4Ws-2020.11.29-YHWH OBBS Updated

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AWs * rote BE ROOTED, KNOW GODKE)@aliss NW Ssie (Na a7 Sta NOVEMBER 29, 2020 WORSHIP WORD CBee Naa READ IT! You Are God Alone EXODUS 3:13-45 Then Moses said to God, “Behold, | am going to the sons of Israel, and | will say to them, ‘The God of your WELCOME fativers has sent me to you Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall | say to them?* * And God sald to Moses, “I AM WHO | AM"; and He said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel ‘| AM has sent me to you." * God furthermore sald to Moses, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you: This is My name forever, and this is the name for all generations to use to call upon Me. Pas peer Ss PARAPHRASE IT! Restate the verses in your own words TALK ABOUT IT! + What did you like about these verses? + What did you learn about God? + What did you learn about people? + What did you learn about ollowing God? + How does God's name YHWH impact you at this time of your life? POINT IT OUT! 1. YHWH (LORD) is PERSONAL AND RELATIONAL (Genesis 28:9) + God reveals Himself as “YAHWEH’-a personal and relational God. + When we highlight God's characteristics of being personal and relational, we also emphasize that He is purposeful in what He does. He loves us and cares for us. We will not know our purpose and meaning in life until we are connected to our Creator. 2. YHWH (LORD) is THE SUPREME MORAL BEING (Genesis 216-17; Leviticus 192-4; John 15) + God gives a clear commandment for Adam and Eve to follow and they had no other rule than this specific Instruction from God. + God could have made us into robots, but the very nature of God is love. He created man in His own image (Genesis 1:26) and He gave man the capacity to make choices. + We are moral beings with an amazing capacity to follow or ot to follow God, + HE IS THE SUPREME MORAL BEING. He iseternal, self-existent, independent, and sovereign. He defines what Is right and wrong. aws@ roote: BE ROOTED, KNOW GODIEX@aTS yi) a 705 0) ha NOVEMBER 29, 2020 WORD '3.YHWH (LORD) IS A PROMISE KEEPER (Genesis 321 Revelation 138 and 1 Peter 118.20; John 857-59) + He made them “garments of skin’, which obviously implies that there was bloodshed, This is a foreshadowing of God's future provision-- the only way to cover our sin is through the blood of JESUS. + GOD wants us to enjoy eternity with HIM as originally planned, and He planned for our redemption from the very beginning (Revelation 13:8; 1 Peter 118-20). + The LORD (YHWH) command the childless Abram (Abraham) to leave everything behind and at the same time promised blessing upon him and generations under him, + We see the ultimate fulfilment of this promise when Jesus Claims the Name *I AM WHO | AM”Uohn 8:57-59). He is the promised blessing from the lineage of Abraham. Jesus gave His life so He can redeem ours. a4 dh a WORKS PRAYER POINTS APPLY IT! Petirasae God's name: YAHWEH write down your action Point to apply what you fearned. Make ths our “Twill” statement and follow the SMART guideline to come up with 8 do-able action point. Se er oe simple = Time-bound Paced ee omer nntonny Meas en SHARE IT! Who will you share these truths to this week? PRAY CARE SHARE IN ACTION Pray that people will have a right and intimate relationship with our personal and relational God (YAHWEH). Reflect the image of Christ and build good relationships with other people. Share about the promises of God in His Word with them, Tell them how they can have a personal relationship with God because of what Jesus has done on the cross to reconcile us to God. i, Viral! aA

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