DC-DC Converter Implementation With Wide Output Voltage Operation
DC-DC Converter Implementation With Wide Output Voltage Operation
DC-DC Converter Implementation With Wide Output Voltage Operation
A direct current (DC) to DC converter with soft switching and high efficiency is developed for industry power units with a
wide range of output voltage applications. A series resonant converter is the main circuit on the primary side to accomplish
the soft switching characteristics for the active devices and rectifier diodes without switching loss or reverse recovery cur-
rent loss. To overcome the drawback of the limited operation input or output voltage range in conventional LLC converters,
a hybrid resonant converter including a half-bridge circuit and a full-bridge circuit with auxiliary windings is developed to
achieve 8:1 (Vo,max = 8Vo,min) output voltage characteristics for a wide range of output voltage applications. To achieve this
function, two AC power switches are used in the developed circuit. Since a single-stage hybrid resonant converter is presented
instead of a two-stage converter to realize wide voltage range operation, the developed circuit has better efficiency when
compared to conventional LLC converters and two-stage DC–DC converters. To confirm the circuit analysis and effective-
ness, a prototype with a 400 W rated power was built and tested.
Keywords Wide output voltage operation · Hybrid resonant circuit · Soft switching
1 Introduction the output inductor is used to achieve soft switching for the
switches at the leading-leg with a wide load range. However,
High-efficiency switching power supplies are demanded for the major disadvantages are hard switching operation at the
industry power units with a variable output voltage such as lagging-leg switches for light load cases and high circulat-
outdoor LED lighting systems. Active clamped flyback con- ing current loss. LLC resonant converters [7–9] have the
verters with a synchronous rectifier [1, 2] have been devel- advantages of zero voltage switching for all of the active
oped for computer adaptors with a high circuit efficiency. devices and zero current switching for the rectifier diodes.
However, the power rating of the active clamped flyback is Therefore, the circuit efficiency is attractive for modern
limited in low power applications. Asymmetric pulse-width power electronic products with high efficiency. However,
modulation (APWM) half-bridge converters [3, 4] were pre- the main problem with resonant converters is the narrow
sented to reduce switching losses and to improve converter voltage operation range.
efficiency. The drawbacks of the APWM half-bridge con- Wide output voltage converters [10–18] have been attrac-
verter are: (1) the DC voltage value on the primary side, (2) tive for the battery chargers in electric vehicle (EV) systems
the unbalance current rating on the active devices, and (3) and power units in LED outdoor lighting systems with varia-
the unbalance current rating on the rectifier diodes. Phase- ble series or parallel combinations of LED strings. The front
shift full-bridge converters [5, 6] were developed for high stage of such power units is normally a power factor correc-
power applications with a high circuit efficiency. According tor (PFC) to accomplish harmonic elimination and power
to phase-shift pulse-width modulation (PSPWM), the gating factor correction. The output voltage of the PFC is usually
signals at the lagging-leg switches are phase shifted to the controlled at 380–400 V for a single-phase AC voltage input.
signals at the leading-leg switches. Therefore, the energy on The secondary stage is a DC–DC converter with wide output
voltage operation. For a battery charger in an EV system,
the output voltage range is variable from Vo,min = 200 V to
* Bor‑Ren Lin Vo,max = 450 V. Conventional pulse-width modulation was
[email protected]
used to realize wide voltage operation. However, the power
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yunlin conduction losses on the active devices are increased under
University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
B.-R. Lin
DC–DC converter implementation with wide output voltage operation
T 3 Operation principle
C1 + DS1 DS3 NS2 D3 S5 V o Io
VC1 S1 CS1 S3
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co The developed converter is based on frequency control to
a b
Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2 regulate the output voltage. Based on different output volt-
+ Q 1 S2 CS2 S4 age ranges, the AC switch Q1 and the auxiliary switch S5
C2 VC2 DS2 DS4 NS2 D4
are turned on or off. For system analysis, the capacitances
(a) are assumed to be CS1 = ··· = CS4 = Coss, C1 = C2 = Cin. The
secondary turns of T are Ns1 = Ns2. There are the three out-
C1 + DS1 DS3 NS2 D3 S5 Vo Io
put voltage ranges, Vo,min ~ 2Vo,min, 2Vo,min ~ 4Vo,min and
VC1 S1 CS1 S3 4Vo,min ~ 8Vo,min, in the proposed circuit. Pulse-width modu-
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co
a b
Ro lation waveforms and the equivalent step circuits for these
Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
+ Q1 S2 CS2 S4 three output voltage ranges are demonstrated in Figs. 4,
C2 VC2 DS2 DS4 NS2 D4 5 and 6. In relation to the on/off states of Q1, S1 ~ S5 and
D1 ~ D4, the proposed converter has six operating steps for
(b) every switching cycle under fsw (switching frequency) < fr
(resonant frequency).
C1 + DS1 DS3 NS2 D3 S5 V o Io
VC1 S1 CS1 S3
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co 3.1 Low output voltage range (S1, S2, S5 off)
a b
Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
+ Q 1 S2 CS2 S4 For the low output voltage range shown in Fig. 3a, Q1
C2 VC2 DS2 DS4 NS2 D4
turns on and S 1, S2 and S 5 turn off. The half-bridge reso-
nant converter and the center-tapped rectifier are adopted
(c) on the primary side and the secondary side, respectively.
The turn ratio of the transformer under this operation range
Fig. 3 Equivalent circuits at different output voltage ranges: a low is n1 = Np/Ns1. The DC voltage gain under this condition is
output voltage operation; b medium output voltage operation; c high
output voltage operation
GL = 2n1Vo/Vin. Figure 4 demonstrates pulse-width modula-
tion waveforms and the equivalent step circuits for the low
output voltage range.
Step 1 [t0 ≤ t < t1]: At t = t0, vCS4 = 0. Since iLr(t0) < 0, DS4
conducts. After t > t0, S4 is turned on under zero voltage
gains. The normal secondary windings shown in Fig. 3a switching. The capacitor voltage VC2 = Vin/2 connects to the
or the auxiliary secondary windings shown in Fig. 3b, c components Lr, Cr and Lm. Since D1 conducts, the magnet-
are used on the secondary side to extend the voltage gain izing voltage vLm = n1Vo and iLm increases in this step. In step
and output voltage range. Therefore, a wide voltage range 1, iLr and vCr can be estimated as:
DC–DC soft switching circuit is realized in the proposed
converter. When the load voltage is under the low volt- Vin ∕2 − n1 Vo − vCr (t0 )
iLr (t) = sin 2𝜋fr (t − t0 )
age range V o,min ~ 2V o,min, the active switches S 1, S 2 and Zr (1)
S5 are off as shown in Fig. 3a. The half-bridge resonant + iLr (t0 ) cos 2𝜋fr (t − t0 )
converter is operated on the primary side and the center-
tapped rectifier is used on the secondary side. Thus, the vCr (t) = Vin ∕2 − n1 Vo − [Vin ∕2 − n1 Vo − vCr (t0 )] cos 2𝜋fr (t − t0 )
proposed converter has a low voltage gain. If the output
+ iLr (t0 )Zr sin 2𝜋fr (t − t0 )
voltage is in the medium voltage level 2V o,min ~ 4V o,min, (2)
the active switches S1 and S2 are turned off (Fig. 3b). The √ √
auxiliary switch S5 conducts so that D1 and D2 are reverse where fr = 1∕2𝜋 Lr Cr and Zr = Lr ∕Cr .
biased. The voltage gain shown in Fig. 3b is greater than Step 2 [t1 ≤ t < t2]: Due to fr > fsw, iLm is equal to iLr at t = t1.
the voltage gain shown in Fig. 3a, since more secondary Then, D1 is reverse biased, and Lm, Cr and Lr are resonant in
windings are connected to the output capacitor. When the step 2. iLr and vCr are estimated in (3) and (4).
output voltage is in the high voltage level 4Vo,min ~ 8Vo,min, Vin ∕2 − vCr (t1 )
the active switch Q1 is off as shown in Fig. 3c. The full- iLr (t) = sin 2𝜋fp (t − t1 ) + iLr (t1 ) cos 2𝜋fp (t − t1 )
bridge LLC converter is worked on the primary side and (3)
the center-tapped rectifier with Ns1 + Ns2 secondary wind-
ing turns is used on the secondary side to obtain a high
voltage gain in the presented circuit.
B.-R. Lin
Fig. 4 Proposed converter for the low output voltage range: a pulse- ▸ vS4,g vS3,g
width modulation waveforms; b step 1 equivalent circuit; c step 2 vS3,d vS4,d
equivalent circuit; d step 3 equivalent circuit; e step 4 equivalent cir- Vin
cuit; f step 5 equivalent circuit; g step 6 equivalent circuit vS1,g, vS2,g
vCr (t) = Vin ∕2 − [Vin ∕2 − vCr (t1 )] cos 2𝜋fp (t − t1 ) iLr iLm
+ iLr (t1 )Zp sin 2𝜋fp (t − t1 ) iS4
√ √ iS3
where fp = 1∕2𝜋 (Lm + Lr )Cr and Zp = (Lm + Lr )∕Cr .
Step 3 [t2 ≤ t < t3]: At t = t2, S4 turns off. Since iLr(t2) > 0, CS3
is discharged and CS4 is charged. After t > t2, iLr < iLm so that
D2 conducts and vLm = − n1Vo. vCS3 and vCS4 are estimated as: iD4
t0 t 1t 2t 3 t4t5 Tsw+t0
i (t ) Δi
vCS3 (t) = Vin − Lr 2 (t − t2 ) ≈ Vin − Lm (t − t2 ) (5) (a)
2Coss 4Coss T
C1 + DS1 DS3 NS2 D3 S5 V o Io
VC1 S1 CS1 S3
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co
iLr (t2 ) Δi a b
vCS4 (t) = (t − t2 ) ≈ Lm (t − t2 ) (6) Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
2Coss 4Coss + Q1 S2 CS2 S4
C2 VC2 DS2 DS4 NS2 D4
DC–DC converter implementation with wide output voltage operation
Fig. 5 Proposed converter for the medium output voltage range: a ▸ vS4,g vS3,g
pulse-width modulation waveforms; b step 1 equivalent circuit; c step vS3,d vS4,d
2 equivalent circuit; d step 3 equivalent circuit; e step 4 equivalent Vin
circuit; f step 5 equivalent circuit; g step 6 equivalent circuit vS1,g, vS2,g
vCS4 (t) ≈ Vin − Lm (t − t5 ) (12) iLr iLm
CS4 is discharged to zero voltage at t = Tsw + t0, and DS4 iS3
becomes forward biased. Then, the circuit operation goes to iD1
the next switching cycle.
3.2 Medium output voltage range (S1, S2 off) t0 t 1 t 2t 3
t4t5 Tsw+t0
Under the medium output voltage range (Fig. 3b), Q1 and S5 T
C1 + NS2 D3 V o Io
are in the on state, and S 1 and S
2 are in the off state. Only S3 VC1 S1
CS1 S3
DS3 S5
Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co
and S4 are controlled to regulate the load voltage. Basically, +
a CS3
b Ro
Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
a half-bridge resonant converter by S3, S4, Lr, Cr, T, C1 and + Q 1 S2 CS2 S4
C2 VC2 NS2 D4
C2 is used on the primary side to accomplish soft switching DS2 DS4
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co
this circuit topology is n2 = Np/(Ns1 + Ns2). The DC voltage Vin
a CS3
b Ro
iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
gain for the medium output voltage range is expressed as + Q1 S2 CS2 S4
C2 VC2 NS2 D4
GM = 2n2Vo/Vin. Based on the given parameters n1 = Np/Ns1, DS2 DS4
Step 3 [t2 ≤ t < t3]: The active device S4 turns off at time C2 VC2 DS2 DS4 NS2 D4
B.-R. Lin
Fig. 6 Proposed converter for the high output voltage range: a pulse- ▸ vS1,g, vS4,g vS2,g, vS3,g
width modulation waveforms; b step 1 equivalent circuit; c step 2
equivalent circuit; d step 3 equivalent circuit; e step 4 equivalent cir- vS2,d, vS3,d vS1,d, vS4,d
cuit; f step 5 equivalent circuit; g step 6 equivalent circuit vQ1,g
range operation is greater than that of the other two opera- (e)
tion ranges (low and medium voltage ranges). Pulse-width T
C1 + DS1 NS2 D3 S5 V o Io
modulation waveforms and the equivalent step circuits for VC1 S1 CS1 S3
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co
medium output voltage operation are given in Fig. 6. a b
Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
Step 1 [t0 ≤ t < t1]: At t0, CS1 and CS4 are both discharged + Q1 S2 CS2 S4
C2 VC2 NS2 D4
to zero voltage. Since iLr(t0) < 0, DS1 and DS4 conduct. Thus, DS2 DS4
+ Lr Cr T NS1D1 Co
a b
Vin − n3 Vo − vCr (t0 ) Vin iLr vCr Lm CS4 NS1D2
iLr (t) = sin 2𝜋fr (t − t0 ) + Q1 S2 CS2 S4
Zr (17) C2 VC2 DS2 DS4 NS2 D4
DC–DC converter implementation with wide output voltage operation
vCr (t) = n3 Vo − Vin − [n3 Vo − Vin − vCr (t3 )] cos 2𝜋fr (t − t3 ) The equivalent AC circuit of the resonant tank of the pro-
+ iLr (t3 )Zr sin 2𝜋fr (t − t3 ) posed converter is given in Fig. 7a. The transfer function of
(22) the resonant tank is calculated in (28) and the voltage gain is
shown in Fig. 7b.
Step 5 [t4 ≤ t < t5]: D4 is reverse biased since iLr = iLm at t = t4.
The input voltage Vin, Lm, Cr and Lr are resonant, and iLr and VLm,rms 1
vCr are given as: �G� = =�
Vab,rms � � ��2 � �2
1 + L1 1 − 1
+ Q2 F − F1
Vin + vCr (t4 ) n F2
iLr (t) = − sin 2𝜋fp (t − t4 ) + iLr (t4 ) cos 2𝜋fp (t − t4 ) 2n1 Vo
Zp ⎧ Vin
, Q1 on & S5 off
(23) ⎪ 2n2 Vo
=⎨ Vin
, Q1 & S5 on
vCr (t) = −Vin + [Vin + vCr (t4 )] cos 2𝜋fp (t − t4 ) ⎪ n3 Vo
(24) ⎩ Vin
, Q1 off & S5 on
+ iLr (t4 )Zp sin 2𝜋fp (t − t4 )
Step 6 [t5 ≤ t < Tsw + t0]: At time t = t5, S2 and S3 turn off. where Q = Lr ∕Cr ∕Rac is the quality factor, Ln = Lm/Lr is the
Since iLr > iLm and iLr(t5) < 0, D3 is forward biased, and CS1 inductor ratio, and F = fsw/fr is the frequency ratio. According
and CS4 are discharged. When CS1 and CS4 are discharged to to (28), the output voltage is re-written as:
zero voltage at t = Tsw + t0, the circuit operation in this cycle Ns1 Vin
is finished. Vo,low = √[ ( )]2 ( )2 (29)
2Np 1+ Ln
1 − F12 + Q2 F − F1
B.-R. Lin
0.5 Gmax
5 Experimental results
1 Q=2
The developed converter was constructed and experimented
on in a laboratory prototype with Vin = 400 V, Vo = 320–40 V
0 (8:1 ratio), a resonant frequency of fr = 100 kHz and a load
0.5 1 1.5
power of Po = 400 W. To accomplish the 8:1 wide output volt-
age demand for constant power operation, a low inductor ratio
(b) (Ln = 4) and a low quality factor (Q = 0.2) at the rated power
are selected in the proposed converter. When Vo = 80–40 V
Fig. 7 Resonant tank: a AC equivalent circuit; b voltage gain curve (2:1 ratio) range, S1, S2 and S5 are off (Fig. 3a). The output
voltage Vo is obtained in (29). When Vo = 160–80 V (2:1 ratio)
(Ns1 + Ns2 )Vin range, Q1 is on and S1 and S2 are off (Fig. 3b). The output
Vo,medium = √[ ( )]2 ( )2 (30) voltage Vo is obtained in (30) with Ns2 = Ns1. Similarly, when
2Np 1+ 1
1 − F
+ Q2 F− 1
Vo = 320–160 V (2:1 ratio) range, Q1 is off (Fig. 3c) and Vo
is obtained from (31). Voltage curves of the developed 8:1
0 0 0
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
F=fs/fr F=fs/fr F=fs/fr
Fig. 8 Output voltage curves of the proposed 8:1 (Vo = 40–320 V) resonant converter with three different operation ranges
DC–DC converter implementation with wide output voltage operation
each output voltage range, the transfer function of the voltage Table 1 Circuit components and parameters of the adopted prototype
gain G in (28) is identical to the minimum voltage gain at unity circuit
and the maximum voltage gain at two. Therefore, the design Components Parameters
procedure for the three voltage ranges are the same. For the
Transformer, Np:Ns1:Ns2 50:10:10
low output voltage range, the active devices S1, S2 and S5 are
Inductor ratio, Ln = Lm/Lr 4
off, the half-bridge circuit topology is used on the primary
Quality factor, Q 0.2
side and low winding turns Ns1 are used on the secondary side.
Resonant inductor, Lr 103 μH
The minimum voltage is Vo,min = 40 V and the maximum
Resonant capacitance, Cr 24.6 nF
load voltage is Vo,max = 80 V. The minimum voltage gain Gmin
Magnetizing inductance, Lm 412 μH
is expected at unity in the 40 V output case. From (28), the
Input split capacitances, C1, C2 300 μF/400 V
theoretical turn ratio n1 is obtained as:
Output capacitance, Co 660 μF/400 V
Gmin Vin 1 × 400 MOSFETs, S1 ~ S5, Q1 FMW60N099S2H
n1 = = =5 (32) (600 V/24 A)
2Vomin 2 × 40
Diodes, D1 ~ D4 STTH810FP (1000 V/8 A)
A transformer T with primary turns Np = 50 and secondary
turns Ns1 = 10 and Ns2 = 10 is implemented by a TDK EER 42
core. The rated resistance on the load side under Vo = 80 V is
derived as:
AND Gate
Vo2 802 Gate Driver
Ro = = = 16𝛺 (33) Voltage Controller
(TL431+PC817) UCC25600
Po 400
AND Gate
Gate Driver
From (27), the fundamental resistance on the primary side Gate
Vo S5
of the transformer for low output voltage operation is obtained 80 V Driver
B.-R. Lin
vS3,g vS3,g
iD1 iD3
vS4,g vS4,g
iD2 iD4
vCr vCr Io
50V 10A
100V 5A
iLr iLr
4 µs 4 µs 4 µs 4 µs
Fig. 10 Measured results at Vo = 40 V and 400 W: a vS3,g, vS4,g, vCr, Fig. 13 Measured results at Vo = 85 V and 400 W: a vS3,g, vS4,g, vCr,
iLr; b iD1, iD2, Io, Vo iLr; b iD3, iD4, Io, Vo
vS4,g vS3,g
vS3,g iD3
vS3,d vS4,d
5A 5A
iS3 iS4 Vo
ZVS 2 µs ZVS 2 µs 4 µs 4 µs
Fig. 11 Measured results of S3 and S4 at Vo = 40 V and 400 W: a vS3,g, Fig. 14 Measured results at Vo = 155 V and 400 W: a vS3,g, vS4,g, vCr,
vS3,d,iS3; b vS4,g, vS4,d, iS4 iLr; b iD3, iD4, Io, Vo
vS1,g vab
vS3,g vS2,g
vS3,g vCr
10A 10A
iLr 4 µs 4 µs
4 µs 4 µs (a) (b)
(a) (b) iD3
Fig. 12 Measured results at Vo = 75 V and 400 W: a vS3,g, vS4,g, vCr,
iD4 5A
DC–DC converter implementation with wide output voltage operation
vS1,g vab rectifier diodes and transformer windings, and the converter
vS2,g efficiency is decreased. Figure 17b shows measured efficien-
cies under various loads and output voltages.
vS3,g vCr
vS4,g iLr
6 Conclusions
4 µs 4 µs
(a) (b)
A new wide output voltage range soft switching DC–DC
converter is studied and implemented. To satisfy wide output
iD4 voltage requirements, a hybrid resonant converter includ-
ing a half-bridge and a full-bridge converter is adopted on
Io the primary side. Since the fundamental root-mean-square
Vo voltage of the full-bridge converter is two times of the volt-
4 µs age of the half-bridge converter and additional doubler sec-
(c) ondary winding turns are used on the output side, an 8:1
(vo,max = 8vo,min) DC–DC resonant converter is accomplished
Fig. 16 Measured results at Vo = 320 V and 400 W: a vS1,g ~ vS4,g; b in the developed circuit. To achieve wide voltage operation,
vab, vCr, iLr; c iD3, iD4, Io, Vo the proposed converter has three output voltage operation
ranges: low voltage, medium voltage and high voltage,
which are selected by an AC switch on the primary side
Vo (to select half-bridge or full-bridge operation) and a power
B.-R. Lin
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