Registration Form: School Year 2019-2020
Registration Form: School Year 2019-2020
Registration Form: School Year 2019-2020
Registration form should be submitted to the office, before May 31, 2019,
accompanied by the registration fees for the year 2019-2020,the school
insurance and the documents to be provided. One recent
First registration Re-registration
Name: ............................................................................................................................................................................................
Profession: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
E-mail: ............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Family situation
In case of separation or parents’ absence, with whom should the school communicate?
5. Emergency contact
6. Educational background
For a new registration of a child already enrolled in another school, please include:
7. Schooling of siblings
I don’t authorise the establishment to publish the contact of the family (address, phone number, e-mail
address) in the school directory.
I don’t authorise the establishment to publish the picture of my child on the school’s blog and website.
11. Insurance
Helth insurance
I hereby certify that I have purchased a civil liability insurance for my child,
no. In which case, my child must be covered by the EFSR’s liability insurance (see the C-2 point of rules of
procedures) and I agree to pay the insurance policy price per child as specified in the financial regulation for the
current year.
Does your child have a particular health problem? (Cardiac, respiratory, neurological, etc.):
Does your child have any allergies? (Generic medicines, insect bites, food, etc.):
Does your child have any disease which can need an immediate medical response? (Asthma, diabetes, epilepsy,
convulsions, etc.)
- HEVAC B (Hepatitis B)
A medical examination will be organised during the school year for all students. The date and name of the doctor
will be communicated to parents at a later date.