RBE For Proton Radiation Therapy - A Nordic View in The International Perspective

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Acta Oncologica

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RBE for proton radiation therapy – a Nordic view in

the international perspective

Iuliana Toma-Dasu , Alexandru Dasu , Anne Vestergaard , Petra Witt

Nyström & Håkan Nyström

To cite this article: Iuliana Toma-Dasu , Alexandru Dasu , Anne Vestergaard , Petra Witt Nyström
& Håkan Nyström (2020) RBE for proton radiation therapy – a Nordic view in the international
perspective, Acta Oncologica, 59:10, 1151-1156, DOI: 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1826573

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/0284186X.2020.1826573

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Published online: 01 Oct 2020.

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2020, VOL. 59, NO. 10, 1151–1156


RBE for proton radiation therapy – a Nordic view in the international

Iuliana Toma-Dasua,b, Alexandru Dasuc,d €mc,e and Håkan Nystro
, Anne Vestergaarde, Petra Witt Nystro €mc
Department of Physics, Medical Radiation Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; bDepartment of Oncology and Pathology,
Medical Radiation Physics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; cThe Skandion Clinic, Uppsala, Sweden; dMedical Radiation Sciences,
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; eDanish Centre for Particle Therapy,
Aarhus, Denmark


Background: This paper presents an insight into the critical discussions and the current strategies of Received 9 July 2020
the Nordic countries for handling the variable proton relative biological effectiveness (RBE) as pre- Accepted 16 September 2020
sented at The Nordic Collaborative Workshop for Particle Therapy that took place at the Skandion
Clinic on 14th and 15th of November 2019.
Proton therapy; RBE;
Material and methods: In the current clinical practice at the two proton centres in operation at the Skandion Clinic; Danish
date, Skandion Clinic, and the Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, a constant proton RBE of 1.1 is Centre for Particle Therapy
applied. The potentially increased effectiveness at the end of the particle range is however considered
at the stage of treatment planning at both places based on empirical observations and knowledge.
More elaborated strategies to evaluate the plans and mitigate the problem are intensely investigated
internationally as well at the two centres. They involve the calculation of the dose-averaged linear
energy transfer (LETd) values and the assessment of their distributions corroborated with the distribu-
tion of the dose and the location of the critical clinical structures.
Results: Methods and tools for LETd calculations are under different stages of development as well as
models to account for the variation of the RBE with LETd, dose per fraction, and type of tissue. The
way they are currently used for evaluation and optimisation of the plans and their robustness are
summarised. A critical but not exhaustive discussion of their potential future implementation in the
clinical practice is also presented.
Conclusions: The need for collaboration between the clinical proton centres in establishing common
platforms and perspectives for treatment planning evaluation and optimisation is highlighted as well
as the need of close interaction with the research academic groups that could offer a complementary
perspective and actively help developing methods and tools for clinical implementation of the more
complex metrics for considering the variable effectiveness of the proton beams.

Introduction photons, clinical practice is still largely based on the experi-

ence gained from photon therapy. The current practice for
The number of centres dedicated to proton therapy has seen
dose prescription in proton radiation therapy is to use stand-
a steady increase in the past decade [1] and the trend is
ard dose levels from photon radiation therapy modified with
likely to continue in the coming years as more facilities are
a suitable factor that accounts for the potentially different
under construction [2]. This rising trend is the result of the
favourable dose distributions that could potentially be biological effectiveness of protons due to differences in dose
achieved with protons [3] and the increased availability of deposition relative to photons. The currently used value for
clinically-dedicated technology from several vendors. Two the proton relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is 1.1 follow-
Nordic centres have already opened their doors for patients, ing the recommendations of the International Commission
the Skandion Clinic, the Swedish national facility for proton on Radiation Units (ICRU) [4]. Several reasons have been
radiotherapy, in August 2015 and the Danish Centre for brought up for the clinical approach of using a single value
Particle Therapy in January 2019, while two more proton for the RBE, including the desirability of a unique value for
centres are under construction in Oslo and Bergen in Norway the relative biological effectiveness that will ease compari-
and will become operational by 2024. sons between centres of proton therapy and computation
Nevertheless, as the number of patients treated with pro- limitations of treatment planning systems that did not allow
tons is still quite small in comparison to those treated with the incorporation of complex models in addition to the fact

CONTACT Iuliana Toma-Dasu [email protected] Medical Radiation Physics, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Visiongatan 48A-44 (P9:02) Box 260,
S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden
ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.
0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in
any way.

that clinical evidence of a variable proton RBE is still rather specifically Nordic, the use of several fields with a certain
scarce. This approach has however been questioned in the minimum angular separation has been a typical rule of
light of the findings of experimental studies showing a more thumb to mitigate the expected effects at the end of the
complex dependence of the RBE of protons on tissue type, proton range. In the process of plan evaluation, assessment
dose, and energy of the protons [5–6]. Thus, the general rela- of potential areas of enhanced LETd in regions close to
tionship indicates that the RBE increases with the increasing organs at risk and with a certain dose level is a common
stopping power of the particles, and hence with decreasing approach and can be facilitated by, for example, looking at
the energy of the protons, as well as with decreasing the the dose distributions from each field individually or to
deposited dose. There is also a general tissue dependence extract line doses over critical areas. Furthermore, the net-
that modulates the relationship with particle energy and working and exchange of experiences from other proton
deposited dose. It is interesting to note that for other par- clinics has been essential, as well as the experience from The
ticles used therapeutically like carbon ions, several models Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala, Sweden.
have been proposed and implemented clinically to account
for the complex variation of their relative biological effective-
ness [7–9]. Radiobiological models based on experimental Present
studies to account for the variable proton RBE [10–13] have The above simple rules have been important but they are
been developed in parallel with computational tools in the perceived as too rudimentary, in particular for complicated
treatment planning systems (TPS) allowing for the calculation cases such as craniopharyngiomas and skull base sarcomas
of the dose-averaged LET (LETd) values in addition to the [21], but also for cases where organs-at-risk close to the end
absorbed dose. These new models and hereby tools have of the proton range are unavoidable, such as the heart in
facilitated a number of in silico planning studies aiming at breast cases [22]. A more advanced approach to evaluate the
assessing the clinical implications of the simplified applica- possible end-of-track effects in treatment planning is to take
tion of a constant RBE value of 1.1 or assuming a more com- a combination of LETd and dose into account. LETd has the
plex RBE variation [14–16]. Such information can be useful obvious advantage to be a physical quantity, possible to cal-
both for the evaluation of the treatment plans and in the
culate with reasonable accuracy. Although there is no simple
selection of patients for proton therapy.
and unique relation between cell kill, dose, and LETd, there is
The current paradigm of a constant proton RBE of 1.1 has
a consensus that there is an approximately linear relationship
started to be questioned by several individual research
between LETd and RBE [20]. As a tool to compare different
groups [5,17–19] and also by larger associations and organi-
planning approaches and to estimate the possible risk for
sations such as the European Particle Therapy Network
different field orientations, LETd calculations constitute a
(ETPN) group – a task force of the European Society for
valuable addition to a strict dose calculation. Possibilities for
Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO) – and the American
LETd calculations are getting increasingly available both in
Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). Thus, within
commercial TPS and in dedicated software packages such as
the EPTN initiative, there is a dedicated working group to
FRoG [23].
the radiobiology of proton therapy aiming at creating the
The strategy currently employed at the Danish Centre for
network and the infrastructure for systematic, large-scale
Particle Therapy accounting for the potentially detrimental
experiments and theoretical modelling studies to investigate
effects of proton plans optimised under the assumption of a
the proton RBE dependence on both biological and physical
constant 1.1 RBE is based on the observed relationship
parameters. Similarly, AAPM has established a task group
between LETd and RBE. For tumours close to the brainstem
(TG-256) on the investigation of the relative biological effect-
and treated to prescribed doses at or above 54 Gy, the distal
iveness of protons that produced a comprehensive report
edge in the brainstem is only allowed for one out of the
recently published [20]. Aligning therefore to these initia-
minimum three fields. In selected cases, the distribution of
tives, the Nordic proton community dedicated a group dis-
proton LETd values at the voxel level is calculated using
cussion at the most recent meeting at the Nordic
FRoG [23] and the presence of elevated LETd in critical nor-
Collaborative Workshop for Particle Therapy that took place
at the Skandion Clinic in Uppsala on the 14th and 15th of mal tissue is evaluated. If it is obvious that there is more
November 2019. This paper presents a short background and than one beam having a distal edge in the brainstem, a cor-
an insight into the critical discussions and the current strat- rection of the beam arrangement would be considered by
egies of the Nordic proton facilities for handling the variable adjusting beam angles to avoid several beams having the
proton RBE and the future plans formulated at this meeting. distal edge in the same area according to recommendations
from the National Cancer Institute Workshop on Proton
Therapy for Children [24].
Nordic strategies for accounting for the potentially The strategy utilised by The Skandion Clinic for handling
variable RBE the proton RBE has been built around common recommen-
dations and research results. Thus, dose prescription is
Until now
currently performed both in physical dose, as well in RBE-
The biological end-of-range effects have not been entirely weighted dose, assuming the ICRU-recommended value of
ignored in the past and experienced planners know to avoid 1.1 for protons [4]. Although the planning practice has been
stopping a beam just before an organ at risk. While not evolving along the time, most plans employ at least two

fields to mitigate end-of-range effects and RBE uncertainties considering also the LET distribution and/or the variable RBE
and non-coplanar solutions are considered for plans with distribution before the final clinical approval?’ and ‘What strat-
three fields or more. While an RBE of 1.1 is routinely used for egies could be employed to mitigate the effect of the LET/RBE
evaluating the expected effects of the increased effectiveness hotspots under the variable RBE assumptions?’.
of the protons, for cases with organs at risk doses close to The approach proposed in Sweden for the evaluation of
tolerances or with dose hotspots, additional evaluation is the plans is described in the work by Od € en et al. [26] build-
performed assuming an RBE of 1.2 or higher for the normal ing on the development of a framework for the inclusion of
tissues [25] to implicitly increase the protection for the crit- a variable RBE into treatment planning evaluation [31,35].
ical normal tissues in these situations. In selected cases with Thus, clinical treatment plans are assessed from the robust-
unexplained toxicity, more advanced analyses have been ness point of view by recalculating them for comprehensive
retrospectively performed based on calculations of LETd at error scenarios regarding the patient setup and the range of
voxel level combined with several RBE models [26], taking protons and subsequently evaluated using a constant RBE ¼
advantage of the underlying calculation and prescription in 1.1 and variable RBE models. Using the Monte Carlo dose
physical dose. and LETd calculation engine in a research version of
RayStation v6 (RaySearch Laboratories AB, Stockholm,
Future Sweden), this method for treatment planning evaluation was
proven to predict average RBE values around 1.3, thus sub-
Present approaches are based on a combination of LET and stantially higher RBE-weighted doses and potentially higher
dose [27–29]. If just a simple product of LET and dose is NTCPs for three patients treated at The Skandion Clinic that
used, an obvious limitation would be the over-pronunciation presented suspected treatment-related toxicities following
of the LET-effect relying on the multiplication of the two proton therapy [26]. Alternative plans can also be made to
quantities [30]. Hence, a high value could be caused by the decrease the RBE in the normal tissue by reducing the LETd
increase of only one of the factors which might not by itself while maintaining the physical target dose. The proton track-
be correlated with the effect. Other approaches are therefore end optimisation method developed by Traneus and Od € en
also considered based on the estimation of RBE as a function was proposed for the re-optimisation of the plans [36] and
of dose, LET and type of tissue [31–33]. led to considerable reductions in the LETd and RBE, and thus
The general conclusions and recommendations of the to potential lower levels of NTCP compared to the clinical
recent AAPM TG-256 report [20] are to maintain the 1.1 RBE plans without compromising the physical target dose.
value for the optimisation and the evaluation of proton treat-
Although most of the work was focussed on the impact of
ment plans, specifying, however, that particular clinical scen-
the variable RBE on the OARs, the effect on the target and
arios might warrant a change in current practice. With
the potential to be included in the optimisation of the plans
respect to the target, the conclusion of TG-256 was that the
for increasing the tumour control have also been consid-
use of RBE ¼ 1.1 at 2 Gy is not entirely unreasonable under
ered [35,37].
the presumption that RBE values should be chosen conserva-
The actual impact of accounting for a variable proton RBE
tively to avoid under dosage of the target. Caution is how-
on daily clinical decision making is planned to be investi-
ever recommended for small SOBP widths and/or low a/b
gated in the near future in a collaborative workshop.
where the average RBE could be higher. Concerning the nor-
mal tissue, since the slope of the NTCP curve is expected to
be steeper compared to the tumour control probability (TCP) Discussion
slope, meaning that RBE uncertainties are even more critical
for NTCP, special attention should be paid to normal tissues The investigation of the potential clinical implications of a
and organs prone to be affected by hot spots in the region variable RBE in proton therapy has seen increased interest as
close to or beyond the distal end of the SOBP, such as the the number of clinical proton facilities has also increased.
brainstem, spinal cord, or optic nerves. The importance of Several approaches are available making use of the various
accurate identification of the factors, including the variable facets of the issue as given by LET distributions or by the
RBE, that might affect the accurate estimation of the NTCP RBE distributions predicted by the various models proposed
values is particularly high in the case of following the Dutch in the literature. This is illustrated by the complementary
model for patient selection to proton radiotherapy based on approaches adopted at the Danish Centre for Particle
DNTCP calculations [34]. The AAPM TG-256 report further Therapy and at the Skandion Clinic. Both approaches indicate
suggests that different maximum dose constraints may be that the predicted differences from a variable RBE for pro-
adopted for these tissues. tons as compared to a generic value could be significant and
The frequently quoted AAPM TG-256 report is generally that LET or RBE distributions should be taken into account
regarded as reflecting the international perspective on the for the evaluation of the proton plans. Nevertheless, the
RBE for proton therapy and the concerns raised in this report approaches need to go through a process of validation to
pose questions regarding the current clinical considerations account for the associated and, in many cases, overlapping
of the potential consequences of a variable proton RBE. uncertainties as well as to establish the necessary correla-
More specifically the questions could be formulated as such: tions with clinical results needed for evaluations as well as
‘Should the proton plans optimised for a 1.1 RBE be evaluated for later optimisations accounting for such distributions.

The uncertainties associated with the experimental deter- optimisation from which proton plans will become available
mination of RBE are well known, however, a recent multicen- to be evaluated according to the standard practice, for
tric study conducted within the frame of the Infrastructure in example, using a fixed value for the RBE as currently recom-
Proton International Research (INSPIRE) project has shown mended or with another RBE model, but having the intrinsic
significant uncertainties in calculating the RBE-driving robustness to inter-model variations.
LET [38]. These results indicate on one hand a need for Nevertheless, it should be stressed that both Nordic
standardisation of calculation of LETd distributions in various approaches are based on calculations on the dose and LETd
systems, and on the other, a need for quality control of the distributions. Limitations of analytical algorithms for proton
LETd calculations that mirrors the need for quality controls of dose calculations have started to be recognised [40] and
the dose calculations. Prospective validation studies would Monte Carlo algorithms are increasingly recommended for
have to continue and predictions of the various models or better accuracy. These are indeed more demanding in terms
approaches will have to be compared to the growing body of computational capacity, but the conditions improve by
of clinical and experimental evidence. the increased implementation of faster calculations [23].
For the purpose of plan evaluation and comparison, treat- Similarly, uncertainties in calculating LET have also been
ment planning systems need to produce and store informa- shown to lead to rather large differences in reported values
tion about the distributions of measurable physical [38]. The possible combination of uncertainties in the dose
quantities like dose and LET and also to incorporate several and LET for RBE calculation poses increased requirements for
RBE models that could be used for effect predictions and the proper benchmarking of the calculation algorithms, as
treatment plan evaluation [39]. Scripting options for the user well as inter-centre comparison. It is therefore expected that
can offer additional flexibility to test future models. These regular cheques of LET and RBE calculation will be added to
tools will allow the continuous upgrade of models and even- future quality assurance programs for treatment planning
tually the clinical validation of relevant models systems, as well as for future clinical studies in proton radio-
and approaches. therapy. These will face the same challenges that are rele-
A consistent and thorough database of prospectively col- vant for the quality control of dose distributions that are
lected data, including tumour-related efficacy, toxicity both destined for three-dimensional geometries in heterogeneous
in short and long-term, as well as comorbidity and other media, while verification is often performed in two-dimen-
patient-related data, is essential for further insights into the sional geometries in the homogeneous media. Possible
question of variable RBE and also for validating NTCP mod- improvements could be achieved from independent dose
els. Thus, regarding the availability and the quality of clinical and LETd calculation engines that will go through a separate
data required for a potential validation of the RBE models validation and control, removing the need for individual val-
one could mention an ongoing European initiative for a idation [41]. In this respect, Monte Carlo calculation appears
common European database (https://project.eortc.org/e2- to be the most useful tool to calculate LETd, while microdosi-
radiate/) as a tool to harmonise data collection and get metric methods could be a promising way to benchmark
access to big data for evaluation. how different MC based engines can accurately predict LETd
It has to be mentioned that the proposed approach of distributions [42–44]. Both Nordic proton therapy centres will
multi-model evaluation will not replace the current standard collaborate in the future, together with other centres, to fur-
of practice for clinical acceptance of plans, but rather will ther explore the uncertainties in calculating and reporting
augment it with knowledge from other models of radiobio- the LET distributions from clinical plans. Far from being hin-
logical effectiveness of protons. Furthermore, the parallel drances in further development in proton therapy, they open
evaluation of plans would continue to build specific know- good opportunities for regional and international
ledge for proton therapy. Indeed, storing measurable phys- cooperation.
ical quantities from proton plans that is not linked to any It should be mentioned that even if proton-only know-
particular RBE model, will allow future correlations with ledge of prescription and tolerance doses will become the
radiobiological effects in a parallel approach to the current norm in the future, there will still be interest in RBE models
practice of converting doses from photon therapy. that will allow comparisons with photon therapy, either for
Nevertheless, the additional knowledge from multi-model comparisons between clinics and also in the utmost scenario
evaluations has the potential to alter clinical decisions with of treatment individualisation, when the clinicians will have
respect to target coverage and OAR burden and it will be to decide whether proton therapy or photon therapy will
the responsibility of the clinicians to evaluate the implica- bring the most benefit for individual patients.
tions and to ensure proper prioritisation of dosimet-
ric criteria.
Incorporation of multiple RBE models into treatment plan-
ning systems will also offer the possibility to optimise plans The Nordic Collaborative Workshop for Particle Therapy critic-
according to one model or another, irrespective of the model ally scrutinised the current practice for proton treatment
that will be used for final plan evaluation and approval, simi- planning based on a constant value of 1.1 for proton RBE in
lar to the multicriteria optimisation approach that only light of the continuously accumulating clinical experience as
recently entered clinical practice. The ultimate approach well as the novel research findings highlighting the import-
would be to include RBE modelling in a strategy of robust ance of regional collaboration aligned with the international

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