Use HPLC Characterization Phytoplankton
Use HPLC Characterization Phytoplankton
Use HPLC Characterization Phytoplankton
Suzanne Roy. ISMER, Université du Québec à Rimouski. 310 Allée des Ursulines,
HPLC is still the technique of choice for the analysis and characterization of
preparation and pigment extraction, and the use of octyl silica columns and pyridine-
of pigments on the basis of their retention times and visible spectra, the preparation of
pigment standards and the quantitative analysis by either external or internal standard
detector, Phytoplankton
1. Introduction
plankton populations (associated for example with climate change), the ground-
the changing aquatic light environment, or the trophic transfer from primary
are water-soluble, carotenoids and Chls are lipid-soluble. Most of the time, the term
carotenoids, because both types of compounds occur in all photosynthetic algae, they
are easily extracted into organic solvents and can be detected with high sensitivity in
Chls and carotenoids are present in different algal taxa with variable degrees of
specificity: some of them occur in several algal classes whereas others are restricted to
one or only a few algal groups, making them unambiguous chemotaxonomic markers.
Liquid chromatography is the method of choice for the analysis of algal Chls and
carotenoids. The analysis of complex algal pigment extracts, especially those derived
from phytoplankton samples from natural waters, still constitute a challenge for
polarities in which some of them only differ by small structural features (in some cases,
(2), but for those readers interested either in broad knowledge on pigment biology or
strongly recommended (3). That book, together with the preceding one (4), cover most
been recently reviewed (5). In this chapter we describe a specific protocol for the
analysis of algal pigments based on that proposed by Zapata et al. (6). Other protocols
exist (e.g. the one developed by Van Heukelem and Thomas (7)) but here we describe
the one we are most familiar with. The advantages and disadvantages of these and
2. Materials
1. Sampling: Seawater is filtered on glass fibre filters (GF/F type, nominal pore size
acetone with 1 volume of water or by mixing 9.5 volumes of methanol (MeOH) with
0.5 volumes of water (see Note 2). Use graduate cylinders and HPLC grade solvents.
3. Extraction: Use Pyrex® screw cap glass tubes with polytetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE)
lined caps. A centrifuge and a probe sonicator or an ultrasonic bath can be necessary,
depending on the extraction procedure (see 3.1.2 and Note 2). Use PTFE syringe filters
with 0.22 m pore size to clarify extracts before injection in the HPLC system.
1. Pumps: A pumping system able to deliver at least binary gradients is needed. This
can be achieved either with a high pressure mixing system, or with a four-solvent, low-
2.3 Columns
1. Octylsilica (C8) stationary phases with particle size 3.5 m or less should be used,
2.4 Solvents
1. Use HPLC-grade MeOH, acetonitrile (AcN), acetone and water. Pyridine and acetic
2. Preparation of pyridinium acetate (pH = 5.0 ) stock solution (0.25 M): Add 10 mL of
acetic acid and 20 mL of pyridine to 900 ml of HPLC grade water in a 1 L beaker, mixing
with a magnetic stirrer. Continuously monitor pH with a pH-meter. Add acetic acid
drop-wise until pH value is 5.0. Transfer the mixture to a 1 L volumetric flask and adjust
3. Preparation of pyridinum acetate working solution (0.025 M): Dilute ten times the
stock solution with HPLC grade water. Filter this solution through a 0.45 m filter
including Carotenature, Chromadex, DHI Lab Products, Frontier Scientific Inc., Sigma-
Aldrich and VWR. DHI Lab Products (Hørsholm, Denmark) offers solutions of typical
marine algae pigments that can be used directly for HPLC calibration. Standards can
2. Reference algal cultures: If you wish to isolate pigment standards from algal
known pigment composition (Roy et al. (9)). Extracts from these cultures can also serve
3. Isolation of pigment standards: Longer columns with larger size C8 particles (5 m) can
be used in the preparative work for the isolation and purification of pigment
standards. Octadecylsilica (C18) solid phase extraction cartridges (for example Waters
SeP-Pak, Waters, Milford, MA,) are used for concentration. A source of dry N2 gas is
4. Internal standard (if calibration with an internal standard is used -see section 3.5
below-): trans--8’-apocarotenal (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO, USA). Other
5. Quantification: A UV-Vis spectrophotometer is needed to determine the
concentration of pigment solutions. Optical glass cuvettes with tight PTFE stoppers
3. Methods
3.1. Precautions
1. Photosynthetic pigments are sensitive towards light, oxygen, heat, acids and alkalis.
All operations should be done under dim light (a secure green light can be used) and
1. Sampling: Filter seawater or algal culture samples onto glass fibre filters making sure
that vacuum is not higher than 200 mm Hg (see Note 4). Deep freeze the filters
immediately and keep them frozen until extraction (see Note 5).
2. Pigment extraction: Place frozen filters from algal cultures or natural samples in
PTFE-lined screw-capped tubes, then add the extraction solvent (acetone:water 9:1,
filters were used to collect the plankton sample, a minimum of 3 mL for 25 mm filters
or not less than 1.5 mL for 13 mm ones. If using an internal standard for calibration
(see section 3.5 below), add it at this point. Grind the filter using a stainless steel
spatula. Place the tube in an ultrasonic bath with ice and water for 5 min. Centrifuge
for 5 min at 3500 × g (this step can be omitted, see Note 2). Alternatively, use an
ultrasonic probe to disrupt the filter and break the retained cells: put the probe (set at
50 W) inside the solvent and move it up and down for 60 seconds, while keeping the
tube in a beaker with ice to prevent heating. Centrifuge for 5 min at 3500 × g (see Note
2). Whichever procedure is used, filter extracts through a 0.22 m PTFE syringe filter
3.2 Chromatography
1. Injection: Mix aliquots of pigment extracts with water (one volume of 90% aqueous
acetone extract with 0.4 volumes of water or one volume of 95% aqueous MeOH
extract with 0.2 volumes of water(see Note 6)) to avoid shape distortion of earlier
eluting peaks (10) and inject the sample immediately (see Note 6). If a programmable
loop. In this case, water addition can be divided into two volumes, to be loaded in the
loop before and after the sample extract (see Note 6).
through a 0.45 m filter before use. Set flow rate at 1 mL.min-1. Program the gradient
mixed eluents. Place each solvent in an eluent line. Set flow rate at 1 mL.min-1.
3. Detection: Program the diode array detector to get a full visible spectrum (at least
from 400 to 700 nm) at each chromatographic point. Monitor the chromatogram at a
wavelength that allows general detection of Chls and carotenoids (435-440 nm).
wavelengths, which increases the sensitivity but reduces the selectivity of the
fractions by adding half their volume of water, then pass through the cartridge.
Observe the formation of a coloured zone in the cartridge. If the pigment passes
through, add more water to the eluate and pass it again through the cartridge (see
Note 8). Eliminate excess solvent by blowing the cartridge with N2 until completely dry.
Then quickly elute the pigment with acetone (or any other adequate solvent in which
aliquot in the HPLC system. If more than one peak appears, or if the spectrum is not
homogeneous at different times of peak elution (see Note 10), a further purification
3.4 Pigment identification
with those of standards (or pigment profiles of standard cultures) -see Figure 1.
Considering that the same retention time can be shared by several pigments if they co-
elute in the same peak (see Note 10) further identification criteria are needed: b)
visible spectrum (compare the spectrum of each peak in the sample with that of the
corresponding pigment standard eluting at the same retention time). Examine the full
visible spectrum in different sections of each peak, for its characterization in terms of
pigment identity and peak purity (see Note 12). For comparison purposes, reference
retention times and spectral data are available (1-4, 6-7, 11-13). Selective detection
wavelength should be between 0.1 and 0.8 absorbance units), taking care of keeping
(concentration approx. 2.5 µg.mL-1) and adjusting to a known volume with acetone:
water (9:1, v/v). Then, prepare a series of at least six working solutions by diluting
different volumes of the “concentrated pigment mixture” to the same final volume
with acetone: water (9:1, v/v). These solutions should be prepared in different ranges
or eutrophic waters (15). Inject each working solution into the HPLC system in
triplicate (water must be added to each working standard just prior to injection, as for
samples – see 3.2.1). Derive a response factor for each pigment ( ) as the inverse of
the slope of the regression line of peak area ( ) against the weight (ng) of pigment
injected ( ) (16).
3. System calibration, internal standard method (14). Operate as described above, but
incorporate the same amount of an internal standard primary solution to each working
standard concentration in each working solution should be in the middle of the range
covered by the other pigments. Inject as described above. For each pigment standard,
the relative response factor ( ) can be calculated as the inverse of the slope of the
regression of the ratio of areas of the pigment and internal standard ( / ) against
standard method (14): Use the external standardization equation to calculate , the
concentration of a pigment in seawater (ng.L-1), from its peak area ( ) and response
factor ( ):
. . . 10
. .
where , , and denote the volumes of extract (mL), injected sample (L)
and filtered seawater sample (L). B is the dilution factor (<1.0), calculated as the ratio
of the extract volume and the sum of extract and water added prior to injection.
5. Calculating the concentration of pigments in the samples with the internal standard
method (14):
. .
where is the peak area, denotes the mass (ng) of internal standard added to the
sample and is the volume of filtered seawater sample (L) (see Note 14)
1. Filters with different nominal pore size (GF/D, GF/C) can be used to collect cells of
of these filters. On the other hand, polycarbonate filters are commonly used in
directly to extract pigments (only if MeOH is used as extraction solvent -see Note 2-,
due to the limited chemical resistance of polycarbonate to other solvents,) or they can
information on the smaller size categories of phytoplankton (see (17) for a recent
2. Different solvents have been used to extracts pigments from algal cells retained on
the filter (see (17)). 90% aqueous acetone is still the most commonly used solvent, but
aqueous 95% MeOH (see (6)) is also being used with good results (18). As methanolic
extracts have been claimed to promote Chl allomerization upon prolonged storage
(17), samples should be immediately injected after extraction. Sparging the sample vial
with an inert gas to displace air can help reduce pigment alteration when samples have
alone or in combination with other solvents, has also been used with very good
extraction efficiency, but many laboratories are reluctant to use this solvent because
of its toxicity (17). If the filters are extracted by grinding with a spatula followed by
placing them in a ultrasonic bath, filter debris still contain rather large fibres and
centrifugation can be omitted as most debris do not pass the luer tip of the syringe
barrel, thus not clogging the filter. When a sonifier probe is used to disrupt the filter a
onto 0.22 m filters. Filter disruption can be done directly in the syringe (2, 4).
3. The original method of Zapata et al. (6) used 0.25 M pyridine solution in the eluents,
but further work showed that the same chromatographic performance can be
achieved with 0.025 M. The stock solution is stable at ambient temperature for
months. The working solution tends to contaminate (fungal growth has been
observed). Prepare it fresh each two or three days. Purge the chromatographic tubing
with MeOH when not in use. If the working solution is not to be used for several days,
4. Highly concentrated samples (cultures, field samples from estuarine or coastal
waters) can result in filter clogging. Prolonged filtration with (partially) clogged filters
can promote mechanical disruption of algal cells. Filtration times (or volumes) must be
5. Immediate freezing is best achieved with liquid nitrogen (dry shippers are
convenient for this), but quick storage in a -80 ºC freezer normally suffices. Both are
adequate for long term conservation of the samples. Dry ice can be an alternative for
quick freezing and short term storage, but avoid contact of the filters with vapours
6. Mixing with water is necessary to match injection solvent viscosity to that of eluent,
thus avoiding peak shape distortion for less retained pigments due to “viscous
fingering” phenomena (19). Losses of low polarity pigments can occur due to their
limited solubility in aqueous solvents (20). Mixing in the injection loop minimizes these
losses as any insoluble pigment will be recovered as solvent polarity decreases with
the development of the gradient. MeOH:water mixtures show higher viscosities than
acetone:water ones, so that the step of water addition can be omitted when
MeOH:water (95:5, v/v) is used as extraction solvent and injection volumes do not
differences in retention times can be observed that are caused by the different "dwell
volume" (the volume between the point of mixing and the column) in the two systems
(in gradient elution, the actual composition in the gradient program is delayed in
reaching the column, because it has to pass through the dwell volume). Retention
times will be higher on low-pressure systems that normally have larger dwell volumes.
necessary to adjust retention and resolution with different HPLC systems (6).
8. The amount of water used to achieve the retention of pigment fractions in the solid
phase extraction cartridge can vary depending on the compound and the composition
of the solvent in which it is eluted from the preparative fraction. In some cases excess
water causes the pigment to pass unretained through the cartridge due to the
9. This procedure can also be used for the preparative isolation of unknown pigments
magnetic resonance), but the co-occurrence of non absorbing lipids usually requires
additional purification.
of each peak.
11. Different elution can be achieved by changing the stationary phase. Polymeric
octadecylsilica columns (e.g. Vydac TP, The Separations Group, Hesperia, California,
12. Spectral checking in different regions of the peak does not always ensure peak
purity. This can be the case if the impurity appears at very low concentration, if the
spectrum of the impurity is very similar to that of the main pigment in the peak or if a
13. At 435 nm most pigments are detected, except pheophytin a, pheophorbide a and
their derivatives; 470 nm excludes Chl a derivatives from the chromatogram; and
14. Extraction and injection volumes are not included in the equation.
_38651523287037_analysis20of20phytoplankton20pigments.pdf. Accessed 1
Nov 2013
6. Zapata M, Rodríguez F, Garrido JL (2000) Separation of chlorophylls and
phase C8 column and pyridine-containing mobile phases. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 195:
8. Garrido JL, Airs R, Rodríguez F, Van Heukelem L, Zapata M (2011) New HPLC
pigments and their suppliers. In: Roy S, Egeland ES, Johnsen G, Llewellyn CA
12. Zapata M, Rodríguez F, Garrido JL, Jeffrey SW, Jeffrey SW, Clementson L (2004)
for oceanography and chemotaxonomy. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 270: 83-102
14. Mantoura RFC, Repeta D (1997) Calibration methods for HPLC. In: Jeffrey SW,
15. Van Heukelem L, Hooker SB (2011) The importance of the quality assurance plan
16. Hooker SB, Van Heukelem L (2011) A symbology and vocabulary for an HPLC
17. Pinckney JL, Millie DF, Van Heukelem L (2011) Update on filtration, storage and
18. Alou-Font E, Mundy CJ, Roy S, Gosselin M, Agustí S (2013) Snow cover affects
ice algal pigment composition in the coastal Artic Ocean during spring. Mar Ecol
19. Rousseaux G, Martin M, De Wit A (2011) Viscous fingering in packed
20. Latasa M, van Lenning K, Garrido JL, Scharek R, Estrada M, Rodríguez F, Zapata
Figure captions
phytoplankton (mixed pigment standard from DHI + Monovinyl (MV) Chlc3 + Chl c1),
obtained with the method of Zapata et al. (2000) monitored at 435 nm (upper trace),
470 nm (middle trace) and 665 nm (lower trace). Peak identification: 1, Chl c3; 2, MV-
DVP) ; 5, Chl c2; 6, Chl c1; 7, Peridinin; 8, Peridinin-like unknown carotenoid; 9, 19’-
17, Diatoxanthin; 18, Alloxanthin; 19, Zeaxanthin; 20, Lutein; 21, Divinyl (DV)- Chl b +
Chl b; 22, DV- Chl b epimer; 23, MGDG- Chl c2; 24, DV- Chl a; 25, Chl a; 26, Chl a
Table headings
Table 1
Time %A %B
0 100 0
22 60 40
28 5 95
38 5 95
40 100 0
Table 2