Effects of The Internet Among Young People: Group Assignment

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Trần Minh Chiến 2175396
Phan Trần Thảo Nguyên 2174858
Huỳnh Ngọc Tuyết Dung 2174648
Laura Fortuny 2190721
Lê Đình Nhân 2172663
Lưu Đặng Ánh Nhi 2172870
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................................................ii
Article 1: ‘Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018’ (http://tiny.cc/d93uhz)...................................................2
Article 2: ‘Influence of internet usage on the youth’ (http://tiny.cc/qa4uhz).....................................................6
Article 3: Lợi ích và tác hại của internet đối với học sinh và trẻ em như thế nào (https://bitlylink.com/S82aA)
Article 1: Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018’ (http://tiny.cc/d93uhz)..................................................11
Article 3: Lợi ích và tác hại của internet đối với học sinh và trẻ em như thế nào (https://bitlylink.com/S82aA)

Figure 1. Article 1..................................................................................................................................................3
Figure 3. Article 1..................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 2. Article 1..................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 4. Article 1..................................................................................................................................................5
Figure 5. Article 1..................................................................................................................................................5
Figure 6. Article 1..................................................................................................................................................6
Figure 7. Article 2..................................................................................................................................................7
Figure 8. Article 3..................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 9. Article 3................................................................................................................................................10
Figure 10. Article 3..............................................................................................................................................10
Figure 11. Chart from the article 1.......................................................................................................................11

Internet is very popular in daily life, from young people to middle-aged people, even the
elder also know how to use this global network fluently. The Internet helps people connect
through text messages, video calls, emails and it even bring people closer together via video
games and social media. Many useful information can be found quickly by using the Internet and
students have the chance to access to valuable knowledge. Back then, people need to read
newspaper in order to update the information; now all they must do is search things they want to
know on the Internet. The Internet have a major role in people’s life in modern day, especially
the youth.

On one hand, Internet is a significant tool for learning new knowledge and discovering
new things. On the other hand, there are also many harmful effects that the Internet has made.
Most of those bad effects are happening among young people. Students can also get affected by
bad content from it, too. Teenagers get addicted to social media, video games with unhealthy
content and can easily be distracted from their study.

There have been many researchers working on this issue and researches have been done
to see if the Internet has positive or negative effects on young people. Three article our group has
chosen below are researches that analysed the good and bad effects of Internet among young

Article 1: ‘Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018’ (http://tiny.cc/d93uhz) 
According to a survey of the American Youth Center from March 7, 2018 to October 10,
2018 with the target group of teenagers from the age of 13 to 17 shows:

 YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are the most popular social networks.
During this time, Facebook has shown great influence and almost dominated the US
media landscape., but Facebook is not the most commonly used online social network
among teens. In fact, only 51% of teens say they use Facebook, much lower than
Youtube (85%), Instagam (72%), Snapchat (69%).
 Also, in a survey of the US Youth Center on the use of online social networking in 2015
showed that 71% of teenagers use Facebook, 52% use Instagram and 41% use Snapchat
(no other social networks used at the time). And in fact, in 2018 only 51% of teens said
they used Facebook.

 It is worth noting in the survey that the fact that family income affects the use of adolescents'
online platform: 70% of teens live in families with lower income 30,000 USD/year said they use
mainly Facebook, and only 36% of young people living in families with an income from 75,000
USD/year said they use Facebook.

According to the survey, 31% of teens describe the influence of media as positive, 24%
as negative, and the majority are 45% neutral, neither positive nor negative. Adolescents
positively say that they can connect with people and family on social networks, whether far or
near, they can connect with people with similar interests, passion or even entertainment. The
teenagers who said it was negative said that the media led to more bullying and spread more
rumors overall.

Vast majority of teens have access to home computers or smartphones.

 95% of teens use smartphones and have access to social networking platforms, which has
led to more ongoing online activities and results show that 45% of teens say they are
online is almost continuous. In fact, using computers to access, 88% of young people
have the right to use computers at home, young people living in families with income

from 75,000 USD/year say they have access access to computers more than young people
living in families with income below 30,000 USD/year (96% compared to 75%). The
same is true for adolescents living in families with a bachelor's degree or higher
education compared with adolescents living in a family with parents with a high school
diploma or younger (94% vs. 78%).
 A growing share of teens describe their internet use as neer-constant.

In a 2018 survey, 45% of teens used the internet almost continuously, almost twice as
much as a 2015 survey of 24%. Another 44% said they use the Internet many times a day, so
there are at least 9 out of 10 teenagers use the Internet many times a day. And the fact that
teenage girls use online more often than boys (50% vs. 36%).

A majority of both boys and girls play video games, but gaming is nearly universal for

 84% of teens have or have access to game console at home, 90% playing video games of any
kind (on a computer, game console or cellphone), and the proportion of men playing games

Figure 1. Article 1
Figure 2. Article 1

Figure 3. Article 1

Figure 4. Article 1

Figure 5. Article 1

Figure 6. Article 1

Article 2: ‘Influence of internet usage on the youth’ (http://tiny.cc/qa4uhz) 

In today's society, the development of the Internet provides us with useful online
information for students around the globe. The Internet provides ways for people to
communicate and share their lives on a strong social. It changes the field of education, even
business politics, especially education. Students can search for fields they want to explore and
learn online. This is why the author wants to suggest that the local government should research
the Internet and develop for elementary schools so that the youngest people can read and write.
The author found that students at university today know how to use computers.

However, the Internet is also a double-edged sword. It can give us a lot of knowledge, but
it can also have a negative impact on people, especially young people. Obviously, spending more
time on games, sex videos, social networks, etc. rather than studying will surely fail to pursue

Therefore, it is important for everyone to understand the negative and positive effects of
the Internet. So, that we can use the internet to the fullest.

Figure 7. Article 2

Article 3: Lợi ích và tác hại của internet đối với học sinh và trẻ em như thế nào

Life without the Internet in this 4.0 era is very difficult. So, we should balance and use it
effectively with the internet.

 Avantage:

 Information, knowledge, learning:

The Internet contains a great source of information that allows you to research on
the desired topic. Google is a tool a can ask anything question and find the
answer. Besides, there are also millions of videos, for example, Youtube can
explain the topic you desire.

 Connect, communicate and share

Chatting with anyone in the world instead of writing letters by hand

 Map, address, contact information

Locating your position and find the places you want to go, it can help you find the
service area you need.

 Bank, bills, and shopping

Checking your existing account balance, depositors and deposit accounts.

Allowing you to pay, buy online early is another big plus of the internet without
having to go to the store to buy.

 Entertainment

The internet is an endless source of entertainment, accessible to watch videos,

watch movies, listen to music and even play online games.

 Damage

 Addictive

Online games can be addictive. Young people addicted to extreme levels can be a
social network or a gambling site, leading to disruption of mental development at a young

 Affect physical development

Students will rely on the internet without brainstorming which will lead to a deep
understanding of the subject being studied. In addition, children do not control their time

 Crime online

Phishing illegal websites to deceive information, leading to millions of Dongs lost

due to this misleading business transaction

 Affect physical development

Spending a lot of time on the internet can inhibit the physical development of
children, especially in rural areas

 Bullying online

Bullies are always exposed and disturbing the victim's dismay. This increase

 Privacy has been violated

In the naivety of unidentified students, they can exchange information about

themselves, pictures, ... through personal conversations that affect their privacy and

 Make students lazy

In fact, many students spend hours or days accessing the internet. play games,
listen to music, watch movies, go to social networks but forget about studying.

 Bad content

The number of students accessing the web cannot be counted. These black web
movies and films have a huge impact on their health and psychological well being, so the
harms of the internet are terrible.

Figure 8. Article 3

Figure 9. Article 3

Figure 10. Article 3

Article 1: Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018’ (http://tiny.cc/d93uhz) 

The revolution of internet gave birth years later to an invention which has change the
whole world: Social media. Indeed, most of the people are using social media, according to the
Pew Research Center (PRC), 95% of teenagers have a smartphone and 45% of them are addicted
to it regardless to their demographic or social situation (survey on 743 teens).

Social media is all over our daily life and is the main reason all kind of information are
spreading faster and more than it ever did. Indeed, the time on internet by the youth is mostly
spent on social media.

The first one to be famous was Facebook, that arrived in 2004 and invented a new way of
interaction and meeting between people. Then other big social media such as Twitter and
Instagram have on their way created a path into the attention of young people.

Nevertheless, social networks are nowadays taken more and more seriously, and big
figures of authorities have their own profile on it.

Figure 11. Chart from the article 1

Indeed, it can create a bond between people from across the planet and can have a big
influence or be very dangerous for the people using it and their behaviors. Regarding to this fact,
we can wonder if the social media and internet in itself is safer than it is dangerous.

According to the PRC, 31% of young people would describe positive effects that social
networks has on them, while 24% of them would describe more negative effect. 45% of them
don’t really feel any effects. Does social network really have an impact on people?

Firstly, we can see the power of its influence and its bad impact through different ways:

 The use of personal data from our social profile:

Facebook for example which has been recently accused to influence the americain
population on the presidential election of 2016 thanks to Cambridge Analytica.

This is called the public manipulation.

Indeed, according to a research by the New York Times, The Observer and The
Guardian, Cambridge Analytica was accused of using data of people and their Facebook friends
from a psychological app (Thisisyourdigitallife) without consent. They earned data on millions
of people and used them to influence the vote of the USA resident on the president elected. It
also shows an issue about privacy.

Moreover, social media can have a stronger impact on the teenagers’ lives. In fact, with
the social media was born a new problem, the cyber bullying and spreading rumors from
anonymous people. This can be a huge issue when a video or an information comes viral and
unmanageable because it has been seen by thousands, even millions of people that can react like
they want from all around the world.

Furthermore, 17% of the teens on a PRC survey are scared that social media would
destroy the real-life relationships and decrease the meaning of human interaction and their
perception of each other.

In one hand, because teens have tendencies to spend much of their time on social media
and not by talking to each other anymore. In the other hand, because social networks can give
you a fake reflection of life. Indeed, with Instagram for example, our pictures are exposed to
numerous people, often to strangers. People with notoriety known as instagrammers try to show
that they have the most beautiful and entertaining life letting a lot of people in self-confidence

issues, on their body for example. This, also can lead people to an addiction to recognition
through number of likes or comments.

Nevertheless, there are good sides of social media. Indeed, thanks to it, the world has
never been as little as it is right now. People can talk to each other from all around the world and
discuss in real time without any difficulties. This allow us to have access to instant information,
not always real, that could show us what the usual news try to hide to the population.

Somehow, when some people see a decrease of the meaning of interaction between
humans, for others it is on the contrary a new way to connect people with same interest from
anywhere. Furthermore, while certain thinks that social media can lead to a fake representation
of life sometimes, it can also allow people to express themselves and have feedbacks from
persons of their community internationally.
Article 3: Lợi ích và tác hại của internet đối với học sinh và trẻ em như thế nào

In general, the level of persuasion of this article is not high. The information given is still
vague, the argument of the article does not have much convincing evidence, and the article is not
inserted with many illustrations. About the benefits of the internet, the information being written
about the benefits of the internet is not enough to convince readers to feel confident about the
article. Like the benefits, the information on the harmful side of the internet has no specific
evidence or data. In the harmful part of internet, section 2.8. (bad content) says "according to a
survey" but does not specify whose survey, when it was conducted, and no specific source of
report. Besides, there are unorthodox and unwarranted statements that make the article's
persuasion significantly reduce.

Besides, the article has a clear layout but not enough for readers to feel fascinated and
trust the article. The layout of the article is divided only with the introduction and the body
which gives statements about the benefits and harms of the internet. The body of the article is
more clearly divided into small points written in short paragraphs. This makes the article clearer;
readers do not feel headache because there are too many words.

The author uses simple words, easy to understand, not too picky. Circuit writing has no
highlight or climax. Most of the content in the article is not different from the content of other

articles in the same topic. Compared to the content of the article number 1, the level of
trustworthiness and attractiveness is much lower

Valuable information about the effect of the Internet among the youth, especially
teenagers and young children, has been provided by two articles above. Our group notice that
these two articles have some notable highlights.

The article of VIDS is lack of numbers, data, and illustration. The author needs to provide
the sources from which he collected the information in addition to increasing credibility for the
article. Moreover, there should be tables of data and numbers in the article so that readers can
feel more convincing when they are reading. Some illustrated images can make the article less
boring for the reader.

On the other hand, Monica Anderson and Jingjing Jiang’s article is quite good and
convincing. All the tables, data and numbers in the article are taken from their own researches.
However, since these data are from their researches, the reliability of them is also not

In the opinion of our team, the Internet can both help young people in their work and
entertainment and can affect them badly in certain ways. Depend on what circumstances young
people using the Internet, the effect of it will be positive or negative. If you use the Internet for
good intentions, it could help you a lot with your work. And if you are spending too much time
on it and social media, you would be addicted to it and it could be affected your health physically
and mentally. 

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