (oujs24) YE6T:8°E NF JO BBE 4 ArremrOFIOD ane (oujs04) yom quomaxtnbox— (eq) parymied — (2eq) pamseou “y ‘amssard Suysmg, (req) Ty ‘omssord 350, (zeq) 0, 09 38 “g ‘emsserd eorzeg (oupsed) paray Jstp Surssing (r661:€-¢ NAJO SBT) PE’ Aswp Fupsang 717 (ouyse4) P66T:E-£ NFO LST 07 Sgrmaosa0y (cujs4) you ~~ suore¢naz [euonen jo swouormbey, (oujsed) you ~~ aarmeng Agr Jo squomonnboy| (be61:8-6 NA 3° 1°31) Serpog T'2z) F661'S-2 NA JO ZI SSN — sioysmBuT;xe e1quz20d aprxorp uogrED LZ es S661:9-¢ NA we mq 6661-60 1889 promaioy [euonEN 29g saouardeyar Jo 4ST] —— 9661:9-€ NI Sa BSI — British Standards Institution presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the intemational level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this, British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: 020 8996 8000. Faac 020 8996 7400, ‘BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that Saperavaa Sareea B hates all BS, int Sees yublications should be addressed to Customer Services. Tt G20 8996 9001, Fax: 020 8996 7001, In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BST implementation of those that have been published as Brish Standards, unless otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, ecco tarot Bal eloccone infomation series re also avail wih give deal onal ts ecachendians recov sultant disountson te urtace pice chsumearis For deals of these and other benefits contact Membership Administration. Tel: 020 8996 7002. Fax: 020 8996 7001. UK, of the publications of the international standardization bodies. ‘Secepas pened under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1968 no extract may be ceteee stored in a renieval system or transite in any form or by ay means ~ nom SSI P ‘This does not preclude the free use, in the course of inn tolementing the standard, of necessary details such as symibols, and size, type or grade designations. If these details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior If permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager. ‘Tel: 020 8996 7070.

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