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Disassembly and Assembly
4168, 426B, 4288,4368, AND 438B BACKHOE LOADERS MACHINE SYST
iumber “SERRSS32-00 ‘Pubication Date 01/06/1993,
Implement Pump
‘SMCS - 5070-010; 5070-015; 5070-016; 5070-017
Remove & Install Implement Pump
‘Start By:
‘remove counterweight
1, Remove drain plug (1), and drain the oll from the hydraulic tank into a suitable container
5A \
2. Follow the procedures below to loosen bolts (2).
a. First, disconnect the fuel shut-off solenoid atthe fuel injection pump.
Welcome: eam?
Date Updated 12/10/2001
’, Crank the engine until bolts (2) are in alignment with the access hole in the engine mounting assembly. Loosen bolts (2) that hold drive shaft and
hhyéraulie pump coupling,
4. Remove mounting nus (7) to remove hydraulic pump (8).
'5 Reverse the procedures in Steps | through 4 forthe installation ofthe hydraulic pump.
epson aicninrnctinn encase 5 soipensh neuen cAsaeeenp acinar aking ren A RCRSCM F E wesome {210 mo e10¢LONOE EE. WACHIN PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENERCLSCES 0-year
End By:
a install counterweight
Disassemble & Assemble Implement Pump (416B)
4, Remove tube (1)
2, Remove bolts and torque limiter (2)
3. Remove bolls and compensator (3).
4. Remove plug (4),
5. Remove spring (5).
6, Remove seat (6).
7. Remove spool (7.
8, Remove intemal spool (8)
9, Remove adjuster cap (12) and adjusting serew (13).
NOTE: Do not move adjusting serew to maintain adjustment for later assembly.
410, Remove internal spring (10) and spring (11).
11, Remove dual spring seat (9)
at Sill 9/p
6 C \ . &
12, Remove cap (21)
13. Remove spoo! nut (19)
NOTE: Do not move adjusting serew to maintain adjustment for later assembly.
14, Remove spacer (18).
18, Remove internal spring (17) and spring (16).
16. Remove spring seat (15)
17, Remove spool (14).
19, Remove cap (27)
20, Remove spool nut (20)
NOTE: Do not move adjusting serew to maintain adjustment for later assembly.
21. Remove spacer (26).
22, Remove internal spring (25) and spring (24)
epson aicniernctinnnenacaee 5 onpeunah reac Asanaenpcnaerore aking ren ARCS FT REsome {210 mo e10¢LONOE EE. WACHIN PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENERCLSCES 0-year
23, Remove spring seat (23)
24, Remove spool (22)
25, Remove four bolts (28)
26. Remove cover (29) from the pump body.
27, Remove piston (30),
28, Remove shoe (3),
29, Remove spring (32).
30, Remove valve plate (33),
31, Remove bearing cup (34).
32, Remove one bot
33. Remove torque limit coupling (35).
34, Remove bearing (36).
35, Remove spacer (38).
36. Remove eylinder block (37).
® >
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT REsome {210 moje LOAOER Ee. MACHINE PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENELSCEIS 0-year
37. Remove nine pistons (39) and plate (40) from cylinder block (37)
‘38, Remove spherical washer (41) from eylinder block,
39, Remove throe pins (42).
YT Tey
‘The spring located within the cylinder block is under compression and.
cean cause bodily harm, mm isnot used, if or when the retaining
40, Use a press and 2 485273 1/2" Washer (43) to compress the spring, and remove snap ring (44) with Tool (B).
41, Release the tension onthe spring.
42, Remove washer (44), spring (45) and washer (43) from eylinder block (37)
44, Remove two swashplate bearings (46).
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE46, Remove retaining ring (48).
47, Remove seal (49),
NOTE: Tie following steps are forthe assembly of the implement pump.
48, Install now seal (49),
49 Install retaining ring (48),
450. Install nw beating cup (47).
cor _®
S1. Inspect and replace swashplate (45) if necessary.
152, Inspect and replace shoes (50) if necessary.
153 Inspect and replace pin (52) if necessary and torque limiter adapter (51),
‘54, Remove and clean debris from in and behind the two orifices (53).
455. Install the orifices.
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE
‘56. Install plate (40) and nine pistons (39) ino cylinder block (37).
‘57. Install now bearing on shaft (54).
458, Assemble shafl (54), swashplate (45) and eylnder block (37) on shal (54).
= et
‘59, Position the assembly as shown.
660. Apply 2 small amount of grease tothe backside of bear
461. Install pump housing over shaft assembly as shown,
(62, Turn the pump over on the side or end
‘63. Line up to limit adapter as shown,
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE wesome {210 moje LONOE Ea. ACHING PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENERELSCES C-Span
64 Install limit adapter (35),
(67. Remove and clean debris out from behind orifice (55).
(68, Remove orifice (58).
469, Replace two O-rings (56) and (57).
70. Preassemible the torque limiter as shown, Do not assemble spring (5) or plug (4) at this point
‘7A Install now bearing (34).
“72 Inspect and install (replace if necessary) valve plate (33),
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE mesome {210 me e10¢LOAOE EE. ACN PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENECLSCISR C-Span Karam
7 Install four new O-rings (S8).
74, Apply @ liberal amount of grease on post (59) and shoe (31).
15. install piston (30) on post (59)
6 Install shoe (31), spring (32) on post (59).
77. Install torque limiter (2) without spring (5) or plug (4).
7 Insane ing
79. Install pump head (29) to pump body with pump in position as seen in photo C58933PI Step 66 inthis procedure.
80, Assemble compensator.
NOTE: Replace O-rings on spool nuts (19) and (20).
£82. Install compensator (2).
£83. Install tube (1),
£84 Install spring (5).
85. Install cap (4)
Disassemble Implement Pump (426B)
Tools Needed A
1P1858 Retaining Ring Pliers,
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE wesoe {210 mo e10¢LONOE EE. WACHIN PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENERCLSCES 0-year
Start By:
1, remove implement pump (426B)
1. Remove bolts (2) that hold the compensator tothe valve block, Remove compensator (1).
2. Remove gasket seas (3) from body of the compensator.
3. Remove adjustment nut (4) and the plug. Remove plug (3).
4. Remove seat (7), spring (6) and spacer (8). Remove valve spool (9)
', Remove adjustment serew (10) and plug (11)
{6 Remove seat (12), spring (1) and spacer (14), Remove valve spoo! (15).
17. Remove bolts (17), and remove valve block (16) and the gasket,
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT REsome ‘210 me e10¢LONOE EE. MACHINE PONCRED BY 04 DIESE ENERCLSCES C-Span
1, Remove eylinder block (26),
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE wesome ‘210 B60 LONOER EE. ACN) PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENERCLSCEIG C-Span
14, Remove bolts (28) and cover (29)
15, Remove key lock (30).
16, Remove piston and shoe assembly (31) ftom the pump body.
21, Remove outer lip sea! (40)
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT REsome {210 mo e10¢ LOADER EE. MACHINE PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENRELSCES 0. Spme Karam
Assemble Implement Pump (426B)
Tools Needed Ale
1P0510 Driver Group 1
P1855 Retaining Ring Pliers 1
4. stall the inner and outer seas inthe pump housing with Tool (A)
2. Lower the temperature of the bearing race, and install it in the pump housing.
3. Insiall bearing assembly (1).
4. Insall the yoke and bumper assembly in the pump housing,
5, Follow the procedures below to provide the proper preload on the bearings.
6. Lower the temperature ofthe bearing race, and install tin the pump housing, Install bearing (2) and bearing spacer (3). Do not install the O-ring at
this time,
8. Tum the pump housing over. Lower the temperature ofthe bearing race, and instal tin dhe pump housing. Install bearing (7) and bearing spacer
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE saesome {210 eee LOADER Ea. ACN PONERED 204 DIESE ENCLSCIS C-Span Karam
(@). Do not install the O-ring at this time.
9. Rotate the yoke assembly back and fort to seat the bearings.
10, Measure the distance between the spacer and housing witha depth micrometer as shown
41 Install the proper shim (8) to have a 0.25 to 0.40 mm (0.010 to 0.016 in) axial pre-load. Install bearing spacer (6), O-ring seal, cover and bolt.
Tighten the bolts toa torque of 1S to 17 Nema (LI to 13 Ib £0,
12. Tum the housing over again, and remove the other cover and bolts Install the O-ring seal, cover and bolts, Tighten the bolts to a torque of 15 to
17 N-m (IL to 13 1b).
NOTE: The yoke will be stiff but should be loose enough to be moved by hand. Ifthe yoke ean not he moved by hand, the preload is too great,
‘Repeat the preload adjustment until itis correct.
Put tape around the splines on shaft 9) to avoid damaging the shaft
seal when the shaft is installed.
13. Put shaft (9) in position in the housing.
15, Install spring washer (14), spring (12) and spring washer (15) inthe eylinder block. Install retaining ring (13) on top of spring washer (15).
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE se‘210 moje LOAOE Ee. MACHINE PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENGELS. Same Karam
c=s\ \
16, Put the cylinder block assembly in a press.
rfully compress the spring, and install the retainer ring with Tool (B),
18, Install piston and shoe assembly (16) inthe eylinder block,
720, Tum the cage shoe assembly so that key slot (17) willbe in alignment when the key is installed,
21, Remove the bolis and covers, and install key (18)
22, Install cover and bolts, Tighten the bolts toa torque of 15 to 17 N-m (11 to 13 bf),
24. If the shaft bearing, shaft, valve block or housing was replaces, a bearing adjustment is necessary. Use the following procedures.
25, Lower the temperature of the bearing race, and install it inthe valve block with Too! (A).
epson aiconiernctinnnlenacaee 5 anaes rent cAraeeenp acinar sak ren NCHS FT REsome {210 mo e10¢LONOE EE. WACHIN PONERED BY 04 DIESE ENERCLSCES 0-year
26, Install pin (21) and check valve (22).
27. Install the valve block on the housing, and hand tighten the bolts evenly. Measure the gap at four positions around the housing, and take the
‘average reading. Also measure the gasket thickness, With this measurement, determine the spacer or Spacers necessary to obtain 0,00 to 0.100 mm
(0.00 to 0.0039 in) bearing end play. Remove the valve block, and install the eorect spacer or spacers.
28, install stems (23) and (24) inthe valve block. Tighten the stems to a torque of 75 to 85 Nom (55 to 65 Ib 1).
29, Install washer plate (25) on the valve block, making sure the slot inthe plate isin alignment withthe pin inthe valve block. Put clean grease on
the plate to hold it in place,
30, Install spring (28) and eylinder (27) on stem (24), Install eylinder (26) on stem (23),
31. Put clean grease on the cylinders to hold them in place for assembly
33. Install valve spool (33) and plug (35). Install spacer (32), spring (34) and seat (31)
epson aicninrnctinnnienacasehe st oipeunah reac Araeeenpcnaserore aking ren ARCS FT RE toe34. Install adjustment nut (37).
36. Install valve spool (42) and plug (36).
36. Install spacer (41), spring (40), seat (39) and adjustment phug (38).
38, Put compensator (44) in positon on the valve block, and install bolts (45) that hold it, Tighten the bolts toa torque of 31 to 37 N-m (23 to 27 Ib
End By:
a. install implement pump (426B)
apy 200 - 206 ctr 62006 1:12:54 GMI-OS0 (Hor ea. Pe, Siar)
‘itis Reese.
epson aicniernctinnnenacaehsp- aipeunah rene cAsaeaenp acinar akan ren ROHS FT RE wwe