The Obstacle Is The Way
The Obstacle Is The Way
The Obstacle Is The Way
In our life, we face obstacles steadily, we are paralyzed, we wish that we can overcome them but
finally we can’t do nothing. We all have a different obstacles, and each of them is unique but we all
have the same sentiments : Confusion, fear, depression.
We know what to do but something blocks our path, we’re unhappy with our routine (relationship
with people, job …) no one show us how to overtake our obstacles, Many celebrities like Rockfeller,
Obama, or Abraham Lincoln did their best to eliminate their problems. How ? what’s their secret ?
The answer of these questions is : They find a way to transform an obstacle into an opportunity i
mean a weakness into a strenght. The author tries to share with us how to face the obstacles, how to
reach your goal even with obstacles in your road. He shows us how to turn a negative situation we
encounter in our lives into a positive one.
Nowdays, the majority of our obstacles are internal not external. To face obstacles, we should follow
a three critical steps, perception, action and the will, if we work with these 3 disciplines we can
create an openings whetever the door is shut then we learn how to handle our obstacles.
Part 1 :
Perception is the manner that we see what happened around us, it can be a source of strength and a
weakness as well. With perception, we will be able to fight obstacles because it gives us a
tremendous strength.
We will come across abstacles in our lives and we will learn, no matters what the obstacle is, the
most important is how to see it, how to react to it. People are different some sees a crisis, on the
other hand some sees an opportunity, our reactions are functions of our perceptions. We need to
stop seeing problems as a problems, we need really to focus on what things really are.
Practice objectivity :
The difference between perceiving and observing is the intensity perceiving is more accurate than
observing. We can see things as they really are, perception is the problem because it gives us some
details that we don’t need really.
Objectivity means we are not in the equation, in other words, for example when we give some tips to
our friends, their problems are crystal clear for us and the solutions are obvious.
Is it up to you :
Tommy john is a baseball player, the most durable pitchers, 26 seasons, it’s a magnificient record,
during this period, he had a bad injury called a dead injury which means game over. His doctor has
said that he had just 1% of chance of coming back after surgery, with rehab and training, he came
back more stronger and he won more than 164 games. Tommy john focused on what he can change
to be better and better that’s where he makes a difference, that’s the difference between people
who can accomplish great things and people who find it hard to achieve them.
Prepare to act :
In our head we think that problems are so bad,, in fact, they are precisely as bad as we think, once
we see the problem as it is, for what it is, we must act.
Part 2 :
Step by step, action by action, we’ll be able to overcome the obstacles in front of us, with
perseverence and serenity we will act in the right way in order to accomplish our goals. Action
requires courage. The decisions that we took every single day determine who we are, we must be
sure to act with persistence.
Get moving :
Amelia Earhart wished to be a pilot, unfortunately for her,in her generation, she was living in a
patriarchal society, she couldn’t have a job as a pilot, so she decided to took a job as a social worker.
A few days later, a man called her to give her a proposition, it was about a job as a pilot, she
answered yes, and she took the job, Amelia was the first woman to fly solo nonstop across the
atlantic. Life can be frustrating, but when we get an opportunity, we need to be realistic and move to
exploit it, we need to be more aggressive, pressing ahead, we have to take risk, we have to move
faster, if it is not the case we will face many obstacles in our lives. We always need to move forward.
Practice persistence :
If we are stuck by an obstacle, and we want to overcome it, we need to keep trying harder until it is
gone, persistence and resistance are the solutions.
Once we start attacking an obstacle, giving up is not an option, just persist and resist, only by
persisting and resisting we can learn how to follow our dreams. It’s okey to be discouraged,
frustated, it’s not okey to quit, just try all the ways, that’s persistence.
Iterate :
Failure can be an asset if what we’re trying to do is improve, problems become opportunities, we get
stronger by failures, Our capacity to try, to iterate is linked with our ability and tolerance to fail, each
of us, when we succeded in something, it’s always precented by failures possibly many times, action
and failure are two sides on the same path, one doesn’t come without the other, what stop this
conncetion is when people stop acting, because they consider failure as a bad thing.
Duty is inspiring, magnificent and empowering, it requires pride and dedication. In every situation,
life is asking us a question, and our actions are the answer. Our job is simply to answer well.
But we can turn the bad situation upside down by using it as an opportunity to learn some more
skills, try with everything we’ve got and let’s see if it’s gonna work or not, just be ready to accept the
final verdict.
Part 3 :
The will is our internal power, it cannot be threatened by the external world.
The true will is related to humility and flexibility, the actions is what we do the will is what we lean
Perseverence :
Perseverence is more difficult than persistence, we can solve some difficult problem with
persistence, then people called us persistent, but perseverence in something more larger, it’s about
keep trying until the end. Life is not about one obstacle but many, we’ll face every obstacle until we
solve it. Persistence is an action, perseverence is a matter of will, one is the energy and the other is
endurance, our actions can be blocked, but our will can’t be.