Theory of Modern Architecture
Theory of Modern Architecture
Theory of Modern Architecture
SBEA 1513
• Mathematical ratio.
Theory of Proportion
• Golden Ratio
• Classical Orders
• Renaissance Theories
• Modulor
• Ken
• Anthropometry
• Scale
Golden Ratio
•To the Greeks and Romans, the Orders represented in their proportioning of
elements the perfect expression of beauty and harmony.
•Standardized by Marcus Vitruvius Polio during the reign of Augustus in his The
Ten Books on Architecture.
Greek orders
Roman orders
Composite Capital
Renaissance Theories
•The architects of the Renaissance, believing that their buildings had to belong
to a higher order, returned to the Greek mathematical system of proportions.
The Pythagorean creed was “ Everything is arranged according to numbers.”
•He saw the measuring tools of the Greeks, Egyptians, and other high
civilizations as being “infinitely rich and subtle because they formed part of
the mathematics of the human body, gracious, elegant, and firm, the
source of that harmony which moves us, beauty.”
•He based the Modulor on both mathematics (the aesthetic dimension of the
Golden Section and the Fibonacci Series), and the proportions of the human
body (functional dimensions).
Le Corbusier saw the Modulor
not as a series of numbers with an
inherent harmony, but as a
system of measurements that
could govern lengths, surfaces, &
volumes, & “maintain the human
scale everywhere.”
•The traditional Japanese unit of measure, the shaku, was originally imported
form China.
•Originally used simply to designate the interval between two columns and
varied in size, it was soon standardized for residential architecture and became
an absolute measurement.
•Inaka-ma Method
The ken grid of 6 shaku determined the center-to-center spacing
of columns.Therefore, the standard tatami floor mat (3 x ^ shaku
or ½ x 1 ken) varied slightly to allow for the thickness of the
•Kyo-ma Method
The floor mat remained constant (3.15 x 6.30 shaku) and the
column spacing (ken module) varied according to the size of the
room and ranged from 6.4 to 6.7 shaku.
• anthro=man, pometry=measure
•In drawing, we use scale to specify the ratio that determines the relationship
between the illustration it represents.
•Mechanical Scale
•The size or proportion of something relative to an accepted standard
of measurement.
•Visual Scale
•The size or proportion an element appears to have relative to other
elements of known or assumed size.
•Human Scale
•Based on the dimensions & proportions of the human body
The Taipei 101, one of the tallest tower in
In the world.
Dominant structure manipulating the skyline of the city with its visual scale - /media/File:Taipei_101_from_afar.jpg
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anthology of ancient writings which relate to Pythagoras and Pythagorean philosophy.
Red Wheel/Weiser.
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