Mitsubishi Manuals TRA8AL PDF

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Transistor Amplifier TRA8-L/PI/S

Maintenance manual

This is the maintenance manual for the transistor amplifier

TRAS-L/M/S used for the MELDAS NC control unit. This manual
must be read before handling o f the transistor amplifier.


1. Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. External dimension drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Transistor amplifier exchange method and handling . . . . 6
4. Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1) Servo system alarm transfer circuit . . . . . . . . . . 15

2) Transistor amplifier inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

i) Display lamp explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

ii) Transistor amplifier check pins and their
contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1. Functions
The transistor amplifiers TRA8 are the amplifiers for driv-
ing of the DC motors installed on machine tools, robots,
etc. by power amplification according to the pulse nodula-
tion method with high-frequency switching for the error
voltages (command voltages) resulting from the comparison
of the position detector output with the calculation result
output in regard to the movement ccrrmand from the logic
card of the control unit, and two medium inertia HD motors
of up to 800 W can be driven by one amplifier.
1) Composition of the drive amplifier part

Transistor 63 Transformer

3 phases,
piGZZ-+ Transistor 2cc/220 v

pcwer supply
(Input to the transistor
amplifier must be via a
(Up to 800 W) transformer.)

(Example for control of 4 axes)

‘. /!.

The type names become as follows.

TRA8 q - 0 Axis 1 HD motor Axis 2 HD motor
:,.,...!. f ’ L---HD41 or HD81 HD41 or HD81
M---HD20 or HD30 HD41 or HD81
management r S---+HD20 or HD30 HD20 or HD30
Progressing as A, B, C.

2) Drive part (transistor amplifier) block system diagram
3) Cable system diagram 2 ._
ZS l


i-7 _-,_
Y Ll Y

2. External dimension drawing
1) External view of TRA8

2~ 2 B 2Gl 2G2 2E c D r\c

Pilot lamp
r 4

View ir. direction A (termilral base) .!

12 jl: 456 I I: 12
I! 480 ’ I

Unit: mm

3. Transistor amplifier exchange method and handling- 1

1) Transistor amplifier connection

TEl and TE2 are connected to the drive motor.
The unit body is fixed with 4 set screws to the rack.
Take sufficient care that ZPl and ZP2 are not connected
As the control card (TR43) is equipped with setting
plugs and control volumes, setting must be executed at
the time of unit exchange.



:Pl ZP2 ZPl zP2


I I TEl. TE2

NC control unit

Amplifier for axis 1, 2 Amplifier for axis 3, 4

Joint use with the transistor amplifiers TRA31/41/61 or
TRA30/60 is not possible.
2) Printed circuit board outline drawing

(Card TR43A)



IS16 0 2S16

Alarm display LED


CON 17 CON 16
AG terminal

(Card TR43B)



El 2S16

5 % 5i
l-4 N

jr h‘ -

Alarm display LED

CcpJli CON16 AG terminal


3) Setting by means of setting plugs

Setting is made according to the detector

gear box type (for position loop gair,
Normally, no setting is made.
(1 JSC is set for nse of a motor cf 5Cl 1:

/ 0 S 6 1 / or less.)

Setting is r-:zdc for motor use up t(; !:,?3Q,

Setting is made acccr,Cing to the type of Zhe

used amplifier. ;nrl the motor Lype. (Do net
touch, .zzs setting 372s been made IxCore ship-

q SiE 1
1ICormally, nc: setting ir m a d e .

1 0 sis 1 Sectinq is made ilccording to the type of

tat!-,oqecerator ustic for speed feedback tier
TG fticd!>ack selection).
* Setting pir. disy=l?j.: 0 s

Settiliq pin No.

Standard setting pin setting table

=-T-=- =-T=---

Setting pin No.

Sl Setting according to the detector gear box

cl 1
s 2
s 3

s 4
1 type l

cl s5

I S 6

II s 7

II S 8

cl s9

cl SlO .f-j---+

cl Sll 0 0

cl s12

q s13 i 0 0

cl s14 0 0

cl S15 0 0


cl s17 0 0 0 0

cl S18 Setting according to the tachogenerator type.

* "0" indicates a setting pin insertion place.

4) Setting of the various volumes
(Volume No., name, function, and setting)

1 Speed loop command volume

This becomes the motor speed command at the time of
speed loop operation.

Motor running Motor running

in CCW in CW
direction direction

. This becomes effective when SW1 or SW2 is switched

to the V side.
. riormally, set the the scale value 5.
(Do not touch this volume when the motor is in-
stalled on the machine.)
2 Position loop gain adjustment volume
This is used to adjust the position loop gain.
. As this has been adjusted at the time of shipping,

the setting should not be changed.

3 Speed loop compensation adjustment volume
This is used for adjustment of system responsiveness
and stability.
Turning in CW direction improves the responsiveness
and decreases the stability, while turning in CCW
direction decreases the responsiveness and improves
the stability.

. Turn in CCW direction (fcr higher stability], when

the vibrations etc. on the machine side are severe,

. When there is a tendency for overshooting, turn in

CW direction (to improve the response).

(At the time of adjustment, adjust by half a gradu-
ation each and observe the result.
hunting may be caused when large changes are made.!

4 Current
-- clamp fine adjustment volume
This is used for fine adjustment of the maximum CUT-

rent flowing to the motor.

. Setting to the scale value ‘10’ has been made at
the time of shipping. Do not change this setting.
7 Zero point adjustment volume
This volume is used for fine adjustment near droop
zero when a position loop is formed.
(Execute readjustment when the machine moves at the
time of NC power ON.)
. Adjust the volume so that the display 'POD' 01;. the

NC side becomes close to '0'.

9 Speed loop gain adjustment volume
This is the volume for the servo rigidity.
Turning in CW direction increases the servo rigidity,
but excessive turning causes instability.
Turning in CCK direction decreases the servo xigidi-

ty, but the stability wil.l be increased.

2) Transistor amplifier inspection
i) Display lamp explanations
(1) Pilot lamp (on the left of the terminal block)
This lights simultaneously with RDY ON.
It goes out simultaneously with RDY OFF.
t Never touch while the pilot lamp is lit, as

this is extremely dangerous.

(2) Relay display lamps (on the TR43U card)
RA1to 5

Name Function when lit

RDY Indication of READY ON.
RA2 DBL Indication of released dynamic
brake. (This also means contactor
RA3 NORM Indication of normal conditions

at the time of power ON.

RA4 SVONl Indication of SERVO ON status for
the first axis.
RA5 SVON2 Indication of SERVO ON status for

the second axis.
With SERVO ON for both axes, all relay lamps
are lit.
All lamps go out when an alarm occurs.
. .

The volume indication is made as follows.

Axis No. Volume No.

Pm -__I__ --

(y-) (y-J (-TyT)

‘1’1lA8 0 - 0

L_ -_ --
. Turn in CCW direction (for higher stability), when
the vibrations etc. on the machine side are severe.

. When there is a tendency for overshooting, turn in

CW direction (to improve the response).
(At the time of adjustment, adjust by half a gradu-
ation each and observe the result.
Hunting may be caused when large changes are made.)
12 Interlock adjustment volume
This is used for interlock adjustment for the tran-

sistors 1 and 2.
. As this has been adjusted at the time of shipping,

the setting should not be changed.

13 Interlock adjustment volume
This is used for interlock adjustment for the tran-
sistors 3 and 4.
. As this has been adjusted at the time of shipping,

the setting should not be changed.

15 Current loop compensation adjustment volume

This is used for adjustment of the current loop re-

. Normally, setting is made to the scale value '2'.
17 Dummy thermal adjustment volume
Setting is made according to the rated current of the
used motor.
. As this has been adjusted at the time of shipping,

the setting should not be changed.

(3) Alarm display lamps (on the TR431 card)


/ (N-F- T)

As the 3 alarms on the left (MOH, OVC, OCP) are

caused for each axis, the axis display lamps
(yellow) at the center also light at the sacle
Example: Occurrence of MOH alarm for axis 1

As the 3 alarms on the right (LVAL, VOV, FOX

(NF.T)) occur independent of the axes, the axis
display lamps do not light.
Example: Occurrence of LVAL alarm


Display lamp Lighting condition

MOH This lights when the temperature

in the motor exceeds the speci-
fied temperature (95OC)

ovc This lights in case of continuous

motor overload condition.
OCP This lights when an abnormal
current flows to the transistors
or to the motor.
1ALM This lights when an alarm occurs

for the axis 1.

2ALM This lights when an alarm occurs
for the axis 2.
LVAL This lights with an abnormal drop
of the AC 100 V input voltage (to
about 70 V).

vov This lights when the voltage

between P and N has become ex-
tremely high (350 V or more).

FOH (NP.T) This lights when the ambient

temperature for the power tran-
sistors has become abnormally
high (8OOC) and when the no-fuse
breaker has become OFF or RDY ON.

ii) Transistor amplifier check pins and their contents
The control cards TR43A and TR43B have exchangeabili-
ty, but there are slight differences for the check
pins shown in the following table.
a) Group 1 (simultaneous checking with other groups
is not possible.)

Check pin o: Check pin

existence x: No check pin
Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform
pin 43f 43B


lCP1 0 0 TG signal The output voltage differs as

----- - - - - - ---------
axis 1 follows according to the used TG.
2CPl 0 0 TG signal

axis 2 Detector RST-[ x 2 V/l000 rpm

Conventional type 1lTG . . .

7 V/l000 rpm
lCP2 0 0 ER signal Output of the speed command
axis 1 signal
_--_ -_ -L_ ---------
2CP2 0 0 ER signal
axis 2

lCP3 0 0 Speed loop The following waveforms can be

error signal seen at the time of motor
axis 1 acceleration and deceleration.

Check , !R rR Signal name Output waveform

pin 13A 131 3

No. .
2CP3 0 0 Speed loop +
CPl 0 _
error signal
axis 2 This voltage corresponds to the

motor speed.

CP3 ?.-~--,~--

Output waveform with saturation

At the time of READY OFF and at

the time of SERVO OFF, the output
voltacre becomes about 0 V.

lCP4 0 0 Current com- The same waveform as for lCP3 can

mand signal be seen.

.---- - - -
axis 1
2CP4 0 0 Current com- The same waveform as for 2CP3 can

mand signal be seen.

axis 2

Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform
pin 43A 43B
lCP5 0 0 Comparator The following waveforms can be
input signal seen at the time of motor
axis 1 acceleration and deceleration.
2cp5 -o- 0 Comparator

input signal ov

axis 2 This voltage is

proportional to
the motor

lCP6 o o Current feed- The following waveforms can be

back signal seen at the time of motor

axis 1 acceleration and deceleration_
2CP6 o o Current feed-
back signal 0

axis 2 This voltage is

proportional to
the motor


Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform
pin 43A 43B
Current feedback signal when the
current command is clamped.

In about earth potential is held

until input of the READY signal.
The CP6 output voltages are as
0.19 V/A at the time of 0 Sll
0.41 V/A at the time of cl SlO

0.95 V/A at the time of no set-

lCP7 0 x Step input The speed loop step input signal

signal axis 1 can be seen.
---- --__--___--------
2CP7 o x Step input Change in the range from about

I signal axis 2 -4 to +4 V will be made when 1VRl

and 2VRl are turned.

Check L?R 'R Signal name Output waveform
pin 13A L3B
CP8 0 X Sawtooth The sawtooth oscillation waveform
wave signal can be seen.


lCP9 0 0 PWM signal The following waveform can be

lCPl0 axis 1 seen when a clip is used to
_-_- --_ - - --------_
2CP9 0 0 PWM signal short-circuit between lCP5 and
2CPlO axis 2 earth check pin or 2CP5 and earth
check pin respectively.

Do not turn the motor when you
want to see the above waveform.

Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform
pin 43A 43B
1CPll 0 o Base input The following waveform can be
lCP12 signal seen when a clip is used to
lCP13 axis 1 short-circuit between lCP5 and
lCP14 earth check pin or 2CP5 and earth
2CPll 0 0 Base input check pin respectively.
2CP12 signal
2CP13 axis 1 235---1&OV
I I I - o-0.m
2CP14 cm I I - PS--14.ov
-YO_?5~S~_--i,. *A-


Do not turn the motor when you

want to see the above waveform.
lCP15 0 x Current The CP6 absolute value waveform
absolute can be seen.
value signal
axis 1
2CP15 o x Current
value signal
axis 2

Check l?R ‘R Signal name Output waveform
pin 13A 13B

0.19 V/A at the time of El Sll

0.41 V/A at the time of 0 SlO
0.95 V/A at the time of no set-
CP16 Sawtooth The sawtooth wave oscillation
18 wave signal waveform is put out (same as for
CP20 FOK alarm The following waveform can be
signal seen simultaneously with
occurrence of fin overheat alarm.

1 l-12v


t -

2P21 0 0 VOV alarm The same waveform as for CP20 can
signal be seen simultaneously with
occurrence of overvoltage
detection alarm.
CP22 0 0 LVAL alarm The same waveform as for CP20 can
signal be seen simultaneously with
occurrence of low voltage
detection alarm.

Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform
pin 43A 43B

CP23 o o Alarm signal The same waveform as for CP20 can

axis 1 be seen with occurrence of alarm
for axis 1.

CP24 o o Alarm signal The following waveform can be

axis 2 seen with occurrence of alarm

for axis 2.

I I--12v

CP25 o o OCP alarm The same waveform as for CP24 can

signal be seen with occurrence of

momentary overcurrent protection

CP26 o o OVC alarm The same waveform as for CP24 can

signal be seen with occurrence of

overcurrent protection alarm.

CP27 o o MOH alarm The same waveform as for CP24 can

signal be seen with occurrence of

motor overheat protection alarm.

CP17 Earth signal This is the earth for lCP1 to 27.

I0 O
28, 290 x Do not look at other check pins.

30, 31

I b) Group 2 (simultaneous checking with other groups is not

Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform

pin 43A 43B

1CPA 0 0 OCP input This is the input signal for

signal the momentary overcurrent

axis 1 protection circuit for axis 1,
(Output voltage: 50 mV/l A)
--- -----__-------_----___------------
_-iCPB 0 0 Earth signal This is the earth for 1CPA. Do
not check simultaneously with
signals of other groups.
c) Group 3 (simultaneous checking with other groups is not

Check l?R TR Signal name Output waveform

pin 43A 43B

2CPA 0 0 OCP input This is the input signal for
signal the momentary overcurrent I

axis 2 protection circuit for axis 2.

(Output voltage: 50 mV/l A)

--- -- -- ------- .--------_-__- - - -
--?!CPB 0 0 Earth signal This is the earth for 2CPA. D C
not check simultaneously with
signals of other groups.
. .

d) Group 4 (simultaneous checking with other groups is not


Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform

pin 43A 43B
CPC 0 0 Discharge Discharge starts when the voltage
circuit between P and N exceeds 300 V.
operation The following waveform can be
signal seen.
- 1.3~-2v

- 6 V
I %Discharging

Discharging stops at about 290 V

or less.

1B2 o o Power Power

1.3-Z v

1B4 transistor transistor ON

2B2 base signal _5_ Power

2B4 6 transistor OFF

E.C 0 0 Earth signal This is the earth for the above
five check pins. Do not check

simultaneously with other groups.

d) Others (The following four signals have different earths,
and simultaneous checking is)

Check TR TR Signal name Output waveform

pin 43A 43B
lB1 o o Power Same as the above waveform lB2

transistor etc.
base signal
--------------------------_------ - -
lE1 o o Earth signal Earth for 1Bl
1B3 o o Power Same as the above waveform IB2
transistor etc.
base signal
-----------------___ --------------_
1E3 0 0 Earth signal Earth for lB3
2B1 o o Power Same as the above waveform lB2
transistor etc.
base signal
2El 0 0 Earth signal Earth for 2Bl
2B3 0 0 Power Same as the above waveform lB2
transistor etc.
base signal
~----------._------------- -----------__
2E3 0 0 Earth signal Earth for 2B3


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