Maximum Norepinephrine Dosage Within 24 Hours As An Indicator of Refractory Septic Shock: A Retrospective Study
Maximum Norepinephrine Dosage Within 24 Hours As An Indicator of Refractory Septic Shock: A Retrospective Study
Maximum Norepinephrine Dosage Within 24 Hours As An Indicator of Refractory Septic Shock: A Retrospective Study
Background: The management of refractory septic shock remains a major challenge in critical care and its early indicators are not
fully understood. We hypothesized that the maximum norepinephrine dosage within 24 hours of intensive care unit (ICU) admission
may be a useful indicator of early mortality in patients with septic shock. Methods: In this retrospective single-center observational
study, patients with septic shock admitted to the emergency ICU of an academic medical center between April 2011 and March
2017 were included. Individuals with cardiac arrest and those with do-not-resuscitate orders before admission were excluded.
We analyzed if the maximum norepinephrine dosage within 24 hours of ICU admission (MD24) was associated with 7-day
mortality. Results: Among 152 patients with septic shock, 20 (15%) did not survive by day 7. The receiver operating charac-
teristic curve analysis for predicting 7-day mortality revealed a cutoff of MD24 of 0.6 mg/kg/min (sensitivity 47%, specificity 93%). In
the multivariable regression analysis, a higher MD24 was significantly associated with 7-day mortality (odds ratio: 7.20; 95%
confidence interval [CI]: 2.02-25.7; P ¼ .002) but not with 30-day mortality. Using the inverse probability of treatment weighting
method in a propensity scoring analysis, a higher MD24 was significantly associated with 7-day (hazard ratio [HR]: 8.9; 95% CI: 3.2-
25.0; P < .001) and 30-day mortality (HR: 2.7; 95% CI: 1.2-5.8; P ¼ .012). Conclusions: An MD24 0.6 mg/kg/min was significantly
associated with 7-day mortality in patients with septic shock and may therefore be a useful indicator of refractory septic shock.
septic shock, sepsis, norepinephrine, intensive care unit, 7-day mortality
dose should not be used as the sole factor to assess prognosis.12 The primary end point was 7-day mortality; this was chosen
Since these studies did not include all patients with septic to analyze cause-specific mortality due to refractory shock.4
shock,10-12 a better understanding of the role of catecholamine The secondary end point was 30-day mortality.
dosage as an indicator for refractory shock remains to be estab-
lished. Several articles reported the usefulness of cumulative
dose of vasopressors in the prediction of mortality in septic Statistical Analysis
shock,12,13 while its clinical application is currently limited due Continuous variables are expressed as means + standard
to the difficulty in calculation especially in the early phase. deviations or medians and interquartile ranges (25th-75th per-
Conrad et al reported that the hemodynamic response after centiles), as appropriate, and were compared using the Student
6 mg/kg/min of phenylephrine administration can be used to t test or Mann-Whitney U test, respectively. Categorical vari-
predict refractory septic shock.14 However, as the clinical ables are shown as numbers (%) and compared using the Fisher
application of phenylephrine in patients with septic shock is exact test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve anal-
limited according to current guidelines,2 another indicator of ysis was performed to assess the optimal cutoff of the MD24.
refractory shock is needed. We hypothesized that the maximum The optimal cutoff was defined as the point of the maximum
norepinephrine dosage within 24 hours of ICU admission sum of sensitivity and specificity results. The MD24 was then
(MD24) may be a useful early indicator of refractory shock. converted into categorical variables using this cutoff.
The associations between the variables of interest and out-
comes were assessed using a multivariable logistic regression
Methods model. Clinically and biologically plausible variables, namely
the MD24, an SOFA score 14, patient age, serum lactate
Study Setting and Population level, steroid and vasopressin use, and RRT were considered
In this retrospective single-center observational study, we in the model. Based on a previous study, the SOFA score was
included patients with septic shock admitted to the emergency converted into a categorical variable with a cutoff of 14.14 The
ICU of the Fujita Health University Hospital between April effect of the MD24 on mortality was assessed using a Cox
2011 and March 2017. The Fujita Health University Hospital proportional hazards model with and without inverse probabil-
is a tertiary medical center with 1435 beds, including 9 ICUs. ity of treatment weighting (IPTW), using propensity score
The emergency ICU contains 10 beds to provide care for those adjustment. The R (version 3.4.3) and EZR software (version
admitted from the emergency department. 1.36) were used for all statistical analyses (Saitama Medical
Eligible patients were patients with septic shock aged Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama, Japan).16
>18 years. Septic shock was defined according to the Sepsis-3
definition.15 Individuals with cardiac arrest and those with do-
not-resuscitate orders before ICU admission were excluded.
Baseline Patient Characteristics
Initial Management of Septic Shock
Of 177 eligible patients, 9 and 16 patients were excluded for
Patients with septic shock were treated according to the current
having do-not-resuscitate orders and due to cardiac arrest
guidelines for the management of septic shock.2 After adequate
before ICU admission, respectively. Thus, 152 patients were
fluid resuscitation (administration of more than 30 mL/kg of
included in the final analysis.
crystalloid) that was initiated upon arrival at the hospital,
Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the patients.
norepinephrine was titrated to obtain a mean arterial
The median SOFA score was 11 (9-13), and the median MD 24
pressure >65 mm Hg. Vasopressin 0.02 to 0.03 units/min
was 0.24 (0.16-0.38) mg/kg/min. Vasopressin and steroid were
and hydrocortisone 200 mg/d were administered when
administered in 58 (38%) and 67 (44%) cases, respectively.
considered appropriate by the attending physician at the
Twenty (15%) patients died within 1 week and 48 (32%) within
emergency ICU.
1 month. Patients not surviving by day 7 had a higher MD24,
higher APACHE II and SOFA scores, a higher incidence of
Variables of Interest and Outcome Measurements pneumonia, and a higher rate of vasopressin use.
Data were retrospectively collected from electronic medical
charts. The variables of interest included patient characteristics
(age, sex, body mass index, and focus of infection), the sequen-
Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis
tial organ failure assessment (SOFA) score and Acute Physiol- The ROC curve of the MD24 to predict 7-day mortality is
ogy And Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores on the shown in Figure 1. The area under the curve of the ROC was
day of ICU admission, laboratory data at the time of ICU admis- 0.777 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.661-0.894). The opti-
sion, the MD24, and adjunctive therapy (vasopressin, steroid, mal cutoff value of the MD24 to predict 7-day mortality was
renal replacement therapy [RRT]). The MD24 was calculated 0.6 mg/kg/min, with a sensitivity of 47% and specificity of
by dividing norepinephrine dosage by actual body weight. 93%. We used this cutoff for all further analyses.
Kasugai et al 3
Figure 1. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve using MD24
for predicting 7-day mortality. MD24, maximum dosage of norepi-
Refractory shock is a major challenge in the management of
nephrine within 24 hours of intensive care unit (ICU) admission. septic shock. 4 Although several case-series studies of
patients with refractory septic shock described its mortal-
ity,10-12 little evidence on its indicators exist. To the best of
Association Between the MD24 and Mortality our knowledge, the present study is the first to show that an
Table 2 shows the results of the multivariable logistic regres- MD24 0.6 mg/kg/min was significantly associated with
sion analysis. The MD24 (odds ratio [OR]: 6.98; 95% CI: 1.94- early mortality in all patients with septic shock included
25.2; P ¼ .003) and SOFA score (OR: 5.25; 95% CI: 1.54-17.8; in the study population.
4 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine XX(X)
Table 2. Multivariable Logistic Regression Analysis. multifactorial,4 and the time of death differs by cause. Death
due to refractory shock occurs during the first 7 days of the
Variable OR 95% CI P Value
syndrome.4 Our findings suggest that, while the MD24 is asso-
Prediction of 7-day mortality ciated with the severity of the shock, its effect on long-term
MD24 0.6 mg/kg/min 7.20 2.02-25.7 .002 mortality may be limited. Therefore, the subgroup of patients
SOFA score 14 4.87 1.53-15.5 .007 with refractory shock may have a favorable outcome if they
Vasopressin use 2.15 0.61-7.55 .233 somehow survived beyond shock phase. This may explain the
Age 0.99 0.95-1.03 .677
reason for the difference in 28-day mortality between previous
Prediction of 30-day mortality
MD24 0.6 mg/kg/min 1.58 0.52-4.85 .422 reports that analyzed patients with septic shock who received
SOFA score 14 3.08 1.34-7.08 .008 HDVs.10-12 Our findings also suggest that, in the management
Vasopressin use 2.49 1.11-5.55 .026 of refractory shock, focusing on the short-term outcome
Age 1.00 0.97-1.02 .875 (ie, 7-day mortality) may be more valuable than focusing on
the 28-day or longer-term outcome. In any sense, we should
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; MD24, maximum norepinephrine
dosage within 24 hours of intensives care unit (ICU) admission; OR, odds ratio; consider detailed hemodynamic monitoring and additional
SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment. therapeutic approaches for those require higher norepinephrine
especially in acute phase.
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