Icao Conventions On Security: Assignment Topic
Icao Conventions On Security: Assignment Topic
Icao Conventions On Security: Assignment Topic
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Aviation security
Aviation security refers to measures taken to keep aircraft and their passengers and crew
safe. Aviation security has existed throughout most of the history of aviation. But various
events throughout history have led to heightened security for those traveling on board
Following the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States, security was heightened
worldwide. Most countries introduced a ban on carrying liquids in 2006. Over the years,
experts have tried best to determine the best ways to enhance the security of air travel, and
what items to permit.
Provisions for international aviation security were first disseminated as ANNEX 17 to the
Chicago Convention in 1944, and since then have been improved and updated 16 times. The
10th edition of Annex 17, which contains the 16th amendment to the Annex, became
applicable on 16 November 2018. With the advent of ANNEX 17, ICAO began providing
States with guidance material to assist with the implementation of international security
measures, the primary document being the Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973)
Various conventions in the history of aviation have contributed to the evolution of aviation
security. These conventions defined rules and guidelines that impose obligations on the
participating states to implement aviation security norms and punish any crime against
civil aviation.
The conventions that are related to aviation security are listed and explained below:
The Chicago Conference laid the foundation for the establishment of the
International Civil Aviation Organization [ICAO]. The formation of Icao give the security
manual that comprises practices to Ensure the safety, security against unlawful interference
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil
It contains 9 articles
This protocol supplements the Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, done at Montreal on 23 September 1971
THIS PROTOCOL CONSIDERING that unlawful acts of violence which endanger or Are likely
to endanger the safety of persons at airports serving international Civil aviation or which
jeopardize the safe operation of such airports Undermine the confidence of the peoples of the
world in safety at such airports