Management Accountant April 2020
Management Accountant April 2020
Management Accountant April 2020
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Companies Act, 2013 has mandated appointment of a very vital component of the governance framework in
internal auditor in listed and certain other classes of safeguarding the shareholders and stakeholders’ general
companies. interest. They should assist management to focus on
The Institute of Internal Auditors defines Internal risk management and the implementation of more
Audit as – Internal auditing is an independent, stringent internal controls. In this way effective internal
objective assurance and consulting activity designed audits can enhance the organization’s capacity to build
to add value to and improve an organization’s value by enabling management personnel to take timely
operations. It helps an organization accomplish financial decisions, make immediate changes to how
its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined internal controls are operated – if required, and address
approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness any areas of vulnerability.
of risk management, control and governance This issue presents a good number of articles on
processes. the cover story “Internal Audit: The way forward”
The scope of internal auditing within an written by distinguished experts. We look forward to
organization is broad and may involve topics such as constructive feedback from our readers on the articles
an organization’s governance, risk management and and overall development of the Journal. Please send
management controls over: efficiency/effectiveness your emails at [email protected]. We thank all the
of operations (including safeguarding of assets), the contributors to this important issue and hope our readers
reliability of financial and management reporting would enjoy the articles.
and compliance with laws and regulations. Internal Further, you must be aware that outbreak of pandemic
auditing may also involve conducting proactive COVID-19 is causing terrible human suffering across
fraud audits to identify potentially fraudulent acts; the world. This global health has created a unique
participating in fraud investigations under the challenge and almost imprisoned the world. Hence,
direction of fraud investigation professionals, and we need to come together, follow medical guidelines,
conducting post investigation fraud audits to identify government instructions and fight back this crisis. We
control breakdowns and establish financial loss. will definitely overcome this calamity soon.
Business processes are in flux, as people, Stay Home, Stay Safe!!!
processes, data and technology transforming. These
major changes present a threat that the overall
control environment may degrade if the risks of
Policy - Changing • Integration of all Educational institutions & Technical Institutions & Industry – Industry & Academia
& its contribution
Contour of Indian • Role of Private Sector in improving Quality of Education
Education Eco-System • Moving towards a more imaginative and broad based liberal Education as a foundation for holistic
• Educational excellence through AI and other emerging Technologies - Importance of Research &
• From Pencils to iPads: Evolution in Instructional Technology
• Professional Education in the light of NEP
Driving India towards • Leveraging Technology to make India a global economic powerhouse
** On 01st July 2017, the GST law came into force. So we have changed our theme of July 2020 issue to “Goods and Services Tax (GST): Recent Changes and
Emerging Issues”. Further, the theme “Driving India towards 5 Trillion Dollar Economy” to be considered for the August 2020 issue now.
The Above Subtopics are only suggestive and hence the articles may not be limited to them only.
Articles on the above topics are invited from readers and authors along with scanned copies of their recent passport size photograph
and scanned copy of declaration stating that the articles are their own original and have not been considered for anywhere else.
Please send your articles by e-mail to [email protected] latest by the 1st week of the previous month.
2. The Institute has started online classes for
hope you are safe and taking good care of your family. the students. All students are advised to
The Government of India has taken several necessary take maximum advantage of online learning
and timely decisions to combat the novel coronavirus support provided by the Institute. The detail of
COVID-19 pandemic, which has posed a unique challenge webinars is available at
that has impacted all of us. I would like to express my concern webinar.php. The student can login to the
and support for all the members, students and other stakeholder classes as per the schedule provided.
affected by this outbreak. This is a crisis that has affected
everyone, but we will get through it by working together. 3. Students have been exempted from mandatory
Computer training, CSS, IOTP and Practical
The Institute is committed to support every possible initiative Training requirements before appearing in
of the Government of India, and in furtherance of that, the June, 2020. Submission of postal test papers is
Institute has initiated various measures to support the nation. also exempted.
The Government of India has set up the Prime Minister’s Citizen
Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM 4. Students who have cleared their Intermediate
CARES Fund). The fund has been set up in for expeditious and examination, the result of which was declared
collective action for alleviating the suffering of those affected, on 23rd February, 2020, were required to start
mitigation/control of damage to infrastructure and capacities practical training in February/March and file
etc. With the intent to support, we had appealed all our members the requisite Form T-1 or T-4, as applicable, for
and students to contribute towards the cause through the Institute. appearing in December 2020 examination. The
We feel extremely pleased to share that the Institute together students will be intimated of relaxations for
with financial support from its members and students, in the December 2020 examinations in due course.
first tranche, has decided to contribute a sum of Rupees Fifty 5. It may be noted that the CMA examinations
Lakhs to the PM CARES Fund. I extend my heartfelt thanks will be held as per the scheduled dates, i.e.,
and appreciation to all the contributors. from 11th June, 2020 to 18th June, 2020, without
The Members and Students are requested to make donations any change thereof.
Committee / Committee /
Date Topic Date Topic
Department Department
Audit of Health Banking and Regional Councils
Insurance Companies Insurance Committee Ind AS 19 - Employee & Chapters
Benefits Coordination
12 2020
Cyber Security and Committee
Governance Risk Internal Auditing and
2020 24
Control – New tools Assurance Standards Vivad se Vishwas Tax Research
in Internal Audit Board April
Scheme - Few Issues Department
Methodology 2020
• Association with BFSI Sector Skill Council of INSOLVENCY PROFESSIONAL AGENCY (IPA) OF
I am pleased to inform that the CAT Directorate The Insolvency Professional Agency of the Institute
is regularly following up with BFSI Sector Skill has taken various research initiatives for the professional
Council of India and Ministry of Corporate Affairs development of its members such as compilation of
for recommending the alignment of CAT Curriculum synopsis of landmark judgments under IBC during January
of the Institute under National Skills Qualifications to December 2019, Compilation of a Guidance Note on
Framework (NSQF). Verification of Claims under IBC 2016, Performance
analysis of companies - Pre, during and Post CIRP, Release
TAXATION COMMITTEE of Au Courant - Daily updates on IBC 2016 and Compilation
of Case Books analysing various settled cases under IBC.
The last one month had been pro-active for the Tax
Research Department and they have continued with the A webinar on “The Insolvency Bankruptcy Code,
knowledge building of our members and stakeholders. (Amendment) Act, 2020” was organized on 31st March, 2020
Activities including Webinars by eminent resource persons and on “How to read a Valuation Report” was organized on
- CMA Abhijit Khasnobis on the topic ‘Online processing 1st April, 2020 for the benefit of members of the Institute.
and submission of refund reissue request to Income tax
department’ on 31.03.2020, CMA Harish Joshi on the topic I once again wish you and all your loved ones health and
‘Section 286 applicability on domestic companies & forms safety during these uncertain times. Let’s move forward with
to be filed’ on 26.03.2020, CMA Vishwanath Bhat on the resolve and overcome this common threat together.
topic ‘Interest on delayed payment-gross liability (or net
Liability)-section-50(1) & related issues and preparedness Stay Indoor, Stay safe.
for the new returns under GST’ on 13.03.2020 and CMA B.
Mallikarjun Gupta on the topic ‘Steps for E-invoicing rollout
With warm regards,
in GST’ on 06.03.2020 have been conducted successfully
with active participation of huge number of candidates. The
59th and 60th Tax Bulletin has been published successfully
in the month of March 2020. The 61st Tax Bulletin has been
released yesterday. Representations to the Government
has been submitted requesting for maintaining threshold
limit for GST Annual Return and Audit, Inclusion of Cost
Accountants (CMA) in Notification No. 09/2020-Central CMA Balwinder Singh
Tax dated 16th March 2020 and requesting to provide April 3, 2020
opportunity to Cost Accountant Firms to perform GST
Audit for Financial Year 2018-19 to the Cotton Corporation
of India Ltd. The Crash Course on GST for Colleges and
Universities are being conducted at two esteemed colleges
in Mysore. The other courses, i.e., the Certificate Course
on GST, Advanced Certificate Course on GST, Certificate
course on filing of returns and Certificate Course on TDS
are continuing seamlessly. Though at some locations where
offline course is being conducted, the classes have been
withheld for the pandemic of COVID 19.
Greetings for the New Financial Year 2020-21! the ambitious digitization project being undertaken by the
e are passing through the lockdown era on Institute.
account of Covid-19. I wish you and all Any idea leading to excitements for stakeholders and
your near and dear a safe, healthy and a improving convenience and experience of Stakeholders is
prosperous new financial year. welcome.
With support of all my council colleagues along CMA Please do help us. Send your suggestion to –
Balwinder Singh - President and CMA Biswarup Basu -Vice [email protected].
President of the Institute, I was fortunate to head two council
committees Viz. Committee on Management Accounting and
Committee on Information Technology. The Committee of
Management Accounting has been created in the recent past
“Being in time is always
to focus on the necessity and importance of Management
Accounting. I will discuss about other initiatives mooted by
Announcement on board INDIGO FLIGTS
the Institute at a later date.
The Management Accounting Committee had organized a
We are keenly awaiting your response by 15th May, 2020.
global summit 2020 with a theme “Mission 5 Trillion – CMA
as a Cryogenic Force”. This summit met with a landmark Please do feel free for any clarification. I am phone call
success with your support, blessings and untiring efforts of away!
all council members, staff and all CMAs, well-wishers.
Now, the Committee of Information Technology has
taken up one big and ambitious project of Digitalization of
Institute’s Activities. The committee has worked out a broad
plan to achieve the goal of digital transformation of the
Institute in a phased manner.
The Institute is working on different software programs
for different activities e.g. Studies Department, Examination
Department, Membership Department have their standalone
CMA Ashwin G. Dalwadi
programs. Some of these pragmas were designed quite a
few years ago and they not interlinked which is the need April 3, 2020
of hour. Over a period time, several process defined at the
time of software development have undergone changes
but it has not been possible to change such processes due
to certain limitations. Further, due to such legacy systems,
the Institute is also not in a position to leverage the current
technological advances.
We have received overwhelming response for the earlier
ishing You All Happy New Year, Shree webinars organized by the IAASB and this clearly indicates
Rama Navami and Vasantha Navarathiri, the commitment of our members and their readiness
Traditional New year Celebrations. May towards the Internal Audit function. We are in the process
the blessings of Lord Rama fill our life with of preparing guidance notes on internal audit by our expert
happiness, prosperity and success, May all be blessed with team members in sectors such as Petroleum, Education,
all the happiness you desire and deserve. Helathcare & Hospitality, Process based internal audit etc.
I would like to share my happiness and pleasure with you Soon we shall be delivering the resource guidance notes to
all as a Chairman of the Internal Auditing and Assurance the members, stakeholders and society at large.
Standards Board of Institute. We have declared the Month I take this opportunity to thank CMA (Dr.) K Ch A V
of April 2020 as “Internal Audit” month and to create S N Murthy, CCM & Chairman, Journal & Publications
awareness, train the members and professionals in the Committee for his endeavor in dedicating this April 2020
domain of internal auditing and Assurance. month journal for Internal Audit. This is a new beginning in
SRIMAD RAMAYANAM of Valmiki, known as the era of Internal Audit for our members. My Sincere thanks
ADIKAVYA – the oldest epic of India- tells us a lot about to CMA Balwinder Singh, President & CMA Biswarup
administering the State including its finances. Basu, Vice President for the continuous support to the Board
in all its activities to reach us to greater heights. I express
my sincere thanks to the CMA Kushal Sen gupta, Additional
Director & Secretary, IAASB, Officials of the Directorate of
Journal & Publications, Directorate of IT and other support
departments of the Institute for the staunch support in all our
Oh dear Brother, are your revenues (Ayaha) large enough activities. I am grateful to CMA B B Goyal for his untiring
to cover the expenses of the State? (meaning that budgetary advice and motivation to perform.
deficit is avoided) I hope, as regards expenses, the same At this juncture, let us extend our sincere gratitude to
are well within the approved limits (vyayah alpataraha) i.e. medical-welfare administrative comrades who striving their
Administrative Heads of the departments are exercising best to make of us to be safe and free from the COVID-19.
proper control while incurring actual expenditure against We need to appreciate the services of the service bees in
the sanctioned limit. I hope you are ensuring that no part making their hard efforts to ensure the availability of
of your Treasury (Kosha) is spent on undeserving objects necessaries at our doorstep, maintain cleanliness and to the
or purposes (apaathreshu) i.e. in our current terminology – community at large.
avoiding infructuous expenditure.
Are they not the cardinal principles of Budgets and “Profession is not a label you give yourself. It’s a
Budgetary Control?! description you hope others will apply to you”
Wishing all professionals a prosperous way ahead…..
It is imperative that the need and existence of an Jain Hind.
independent review / a system of reporting –i.e. audit in our Thank You very much. Best Regards
today’s terminology- has been cited by Sri Rama.
The domain of Internal Auditing & Assurance Services
travels beyond the business functions and drives into the
arena of performance measurement & Decision Making
[PM & DM]. In this context, we would be delivering a series CMA P. Raju Iyer
of webinars by the experts, sharing of knowledge resources April 3, 2020
Glimpses of CMA Womennovator Conclave 2020 organised by the Institute in association with Womennovator on 7th
March, 2020 at New Delhi
An Interactive session on GST Law related issues, Pre-placement Orientation Program organised by the
GSTN problems and other issues related to GST organised Hyderabad Chapter of the Institute inaugurated by CMA
by the Hyderabad Chapter of the Institute on 2nd March Dr. P.V.S.Jagan Mohan Rao, Advisor and Immediate
2020 at Hyderabad. Seen in the picture CMA Dr. K Ch A Past President of SAFA, as the Chief Guest and CMA G.
V S N Murthy, Council Member, CMA Lavanya KVN, Narayana Rao director NRDC as the Guest of Honour on
Chairperson Hyderabad Chapter and Dr. D. Purushotham, 12th March 2020. Also seen in the picture, CMA Dr. K Ch
Pr. Commissioner GST Telangana A V S N Murthy, Council Member, CMA Lavanya KVN,
Chairperson Hyderabad Chapter
CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay,Council Member of CMA Debasish Mitra, Chairman - Board of Advanced
ICAI greeted Professor Ranjit Tamuli, Vice-Chancellor of Studies of the Institute addressing Students and Members in
Dibrugarh University on 11th March 2020 at Dibrugarh, the Workshop on Applications of Data Analytics in Finance
Assam & Costing on 14.03.2020 at Kolkata
egional Cost Convention 2020 of the Western Chairman of WIRC and WIRC Chapter Representatives
India Regional Council conducted at Surat on from various Chapters in the region were present on the
15th& 16th February 2020 and hosted by Surat occasion. Chapter Meet was also organised on the occasion,
South Gujarat Chapter of Cost Accountants. which was chaired by CMA Balwinder Singh, President of
Theme of RCC 2020 was “Withstanding Economic the Institute, CMA Biswarup Basu, Vice President of the
Challenges – Role of CMAs”.Convention was inaugurated Institute and CMA H Padmanabhan, Chairman, Students,
by Chief Guest, Hon. Shri. C. R. Patil, Member of Parliament, Members, Chapter Region Coordination Committee along
Government of India. CMA Balwinder Singh, President of with CMA Neeraj Joshi, Chairman WIRC, CMA Ashish
the Institute, CMA Biswarup Basu, Vice President of the Bhavsar, Hon. Secretary, WIRC.
Institute, CMA Dhananjay V Joshi, Chairman, Technical
committee, Former President of the Institute, CMA Neeraj
Joshi, Chairman WIRC and CMA Ashish Bhavsar, Hon.
Secretary WIRC, CMA Brijesh Mali, Chairman Surat South
Gujarat Chapter and CMA K.C. Gupta, Vice Chairman,
Surat South Gujarat Chapter were on the dais.Colourful
Souvenir was released at the hands of Chief Guest Hon. Shri.
C. R. Patil, Member of Parliament, Government of India on
the occasion.In the 1st Technical Session on ”Industry &
Economy” Dr. Aditya Shrinivas, Chief Economists & Chief
Operative Officer, Bombay Stock Exchange Broker’s Forum,
CMA Ramkrishna Kashelkar, Corporate Communication,
RIL & CMA Dr. Ashish Thatte, CCM were the speakers.
In 2nd Technical Session on “Service Sector”, Padmashri
Mathurbhai Savani, Founder, Saurashtra Jaldhara Trust, Mr.
Jaynarayan Vyas, Past Minister, Government of Gujarat &
CMA Balwinder Singh, President ICAI felicitating Hon.
Thinker & Economists, CMA NileshLathiya, Chief Finance
Shri C. R. Patil, Member of Parliament, Surat during the
Officer, Dahod Smart City Development Ltd, and CMA
Inaugural session of WIRC Regional Cost Convention held
Amit Apte, Immediate Past President of the Institute were
at Surat on 15th & 16th February 2020. Also seen CMA
the speakers.In 3rd Session on “Regulatory Reforms” Ms.
Biswarup Basu, Vice-President-ICAI, CMA Dhananjay V.
Anupama Singla, Joint Commissioner, Income Tax, Mr.
Joshi, Past President-ICAI, CMA Neeraj Joshi, Chairman
Sanjay Saraswat, Superintendent, National Academy of
WIRC and CMA Ashish Bhavsar, Hon. Secretary-WIRC.
Indirect Tax, Customs & Narcotics (NACEN), CMA Ajay
Joshi, Practising Cost Accountant & IP & CMA Sanjay
Bhargave, Practising Cost Accountant were the speakers.
On 2nd day in the 4th Technical Session on ‘Industry 4.0”
CMA Chaitanya Mohrir, Associate Manager, Accenture
& Regional Council Member, WIRC, Ms.Kruti Shah,
representing IT Firm Pure IETS Ltd, Dr. Rajesh Babu,
associate Professor, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University
were the speakers.Valedictory session was chaired by Hon.
Sou. Darshana Jardosh, Member of Parliament, Government
of India. In her speech she emphasised on the role of CMAs
in public sectors and the role of Cost and Management
accounting in coming times. In the summing up Session,
Secretary of Surat South Gujarat Chapter CMA Nanty
Shah, thanked all the members and students participated in
Convention, CMA Neeraj Joshi, Chairman WIRC, CMA Hon. Shri C. R. Patil, Member of Parliament, Surat, CMA
Dinesh Kumar Birla, Vice Chairman WIRC, CMA Ashish Balwinder Singh, President ICAI along with Central Council
Bhavsar, Hon. Secretary WIRC, CMA Mahendra Bhombe Members, Regional Council Members, & Surat South
- Treasurer WIRC, CMA Harshad Deshpande, RCM and Gujarat Chapter Office Bearers during WIRC Regional Cost
CMA H Padmanabhan, CMA P. Raju Iyer, CMA (Dr.) V Convention held at Surat on 15th& 16th February 2020.
Murali, CMA (Dr.) Ashish Thatte , CMA Ashwin Dalwadi
& CMA Debasish Mitra, CCMs, Past Presidents and Past
he Institute of Cost Accountants of India – Eastern resource persons, CMA Ashish Banerjee, RCM –EIRC offered
India Regional Council had organised the 41st the vote of thanks.
Cost Conference2020 on the theme“Sustainable Technical Session III was on Banking & Insurance - Health
Development through Inclusive Growth – Rising & Forensic Audit. CMA C.R.Chatterjee, CCM-ICAI was the
from the East” on 28th& 29th February 2020 at Swabhumi, Chairman of the session, CMA C Veeraraghavan , Proprietor,
Kolkata. Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal His Excellency C V RAGHAVAN & ASSOCIATES –addressed on Health
Shri Jagdip Dhankar had graced the occasions Hon’ble Chief Insurance, Shri Jyoti Prakash Gadia, Managing Director-
Guest and inaugurated the Conference by lighting the Resurgent India Limited addressed on Health Insurance, CMA
Inaugural Lamp. The First Lady of the State Ms Sudesh Alok Bardhan, Assistant Director, Serious Fraud Investigation
Dhankar had also graced the occasion. CMA A.K.Tiwari, Office (SFIO), MCA addressed on Forensic Audit, Shri Umesh
Director Finance – GAIL, CMA Sanjiv Soni, Director Finance, Kumar Singh, Chief Vigilance Officer, Allahabad Bank
Coal India Limited, CMA R H Juneja, Director Finance, addressed on Forensic Audit, Shri Diptendu Moulik , Senior
Mecon Limited, CMA Balwinder Singh, President, ICAI, Manager - Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd addressed
CMA Biswarup Basu, Vice President, ICAI, CMA Pallab on Opportunities & Risk Management in Commodity Market.
Bhattacharya, Chairman, EIRC, CMA Uttam Nayak, Secretary CMA Abhishek Kr. Singh, RCM-EIRC offered the vote of
– EIRC were also present during the Inaugural session. thanks.
Technical Session IV was on Expectation of Industry:
A way forward. CMA Debasish Mitra-CCM-ICAI was the
Chairman of the session, CMA Asim Mukherjee –VP & Head-
Business Finance Tata Motors Ltd., Mr. Debi Prasad Patra,
IAS (Retd.), Whole-time Director, MCPI Private Limited ,
Dr. Saurav Khemani, Chairman MSME (Bharat Chamber Of
Commerce) were the Guest of Honour. CMA Abhishek Kumar
Singh, RCM, EIRC.
Session on NPS: Shri Saurabh Das, Sr Manager (Operations
& Marketing), NSDL was the resource person on NPS.
Technical Session I
s per Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA),
Internal Auditing is an independent, objective
assurance and consulting activity designed
to add value and improve an organization’s
operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives
by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate
and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control,
and governance processes.
CMA C Veeraraghavan
IA & AS (Retd)
Practising Cost Accountant
With the opening of economy in late 1990s and early Chennai
2k years, the business size, operations and structure of the
organisations become complex. Many organisations have Abstract
different business verticals and units in different parts of our
country and even some have transnational branches. They
also have foreign investors to report. Most organisations For successful completion of audit
felt that they did not have adequate and appropriate controls assignment, one of the basic need is proper
in place to achieve in full their strategic objectives. The
management of these businesses found it impossible to
audit planning. A detailed audit plan would
visually supervise all of the operating areas in their respective cut the time in field work and reporting.
field of responsibility or to have sufficient personal contact Due to a well thought out plan, the Internal
with individuals, who directly or indirectly reported to them. Auditor knows which areas are more risks
Therefore, to alleviate, these new problems, managements are
appointing special staff/ professionals to review and report on to be concentrated in audit and also have
what is happening and to probe for the “why” it was happening. a subject expert to guide the team. This
These persons are called ‘Internal Auditors.’ Most of these adds value to the audit assignment and
internal auditors were not employees of the organisations but would immensely beneficial for both the
external accounting professionals. Most of these professionals
though have adequate knowledge on financial matters, may not auditor as well as the audit customer. In
possess the required adequate knowledge on the domain which this article, it is explained the need for
they have to audit. Therefore it is suggested that they should process based internal audit, importance
have adequate domain expert or subject matter expert to guide of audit planning and the steps of planning
them for successful conduct of audit and report. For successful
conduct of audit, the planning for it, is a primary step. In this process.
he word Governance is generally understood MANAGEMENT:
as Corporate Governance, it means how the Contract Management is also known by Contract
corporate is being managed and extent of Administration. It is the management of Contracts, vendors,
transparency is being maintained in managing partners, employees etc. The personnel who are involved
the affairs of the company. Unless the management of the in contract management are required to negotiate, support
company is able to earn the confidence of its stakeholders and manage effective contracts. Contract Management
/ investors, running the company as a growth organization includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts
will be difficult. The Governance is now felt in every area and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions, as
of activities of the corporation that helps the organization to well as documenting and agreeing on any changes that may
grow and to earn the confidence of the related person. Once, arise during its implementation. The purpose of contract
the principle of good Governance is being maintained in management is to maximize financial and operational
all the activities of the organization i.e. from the day when performance and at the same time, minimize the risks.
the task is assigned and up to the date of finalization and A Contract is a written or oral agreement enforceable by
achievement / fulfillment of the task as outlined in principle. law. The definition of Contract is given in Section 2(h) of
On the other hand, Audit means the examination of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 which is based on the English
various books of accounts with the relevant vouchers so as Common Law. On analyzing the definition, we find that
to enable the auditor to express his opinion as to whether a Contract is an agreement between the two parties. The
the Balance Sheet shows a true and fair view of the Assets agreement may be either oral or written and, thereby, a legal
and Liabilities and whether the Profit and Loss Account obligation is created for both the parties each of the whom has
of the profitability of the organization. It also includes to perform specific acts. It is preferable that agreements be put
physical verification of the inventory to ensure that all the in writing in order to make it enforceable in the court. Each
transactions are properly recorded in the respective books of party has is legally bound to do the specified duties as per the
accounts. Apart from the statutory auditing, internal auditing terms and conditions of the agreement. Each party must have
is also of utmost importance in any organization. The something of value which is called “consideration”.
Internal audit of an organization refers to an independent
managerial activity that requires a continuous and in-depth III. BASIC ELEMENTS OF A CONTRACT:
analysis as well as critical appraisal of the entire functioning
1. Mutual Assent: The parties to the contract must have
of the organization. Internal audit helps the organization in
a understanding in respect of the subject matter to the
the following manner:
a. Profit planning ,
2. Offer and Acceptance: One party to the contract will
b. Adding value to the organization , make the offer which must be a clearly communication
c. Strengthening the overall governance mechanism of to the either party. Similarly, the other party also is
the entity, able to understand and accept in unambiguous terms/
d. Various strategic risk management, conditions.
e. Internal control system. 3. Consideration: It means both the parties mutually
agreed to the value as decided in order to make the
f. Finally, it provides assurance that transparency is
agreement binding between the two.
being maintained in reporting which is as a part of
good corporate governance. 4. Capacity: The parties to the contract must be capable
to understand, frame and enter into any agreement in
In a manufacturing sector, a significant amount of revenue
the eye of law of the country.
goes out for contract and procurements and the same may
vary from 55 % to 65 %. A transparency is essential which
helps to curve such expenditure. A regular internal audit Types of Contracts: A Contract may be of different types
of the contract & procurement activities is needed in order like valid, void, voidable, illegal etc. A Valid Contract is
to maintain the transparency, efficiency and to keep control one which fulfills all the essentials of contract as enumerated
over the non-productive expenditure/outflow that helps in Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. A Void
in revenue improvement plan and improve the financial Contract is one which contains the element of impossibility
management efficiency of the corporate. A well defined in performing by reason of some event. AVoidable
policy on contract & procurements and its regular audit will Contract is one which is enforceable by law at the option
help the organisation to bring and to maintain clarity in each of the either party. A contract may be un-enforceable due
procurement. to lack of some defect by both the parties. For example:
absence of registration etc. Besides, a Contract may be
An advance and comprehensive audit program at the
illegal /unlawful when the object or consideration decided
beginning of the financial year and regular meeting with
in the agreement is forbidden by law of the country. It may
the key management personnel will help to bring efficiency,
be noted that all illegal agreements or contracts are void but
transparency & justify the dependability on the auditing
all void agreements are not illegal.
activities and its report.
We regret to inform you that we are unable to publish “Down The Memory Lane” this month as it is prepared by
extracting memorable events from the various issues of The Management Accountant journal; which is currently
impossible due to 21-days Nationwide Lockdown state to fight against pandemic COVID-19. Hope to publish the
same again in the forthcoming issues.
Introduction leads to the development of Competetive advantages. When
nternal Audit is a part of management that is such advantages are maintained over a period of time they
fundamentally Defensive against Predictable threats become unmatched by competitors and known as distinctive
and progressive towards building sustainable advantages.
strategies by managing Resources. C Cost control
“A firm that continues to employ a previously successful O Operational control
strategy eventually and inevitably falls victim to a
competitor” N Normative control
Strengths and weaknesses were present in every functional T Tax control
area of an organization. Focusing and managing strength
In this ever changing economic environment, corporations are more often than not becoming
prey to such crises as resource constraint, lack of transparency, information asymmetry,
governance gap, laxity in risk management, liquidity pressure, financial impropriety, corrupt
business practices, commercial frauds etc. thereby affecting business functionality and leading
to failure. It would be fair and proper that the internal auditors changed pattern to further
strengthen entities’ internal control system at least to facilitate raising early warning signals
whenever something goes wrong and safeguarding business continuity.
Introduction abroad. Such step would liberate corporates acquiring capital
he existence, effectiveness and responsiveness from alternative sources thereby paving the way for Indian
of the internal audit function not only support economy to reach the US$5 trillion mark by 2024. Can the
organizations in smooth sailing and ensure auditors, in general, now afford to stay status-quo and allow
realizing their goals but are also of great help to things to function the way these are? Immediate answer
statutory auditors, including the cost auditors, in designing is no, simply because public perception and stakeholders’
entity specific audit methodology and formulating their expectation have gone up. The internal auditors, at this
work ethic. The government of India has initiated myriad point in time, must explore possibilities, sooner the better,
measures in the ‘ease of doing business’ front and may soon of acquiring required dynamism and refining due diligence
allow Indian public companies to directly list their securities procedures to discharge their duties befittingly. While the
new age and ways require entities to focus on constant
Efficacy of the IA function as a tool achieving the best results and systems in the overall interest of
the organisation is determined through sincere implementation of certain organisational aspects
which can really make this function much more useful than an organ for mere compliance of the
corporate governance norms.
Objective of IA Improvement studies, Improved Resource utilization,
nternal Audit (IA) is an internal control function of overall Risk Management, Fraud investigation etc.
the Top Management basically required to evaluate
the effectiveness of all other internal controls Efficacy of IA Functioning- Organizational Aspects
implemented in the organization. Despite the noble utility of the function, which is to
Thus, IA provides an independent, timely and reasonable preserve and optimize organizational interest, assets and
assurance to the Top Management/ Board/ owners on the resources, it is a bitter fact that in most organizations this
effective functioning of various internal controls in the function is generally reduced to a negative function limited
organization. to fault finding reports only.
On a much broader perspective, IA can also be effectively However, if an organization sincerely ensures the
utilized for various additional assignments such as following aspects, IA function will definitely result in greater
Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Policy reviews, System organizational benefit compared to its traditional utility:
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davp 17102/13/0032/1920
Introduction an organization’s operations. It helps an organization
ccording to the definition of Internal Auditing accomplish its objectives by bringing systematic, disciplined
in the IIA’s International Professional approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
Practices Framework (IPPF) “Internal Audit management, control and governance processes”. In the
is an independent, objective assurance and words of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
consulting activity designed to add value and improve and Wales (ICAEW), “An Internal Audit is a review of
Internal Audit is an important area of defense in the 4. To provide assurance to the BOD that fraud controls
organization. Internal Audit is considered as the 3rd line of are adequate to identify fraud risks and ensure that
defense and the Internal Auditors are responsible to report the internal control is functioning effectively.
its findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors 5. To conduct post investigation fraud audits to identify
(BOD)/ Audit Committee. Internal Audit is independent control breakdown and establish financial loss.
of the BOD/ Audit Committee and senior management.
6. To identify fraudulent acts by conducting fraud
Sound internal control should be implemented by the senior
7. To review the operating activities and Governance.
Research Objective 8. To review policies and its effectiveness.
1. To study the objectives of Internal Audit, appointment
of Internal Auditor and process of Internal Audit. Appointment of Internal Auditor
2. To study the role of Internal Audit in Merger and Under rule 13 of the Companies (Account) Rules, 2014
Acquisition. the following classes of Companies shall be required to
appoint an Internal Auditor or a firm of Internal Auditors:
Research Methodology (a) Every listed Company,
The present study is conclusive and descriptive. The study (b) Every Unlisted Public Company having one of these
was conducted on secondary sources of data collected from during the preceding financial year -
books, articles, journals, e-sources, etc. i. Paid up share capital of `50 crores or more.
ii. Turnover of `200 crores or more.
Analysis and Findings iii. Outstanding loans or borrowing from Banks or
Whenever any strategic transaction takes place such as Public financial institutions exceeding `1000
Merger and Acquisition (M&A), the role of Internal Audit crores or more at any point of time.
becomes evident and Internal Audit forms an essential part iv. Outstanding deposits of `25 crores or more at
for maintaining sound Corporate Governance. any point of time.
(c) Every Private Company having one of these during
Objectives of Internal Audit the preceding financial year:
1. To review accounting system and internal control i. Turnover of `200 crores or more.
ii. Outstanding loans or borrowings from Banks or
2. To review both financial and operating information. financial institutions exceeding `100 crores at
3. To review compliance of management policies. any point of time.
The Internal Audit Standards Board of the ICAI has issued standards on Internal Audit which provides guidance to the
members on all important aspects related to Internal Audit, so that they adopt the best practices and processes in carrying out
Internal Audit. Table 1 represents the Standards on Internal Audit to be followed during Internal Audit -
The Internal Audit functions should be included at the beginning stages during the merger and acquisition process so that
value added assistance can be obtained from such audit by conducting a risk assessment, corporate strategy process which is
mostly related to growth by acquisition.
The involvement of Internal Auditors in merger and acquisition process includes –
The Internal Audit is an important part of management team and it has a lot of relevance which should always be carried
1] Understanding ‘Internal Audit’ to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
rocess of internal audit activity is usually management, control and governance processes.”
done in order to assess a company’s corporate
governance and accounting processes comprising 1.2 Internal Audit: From Past
internal control. Such internal audits safeguard After World War II and with the progress in the field
the compliances with ‘laws and regulations’. Internal of management science, the concept of internal auditing
audits equip the management with essential tools in order profession has grown up gradually. Conceptually it was
to reach the required operational efficiency. They help much similar with the QA (Quality Assurance) and financial
to maintain data collection with well-timed and precise auditing by public accounting firms. But to the contrast with
(accurate) financial reporting. Operational efficiency can be this, Lawrence Sawyer is every so often mentioned as “The
accomplished by identification of problems and necessary father of Modern Internal Auditing”1.
corrections lapses just before they might be exposed in an
In U.S. implementation of ‘Sarbanes-Oxley Act’ of 2002,
‘external audit’.
embraced prerequisite skills by internal auditors to help and
support companies to meet the various requirements of the
1.1 Definition of ‘Internal Audit’ law. This ensured enhancement in the value and profession’s
According to The Institute of Internal exposure.
Auditors (IIA) “Internal auditing is an independent,
objective assurance and consulting activity designed to 2] Role of Internal Audit
add value to and improve an organization’s operations.
The activity of internal audit is principally rapt at
It helps an organization accomplish its objectives
evaluation of internal control which is a process effected
by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach
1. “The IIA-History and Evolution of Internal
Auditing”. Retrieved 2013-09-04
2. “IIA Article “Getting a Leg Up””.
Retrieved 2013-09-04
3. “Format of Internal Audit Report” Archived from the original on
3.1] Objectives of next-gen internal audit 7 December 2013.
The three important objectives of next-gen internal audit 4. The Next Generation of Internal Auditing - Are
can be as follows: You Ready? Catch the Innovation Wave, Protiviti,
November 2018
1. To improve assurance by concentrating focus on the
key risk areas.
2. To make internal audits more effective and efficient. [email protected]
Without IA’s involvement, the getting organization might not understand whether or not the
management surroundings has adequate rigor or whether or not the acquisition or divestment
is correctly valued. IA will play a task in divestitures by making certain that controls stay robust
throughout the financial plan carve out, and operational and IT transition. Similarly, while not
IA’s involvement, the getting organization won’t understand whether or not, if the state of risks
and controls were taken into consideration at the time of valuation of the getting organizations.
inancial statements are solely nearly as good because the risk and control surroundings that support them.
Organizations typically underestimate the challenges related to the acquisition or divestiture of an organization
or line of business. While not IA’s insight, prices may vary from a loss of chance to extra investments needed to
mend the problems that were lost. Rising market growth, valuation, the complexness of the control surroundings,
increasing regulative pressures — these area unit all pressing problems wherever Internal Audit will offer crucial input and
strategic price early within the strategic transactions life cycle.
3. Boards will become more involved in cyber security. 7. Integrated risk management (IRM) will remain a
By giving a free, target assessment of an association’s key initiative.
current controls, inner review assumes a crucial job in Inner review capacities are customarily seen as an
helping associations oversee potential digital dangers. In association’s third line of barrier, yet this siloed viewpoint
any case, with cyber attacks on the ascent, security breaks some of the time brings about restricted straightforwardness
at a record-breaking high and new weight from the SEC into other offices’ hazard the board endeavors. Integrated
and PCAOB, cyber security is presently turning into a top risk management (IRM) separates these storehouses and
need in meeting room conversations. Board individuals need offers review the chance to streamline forms, concentrate
to increase an exhaustive perspective on the dangers both business resources, and guarantee all divisions work as one.
inside and outside of the association. As inclusion in digital IA ought to be the main impetus behind these IRM programs
dangers develop and board obligation to cling to the FTC’s because of their capacity to recognize dangers and controls
expanded norms of care turns into a worry, sheets will depend and suggest significant arrangements. IRM likewise upholds
all the more vigorously on Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) IA’s chance to use computerization apparatuses and better
and their IA group to impart these risks and compelling convey the institutionalization and detailing of controls over
techniques for countering them. all hazard territories of the business.
4. More internal audit departments will use cyber 8. Internal audit will leverage data analytics to manage
security frameworks. the vast availability of data.
One of inner review’s goals is to furnish the executives The measure of information on the planet is relied upon
with an autonomous appraisal of an association’s cyber to arrive at 44 zettabytes by one year from now, which is in
security arrangements and techniques and their adequacy. excess of multiple times the quantity of stars in the perceptible
IA distinguishes administrative insufficiencies that could universe. However, with organizations taking care of more
put the association in danger, just as the important interior information than any time in recent memory, the potential
controls to relieve them. Like never before, associations dangers are much higher. Information examination has
must adjust the developing danger scene against their altogether changed the field of inside evaluating, changing
security program. In the coming year, this will be seen all manual procedures into mechanized ones, improving
the more frequently through the appropriation of a cyber the precision of review results, giving important bits of
security control structure, which can fill in as a pattern for an knowledge to the executives, and expanding the capacity to
association’s current program. distinguish and address hazards over the endeavor.
1. Introduction auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting
nternal audit is an independent, objective assurance & activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s
consulting activity which is designed to add value and operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives
improve an organization’s operations. It always helps by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate
an organization to accomplish its objectives by and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control,
bringing a methodical, disciplined approach to estimate and and governance processes.
improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and
governance processes and it is practiced by internal auditors. 2. Review of Literature
Internal auditing provides recommendations to the Shah Saud, (2015), “The role of internal audit in
organization based on analysis and assessment of various organisation goals achievements”, he stated that, the
data which is a catalyst for improving organizational fundamental role of internal audit is to assist management to
governance, management of risk and control. It also attain organizations goals and it also provides a satisfactory
provides value to governing bodies and senior management internal control system for risk prevention. It adds value
and involves in conducting proactive fraud audit in order to and improves an organizations operations by bringing a
identify fraudulent acts and also conduct post investigation systematic disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the
fraud audit helps to identify, control, breakdowns and effectiveness of risk management, control and governance
estimates financial losses. processes.
According to Institute of Internal Auditors defined Internal
The required data for this study is collected from both f) Verify the correctness
and authenticity of
primary and secondary sources. 15 30 05 00 00 50
financial records and
» Primary Data: statistical records
The primary data for this study is collected by g) Establish best
distributing structured questionnaires to the manager, practice reporting 17 27 05 01 00 50
accountants and employees of the organisation and relationships
also used interview method wherever it needed. h) Eliminate the
» Secondary Data: misappropriation of 11 27 11 01 00 50
book of accounts
The secondary data has been collected from industrial
reports, journals, through articles, books, newspaper, (Source: Survey Result)
magazines and websites. Note: SA-Strongly Agree, A-Agree, N-Neutral, DA-
Disagree, SDA-Strongly Disagree.
COVID-19 testing - when and how?
All individuals need not be tested, because
Disease is primarily reported in Individuals with travel history to the affected countries or close contacts
of positive cases
ALL symptomatic people who
Have history of international travel in last 14 days Are hospitalized patients with Severe Acute
Had come in contact of confirmed cases Respiratory Illness (SARI) or Influenza Like Illness (ILI)
or severe pneumonia.
Are healthcare workers
Asymptomatic direct and high-risk contacts of confirmed cases should be tested once between day 5 and day 14
davp 17102/13/0031/1920
Those living in same household with a confirmed Healthcare workers who examined a confirmed
case case without adequate protection as per WHO
CMA L. Sriram
Management Consultant
Internal audit (IA) is moving towards evaluating Risk management, controls and governance.
Companies Act, 2013 has also recognized CMA as one of the professional for conducting
IA. Future of IA is in Big data analysis, Automated audit and assurance, Cyber security,
Continuous risk assessments, Resource utilization audits and Intelligent automation and cloud
computing. Trillions of data gathered over past years provide a huge opportunity for analysis
for better decision making. ERPs provide for automated audits. Audit parameters are set in
advance, which results in continuous analysis of the process and controls, and the exceptions
are reported concurrently. Monitoring capacity utilization of men and machines brings out
inefficiency. Board of directors today direct their attention more on strategies of production,
process, marketing, operational and financial planning. CMAs are amalgamation of a finance
professional with a knowledge of engineer. CMAs can analyse these data deeper and provide
better insights to the management for better decision making.
Introduction: mitigation process are mapped to check un-covered
nternal Audit (IA) has moved from the traditional risks. Enterprise Risk Management covers Financial
areas of financial auditing and reporting on a few processes and also Non-traditional areas such as ;
financial parameters alone. Recognizing the emerging a. Political Risks – Agile and ever-changing
future, Companies Act, 2013 has recognized the role Political scenario across the globe necessitates
of CMAs to play a vital part in the IA functions. Section review of this risk more seriously than the past.
138 (1) stipulates certain classes of companies to appoint Organizations today cross Indian boundaries and
Internal Auditor, who can be a Chartered Accountant or a spread across the globe.
Cost Accountant or such other professionals who can be b. Interest rate risk and currency exchange risk:
decided by the Board to conduct the IA activities of the Any political landscape changes induce serious
organization. This is a very great shift in the thought process changes in the Interest and Currency exchange
of law makers, that the internal audit can be done by the risks.
professionals like CMA and CS also.
c. Technology obsolescence risk – Technology
CMA is no longer to be seen as a Cost accountant working changes very fast, it replaces itself within the
in the organization or a Cost auditor who certifies the Cost next five years. Huge investments in Machinery,
audit reports. Today’s CMA are involved in the Management Vehicles, Computer Servers and even Knowledge
Decision process. They act as internal consultants to the Management needs risk analysis and appraisal.
management in arriving the decisions. In this context, this
d. Litigation risks – Consumer of today knows
article looks into the future trends in internal audit and the
what his rights are and willing to fight for the
role and scope of CMA in future.
justice. Especially in the consumer focussed
industries like, Retail, Hospitals, Education,
Future trends in Internal Audit: Consumer goods etc., care should be taken
Internal Audit has been defined by the Institute of Internal to review the possible litigation against the
Auditors (IIA) as, organization and possible costs.
“Internal auditing is an independent, objective 3. Analysis of data – for decision making:
assurance and consulting activity designed to add value Organization’s data today resides in the servers,
and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an which are available for analysis at any point of time.
organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a Future data analysis in the organizations are like [3,
systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve 4];
the effectiveness of risk management, control, and a. Analysis of Cost of Raw Materials across time
governance processes.” [1] periods.
b. Price increase / Price reduction analysis.
Internal Audit was done traditionally by Chartered
c. Vendor evaluation is easier with the data
Accountants, both in-house appointed and also by external
available. Supply parameters like quality, time,
CA firms. The focus was mainly in the day-to-day
price are available for analysis.
transactions of the company. Main focus was on the financial
transactions. Role of the IA was looked as a supporting role d. Prices of products can be analysed to see how the
to the Statutory auditor. Present Internal auditor is expected customer trend is moving over the years.
to play a role of Internal Management Consultant. Entire e. Analysis of competitor data – this is available
business operations have been brought under the scope of today in the form of reports available with MCA
Internal Audit. (Ministry of Corporate Affairs – XBRL Files)
f. Customer preferences
Focus has shifted to; g. Warranty analysis
h. Production failures and reasons for the same –
rejections, defectives, scrap etc.,
i. Health insurance denial rates
1. Analysis of process and Controls: Process audit j. Health / Life insurance demographics
is becoming the need of the hour and in the future, k. Mutual fund analysis across the funds, investment
considering the implementation of ERP in all the patterns, dividend pay-outs,
industries. Process is defined as a sequence of
connected activities with a Maker and a Checker and l. Stock Market analysis
is designed with a minimum of one Control. Design Data analytics by auditor is the future trend in any
and operational effectiveness of the process and audit. MS-Excel offers variety of tools for the analysis
controls are the focus in ERP audit. like, Data Analysis and Solvers. IDEA Software,
2. Analysis of Risks – Enterprise Risk Management provides for data analysis from the audit perspective.
(ERM): [ 2, 5 ] Risk analysis has become the focus of Big data analysis is moving towards automated
process audit. Risks of activities are listed out and the programs written by computer programmers, which
Internal Audit in Real Estate Entities: the demand for an internal audit function with the universal
n today’s fast changing VUCA environment, there is reach and industry knowledge to meet the important risks
a alarming need for managers & Chief functionaries inherent to these structures.
of real estate entities to ensure the available range
of availability of adequate & preventive Corporate Internal Audit Process in Real estate entities:
Governance functions. We need to Internal Audit should focus on testing internal control
• Ensure that the Third Party Service Providers over the land transactions such as acquisitions, easements,
providing services to the Real estate entities operate temporary construction permits, leases, sales & disposals,
under appropriate internal control framework. obtain certificate of completion, local development authority
• Develop, apply and sustain with effective internal clearances etc., The auditing should take a process- and
audit function which adequately addresses the key risk-orientated approach. Every audit engagement should
risks of the real estate business transactions and be tailored individually to the specific needs of the client
complying with the regulatory requirements. requirements and should meet the highest professional
• Provide the Key managerial personnel’s and chief
functionaries of the real estate business world Two dimensions of Internal Audit Reviews:
with appropriate risk reports to allow continuous 1. Assessment: It provides the comfort to management
monitoring of the risk leverage levels. regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of Risk
Real estate entities operates on complex structures Management processes and controls.
investing in different types of real-estate assets and spread 2. Advisory: It provides expert advice to improve and
across various jurisdictions, with a tendency by creating trust optimize corporate processes.
to a large extent on third-party service providers. It creates
Scope for Cost Accountants in Real Estate Sector:
Challenges in Internal Audit Function in Real Estate »» Understand the challenging market that requires
Sector: developer to provide value for money product that
The Internal Auditor should be affordable in price without deteriorating in
quality of the product.
»» should need to manage risks relating to compliance,
health and safety regulations, business conduct, »» Ponder upon the principles of due diligence of the-
physical security and information security across different types of real estate properties possessing
different locations. different dynamics, including office buildings,
shopping malls, hospitality industry and development
»» may be required to assess risks across diverse
geographical locations requiring the necessary local
language skills and understanding of local culture.
Issue Page
Name of The Article Name of Author/s Volume Issue DOI Numbers
No. No.
Hareesh Kumar
PROCEEDINGS - A BIG REFORM IN Vol.55 Feb-20 2 28-31 10.33516/maj.v55i2.28-31p
CMA Raja Ghosh Vol.55 Feb-20 2 32-35 10.33516/maj.v55i2.32-35p
Vol.55 Feb-20 2 36-42 10.33516/maj.v55i2.36-42p
Vol.55 Feb-20 2 43-45 10.33516/maj.v55i2.43-45p
SIGNIFICANT ALTERATIONS Shilpa Narang Vol.55 Feb-20 2 46-49 10.33516/maj.v55i2.46-49p
FIELD OF ARBITRATION AND Abhishek N. Vol.55 Feb-20 2 50-53 10.33516/maj.v55i2.50-53p
CMA Bapu Venkatesam
RECENT CHANGES AND LEGAL Vol.55 Feb-20 2 54-57 10.33516/maj.v55i2.54-57p
CMA (Dr.) Paritosh
RISK ENABLED PERFORMANCE Vol.55 Feb-20 2 60-61 10.33516/maj.v55i2.60-61p
CMA Rajiv V. Shah Vol.55 Feb-20 2 63-65 10.33516/maj.v55i2.63-65p
Saji Mathew
REPORTING CHALLENGES: A Vol.55 Feb-20 2 66-69 10.33516/maj.v55i2.66-69p
CMA Suresh Kumar S
Vol.55 Feb-20 2 70-74 10.33516/maj.v55i2.70-74p
J. Nagarathnamma
FINANCIAL INCLUSION: A STUDY Vol.55 Feb-20 2 76-84 10.33516/maj.v55i2.76-84p
Dr. P. Aranganathan
ACCOUNTING TOOLS FOR Mahajan Vol.55 Feb-20 2 85-90 10.33516/maj.v55i2.85-90p
CMA (Dr.) S K Gupta Vol.55 Feb-20 2 91-95 10.33516/maj.v55i2.91-95p
Vol.55 Feb-20 2 96-103 10.33516/maj.v55i2.96-103p
TAX TITBITS CMA S. Rajaratnam Vol.55 Feb-20 2 104 10.33516/maj.v55i2.104-104p
Issue Page
Name of The Article Name of Author/s Volume Issue DOI Numbers
No. No.
Vol.55 Mar-20 3 17-20 10.33516/maj.v55i3.17-20p
Dr. Ashish Kumar Sana
ENTREPRENEURIAL PROPENSITY Vol.55 Mar-20 3 21-27 10.33516/maj.v55i3.21-27p
Biswajit Paul
CMA K. N Hari Hara
Prasad Vol.55 Mar-20 3 28-32 10.33516/maj.v55i3.28-32p
Ravikanth Kuchibhotla
WOMEN BULWARK AGAINST CMA Kalyani Karna Vol.55 Mar-20 3 33-37 10.33516/maj.v55i3.33-37p
CMA (Dr.) Ananta
IN INDIA: A TALE OF A SLUGGISH Vol.55 Mar-20 3 38-43 10.33516/maj.v55i3.38-43p
Mohan Mishra
CMA Abhisek Bhowmik Vol.55 Mar-20 3 44-45 10.33516/maj.v55i3.44-45p
Vol.55 Mar-20 3 46-52 10.33516/maj.v55i3.46-52p
Pallav Kapoor
OF EMPOWERMENT AND A WAY Vol.55 Mar-20 3 53-55 10.33516/maj.v55i3.53-55p
CMA Pankaj Kapoor
Dr. Rohan P. Dahivale Vol.55 Mar-20 3 56-58 10.33516/maj.v55i3.56-58p
Vol.55 Mar-20 3 59-62 10.33516/maj.v55i3.59-62p
Manjiri D. Kalyankar
STUDY OF CHANGING MIND-SET Vol.55 Mar-20 3 63-66 10.33516/maj.v55i3.63-66p
Dr. Devidas Bharati
Krupa. V. D Vol.55 Mar-20 3 67-70 10.33516/maj.v55i3.67-70p
CMA (Dr.) Paritosh
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND Vol.55 Mar-20 3 78-79 10.33516/maj.v55i3.78-79p
Debopam Chell Vol.55 Mar-20 3 82-84 10.33516/maj.v55i3.82-84p
CMA (Dr.) Sreehari
Vol.55 Mar-20 3 85-90 10.33516/maj.v55i3.85-90p
UNION BUDGET! Prof. (Dr.) Vinayak S.
BUDGET 2020 CMA S. Rajaratnam Vol.55 Mar-20 3 91-92 10.33516/maj.v55i3.91-92p
Vol.55 Mar-20 3 93-95 10.33516/maj.v55i3.93-95p
Vol.55 Mar-20 3 96-97 10.33516/maj.v55i3.96-97p
Genesis and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Automation) applications because of quantum leap in
ankind is fascinated since many centuries computing power and ever declining costs of storing
about ideation and creation of devices which humongous data. Organisations are gradually appreciating
can imitate actions of a human being. The that there is a drop of oil in every unit of data which will
thought of enabling non-living objects to drive prosperity in digital era. According to a published
be in functional mode like that of an intelligent being had report (May 2019)3 in India by 2021, AI will be the most
always intrigued scientists’ mind. History reveals that ancient impactful enabler in doubling the rate of innovation driven
Greeks had illusions about robots, and Chinese and Egyptian value enhancements (2.2 times) and employee productivity
engineers had built automatons. Technology evangelist Gill benefits (2.3 times).
Press (December 2016) traced genesis of the first such
thought in 1308 in a book of Catalan poet Ramon Llull. AI and More - Demystified
He has quoted about sixty-five instances of rudimentary to Artificial Intelligence
advanced form of artificial intelligence (AI) between 1308
There are many perceptions and narratives about AI.
to 20161. Genesis of AI, therefore, can be traced in centuries
The author’s interactions with some professionals reveal a
old literatures.
certain degree of mysticism and fictional feeling. There is a
Scientists such as Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky and John need, therefore, to demystify such misgivings. Etymological
McCarthy had advanced theoretical and technological meaning of AI, as per Oxford Dictionary, “… is the study and
underpins of AI. ‘The History of Artificial Intelligence’2 development of computer systems that can copy intelligent
(December 2006), authored by Chris Smith et. al. indicated human behaviour.” Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines AI
that John McCarthy was the first scientist in 1956 to christen as “The ability of a machine to imitate intelligent human
the technology, behind a computing machine trying to behaviour.” The simplified definition could be that AI is
attain the cognitive capability of a human being, as artificial a data-oriented digital technology-based computing system
intelligence. The paper revealed that. “ …. in Vannevar which “… can perform tasks, normally requiring human
Bush’s seminal work ‘As We May Think’ (1945) he proposed intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition,
a system which amplifies people’s own knowledge and decision making, translation between languages, etc.”
understanding. Five years later Alan Turing wrote a paper
Artificial intelligence, at a theoretical plane, is all about
on the notion of machines being able to simulate human
machine performing the functions of knowledge reasoning
beings and the ability to do intelligent things, such as play
and representing, which briefly is called as KR and KKR.
“Knowledge of real world plays a vital role in intelligence
Human civilisation is presently on the cusp of an and same for creating artificial intelligence. Knowledge plays
exponential growth phase of AI, and RPA (Robotic Process
(Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)
SAP FICO Power User Certificate Course in Certificate Course Certificate Course
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Certificate Course Executive Diploma in IS Audit & Control Joint Courses with
in Arbitration Cost & Management Course B-School (XLRI, Jamshedpur)
Accounting for Engineers
Diploma in
Management Accountancy
I am confident that Board of I heartily congratulate members and We are committed to our members
Advanced Studies will continue staff of Board of Advanced Studies and students to provide quality and
serving our profession through many for these great initiatives in pursuit of contemporar y education with
more Value Added Courses like knowledge. practical approach to shape their
these in the years to come. career path in right direction.
ndia being 5th largest economy in the world in supported by statistical data.
nominal GDP terms and aspiration of being 3rd largest Mr. Krishnamurthy V. Subramaniam, Chief Economic
by 2025 can rest on theme of economic freedom Advisor and Team@EcoSurvey is of opinion, that pro-
and wealth creation to be US$ 5 trillion economy. business system will generate greater wealth than pro-crony
Economic survey is an attempt to capture the recent system. Assemble in India can be integrated into Make in
economic developments and craft the policy framework to India to focus on labour intensive export, this will generate
foster wealth creation in India. employment.
Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister for Finance and Survey believe tradition of wealth creation is old practiced
Corporate Affairs, Government of India, tabled the Economic in India be it intellectual wealth or monetary. But in reference
Survey 2019-20 on January 31, 2020 in parliament. Survey to global financial crisis, ‘trust is essential’ if India wish
is in two volume. Volume I contains 11 areas of recent to support its financial system for creating wealth further
economic development, supported by evidence based on; hence trust can be seen as public good. Even cover
analysis; in form of individual chapter. Whereas volume II page of survey shows, synthesis between old tradition and
is in form of ready reckoner of existing status and policies contemporary development (using fin-tech for public sector
of major industries, and also contain recent development; banks etc.) of wealth creation through lavender of old and
Survey further make a reference to Adam Smith’s philosophy of invisible hands and quote during said period of economic
dominance, Indian economy relied upon invisible hands (openness in economic transactions) of market supported by hand of
trust (foster intrinsic motivation through ethical and philosophical dimensions). Survey shows that, liberalized sectors grew
significantly faster than other (survey shown a comparison of Steel and Cement (open sector and grown at CGAR of 7%
between FY05 to FY19) against Coal (closed sector grown at 5% during same period) and also highlight the need of hand of
trust (stating trust as public good) to support the invisible hand in order to be 5 trillion US $ economy. Further survey suggests
that policies must empower transparency and effective enforcement using data and technology to enhance this public good.
Figure 4 - Expected benefit to India being assembler and exporter of Network Products.
Increase in Increase in
Dimensions Net Gain
Export Import
13.4 12.7 0.7
10.9 8.6 2.3
Table 1 - Trade Surplus from trade agreements (from
1993 to 2018).
iquidity is ability to meet obligations in time.
An entity failing to meet its obligations might
manage to fulfil commitment if a little more
time would be available for the purpose. This
may be interpreted by the market as “incipient distress”. As
a consequence, market might become reluctant to supply
liquidity to the entity besides recalling all dues prematurely.
Liquidity is life line of business in the absence of which it
cannot survive. Ability to pay depends on income generation Biplab Chakraborty
by assets while ability to pay in time depends on the extent Risk Consultant and Trainer
of synchronisation of income inflow with maturity pattern of Former General Manager
obligations as also ability to obtain cash to fill up the gap if Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata
and when arises.
Intermediation is the key activity of banks. Banks
Intermediate between savers having surplus money and
borrowers who are in deficit and in need of money. Bank
in the process does three types of intermediation viz.,
Maturity, size and risk intermediation. Banks take money The paper discusses the notion of liquidity
from people who insist on getting it back at time as agreed
upon a priori. Banks lend the money so collected to those
and liquidity risk within banks in particular
who, as per bank’s assessment, are able and willing to pay and the financial system in general. A
it back adhering to the agreed upon time schedule. While distinction has been made between three
accepting deposits bank commits to return the money on different liquidity types, central bank
demand or otherwise as per pre agreed terms and conditions
not withstanding whether the money lent to other folks are
liquidity, funding and market liquidity
returned back to bank as per promise or not, assuming the and their relevant risks to understand the
credit risk inherent in lending instead of passing it on to conceptual underpinnings thereof.
It is known that all depositors would not need to withdraw
all deposit money at the same time till their perception about safely invest/lend the remaining residual funds at disposal.
solvency of bank concerned remains unimpaired. On the “The fluctuations of deposits, like the waves of the sea, take
contrary, most depositors would normally resort to need based place on the surface of a relatively permanent body.” Banks
withdrawal of their deposits with the banks perceived to be need to understand how, why, when, and how much the size
solvent most of the time. The banking business rests on the of those waves change. Based upon study of behavioural
premise that if public perception of solvency would remain pattern of depositors’ withdrawals, Banks prudentially
unimpaired, banks would be assured of lendable/investable hold a target amount of cash and other liquid assets which
pool of deposits on a counting basis even after meeting the would be quickly convertible to cash to meet any possible
withdrawal demands of depositors. With depositors’ trust withdrawal demand to maintain untainted public perception
intact, keeping a fraction of the deposit funds by way of of solvency. Banks have traditionally been holding their
reserve to meet depositors’ withdrawal demands banks can liquidity reserves or liquidity buffer in the form of shorter
There is a need to raise awareness for better use of
he Cost Accounting Records as prescribed by the costing information and make it a tool for better decision
Companies (Cost Records & Audit) Rules 2014 & support system to meet the organization’s goals and
Amendment Rule’ 2017 (CCRAR) in its costing objectives. The information derived by maintenance of cost
framework described and embedded under CRA accounting records could be used for better product costing,
1, and the Product Cost statements prepared by companies, customer profitability, segment reporting and performance
ith the fast paced growth of corporate form
of industrial operations, a large number of
legal and operational complexities come into
force. The compliances and the complexities
are rampantly increasing. Alongside such complexities, there
appears a pervasive tactical syndrome over the whole canvass
of the management hierarchy. Here, it is essential to define
“Tact” or Tactical approach which is invariably applied in
CMA Jay Prakash Vishwakarma resolving managerial and administrative issues. But, at the
General Manager (Finance) same time, It is all the more important to bring into focus how
Central Coalfields Ltd. this “Tact” or Tactical Approach” has entailed upon more harm
Ranchi than the gains envisaged to be ripen by it.
The article, TATA steel’s acquisition of Bhushan steel through IBC route is of relevance
to practising professionals, managers and students. The successful resolution has improved
India’s image as an Investor friendly nation and would have far-reaching implications in
the future. Various points discussed in this article include the deal details, the reason for the
failure of Bhushan steel, reason of acquisition by TATA Steel, the Post-acquisition TATA steel
performance and effect of IBC on Indian business ecosystem.
ATA steel successfully acquired Bhushan steel which had acquired a massive debt of over INR 55000 crores
for INR 35,200 crores on 18th May 2018 through was admitted to NCLT by its committee of creditors (COC)
IBC route. Bhushan Steel was among 12 corporate led by State Bank of India. With the acquisition of Bhushan
entities identified by Reserve bank of India for steel which had steel producing capacity of 5.6 million
early bankruptcy proceedings. TATA steel successfully out tonnes (1 tonne=1000 Kilogram) per annum, TATA Steel
bided JSW steel which had offered INR 29,700 crores (I became India’s largest steel producing company.
crore=10^8) for the acquisition. Insolvency proceeding was Bhushan steel’s resolution through IBC was a game-
initiated against Bhushan steel on 26th July 2017, and the changer for the Indian corporate sector. The right to exit a
deal was completed on 18th May 2018. Post-acquisition business through IBC had helped to increase India’s position
Bhushan steel was renamed as TATA steel Bhushan steel ltd. in ease of doing business ranking published by world bank.
The new entity TATA steel BSL ltd. (TATASTLBSL) has IBC is one of the significant reason in increasing India’s
remained as a separate listed entity in the stock exchange. ranking from abysmally low at 142 in the year 2014 to 63rd
As per IBC norms, TATA Steel paid required employee rank in 2020.
salary dues and corporate insolvency costs. Bhushan steel
Reason for TATA Steel’s acquisition of Bhushan steel TABLE : 2: TATA Steel’s claim settlement (Source: Sangita
TATA Steel’s successful acquisition of bought a sigh of Mehta, May 2018, “Tata Steel completes Rs 35,200 crore purchase
relief to the stressed banking sector. The deal was the first of bankrupt Bhushan Steel” available on https://economictimes.
successful resolution under IBC route. There were only two billion-purchase-of-bankrupt-bhushan-steel/articleshow/64224367.cms
bidders, and TATA steel’s bid amount was significantly higher accessed on 28th Jan 2020)
than JSW steel. Few of the reasons that can be attributed to
Bamnipal steel was set up by TATA Steel as SPV (Special
TATA steel’s aggressive bidding for the acquisition can be
purpose vehicle) for the sole purpose of acquiring Bhushan
as follows.
steel. Out of the total deal amount of 35,200 crores, money
1. Bhushan steel being a greenfield project was pumped in from TATA steel was around INR 17, 000 crores
a lucrative deal. Greenfield projects are those from its reserves. TATA steel was sitting with a cash reserve
projects which require minimal modifications or of over INR 27,000 crores at the time of the deal. The rest of
developments. From its internal study, TATA steel the amount came from debt which lied in the balance sheet
realized that it was much easier to expand Bhushan of Bhushan steel.
steel’s steel capacity from 5.6 to 8 million tonnes per
The bifurcation of money invested in Bhushan steel by
year. (1 tonne=1000 kilogram)
TATA steel for the acquisition is as follows
2. With India’s GDP expected to grow at around 7 per
1. INR 35,200 crores to the lenders of Bhushan steel for
cent per annum, the Steel industry was set to grow
their outstanding dues.
at around 8-10 percentage over the years to come.
Further, there were huge synergies among TATA 2. INR 159 crores to Bhushan steel to acquire 72,65
and Bhushan steel’s plant in the procurement of raw percentage equity stakes.
material, marketing and logistics. 3. INR 1200 crores to the operational creditor of
3. The value-added plants of Bhushan steel at Ghaziabad Bhushan steel over a period of 12 months.
and Khopoli were already generating profits. Further, 4. INR 100 crores to the financial creditors for buying
Bhushan steel was very active in the auto sector and the unsustainable debts of the lenders.
other value-added products. TATA steel realized it
could use Bhushan steel’s expertise to expand its
reach in the auto component market.
4. Bhushan steel ltd was ready to go after plant with a
capacity of 5.5 million tonnes per year. To build a
similar capacity, it would have taken TATA steel 4-5
years to commission from scratch. As land prices
were going up, Bhushan steel was one of the safest
bid TATA steel could have made. With the industry
practice of EBITDA of Ten thousand INR per one
tonne of steel, TATA steel realized it could capitalize
EBITDA of 15,000 to 20,000 crore from the existing
Bhushan steel’s production capacity of 4-5 mtpa in
4/5 years. Figure 1: TATA Steel’s payment bifurcation for
5. Price of steel had been increasing over the years. acquiring Bhushan steel (Source: Prepared by author from
publicly available sources)
China was set to close the annual steel producing
capacity of about 150 million tons from 2016 to Unsustainable debts of Bhushan Steel amounting
2020. The Indian steel industry got patronage from 25,285.46 crores were sold to BNPL by financial creditors
Bhushan steel came in the debt trap when it started Figure 7: Bhushan steel’s Price Movement Post
expanding its production capacity through loans, and returns acquisition (Source: Money control, ”TATA Steel BSL Ltd” available
were inadequate to pay to pack the loan. The debt portion on
was rising consistently year on year basis. The expansion of strips /tatasteelbsllimited /BS14 accessed on 28th Jan 2020)
Odisha plant of Bhushan steel which costed Bhushan steel
INR 19,400 crores was debt-funded. Though the company Post-acquisition of Bhushan steel by TATA, Bhushan
was over-leveraged year on year basis, debt repayment was Steel has paid back more than INR 3000 crore loan. Various
not a problem as business generated cash well over loan industry reports had observed significant improvement
repayments in financials and plant utilization of Bhushan steel. Latest
Company Profile ESL is a fully integrated flat carbon steel manufacturer--
ssar was incorporated in 1976 as Essar Steel Ltd from iron ore to ready-to-market products. Its products find
( ESL). According to analysts, the Ruia family wide acceptance in highly discerning consumer sectors, such
played a significant role in the development of as automotive, white goods, construction, engineering and
the industry. Essar was the first private sector shipbuilding. It is the India’s largest exporter of flat steel
company, which was permitted by the government to set up products and aims to reach 25 MTPA capacity.
a 2-million tonne steel plant. It is the India’s largest exporter of flat products, selling
Margins remained
From the above analysis it is apparent that the Essar PBT Margin
-34 -35 almost similar in pre
Steel Limited had a poor operational and financial position (%)
and during CIRP
during the period 2015 to 2017 with all financial indicators
including Altman Z score and Du Pont ratios pointing
towards impending distress in the company. From the above analysis it appears that the performance
of the company during the period of CIRP was more or less
the same as in pre CIRP period. Though the rot was stemmed
CMA S. Rajaratnam
Retd. Member
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
Advocate & Tax Consultants
orona Virus occupies newspapers about the steps Taxpayers’ Charter is already in vogue in U.S., Australia,
that are being taken worldwide for arresting the Hong Kong, Chile, Italy, Kenya, Brazil and Mexico.
damages caused by this vermin. Even so the According to the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI),
budget proposals by our Finance Minister Smt. there are now ombudsmen in around 140 countries who
Nirmala Sitharaman has drawn more than usual attention, are likely to be vested with more enforceable rights for the
besides giving her credit as one of our talented and illustrious taxpayers and, therefore, most welcome.
Finance Ministers which India has had, starting from Late There are also other welcome measures as for example
Shri. R.K. Shanmugam Chetty, Shri. T.T. Krishnamachari, the increase in tolerance limit for the difference between
Shri. P. Chidambaram and Dr. Manmohan Singh. accounted consideration for sale of immovable property
One of the main features of the budget as indicated in the and the guidelines value from five to ten per cent.
last issue is decriminalisation of normal defaults converting A major step is the Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Act, 2020,
them into criminal offences. Even before it has become law, which has received the assent of the President on 17.3.2020
the liberalisation of this policy has started by the Ministry with minor clarificatory amendments, intended like some
of Corporate Affairs directing Registrars of Companies of the earlier measures to retard the alarming increase in
and Official Liquidators to offer immunity to independent litigation as between the taxpayers and the Department.
and non-executive directors, who are not promoters of the But this measure can only be described as half-hearted as
company by not taking any criminal action against them, it only offers immunity from penalty and prosecution apart
while Fifth Amendment Rule, 2019 notified has introduced from partial relief in matters of interest, while it requires
a Scheme for training of independent directors before their the payment of the entire disputed tax along with extra tax
induction. at different rates with minimum at 10% irrespective of the
Another major reform, in the budget proposals is nature of the dispute making the right of appeal illusory.
the abolition of Dividend Distribution Tax. But it is The Scheme has been introduced with a lot of fanfare as
only a measure of shifting liability from company to a great concession and is expected to be implemented by
its shareholders. What is overlooked is that taxation the Assessing Officers bringing pressure on the assessees in
of dividend itself amounts to double taxation, whether arrears of disputed tax to avail the Scheme. This one-sided
the dividend is taxed in the hands of the company or the Scheme which expects payment of the entire disputed tax
shareholders, because the dividend is paid out of the taxed along with an extra tax only to buy immunity from penalty
profits. This aspect of double taxation has been recognised and prosecution is a bad bargain for the taxpayers and is,
only in Greece, where dividend distributed is allowed as therefore, one-sided. With better application of mind and
a deduction from taxable income of the company, so that on representations from the taxpayers, a review should be
double taxation of dividend both in the hands of the company possible to make the Scheme more successful.
and its shareholders is altogether avoided. Besides the
While the Finance Minister’s budget intends to bridge
company on the income out of which dividend is declared,
the differences between the taxpayers and tax collector,
taxation of distributed dividend whether in the hands of the
measures are not adequate as only few of the inequities
company or shareholders amounts to double taxation, so as
have been attended to. All the same, the Budget 2020 will
to require rethinking in the light of the fact that the dividend
be a landmark bringing credit for our Finance Minister for
distributed is itself out of taxed income.
more than one reason.
A major step in the budget is the introduction of Taxpayers’
Charter as part of our law vesting the taxpayers with
certain rights. Ombudsmans have not served their purpose. [email protected]
Notification No. 13/2020– Central Tax dt 21st March Notification No. 16/2020 – Central Tax dt 23rd March
2020: Seeks to exempt certain class of registered persons 2020: Seeks to make third amendment (2020) to CGST
from issuing e-invoices and the date for implementation of Rules. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 164 of
e-invoicing extended to 01.10.2020 the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017),
The Government on the recommendations of the Council, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules
and in supersession of the notification of the Government further to amend the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules,
of India in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue 2017
No. 70/2019 – Central Tax, dated the 13th December, 2019,
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Notification No. 17/2020 – Central Tax dt 23rd March
Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number G.S.R. 926 (E), dated 2020: Seeks to specify the class of persons who shall be
the 13th December, 2019, except as respects things done or exempted from aadhar authentication. In exercise of the
omitted to be done before such supersession, hereby notifies powers conferred by sub-section (6D) of section 25 of the
registered person, other than those referred to in sub-rules Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017),
(2), (3), (4) and (4A) of rule 54 of the said rules, whose the Central Government, on the recommendations of the
aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds one hundred Council, hereby notifies that the provisions of sub-section
crore rupees, as a class of registered person who shall prepare (6B) or subsection (6C) of the said Act shall not apply to a
invoice and other prescribed documents, in terms of sub-rule person who is not a citizen of India or to a class of persons
(4) of rule 48 of the said rules in respect of supply of goods other than the following class of persons, namely:–
The members of the Institute holding Certificate of Practice (CoP) having validity up to 31st March, 2020 are requested to
comply with the following guidelines for renewal of their Certificate of Practice:
1. The following changes consequent to amendment of the Cost and Works Accountants Regulations, 1959 vide Notification
dated 4th February, 2011 published in the Gazette of India may be noted:
a. The validity of a Certificate of Practice (CoP) is for the period 1st April to 31st March every year unless it is
cancelled under the provisions of the Cost and Works Accountants Act and Regulations, 1959 as amended.
b. The Certificate of Practice issued shall automatically be renewed subject to submission of prescribed Form M-3
and payment of renewal fee* and annual membership fee*.
c. From the year 2011-12 onwards, letter for renewal Certificate of Practice is not being issued. However, the members
concerned may download the renewal status from the Institute’s website
2. It may please be noted that under Section 6 of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959, both the Annual Membership
Fee* and Fee for Renewal of Certificate of Practice* falls due on 1st April each year.
3. Special attention is invited to the fact that the validity of a Certificate of Practice expires on 31st March each year unless
it is renewed on or before the date of expiry in terms of the amended Regulation 10 of the Cost and Works Accountants
Regulations, 1959. Hence, a member shall be required to renew his certificate within 31st March every year.
4. If the Certificate of Practice of a member is not renewed within 31st March, 2020, his/her status of CoP from 1st
April 2020 till the date of renewal would be “Not Active”.
5. Subject to what has been mentioned in Sl. No. 4 above, a member can get his/her Certificate of Practice for 2020-21
renewed within 30th June, 2020. If application for renewal of Certificate of Practice is made after 30th June, 2020, the
member’s Certificate of Practice for 2020-21 will not be renewed but will be considered as a case of fresh issuance with
effective date being the date of the application or receipt of the prescribed fee * for Certificate of Practice, whichever is
6. It may please be noted that mere payment of fees * alone will not be sufficient for renewal of Certificate of Practice.
Application in prescribed Form M-3 is to be used for Renewal of Certificate of Practice duly filled in and signed is
mandatory. The soft copy of prescribed Form M-3 for Renewal of Certificate of Practice can be downloaded from
Institute’s website
7. The Institute has introduced a scheme of Continuing Education Programme (CEP) and the same is mandatory in
accordance with proviso to sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 10 of the Cost and Works Accountants Regulations, 1959,
as amended, whereby no Certificate of Practice and renewal thereof shall be issued unless a member has undergone
minimum number of hours of such training. The detailed guidelines in this connection are available on Institute’s
8. Other relevant issues for Renewal of Certificate of Practice are as follows:
a. Application for renewal of Certificate of Practice upto 31st March, 2021 has to be made in prescribed Form M-3
which may be filed online or through hard Copy of form duly filled in and signed on both sides together with Renewal
Certificate of Practice fee * of Rs.2,000/- and all other dues to the Institute on account of annual membership fees
* and entrance fees *.
b. The annual membership fee* for Associate and Fellow members are Rs.1,000/- and Rs.1,500/- respectively. The
entrance fee * for Associate and Fellow members is Rs. 1,000/- each payable at a time at the time of application for
admission to Associateship or advancement to Fellowship, as the case may be.
c. The fees * may be paid online or by Demand Draft/at par cheque payable at Kolkata if remitted by post to the
Headquarters of the Institute.
d. Members should note that the renewal of Certificate of Practice can be effected only after receipt of the prescribed
fees* along with duly filled in form at the Headquarters of the Institute and on meeting the stipulated CEP
credit hours. Mere submission of the same at the Regional Councils or Chapters will not be sufficient. Members
are advised to make payment directly to the Headquarters or use the online facility of submission of application and
payment to avoid any delay.
All practicing members are advised to send their application for renewal of Certificate of Practice for the year
2020-21 along with other requirements as indicated above immediately so as to reach the Institute’s Office at
Kolkata well in advance to enable the Institute to issue the renewal of Certificate by 31st March, 2020.
1. For renewal of part-time Certificate of Practice, it is also essential to furnish a certificate from the employer in the
following form or in a form as near thereto as possible if the practising member has undertaken any employment or
there has been a change in employment:
2. It may be noted that members holding Part-time Certificate of Practice (CoP) are not eligible to undertake statutory
assignments like Cost Audit, Central Excise Audit, etc.
Research Bulletin, Vol. 46, No. I April 2020 (ISSN 2230 9241)
Theme Topic:
Changing Landscape of Securities Market
Papers are invited on the following sub-topics, but not limited to:
»» Impact of Economic Reforms on Capital Market
»» Impact of Abolition of Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT)
»» Demerger of Debt Mutual Funds
»» Global Instability – the winds of change
»» Quantamental Investing
»» Innovation and Technology – Enablers of Change
»» Retail Investors’ Participation in Securities Market
»» Financial Literacy, Investor Education & Awareness
»» Corporate Bond Market
»» Currency Market
»» Corporate Governance and Shareholding Patterns
»» Growth of Asset Management Industry
»» Digital Securities – a new Generation of Assets
»» Arbitrage Pricing
»» International Trade and Capital Flows
Papers must be received within 30th April, 2020 in the following email id:
[email protected]
Fundamentals of Economics & Management
11th June, 2020
Fundamentals of Accounting
12th June, 2020
Fundamentals of Laws & Ethics
13th June, 2020
Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistics
14th June, 2020
Examination Fees
1. The Foundation Examination will be conducted in Offline mode only. Each paper will be of 100 marks.
2. Application Forms for Foundation Examination has to be filled up through online and fees will be accepted through
online mode (including Payfee Module of IDBI Bank).
4. (a) Students can login to the website and apply online through payment gateway by using Credit/Debit
card or Net banking.
(b) Students can also pay their requisite fee through pay-fee module of IDBI Bank.
5. Last date for receipt of Examination Application Forms is 10th April, 2020.
7. A candidate who is completing all conditions for appearing the examination as per Regulation will only be
allowed to appear for examination.
8. Probable date of publication of result: To be announced in due course.
Kaushik Banerjee
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India
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FUNDS Ministry of Commerce and Industry
new leaf
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Udyog Bhawan
ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Website:
CIN: L24240MH1992PLC128651 Annual Report 2017-18
DEPOSITS Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg Department of Commerce
GOLD New Delhi
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Our portfolio of January 2020 - The Management Accountant 1
Ever since they kicked off in 1956, Salgaocar FC have been Launched as Vimson in the 1956-57 season, the
setting the standards and raising the bar on the Goan football club won the second division league on debut with
circuit. Over the last six decades, the achievements of the club an unbeaten record. They were later called Clube
have been staggering and they have recorded a number of firsts Desportivo Salgaocar before Goa’s Liberation in
in the history of Goan football. 1961 when they won the premier division title for
Whether it’s in the Federation Cup, where Salgaocar made the first time, a feat that they were to replicate on
IndIa ISBN 978-93-83999-04-0 it to four finals in a row between 1987 and 1990, or the
100 + 50 +
several occasions in the decades to follow.
National Football League which the club won for the first Post Liberation, they were renamed Salgaocar
jAn 2020
time in1999, or the feat of winning four trophies in a month Sports Club and went by that moniker for nearly
in 1999, Salgaocar FC have always set the pace. As Salgaocar 50 years. Since the late 1980s they have become a
FC celebrate 60 glorious years since its inception, it’s worth major force in Indian football and have won several
9 789383 999040
JanUaRy 2020
recounting some of the firsts that the club have recorded: major championships, some of them on a handful
Leave me in my seat pocket for r 6,000 $100 First Goan team to participate in a major outstation of occasions, and beaten all the top clubs in India
others to explore. Catch up with
me online instead! tournament, DCM Trophy, in 1962 several times over. In 2012, a new identity and logo
In a search for remnants of our
CD OF ORIGINAL VOICE First Goan team to be invited by the Prime Minister were unveiled as Goa’s most beloved football outfit
( Jawaharlal Nehru) to his official residence country’s singularly rich heritage that
A. N. SHARMA RECORDINGS OF EARLY decided to script a new future as Salgaocar FC.
has taken two decades of his life, A. N.
AirAsia Inflight Magazine INDIAN ARTISTES INCLUDED First team to win the second division undefeated
First Goan team to win the National Football League
Commissioner of Customs, Central Excise in 1999 brimming with intricate details about a
and Service Tax in Mumbai.
Brahmanand Sankhwalkar and Bruno Coutinho, forgotten era of Indian history. It brings
Goa’s only two Arjuna awardees, represented Salgaocar to light the country’s remarkable legacy
January 2020
Together with his daughter, talented
INCLUDED: A CD OF writer and editor Anukriti A. Sharma, Cover pic: The Salgaocar team do a victory lap after
RARE CYLINDRICAL they spin an elaborate backstory beating East Bengal 2-1 in the 1997 Federation Cup
RECORDINGS for each artiste, filled with well- HISTORY OF SALGAOCAR FOOTBALL CLUB (1956-2016) final at the Salt Lake Stadium in Calcutta
OF LEGENDARY documented facts and painstakingly
A freelance editor, proofreader and constructed through rigorous amounts
illustrator at Rupa Publications and Random
“… amongst the most charming spots, of research.
House India, Anukriti A. Sharma is a Delhi- however, is the bold promontory, known as
Follow us on based writer and blogger with more than two Malabar Point, and crowned with a mansion, These startling findings are being
VOL. 39 - ISSUE 12 years of editorial experience. Her blogs — originally the residence of Sir John Malcolm, published for the first time in a
now set apart for the accommodation of
Inflight Magazine
My Memoirs of Mesmerizing Memories and book that captures the rich musical
Strategy Marketing Analysis Resources Te c h n o l o g y
Ekphrasis India — have won many accolades the Governor, when the heat becomes heritage of India and will prove to be
and eminent personalities such as Javed oppressive at Parell. This agreeable resort of inestimable value to researchers,
CHERI TORRES AND Akhtar, Ayaz Memon and Ashok Chakradhar
pitched upon the tall and rocky headland, like collectors and lovers of music and
JACKIE STAVROS have acknowledged her writing. She has
an eyrie above the waves commands a varied
VOL. 39, No. 12, DECEMBER 2019
journals and online magazines such as The and extensive view, lovely at all times, but
to tackle complex problems.
[ PAGE-52 ] NRI, Youth Ki Awaaz and Impulse. more particularly so when the sun’s broad
Anukriti has collaborated with her father golden disc is half obscured below the azure
on how to integrate extensively on this book, considering it to be waters, and the feathery tips of the coconut Nestled amid the Vindhyas and the Satpura
a contribution of immeasurable value to the woods retain their amber-tinted hues …”
digital into CX delivery. mountain ranges and home to the largest forest
[ PAGE-48 ] archives of Indian history. – Description of Raj Bhavan by a 19th cover in the country, Madhya Pradesh is a veritable
treasure trove. Endowed equally by nature and by
Century traveler, Mrs. Postans.
upinder and santosh dhar
A Whirl of Hues
history, the geographical heart of India holds many
India’s first world-class management magazine
“Maharashtra Raj Bhavan is oneI of the most
35 7
NOV-DEC 19 VOL 18 ISSUE 6 A. N. SHARMA ANUKRITI A. SHARMA marvels within it—some roam its jungles feeding
the ecosystem, some adorn its temples, forts and
beautiful Raj Bhavans in India. You can see palaces while some safeguard generations of ethos
the sunrise; you can see the sunset. It is in its tribal pockets…
spectacular. And then it’s covered from With a wealth of architectural wonders on one side
three sides by the sea.” and sprawling national parks and reserves on the
–S.M. Krishna, other, Madhya Pradesh offers a stunning balance of
Jaipur, Rajasthan Governor of Maharashtra (2004-2008) natural endowment and man-made splendour. The
State has vehemently preserved its gifts, whether
Raising they are sculptures that have survived through the
CELEBRATE A NEW YOU WITH AMAZING TIPS & TRICKS ON the Bar ages or the countless species of wildlife that inhabit
its lands, waters and skies. And it is not only physical
Long Weekends in Curtain Raiser to the structures and forests the State has conserved.
handlooms, performing arts and even cuisine stay
alive here to this day.
Medium of
century BC carvings to being a leading business
Volume 9/ Issue 3 / January 2020/ Pages 116/ `200
it all. This book is a humble attempt at uncovering
Slay The
the treasures of a State that astonishes and inspires
A peek into the human reverence in every eye that sets sight on it. It is a
stories, ancient story that can never be fully told about a historic
joseph a michelli
land that can never be fully discovered.
R.N. No. 39854/82
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