CS735 WT Test 2 QP
CS735 WT Test 2 QP
CS735 WT Test 2 QP
Course Outcomes: After completing this course students should be able to:
CO1: Design and implement dynamic web documents with good aesthetic sense.
CO2: Apply Web design best practices when developing Websites.
CO3: Make use of scripting languages and Document object modeling to transfer data and add interactive
components to web pages.
CO4: Develop dynamic Web-based applications to interact with server and database.
CO5: Create a well-formed and valid XML documents with DTD.
Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Q. No. Questions Marks
Describe how styles interact with Document? Briefly explain the 3
1. Application 5
principles of cascade along with example.
Explain Box model and briefly discuss the following properties
along with example structure.
Background repeat option
Knowledge /
2. Background position 5
Boarders properties
Margin and padding
Ems and percent properties
Comprehension/ Differentiate between Relative Positioning and Absolute
3. 5
Application Positioning with example.
Explain Inline, Embedded and External ways of including
4. Comprehension 5
JavaScript with an example.
Comprehension/ Briefly explain different types of JavaScript Objects with an
5. 5
Application example.
Knowledge / Explain different elements involved in Document Object Model
6. 5
Comprehension [DOM] of JavaScript.