Root Cause Analysis On Hospital Standards and Joint Commission International Standards: A Comparative Study
Root Cause Analysis On Hospital Standards and Joint Commission International Standards: A Comparative Study
Root Cause Analysis On Hospital Standards and Joint Commission International Standards: A Comparative Study
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Background: Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are infections that patients caught during medical
treatment and health care. Prevention and control of infection will lead to patient safety, which ultimately has an
impact on efficiency, management of health care facilities, and improvement of service quality. Infection can be
controlled by identifying the causes. One method to achieve this goal is the Root Cause Analysis (RCA).
Aim: This study aims to analyze the implementation of Root Couse Analysis (RCA) conducted by the Infection
Prevention and Control Committee at the Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya.
Method: This is a quantitative observational research that utilizes descriptive data analysis. This study is a
cross sectional study and its results are presented narratively.
Results: Results show that the Joint Commission International Standard 2015 version of RCA was not fully
implemented at the Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya. Some methods, such as the
fishbone and Plan-Do-Study-Action (PDSA), were not implemented. Limited resources became the contributing
Conclusion: Infection Prevention and Control Committee at the Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari
Merr Surabaya has implemented 9 out of 21 RCA steps of the Joint Commission International Standard 2015.
The hospital needs to use other methods as an addition to the 5 Why’s in implementing RCA, such as fishbone
diagrams and Plan-Do-Study-Action (PDSA), for problem solving planning.
Keywords: Root Cause Analysis (RCA), HAIs, Infection prevention and control.
Latar Belakang: HAIs adalah infeksi yang terjadi pada pasien ketika menerima perawatan dan pelayanan
kesehatan. Pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi akan mewujudkan adanya patient safety yang pada
akhirnya berdampak pada efisiensi, manajemen fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dan peningkatan kualitas
pelayanan. Insiden infeksi yang terjadi harus dikendalikan dengan melakukan indetifikasi sampai
ditemukananya penyebab dari peristiwa atau masalah tersebut. Sehingga suatu organisasi dapat
menggunakan teknik Root Cause Analysis atau RCA yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengatasi kondisi
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis terhadap proses pelaksanaan Root Couse Analysis (RCA)
di Komite PPI RSIA Kendangsari Merr Surabaya.
Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan analisis data deskriptif pendekatan kuantitatif karena
hasil penelitian disampaikan secara naratif. Ditinjau dari segi waktu penelitian termasuk penelitian cross
Hasil: Hasil analisis kesesuaian tahapan RCA yang ada pada Joint Commission International Tahun 2015
dengan pelaksanaan RCA di Komite PPI RSIA Kendangsari Merr tidak semua dilakukan oleh Komite PPI.Hal
tersebut disebabkan karena kurangnya applikasi metode lain seperti fishbone dan metode Plan-Do-Study-
Action (PDSA), serta terdapat kerterbatasan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh RSIA Kendangsari Merr Surabaya.
Kesimpulan: Komite PPI RSIA Kendangsari Merr Surabaya telah melakukan 9 langkah RCA dari 21 langkah
yang ada pada standar Joint Commission International Tahun 2015. Rekomendasi untuk rumah sakit adalah
menggunakan metode lain selain dari the 5 why dalam pelaksanaan RCA seperti diagram fishbone dan
metode Plan-Do-Study-Action (PDSA) untuk perencanaan pemecahan masalah.
Kata Kunci: Root Cause Analysis (RCA), HAIs, Pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi.
indirectly involved such as doctors, nurses, infection at the Mother and Child Hospital of
operating room personnel, and clinic personnel. IPC Kendangsari MERR Surabaya which value is set to
Committee also has evidence in the form of photos be ≤ 2%.
as documentary evidence, documents from medical
records, operating room registration, tool usage Design and implement immediate changes
schedule, service schedule, results of tool swabs, The Joint Commission International 2015
and other laboratory results. stated that health care in problematic situation can
cause potentially serious results that may endanger
Determine what happened the patient. Thus, a quick solution or first treatment
The fourth process is to designate the may be needed temporarily to alleviate the problem
problem by asking 5W1H questions that are while the team will continue to work to find the root
important and relevant to the incident (Shaqdan et cause. The Mother and Child Hospital of
al., 2014). Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya, based on the
Kendangsari MERR Surabaya has carried out this document review, has taken a temporary action to
fourth stage. This is evidenced from the results of overcome incidents by immediately swabing the
interviews with the officers involved and from the device when the infection occured.
chronology table or tabular timeline that has been
made by IPCN. According to Nicolini, Waring and Identify which systems are involved in the root
Mengis (2011), the first major challenge for RCA causes
investigation is gathering information and evidence. The next step is to identify the hospital
After the reported incident has been assessed and system involved in the root cause. The system
investigated, RCA directs the company's manager factors are categorized according to organizational
or local patient safety leader to be responsible for functions or processes carried out by the
collecting more detailed information that serves to organization. These processes involve human
strengthen the report contents and to gather resources, information management, environmental
evidence about actions against the problem. management, leadership and organizational culture,
and encouragement of communication and clear
Identify contributing process and factors priority communication. The Joint Commission
At this stage, IPC Committee carries out the International 2015 stated that fishbone diagram is
identification process of activities involved. The RCA very helpful in categorizing and visualizing various
can be executed using various tools in determining systems or problems that have contributed to the
the cause of the problem, such as the analysis of 5 incidents. Categories within this diagram include
WHYs, fishbone, causal diagrams, and pareto people, procedures, equipment or materials,
charts (Shaqdan et al., 2014). The Mother and Child environment, and policies. The Mother and Child
Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya, based on Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya, based on
the document review, has carried out the fifth stage the document review, has not applied fishbone
using the 5 WHYs, but this has not been able to be diagram method.
used to answer the questions about the process and
relevant factors. Prune the list of root causes
The Joint Commission International 2015
Identify other contributing factors stated that if the causal factors have been
The next step is to determine the contributing determined, each cause must be analyzed using
factors beyond the process which consist of human logic-based reasoning skills to determine the main
factors, equipment factors, and factors related to cause. The IPC Committee has not clearly stated
information, as well as controlled or uncontrolled which was the main cause of the incidents because
environmental factors. Fishbone diagrams can help they do not have the list of factors that cause the
to highlight many factors involved in an incident. incidents. It happened because the IPC Committee
Based on the document review, the Mother and only used the 5 MHYs method, so the factors
Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya has cannot be comprehensively found.
not done this step because it only uses the 5 WHYs
method. Confirm root causes and consider their
Measure—collect and assess data on proximate The cause of the incident or root problem
and underlying causes usually consists of more than one cause. The
Data collection is combined to determine Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR
incident indicators. Joint Commission International Surabaya, based on the document review, already
2015 stated that measure is a process of collecting has a document listing the incident causes. Infection
and merging data. This process helps to assess the incidents at The Mother and Child Hospital of
level of performance, determine whether corrective Kendangsari MERR Surabaya had three problem
action is needed, and ensure whether root causes from three different factors.
improvements have occurred. At the Mother and
Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya, Explore and identify risk reduction strategies
based on the document review, there were The next step is to identify the improvement
indicators or work targets for the infection insidents steps and risk reduction strategies. After identifying
that occurred, such as the number of infections per the main causes of the incidents, the identification of
month, three months, semester, and year. One improvement measures and risk reduction
example of work targets is the one for surgical site strategies can be done using various techniques to
achieve potential action plans. The Mother and Evaluate the Implementation of Improvement
Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya has Efforts
not implemented risk reduction. Therefore, risk The next stage is done using the data
reduction can be done using one of the methods collected as a part of the measurement. The data
mentioned by the 2015 Joint Commission must be translated into information to make an
International, namely Failure Mode and Effects assessment and draw conclusions about the
Analysis (FMEA). performance of the improvement efforts. This
FMEA is a systematic and prospectively assessment forms a basis for further action taken
proactive method used to identify and understand with the improvement initiatives. Many techniques
the contributing factors involved in the failure of a can be used to assess the data. Most types of
process, system, or method. In addition, this method assessments require comparing data to a reference
can be used as an active tool to improve patient point.
safety and hospital efficiency. The method
determines the vulnerable and critical elements of a Take additional action
system (Shebl, Franklin and Barber, 2012). The team's assessment of the data shows
whether or not the targets have been achieved. This
Formulate improvement actions stage is related to the set targets of the action plan
The measure of success can be determined that has been tested and implemented. If the
from trial activities that are carried out. The Mother objectives are achieved, the team must now focus
and Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Surabaya on communication, standardization, and introduction
has not yet identified the measure of its success. of successful improvement initiatives.
The scientific method of Joint Commission
International 2015, such as plan, do, study, act Communicate the results
cycle, can be proposed to find the measure of The RCA results must be communicated to
success. This method allows the team to test how all staff members involved and the management. It
successful changes have been made and whether is very important to build trust and appreciation for
they need to be improved, and other experiments if the team in this process. A table can be made to list
no good results are achieved. the causes, identification of root causes, and
recommendations to everyone. The RCA process is
Evaluate the proposed improvement actions based on Joint Commission International standards,
The evaluation process is done by but there are steps that have not been implemented
comparing plans with internal references, SOPs, by the Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari
and external practices and standards to help the MERR Surabaya due to the ommission of other
final action plan executed well. methods, such as fishbone and PDSA. Moreover,
there are limitation of available resources, one of
Design improvements which is that most IPC committee members have
Design improvement is an action plan that not received training about RCA. The committee
identifies the strategies to be implemented in order can work with the team of Patient Safety Quality
to reduce the risk of similar incidents occurring in Control (PSQC) at the hospital for the
the future. The Joint Commission International 2015 implementation of RCA because PSQC team has
mentioned the plan must address five issues about received RCA special training. The following
what, how, when, who and where are the methods are suggested to be applied for the
implementation and evaluation of the effective and implementation of RCA (Brook et al., 2015).
corrective actions. The Mother and Child Hospital of First is Pareto analysis. This is an easy-to-
Kendangsari MERR Surabaya, based on the use technique that helps user choose the most
document review, had the documents of the effective changes to do. The Pareto principle
recommendation forms and the action plans for the mentions the idea of doing 20% of your work can
incidents. generate 80% of your profit in doing the whole job.
Pareto analysis is a formal technique for finding
Ensure the acceptability of the action plan changes that will yield the greatest benefits.
The step is taken to ensure the action plan is Second, Osborn suggests that groups can
acceptable. The document review found that the double their creative results with brainstorming.
Mother and Child Hospital of Kendangsari MERR Brainstorming works by focusing on the problem,
Surabaya has not implemented the step to ensure and subsequently formulate as many solutions as
the acceptance of the action plan. possible and develop them as far as possible. Using
brainstorming refers to the process of generating
Develop Measures of Effectiveness and Ensure new ideas or solving problems so that the goal is to
Their Success identify not only the most obvious root causes, but
If the function is in progress, the team must also the possible underlying problems.
collect data about its performance. The Joint Third is the 5 WHYs. This is the simplest
Commission International 2015 stated that method for structured RCA. This is a method of
measurement is a process of collecting and asking questions which later be used to explore the
combining data to assess the level of performance causes underlying the problem. The investigator
and determine whether further corrective action is continues asking the question 'Why?' until a
needed. Particularly, measurements can be used as meaningful conclusion is reached. General
integral techniques throughout Plan-Do-Study- recommendation is that the investigator asks the
Action (PDSA) cycle. questions at least five times, although sometimes