Manufactured Shoes in The Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Manufactured Shoes in The Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Manufactured Shoes in The Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
D iabetic patients with a history of metatarsal heads and correlate with the the state of the shoes was assessed after 6
neuropathic plantar ulceration sites of ulceration (1). A wide variety of months, when a second pair was given.
have abnormally high pressure un- footwear has been proposed to reduce The patients were considered to have had
der the foot while walking. Peaks of pres- pressure peaks and prevent ulceration an ulcer relapse either when a new ulcer
sure occur most frequently under the (2-5), but there are few objective experi- appeared in the site of the previous one or
when a new foot ulcer appeared in a dif-
ferent area.
From ihe Cattedra di Endocrinologia (L.U., G.M., L.D., G.M.), Dipartimento di Medicina In-
terna, Universita "Tor Vergata," Rome; and the Servizio di Diabetologia (E.F., F.F., A.A., A.Q.,
P.C.), Ospedale Niguarda, Milan, Italy. Study sample
Address correspondence and reprint request to Luigi Uccioli, MD, Cattedra di Endocrinolo- A total of 69 patients were enrolled (43
gia, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata," c/o Complesso Integrato Columbus, via della Pineta men, 26 women): 33 wore therapeutic
Sacchetti, 506, 00168 Rome, Italy. shoes (Podiabetes group [Pi), and 36
Received for publication 14 February 1995 and accepted in revised form 1 June 1995. wore their own nontherapeutic shoes
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