BIS Working Papers: No 880 Rise of The Central Bank Digital Currencies: Drivers, Approaches and Technologies
BIS Working Papers: No 880 Rise of The Central Bank Digital Currencies: Drivers, Approaches and Technologies
BIS Working Papers: No 880 Rise of The Central Bank Digital Currencies: Drivers, Approaches and Technologies
No 880
Rise of the central bank digital
currencies: drivers, approaches
and technologies
by Raphael Auer, Giulio Cornelli and Jon Frost
August 2020
Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are receiving more attention than ever before.
Yet the motivations for issuance vary across countries, as do the policy approaches
and technical designs. We investigate the economic and institutional drivers of CBDC
development and take stock of design efforts. We set out a comprehensive database
of technical approaches and policy stances on issuance, relying on central bank
speeches and technical reports. Most projects are found in digitised economies with
a high capacity for innovation. Work on retail CBDCs is more advanced where the
informal economy is larger. We next take stock of the technical design options. More
and more central banks are considering retail CBDC architectures in which the CBDC
is a direct cash-like claim on the central bank, but where the private sector handles
all customer-facing activity. We conclude with an in-depth description of three
distinct CBDC approaches by the central banks of China, Sweden and Canada.
Keywords: central bank digital currency, CBDC, central banking, digital currency,
digital money, distributed ledger technology, blockchain.
JEL classifications: E58, G21.
The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank
for International Settlements. For comments and input, we thank David Archer, Douglas Arner,
Codruta Boar, Harro Boven, Haiwei Cao, Stijn Claessens, Carl-Andreas Claussen, Sebastian Doerr,
Umar Faruqui, Leonardo Gambacorta, Philippe Haene, Henry Holden, Martin Hood, Linda Jeng, Taejin
Park, Mateo Piccolo, Martin Summer, Tara Rice, Amber Wadsworth, Peter Wierts, Hye-Rim Yoo,
Nouran Youssef, Dirk Zetzsche and participants at a BIS research meeting, an Arab Monetary Fund
Fintech Working Group meeting and a meeting of the OECD Experts Group on Finance and
Digitalisation. We thank Mu Changchun, Lyu Yuan, Scott Hendry, Francisco Rivadeneyra, Dinesh
Shah, Gabriela Guibourg, Martin Johansson, Hanna Armelius and Stig Johansson for conversations
regarding the CBDC approaches of the People’s Bank of China, Bank of Canada and Sveriges
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF).
♦ †
Over the centuries, wave after wave of new payment technologies has emerged to
meet societal demands. Coins, banknotes, cheques and credit cards were each
innovations in their own day (Giannini (2011)). Today, there is growing discussion of
a new payment technology: central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). As a digital
liability of the central bank, wholesale CBDCs could become a new instrument for
settlement between financial institutions, while retail (or general purpose) CBDCs
would be a central bank liability accessible to all. 1
Although the concept of a CBDC was proposed decades ago (ie Tobin (1987)),
attitudes about whether central banks should issue them have changed noticeably
over the past year. Initially, central banks focused on systemic implications that
warranted caution (Barontini and Holden (2019)). But over time, the need to respond
to the declining use of cash in some countries came to the fore, and a number of
central banks have warmed to the idea of issuing a CBDC. 2 A tipping point was the
announcement of Facebook’s Libra and the ensuing public sector response. As of late
2019, central banks representing a fifth of the world’s population reported that they
were likely to issue CBDCs very soon (Boar et al (2020)). Similarly, the share of central
banks (by number) that are likely to issue a retail CBDC over the medium term (in one
to six years) doubled in 2019, to 20%. Meanwhile, a full 80% of surveyed central banks
are engaging in research, experimentation or development of CBDCs. 3
During the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing measures, public concerns that
cash may transmit the Covid-19 virus and new government-to-person payment
schemes have further sped up the shift toward digital payments, and may give a
further impetus to CBDC (see Auer et al (2020b)).
As a result, CBDCs have seized global attention and feature broadly in central
bank communications and public search interest (Graph 1). Still, no major jurisdiction
has decided to issue a retail CBDC, and many open questions remain. In the growing
literature on CBDCs, discussions centre on several fundamental aspects. One is how
central banks should create money and whether CBDCs are desirable in that context
(Keister and Sanches (2019), Jackson and Pennacchi (2019), Kim and Kang (2019),
Armelius et al (2020a)). Another area is the systemic implications of CBDCs and how
to cope with them (Brunnermeier and Niepelt (2019), Fernández-Villaverde et al
(2020), Kwon et al (2020), Carletti et al (2020)). There is also work on policy design
frameworks (Davoodalhosseini and Rivadeneyra (2020), Agur et al (2019), Allen et al
(2020)), their implications for cross-country payments (Milkau (2019)), implications for
the international role of currencies (Ferrari et al (2020) and legal aspects of their
issuance (Hess (2020), Duque (2020), Nabilou (2020), Belke and Beretta (2019)).
“General purpose” and “retail” are used interchangeably to refer to CBDCs that individuals and non-
financial firms could access. For an overview and relevant definitions, see Bech and Garratt (2017)
and CPMI and Markets Committee (2018).
Neither electronic money nor the discussion on the central bank’s role in providing it directly to the
people is new (ie Tobin (1987)). In the context of CBDCs, Broadbent (2016), Liikanen (2016), Mersch
(2016), Wilkins (2016), Menon (2016), Skingsley (2016) and Nakaso (2016) were among high-level
policymakers who argued early on that the idea should be taken seriously.
Also in the private sector, the potential design and implications thereof are garnering substantial
attention. See PwC (2019) and World Economic Forum (2020).
Timing of speeches and reports on CBDC1 Google search interest over time2
Number of speeches Search interest by year, index
12-month moving sum of the count of central bankers’ speeches resulting from a case-insensitive search for any of the following
words/phrases: CBDC; central bank digital currency; digital currency and digital money. 2 12-week moving average of worldwide search
interest. The data has been normalised to the 12-week moving average peak of each series. The search was run on search terms “Bitcoin” and
“Facebook Libra” and topic “Central Bank Digital Currency”. Data accessed on 16 July 2020.
Sources: Central bankers’ speeches; central banks’ websites; Google Trends; authors’ calculations.
Finally, the technology of retail CBDCs and how they relate to private sector
proposals is hotly contested (see Auer and Böhme (2020), Klein et al (2020), Clark and
Mihailov (2019), Brunnermeier et al (2019) and Vives (2019)). Much less contentious
is the issuance of wholesale CBDCs (see Bech et al (2020) and Pfister (2020)).
Amidst intense discussion in the research and policy spheres (BIS (2020)), and
early development efforts, this study analyses the economic and institutional drivers
of CBDC projects, thus shedding light on ultimate motivations. A next step is to
understand the policy approaches and technical design of the various projects, and
to look for commonalities and differences across countries.
The questions this paper aims to answer are: what are the economic and
institutional drivers for issuing CBDCs? How do central banks approach the issues?
What are the technical solutions sought? To answer these questions, we first develop
a novel CBDC project index based on central bank research and development (R&D)
projects. We then empirically investigate common factors in countries that are
investigating and piloting CBDCs. We find that higher mobile phone usage (a measure
of an economy’s overall digitisation) and higher innovation capacity are positively
associated with the likelihood that a country is currently researching or developing a
CBDC. Retail CBDCs are more likely where there is a larger informal economy, and
wholesale CBDCs are more advanced in economies that have higher financial
Next, we look at four attributes of CBDC technical designs, following the
taxonomy of Auer and Böhme (2020). We show that a rising number of central banks
are considering “Hybrid” or “Intermediated” architectures where the CBDC is a cash-
like direct claim on the central bank, but the private sector manages customer-facing
activity. Only a small number of jurisdictions is considering designs in which the
central bank takes on an important operational role in the customer-facing side of
Central banks around the world have been researching the concept and design of
digital currencies for several years. As early as 2014, the Central Bank of Ecuador
launched a project called “Dinero electrónico” (electronic money) to allow individuals
to make mobile payments through a central bank-operated system (Valencia (2015)).
Yet the system failed to attract a significant number of users, and was discontinued
in 2016 (White (2018)).
Concurrently, with the growing popularity of Bitcoin and distributed ledger
technology (DLT), a number of central banks have started internal projects to better
understand DLT and its potential application to currencies. In the Netherlands, the
Netherlands Bank (“De Nederlandsche Bank”, DNB) did internal experiments starting
in 2015 with a DLT-based coin called the Dukaton (DNB (2018)). This was named after
the dukaat, a golden coin used at the time of Dutch independence from Spain in the
16th century. The Bank of England, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Bank of Canada
and others ran similar internal experiments around this time. They generally
concluded that DLT was not yet mature enough for use in major central bank payment
systems (see Bank of England (2017)). In March 2016, the Deputy Governor of the
Bank of England gave thoughts on the wide-reaching implications of CBDCs
There were a number of earlier speeches on private digital currencies. For instance, in December
2013, the Governor of the Central Bank of Mauritius discussed digital currencies in a speech on the
development of the local financial sector (Bheeninck (2013)). In 2015, the Deputy Governor of the
Reserve Bank of India discussed private digital currencies in a speech (Gandhi (2015))
In addition, the Bank launched a formal research agenda on electronic money and payments in 2013.
The Bank of Canada, Bank of England and MAS subsequently worked in collaborative research with
banks on challenges in cross-border payments and settlement and how various initiatives – including
wholesale CBDC – could help. See Bank of Canada-MAS-Bank of England-HSBC (2018).
Project Stella is so named because the flags of both the European Union (EU) and Japan depict stars.
The EU musters 12 stars. The Japanese flag depicts the sun – the star in our solar system.
The project by the Bank of Thailand and the HKMA is titled Inthanon-LionRock, after the tallest
mountain in Thailand (Doi Inthanon) and the iconic Lion Rock in Hong Kong. SAMA-UAECB Project
“Aber” refers to an Arabic word for a cross-road or moving from one place to another.
BS = The Bahamas; ECCB = Eastern Caribbean central bank; HK = Hong Kong SAR; SG = Singapore.
The use of this map does not constitute, and should not be construed as constituting, an expression of a position by the BIS regarding the
legal status of, or sovereignty of any territory or its authorities, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and/or to the
name and designation of any territory, city or area.
Search on keywords “CBDC”, “digital currency” and “digital money”. The classification is based on the authors’ judgment. The score takes a
value of –1 if the speech stance was clearly negative or in case it was explicitly said that there was no specific plan at present to issue digital
currencies. It takes a value of +1 if the speech stance was clearly positive or a project/pilot was launched or was in the pipeline. Other speeches
(not displayed) have been classified as neutral.
Sources:; Central bankers’ speeches; central banks’ websites; authors’ calculations.
Korea (Bank of Korea (2020)) and Sweden). 9 Meanwhile, 18 central banks have
published research on retail CBDCs (eg Harahap et al (2017), Burgos and Batavia
(2018), Kiselev (2019) and Bank of Japan (2020)), and another 13 have announced
research or development work on a wholesale CBDC.
In parallel, a growing number of central bank governors and board members
have made public speeches about CBDCs. In 2017 and 2018, many of these had a
negative or dismissive stance, particularly toward retail CBDCs. Since late 2018, the
number of positive mentions of retail and wholesale CBDCs in speeches has risen, and
in fact there have now been more speeches with a positive than a negative stance
(Graph 4).
The motivations for such work differ across jurisdictions. Based on a survey of
central banks in the BIS Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI)
in late 2019, Boar et al (2020) show that in advanced economies (AEs), central banks
are researching CBDCs to promote safety and robustness, or domestic payments
efficiency (Graph 5). Financial stability concerns may also be an important driver of
research and development work. Especially in emerging market economies (EMEs),
financial inclusion is an important motivation.
Additionally, the Marshall Islands, which currently use the US dollar as legal tender and do not have
a monetary authority, have launched the SOV project, a digital currency proposed by private
developers. We do not include this project in our database. See IMF (2018) for a critical discussion.
Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic may have accelerated work on CBDCs in some
jurisdictions. For instance, in the United States, early versions of Congress bills on
fiscal stimulus included references to a “digital dollar” as a means of quickly executing
government-to-person payments, as an alternative to credit transfers and slow and
costly cheques (Brett (2020)). In parallel, the Federal Reserve has continued its
ongoing research on retail CBDCs (Brainard (2020a, b)). In the Netherlands, the central
bank has emphasised that the pandemic underscores the need for a backup to private
money (DNB (2020)). In China, pilot testing for the new CBDC is coinciding with a
phasing out of pandemic-related mobility restrictions. In Sweden, testing of the e-
krona project continues even amidst central bank crisis management measures.
It should be noted that retail payment behaviours show great inertia. For
example, Brown et al (2020) find that an exogenous introduction of more convenient
payment methods led only to a moderate average reduction in the cash share of
payments. Arifovic et al (2017) show with experimental evidence how fees influence
the behaviour of buyers and sellers, and ultimately the take-up of a new payment
method. However, when behaviours change, they often do so quite persistently. In
the same manner, changed payment behaviours caused by the Covid-19 crisis, such
as a greater use of digital payments, could have far-reaching effects in the future.
We start by generating a novel global index measuring the central bank’s progress
toward the development of a retail or wholesale CBDC: the CBDC project index
(CBDCPI). This index captures publicly announced work by the central bank on CBDC
projects. This is equal to 0 when there is no announced project, 1 in the case of public
research studies, 2 in the case of an ongoing or completed pilot and (a so-far
hypothetical) 3 for a live CBDC. We construct one sub-index each for retail and
wholesale CBDC projects, and an overall index equal to the maximum of the two sub-
indices. The information was collected through desk research and with the help of
contacts at several individual central banks. 10
Separately, we have calculated two different indicators:
• A central bank speech score, which reflects discussion of CBDCs in speeches
by central bank management, including the stance (whether positive or
negative). This is set to –1 if the authors judge that the speech stance was
clearly negative or in the case it was explicitly said that there was no specific
plan at present to issue a CBDC. It takes a value of 0 in the case of a neutral
stance. Finally, it takes a value of +1 if the speech stance was clearly positive
or if a CBDC project/pilot was launched or was in the pipeline. For each
country, the aggregate score is a simple average of the individual speech
The list of projects is broadly consistent with other stocktakes, such as Kiff et al (2020) and Atlantic
Council (2020). We only take account of official central bank communications, not press articles.
For China, we use the Baidu index for keywords “Central Bank Digital Currency” and “DC/EP”. Baidu
index data directly measure the daily number of searches. To compare this with Google Trends data,
we re-index the data to a peak of 100. Next, we reduce the frequency, taking the monthly maximum.
Finally, we calculate a simple average of the two series for the period 2013–current. See Annex A for
a detailed explanation.
Sources: Baidu; central banks’ websites; BIS Central Bankers’ Speeches; Google Trends; authors’ calculations.
There are necessarily caveats to these measures. For instance, many central banks
have not publicly released reports on their ongoing CBDC projects. Some central
banks (eg PBC) have quite advanced projects, but have given relatively few speeches
on their plans. In some jurisdictions, Google (or Baidu) is not widely used for internet
searches. Still, the index can provide a comparable yardstick to assess changes across
countries and over time. Moreover, this can provide a useful complement to the
anonymised responses of central banks through official surveys. In the next section,
we try to explain the cross-country heterogeneity in the CBDC project index.
In this section we investigate the drivers of the CBDC project index. To complement
central bank surveys and official motivations, we look at “revealed policy preferences”,
ie the economic and institutional factors that are associated with central banks’ actual
work on overall, retail or wholesale CBDCs. Our cross section estimations use an
ordered probit approach (McKelvey and Zavoina (1975)), and take the form of:
𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃(𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖 = 0,1,2,3|𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ) = 𝐹𝐹(𝛼𝛼 + 𝛽𝛽𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 + 𝜀𝜀𝑖𝑖 )
where 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃(𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖 = 0,1,2,3|𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ) is the probability that the CBDC project index
(overall, or for retail or wholesale projects) in jurisdiction i equals 0 (no project), 1
(research), 2 (pilot) or 3 (live CBDC), F() is the functional form of ordered probit, Xi is
one or more variables from a vector of potential drivers, 𝛼𝛼 and 𝛽𝛽 are estimated
coefficients and εi is an error term.
We have also looked at various measures of cash use, such as small-denomination banknotes to GDP.
These are available from the CPMI Red Book statistics, but unfortunately for only 18 jurisdictions.
Observations Mean Min Max
Dependent variables
Overall CBDC project index 175 0.31 0.66 0 2
Retail CBDC project index 175 0.22 0.53 0 2
Wholesale CBDC project index 175 0.13 0.48 0 2
Independent variables
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per
100 people) 169 109.24 39.54 12.60 320.55
Broadband subscriptions (fixed line,
per 100 people) 167 13.60 13.38 0 47.16
Innovation output score (WIPO) 118 29.67 12.69 7.90 67.13
Fast payment system dummy 175 0.37 0.48 0 1
Government effectiveness 175 0.08 0.99 -2.24 2.19
Informal economy (% of GDP) 122 26.08 11.62 5.43 55.78
GDP per capita (USD) 168 16,652 21,423 301 110,344
Account ownership (% age 15+) 135 60.39 27.96 6.45 99.96
Financial development index2 158 0.36 0.22 0.06 0.93
Search interest index
(Google/Baidu)3 175 0.11 1.13 –0.34 8.18
Remittances to GDP
110 5.89 7.86 0.19 41.18
Trade openness 5
134 80.05 48.87 0 345.69
Central bankers' speech stance
index7 175 0.02 0.47 –0.13 1.68
For all the independent variables, average over the period 2013–19, subject to data availability.
Svirydzenka (2016). 3
Data have been
normalised. 4 Sum of inflows and outflows. 5 Sum of imports and exports divided by the country GDP. Data for 2018. 6
Data for 2014;
for EA, latest observation available (2010). 7 Normalised and winsorised at the 5% level.
Sources: Bech at al (2020); Medina and Schneider (2019); Svirydzenka (2016); WIPO (2018); IMF, World Economic Outlook; World Bank,
Remittance Prices Worldwide,; World Bank; Baidu; central banks’ websites; BIS Central Bankers’ Speeches;
Datastream; Google Trends; authors’ calculations.
Table 2 gives descriptive statistics for our sample. For our CBDCPI, we have 175
observations. This includes a number of jurisdictions that are part of a currency union.
In these cases, we count jurisdictions only if they have a central bank that could in
theory develop a CBDC; currency unions without national central banks are
considered one observation, with all independent variables calculated as weighted
averages according to 2018 GDP. 13 Mobile cellular subscriptions range from 13 per
For this reason, the 19 euro area members are included individually, plus an additional observation
for the ECB, given the ECB’s research work (project score of 1). For individual euro area members,
values of the CBDC project index are 1 or 0 depending on work by national central banks. On the
other hand, the eight members of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) are aggregated to
one observation, with a project score of 2 given the ECCB pilot. Empirical results are robust to
dropping the individual euro area member countries from the sample. See Annex A for data
There are necessarily caveats to this simple calculation given the non-linear nature of the ordered
probit and correlation between the independent variables. For a discussion of interpretation issues
in logits, probits and other non-linear probability models, see Breen et al (2018).
Digital infrastructure
Mobile cellular subscriptions 0.010***
(per 100 people) (0.004)
Broadband subscriptions 0.042***
(fixed line, per 100 people) (0.008)
Innovation capacity
Innovation output score 0.047***
(WIPO) (0.009)
Fast payment system (FPS) 0.882***
Institutional characteristics
Government effectiveness 0.674***
Informal economy –0.03***
(% of GDP) (0.013)
Development and financial
Ln(GDP per capita) 0.439***
Account ownership 0.023***
(% age 15+) (0.005)
Financial development 3.414***
index2 (0.552)
Public interest in CBDCs
Search interest index 0.432***
(Google/Baidu)3 (0.098)
Cross-border transactions
Remittances4 to GDP –0.157**
Trade openness5 0.001
Number of observations 169 167 118 175 175 122 168 135 158 175 110 134
Pseudo R2 0.057 0.126 0.129 0.074 0.145 0.058 0.119 0.131 0.215 0.105 0.113 0.001
Robust standard errors in parentheses; ***/**/* denotes results that are significant at the 1/5/10% level.
For all the independent variables, average over the period 2013–19, subject to data availability. 2 Svirydzenka (2016). 3
Data have been
normalised. 4 Sum of inflows and outflows. 5 Sum of imports and exports divided by the country GDP. Data for 2018.
Sources: Bech et al (2020); WIPO (2018); Medina and Schneider (2019); Svirydzenka (2016); IMF, World Economic Outlook; World Bank,
Remittance Prices Worldwide,; World Bank; Baidu; central banks’ websites; Datastream; Google Trends;
authors’ calculations.
Sources: Medina and Schneider (2019); WIPO (2018); IMF, World Economic Outlook; World Bank; central banks’ websites; Datastream; authors’
We have thus far established that CBDCs are more likely to be under research and
development in jurisdictions with high mobile use, innovation capacity and search
interest for CBDCs, with some differences across retail and wholesale CBDCs. We have
also noted that CBDC projects differ starkly across countries, both in their economic
and institutional motivations, policy approach and their technical design.
The innovation output score is not included, given high correlation with financial development (81%).
The CBDC pyramid maps consumer needs onto the associated design choices for the central bank. The left-hand side of the CBDC pyramid
sets out the consumer needs and associated features that would make a CBDC useful. The pyramid’s right-hand side lays out the associated
trade-off – forming a hierarchy in which the lower layers represent design choices that feed into subsequent, higher-level decisions.
The first and foundational design choice is the architecture, ie which operational
role the central bank and private intermediaries take on in a CBDC. Intermediaries can
run into technical difficulties or solvency issues. A CBDC should be safe from such
outages. Yet payment intermediaries offer valuable services to consumers, which are
needed to ensure the same level of convenience, innovation and efficiency as in
today’s payments. The architecture needs to balance these two considerations.
For example, Sveriges Riksbank (2020), Bank of England (2020), and for the case of Canada, Dinesh
et al (2020) only consider architectures featuring direct claims on the central bank.
See Adrian and Griffoli-Mancini (2019) and Kumhof and Noone (2019).
See Auer (2019) for a discussion of the inefficient economics of permissionless models and Ali and
Narula (2020) for a specific analysis of permissioned and permissionless DLT in the context of CBDCs.
Interm. = Intermediated; Ind. = Indirect; Synth. = Synthetic; Undec. = undecided/unspecified or multiple options under consideration; DLT =
distributed ledger technology; Conv. = Conventional; Nation’l = national use; Internat’l = international use.
Importantly, this definition of token versus accounts must not be confused with the one used in the
field of computer science. Rather, it follows Kahn and Roberds (2009). As put by Kahn (2016), the
distinction between accounts and tokens are the identification requirements: “In a token‐based
system, the thing that must be identified for the payee to be satisfied with the validity of the payment
is the “thing” being transferred – “is this thing counterfeit or legitimate?” In an account‐based system,
however, the identification is of the customer – “Is this person who she says she is? Does she really
have an account with us?”
Central banks choose these different attributes of CBDCs in line with the unique needs
of their jurisdictions, but there may nonetheless be common features across
countries. 20 In this light, we have also performed simple probit regressions for three
of the four attributes (Table 5; moreover, a figure in the online annex represents this
graphically). Indicators were chosen based on the statistical significance of differences
between the projects; the top three are presented in each case. Because of the lack
of variation in our sample regarding cross-border interlinkages, these differences are
not presented.
For the architecture, one may expect that the Direct or Hybrid and Intermediated
options would be more likely in economies that are less developed or have less
financial inclusion. In fact, we find the opposite: likely due to the influence of the
Nordic countries, Canada and China, we find that it is higher-income jurisdictions,
with greater account access and government effectiveness, that are more likely to
choose a Direct or Hybrid and Intermediated architecture – at least in research work
to date. Less developed countries have generally not specified their chosen
Regarding infrastructure, we expect that DLT – originally designed to substitute for
trusted intermediaries – is more attractive in jurisdictions in which authorities are
perceived to be less effective. This difference is not statistically significant. Some
central banks do note explicitly that DLT presents no fundamental advantages when
using a centralised issuance system (NBU (2019)). On the other hand, countries
researching or piloting DLT are more dependent on inward remittance flows than
countries researching or piloting conventional architectures.
Regarding account-based vs token-based access, we find that countries looking
at tokens have higher public search interest, but also lower remittance inflows. These
differences are only significant at the 10% level.
We note that central banks often consider multiple design options, to retain full flexibility when it
comes to achieving the wide range of objectives such as privacy, monetary policy, inclusion, or
financial stability.
Robust standard errors in parentheses; ** denotes results that are significant at the 5% level. Constants are not reported.
For all the independent variables, average over the period 2013–19, subject to data availability. 2
Sum of imports and exports divided by
the country GDP. Data for 2018. 3 Data have been normalised.
Sources: WIPO (2018); Medina and Schneider (2019); IMF, World Economic Outlook; World Bank, Remittance Prices Worldwide,; World Bank; Baidu; central banks’ websites; Datastream; Google Trends; authors’ calculations.
In the above analysis, we have thus far conducted a study of the drivers of CBDC
interest and how the economic and institutional characteristics of each jurisdiction
shape technological CBDC design choices. The circumstances of each jurisdiction also
matter for the policy approach taken to researching and developing a CBDC. We
believe that there can be great value in central banks learning from one another’s
approaches – an activity that is promoted by international policy discussions (BIS
(2020)) and the publications of central banks. To complement this work, we describe
three unique CBDC approaches, one each in Asia, North America and Europe.
To make the discussion of design choices more concrete, we showcase three
prominent retail CBDC projects, namely the People’s Bank of China’s Digital Currency
Among all current CBDC projects, the one by the People’s Bank of China (PBC) is at
the most advanced stage. CBDC development efforts in China go back to at least
2014. In late 2019, the PBC announced it would conduct a pilot study for a retail CBDC,
the Digital Currency and Electronic Payment (DC/EP) project. On 20 April 2020, a PBC
spokesperson confirmed that pilot testing was under way in several cities: Shenzhen,
Suzhou, Chengdu, Xiong'an and the “2022 Winter Olympics Office Area” in Beijing
(Cheng (2020)).
In China, the introduction of a CBDC should be seen in the context of a highly
digitised economy and widespread use of private digital payment services. The
introduction of a CBDC in the world’s most populous country and second-largest
economy may have far-reaching implications. In addition to providing a convenient
complement to cash for use in online transactions, a CBDC would also bring more
diversity to the current mobile payments duopoly of Alipay and WeChat Pay, which
collectively control 94% of the market for mobile payments (FSB (2019)). If there is a
decision to go beyond the current pilot stage, the DC/EP will become a complement
to M0, which includes banknotes and coins, as well as central bank depository
accounts. It is not intended to fully replace physical cash.
Graph 8 describes the main design characteristics of DC/EP, following the CBDC
pyramid. The architecture of the current DC/EP pilot is squarely the “hybrid CBDC”
model: it features a CBDC that is a direct claim on the PBC, but onboarding and real-
time payment services are operated by intermediaries (called “authorised operators”).
The central bank periodically receives and stores a copy of retail holdings and
Fan (2020) emphasises that the role of the PBC is to provide the core
infrastructure, while intermediaries such as commercial banks, other payment service
providers and telecoms would provide services to the public. This approach prevents
concentration of risks at the central bank, disintermediation of existing financial
institutions, and duplication or waste of resources given the existing IT infrastructure,
processing capabilities and qualified staff at intermediaries.
The backbone of the DC/EP’s infrastructure would be a mixed system with
conventional database and DLT. PBC has, however, emphasised that DLT is not yet
sufficiently mature for such a large-scale application. To settle transactions, any
system has to be able to accommodate 300,000 transactions per second (TPS) to
accommodate the large retail transactions in China.
Sources: Adapted from Auer and Böhme (2020) and conversations with PBC staff.
The PBC does not require intermediaries to use any specific infrastructure or any
specific technological path. However, for transaction records and reconciliation, DLT
may be used. The financial intermediaries would remain responsible for know-your-
customer (KYC) checks and retail services. Nonetheless, the CBDC would be a direct
claim on the central bank, denominated in renminbi.
Regarding access, PBC has decided to use a value-based, semi-account-based
and account-based hybrid payment instrument. Identity would be based on “loosely
coupled account links”, such that users could use DC/EP anonymously with
counterparts in daily transactions, but that “operating agencies should submit
transaction data to the central bank via asynchronous transmission on a timely basis”
(Fan (2020)). This would ensure that users remain anonymous to each other, but allow
the central bank “to keep track of necessary data to implement prudent regulation and
crack down on money laundering and other criminal offences, as well as easing the
workload for commercial banks” (Fan (2020)).
Wallets are based on multiple forms of identification (ID), not all of which need
to include the name and other personal information. In particular, they could
accommodate tokens or accounts by intermediaries and allow individuals to decide
whether to connect to a bank account. To accommodate different levels of user
anonymity and access, there would be several grades of digital wallets based on the
strength of the KYC levels, with stronger KYC requirements associated with higher
transaction limits. Limits would generally be linked to existing rules of use of
banknotes and coins; details have, however, not yet been established.
Finally, regarding international interlinkages, the DC/EP would be connected
to existing retail and wholesale systems, including the RTGS system. The primary aim
for DC/EP is domestic retail use. Nonetheless, if an understanding can be reached
with foreign jurisdictions, non-residents (eg tourists and business travellers) could
Another advanced CBDC project is that of Sveriges Riksbank, the world’s oldest
central bank. In Sweden, another highly digitised economy, cash use has been on the
decline for some years, to the extent that an increasing number of shops are no longer
accepting cash at all. Noting that its economy is witnessing “the greatest and fastest
decline in cash worldwide” (Riksbank (2019)), the Riksbank was at the global forefront
of discussing the possibility of issuing a CBDC (see Skingsley (2016); Ingves (2017)).
The Riksbank – like other central banks – has researched several technologies
and approaches (see Sveriges Riksbank (2017)). Currently, it is developing a proof-of-
concept of the e-krona project (see Sveriges Riksbank (2020)). Again, a CBDC would
be intended as a complement to, not a replacement for cash.
The architecture of the current Riksbank proof-of-concept is a Hybrid CBDC
(Graph 9). The CBDC is a direct claim on the Riksbank and payments are operated by
payment service operators. 22 On the specific design, Riksbank researchers Armelius
et al (2020b, p. 87) note that the ongoing pilot is a “decentralized database of all e-
kronor in circulation at any given moment, where the Riksbank verifies all transactions
before completion.” They classify this under the label “Decentralized solutions with
intermediaries”, noting also that such designs would require the Riksbank “to provide
a contingency solution if one or several intermediaries fail in order to prevent a
situation where a substantial numbers of end users are unable to make e-krona
payments” (see p 89).
The infrastructure and technical implementation are based on DLT using R3’s
Corda, to run with several notaries. Owing to the proof-of-concept nature, all are
currently under the control of the Riksbank and its technology partners.
When it comes to the access technology, the CBDC in the Riksbank’s pilot is
account-based, but an option for low-value token-based prepaid cards is considered.
In the ongoing pilot model, the Riksbank issues CBDC but they are stored in wallets
On 15 April 2020, screenshots of the testing wallet for Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) were
released in the media (Ledger Insights (2020)).
An earlier report on the e-krona had also considered the Direct option, labelled as “register based e-
krona with significant Riksbank commitment” (Riksbank (2017)).
Sources: Adapted from Auer and Böhme (2020) and conversations with Sveriges Riksbank staff.
The Bank of Canada has produced an outstanding body of research and policy
communication on the topic of digital currencies. Wilkins (2016) was among the first
high-level policy makers arguing for CBDC, and research by staff was actively
researching this and related issues early on. 23
Despite its early start, the Bank of Canada has not communicated that it is
developing a retail CBDC pilot or proof-of-concept. Instead, it has outlined a
comprehensive plan for the conditions under which Canada should develop a CBDC.
It also has set out potential architectures, and it has accumulated relevant technical
knowledge through a series of projects on novel payment technologies, also in
cooperation with other central banks (see, for example Bank of Canada (2017)).
Indeed, as noted by Lane (2020) in February 2020:
“we have concluded that there is not a compelling case to issue a CBDC at this
time. Canadians will continue to be well-served by the existing payment
ecosystem, provided it is moderni[s]ed and remains fit for purpose […] All this
being said, the world can change very quickly. The Bank of Canada can imagine
scenarios in which we would consider issuing a CBDC so we can continue to
provide Canadians with trustworthy methods of payment.”
In particular, the Bank of Canada has considered (i) a scenario in which the use
of physical cash is reduced or eliminated altogether, and (ii) a scenario in which a
private cryptocurrency or stablecoin makes substantial inroads as a means of
payment. In order to prepare for these eventualities, the Bank of Canada is conducting
stakeholder engagement discussions, working with universities and firms on the
design of a CBDC. It is also cooperating internationally as part of an international
working group on CBDCs.
If a CBDC is to be developed, the overall aim of the design is a digital claim on
the Bank of Canada that closely mimics the properties of physical cash, to the extent
this is possible. The CBDC would not replace cash, but designed as a digital addition
with advantageous resilience and accessibility features.
Because the overall design goal is sufficiently clear, the Bank of Canada has also
spelled out elements of the architecture (Graph 10). 24 For one, a CBDC would be “a
claim in Canadian dollars against the Bank of Canada” (Shah et al (2020)), ie the
Indirect/Synthetic approach is not being pursued. Rather, the analytical note lays out
See, among many others, Chiu and Wong (2014, 2015) on e-money, Fung and Halaburda (2016) on
a first assessment of the pros and cons of issuing CBDC and Kahn et al (2018) for an in-depth
investigation of desirability and associated design choices, and Davoodalhosseini (2018) for an
assessment of the implications for monetary policy.
Bank of Canada refers to the architecture as “Models” or “Business models” in all their
Bank of Canada
CBDC design
Sources: Adapted from Auer and Böhme (2020) and conversations with Bank of Canada staff.
Details of the infrastructure have not been spelled out thus far. The Bank of
Canada has experience with a number of novel DLT-based proof-of-concept payment
projects. However, it notes that, whereas DLT may be possible as a solution for an
infrastructure, it is by no means necessary. Multiple technologies will be considered
simultaneously and winners will be picked based on performance.
Both account and token-based access solutions will be considered, likely with
tiering: anonymous token-based options (including but not limited to value cards)
would be allowable for smaller payments. This could be achieved through a low-cost
dedicated universal access device (UAD) (Miedema et al (2020)), which could allow
users without a smartphone to use the CBDC. Account-based access would be
required for larger purchases. As regards the details of such tiering, in particular when
it comes to enforcing proper AML/KYC standards, the current level of enforcement as
achieved with cash is the model. The tiering will be chosen such that AML and related
issues are not graver than is currently the case. Given the new options for illicit use
6. Conclusion
This paper has examined the rise of central bank digital currencies, a new payment technology that may soon be
available in a number of countries around the world. We have presented a novel CBDC project index (CBDCPI).
We have shown that this index is higher in jurisdictions with higher mobile phone usage and higher innovation
capacity. Especially retail CBDCs are more likely where there is a larger informal economy, and wholesale
CBDCs are more advanced in economies that have higher financial development. We have also noted that CBDC
projects differ starkly across countries, both in their motivations and their economic and technical design. Many
central banks are pursuing models where a CBDC is a direct claim on the central bank, but with private
intermediaries. To better understand these differences, we have zoomed in on three advanced cases, namely
those of the People’s Bank of China, Sweden’s Riksbank and the Bank of Canada.
Given the novelty of CBDC, and the scope for “clean-slate” thinking on the nature and provision of money, it is
natural that the approaches will differ across countries, in line with economic circumstances and users’ priorities.
In countries where digital payments are already very advanced, and cash use is declining, central banks may
respond in particular to ensure the ongoing availability of a public sector-provided means of payment. In
countries with a lower penetration of digital payments, financial inclusion may be an important driver. The choice
of architectures, infrastructures, access and interlinkages will be tailored to fit local circumstances.
Yet our overview has also shown some key common features. In particular, none of the designs we survey is
intended to replace cash; all are intended to complement it. Most still involve a strong role for intermediaries –
although potentially in parallel to direct provision of some services by central banks. None of the designs is pursuing
the Indirect model, where a CBDC is a claim on intermediaries rather than on central banks. We believe that by
sharing information on the drivers, approaches and technologies, central banks can learn from one
another, thus complementing international policy work in this area.
Going forward, events such as the Covid-19 pandemic highlight the value of access to diverse
means of payments, and the need for any payment method to be both inclusive and resilient against a broad range
of threats, just as cash is (see Auer et al (2020)). While it is difficult to anticipate the range of challenges ahead,
central banks will continue to take a long-term view and carefully consider the role of CBDCs in a range of potential
future scenarios.
The current definition of cash transactions reportable to FINTRAC is CAD 10,000 (in a single payment
or successive payments within 24 hours).
Currently, when travelling to Canada, amounts of foreign currency exceeding a value of CAN 10,000
or more must be reported to customs officials at the Canadian border.
This annex gives a description of the construction of the CBDC project index (CBDCPI), and our central bank speech stance
and search interest scores.
The CBDCPI is constructed based on an update to the list of retail CBDC projects identified in Auer et al (2020a) with
the addition of a number of project announced after March 2020 and of wholesale CBDC projects. Each published
report can take a value of 1 for research reports, 2 if a pilot has taken place or is ongoing and 3 in the (so far
hypothetical) case of a live CBDC. We consider only jurisdictions that have a central bank or monetary authority. For
each jurisdiction, the overall index is the maximum of the retail and wholesale sub-indices. For China, given lack of
material translated into English and considering its prominent role in this field, we have defined a project score of
2. For Australia and the United States, we have defined a project score of 1, given the confirmation of such work in
reporting to the Australian Senate by the RBA (2019), and in Congressional testimony by Chairman Powell (2019) and in
speeches by Governor Brainard (2020a, b). For the euro area, given the work by both the ECB and several national
central banks of euro area countries, we include an observation for the euro area as a whole (with a project score of 1),
and each of the 19 euro area members (with 0 or 1 depending on whether the national central bank has published
any CBDC research). Empirical results are robust to dropping individual euro area members. For the Eastern
Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU), served by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), the eight member states are
included as a single observation with a CBDCPI of 2 given the ongoing pilot. The countries of the West African
Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) are consolidated into one observation (CBDCPI of 0), as are the members
of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). Full links to public sources are available as part of the
background documentation.
The search interest score is estimated using a simple average of the interest score for the keywords “CBDC” (search
word) and “Central Bank Digital Currency” (topic) over the period January 2013–mid July 2020. The resulting two values
for each country are averaged to arrive at the sub-index. For China, we used the Baidu index for keywords “Central
Bank Digital Currency” and “DC/EP”. We rescaled the values to make them comparable to Google Trends figures (ie
values range between 0 and 100) and applied the same procedure described above.
The central bank speech stance score is obtained by classifying the stance of each central banker speech
containing at least one keyword from the following list: ”CBDC”, “Central Bank Digital Currency”, “digital currency”
or “digital money” (with a manual check to ensure it refers to CBDC and not private digital currencies). Speeches
come from the BIS central bankers’ speeches database (, a comprehensive
database collecting central bankers’ speeches as published on the BIS website for a wide selection of central banks
and international organisations. At the time of writing, the database counts 16,036 speeches, covers a period of
more than 23 years (1997-current) and has a wide geographical coverage (108 countries and 125 institutions). A
query yielded a set of 138 speeches that contained at least one of the keywords of interest. The resulting sample
covers the period December 2013–May 2020 and 38 countries including the euro area and several of its member
countries. When the speaker was an ECB official we labelled the speech as euro area. Conversely, if the speaker was an
official of a national central bank member of the Eurosystem we labelled the speech as the corresponding
country. For China, given the scarcity of material translated into English, we complemented the results with public
sources, including Fan (2020).
After compiling relevant speeches, we went through each and classified them by interpreting the stance of the
speech towards adoption of CBDC or CBDC more in general. Each speech score can take a value of either –1, 0 or +1
according to the specific speech stance. The score takes a value of –1 if the speech stance was clearly negative or in case
it was explicitly said that there was no specific plan at present to issue digital currencies. It takes a value of 0 in case of a
neutral stance. Finally, it takes a value of +1 if the speech stance was clearly positive or a project/pilot was launched or was
in the pipeline. Finally, the speech score was calculated as a simple average of the country level scores. If a country did not
have any speech score, we replaced the missing values with a zero, is in line with the interpretation of a neutral stance.
In the total sample of 175 countries or currency areas (ie euro area for ECB-related activities, Eastern Caribbean for the
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and WAEMU and ECCAS for these currency unions), 55 had a non-zero value for either
the CBDCPI or one of the two underlying scores. In the other 120 countries or currency areas without any communication
on CBDC, CBDCPI takes the value of 0.
Design choices
U U U N Research.
U U U U Research.
U U U U Research.
Research. “… the case for issuing a CBDC for use by households has
U U U U not been established”; “… the implications of CBDC for the structure
of the financial system would need to be carefully considered”.
U U U U Research.
Sources: central banks’ websites; conversations with central bank staff;;;