New Class of Gravitational Wave Templates For Inspiralling Compact Binaries
New Class of Gravitational Wave Templates For Inspiralling Compact Binaries
New Class of Gravitational Wave Templates For Inspiralling Compact Binaries
Achamveedu Gopakumar1, ∗
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
(Dated: February 2, 2008)
Compact binaries inspiralling along quasi-circular orbits are the most plausible gravitational wave
(GW) sources for the operational, planned and proposed laser interferometers. We provide new class
of restricted post-Newtonian accurate GW templates for non-spinning compact binaries inspiralling
along PN accurate quasi-circular orbits. Arguments based on data analysis, theoretical and astro-
physical considerations are invoked to show why these time-domain Taylor approximants should be
interesting to various GW data analysis communities. [? ]
Introduction.— Inspiralling comparable mass com- various types of search templates and let us take a closer
pact binaries are the most plausible sources of gravita- look at the so-called TaylorT1 and TaylorT2 waveforms
tional radiation for the operational, planned and pro- implemented in the LSC Algorithms Library (LAL) [2].
posed laser interferometric GW interferometers. GW These two template families employ the following expres-
data analysts, analyzing noisy data from the interferom- sion for the so-called restricted PN waveform
eters, require accurate and efficient temporally evolving 2/3
GW polarizations, h+ (t) and h× (t), the so-called GW G m ω(t)
h(t) ∝ cos 2 φ(t) , (1)
search templates. It is expected that weak GW signals, c3
buried in the noisy interferometric data, should be ex-
tracted by employing the technique of ‘matched filter- where the proportionality constant may be set to unity
ing’. This is an optimal technique if and only if one for non-spinning compact binaries. At a given PN order,
can construct search templates that accurately model ex- the above mentioned two families provide two slightly
pected GW signals from astrophysical sources, especially different ways to compute ω(t) and φ(t). The TaylorT1
in their phase evolution. Till the late stages of binary family numerically solves the following two differential
inspiral, GW signals may be accurately modeled using equations:
the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation to general rel-
dφ(t) d ω(t) dE
ativity. The PN approximation to the dynamics of in- = ω(t) ; = −L(ω) , (2)
dt dt dω
spiralling compact binaries, usually modeled to consist
of point masses, provides, for example, the equations of where, for example, L(ω) and E are respectively the
motion as corrections to the Newtonian one in terms of 3.5PN accurate GW energy luminosity and the 3PN ac-
(v/c)2 ∼ Gm/c2 r, where v, m, and r are the character- curate orbital energy for TaylorT1 3.5PN waveforms. In
istic orbital velocity, the total mass, and the typical or- other words, for a given PN member of the TaylorT1 fam-
bital separation, respectively. In PN computations, it is ily, ω(t) and φ(t) are computed by numerically solving the
customary to treat a non-spinning inspiralling compact related approximants in Eq. (2). To construct a mem-
binary to consist of two point masses moving in quasi- ber of TaylorT2 family, say TaylorT2 3.5PN, we require
circular orbits. These PN computations, to date provided 3.5PN (Taylor expanded) accurate version of d ω(t)/dt,
four quantities that are required to do astrophysics with appearing in Eq. (2). The differential equations that de-
GW interferometers. For inspiralling compact binaries, fine ω(t) and φ(t) for TaylorT2 3.5PN waveforms can be
the relevant four quantities are the 3PN accurate dy- symbolically displayed as
namical (orbital) energy E(x), expressed as a PN series
2/3 5/3
in terms of x = G m ω3PN /c3 , ω3PN (t) being the
dφ(t) d ω(t) 96 2
3PN accurate orbital angular frequency, the 3.5PN ac- = ω(t) ; = ω 1
dt dt 5 c3
curate expression for GW energy luminosity L(x) and
the 2.5PN amplitude corrected expressions for h+ (t) and + O(ν) + O(ν 3/2 ) + O(ν 2 ) + O(ν 5/2 )
h× (t), written in terms of the orbital phase φ and x [1].
+ O(ν 3 ) + O(ν 7/2 ) , (3)
GW data analysts employ these inputs to construct
where ν = 1/c2 is a PN ordering parameter and the ex-
plicit expressions for these PN contributions may be ex-
11 This tracted from Refs. [1]. In the above equation, the chirp
is roughly the version submiited to Phys. Rev. Lett. on
18/08/2007. A substantially modified version that also addresses mass M ≡ m η 3/5 , where η is the usual symmetric mass
objections of the referee is under preparation. ratio and m being the total mass of the binary.
In this paper, we provide prescriptions to compute convenient to define these quantities in the PN accu-
three new types of time-domain Taylor approximants that rate Keplerian type parametric solution to the conserva-
should be, in our opinion, interesting to various GW data tive PN accurate compact binary dynamics, available in
analysis communities. Let us first list the salient fea- Refs. [8]. When eccentricity parameter, say time eccen-
tures of these new templates that also employ an expres- tricity et , associated with the PN accurate Keplerian type
sion similar to Eq. (1) to generate waveforms. The three parametrization approaches zero, one can define PN ac-
important features of our Taylor approximants are the curate orbital angular frequency ω ≡ dφ/dt = n (1 + k).
following. The first point is that, in comparison with This implies that for PN accurate circular orbits, the
TaylorT1 and Taylor T2 waveforms, for a given GW fre- angular part of the orbital motion is simply given by
quency window and at a given PN order, our prescrip- φ − φ0 = n × (1 + k) × (t − t0 ). To 3PN order, using
tions will provide more accumulated GW cycles. Further, Ref. [9], in the limit et → 0, we have
our approaches to compute h(t) are numerically as cheap
(expensive) as TaylorT1 and Taylor T2 waveforms. Let 2/3 39 4/3 315
ω3PN =n 1 + 3 ξ + −7η ξ +
us consider the second point. It is desirable to construct 2 2
GW templates using the mathematical formulation em-
817 123
ployed to construct the (heavily employed) PN accurate + 7 η2 + − + π2 η ξ 2 , (4)
4 32
relativistic Damour-Deruelle timing formula for binary
pulsars [3]. This is because formally GW phasing for in- where ξ = G m n/c3 . Let us now compute employing
spiralling compact binaries and timing of relativistic bi- PN accurate expressions for E(x) and L(x), available in
nary pulsars are quite similar. Our construction of these Refs. [1], the following 3PN accurate expression for the
new Taylor approximants are indeed influenced by the orbital energy E and 3.5PN accurate GW energy lumi-
GW phasing formalism, available in Ref. [4], that pro- nosity L, in terms of ξ, as
vided a method to construct GW templates for compact
binaries of arbitrary mass ratio moving in inspiralling ec- 2/3 5 η 2/3 45 21
Ẽ(ξ) = ξ 1+ − ξ + − η
centric orbits. We recall that the techniques adapted in 4 12 8 8
Ref. [4] were influenced by the mathematical formulation,
1 2 4/3 7975 35 3 1031 2
developed in Ref. [5], to compute the Damour-Deruelle − η ξ + − η + η
24 192 5184 288
timing formula. Finally, a recent preliminary investi-
30403 41 2
gation indicates that our new Taylor approximants, at + − + π η ξ2 , (5a)
576 96
the dominant radiation reaction order, should be very
efficient in capturing GWs from compact binaries inspi- 32 2 10/3 35 2113 2/3
L(ξ) = η ξ 1+ − η+ ξ
ralling along PN accurate and mildly eccentric orbits [6]. 5 12 336
This is, in our opinion, a very attractive feature for GW
458461 20129 65 2 4/3
data analysts as GWs from inspiralling (astrophysical) +4πξ + − η+ η ξ
9072 504 18
compact binaries should have some tiny eccentricities,
583 26753
when their GWs enter the bandwidth of laser interfer- + − η+ π ξ 5/3 +
24 672 3
41 13106635373 6881951
Let us describe how we construct these new types + η π2 + − η
of PN accurate time-domain Taylor approximant GW 3 23284800 7776
search templates. GWs from inspiralling (astrophysi- 375997 2 775 3 1712
+ η − η − γ + log(4 ξ 1/3 ) ξ 2
cal) compact binaries will have some tiny eccentricities 3024 324 105
around orbital frequencies of 20Hz. For example, using
771833 624559 193385 2
Ref. [4], it is not that difficult to show that the orbital + − η+ η π ξ 7/3 ,
2016 1728 3024
eccentricity of the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar when its (5b)
orbital frequency reaches around 20 Hz will be ∼ 10−6 .
Therefore, let us take a closer look at how one can de- where Ẽ = −2 E, E being the dimensionless non-
scribe, in a PN accurate manner, eccentric orbits, mo- relativistic energy per unit reduced mass [4] and γ be-
tivated by the fact that GW phasing requires accurate ing the Euler’s gamma. We are now in a position to
orbital description. Couple of decades ago, it was demon- construct, in our terminology, TaylorK1 3.5PN and Tay-
strated that associated with a PN accurate non-circular lorK2 3.5PN restricted PN waveforms. In our approach,
orbit, there exists two gauge invariant quantities, if ex- the form of the restricted PN waveform, Eq. (1), becomes
pressed in terms the conserved orbital energy and an- 2/3
gular momentum of the binary [7]. These are the PN h(t) ∝ G mc3n(t) cos 2 φ(t) , This is allowed because
accurate mean motion n and k that measures the ad- at Newtonian order ω = n and the amplitude is indeed
vance of periastron in the time interval T , T being the Newtonian accurate in Eq. (1). For TaylorK1 3.5PN ac-
radial orbital period such that n = 2 π/T . It is quite curate waveform, n(t) and φ(t) are numerically obtained
using the following two differential equations NGW with what is expected from TaylorT1 and Tay-
lorT2 waveforms at these four different PN orders . The
dφ numbers, relevant for initial LIGO, are listed in Table I
= ω3PN , (6a)
dt where we compare NGW resulting from TaylorK2 and
dn dE TaylorT2 prescriptions [results are similar while compar-
= −L(ξ) (6b)
dt dn ing TaylorK1 and TaylorT1]