Manufactured Shoes in The Prevention of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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mentally derived data to support the ef-

Manufactured Shoes in the fectiveness of most shoe therapy (3,6-8).
No studies have evaluated the efficacy of
Prevention of Diabetic Foot manufactured shoes in preventing foot
ulceration. The aim of our work was to
Ulcers evaluate the effectiveness of manufac-
tured shoes (Podiabetes by Buratto, Italy),
LUIGI UCC1OL1, MD ANTONIO ALDEGHI, MD made according to Towey guidelines (4),
Ezio FAGLIA, MD ANTONELLA QUARANTIELLO, MD in preventing relapses of foot ulcerations
GLOVANNA MONTICONE, MD PATRIZIA CALIA, MD in high-risk diabetic patients.
METHODS — This prospective study
was performed in two teaching hospitals
(Rome and Milan). Only patients with
OBJECTIVE — To evaluate the efficacy of manufactured shoes specially designed previous foot ulceration and those con-
for diabetic patients (Podiabetes by Buratto Italy) to prevent relapses of foot ulcer- sidered to be at high risk of foot ulceration
ations. (9) were included in the study. They were
randomized to wear either their ordinary
RESEARCH DESIGN A N D METHODS— A prospective multicenter ran- nontherapeutic shoes or therapeutic
domized follow-up study of patients with previous foot ulcerations was conducted. shoes with custom-molded insoles. Ini-
Patients were alternatively assigned to wear either their own shoes (control group, C; tially, patients fulfilled the following cri-
n = 36) or therapeutic shoes (Podiabetes group, P\ n = 33). The number of ulcer teria: 1) absence of ulceration, 2) absence
relapses was recorded during 1-year follow-up. of previous minor or major amputations,
and 3) absence of major foot deformities
RESULTS— Both C and P groups had similar risk factors for foot ulceration (i.e., such as Charcot joints. All patients re-
previous foot ulceration, mean vibratory perception threshold >25 mV). After 1 year, ceived the same educational guidelines
the foot ulcer relapses were significantly lower in P than in C (27.7 vs. 58.3%; P = on foot care and general information on
0.009; odds ratio 0.26 [0.2-1.54]). In a multiple regression analysis, the use of ther- the importance of appropriate footwear
apeutic shoes was negatively associated with foot ulcer relapses (coefficient of variation (i.e., proper size, durability, and sole).
= -0.315; 95% confidence interval = -0.54 to -0.08; P = 0.009). The patients in the control group were
free to wear ordinary shoes unless clearly
CONCLUSIONS — The use of specially designed shoes is effective in preventing dangerous. The same follow-up protocol
relapses in diabetic patients with previous ulceration. was applied to both groups. Use of the
specific footwear was rated as infrequent,
occasional, frequent, or continuous; and

D iabetic patients with a history of metatarsal heads and correlate with the the state of the shoes was assessed after 6
neuropathic plantar ulceration sites of ulceration (1). A wide variety of months, when a second pair was given.
have abnormally high pressure un- footwear has been proposed to reduce The patients were considered to have had
der the foot while walking. Peaks of pres- pressure peaks and prevent ulceration an ulcer relapse either when a new ulcer
sure occur most frequently under the (2-5), but there are few objective experi- appeared in the site of the previous one or
when a new foot ulcer appeared in a dif-
ferent area.
From ihe Cattedra di Endocrinologia (L.U., G.M., L.D., G.M.), Dipartimento di Medicina In-
terna, Universita "Tor Vergata," Rome; and the Servizio di Diabetologia (E.F., F.F., A.A., A.Q.,
P.C.), Ospedale Niguarda, Milan, Italy. Study sample
Address correspondence and reprint request to Luigi Uccioli, MD, Cattedra di Endocrinolo- A total of 69 patients were enrolled (43
gia, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata," c/o Complesso Integrato Columbus, via della Pineta men, 26 women): 33 wore therapeutic
Sacchetti, 506, 00168 Rome, Italy. shoes (Podiabetes group [Pi), and 36
Received for publication 14 February 1995 and accepted in revised form 1 June 1995. wore their own nontherapeutic shoes
AB1, ankle/brachial index; CI, confidence interval; VPT, vibratory perception threshold. (control group [CD (Table 1). Peripheral
neuropathy was evaluated by vibratory


Uccioli and Associates

Table 1—Characteristics of the patients ulcer prevention program. Patients with

severely deformed feet require custom-
n M/F Age (years) Duration (years) Type I/II molded shoes (6-8), and patients with
minor foot deformities may benefit from
Podiabetes 33 20/13 59.6 ± 11 16.8 ± 12.7 8/25 using athletic shoes (3,8). Other patients
Control 36 23/13 60.2 ± 8.2 17.5 ± 8 9/27
at high risk may benefit from wearing spe-
cial shoes, while not requiring expensive
custom-made shoes. Some companies
have marketed shoes for diabetic patients,
perception threshold (VPT) and periph- cant. The incidence of an ulcer was taken but there are no comparative data estab-
eral vascular disease by ankle/brachial in- as the incidence of first ulcer relapse only. lishing their absolute or relative effi-
dex (ABI). cacy.
RESULTS— ABI (1 ± 0.2 in C and Our study indicates the efficacy of
Characteristics of shoes and insoles 0.95 ± 0.2 in P) and VPT (31 ± 12mVin manufactured shoes with customized in-
The shoes were designed according to C and 33 ± 9 in P) indicate the same risk soles in preventing reulceration in a
Towey guidelines (4): super-depth to fit for foot ulceration in both groups. Figure group of patients at similar risk. In previ-
customized insoles and toe deformities 1 reports the cumulative incidence of re- ous works, the ulcer relapse rate reported
and soft thermoformable leather with lapses during a 12-month observation pe- using customized shoes (6,7) is more or
semi-rocker soles. The customized in- riod. In the C group, there was a high less similar to that obtained in our expe-
soles were shaped by cast using Alcapy, a incidence of relapses during the first 2 rience with manufactured shoes that cost
material derived from PPT (Professional months of observation, reaching 30%. A five times less. The availability of thera-
Protective Technology, Deer Park, NY), to further increase was observed during the peutic footwear at low cost may contrib-
relieve local pressures and Alcaform, a following 4-5 months, reaching values ute to its diffusion.
material derived from plastazote, to ab- higher than 50%. P group showed a rela- In our country, the public health
sorb high-pressure points. tively low incidence during the first 7 service covers the expense of therapeutic
months, followed by a small increase after shoes only in a very limited number of
that time. The percentage of relapses over cases, and in our protocol, the presence of
Statistical analysis
1 year was 58.3 in C group and 27.7 in P a control group without special shoes is
All results are expressed as means ± SD.
group (P = 0.009; odds ratio = 0.26; justified by the need for information for
Statistics were calculated using an Apple
95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.2-1.5). the National Health Service to reimburse
Macintosh computer programmed with a
The use of therapeutic shoes was nega- a larger number of patients for special
standard statistical package (Statview).
tively associated with foot ulcer relapses shoes. Another point relates to the quality
Analysis of variance and multiple regres-
(coefficient of variation = —0.315; 95% of products marketed for the diabetic
sion analysis were performed as indi-
CI = -0.54—0.08; P = 0.009) in a community. In a survey of their local foot-
cated. x 2 test was used to compare the
model of multiple regression analysis ad- wear retailers, Masson et al. (10) found
ulcer relapse frequencies among groups.
justed for age, sex, type of diabetes, dura- that only 1 out of 22 shops provided any
P values <0.05 were considered signifi-
tion of disease, HbAlc, retinopathy, ne- information about the needs of diabetic
phropathy, ABI, and VPT. The mean patients in their staff training programs.
ulcer-free time was longer in P than in C On the other hand, the American Diabe-
% 60
group (9.1 ± 3.7 vs. 3.7 ± 3 . 1 months; P tes Association clearly indicates in its po-
< 0.02). No differences with respect to sition statement (11) that "if unfamiliar
age, duration of disease, or risk factors for with therapeutic footwear, the health-
40 foot ulceration were observed for patients care provider should seek assistance from
30 with or without foot ulcer relapses in both a qualified footwear specialist." This un-
20 the C and P groups. No differences in the derlines the fact that there may be cases in
use of therapeutic shoes (always rated as which medical professionals and/or shoe
frequent or continuous) were recorded manufacturers are unable to either pre-
8 10 12 14 between patients with or without relapses scribe or make shoes for diabetic patients.
Months in the P group. In these cases, prescribed footwear may
Figure 1—Cumulative incidence of foot ulcer
be useless when not outright dangerous
relapses in control (•) and Podiabetes (A) groupsDISCUSSION— The provision of (12). The availability of manufactured
during 12 months of observation. proper footwear is a cornerstone of any shoes with an established positive effect


Shoes in ulcer prevention

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